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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos da aperiodicidade sobre as transições quânticas em cadeias XY / Effects of aperiodicity on the quantum transitions in XY chains

Fleury Jose de Oliveira Filho 08 April 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho realizo uma adaptação do método de Ma, Dasgupta e Hu para o estudo e caracterização das transições de fase quânticas, induzidas por um campo transverso, em cadeias XY de spins 1/2, unidimensionais e aperiódicas, no espírito da adaptação correspondente para cadeias XXZ. O presente trabalho determina de forma analítica uma série de expoentes críticos associados às transições ferro-paramagnéticas do sistema, e dá pistas quanto à natureza das estruturas presentes no estado fundamental. Os resultados são então testados pelo emprego da técnica de férmions livres, da análise de nite size scaling e, no limite de Ising, de resultados extraídos do mapeamento do problema em uma caminhada aleatória. / We employ an adaptation of the Ma, Dasgupta, Hu method in order to analyze the quantum phase transition, induced by a transversal magnetic eld, at spin-1/2 aperiodic XY chains, in analogy to the corresponding adaptation for XXZ chains. We derive analytical expressions for some cri tical exponents related with the ferro-paramagnetic transitions, and shed light onto the nature of the ground state structures. The main results obtained by this approach were tested by the free-fermion method, nite-size scaling analyses and, at the Ising limit of the model, by using results derived from a mapping to a random-walk problem.

Prekursory fázových přechodů v kvantových systémech / Precursors of phase transitions in quantum systems

Dvořák, Martin January 2015 (has links)
In this diploma thesis precursors of quantum phase transitions in finite many-body systems are studied. The main attention is paid to the mechanism, how nonanalytic behaviour of the ground state is generated for certain critical values of real control parameters. It is shown that nonanalytic behaviour of energy levels and eigenstates is closely connected with exceptional points of the hamiltonian, which are points in control parameter space extended into a complex domain where at least two eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors coincide. Differences in the distribution of exceptional points in the complex plane of control parameter for the first and second order phase transitions and also evolutions of the position of exceptional points with increasing particle number are discussed.

Cohérence et Superfluidité de gaz de Bose en dimension réduite : des pièges harmoniques aux fluides uniformes / Coherence and superfluidity of Bose gases in reduced dimensions : from harmonic traps to uniform fluids

Chomaz, Lauriane 10 November 2014 (has links)
La dimensionnalité d’un système affecte fortement ses propriétés physiques ; les transitions de phasequi s’y déroulent ainsi que le type d’ordre qui y apparaît dépendent de la dimension. Dans les systèmesde basse dimension, la cohérence s’avère plus difficile à établir car les fluctuations thermiques etquantiques y jouent un rôle plus important. Le fluide de Bose à deux dimensions est particulièrementintéressant car, même si un ordre total est exclu, un ordre résiduel à « quasi-longue » portée s’établit àbasse température. Deux ingrédients ont un effet significatif sur l’état du système : (i) la taille finie d’unsystème réel permet de retrouver une occupation macroscopique d’un état à une particule ; (ii) les interactionsentre particules conduisent à l’apparition d’un type non-conventionnel de transition de phasevers un état superfluide.Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une étude expérimentale du gaz de Bose bidimensionnel (2D) utilisantdeux types de paysages énergétiques pour piéger nos atomes. Dans la première partie, nous utilisonsla dépendance spatiale de certaines propriétés locales d’un gaz inhomogène pour caractériser l’étatdu système homogène équivalent. Nous extrayons son équation d’état des profils de densité et noustestons son comportement superfluide en mesurant le chauffage induit par le mouvement d’une perturbationlocale. Dans la deuxième partie, nous observons et caractérisons l’émergence d’une cohérencede phase étendue dans un gaz 2D homogène, en particulier via le passage de trois dimensions à deux(croisement dimensionnel). Nous étudions l’établissement dynamique de la cohérence par un passagerapide du croisement dimensionnel et nous observons des défauts topologiques dans l’état superfluidefinal. Nous comparons nos résultats avec les prédictions du mécanisme de Kibble–Zurek. / The dimensionality of a system strongly affects its physical properties; the phase transitions that takeplace and the type of order that arises depend on the dimension. In low dimensional systems phasecoherence proves more difficult to achieve as both thermal and quantum fluctuations play a strongerrole. The two-dimensional Bose fluid is of particular interest as even if full order is precluded, a residual"quasi-long" range order arises at low temperatures. Then two ingredients have a significant effecton the state of the system: (i) the finite size of a real system enables one to recover of a macroscopicoccupation of a single-particle state; (ii) the interactions between particles lead to the emergence of anon-conventional type of phase transition toward a superfluid state.In this thesis, we present an experimental study of the two-dimensional (2D) Bose gas using two differentenergy landscapes to trap our atoms. In the first part, we use the spatial dependence of somelocal properties of an inhomogeneous gas to characterize the state of the equivalent homogeneous system.We extract its equation of state with a high accuracy from the gas density profiles and test itssuperfluid behavior by measuring the heating induced by a moving local perturbation. In the secondpart, we observe and characterize the emergence of an extended phase coherence in a 2D homogeneousgas in particular via a 3D-to-2D dimensional crossover. We investigate the dynamical establishment ofthe coherence via a rapid crossing of the dimensional crossover and observe topological defects in thefinal superfluid state. We compare our findings with the predictions for the Kibble–Zurek mechanism.

Transport électronique dans le graphène et les isolants topologiques 2D en présence de désordre magnétique / Electronic transport in graphene and 2D topological insulators with magnetic disorder

Demion, Arnaud 06 November 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions l’effet du désordre magnétique sur les propriétés de transport électronique du graphène et des isolants topologiques 2D de type HgTe. Le graphène et les isolants topologiques sont des matériaux dont les excitations électroniques sont assimilées à des fermions de Dirac sans masse. L’influence des impuretés magnétiques sur les propriétés de transport du graphène est étudiée dans le régime de forts champs électriques. En conséquence de la production de paires électron-trou, la réponse devient non linéaire et dépend de la polarisation magnétique. Nous étudions une transition entre un isolant topologique bi-dimensionnel conducteur, caractérisé par une conductance G = 2 (en quantum de conductance) et un isolant de Chern avec G = 1, induite par des impuretés magnétiques polarisées. / In this thesis, we study the effect of a magnetic disorder on the electronic transport properties of graphene and HgTe-type 2D topological insulators. Graphene and topological insulators are materials whose electronic excitations are treated as massless Dirac fermions.The influence of magnetic impurities on the transport properties of graphene is investigated in the regime of strong applied electric fields. As a result of electron-hole pair creation, the response becomes nonlinear and dependent on the magnetic polarization.We investigate a transition between a two-dimensional topological insulator conduction state, characterized by a conductance G = 2 (in conductance quantum) and a Chern insulator with G = 1, induced by polarized magnetic impurities.

Magnetic quantum phase transitions: 1/d expansion, bond-operator theory, and coupled-dimer magnets

Joshi, Darshan Gajanan 19 February 2016 (has links)
In the study of strongly interacting condensed-matter systems controlled microscopic theories hold a key position. Spin-wave theory, large-N expansion, and $epsilon$-expansion are some of the few successful cornerstones. In this doctoral thesis work, we have developed a novel large-$d$ expansion method, $d$ being the spatial dimension, to study model Hamiltonians hosting a quantum phase transition between a paramagnet and a magnetically ordered phase. A highlight of this technique is that it can consistently describe the entire phase diagram of the above mentioned models, including the quantum critical point. Note that most analytical techniques either efficiently describe only one of the phases or suffer from divergences near the critical point. The idea of large-$d$ formalism is that in this limit, non-local fluctuations become unimportant and that a suitable product state delivers exact expectation values for local observables, with corrections being suppressed in powers of $1/d$. It turns out that, due to momentum summation properties of the interaction structure factor, all diagrams are suppressed in powers of $1/d$ leading to an analytic expansion. We have demonstrated this method in two important systems namely, the coupled-dimer magnets and the transverse-field Ising model. Coupled-dimer magnets are Heisenberg spin systems with two spins, coupled by intra-dimer antiferromagnetic interaction, per crystallographic unit cell (dimer). In turn, spins from neighboring dimers interact via some inter-dimer interaction. A quantum paramagnet is realized for a dominant intra-dimer interaction, while a magnetically ordered phase exists for a dominant (or of the same order as intra-dimer interaction) inter-dimer interaction. These two phases are connected by a quantum phase transition, which is in the Heisenberg O(3) universality class. Microscopic analytical theories to study such systems have been restricted to either only one of the phases or involve uncontrolled approximations. Using a non-linear bond-operator theory for spins with S=$1/2$, we have calculated the $1/d$ expansion of static and dynamic observables for coupled dimers on a hypercubic lattice at zero temperature. Analyticity of the $1/d$ expansion, even at the critical point, is ensured by correctly identifying suitable observables using the mean-field critical exponents. This method yields gapless excitation modes in the continuous symmetry broken phase, as required by Goldstone\'s theorem. In appropriate limits, our results match with perturbation expansion in small ratio of inter-dimer and intra-dimer coupling, performed using continuous unitary transformations, as well as the spin-wave theory for spin-$1/2$ in arbitrary dimensions. We also discuss the Brueckner approach, which relies on small quasiparticle density, and derive the same $1/d$ expansion for the dispersion relation in the disordered phase. Another success of our work is in describing the amplitude (Higgs) mode in coupled-dimer magnets. Our novel method establishes the popular bond-operator theory as a controlled approach. In $d=2$, the results from our calculations are in qualitative agreement with the quantum Monte Carlo study of the square-lattice bilayer Heisenberg AF spin-$1/2$ model. In particular, our results are useful to identify the amplitude (Higgs) mode in the QMC data. The ideas of large-$d$ are also successfully applied to the transverse-field Ising model on a hypercubic lattice. Similar to bond operators, we have introduced auxiliary Bosonsic operators to set up our method in this case. We have also discussed briefly the bilayer Kitaev model, constructed by antiferromagnetically coupling two layers of the Kitaev model on a honeycomb lattice. In this case, we investigate the dimer quantum paramagnetic phase, realized in the strong inter-layer coupling limit. Using bond-operator theory, we calculate the mode dispersion in this phase, within the harmonic approximation. We also conjecture a zero-temperature phase diagram for this model.

Dynamics of Interacting Ultracold Atoms and Emergent Quantum States

Changyuan Lyu (10306484) 07 May 2021 (has links)
<p>The development of ultracold atom physics enables people to study fundamental questions in quantum mechanics within this highly-tunable platform. This dissertation focuses on several topics of the dynamical evolution of quantum systems.</p><p>Chapter 2 and 3 talk about Loschmidt echo, a simple quantity that reveals many hidden properties of a system’s time evolution. Chapter 2 looks for vanishing Loschmidt echo in the complex plane of time and the corresponding dynamical quantum phase transitions (DQPT) in the thermodynamic limit. For a two-site Bose-Hubbard model consisting of weakly interacting particles, DQPTs reside at the time scale inversely proportional to the interaction, where highly entangled pair condensates also show up. Chapter 3 discusses the revival of Loschmidt echo in a discrete time crystal, a Floquet system whose discrete temporal transition symmetry is spontaneously broken. We propose a new design and demonstrate its robustness against the fluctuations in the driving field. It can also be used in precision measurement to go beyond the Heisenberg limit. Experimental schemes are presented.</p><p>Out-of-time-order correlator (OTOC) is a more complicated variant of Loschmidt echo. Experimentally it requires reversing the time evolution. In Chapter 4, by exploiting the SU(1,1) symmetry of a weakly interacting BEC and connecting its quantum dynamics to a hyperbolic space, we obtain a geometric framework that enables experimentalists to manipulate the evolution with great freedom. Backward evolution is then realized effectively to measure OTOC of such SU(1,1) systems.</p><p>Chapter 5 discusses the decoherence of a spin impurity immersed in a spinor BEC. Our calculations show that by looking at the dynamics of the impurity’s reduced density matrix, the phase of the spinor BEC can be detected.</p>

Magnetic fluctuations and clusters in the itinerant ferromagnet Ni-V close to a disordered quantum critical point

Wang, Ruizhe 23 April 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Magnetic-Field-Driven Quantum Phase Transitions of the Kitaev Honeycomb Model

Ronquillo, David Carlos 11 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Knitting quantum knots-Topological phase transitions in Two-Dimensional systems

Radha, Santosh Kumar 07 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Aspects of Quantum Fluctuations under Time-dependent External Influences

Uhlmann, Michael 01 October 2007 (has links)
The vacuum of quantum field theory is not empty space but filled with quantum vacuum fluctuations, which give rise to many intriguing effects. The first part of this Thesis addresses cosmic inflation, where the quantum fluctuations of the inflaton field freeze and get amplified in the expanding universe. Afterwards, we turn our attention towards Bose-Einstein condensates, a laboratory system. Since most of our calculations are performed using a mean-field expansion, we will study the accuracy of a finite-range interaction potential onto such an expansion. Exploiting the universality of quantum fluctuations, several aspects of cosmic inflation will be identified in ballistically expanding Bose-Einstein condensates. The effective action technique for calculating the quantum backreaction will be scrutinized. Finally, we consider dynamic quantum phase transitions in the last part of this Thesis. To this end two specific scenarios will be investigated: firstly, the structure formation during the superfluid to Mott-insulator transition in the Bose-Hubbard model; and secondly, the formation of spin domains as a two-dimensional spin-one Bose gas is quenched from the (polar) paramagnetic to the (planar) ferromagnetic phase. During this quench, the symmetry of the ground state is spontaneously broken and vortices (topological defects) form.

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