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Efeito de uma sobrecarga aguda de ácidos graxos monoinsaturados e saturados nos níveis séricos de GLP-1 e PYY em ratos wistarJornada, Manoela Neves da January 2012 (has links)
Introdução: A prevalência de doenças crônicas tem crescido em decorrência do aumento da obesidade nos últimos anos. Peptídeos secretados pelo trato gastrointestinal, como o peptídeo semelhante ao glucagon 1 (GLP-1) e o peptídeo YY (PYY), exercem papel fundamental no controle da ingestão alimentar, pois levam informações acerca dos nutrientes ingeridos até o sistema nervoso central, possuindo efeitos anorexígenos e/ou orexígenos. Tanto GLP-1 quanto PYY são produzidos pelas células-L do íleo distal e cólon, sendo liberados após a ingestão alimentar. Além do efeito incretina produzido pelo GLP-1, ambos os peptídeos apresentam implicações no controle do apetite, o qual reflete na redução do peso corpóreo. Objetivos: Demonstrar um aumento na secreção de GLP-1 e PYY após sobrecarga oral de diferentes tipos de lipídios, comparados à controle negativo (água) e positivo (glicose). Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo experimental controlado em ratos Wistar, distribuídos em 4 grupos de acordo com a sobrecarga oral: grupo MUFA (óleo de oliva); grupo SAT (banha suína); grupo GLUC (glicose) e grupo CONT (água), foram avaliadas as concentrações séricas de GLP-1 ativo e PYY3-36 nos tempos: 0, 15, 30, 60 e 120 minutos. As sobrecargas foram isovolumétricas e isocalóricas, com exceção do grupo controle. Resultados: Houve pico de secreção do GLP-1 pós-sobrecarga no grupo MUFA no ponto 120’ vs CONT e GLUC (p≤0,001) e no ponto 30’ quando comparado ao seu baseline. Também observou-se pico de secreção de PYY no grupo MUFA vs CONT no ponto 30’ (p=0,015); no ponto 60’ vs CONT e GLUC (p=0,019) e no ponto 120’ vs CONT e SAT (p=0,02). A carga secretada do PYY foi maior no MUFA quando comparada ao CONT (p=0,04). Verificou-se forte correlação entre os níveis basais e AUC’s do GLP-1 e PYY (r=0,57; (p= 0,02); r=0,39; (p≤0,001)). A proporção GLP-1/PYY apresentou um coeficiente médio de 3,77 (±2,04). O grupo MUFA evidenciou níveis menores de glicose e maiores de insulina no ponto 15’, enquanto SAT mostrou níveis maiores de glicose e menores de insulina neste ponto, porém, sem diferença significativa. Conclusão: A sobrecarga oral de fontes de ácidos graxos monoinsaturados promoveu um pico de secreção do GLP-1 de forma rápida e no que diz respeito ao PYY, o pico foi mais sustentado. Estudos adicionais são necessários, a fim de se avalir o efeito de fontes distintas de lipídeos da dieta sobre a secreção destes peptídeos e seus efeitos na saciedade. / Background: The increased prevalence of chronic diseases has risen due to obesity. Gut peptides, such as glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and peptide YY (PYY), play an important role controlling food intake in response to a meal. GLP-1 exerts the known incretin effect stimulating the release of insulin in a glucosedependent manner. Besides its insulinotropic effects, it is well established that GLP-1 slows gastric emptying, and also inhibits inappropriate glucagon release, additionally improves satiety. Both PYY and GLP-1 are produced by L cells of the distal ileum and colon. Objective: Demonstrate an increased secretion of PYY and GLP-1 after oral overload of different types of lipids, compared to negative (water) and positive (glucose) control. Methods: We conducted a controlled experimental study in Wistar rats, divided into 4 groups according to oral overload: MUFA group (olive oil), SAT group (lard:), carbohydrates group (glucose) and CONT group (water), It was evaluated the serum concentration of active GLP-1 and PYY3-36 in the times: 0, 15, 30, 60 and 120 minutes. Overloads were isovolumetric and isocaloric, but the control group. Results: It was verified a higher peak secretion of GLP-1 in MUFA group at 120' after overload vs. CONT and carbohydrates (p ≤ 0.001) and at 30' when compared to its baseline (p=0,01). It was shown a higher secretion peak of GLP-1 after MUFA overload at time 120’ vs CONT e GLUC (p≤0,001) and at time 30’ when compared to its baseline. It was also verified a PYY release peak in MUFA vs CONT at time 30’ (p=0,015); 60’ vs CONT e GLUC (p=0,019) and 120’ vs CONT e SAT (p=0,02). PYY release load presented higher in MUFA group when compared to CONT (p=0,04). A strong correlation was seen between baseline PYY and GLP-1 (r=0,57; p= 0,02) as their AUC’s (r=0,39; p≤0,001). GLP-1/PYY proportion release presented a mean coefficient of 3, 77(±2,04).Conclusion: monounsaturated fatty acids promoted a release peak of GLP-1 in a faster manner and concerning PYY this peak was more sustained. Further studies are necessary to evaluate whether distinct diet fatty acids can ameliorate these gut peptides release and their role on satiety.
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Efeito de uma sobrecarga aguda de ácidos graxos monoinsaturados e saturados nos níveis séricos de GLP-1 e PYY em ratos wistarJornada, Manoela Neves da January 2012 (has links)
Introdução: A prevalência de doenças crônicas tem crescido em decorrência do aumento da obesidade nos últimos anos. Peptídeos secretados pelo trato gastrointestinal, como o peptídeo semelhante ao glucagon 1 (GLP-1) e o peptídeo YY (PYY), exercem papel fundamental no controle da ingestão alimentar, pois levam informações acerca dos nutrientes ingeridos até o sistema nervoso central, possuindo efeitos anorexígenos e/ou orexígenos. Tanto GLP-1 quanto PYY são produzidos pelas células-L do íleo distal e cólon, sendo liberados após a ingestão alimentar. Além do efeito incretina produzido pelo GLP-1, ambos os peptídeos apresentam implicações no controle do apetite, o qual reflete na redução do peso corpóreo. Objetivos: Demonstrar um aumento na secreção de GLP-1 e PYY após sobrecarga oral de diferentes tipos de lipídios, comparados à controle negativo (água) e positivo (glicose). Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo experimental controlado em ratos Wistar, distribuídos em 4 grupos de acordo com a sobrecarga oral: grupo MUFA (óleo de oliva); grupo SAT (banha suína); grupo GLUC (glicose) e grupo CONT (água), foram avaliadas as concentrações séricas de GLP-1 ativo e PYY3-36 nos tempos: 0, 15, 30, 60 e 120 minutos. As sobrecargas foram isovolumétricas e isocalóricas, com exceção do grupo controle. Resultados: Houve pico de secreção do GLP-1 pós-sobrecarga no grupo MUFA no ponto 120’ vs CONT e GLUC (p≤0,001) e no ponto 30’ quando comparado ao seu baseline. Também observou-se pico de secreção de PYY no grupo MUFA vs CONT no ponto 30’ (p=0,015); no ponto 60’ vs CONT e GLUC (p=0,019) e no ponto 120’ vs CONT e SAT (p=0,02). A carga secretada do PYY foi maior no MUFA quando comparada ao CONT (p=0,04). Verificou-se forte correlação entre os níveis basais e AUC’s do GLP-1 e PYY (r=0,57; (p= 0,02); r=0,39; (p≤0,001)). A proporção GLP-1/PYY apresentou um coeficiente médio de 3,77 (±2,04). O grupo MUFA evidenciou níveis menores de glicose e maiores de insulina no ponto 15’, enquanto SAT mostrou níveis maiores de glicose e menores de insulina neste ponto, porém, sem diferença significativa. Conclusão: A sobrecarga oral de fontes de ácidos graxos monoinsaturados promoveu um pico de secreção do GLP-1 de forma rápida e no que diz respeito ao PYY, o pico foi mais sustentado. Estudos adicionais são necessários, a fim de se avalir o efeito de fontes distintas de lipídeos da dieta sobre a secreção destes peptídeos e seus efeitos na saciedade. / Background: The increased prevalence of chronic diseases has risen due to obesity. Gut peptides, such as glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and peptide YY (PYY), play an important role controlling food intake in response to a meal. GLP-1 exerts the known incretin effect stimulating the release of insulin in a glucosedependent manner. Besides its insulinotropic effects, it is well established that GLP-1 slows gastric emptying, and also inhibits inappropriate glucagon release, additionally improves satiety. Both PYY and GLP-1 are produced by L cells of the distal ileum and colon. Objective: Demonstrate an increased secretion of PYY and GLP-1 after oral overload of different types of lipids, compared to negative (water) and positive (glucose) control. Methods: We conducted a controlled experimental study in Wistar rats, divided into 4 groups according to oral overload: MUFA group (olive oil), SAT group (lard:), carbohydrates group (glucose) and CONT group (water), It was evaluated the serum concentration of active GLP-1 and PYY3-36 in the times: 0, 15, 30, 60 and 120 minutes. Overloads were isovolumetric and isocaloric, but the control group. Results: It was verified a higher peak secretion of GLP-1 in MUFA group at 120' after overload vs. CONT and carbohydrates (p ≤ 0.001) and at 30' when compared to its baseline (p=0,01). It was shown a higher secretion peak of GLP-1 after MUFA overload at time 120’ vs CONT e GLUC (p≤0,001) and at time 30’ when compared to its baseline. It was also verified a PYY release peak in MUFA vs CONT at time 30’ (p=0,015); 60’ vs CONT e GLUC (p=0,019) and 120’ vs CONT e SAT (p=0,02). PYY release load presented higher in MUFA group when compared to CONT (p=0,04). A strong correlation was seen between baseline PYY and GLP-1 (r=0,57; p= 0,02) as their AUC’s (r=0,39; p≤0,001). GLP-1/PYY proportion release presented a mean coefficient of 3, 77(±2,04).Conclusion: monounsaturated fatty acids promoted a release peak of GLP-1 in a faster manner and concerning PYY this peak was more sustained. Further studies are necessary to evaluate whether distinct diet fatty acids can ameliorate these gut peptides release and their role on satiety.
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Host–parasite interactions of boreal forest grouse and their intestinal helminth parasitesIsomursu, M. (Marja) 29 January 2014 (has links)
Parasites are an inseparable part of the life of wild birds. They may cause morbidity, mortality or reduction in fecundity. Parasite distribution in hosts is typically not uniform and many host factors (e.g. age) may affect the pattern of distribution. Under certain conditions, parasites even have the potential to regulate the host population. The grouse species of Finnish forests — the capercaillie Tetrao urogallus , the black grouse Lyrurus tetrix and the hazel grouse Tetrastes bonasia — harbour several species of intestinal helminth parasites. The populations have fluctuated in cyclic manner but the mechanisms behind the cycles are largely unknown. I studied the interactions of forest grouse and their intestinal helminth parasites by using intestinal samples collected by hunters in five game management districts during eight years (1995–2002). The most common parasite species in the samples was the nematode Ascaridia compar. Also, three species of cestodes (Skrjabinia cesticillus, Paroniella urogalli and Hymenolepis sp.) were found. Large size, male gender and age over 1 year were connected with an increased probability and intensity of A. compar infection. Juvenile grouse were commonly infected with cestodes while in adults infections were quite rare. The influence of inbreeding on the susceptibility to parasite infections was studied in the capercaillie by analysing microsatellite heterozygosity. The less heterozygous birds were more likely to be infected with A. compar and were more intensely infected suggesting negative influence of inbreeding on parasite resistance. An indirect negative effect of parasites was found by comparing bags hunted with a trained dog or without a dog. Grouse infected by cestodes were significantly more common in the dog-assisted bag. Thus, cestode infection seemed to make grouse more vulnerable to canine predation. The interaction between grouse population dynamics and parasites was studied by analyzing the grouse densities obtained from annual wildlife counts and parasite indices. A. compar was most common and most abundant in the years of grouse population decline. The grouse population growth rate was negatively correlated with the annual mean abundance of A. compar. Relative survival but not breeding success decreased as the abundance of A. compar increased. The findings suggest that A. compar influences the dynamics of Finnish grouse even though regular cyclic dynamics are no longer evident. / Tiivistelmä
Loiset kuuluvat erottamattomana osana luonnonvaraisten lintujen elämään. Ne voivat aiheuttaa sairautta, kuolleisuutta tai hedelmällisyyden alentumista. Tyypillisesti loiset ovat levinneet isäntäpopulaatioon epätasaisesti ja monet isännän ominaisuudet (esim. ikä) vaikuttavat levinneisyyteen. Tietyissä oloissa loiset voivat jopa säädellä isäntäpopulaatiotaan. Suomalaiset metsäkanalinnut — metso Tetrao urogallus, teeri Lyrurus tetrix ja pyy Tetrastes bonasia — ovat useiden suolistoloismatolajien isäntiä. Metsäkanapopulaatiot ovat vaihdelleet syklisesti, mutta syklejä aiheuttavat mekanismit ovat yhä tuntemattomia. Tutkin metsäkanalintujen ja niiden suolistoloisten välisiä vuorovaikutuksia käyttäen metsästäjien vuosina 1995–2002 viidestä eri riistanhoitopiiristä keräämiä suolistonäytteitä. Yleisin loislaji näytteissä oli kanalintusuolinkainen, Ascaridia compar. Myös kolme heisimatolajia (Skrjabinia cesticillus, Paroniella urogalli ja Hymenolepis sp.) todettiin. Suuri koko, koirassukupuoli ja yli yhden vuoden ikä olivat yhteydessä suurempaan kanalintusuolinkaistartunnan todennäköisyyteen ja voimakkuuteen. Nuorilla (alle 1 v.) linnuilla heisimadot olivat yleisiä, kun taas aikuisilla tartunnat olivat varsin harvinaisia. Sisäsiittoisuuden vaikutusta loistartuntaherkkyyteen tutkittiin metsolla mikrosatelliittiheterotsygotian perusteella. Vähemmän heterotsygoottiset metsot olivat todennäköisemmin ja voimakkaammin suolinkaisten infektoimia, mikä viittaa sisäsiittoisuuden negatiiviseen vaikutukseen loisten vastustuskykyyn. Loisten epäsuora haitallinen vaikutus havaittiin, kun verrattiin koiran kanssa ja ilman koiraa metsästettyä lintusaalista. Heisimadot olivat selvästi yleisempiä linnuilla, jotka oli metsästetty koiran kanssa kuin ilman koiraa metsästetyillä. Heisimatotartunta näytti siis altistavan metsäkanoja koiraeläinten saalistukselle. Metsäkanalintu- ja loispopulaatioiden välistä vuorovaikutusta tutkittiin analysoimalla vuosittaisia metsäkanatiheyksiä ja loisten runsautta. Kanalintusuolinkainen oli yleisimmillään ja runsaimmillaan metsäkanatiheyden laskuvuosina. Metsäkanapopulaation vuosittainen kasvuvauhti korreloi negatiivisesti kanalintusuolinkaisen vuosittaisen runsauden kanssa. Suhteellinen elossasäilyvyys laski kanalintusuolinkaisen runsauden lisääntyessä, mutta lisääntymistuloksen suhteen ei ollut samaa ilmiötä. Löydökset viittaavat siihen, että kanalintusuolinkaisella on vaikutusta suomalaisten metsäkanalintukantojen vaihteluihin, vaikka syklisiä kannanvaihteluja ei enää havaitakaan.
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The metabolic sequelae of oesophago-gastric resectionRoberts, Geoffrey Peter January 2019 (has links)
Bypass or resection of the stomach and oesophagus, has long been recognised to result in profound changes in the handling of ingested nutrients. This results in significant morbidity after radical surgery for oesophago-gastric cancer, in particular post-prandial hypoglycaemia, altered appetite, early satiety and noxious post-prandial symptoms. By profiling and challenging the gut hormone axis in healthy volunteers and patients who had undergone total or subtotal gastrectomy, or oesophagectomy, this thesis explores the possible causative mechanisms for the challenges faced by this patient population. In the surgical groups, an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) resulted in enhanced secretion of satiety and incretin gut hormones (GLP-1, GIP, PYY) and insulin, followed by hypoglycaemia in a cohort of patients. Continuous glucose monitoring of gastrectomy participants over two weeks of normal lifestyle identified an increased incidence of day and night time hypoglycaemia. RNAseq and mass spectrometry based peptidomics of human and murine enteroendocrine cells in the pre- and post-operative populations revealed no significant change in the underlying cellular pathways for nutrient sensing and gut hormone secretion, indicating that the altered hormone secretion is primarily driven by accelerated nutrient transit, rather than adaptive changes in the gut. Finally, specific blockade of the GLP-1 receptor in post-gastrectomy patients using Exendin 9-39 normalised insulin secretion and prevented reactive hypoglycaemia after an OGTT. In conclusion, profound changes in gut hormone secretion as a result of enhanced nutrient transit after foregut surgery likely underlie the early and late post-prandial symptoms seen in this group, and therapies specifically targeting the gut hormone axis, and GLP-1 in particular, could be the first targeted treatments for post-gastrectomy syndromes.
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Influence of gut-to-brain neuroendocrine pathways and intestinal microbiota on energy homeostasisBullich Vilarrubias, Clara 19 July 2025 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La obesidad es un gran reto de salud pública que ha alcanzado proporciones epidémicas. El entorno "occidentalizado" en el que vivimos, caracterizado por la accesibilidad a alimentos hipercalóricos, contribuye al desequilibrio crónico entre energía ingerida y gasto energético que causan la obesidad. Las intervenciones conductuales diseñadas para la pérdida de peso tienen limitada efectividad a largo plazo, por lo que existe una urgente necesidad de desarrollar estrategias más eficaces y seguras para prevenir y tratar la obesidad y sus comorbilidades. El desarrollo de estrategias terapéuticas dirigidas al intestino para mejorar la salud metabólica requiere un conocimiento en profundidad de las vías de señalización neuroendocrina intestinal que regulan el la ingesta y el equilibrio energético. El objetivo de esta tesis ha sido profundizar en las interacciones intestino-cerebro implicadas en el control de la homeostasis energética, incluyendo los componentes endocrinos, neurales y la microbiota intestinal, en el contexto del desarrollo de la obesidad inducida por una dieta hipercalórica.
En los Capítulos 1 y 2 hemos explorado nuevas funciones de las neuronas sensoriales aferentes que expresan el canal de sodio Nav1.8 en el control de la homeostasis energética, considerando las diferencias entre sexos. Hemos generado un modelo de ratón carente de las neuronas Nav1.8+ mediante ablación con toxina diftérica. En el Capítulo 1 hemos demostrado que las neuronas Nav1.8+ son indispensables para regular específicamente según el sexo las vías neurales y endocrinas implicadas en la homeostasis energética. En hembras, la ablación de estas neuronas mejora la regulación de la glucosa postprandial potenciando la señalización enteroendocrina de GLP-1 y acelera el tránsito intestinal, mientras que en machos induce resistencia al aumento de peso inducido por una dieta obesogénica. En el Capítulo 2 hemos demostrado que, en machos, la ablación de las neuronas Nav1.8+ altera el control coordinado de la ingesta i las variaciones de peso diarias, además de alterar la señalización enteroendocrina y las oscilaciones diarias de la microbiota intestinal en respuesta al estado nutricional (ayuno/ingesta), y perturbar la homeostasis del sistema inmune intestinal.
En el capítulo 3, hemos usado un modelo de ratón con obesidad inducida por dieta para explorar los mecanismos por los cuales Phascolarctobacterium faecium DSM 32890, una cepa bacteriana intestinal aislada de humanos metabólicamente sanos, previene la obesidad modulando la ingesta. La administración de P. faecium reduce la ingesta calórica gracias a la hipersecreción de la hormona gastrointestinal saciante el PYY. Independientemente de sus efectos anorexigénicos, la bacteria ejerce sus beneficios metabólicos estimulando el tránsito intestinal y reduciendo la absorción intestinal de lípidos, evitando la acumulación de grasa corporal.
En conclusión, esta tesis doctoral proporciona evidencia preclínica que contribuye a una comprensión más precisa de las vías neuroendocrinas que comunican el intestino y el cerebro, y del papel que tiene la microbiota intestinal en la regulación de la ingesta y el gasto energético. Destacamos la importancia de las neuronas sensoriales aferentes Nav1.8+ en la detección de estímulos intestinales por quimiorreceptores para regular el balance energético en ambos sexos, lo cual abre una nueva línea de investigación para diseñar herramientas de neuromodulación de las neuronas Nav1.8+ con el fin de prevenir y tratar los trastornos metabólicos inducidos por la dieta, de forma específica para cada sexo. También destacamos que P. faecium es una bacteria candidata como probiótico de nueva generación, ya que modula el sistema enteroendocrino del hospedador y previene la obesidad en un modelo preclínico. En conjunto, estos hallazgos proporcionan una base para el desarrollo de estrategias terapéuticas basadas en el intestino dirigidas a combatir la obesidad y comorbilidades asociadas. / [CA] L'obesitat és un gran repte de salut pública que ha assolit proporcions epidèmiques. L'entorn "occidentalitzat" en el que vivim, caracteritzat per l'accessibilitat a aliments hipercalòrics, contribueix al desequilibri crònic entre energia ingerida i despesa energètica que causen l'obesitat. Les intervencions conductuals dissenyades per a la pèrdua de pes tenen una eficàcia limitada a llarg termini, per la qual cosa hi ha una necessitat urgent de desenvolupar estratègies més eficaces i segures per a prevenir i tractar l'obesitat i les seues comorbiditats. El desenvolupament d'estratègies terapèutiques dirigides a l'intestí per a millorar la salut metabòlica requereix un coneixement en profunditat de les vies de senyalització neuroendocrina intestinal que regulen la ingesta i l'equilibri energètic. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi ha sigut aprofundir en les interaccions intestí-cervell implicades en el control de l'homeòstasi energètica, incloent els components endocrins, neurals i la microbiota intestinal, en el context del desenvolupament de l'obesitat induïda per una dieta hipercalòrica.
En els Capítols 1 i 2 hem explorat noves funcions de les neurones sensorials aferents que expressen el canal de sodi Nav1.8 en el control de l'homeòstasi energètica, considerant les diferències entre sexes. Hem generat un model de ratolí mancat de les neurones Nav1.8+ mitjançant ablació amb toxina diftèrica. En el Capítol 1 hem demostrat que les neurones Nav1.8+ són indispensables per a regular, específicament segons el sexe, les vies neurals i endocrines implicades en l'homeòstasi energètica. En femelles, l'ablació d'aquestes neurones millora la regulació de la glucosa postprandial potenciant la senyalització enteroendocrina de GLP-1 i accelera el trànsit intestinal, mentre que en mascles indueix resistència a l'augment de pes induït per una dieta obesogènica. En el Capítol 2 hem demostrat que, en mascles, l'ablació de les neurones Nav1.8+ altera el control coordinat de la ingesta i les variacions de pes diàries, a més d'alterar la senyalització enteroendocrina i les oscil·lacions diàries de la microbiota intestinal en resposta a l'estat nutricional (dejuni/ingesta), i pertorbar l'homeòstasi del sistema immunitari intestinal.
En el capítol 3, hem utilitzat un model de ratolí amb obesitat induïda per dieta per explorar els mecanismes pels quals Phascolarctobacterium faecium DSM 32890, una soca bacteriana intestinal aïllada d'humans metabòlicament sans, prevé l'obesitat modulant la ingesta. L'administració de P. faecium redueix la ingesta calòrica gràcies a la hipersecreció de l'hormona gastrointestinal saciant PYY. Independentment dels seus efectes anorexigènics, el bacteri exerceix els seus beneficis metabòlics estimulant el trànsit intestinal i reduint l'absorció intestinal de lípids, evitant l'acumulació de greix corporal.
En conclusió, aquesta tesi doctoral proporciona evidència preclínica que contribueix a una comprensió més precisa de les vies neuroendocrines que comuniquen l'intestí i el cervell, i del paper que té la microbiota intestinal en la regulació de la ingesta i la despesa energètica. Destaquem la importància de les neurones sensorials aferents Nav1.8+ en la detecció d'estímuls intestinals per quimioreceptors per a regular l'equilibri energètic en ambdós sexes, que obri una nova línia d'investigació per a dissenyar ferramentes de neuromodulació de les neurones Nav1.8+ amb la finalitat de prevenir i tractar els trastorns metabòlics induïts per la dieta, de forma específica per a cada sexe. També destaquem que P. faecium és un bacteri candidat com a probiòtic de nova generació, ja que modula el sistema enteroendocrí de l'hoste i prevé l'obesitat en un model preclínic. En conjunt, aquests troballes proporcionen una base per al desenvolupament d'estratègies terapèutiques basades en l'intestí dirigides a combatre l'obesitat i comorbiditats associades. / [EN] Obesity is a major global public health challenge that has reached epidemic proportions. Besides its profound impact on health and well-being, this metabolic disorder represents a significant economic burden to society. Our westernized environment where high-calorie foods are readily available, represents a major driver of the chronic imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure that cause obesity. The limited effectiveness of behavioral interventions to manage long-term weight loss highlights the urgent need to develop more effective and minimally invasive approaches to prevent and treat obesity and its comorbidities. The development of gut-targeted therapeutic strategies to improve metabolic health requires a comprehensive understanding of the gut neuroendocrine signaling pathways that, in interaction with the gut microbiota, control feeding behavior to ultimately maintain energy balance. The aim of this thesis has been to gain insight into gut-brain interactions, including those mediated by endocrine, neural and gut microbial components, involved in the control of energy homeostasis, with a focus on obesogenic diet-related dysfunctions that increase susceptibility to develop obesity.
In Chapters 1 and 2, we have investigated novel functions of sensory afferent neurons expressing the sodium channel Nav1.8 in the control of energy homeostasis, considering sex-specificities, by generating a mouse model lacking Nav1.8+ neurons through a diphtheria toxin ablation strategy. In Chapter 1, we show that Nav1.8+ neurons are required to control neural and endocrine pathways involved in energy homeostasis in a sex-specific manner. Specifically, ablation of Nav1.8+ neurons in females improves postprandial glucose regulation by enhancing glucagon-like peptide-1 enteroendocrine signaling and accelerating intestinal transit, whereas in males it induces resistance to weight gain in response to an obesogenic diet. To further explore the role of Nav1.8+ neurons in controlling food intake and pre- and post-prandial daily rhythms that influence metabolic phenotype, in Chapter 2 we show in males that ablation of Nav1.8+ sensory neurons impairs the coordinated control of food intake and body weight fluctuations throughout the day. The loss of these neurons also alters the physiological enteroendocrine signaling and daily gut microbiota oscillations in response to the nutritional status (fasting/refeeding cycles) and disrupts intestinal immune homeostasis.
In Chapter 3, we used a diet-induced obese mouse model to investigate the mechanisms by which Phascolarctobacterium faecium DSM 32890, a gut bacterial strain isolated from metabolically healthy humans, prevents obesity by modulating food intake. We show that administration of P. faecium reduces caloric intake by promoting hypersecretion of a satiating gastrointestinal hormone, the peptide YY (PYY). Independently of its anorexigenic effects, the bacterium exerts its metabolic benefits via complementary mechanisms, specifically by stimulating intestinal transit and reducing intestinal lipid absorption, thereby preventing body fat accumulation.
In conclusion, this doctoral thesis provides preclinical evidence for a better understanding of gut-to-brain neuroendocrine pathways and the role of gut microbiota in the regulation of food intake and energy expenditure. We highlight the importance of Nav1.8+ sensory afferent neurons in gut chemosensing for maintaining energy balance in both sexes, which prompts novel research lines and opportunities to design of sex-specific neuromodulation tools targeting Nav1.8+ neurons for prevention and treatment of diet-induced metabolic disorders. We also highlight that P. faecium is a promising next-generation probiotic candidate, as it modulates the host enteroendocrine system and prevents obesity in a preclinical model. Overall, our findings contribute to the development of gut-based therapeutic strategies to combat obesity and associated comorbidities. / This study has been funded by the European Union 7th Framework Program through the
MyNewGut project (Grant agreement No. 613979) and Horizon 2020 research and innovation
program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 797297 (MRP), the Spanish
Ministry of Science and Innovation (Grant PID2020-119536RB-I00), the European Commission –
NextGenerationEU, through the CSIC Interdisciplinary Thematic Platform (PTI+) NEURO-
AGING+ (PTI-NEURO-AGING+)”. The grant of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
(MCIN/AEI) to IATA-CSIC as Accredited Center of Excellence (CEX2021-001189-S/ MCIN/AEI /
10.13039/501100011033) is acknowledged. / Bullich Vilarrubias, C. (2024). Influence of gut-to-brain neuroendocrine pathways and intestinal microbiota on energy homeostasis [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/207342 / Compendio
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