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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Envolvimento de mecanismos dopaminérgicos na expressão do medo condicionado contextual em ratos / Involvement of dopaminergic mechanisms in the expression of contextual conditioned fear in rats

Kátia Alessandra de Souza Caetano 09 April 2012 (has links)
É reconhecido que as experiências que geram reações de medo são praticamente indeléveis do encéfalo dos organismos e que condicionamentos aversivos suscitam inúmeras respostas defensivas, como o congelamento, sendo esta resposta um indicador de medo em roedores. Vários trabalhos têm apontado para a relação entre alterações na transmissão dopaminérgica e os estados aversivos. Entretanto, observam-se resultados conflitantes com a utilização de drogas dopaminérgicas em diferentes modelos animais de ansiedade. Assim, investigações devem ainda ser realizadas objetivando avaliar a funcionalidade da modulação dopaminérgica nos estados emocionais aversivos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o envolvimento de mecanismos dopaminérgicos na expressão do medo condicionado ao contexto. Inicialmente foram avaliados os efeitos de agonistas (SKF 38393 e quimpirole) e antagonistas (SCH 23390 e sulpirida) de receptores D1 e D2 administrados sistemicamente sobre a expressão do medo condicionado contextual, sendo mensurado o tempo de congelamento dos animais. A atividade motora foi avaliada com o teste do campo aberto. Os resultados indicam que os receptores da família D2, e não D1, estão envolvidos na expressão do medo condicionado contextual, uma vez que a administração de quimpirole e sulpirida, mas não de SCH 23390 e SKF 38393, levou a uma diminuição do congelamento condicionado ao contexto. Não houve alterações na atividade motora dos animais. Com base nestes resultados foi levantada a hipótese de que a capacidade da sulpirida e do quimpirole em diminuir o medo condicionado poderia ocorrer devido a uma ação em receptores pós-sinápticos de estruturas do sistema mesocorticolímbico e em autoreceptores da área tegmental ventral (ATV), respectivamente, levando ao efeito comum de diminuição da atividade dopaminérgica. A fim de testar esta hipótese, foram realizadas microinjeções de quimpirole na ATV. Os resultados obtidos mostram uma diminuição da expressão do congelamento condicionado e que os efeitos obtidos com a administração sistêmica desse agonista de receptores D2 provavelmente devem-se a sua ação na ATV. Portanto, a ATV parece atuar na modulação das respostas de medo condicionado e a ativação desta estrutura deve ser importante para a recuperação da aprendizagem aversiva ocorrida no dia do condicionamento. / It is well established that experiences that generate fear reactions are practically unforgettable and that aversive conditioning raises several defensive responses such as freezing, which is an index of fear in rodents. Several studies have pointed to the existence of a relationship between changes in dopaminergic neurotransmission and aversive states. However, there are conflicting results in the literature with the use of dopaminergic drugs in different animal models of anxiety. Thus, further investigations should be conducted to evaluate the importance of dopaminergic modulation of aversive states. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the involvement of dopaminergic neurotransmission in the expression of contextual conditioned fear in rats. Initially, we evaluated the effects of intraperitoneal injections of D1 and D2 receptors agonists (SKF 38393 and quinpirole) and antagonists (SCH 23390 and sulpiride) in the expression of contextual conditioned fear by measuring the time of freezing response of the animals. The motor activity was evaluated in the open field test. The results indicate that the D2 receptors, but not D1 receptors, are involved in the expression of contextual conditioned fear, since administration of quinpirole and sulpiride, but not SCH 23390 and SKF 38393, decreased conditioned freezing to the context. There were no changes in motor activity of animals. Based on these results it was hypothesized that quinpirole and sulpiride probably acted on presynaptic and postsynaptic D2 receptors, respectively, leading to a decrease of dopaminergic neurotransmission in both cases. To test this hypothesis, microinjections of quinpirole were performed into the ventral tegmental area (VTA). The results show a decrease in the expression of conditioned freezing, indicating that the effects obtained with the intraperitoneal administration of the dopamine D2 receptor agonist is probably due to its action in the VTA. Therefore, dopaminergic mechanisms in the VTA seem to be important in the modulation of conditioned fear responses and activation of this structure appears to take place during the fear memory following the context aversive conditioning.

Neonatal Quinpirole Treatment Enhances Locomotor Activation and Dopamine Release in the Nucleus Accumbens Core in Response to Amphetamine Treatment in Adulthood

Cope, Zackary A., Huggins, Kimberly N., Sheppard, A. Brianna, Noel, Daniel M., Roane, David S., Brown, Russell W. 01 April 2010 (has links)
Neonatal quinpirole treatment to rats produces long-term increases in D(2) receptor sensitivity that persists throughout the animal's lifetime, a phenomenon referred to as D(2) priming. Male and female Sprague-dawley rats were administered quinpirole (1 mg kg(-1)) or saline from postnatal days (P)1-11. At P60, all animals were given an injection of quinpirole (100 microg kg(-1)), and results showed that rats neonatally treated with quinpirole demonstrated enhanced yawning in response to quinprole, verifying D(2) receptor priming because yawning is a D(2) receptor mediated event. Beginning 1-3 days later, locomotor sensitization was tested through administration of d-amphetamine (1 mg kg(-1)) or saline every other day over 14 days, and horizontal activity and turning behavior were analyzed. Findings indicated that D(2)-priming enhanced horizontal activity in response to amphetamine in females compared to males at Days 1 and 4 of locomotor sensitization testing, and D(2)-priming enhanced turning in response to amphetamine. Seven to ten days after sensitization was complete, microdialysis of the NAcc core was performed using a cumulative dosing regimen of amphetamine (0.1-3.0 mg kg(-1)). D(2)-primed rats administered amphetamine demonstrated a 500% increase in accumbal DA overflow compared to control rats administered amphetamine. Additionally, amphetamine produced a significant increase in NE overflow compared to controls, but this was unaffected by D(2) priming. These results indicate that D(2) receptor priming as is produced by neonatal quinpirole treatment robustly enhances behavioral activation and accumbal DA overflow in response to amphetamine, which may underlie increases in psychostimulant use and abuse within the psychotic population where increased D(2) receptor sensitivity is a hallmark.

Sex Differences in Nicotine Sensitization and Conditioned Hyperactivity in Adolescent Rats Neonatally Treated with Quinpirole: Role of D2 and D3 Receptor Subtypes

Sheppard, Brianna, Lehmann, Julia, Cope, Zackary A., Brown, Russell W. 01 December 2009 (has links)
Neonatal quinpirole treatment in rats produces increased sensitivity of dopamine D2-like receptors throughout the animal's lifetime, referred to D2 priming. There is little information on the effects of nicotine in adolescent rats, especially in a model that has clinical relevance to psychosis where increased D2 receptor sensitivity is common. Male and female rats were treated with quinpirole (1 mg/kg) or saline from postnatal (P) day P21, given nicotine (0.5 mg/kg) or saline from P33 through P49, and placed into a locomotor arena for behavioral testing. Nicotine or saline treatment was preceded by the D2-like receptor antagonist eticlopride, D3 antagonist nafadotride, or saline. Conditioned hyperactivity was analyzed on P50 in the same context in a drug-free test. In females, D2 priming increased the locomotor response to acute nicotine, but did not affect subsequent nicotine sensitization, and only non–D2-primed females demonstrated conditioned hyperactivity. Eticlopride and nafadotride blocked behavioral sensitization, although nafadotride was more effective at blocking nicotine-conditioned hyperactivity in females. In males, D₂ priming enhanced sensitization to nicotine and produced conditioned hyperactivity, which were blocked by eticlopride and nafadotride. These results have implications for psychosis and comorbidity of nicotine abuse in adolescence.

Modulation of Central Dopamine Receptor Reactivity in the Rat, by Nitric Oxide Donors and Inhibitor: Behavioral Studies

Kasperska, Alicja, Brus, Ryszard, Szkilnik, Ryszard, Oswiecimska, Joanna, Kostrzewa, Richard M., Shani, Jashovam 01 December 1999 (has links)
Nitric acid has been implicated in a variety of physiological functions of the mammalian brain, and in a large number of its pathologies. Recently we have demonstrated that a nitric oxide donor (L-arginine) and a nitric-oxide-synthase-inhibitor (nitro-L-arginine-methyl-ester) modified the response of central al dopamine D 1 and D 3 receptors to some of their agonists. In the present study we demonstrate the modulatory effect of L-arginine, nitro-L-arginine-methyl-ester and molsidomine (another nitric oxide donor) on the reactivity of the central dopamine receptors to specific agonists and antagonists. The agonists tested were SKF-38393, 7-OH-DPAT and quinpirole, and the antagonists - SCH-23390 and haloperidol. They were evaluated in the rat by the following behavioral methods: locomotor activity, locomotor coordination, rearings and cataleptogenic activity (D 2 modulation); grooming time (D 1 activation); yawning (D 3 activation) and ethanol- and phenobarbital-sleeping-time parameters after SKF-38393 or quinpirole pretreatment. Our results suggest that nitro-L-arginine-methyl-ester is effective in modulating the reactivity of the central dopamine receptors D 2, D 1 and D 3, to their agonists and antagonists, and that it is much more effective than L-arginine in regulating the righting reflex after ethanol and phenobarbital, in both female and male mature rats.

Multidisziplinäre Untersuchung dopaminerger Mechanismen der repetitiven Störungen anhand von zwei Rattenmodellen dopaminerger Dysregulation

Reinel, Claudia 11 December 2015 (has links)
Repetitive Störungen manifestieren sich als Leitsymptom in der Zwangsstörung und dem Tourette-Syndrom. Die Symptome werden als enthemmte Stereotypien eines desinhibierten Basalganglien-thalamo-kortikalen (BGTC) Regelkreises verstanden. Überdies wird als neurochemisches Korrelat ein dysregulatives Dopamin (DA)-System innerhalb dieser Kerngebiete nahegelegt, welches über ein überaktives Dopamintransporter (DAT)-System erklärt werden könnte. In der Induktion repetitiver Erkrankungen ist die Interaktion des BGTC Regelkreises und des DA-Systems dennoch unklar. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden daher anhand von zwei Pathologiemodellen (Ratte) mit unterschiedlich induzierter Dysregulation des DA-Systems (transgen versus pharmakologisch) die dysfunktionalen Einheiten im BGTC Regelkreises vergleichend untersucht. Im transgenen Modell führte die zentralnervöse DAT-Überexpression: (1) zu einer verstärkten Genexpression des vesikulären Monoamintransporter 2 (VMAT2) sowie des DA-Rezeptors 1 und DA–Rezeptors 2 (DRD1, DRD2), (2) zu einem reduzierten DA-Spiegel mit erhöhter DA-Umsatzrate und veränderten serotonergen- und GABAergen-System, und (3) zu perserverativen Verhalten. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigte die chronische Applikation mit dem D2-Agonisten Quinpirol im pharmakologischen Modell: (1) eine Reduktion des DAT, VMAT2 und DRD2, (2) eine reduzierte DA-Umsatzrate und (3) zwanghaftes Kontrollverhalten. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass die unterschiedlichen klinischen Subtypen der Zwangsstörung unterschiedlichen neurobiologischen Veränderungen zugrunde liegen könnten. Ferner bietet das hier vorgestellte transgene Modell erfolgsversprechende Ansatzpunkte um als neues valides Tiermodell der repetitiven Störungen etabliert zu werden. / Repetitive disorders manifest as the cardinal symptom in obsessive-compulsive disorder and Tourette syndrome. The symptoms are understood as disinhibited stereotypies of a basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical (BGTC) circuit. Furthermore, it is suggested that a dysregulated dopamine (DA) system within this circuit is the underlying neurochemical correlate which could be explained by an overactive dopamine transporter (DAT). At this point, it is still unclear how the BGTC circuit and the DA system interact in the induction of repetitive disorders. Therefore we investigated the dysfunctional unities within the BGTC circuit by comparing two pathological rat models (transgenic versus pharmacologic) with different induced dopaminergic dysregulation. The DAT overexpressing rat model showed: (1) increased gene expression of the vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2), DA receptor D1 (DRD1) and DA receptor D2 (DRD2), (2) lower levels of DA with an increased DA metabolism and alterations in the serotonin- and GABA system, and (3) perseverative behavior. In contrast, the chronic application of the D2 receptor agonist quinpirole resulted in the pharmacologic model in: (1) lower gene expressions of the DAT, VMAT2 and DRD2, (2) reduced DA-turnover and (3) compulsive control behavior. These results suggest that different clinical subtypes of obsessive-compulsive disorder caused by different neurobiological alterations. In addition, the presented transgenic model provides the opportunity to be established as a new valid animal model of repetitive disorders.

Neurální aktivita u stereotypního chování v quinpirolem indukovaném zvířecím modelu obsedantně kompulsivní poruchy (OCD) / Neuronal activity during stereotypical behavior in quinpirole induced animal model of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Alexová, Daniela January 2019 (has links)
The main aim of this study was to determine the changes in neuronal activity of anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and medial prefrontal cortex (MPC) in rats sensitized to D2/D3 receptor agonist quinpirole (QNP) during exploration of enriched open field arena. During the experiment, the evaluation of behavioural changes induced by quinpirole sensitization were also assessed and compared to previous results. For the purpose of this study, twenty-two adult male Long-Evans rats were used. The half of the rats was sensitized to QNP by receiving daily subcutaneous injections of quinpirole (0,5 mg/kg) while the other half received saline. Both groups were habituated for ten days to open-field arena enriched with two metal objects. The behaviour of animals was videotaped and the data about locomotion and the number of visits of each locale was obtained. On the eleventh day, the part of saline and quinpirole treated groups explored the open-field arena (t = 5 min) while the other two subgroups were left as respective cage-controls. Immediately after the end of experiment, all rats were sacrificed, and the extracted brains were cryopreserved. To determine the changes in neuronal activity of selected brain regions, fluorescence in situ hybridization of immediate early gene Arc was...

Dopamine Receptor Supersensitivity

Kostrzewa, Richard M. 01 January 1995 (has links)
Dopamine (DA) receptor supersensitivity refers to the phenomenon of an enhanced physiological, behavioral or biochemical response to a DA agonist. Literature related to ontogenetic aspects of this process was reviewed. Neonatal 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) destruction of rat brain DA neurons produces overt sensitization to D1 agonist-induced oral activity, overt sensitization of some D2 agonist-induced stereotyped behaviors and latent sensitization of D1 agonist-induced locomotor and some stereotyped behaviors. This last process is unmasked by repeated treatments with D1 (homologous "priming") or D2 (heterologous "priming") agonists. A serotonin (5-HT) neurotoxin (5,7-dihydroxytryptamine) and 5-HT2C receptor antagonist (mianserin) attenuate some enhanced behavioral effects of D1 agonists, indicating that 5-HT neurochemical systems influence D1 receptor sensitization. Unlike the relative absence of change in brain D1 receptor number, DA D2 receptor proliferation accompanies D2 sensitization in neonatal 6-OHDA-lesioned rats. Robust D2 receptor supersensitization can also be induced in intact rats by repeated treatments in ontogeny with the D2 agonist quinpirole. In these rats quinpirole treatments produce vertical jumping at 3-5 wk after birth and subsequent enhanced quinpirole-induced antinociception and yawning. The latter is thought to represent D3 receptor sensitization. Except for enhanced D1 agonist-induced expression of c-fos, there are no changes in the receptor or receptor-mediated processes which account for receptor sensitization. Adaptive mechanisms by multiple "in series" neurons with different neurotransmitters may account for the phenomenon known as receptor supersensitivity.

Neuroteratology and Animal Modeling of Brain Disorders

Archer, Trevor, Kostrzewa, Richard M. 09 February 2016 (has links)
Over the past 60 years, a large number of selective neurotoxins were discovered and developed, making it possible to animal-model a broad range of human neuropsychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders. In this paper, we highlight those neurotoxins that are most commonly used as neuroteratologic agents, to either produce lifelong destruction of neurons of a particular phenotype, or a group of neurons linked by a specific class of transporter proteins (i.e., dopamine transporter) or body of receptors for a specific neurotransmitter (i.e., NMDA class of glutamate receptors). Actions of a range of neurotoxins are described: 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), 6-hydroxydopa, DSP-4, MPTP, methamphetamine, IgG-saporin, domoate, NMDA receptor antagonists, and valproate. Their neuroteratologic features are outlined, as well as those of nerve growth factor, epidermal growth factor, and that of stress. The value of each of these neurotoxins in animal modeling of human neurologic, neurodegenerative, and neuropsychiatric disorders is discussed in terms of the respective value as well as limitations of the derived animal model. Neuroteratologic agents have proven to be of immense importance for understanding how associated neural systems in human neural disorders may be better targeted by new therapeutic agents.

The Effects of Nicotine Conditioned Place Preference in D2 Primed Adolescent Rats: Age-Related and Gender Effects.

Ogawa, Yoko Emily 14 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigated nicotine conditioned place preference (CPP) in two different ages of adolescence using a rodent model of schizophrenia. Both 2- and 3-chambered CPP apparatuses were used to test whether the CPP was due to an aversion to the white chamber. Animals were neontally treated with the dopamine D2/D3 agonist, quinpirole, or saline and raised to either early postweanling age (P 22) or adolescence (P 29). Rats were conditioned to prefer the white chamber using nicotine. Results showed that nicotine induced CPP and appeared to alleviate an increased stress response in D2 primed animals, which appeared to diminish over time. Additionally, adult D2 and non-D2 primed rats were tested on the elevated T-maze. Results revealed that D2 primed rats demonstrated a significant increase in unconditioned fear. This study showed that nicotine induced CPP in D2 and non-D2 primed rats regardless of age, and D2 primed rats appear to demonstrate an increase in stress levels that was alleviated by nicotine.


Kostrzewa, Richard M. 01 January 2016 (has links)
The era of selective neurotoxins arose predominately in the 1960s with the discovery of the norepinephrine (NE) isomer 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), which selectively destroyed noradrenergic sympathetic nerves in rats. A series of similarly selective neurotoxins were later discovered, having high affinity for the transporter site on nerves and thus being accumulated and able to disrupt vital intraneuronal processes, to lead to cell death. The Trojan Horse botulinum neurotoxins (BoNT) and tetanus toxin bind to glycoproteins on the neuronal plasma membrane, then these stealth neurotoxins are taken inside respective cholinergic or glycinergic nerves, producing months-long functional inactivation but without overtly destroying those nerves. The mitochondrial complex I inhibitor rotenone, while lacking total specificity, still destroys dopaminergic nerves with some selectivity; and importantly, results in the neural accumulation of synuclein-to model Parkinson’s disease (PD) in animals. Other neurotoxins target specific subtypes of glutamate receptors and produce excitotoxicity in nerves with that receptor population. The dopamine D2 receptor agonist quinpirole, termed a selective neurotoxin, produces a behavioral state replicating some of the notable features of schizophrenia, but without overtly destroying nerves. These processes, mechanisms or treatment-outcomes account for the means by which neurotoxins are classified as such, and represent some of the means by which neurotoxins as a group are able to destroy or functionally inactivate nerves; or replicate an altered neurological state. Selective neurotoxins have proven to be important in gaining insight into biochemical processes and mechanisms responsible for survival or demise of a nerve. Selective neurotoxins are useful also for animal modeling of human neural disorders such as PD, Alzheimer disease, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Lesch-Nyhan disease, tardive dyskinesia, schizophrenia and others. The importance of neurotoxins in neuroscience will continue to be ever more important as even newer neurotoxins are discovered.

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