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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Použití přenosného spektrometru pro detekci radionuklidů v přepravovaných materiálech / Radionuclide detection in transported materials by a portable spectrometer.

PLAŇANSKÝ, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis was to assess possibilities of tracing and, consequently, identifying radionuclides in transported materials detected by detection frames on the protected area border of the nuclear power plant of Temelín, by means of the portable spectrometer Inspector 1000. To achieve this, I designed a series of measurements based on a simulated passage of a motor vehicle fitted with ionizining radiation sources of various activities at the designed points of measurement so that these measurements corresponded as close as possible to the actual passage of vehicles with large-sized loads. Recorded values were analysed and marginal activities for the particular measuring points were fixed. Computation correctness was then verified by another passage of the vehicle through the measuring device. Specified values of the marginal activities at the particular measuring points were, for comparison, consequently measured by the portable spectrometer Inspector 1000. Measurement results proved that the portable spectrometer Inspector 1000 can efficiently detect, identify and locate the sources of ionizing radiation causing the alarm level to be exceeded on a stable measuring device at the fixed measuring points, with a higher sensitivity than a stable measuring device. Conclusions of this diploma thesis will be given to the radiation protection unit of the nuclear power plant of Temelín as a basis for specification or even expansion of the methods of measuring ionizining radiation sources when transporting large-sized loads in the nuclear power plant, and their introduction into the monitoring programme.

Nezávislé monitorování ETE RC SÚJB České Budějovice, návrh nezávislého monitorování ETE za MÚ RC SÚJB České Budějovice / Independent monitoring of Nuclear power plant Temelin environs by Regional centrum of SONS České Budějovice. Project of independent monitoring NPPTE in the case of Emergency incident.

ZEMAN, Karel January 2010 (has links)
The State Office for Nuclear Safety (SONS) and the National Radiation Protection Institute (NRPI) are involved in independent monitoring of surrounding areas of nuclear power plants (NPPs), in accordance with the Czech legislative requirements (Decree No. 319/2002 Coll. on radiation monitoring network (RMS), as amended by Decree No. 27/2006 Coll.). The monitoring includes surveillance of environmental samples, in which radionuclides can be detected in case of emergency event, i.e. radioactivity release from the NPP. Another part of the monitoring is measurement of photon dose equivalent, continuously in the air (early detection network - SVZ) or using thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) placed in SONS monitoring points in the NPP vicinity. Environmental sampling and evaluation of photon dose equivalent in the air is carried out in regular intervals. The 137Cs and 131I activity is measured by gamaspectrometry method used with Gamat evaluation program, according to SONS internal procedure (VDMI). Tritium activity in surface water is measured by liquid scintillation spectrometer Beta TriCarb made by Canberra Packard Company, according to methodology CSN ISO 9698 (757635). Evaluation of dose equivalent rate is carried out continuously by LB 6360 proportional probe and LB 6500-3 Geiger-Muller tube located in RC Building in Ceske Budejovice. TLD evaluation is carried out by NRPI laboratory in Prague and the results are sent to SONS RC Ceske Budejovice. Goal of this work is to provide a set of results of the independent monitoring in surrounding areas of Temelin NPP (ETE) carried out between 1999 and 2009, by determination of volume, mass or surface activity of environmental samples (137Cs and 131I) and spot samples of water (3H) taken from SONS monitoring points near ETE . The set of such results should provide a baseline reference values for normal (pre-accident) situations. Additionally, based on the long term of the ETE surrounding surveillance, it can be shown that the ETE operation represents no threat to the health of the critical population group, and that the radiation situation in the ETE surrounding is stable. It can be also shown that the ETE operator meets requirements and conditions of authorized limits for discharging radionuclides into the environment. Procedures and method of independent environmental monitoring in the ETE surrounding during emergency events can be proposed on the basis of many years of experience with proven methodologies, experience with sampling locations, staffing and organization of measurement.

Metody stanovení radiologických dopadů v potravních řetězcích / Methods for the determination of radiological impact of the food chains

Tesař, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
The diploma work presents comprehensive overview of methods of determination of radiological impact on food chains. It describes the determination of radionuclides in groceries in common radiation situation and in unusual radiation situation. Practical part of the work presents two model radiation events. These are radiation event in the territory of Czech Republic and radiation event in the territory of other country and its impact on Czech Republic. In the end both model situations are compared.

Hodnocení plynných výpustí / Assessment of emissions into the atmosphere

Fialová, Lada January 2008 (has links)
In my master thesis I focus on evaluation of gas emissions from the Nuclear Power Station (NPS) Dukovany. My goal is to judge a fulfilment of czech legislative demands and Euratom “Commison recommendation on standartised information on radioactive airborne and liquid discharges into the environment form nuclear power reactors in normal operation” by operator of the NPS Dukovany. I give an acount of resources of gas radioaktive waste in the NPS Dukovany, methods of their cleaning and monitoring in air-conditioning systems in the NPS. Moreover, I sumarize czech legislative demands on monitoring of gas emissions from nuclear power stations and valide decisions of State Office for Nuclear Safety (SONS) for discharges of radionuclids from NPS Dukovany into environment, where autorised limits for gas emissions into atmosphere are set. In the folowing part of the thesis, I describe separate elements bound for monitoring of gas emissions, including technical parameters of individual measuring instruments. Sumary of radioactive emissions to athmosphere during 2007 and sumary of emissions within last 10 years are also included. Finaly, I deal with an analysis on the fulfilment of Euratom Commission demands for monitoring of gas emissions in the NPS Dukovany and I evaluate imperfections to be found during the proces of monitoring of gas emissions from the NPS Dukovany and I make some recommendatios for their correction and improvement of the monitoring. In conclusion, the NPS Dukovany fulfils demands of the czech legislation and decisions of SONS in the field of monitoring of gas emissions into atmosphere. The NPS Dukovany is aware of above mentioned imperfections and focuses on up-dating of measuring instruments in the course of investments, which are under preparation.

Optimalizace podmínek stanovení sorpčních vlastností dnových sedimentů / Optimization of conditions for determination of bottom sediment sorption characteristics

Ramešová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Lucie Ramešová Přírodovědecká fakulta Květen 2014 Ústav pro životní prostředí a VÚV T.G.M. v.v.i. OPTIMIZATION OF CONDITIONS FOR DETERMINATION OF BOTTOM SEDIMENT SORPTION CHARACTERISTICS ABSTRACT An option of this study was to optimize conditions of distribution coefficients determination in the water-sediment system. The study results will be applied in the task A research on influence of Temelín Nuclear Power Plant accident on the Vltava and Labe water environment contamination to the border profile Labe - Hřensko. After finding optimal conditions for sorption experiments, these will be applied on the experiments using real sediment samples and corresponding surface water extracted from different localities of Vltava River, Labe River respectively. A goal of the whole project is to contribute to creation of a crisis scenario of potential accident of Temelin Nuclear Power Plant and its impact on Vltava and Labe water environments. Above all, the aim is to answer the question which processes would take place in dams and basins during the contamination by fission and activation products, whether and which products would be preferably adsorbed and would consequently settle down and which would supposedly be transported to the lower parts of the watershed. The practical part of the...

Stanovení objemové aktivity nuklidů záření gama ve vzorcích životního prostředí a posouzení vlivu provozu Jaderné elektrárny Temelín na výslednou aktivitu / Determination of volume activity of gamma nuclide in environmental samples and assessment of influence of NPP Temelin on actual measured activity

DAVIDOVÁ, Lenka January 2007 (has links)
In this thesis I target the assesment of a volume activity of gamma ray nuclides in the environment and the examination of the operation the Nuclear Power Station (NPS) Temelín in term of emitting the gamma ray nuclides and their environmental impact. There were collected data of several sorts of environmental samples for statistical analysis. The activity of gamma ray nuclides released by nuclear power plants to the environment after its initiation was compared to the activity of gamma ray nuclides contained it the environment before the initiation of the NPS. It was chosen five exemplary samples - , aerosoles, sediments, milk, soil and surface moisture, which have been scanning in years 1995 and 2005. In these samples, that have sufficient amount of data (sorts of milk, aerosoles and surface moisture) so the statistical analysis was relevant, it was proved, by the non-parametrical Mann-Whitney statistical testing, that there were no statistical difference between the data before and after the initiation of the NPS. The environmental impact wasn´t demonstrated. In these samples, that haven´t sufficient amount of data (sediments and soil), they were also tested (parametrical t. test) and it was proved that there were no statistical difference between the data before and after the initiation of the NPS. Because of very low quality of the testing, we have to use the box plot to ascertain the influence of NPS. In these plots the environmental impact wasn´t demonstrated as well.

Radionuklide als Tracer für Transferprozesse und Bodenentwicklung in Forstböden

Schlenker, Sylke 29 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Humusauflagen von Waldböden speichern eine Reihe natürlicher, kosmogener und künstlicher Radionuklide. Da der Zeitpunkt des Eintrags, die Eintragsmenge sowie die Umwandlungszeitkonstante für die Mehrzahl der Radionuklide bekannt sind, gibt die Ermittlung der Tiefenverteilung und der zeitabhängigen Verlagerung von Radionukliden mittels hochauflösender Low-level-Gammaspektrometrie Aufschluss über Transferprozesse im Boden. Die Migrationseigenschaften verschiedener Elemente in der ungesättigten Bodenzone wurden mit Hilfe ihrer radioaktiven Isotope sehr spezifisch untersucht. Die Migration der Mehrzahl der eingetragenen Radionuklide findet, infolge ihrer Einbindung in Metall-Organische-Chelat-Komplexe, gekoppelt an die Umsatzprozesse der organischen Substanz und deren Tiefenverlagerung durch Mikroorganismen statt. Auf diese Weise ist der Migrationspfad von Organikmolekülen während ihres Abbau- bzw. Umwandlungsprozesses durch atmosphärisch eingetragene Radionuklide markiert. In Verbindung mit dem Zeitgesetz des radioaktiven Zerfalls und der Eintragsmodalitäten der Radionuklide wurden Datierungen zur Widerspiegelung der zeitlichen Abläufe von Bodenprozessen durchgeführt. Das so ermittelte Alter organischer Horizonte stellt ein Maß für die Abbaugeschwindigkeit des organischen Materials dar.

50 Jahre Nukleare Analytik in Rossendorf – interdisziplinäre Forschung und Dienstleistungen / 50 Years Radioanalytical Chemistry in Rossendorf – Interdisciplinary Research and Service

Niese, Siegfried 01 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die Nukleare Analytik begann in Rossendorf im Jahr 1957 mit der Anwendung der Indikatormethode für Verteilungsuntersuchungen im Zusammenhang mit der Verarbeitung bestrahlter Kernbrennstoffe. Nach Inbetriebnahme des Forschungsreaktors stand die Entwicklung und Anwendung der Aktivierungsanalyse zur Untersuchung von Halbleitermaterialen sowie geologischer und medizinischer Proben im Mittelpunkt. Zur Verbesserung der Nachweisgrenze von Radionukliden wurden Koinzidenzverfahren entwickelt und eine unterirdische Messkammer eingerichtet. Nach Stilllegung des Forschungsreaktors wurde die Radioaktivität in der Umgebung des ehemaligen Uranbergbaues, in Materialien aus dem Rückbau von Reaktoren und anderen Kernanlagen und anderen natürlichen und technischen Proben bestimmt. / In 1957 the work in radioanalytical chemistry has been started in Rossendorf with the application of the tracer method for investigation of the distribution of nuclides in reprocessing of nuclear fuels. After put into operation of the research reactor the development and application of activation analysis became the main topic. For improvement of the detection limits of radionuclides coincidence methods has been developed and an underground counting room was build. After shut down of the research reactor the radioactivity in the environment of the former uranium mining, and in materials from the decommissioning of reactors and other nuclear equipments and further natural and industrial samples.

231Pa-230Th-Verhältnisse im Auftriebsgebiet vor Südwest-Afrika ein Tracer für Paläoproduktivität und Ozeanzirkulation? /

Reuter, Sibylle. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2003--Heidelberg.

Plynné výpusti 14C z ETE / Gasseous effluents of 14C from NPP Temelín

JANOVSKÝ, Daniel January 2007 (has links)
Within the presented thesis there were collected data of effluents of 14C chemical forms from ventilation stacks of the Unit 1, the Unit 2 and the Auxiliary Building of the Temelin NPP for the period from 2001 to 2006. These data are compared to power of both reactors and concentration of ammonium ions in coolant of the primary circuit of the Unit 1 and Unit 2.

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