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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transição de fase quântica de sistema 2D em rede de vórtices / Quantum phase transition of 2D system in a vortex lattice

Chaviguri, Jhonny Richard Huamani 20 July 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos um sistema bidimensional composto de duas espécies atômicas condensadas, uma delas contendo uma rede de vórtices. Analogamente ao modelo desenvolvido para tratar de átomos ultrafrios em redes ópticas, mapeamos o Hamiltoniano do nosso sistema com o Hamiltoniano do modelo Bose-Hubbard (BH), com o potencial periódico da rede advindo da interação de campo médio entre as duas espécies. A variação do comprimento de espalhamento atômico permite alterar as propriedades do potencial confinante, com a indução da transição de fase quântica na espécie aprisionada nos vórtices. O novo aspecto trazido pela rede de vórtices advém dos seus modos de excitação de baixa energia, os modos de Tkachenko. Consideramos os efeitos da dinâmica própria desse potencial sobre a espécie aprisonada através de um modelo BH efetivo, com novos valores para interação local e tunelamento, além de um termo adicional de interação de longo alcance, mediada pelos modos da rede. Além de complementar os estudos com redes ópticas estáticas, a proposta teórica desenvolvida apresenta grande viabilidade experimental no contexto das técnicas atuais para manipulação de átomos ultrafrios. / In this work we consider a two dimensional system composed of two condensed atomic species, one containing a vortex lattice. Analogously to the model used to describe ultracold atoms in optical lattices, we mapped our system Hamiltonian in the Hamiltonian of the Bose-Hubbard (BH) model, with the periodic lattice potential arising from the meanfield interaction between the two species. The variation of the atomic scattering length allow us to change the properties of the confining potential, to induce the quantum phase transition in the species trapped in the vortices. The new aspect brought by the vortex lattice comes with its low energy normal modes, the Tkachenko modes. We considered the effects of such dynamic potential over the confined species thought an effective BH model, with new values for the local interaction and tunneling parameters, besides an additional long-range interaction term mediated by the lattice modes. Our theoretical proposal goes beyond the studies with static optical lattice. Additionally, it has great feasibility in the current context of ultra-cold atoms experimental techniques.

Quantização canônica e integração funcional no modelo esférico médio / Canonical quantization and functional integration in the mean spherical mode

Bienzobaz, Paula Fernanda 16 April 2012 (has links)
O modelo esférico desempenha um papel importante na mecânica estatística, pois ele permite a realização de cálculos exatos para estudar o comportamento crítico. Diferentes soluções do modelo esférico têm sido usadas para estudar o comportamento crítico de uma grande variedade de sistemas (com diversos tipos de desordem, com interações competitivas, de curto e de longo alcance, ferro e antiferromagnéticas, além de muitas outras situações). As soluções desses modelos apresentam uma série de anomalias a baixas temperaturas, inclusive resultados que contradizem a terceira lei da termodinâmica. Na década de 70, foi sugerido que esse comportamento anômalo a temperaturas muito baixas seria corrigido pela introdução de flutuações quânticas, que não eram levadas em conta nas soluções clássicas. De fato, a partir da quantização do modelo esférico e possível corrigir esse comportamento. Utilizamos então dois métodos distintos de quantização - quantização canônica e representação em termos de integrais funcionais - para construir versões quânticas do modelo esférico clássico, que podem ser investigadas analiticamente. Mostramos que essas formulações quânticas conduzem aos mesmos resultados. Em particular, analisamos as propriedades termodinâmicas de um modelo esférico médio\" quântico nas seguintes situações: (i) com inteirações de longo alcance, do tipo campo médio, que deve constituir um dos sistemas mais simples exibindo uma transição de fase quântica; (ii) com interações competitivas, entre primeiros e segundos vizinhos, numa situação em que ocorre um ponto multicrítico de Lifshitz; (iii) na presença de interações de longo alcance, tipo campo médio, e de um campo aleatório com média nula; (iv) na presença de desordem de sítios, como nos modelos de van Hemmen para um vidro de spin ou de Hopfield para uma rede neural com poucos padrões. Em todos esses casos há correção do comportamento anômalo a baixas temperaturas. Obtemos diagramas de fases e estudamos em cada caso a natureza das fases ordenadas. / The spherical model plays an important role in statistical mechanics, since it is amenable to exact calculations to investigate the critical behavior. Solutions of the spherical model have been used to investigate the critical behavior of a large variety os systems (with different types of disorder, with competing interactions, of short and long range, of ferro and antiferromagnetic nature, and many other situations). Solutions of these model systems display a number of anomalies at low temperatures, which include some violations of the third law of thermodynamics. In the seventies, it has been suggested that this anomalous behavior at very low temperatures would be corrected by the introduction of quantum uctuations, which were not taken into account by the classical solutions. In fact, the quantization of the spherical model leads to the correction of these effects. We then use two different methods of quantization, canonical quantization and representation in terms of functional integrals, which are still amenable to exact analytical calculations. We show that these quantum formulations lead to the same results. In particular, we analyze the thermodynamic properties of a quantum \\mean spherical model\" in the following situations: (i) with long-range, mean-field, interactions, which is perhaps the simplest model system that exhibits a quantum phase transition; (ii) with competing interactions between first and second neighbors, in which case there should be a Lifshitz multicritical point; (iii) in the presence of long-range interactions and of a random field of zero mean value; (iv) in the presence of disorder, such as the van Hemmen model for a spin glass or the Hopfield model for a neural network with just a few patterns. In all of these cases the anomalous behavior is corrected at low temperatures. We obtain a number of phase diagrams, and discuss the nature of the ordered phases.

Pressure tuned magnetism in d- and f-electron materials

Haines, Charles Robert Sebastian January 2012 (has links)
Quantum phase transitions (QPT) on the border of magnetism have provided a fertile hunting ground for the discovery of new states of matter, for example; the marginal Fermi Liquid and non Fermi Liquid states as well high T$_C$ cuprate and magnetically mediated superconductivity. In this thesis I present work on three materials in which it may be possible to tune the system through a magnetic QPT with the application of hydrostatic pressure. Although the details of the underlying physics are different in each of the materials, they are linked by the possibility of finding new states on the border of magnetism. Applying hydrostatic pressure, we have suppressed the ferromagnetic (FM) transition in metallic Fe$_2$P to very low temperature and to a potential QPT. Counter-intuitive broadening of the magnetic hysteresis leading up to the FM-AFM QPT may well be a crucial clue as to the nature of the model needed to understand this phase transition. A sharp increase in the quasi-particle scattering cross-section as well as the residual resistivity accompany a departure from the quadratic temperature dependence of the resistivity. This possible deviation from Fermi liquid behaviour is stable over a significant range of temperature. The unexplained upturn in the resistivity of CeGe that accompanies the AFM transition was studied under pressure. Pressure increased the residual resistivity as well as decreasing the relative size of the upturn, but had a moderate effect on the Neel temperature. The insensitivity of the N$\acute e$el temperature to pressure has been compared to its relative sensitivity to applied feld. The existence of the upturn and its evolution with pressure and applied feld can reasonably be argued to be due to the details of the electron band structure in the system. By applying pressure we have drastically reduced the resistivity of the insulating antiferromagnet NiPS$_3$. Concurrent work on FePS$_3$ has shown metallisation under pressure. It seems reasonable to speculate that NiPS$_3$ may also metallise at higher pressure. The energy gap is narrowed in both materials as pressure is increased. Magnetisation measurements have revealed a low temperature upturn indicating some possible ferromagnetic component or proximity to another magnetic state. A peak in the magnetisation is also seen at 45K in zero-feld cooled measurements. Both of these features point to a system with a complex magnetic ground state.

Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Ultra-Cold Atoms

Rehn, Magnus January 2007 (has links)
I have been one of the main responsible for building a new laboratory for Bose-Einstein condensation with 87Rb. In particular, the experimental setup has been designed for performing experiments with Bose-Einstein condensates load into optical lattices of variable geometries. All parts essential for Bose-Einstein condensation are in place. Atoms are collected in a magneto-optical trap, transferred to another vacuum chamber, with better vacuum, and trapped in another magneto-optical trap. Atoms are successfully transferred to a dark magnetic trap, and system for diagnostics with absorption imaging has been realized. We have not yet been able to form a Bose-Einstein condensate, due to a range of technical difficulties. Equipment for alignment of optical lattices with flexible geometry has been designed, built, and tested. This tool has been proven to work as desired, and there is a great potential for a range of unique experiments with Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices of various geometries, including superlattices and quasi-periodic lattices. Numerical studies have been made on anisotropic optical lattices, and the existence of a transition between a 2D superfluid phase and a 1D Mott-insulating phase has been confirmed. We have shown that the transition is of Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless type. In another numerical study it has been shown that using stimulated Raman transitions is a practical method for transferring atoms between states in a double optical lattice. Thus, it will be possible to transfer populations between the lattices, with further applications in qubit read/write operations.

Ultracold rubidium atoms in periodic potentials

Saers, Robert January 2008 (has links)
This thesis includes both experimental and theoretical investigations, presented in a series of eight papers. The experimental part ranges from the construction procedures of an apparatus for Bose-Einstein condensates, to full scale experiments using three different set-ups for ultracold atoms in optical lattices. As one of the main themes of the thesis, an experimental apparatus for production of Bose-Einstein Condensates is under construction. A magneto-optically trapped sample, hosting more than 200 million 87Rb atoms, have successfully been loaded into a magnetic trap with high transfer rate. The lifetime of the sample in the magnetic trap is in the range of 9 s, and the atoms have been shown to respond to evaporative cooling. The experiment is ready for optimization of the magnetic trap loading, and evaporative cooling parameters, which are the final steps for reaching Bose-Einstein condensation. The set-up is designed to host experiments including variable geometry optical lattices, and includes the possibility to align laser beams with high angular precision for this purpose. The breakdown of Bloch waves in a Bose-Einstein condensate is studied, attributed to the effect of energetic and dynamical instability. This experimental study is performed using a Bose-Einstein condensate in a moving one-dimensional optical lattice at LENS, Florence Italy. The optical lattice parameters, and the thermal distribution of the atomic sample required to trigger the instabilities, are detected, and compared with a theoretical model developed in parallel with the experiments. In close connection with these one-dimensional lattice studies, an experimental survey to characterize regimes of superradiant Rayleigh scattering and Bragg scattering is presented. Tunneling properties of repulsively bound atom pairs in double well potentials are characterized in an experiment at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz Germany. A three-dimensional optical lattice, producing an array of double wells with tunable properties is let to interact with a Bose-Einstein condensate. Pairs of ultracold atoms are produced on one side in the double wells, and their tunneling behavior, dependent on potential barrier and repulsion properties, is studied. A theoretical study of the crossover between one- and two-dimensional systems has been performed. The simulations were made for a two-dimensional array of atoms, where the behavior for different tunneling probabilities and atom-atom repulsion strengths was studied. Scaling relations for systems of variable sizes have been examined in detail, and numerical values for the involved variables have been found.

Discrete-Time Quantum Walk - Dynamics and Applications

Madaiah, Chandrashekar 01 1900 (has links)
This dissertation presents investigations on dynamics of discrete-time quantum walk and some of its applications. Quantum walks has been exploited as an useful tool for quantum algorithms in quantum computing. Beyond quantum computational purposes, it has been used to explain and control the dynamics in various physical systems. In order to use the quantum walk to its fullest potential, it is important to know and optimize the properties purely due to quantum dynamics and in presence of noise. Various studies of its dynamics in the absence and presence of noise have been reported. We propose new approaches to optimize the dynamics, discuss symmetries and effect of noise on the quantum walk. Making use of its properties, we propose the use of quantum walk as an efficient new tool for various applications in physical systems and quantum information processing. In the first and second part of this dissertation, we discuss evolution process of the quantum walks, propose and demonstrate the optimization of discrete-time quantum walk using quantum coin operation from SU(2) group and discuss some of its properties. We investigate symmetry operations and environmental effects on dynamics of the walk on a line and an $n-$cycle highlighting the interplay between noise and topology. Using the properties and behavior of quantum walk discussed in part two, in part three we propose the application of quantum walk to realize quantum phase transition in optical lattice, that is to efficiently control and redistribute ultracold atoms in optical lattice. We also discuss the implementation scheme. Another application we consider is creation of spatial entanglement using quantum walk on a quantum many body system.

Discrete-Time Quantum Walk - Dynamics and Applications

Madaiah, Chandrashekar 01 1900 (has links)
This dissertation presents investigations on dynamics of discrete-time quantum walk and some of its applications. Quantum walks has been exploited as an useful tool for quantum algorithms in quantum computing. Beyond quantum computational purposes, it has been used to explain and control the dynamics in various physical systems. In order to use the quantum walk to its fullest potential, it is important to know and optimize the properties purely due to quantum dynamics and in presence of noise. Various studies of its dynamics in the absence and presence of noise have been reported. We propose new approaches to optimize the dynamics, discuss symmetries and effect of noise on the quantum walk. Making use of its properties, we propose the use of quantum walk as an efficient new tool for various applications in physical systems and quantum information processing. In the first and second part of this dissertation, we discuss evolution process of the quantum walks, propose and demonstrate the optimization of discrete-time quantum walk using quantum coin operation from SU(2) group and discuss some of its properties. We investigate symmetry operations and environmental effects on dynamics of the walk on a line and an $n-$cycle highlighting the interplay between noise and topology. Using the properties and behavior of quantum walk discussed in part two, in part three we propose the application of quantum walk to realize quantum phase transition in optical lattice, that is to efficiently control and redistribute ultracold atoms in optical lattice. We also discuss the implementation scheme. Another application we consider is creation of spatial entanglement using quantum walk on a quantum many body system.

Probing Exotic Boundary Quantum Phases with Tunable Nanostructure

Liu, Dong January 2012 (has links)
<p>Boundary quantum phases ---a special type of quantum phenomena--- occur in the boundary part of the system. The boundary part can be a surface of a bulk material, an interface between two distinct system, and even it can be a single impurity or a impurity cluster embedded into a bulk system. The properties of the boundary degree of freedom can be affected by many strong electron correlation effects, mesoscopic effects, and topological effects, which, therefore, induce a vast variety of exotic boundary quantum phases. Many techniques for precise fabrication and measurement in nanostructures had been developed,</p><p>which can provide ways to prob, understand, and control those boundary quantum phases.</p><p>In this thesis, we focus on three types of the boundary quantum phases : Kondo effects, boundary quantum phase transitions, and Majorana fermions. Our motivation is to design and prob those effects by using a important type of nanostructures, i.e. quantum dots. A vast variety of models related to quantum dots (QDs) are studied theoretically, which includes a QD coupled to a mesoscopic bath, a quadruple QD system with metallic leads, a QD with dissipative environments, and a QD coupled to a Majorana fermion zero mode.</p><p>Quantum dots provide a way to study the interplay of Kondo effects and mesoscopic fuctuations. In chapter 5, we consider a model including an Anderson impurity (small QD) coupled to a mesoscopic bath (large QD). Both the weak and strong coupling Anderson impurity problems are characterized by Fermi-liquid theories with weakly interacting quasiparticles. We find that the fluctuations of single particle properties in the two limits are highly correlated and universal : The distributions of the spectrum within the Kondo temperature collapse to universal forms; and the strong coupling impurity changes the wave functions corresponding to the spectrum within the Kondo temperature. </p><p>Quantum dots also bring the possibility to study more complex quantum impurities (multi-QDs) and the competition among dierent interactions, which may induce exotic effects: boundary quantum phase transitions and novel Kondo effects. In chapter 7, we design a quadruple quantum dot system to study the competition among three types of interactions: Kondo, Heisenberg, and Ising. We find a rich phase diagram containing two sharp features : a Berezinsky-Kosterlitz-Thouless type quantum phase transition between a charge-ordered phase and a charge liquid phase and a U(1)XU(1) Kondo state with emergent symmetry from Z2 to U(1). In chapter 8, we study a dissipative resonant level model in which the coupling of a fermionc bath competes with a dissipation-induced bosonic bath. we establish an exact mapping from this dissipative resonant level model to a model of a quantum dot embedded into a Luttinger liquid wire, and we also find two kinds of boundary quantum phase transitions (a Berezinsky-Kosterlitz-Thouless type and a second order type).</p><p>Finally, in chapter 9, we propose an experimental system to detect Majorana fermion zero modes. This system consists of a spinless quantum do coupled to a Majorana fermion which exists in the end of a p-wave superconductor wire. The Majorana Fermion strongly infuence the transport properties of the quantum dot. The zero temperature conductance peak value (when the dot is on resonance and symmetrically coupled to the leads) is e^2/2h. In contrast, if the wire is in its topological trivial phase, the result is e^2/h; if the side-coupled mode is a regular fermionic zero mode, the result is zero. Driving the wire through the topological phase transition causes a sharp jump in the conductance by a factor of 1/2. This result can be used to detect the existence of Majorana fermions.</p> / Dissertation

BCS to BEC Evolution and Quantum Phase Transitions in Superfluid Fermi Gases

Iskin, Menderes 29 June 2007 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the analysis of Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) to Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) evolution in ultracold superfluid Fermi gases when the interaction between atoms is varied. The tuning of attractive interactions permits the ground state of the system to evolve from a weak fermion attraction BCS limit of loosely bound and largely overlapping Cooper pairs to a strong fermion attraction limit of tightly bound small bosonic molecules which undergo BEC. This evolution is accompanied by anomalous behavior of many superfluid properties, and reveals several quantum phase transitions. This thesis has two parts: In the first part, I analyze zero and nonzero orbital angular momentum pairing effects, and show that a quantum phase transition occurs for nonzero angular momentum pairing, unlike the $s$-wave case where the BCS to BEC evolution is just a crossover. In the second part, I analyze two-species fermion mixtures with mass and population imbalance in continuum, trap and lattice models. In contrast with the crossover physics found in the mass and population balanced mixtures, I demonstrate the existence of phase transitions between normal and superfluid phases, as well as phase separation between superfluid (paired) and normal (excess) fermions in imbalanced mixtures as a function of scattering parameter and mass and population imbalance.

Magnetic field effects in low-dimensional quantum magnets

Iaizzi, Adam 07 November 2018 (has links)
We present a comprehensive study of a low-dimensional spin-half quantum antiferromagnet, the J-Q model, in the presence of an external (Zeeman) magnetic field using numerical methods, chiefly stochastic series expansion quantum Monte Carlo with directed loop updates and quantum replica exchange. The J-Q model is a many-body Hamiltonian acting on a lattice of localized spin-half degrees of freedom; it augments the Heisenberg exchange with a four-spin interaction of strength Q. This model has been extensively studied at zero field, where the Q term drives a quantum phase transition from a Néel-like state to a valence-bond solid (a nonmagnetic state consisting of a long-range-ordered arrangement of local singlet bonds between sites). This transition is believed to be an example of deconfined quantum criticality, where the excitations are spinons—exotic spin-half bosons. We study the J-Q model in the presence of a magnetic field in both one and two dimensions. In one dimension, there is metamagnetism above a critical coupling ratio (Q/J)min. Metamagnetism is a first-order quantum phase transition characterized by discontinuities in the magnetization as a function of field (magnetization jumps). We derive an exact expression for (Q/J)min = 2/9, and show that the metamagnetism is caused by the onset of attractive interactions between magnons (flipped spins on a polarized background). We predict that the same mechanisms will produce metamagnetism in the unfrustrated antiferromagnetic J1-J2 model with anisotropy. Below (Q/J)min, the saturation transition is continuous and we show that it is governed by the expected zero-scale-factor universality. In two dimensions, we also find metamagnetism above a critical coupling ratio (Q/J)min=0.417, caused by the same mechanism as in the one-dimensional case. In two dimensions we also show evidence of an anomalous temperature dependence of specific heat arising from field-induced Bose-Einstein condensation of spinons at the deconfined quantum critical point. / 2019-11-06T00:00:00Z

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