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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudi citològic i bioquímic del fluid epididimari de "Sus domesticus"

Pruneda Sais, Anna 21 June 2006 (has links)
En aquest estudi s'ha determinat que al augmentar el ritme d'extraccions de semen es produeixen canvis en el patró d'absorció i secreció del fluid epididimari, que provoquen alteracions en la maduració epididimaria dels espermatozoides i un desenvolupament anòmal de la motilitat espermàtica.La concentració de glutamat i carnitina al fluid epididimari augmenten al llarg del conducte epididimari, alhora que la concentració de myo-inositol disminueix. El contingut de myo-inositol a l'interior dels espermatozoides disminueix, mentre que el contingut de glutamat augmenta a partir del caput distal i el contingut de carnitina no varia al llarg del conducte. S'ha determinat la presència de la ruta del poliol a l'epidídim de porcí. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen que la glucosa difon de la sang cap al fluid epididimari, és convertida a sorbitol per l'aldosa reductasa, i aquest sorbitol s'acumula al fluid luminal i és convertit a fructosa per l'acció de la sorbitol deshidrogenasa. / A high semen collection frequency brought about an altered resorption and secretion pattern of the epididymal fluid, which results in defective sperm maturation and abnormal development of sperm motility. In this study, it has been determined that in epididymal fluid the concentration of myo-inositol decreased in a proximo-distal direction, whereas intraluminal concentrations of L-carnitine and L-glutamate increased distally. The content of inositol in spermatozoa fell as they moved from the distal caput whereas sperm glutamate increased from the distal caput to more distal regions and carnitine content remained unchanged during epididymal transit. In this study, evidence for an operative polyol pathway was demonstrated in the porcine epididymis. The results found are consistent with diffusion of circulating glucose into the lumen, its conversion via aldose reductase to sorbitol which accumulates in the lumen and the action of sorbitol dehidrogenase on sorbitol to produce fructose.

Reliability Based Approach for Evaluation of MSW Landfill Designs and Site Selection using GIS

Santhosh, L G January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Dumping of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated due to anthropogenic activities in any barren land or out fields causes severe hazards to human populations, ecosystems and the environment. In order to avoid this, it is required to design landfills in an engineered and scientific manner. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the behaviour of landfills over a period of time, to design landfills for site specific conditions. In this thesis such an attempt is made to evaluate performance of conventional landfill system using a large scale anaerobic reactor in the laboratory. The performance of the containment (bottom liner and final cover) systems is evaluated through numerical modelling and reliability based analysis. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is used to develop linear regression models. Influence of various parameters and their uncertainty on the reliability of the containment systems are studied for various scenarios and conditions. Reliability assessment of containment systems play a decisive role in taking remedial measures in order to reduce its adverse affects on the environment and human health in the vicinity of landfill sites. On the other hand, pre-assessment of risk guides the engineers, planners and decision makers in achieving the goal of sustainable solid waste management as well as safe landfills. The thesis also includes assessment of vulnerability of groundwater to contamination, identification and ranking of suitable sites for municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal in the Bengaluru district, using remote sensing and Geographic information system (GIS) integrated with analytical hierarchy process (AHP), a multi criteria decision making tool. The study considers various land use, geological, hydrogeological and environmental factors as criteria. As a result, two most suitable locations are identified around the Bengaluru city and their descriptions are provided. Further, reliability analysis of the suitability of sites is evaluated considering criteria as random variables. The proposed reliability based approach helps the decision makers and planners to choose site locations having low probability of environmental pollution. The provided methods in the thesis can be effectively used for engineered design of landfills.

Identificação e caracterização de bactérias patogênicas e indicadoras por métodos de cultivo e moleculares. / Identification and caractherization of pathogenic and indicator bacteria by culture-based and molecular methods.

Peres, Bianca de Miranda 12 July 2017 (has links)
No controle da qualidade da água, parâmetros microbiológicos são avaliados e devem estar de acordo com os limites estipulados em portarias e resoluções. Todas as metodologias de monitoramento microbiano demandam o cultivo dos organismos-alvo. Em muitos casos, as cepas isoladas devem ser analisadas por teses fenotípicos para determinação da espécie. Por meio de inóculos de E. coli, demonstrou-se que a variação na técnica de plaqueamento se deve especialmente à falta de consistência entre as diluições. Além disso, para a análise de réplicas, comarando-se as médias de dois métodos de diluição, foi demonstrado que ser utilizado apenas uma série de diluição derivada de um único inóculo. Utilizando-se culturas puras de E. coli, E. faecalis e P. aeruginosa, a recuperação foi similar entre os meios seletivos respectivos (m-Endo, m-EI, m-PA-C) e meio não seletivo (Tripticase Soy Agar). A utilização da técnica de membrana filtrante resultou em contagens significativamente maiores para E.coli e E. faecalis em comparação ao método de spread plate. A microbiota natural presente na água potável (torneira) não influenciou significativamente as contagens de E. coli, E. faecalis e P. aeruginosa em meios seletivos. Entretanto, na água mineral engarrafada inoculada artificialmente com P. aeruginosa, a contagem foi significativamente maior na réplica estéril. Na análise de água marinha, e na réplica não estéril inoculada com E. faecalis, a contagem foi signifivativamente menor e as células de P. aeruginosa produziram colônias atípicas. Analisando-se amostras do meio ambiente (biofilmes de estação de tratamento de água, lodo de esgoto e água de córrego contaminado), 45 colônias típicas isoladas em meios de cultura seletivos foram identificadas por meio do sequenciamento do gene 16S rRNA, testes bioquímicos e MALDI-TOF. Os resultados de sequenciamento do gene 16SrRNA tiveram baixa correlação com a identificação dos organismos por testes bioquímicos (46,6% em nível de gênero e 20% em nível de espécie) e MALDI-TOF (60% em nível de gênero e 48,8% em nível de espécie). Para as cepas identificadas como E. coli e Enterococcus spp., a correlação entre o sequenciamento e MALDI-TOF foi de 75% e 62%, respectivamente. Uma vez que a quantificação de micro-organismo por membrana filtrante depende do micro-organismo em análise e do tipo de água, é necessário que os laboratórios realizem testes de padronização antes de implementar essa metodologia. Os resultados demonstram que os métodos convencionais utilizados não são adequados e suficientes para a análise da qualidade da água e, portanto, novas metodologias devem ser empregadas. Idealmente devem ser utilizadas técnicas baseadas em características fenotípicas, genômica e proteômica cujos resultados são complementares e fornecem uma identificação mais acurada. / All over the world regulatory agencies specify microbiological water quality parameters to guarantee water safety. Conventional microbiological water quality analysis is based on the cultivation of the target organisms. In many analysis protocols, phenotypic assays of isolated strains are mandated for species determination. Reference samples are required for quality assessment and quality control of analytical protocols. Using E. coli as a model organism, it was demonstrated here that the variability of plate counts of reference cultures is caused mainly by the spread of counts in individual serial dilutions. Besides, comparing the means obtained by two dilution approaches, it was demonstrated that in the analysis of replicates it is possible to use only a set of dilutions derived for a unique inoculum. Recovery of pure cultures of E. coli, E. faecalis and P. aeruginosa was similar on selective culture media (m-Endo, m-EI, m-PA-C) and with the non-selective medium (Tripticase Soy Agar). The membrane filter technique yielded significantly higher counts for E.coli and E. faecalis in comparison to spread plate method. The autochthonous microbiota of potable water (tap water) did not influence the counts of E. coli, E. faecalis and P. aeruginosa on selective culture media. However, the sterile replica of mineral water spiked with P. aeruginosa showed higher counts for these bacteria. For marine water analysis, the non-sterile replica spiked with E. faecalis yielded low counts and P. aeruginosa produced an atypical colony. Both, sample-induced variation in target strain recovery and colony appearance on culture plates indicates the requirement for method evaluation tests on particular sample matrices before implementing routine microbiological analysis by culture-based methods in the laboratory. 45 typical colonies obtained from environmental samples in selective culture media (biofilms from activated sludge, drinking water treatment plants and water from creek contaminated with raw sewage) were analyzed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, biochemical phenotypic assays and MALDI-TOF. Sequencing showed low correlation with phenotypic assays (46,6% at the genus level and 20% at the species level) and MALDI-TOF (60% at the genus level and 48,8% at the species level). On the other hand, the strains identified as E. coli an Enterococcus spp. by 16S rDNA gene sequencing demonstrated a high correlation with MALDI-TOF (75% and 62%, respectively). Since the results showed that conventional methods aren´t suitable and sufficient to assess water quality, new technologies should be employed. Ideally, techniques should be based on phenotypic, genomic and proteomic features since the results are complementary and provide a more accurate identification.

Zur strukturierten Auswertung von Tiefeninterviews in der Personalauswahl

Gulba, Astrid 30 June 2004 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein strukturiertes Vorgehen bei der Auswertung von Tiefeninterviews in der Personalauswahl vorgeschlagen. Ausgewählte Arbeitsschritte dieses strukturierten Vorgehens werden evaluiert: Identifikation relevanter Informationen, Zuordnung der Informationen zu Arbeitsanforderungen, Beurteilung des Bewerbers hinsichtlich der einzelnen Arbeitsanforderung und der Gesamteignung. Es wurden drei Interviewtranskripte von Tiefeninterviews konstruiert, zwei davon anhand eines simulierten, aber real durchgeführten Rollenspiels, eines anhand einer Modellperson. Die Untersuchungsteilnehmer hatten die Aufgabe, diese Interviewtranskripte auszuwerten und die Bewerber zu beurteilen. In Hauptuntersuchung I werden die klassischen Gütekriterien (Objektivität, Reliabilität und Validität) der strukturierten Auswertung bestimmt. In Hauptuntersuchung II wird geprüft, ob diese strukturierte Auswertung zu höheren Gütekriterien führt als eine nicht strukturierte Vorgehensweise. Die Ergebnisse zeigen ein heterogenes Bild der Gütekriterien der strukturierten Auswertung. Die Objektivität und Validität der Identifikation der Informationen kann als gut, die Retest-Reliabilität als zufriedenstellend bezeichnet werden. Die Retest-Reliabilität der korrekten Zuordnung der Informationen zu den Arbeitsanforderungen kann als zufriedenstellend gekennzeichnet werden, während die Validität dieses Auswertungsschrittes als mangelhaft anzusehen ist. Der Vergleich der strukturierten mit der nicht strukturierten Auswertung zeigt, dass die korrekte Identifikation der relevanten Informationen bei strukturierter Auswertung eher gelingt (Validität). Hinsichtlich der Objektivität zeigt sich bei diesem Auswertungsschritt kein statistischer Unterschied. Die Objektivität der Beurteilung der Arbeitsanforderungen ist hingegen bei strukturierter Auswertung signifikant höher. Eine höhere Validität ist hier nur für ein Interviewtranskript nachweisbar. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Auswertungsschritt der Zuordnung der Informationen zu den Arbeitsanforderungen schwierig ist. Eine verhaltensorientierte Definition der Arbeitsanforderungen scheint hierfür nicht auszureichen. Die Überlegenheit der strukturierten gegenüber einer nicht strukturierten Auswertung konnte aber teilweise gezeigt werden. Die Methode zur Auswertung von Tiefeninterviews in der Personalauswahl ergänzt bereits vorliegende Auswertungsvorschläge der strukturierten Interviewmethoden. Anhand der vorliegenden Arbeit lassen sich weitere Analysen der einzelnen Auswertungsschritte sowie die Entwicklung eines handhabbaren Auswertungsinstruments für Praktiker ableiten.


Runzhe Zhang (11442742) 11 July 2022 (has links)
<p>Print quality (PQ) is one of the most significant issues with electrophotographic printers. There are many reasons for PQ issues, such as limitations of the electrophotographic process, faulty printer components, or other failures of the print mechanism. These reasons can produce different PQ issues, like streaks, bands, gray spots, text fading, and color fading defects. It is important to analyze the nature and causes of different print defects to more efficiently repair printers and improve the electrophotographic process. </p> <p><br></p> <p>We design a general framework for print quality detection and analysis of customer content. This print quality analysis framework inputs the original digital image saved on the computer and then the scanned image. This framework includes two main modules: image pre-processing, print defects feature vector extraction, and classification. The first module, image pre-processing, includes image registration, color calibration, and region of interest (ROI) extraction. The ROI extraction part is designed to extract four different kinds of ROI from the digital master image. Because different ROIs include different print defects, for example, the symbol ROI includes the text fading defect, and the raster ROI includes the color fading defect. The second module includes different ROI print defects detection and analysis algorithms. We classify different ROI print defects using their feature vector based on their severity. This module proposed four important defects detection methods: uniform color area streak detection, symbol ROI color text fading detection, raster ROI color fading detection using a novel unsupervised clustering method, and raster ROI streak detection. We will introduce the details of these algorithms in this thesis. </p> <p><br></p> <p>We will also show two other interesting print quality projects: print margin skew detection and print velocity simulation and estimation. Print margin skew detection proposes an algorithm that uses the Hough Lines Detection algorithm to detect printing margin and skew errors based on factual scanned image verification. In the print velocity simulation and estimation project, we propose a print velocity simulation tool, design a specific print velocity test page, and design a print velocity estimation algorithm using the dynamic time warping algorithm. </p>

Evaluation eines Echtzeit-Verfahrens in der kardialen Magnetresonanztomographie bei Patienten mit Herzrhytmusstörungen am Beispiel von Vorhofflimmern / Real-time-MRI and cardiac arrhythmia - evaluation of a new real-time-reconstruction in patients with atrial fibrillation

von Loesch, Eckhart Thassilo 09 March 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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