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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

REFLECT : logiciel de restitution des réflectances au sol pour l’amélioration de la qualité de l'information extraite des images satellitales à haute résolution spatiale

Bouroubi, Yacine M. 10 1900 (has links)
RÉSUMÉ - Les images satellitales multispectrales, notamment celles à haute résolution spatiale (plus fine que 30 m au sol), représentent une source d’information inestimable pour la prise de décision dans divers domaines liés à la gestion des ressources naturelles, à la préservation de l’environnement ou à l’aménagement et la gestion des centres urbains. Les échelles d’étude peuvent aller du local (résolutions plus fines que 5 m) à des échelles régionales (résolutions plus grossières que 5 m). Ces images caractérisent la variation de la réflectance des objets dans le spectre qui est l’information clé pour un grand nombre d’applications de ces données. Or, les mesures des capteurs satellitaux sont aussi affectées par des facteurs « parasites » liés aux conditions d’éclairement et d’observation, à l’atmosphère, à la topographie et aux propriétés des capteurs. Deux questions nous ont préoccupé dans cette recherche. Quelle est la meilleure approche pour restituer les réflectances au sol à partir des valeurs numériques enregistrées par les capteurs tenant compte des ces facteurs parasites ? Cette restitution est-elle la condition sine qua non pour extraire une information fiable des images en fonction des problématiques propres aux différents domaines d’application des images (cartographie du territoire, monitoring de l’environnement, suivi des changements du paysage, inventaires des ressources, etc.) ? Les recherches effectuées les 30 dernières années ont abouti à une série de techniques de correction des données des effets des facteurs parasites dont certaines permettent de restituer les réflectances au sol. Plusieurs questions sont cependant encore en suspens et d’autres nécessitent des approfondissements afin, d’une part d’améliorer la précision des résultats et d’autre part, de rendre ces techniques plus versatiles en les adaptant à un plus large éventail de conditions d’acquisition des données. Nous pouvons en mentionner quelques unes : - Comment prendre en compte des caractéristiques atmosphériques (notamment des particules d’aérosol) adaptées à des conditions locales et régionales et ne pas se fier à des modèles par défaut qui indiquent des tendances spatiotemporelles à long terme mais s’ajustent mal à des observations instantanées et restreintes spatialement ? - Comment tenir compte des effets de « contamination » du signal provenant de l’objet visé par le capteur par les signaux provenant des objets environnant (effet d’adjacence) ? ce phénomène devient très important pour des images de résolution plus fine que 5 m; - Quels sont les effets des angles de visée des capteurs hors nadir qui sont de plus en plus présents puisqu’ils offrent une meilleure résolution temporelle et la possibilité d’obtenir des couples d’images stéréoscopiques ? - Comment augmenter l’efficacité des techniques de traitement et d’analyse automatique des images multispectrales à des terrains accidentés et montagneux tenant compte des effets multiples du relief topographique sur le signal capté à distance ? D’autre part, malgré les nombreuses démonstrations par des chercheurs que l’information extraite des images satellitales peut être altérée à cause des tous ces facteurs parasites, force est de constater aujourd’hui que les corrections radiométriques demeurent peu utilisées sur une base routinière tel qu’est le cas pour les corrections géométriques. Pour ces dernières, les logiciels commerciaux de télédétection possèdent des algorithmes versatiles, puissants et à la portée des utilisateurs. Les algorithmes des corrections radiométriques, lorsqu’ils sont proposés, demeurent des boîtes noires peu flexibles nécessitant la plupart de temps des utilisateurs experts en la matière. Les objectifs que nous nous sommes fixés dans cette recherche sont les suivants : 1) Développer un logiciel de restitution des réflectances au sol tenant compte des questions posées ci-haut. Ce logiciel devait être suffisamment modulaire pour pouvoir le bonifier, l’améliorer et l’adapter à diverses problématiques d’application d’images satellitales; et 2) Appliquer ce logiciel dans différents contextes (urbain, agricole, forestier) et analyser les résultats obtenus afin d’évaluer le gain en précision de l’information extraite par des images satellitales transformées en images des réflectances au sol et par conséquent la nécessité d’opérer ainsi peu importe la problématique de l’application. Ainsi, à travers cette recherche, nous avons réalisé un outil de restitution de la réflectance au sol (la nouvelle version du logiciel REFLECT). Ce logiciel est basé sur la formulation (et les routines) du code 6S (Seconde Simulation du Signal Satellitaire dans le Spectre Solaire) et sur la méthode des cibles obscures pour l’estimation de l’épaisseur optique des aérosols (aerosol optical depth, AOD), qui est le facteur le plus difficile à corriger. Des améliorations substantielles ont été apportées aux modèles existants. Ces améliorations concernent essentiellement les propriétés des aérosols (intégration d’un modèle plus récent, amélioration de la recherche des cibles obscures pour l’estimation de l’AOD), la prise en compte de l’effet d’adjacence à l’aide d’un modèle de réflexion spéculaire, la prise en compte de la majorité des capteurs multispectraux à haute résolution (Landsat TM et ETM+, tous les HR de SPOT 1 à 5, EO-1 ALI et ASTER) et à très haute résolution (QuickBird et Ikonos) utilisés actuellement et la correction des effets topographiques l’aide d’un modèle qui sépare les composantes directe et diffuse du rayonnement solaire et qui s’adapte également à la canopée forestière. Les travaux de validation ont montré que la restitution de la réflectance au sol par REFLECT se fait avec une précision de l’ordre de ±0.01 unités de réflectance (pour les bandes spectrales du visible, PIR et MIR), même dans le cas d’une surface à topographie variable. Ce logiciel a permis de montrer, à travers des simulations de réflectances apparentes à quel point les facteurs parasites influant les valeurs numériques des images pouvaient modifier le signal utile qui est la réflectance au sol (erreurs de 10 à plus de 50%). REFLECT a également été utilisé pour voir l’importance de l’utilisation des réflectances au sol plutôt que les valeurs numériques brutes pour diverses applications courantes de la télédétection dans les domaines des classifications, du suivi des changements, de l’agriculture et de la foresterie. Dans la majorité des applications (suivi des changements par images multi-dates, utilisation d’indices de végétation, estimation de paramètres biophysiques, …), la correction des images est une opération cruciale pour obtenir des résultats fiables. D’un point de vue informatique, le logiciel REFLECT se présente comme une série de menus simples d’utilisation correspondant aux différentes étapes de saisie des intrants de la scène, calcul des transmittances gazeuses, estimation de l’AOD par la méthode des cibles obscures et enfin, l’application des corrections radiométriques à l’image, notamment par l’option rapide qui permet de traiter une image de 5000 par 5000 pixels en 15 minutes environ. Cette recherche ouvre une série de pistes pour d’autres améliorations des modèles et méthodes liés au domaine des corrections radiométriques, notamment en ce qui concerne l’intégration de la FDRB (fonction de distribution de la réflectance bidirectionnelle) dans la formulation, la prise en compte des nuages translucides à l’aide de la modélisation de la diffusion non sélective et l’automatisation de la méthode des pentes équivalentes proposée pour les corrections topographiques. / ABSTRACT - Multi-spectral satellite imagery, especially at high spatial resolution (finer than 30 m on the ground), represents an invaluable source of information for decision making in various domains in connection with natural resources management, environment preservation or urban planning and management. The mapping scales may range from local (finer resolution than 5 m) to regional (resolution coarser than 5m). The images are characterized by objects reflectance in the electromagnetic spectrum witch represents the key information in many applications. However, satellite sensor measurements are also affected by parasite input due to illumination and observation conditions, to the atmosphere, to topography and to sensor properties. Two questions have oriented this research. What is the best approach to retrieve surface reflectance with the measured values while taking into account these parasite factors? Is this retrieval a sine qua non condition for reliable image information extraction for the diverse domains of application for the images (mapping, environmental monitoring, landscape change detection, resources inventory, etc.)? Researches performed in the past 30 years have yielded a series of techniques to correct the parasite factors among which some allow to retrieve ground reflectance. Some questions are still unanswered and others require still more scrutiny to increase precision and to make these methods more versatile by adapting them to larger variety of data acquisition conditions. A few examples may be mentioned: - How to take into account atmospheric characteristics (particularly of aerosols) adapted to local and regional conditions instead of relying on default models indicating long term spatial-temporal trends that are hard to adjust to spatially restricted instantaneous observations; - How to remove noise introduced by surrounding objects. This adjacency effect phenomenon is particularly important for image resolutions smaller than 5m; - What is the effect of the viewing angle of the sensors that are increasingly aiming off-nadir, a choice imposed by the imperatives of a better temporal resolution or the acquisition of stereo pairs? - How to increase the performances of automatic multi-spectral image processing and analysis techniques in mountainous high relief area by taking into account the multiple effects of topography on the remotely sensed signal? Despite many demonstrations by researchers that information extracted from remote sensing may be altered due to the parasite factors, we are forced to note that nowadays radiometric corrections are still seldom applied, unlike geometric corrections for which commercial software possess powerful and versatile user-friendly algorithms. Radiometric correction algorithms, when available, are hard to adapt black boxes and mostly require experts to operate them. The goals we have delineated for this research are as follow: 1) Develop software to retrieve ground reflectance while taking into account the aspects mentioned earlier. This software had to be modular enough to allow improvement and adaptation to diverse remote sensing application problems; and 2) Apply this software in various context (urban, agricultural, forest) and analyse results to evaluate the accuracy gain of extracted information from remote sensing imagery transformed in ground reflectance images to demonstrate the necessity of operating in this way, whatever the type of application. During this research, we have developed a tool to retrieve ground reflectance (the new version of the REFLECT software). This software is based on the formulas (and routines) of the 6S code (Second Simulation of Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum) and on the dark targets method to estimated the aerosol optical thickness, representing the most difficult factor to correct. Substantial improvements have been made to the existing models. These improvements essentially concern the aerosols properties (integration of a more recent model, improvement of the dark targets selection to estimate the AOD), the adjacency effect, the adaptation to most used high resolution (Landsat TM and ETM+, all HR SPOT 1 to 5, EO-1 ALI and ASTER) and very high resolution (QuickBird et Ikonos) sensors and the correction of topographic effects with a model that separate direct and diffuse solar radiation components and the adaptation of this model to forest canopy. Validation has shown that ground reflectance estimation with REFLECT is performed with an accuracy of approximately ±0.01 in reflectance units (for in the visible, near-infrared and middle-infrared spectral bands) even for a surface with varying topography. This software has allowed demonstrating, through apparent reflectance simulations, how much parasite factors influencing numerical values of the images may alter the ground reflectance (errors ranging from 10 to 50%). REFLECT has also been used to examine the usefulness of ground reflectance instead of raw data for various common remote sensing applications in domains such as classification, change detection, agriculture and forestry. In most applications (multi-temporal change monitoring, use of vegetation indices, biophysical parameters estimation, etc.) image correction is a crucial step to obtain reliable results. From the computer environment standpoint, REFLECT is organized as a series of menus, corresponding to different steps of: input parameters introducing, gas transmittances calculation, AOD estimation, and finally image correction application, with the possibility of using the fast option witch process an image of 5000 by 5000 pixels in approximately 15 minutes. This research opens many possible pathways for improving methods and models in the realm of radiometric corrections of remotely sensed images. In particular, these include BRDF integration in the formulation, cirrus clouds correction using non selective scattering modelling and improving of the equivalent slopes topographic correction method.

Sensoriamento remoto laboratorial na detecção de alterações químicas no solo pela aplicação de corretivos / Laboratory remote sensing on soil chemical alteration by lime application

Araújo, Suzana Romeiro 29 January 2009 (has links)
O conhecimento detalhado da distribuição espacial dos solos e principalmente seus atributos torna-se essencial com a implantação da Agricultura de Precisão. Neste sentido, há a demanda por um grande número de análises químicas de solos. Porém, o custo destas análises é elevado, sendo um dos principais entraves para a avaliação da variabilidade espacial dos solos, tanto na área de manejo químico como em levantamentos pedológicos. Logo, o sensoriamento remoto surge como uma técnica alternativa e eficaz na obtenção de informações sobre a variabilidade espacial dos solos e de seus atributos químicos, físicos e mineralógicos nos diferentes tipos de aquisição de dados, mostrando-se promissor não só pela sua rapidez, mas também por ser uma técnica não destrutiva das amostras e livre de qualquer reagente químico. Desta forma, este trabalho tem por objetivos avaliar através de métodos convencionais de análise de terra e de sensoriamento remoto, as variações químicas ocorrentes em dois tipos de solos cultivados com milho, pela aplicação de corretivos com diferentes graus de reatividade. Além disso, este trabalho visa identificar bandas espectrais relacionadas com as mudanças químicas ocorridas no solo devido à aplicação de calcário, assim como calibrar e avaliar modelos de estimativa de atributos do solo, além de quantificar os valores de corretivos necessários numa amostra de terra. Para tal, dados químicos foram obtidos em laboratório através de métodos já consagrados e permitiram avaliar três calcários com diferentes reatividades. Já os dados radiométricos foram obtidos através do sensor FieldSpec Pro em laboratório na faixa de 350 2500 nm, para amostras de solos coletadas durante quatro ciclos de cultivo do milho. Os dados obtidos através da espectrorradiometria permitiram identificar possíveis bandas relacionadas com alguns atributos químicos dos solos; determinar os teores de atributos químicos dos solos a partir da metodologia utilizada; obter modelos de estimativa específicos para cada atributo químico dos dois solos estudados, assim como estimar a necessidade de calagem destes através de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto, havendo a possibilidade de redução das numerosas e demoradas análises químicas tradicionais, contribuindo desta forma para viabilização da prática da agricultura de precisão. / The detailed knowledge of spatial distribution of soils and mainly its attributes became essential with the Precision Agriculture implementation. Therefore, there is the demand for a high number of soil chemical analyses. However, these analyses cost is high, being one of the main impediments to evaluate the soil spatial variability, as in chemical management as in pedologycal surveys. However, the remote sensing rises as an alternative and efficient technique to obtain information about the soil spatial variability and its chemical, physical and mineralogical attributes in different kinds of data acquisition. Showing itself promising not just by its speed, but also because it is a non-destructive technique for the samples and do not uses any chemical reagents. In this way, the objectives of this work are to evaluate through conventional methods of soil analyses and remote sensing, the chemical modifications occurred in two soils cultivated with corn, by the lime application with products of different reaction degrees. Besides, this work seeks to identify spectral bands related to the chemical changes occurred in soil due to the lime application, as to calibrate and to evaluate the soil attributes estimation models, beyond to quantify the lime rate needed in a soil sample. For that, chemical data were obtained in lab through methods already consecrated and allowed to evaluate three lime products with different degrees of reaction. The radiometric data were obtained with the FieldSpec Pro sensor in lab in the range of 350 2500 nm, for soil samples collected during four corn cycles. The data obtained by spectroradiometry allowed to identify possible bands related with some soil chemical attributes; to determine the content of chemical attributes from the used methodology; to obtain specific estimative models for each chemical attribute of both studied soils, as to estimate the need of lime application using remote sensing techniques, with the possibility to reduce the amount of conventional chemical analyses, beyond to contribute to development of the practice of precision agriculture.

Analyse de l'illumination et des propriétés de réflectance en utilisant des collections d'images / Illumination and Photometric Properties using Photo Collections

Diaz, Mauricio 26 October 2011 (has links)
L'utilisation de collections d'images pour les applications de vision par ordinateur devient de plus en plus commune des nos jours. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est d'exploiter et d'extraire des informations importantes d'images de scènes d'extérieur a partir de ce type de collections : l'illumination présente au moment de la prise, les propriétés de reflectance des matériaux composant les objets dans la scène et les propriétés radiométriques des appareils photo utilisés. Pour atteindre notre objectif, cette thèse est composée de deux parties principales. Dans un premier temps nous allons réaliser une analyse de différentes représentations du ciel et une comparaison des images basée sur l'apparence de celui-ci. Une grande partie de l'information visuelle perçue dans les images d'extérieures est due a l'illumination en provenance du ciel. Ce facteur est représenté par les rayons du soleil réfléchis et réfractés dans l'atmosphère en créant une illumination globale de l'environnement. En même temps cet environnement détermine la façon de percevoir les objets du monde réel. Etant donné l'importance du ciel comme source d'illumination, nous formulons un processus générique en trois temps, segmentation, modélisation et comparaison des pixels du ciel, pour trouver des images similaires en se basant sur leurs apparences. Différentes méthodes sont adoptées dans les phases de modélisation et de comparaison. La performance des algorithmes est validée en trouvant des images similaires dans de grandes collections de photos. La deuxième partie de cette thèse consiste a exploiter l'information géométrique additionnelle pour en déduire les caractéristiques photométriques de la scène. A partir d'une structure 3D récupérée en utilisant des méthodes disponibles, nous analysons le processus de formation de l'image a partir de modèles simples, puis nous estimons les paramètres qui les régissent. Les collections de photos sont généralement capturées par différents appareils photos, d'où l'importance d'insister sur leur calibrage radiométrique. Notre formulation estime cet étalonnage pour tous les appareils photos en même temps, en utilisant une connaissance a priori sur l'espace des fonctions de réponse des caméras possibles. Nous proposons ensuite, un cadre d'estimation conjoint pour calculer une représentation de l'illumination globale dans chaque image, l'albedo de la surface qui compose la structure 3D et le calibrage radiométrique pour tous les appareils photos. / The main objective of this thesis is to exploit the photometric information avail- able in large photo collections of outdoor scenes to infer characteristics of the illumination, the objects and the cameras. To achieve this goal two problems are addressed. In a preliminary work, we explore opti- mal representations for the sky and compare images based on its appearance. Much of the information perceived in outdoor scenes is due to the illumination coming from the sky. The solar beams are reflected and refracted in the atmosphere, creating a global illumination ambiance. In turn, this environment determines the way that we perceive objects in the real world. Given the importance of the sky as an illumination source, we formulate a generic 3–step process in order to compare images based on its appearance. These three stages are: segmentation, modeling and comparing of the sky pixels. Different approaches are adopted for the modeling and comparing phases. Performance of the algorithms is validated by finding similar images in large photo collections. A second part of the thesis aims to exploit additional geometric information in order to deduce the photometric characteristics of the scene. From a 3D structure recovered using available multi–view stereo methods, we trace back the image formation process and estimate the models for the components involved on it. Since photo collections are usually acquired with different cameras, our formulation emphasizes the estimation of the radiometric calibration for all the cameras at the same time, using a strong prior on the possible space of camera response functions. Then, in a joint estimation framework, we also propose a robust computation of the global illumination for each image, the surface albedo for the 3D structure and the radiometric calibration for all the cameras.

Sensoriamento remoto laboratorial na detecção de alterações químicas no solo pela aplicação de corretivos / Laboratory remote sensing on soil chemical alteration by lime application

Suzana Romeiro Araújo 29 January 2009 (has links)
O conhecimento detalhado da distribuição espacial dos solos e principalmente seus atributos torna-se essencial com a implantação da Agricultura de Precisão. Neste sentido, há a demanda por um grande número de análises químicas de solos. Porém, o custo destas análises é elevado, sendo um dos principais entraves para a avaliação da variabilidade espacial dos solos, tanto na área de manejo químico como em levantamentos pedológicos. Logo, o sensoriamento remoto surge como uma técnica alternativa e eficaz na obtenção de informações sobre a variabilidade espacial dos solos e de seus atributos químicos, físicos e mineralógicos nos diferentes tipos de aquisição de dados, mostrando-se promissor não só pela sua rapidez, mas também por ser uma técnica não destrutiva das amostras e livre de qualquer reagente químico. Desta forma, este trabalho tem por objetivos avaliar através de métodos convencionais de análise de terra e de sensoriamento remoto, as variações químicas ocorrentes em dois tipos de solos cultivados com milho, pela aplicação de corretivos com diferentes graus de reatividade. Além disso, este trabalho visa identificar bandas espectrais relacionadas com as mudanças químicas ocorridas no solo devido à aplicação de calcário, assim como calibrar e avaliar modelos de estimativa de atributos do solo, além de quantificar os valores de corretivos necessários numa amostra de terra. Para tal, dados químicos foram obtidos em laboratório através de métodos já consagrados e permitiram avaliar três calcários com diferentes reatividades. Já os dados radiométricos foram obtidos através do sensor FieldSpec Pro em laboratório na faixa de 350 2500 nm, para amostras de solos coletadas durante quatro ciclos de cultivo do milho. Os dados obtidos através da espectrorradiometria permitiram identificar possíveis bandas relacionadas com alguns atributos químicos dos solos; determinar os teores de atributos químicos dos solos a partir da metodologia utilizada; obter modelos de estimativa específicos para cada atributo químico dos dois solos estudados, assim como estimar a necessidade de calagem destes através de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto, havendo a possibilidade de redução das numerosas e demoradas análises químicas tradicionais, contribuindo desta forma para viabilização da prática da agricultura de precisão. / The detailed knowledge of spatial distribution of soils and mainly its attributes became essential with the Precision Agriculture implementation. Therefore, there is the demand for a high number of soil chemical analyses. However, these analyses cost is high, being one of the main impediments to evaluate the soil spatial variability, as in chemical management as in pedologycal surveys. However, the remote sensing rises as an alternative and efficient technique to obtain information about the soil spatial variability and its chemical, physical and mineralogical attributes in different kinds of data acquisition. Showing itself promising not just by its speed, but also because it is a non-destructive technique for the samples and do not uses any chemical reagents. In this way, the objectives of this work are to evaluate through conventional methods of soil analyses and remote sensing, the chemical modifications occurred in two soils cultivated with corn, by the lime application with products of different reaction degrees. Besides, this work seeks to identify spectral bands related to the chemical changes occurred in soil due to the lime application, as to calibrate and to evaluate the soil attributes estimation models, beyond to quantify the lime rate needed in a soil sample. For that, chemical data were obtained in lab through methods already consecrated and allowed to evaluate three lime products with different degrees of reaction. The radiometric data were obtained with the FieldSpec Pro sensor in lab in the range of 350 2500 nm, for soil samples collected during four corn cycles. The data obtained by spectroradiometry allowed to identify possible bands related with some soil chemical attributes; to determine the content of chemical attributes from the used methodology; to obtain specific estimative models for each chemical attribute of both studied soils, as to estimate the need of lime application using remote sensing techniques, with the possibility to reduce the amount of conventional chemical analyses, beyond to contribute to development of the practice of precision agriculture.

The utilisation of layered hydroxysalts in the separation, immobilisation and long term storage of long-lived radio-anions of nuclear power legacy waste origin

Butterworth, Andrew D. January 2013 (has links)
Long lived radioactive species such as ¹²⁹I⁻ and ⁹⁹TcO₄⁻ are formed as by-products of nuclear fission. These species have extremely long half-lives (1.5 million and 211,000 years respectively), are biologically assimilating and due to their anionic nature, can move freely within a geosphere. Historical disposal methods for active species are no longer considered acceptable to the general public and other ways in which to treat the waste are being explored. One remove and concentrate method to remove radioactive species from the biosphere is using alkaline-resistant materials which trap active species that can be encapsulated in a high pH concrete matrix. Layered hydroxides and layered double salts which consist of positively charged layers between which exchangeable anions and water molecules lie are good candidates for these materials due to the basic conditions in which they form. The synthesis, anion exchange properties and stability of copper, lanthanum, nickel and zinc hydroxysalts have been investigated. The structures consist of layers of edge-sharing metal hydroxide octahedra together with an interlayer space containing the anion and in some cases water molecules. Products were characterised by powder X-ray diffraction and vibrational spectroscopy to confirm the identity of structure of the material formed and the anion incorporated. Only Cu2(OH)3(NO3), Cu2(OH)3(OAc).H2O, Ni2(OH)3(NO3) and Zn5(OH)3(NO3).2H2O consistently exhibited exchange capabilities with iodide as the target anion. In terms of exchange rate and efficiency, copper hydroxyacetate is a more suitable precursor as equilibrium is achieved in 10 mins; whereas other LHS containing nitrate as the occupying require longer than 1 day to reach equilibrium. Cu2(OH)3(Ac).H2O has been shown to easily exchange acetate for monovalent anions X- (X = Ha-, NO3-, ClO4-, IO4-, SbO3-, OH-). Exchange reactions with ReO4- (used as a surrogate to TcO4-) and trigonal pyramidal monovalent anions (such as IO3-) were unsuccessful. Exposure to divalent anions (CO32-, Cr2O42-, SeO3-) resulted in no interaction whereas exposure to trivalent PO43- forms Cu3(PO4)2. Quantitative analysis has shown that, contrary to XRPD and FTIR data, full exchange of acetate for an equimolar amount of iodide within a Cu2(OH)3+ framework does not occur with 100% efficiency. Activity counting, gravimetric analysis and ion specific probe analysis suggested that only ~92-93% exchange occurs. The stability of TcO4- and I- analogues with respect to pH has been investigated. Activity counting has shown that even in pH 9.5 solution, 57-73% of 125I- and 99TcO4- immobilised with a Cu2(OH)3+ framework is leached into solution after 16 days. Exposure of Cu2(OH)3I to high carbonate, nitrate and chloride environments shows a progressive loss of iodide into solution as the anionic radius of the incoming anion decreases and the concentration of the incoming anion increases. In the case of chloride and nitrate incoming anions, only a 2:1 chloride to iodide ratio is need for full exchange whereas a ratio of 10:1 nitrate to iodide is required. In situ ion exchange experiments at Diamond allowed the exchange of the hydroxyacetate material to be investigated in flow experiments showing similar facile exchange as demonstrated under batch conditions. Rietveld refinements on deuterated samples of halide analogues of the materials have allowed accurate structure determinations for the first time (Cu2(OD)3Cl - a = 5.726Å, b = 6.125 Å, c = 5.634 Å, β = 93.100°, Cu2(OD)3Br - a = 6.085 Å, b = 6.144 Å, c = 5.650 Å, β = 93.593°, Cu2(OD)3I - a = 6.587 Å, b = 6.179 Å, c = 5.680 Å, β = 95.044°). As the size of the halide increases, the hydroxide coordination alters reflecting to changing sigma/pi donor capability of the halide.

Influence of Humic Acids on the Migration Behavior of Radioactive and Non-Radioactive Substances Under Conditions Close to Nature -Synthesis, Radiometric Determination of Functional Groups, Complexation-

Nitsche, Heino, Heise, Karl-Heinz, Bernhard, Gert, Schmeide, Katja, Pompe, Susanne, Bubner, Marianne 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The interaction behavior of humic acids with uranium(VI) and the influence of humic substances on the migration behavior of uranium was investigated. A main focus of this work was the synthesis of four different humic acid model substances and their characterization and comparison to the natural humic acid from Aldrich. A radiometric method for the determination of humic acid functional groups was applied in addition to conventional methods for the determination of the functionality of humic acids. The humic acid model substances show functional and structural properties comparable to natural humic acids. Modified humic acids with blocked phenolic OH were synthesized to determine the influence of phenolic OH groups on the complexation behavior of humic acids. A synthesis method for 14C-labeled humic acids with high specific activity was developed. The complexation behavior of synthetic and natural humic acids with uranium(VI) was investigated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy, laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy and FTIR spectroscopy. The synthetic model substances show an interaction behavior with uranium(VI) that is comparable to natural humic acids. This points to the fact that the synthetic humic acids simulate the functionality of their natural analogues very well. For the first time the influence of phenolic OH groups on the complexation behavior of humic acids was investigated by applying a modified humic acid with blocked phenolic OH groups. The formation of a uranyl hydroxy humate complex was identified by laserspectroscopic investigations of the complexation of Aldrich humic acid with uranium(VI)at pH 7. The migration behavior of uranium in a sandy aquifer system rich in humic substances was investigated in column experiments. A part of uranium migrates non-retarded through the sediment, bound to humic colloids. The uranium migration behavior is strongly influenced by the kinetically controlled interaction processes of uranium with the humic colloids. The influence of humic acids on the sorption of uranium(VI) onto phyllite was investigated in batch experiments using two different humic acids. The uranium(VI) sorption onto the rock phyllite is influenced by the pH-dependent sorption behavior of the humic acids.

Utilização de canais multiespectrais do sensor Seviri na detecção de sistemas convectivos severos no sudeste brasileiro : estudos de casos / Use of multispectral channels of Seviri sensor in the detection of severe convective systems on southeastern Brazil

Cruz, Patrícia Porta Nova da 09 November 2009 (has links)
This study had as objective to show the importance of the spectral characteristics obtained by the physical properties of clouds measured by the METEOSAT geostationary satellite that helps on the understanding and prediction of severe storms. The study area was Brazil s southeastern because this region is located in a transition range between the mid-latitude temperate climate and the low latitudes warm climate and, therefore, becomes an area that has influence of various meteorological phenomena. With the strong topography and the proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, is a severe storms, strong winds and continuous rainfall favorable zone. It were used MSg datanot only by the images been captured from 15 in 15 minutes, but also because the SEVIRI radiometer on board of the European satellite has 12 multispectral channels that generate twenty times more information than the previous generation radiometers of the same. Were generated qualitative information of the atmospheric events in RGB color compositions, spectral response analysis and differences in the water vapor multispectral channels. The obtained results indicated that the RGB color composition (WV6.2μm - WV7.3μm; IR3.9μm - IR10.8μm; NIR1.6μm - VIS0.6μm) characterizes in a satisfactory way the convection in thunderstorms, showing when the system is in dissipation, stabilization or increasing, but is indicated only for storms occurring during the day and when analyzed the 3 RGB compositions (standard for air mass and convection) generate more information than analyzing only 1 of them. For the first case study, the values of the channel difference of the water vapor that were indicated as critical values with a trend to storm formation were of 4 to 13 ºC and for the second study case were of 8 to 13 °C. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho teve por objetivo mostrar a importância que as características espectrais obtidas por meio das propriedades físicas das nuvens medidas pelos satélites geoestacionários METEOSAT que auxilia a previsão e compreensão de tempestades severas. A região de estudo foi o sudeste brasileiro por essa região encontrar-se em uma faixa de transição entre o clima temperado das latitudes médias e o clima quente das latitudes baixas e, por isso, se torna uma área que tem influência de vários fenômenos meteorológicos. Com a topografia acentuada e a proximidade com o Oceano Atlântico, é uma zona propicia a tempestades severas, vendavais e chuvas contínuas. Foram utilizados os dados do MSG não apenas pelas imagens serem captadas de 15 em 15 minutos, mas também, porque o radiômetro SEVIRI a bordo desse satélite europeu possui 12 canais multiespectrais que geram vinte vezes mais informações do que os radiômetros da geração anterior do mesmo. Foram geradas informações qualitativas dos eventos atmosféricos nas composições coloridas RGB, análise da resposta espectral e diferenças dos canais multiespectrais de vapor de água. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que a composição colorida RGB (WV6.2µm WV7.3µm; IR3.9µm IR10.8µm; NIR1.6µm VIS0.6µm) caracteriza de maneira satisfatória a convecção em tempestades, mostrando quando o sistema está-se dissipando, estabilizado ou intensificando, porém é indicada apenas para as tempestades que ocorrem durante o dia e quando analisada as 3 composições RGB (padrão, para massas de ar e convecção) geram mais informações do que analisando apenas 1 delas. Para o 1° estudo de caso os valores da diferença de canais do vapor de água que foram indicados como valores críticos propícios a formação de tempestades foram de 4 a 13°C e para o 2° estudo de caso foram de 8 a 13°C.

Aplicacao do metodo de radiorreagente na determinacao de tracos de chumbo

FIGUEIREDO, ANA M.G. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:30:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:06:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 01388.pdf: 3542311 bytes, checksum: a396a9d45f52da7b048a936d0107064a (MD5) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Aplicacao do metodo de radiorreagente na determinacao de tracos de chumbo

FIGUEIREDO, ANA M.G. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:30:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:06:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 01388.pdf: 3542311 bytes, checksum: a396a9d45f52da7b048a936d0107064a (MD5) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Mapeamento de areas de cafe no municipio de Guaxupe/MG por meio de processamento digital de imagens Landsat / Coffee crop areas mapping in mountain relief through Principals Components Analysis

Nery, Luis Antonio 13 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Rubens Augusto Camargo Lamparelli / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Agricola / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-13T09:46:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nery_LuisAntonio_M.pdf: 111375957 bytes, checksum: 05f2b3dc3fe0dece107d3e34a24a5a3e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: A importância econômica da produção brasileira de café no mercado mundial é notória e contribui com uma grande parcela na balança comercial de exportação do país. Minas Gerais se destaca como o centro da atual produção cafeeira no Brasil e tem na região sul do estado a grande concentração da lavoura de café (Coffea arabica), onde o seu cultivo é realizado em pequenas propriedades bastante dispersas pela região montanhosa. A necessidade de adequação da agricultura cafeeira por meio do planejamento, controle de custos e melhoria da produtividade, tem acelerado a procura por técnicas e ferramentas para a previsão da produção agrícola passando, necessariamente, pela localização e quantificação das áreas cultivadas. Neste contexto, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o fornecimento de informações dos dados do sensor TM/Landsat 5 utilizando as técnicas de Análise por Principais Componentes (APC) e separação de classes de iluminação sobre as áreas de lavoura de café em região montanhosa. A área de estudo escolhida foi o município de Guaxupé/MG por conter uma forte lavoura cafeeira mantida sob um organizado sistema cooperativo. Foram utilizadas imagens dos satélites Landsat 7, Landsat 5 e do sensor MODIS para a aplicação das técnicas de processamento digital, para correção atmosférica e normalização radiométrica, visando a análise do cafeeiro nas datas de 15/08/2001, 05/12/2001 e 12/04/2002, que caracterizam os estágios fenológicos do cafeeiro como períodos de colheita (repouso e senescência dos ramos), florada e início do crescimento da gemas florais, respectivamente. Também foi utilizada uma máscara da área cafeeira obtida por método de interpretação visual extraído de imagens Ikonos. A utilização de um modelo digital de elevação gerado por imagens do sensor ASTER/TERRA possibilitou a aplicação da técnica de determinação do fator de iluminação, que consistiu na criação de classes de iluminação que contribuíram na identificação de áreas de lavoura e áreas de mata sombreadas pelo relevo. Dados de campo foram levantados para auxiliar na identificação da lavoura cafeeira, separadas pelas classes amostrais de café adensado e café adulto em função dos espaçamentos de ruas e linhas adotados no plantio. A Análise por Principais Componentes (APC) foi aplicada com o objetivo de reduzir a redundância dos dados obtidos das imagens orbitais de maneira a permitir a seleção de amostras de treinamento para a utilização em classificação supervisionada. Utilizando o método da Distância de Mahalanobis como classificador, as imagens nas datas selecionadas para a pesquisa, mostraram dados importantes quando comparados os resultados das classificações com a máscara da área de café extraída das imagens Ikonos do município. Os resultados dessas classificações foram validados por meio da determinação da Exatidão Global e coeficiente Kappa que mostraram os valores de EG= 0,78 e K= 0,40 para a imagem de 15/08/2001, EG= 0,81 e K= 0.29 para a imagem de 05/12/2001 e, EG= 0,76 e K= 0,24 para a data de 12/04/2002, confirmando que o período seco (maio até outubro) é favorável para a classificação do cafeeiro que, neste período está sob processo de colheita onde, a queda de folhas e remoção de frutos ocorre, diferenciando das outras coberturas do solo como as matas. Os maiores valores atingidos na validação dos dados ocorreram na classificação da imagem gerada pela composição dos resultados das três datas, atingindo valores de EG = 0,81 e Kappa = 0,56. O valor da área, quantificada como sendo da cultura do café, encontrado pelo método de soma dos resultados das classificações em cada data, produziu um valor 73,06 % do total de área quantificada na máscara de café, utilizada como referência. Neste sentido a metodologia se mostrou bem adequada na quantificação de áreas de café em relevo montanhoso. / Abstract: The economic importance of Brazilian coffee growing in the world market is notorious and makes up significant portion of the country's foreign trade exports. Minas Gerais stands out as the core of Brazilian coffee growing, with most of the planting areas (Coffea arabica) concentrated in the south, where it is grown in small plots widely spread throughout the hills. The need to adequate coffee agriculture by planning, cost control and productivity improvement has increased the search for techniques and tools for the prediction of agricultural production, necessarily involving the location and quantification of cultivated areas. In this context, the goal of this research has been to evaluate data from the TM/Landsat-5 remote sensor, providing information about coffee growing areas in hilly regions. The city of Guaxupé/MG/Brazil was chosen for this study due to its strong coffee growing, kept under an organized cooperate system. Images from the Landsat-7 and Landsat-5 satellites and from the MODIS sensor have been employed for the purpose of using digital processing tools for atmospheric correction and radiometric normalization, in order to analyze coffee crops in three dates: 08/15/2001, 12/05/2001 and 04/12/2002, characterizing phenological stages such as harvesting periods (rest and senescence of boughs), flowering and beginning of flower bud growing, respectively. The use of a digital elevation model generated from ASTER/TERRA sensor enabled the use of a lighting factor determination technique, consisting in the creation of lighting classes that contributed in the identification of crop areas and terrain-shadowed vegetated areas. Field data were gathered to help identifying coffee plantation separated by sample classes of dense coffee and adult coffee as a function of the spacing of the field foods and lines used in planting. PCA (Principal Component Analysis) was applied in order to reduce the redundancy of the data obtained from orbital imaging in a way that allows the selection of training samples for use in supervised classification. Using the Mahalanobis Distance as a classifier, the images in the selected dates showed highly positive result when the classification was compared to the coffee area mask extracted from Ikonos images. The results of these classifications were validated through the determination of Global Accuracy and Kappa Index, which showed values of GA= 0.78 and K= 0.40 for the 08/15/2001 image, GA= 0.81 and K= 0.29 for the 12/05/2001 image, and GA= 0.76 and K= 0.24 for 04/12/2002, confirming that the dry season (May through October) is favorable for the classification of coffee, which is under the harvesting process in this period, during which the falling of leaves and remotion of fruit separates it from other ground cover such as vegetation. The spectral data obtained from satellite imaging through digital processing have proven themselves adequate for the location of coffee-growing areas in hilly regions when aided by a digital elevation model. The value of the area as being coffee crop, calculated by sum of the areas found from each date classification, produced 73,06% of the agreement with coffee mask considered as a reference data. Due this the methodology showed very suitable to quantify coffee areas in hilly region. / Mestrado / Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável / Mestre em Engenharia Agrícola

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