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Zlomeniny distálního radia jako závažný geronto-traumatologický problém a možnosti jeho řešení / Fractures of the distal radius as serious geronto-traumatology problem and its possible solutionsPacovský, Vladimír January 2014 (has links)
Fractures of the distal radius are the most common fractures treated at our clinics . It accounts for around 16 % of all fractures. Most often we meet them in two age groups - children and especially in postmenopausal women. In this group the fractures are frequently associated with osteoporosis. The most common cause of fracture is a fall on the outstretched extremity. Together with fractures of the proximal humerus, proximal femur and vertebral fractures they are the most common gerontotraumatologic fractures. The frequency of fractures of the distal radius gradually increasing. The reason is the increasing average age of the population and their active way of life. Our group consists of 5,359 patients treated for a fracture of the distal radius in 1998 and from 2001 to 2013 . During this time , the frequency of fractures increased by 19,7%. For women with distal radius fractures occur 3 times more frequently, the average age of treated was 59,1 years. About 80 % of distal radius fractures are treated conservatively. The surgical treatment of seniors decide not only the type and stability of the fracture, bone quality, but especially the overall condition of the patient and his claims to a final functional outcome. Long-term functional results after conservative treatment in the elderly are nearly the...
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Synthesis and characterization of aliphatic hyperbranched polyestersVuković, Jasna 22 November 2006 (has links)
Two series of aliphatic hyperbranched (HB) polyesters have been synthesized from 2,2-bis(hydroxymethyl)propionic acid and di-trimethylolpropane using pseudo-one-step or one-step procedure. The structure and properties of these HB polyesters, investigated with different characterization techniques in solution, melt and solid state, were compared between each other, with commercial Boltorn HB polyesters and samples obtained by modification of the end -OH groups with ß-alanine or stearic acid. Seven HB polyesters were fractionated in order to obtain three fractions of each sample. The experimental results obtained from NMR spectroscopy, acid and hydroxyl number titration, GPC, vapour pressure osmometry, MALDI TOF and ESI mass spectrometry indicate that during the synthesis reactivity of terminal and linear -OH groups was not the same and that side reactions occurred in significant amount, which led to the lowering of the number average molar mass and broadening of the molar mass distribution. According to the results obtained from viscosimetry of diluted solutions and dynamic light scattering the best solvents for these HB polyesters are 0.7 mass % solution of LiCl in N,N-dimethylacetamide and N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinon (NMP). The limiting viscosity number and the hydrodynamic radius of the samples increase up to the sixth pseudo generation in these two solvents. Investigated HB polyesters behave as Newtonian liquids in concentrated solutions (c < 50 mass % in NMP) at T < 55 °C. The same was observed for the samples from fourth till sixth pseudo generation in melt at T > 70 °C. At all other experimental conditions used in this work these polymers show shear-thinning behaviour due to the high ability for the aggregation. Thermal stability of investigated HB polyesters increases with increasing number of the pseudo generation. The influence of the procedure for the synthesis and type of end groups on the properties of these polymers is discussed.
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Autentizace a autorizace uživatele v počítačových sítích nové generace / User Authentication and Autorization for New Generation NetworksPřibyl, Radek Unknown Date (has links)
This document describes methods of user authentication and authorisation via a trusted server. There is analysis of the system Kerberos, which is used as an inspiration for desing of a new authentication scheme. There are analysed programming layers and interfaces for specific applications ensuring user authentication and authorisation. The document contains a design and detailed description of a new authentication scheme. This scheme is implemented into the communication between email client and imap server.
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Tooth Cusp Radius of Curvature as a Dietary Correlate in PrimatesBerthaume, Michael Anthony 01 September 2013 (has links)
Tooth cusp radius of curvature (RoC) has been hypothesized to play an important role in food item breakdown, but has remained largely unstudied due to difficulties in measuring and modeling RoC in multicusped teeth. We tested these hypotheses using a parametric model of a four cusped, maxillary, bunodont molar in conjunction with finite element analysis. When our data failed to support existing hypotheses, we put forth and tested the Complex Cusp Hypothesis which states that, during brittle food items breakdown, an optimally shaped molar would be maximizing stresses in the food item while minimizing stresses in the enamel. After gaining support for this hypothesis, we tested the effects of relative food item size on optimal molar morphology and found that the optimal set of RoCs changed as relative food item size changed. However, all optimal morphologies were similar, having one dull cusp that produced high stresses in the food item and three cusps that acted to stabilize the food item.
We then set out to measure tooth cusp RoC in several species of extant apes to determine if any of the predicted optimal morphologies existed in nature and whether tooth cusp RoC was correlated with diet. While the optimal morphologies were not found in apes, we did find that tooth cusp RoC was correlated with diet and folivores had duller cusps while frugivores had sharper cusps. We hypothesize that, because of wear patterns, tooth cusp RoC is not providing a mechanical advantage during food item breakdown but is instead causing the tooth to wear in a beneficial fashion. Next, we investigate two possible relationships between tooth cusp RoC and enamel thickness, as enamel thickness plays a significant role in the way a tooth wears, using CT scans from hundreds of unworn cusps. There was no relationship between the two variables, indicating that selection may be acting on both variables independently to create an optimally shaped tooth. Finally, we put forth a framework for testing the functional optimality in teeth that takes into account tooth strength, food item breakdown efficiency, and trapability (the ability to trap and stabilize a food item).
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Comparing Groundwater Drawdown with Estimated Influence Radius – A Case Study of Infrastructural Projects in Sweden / Jämförelse av grundvattenavsänkning med uppskattat påverkansområde – Fallstudier av svenska infrastrukturprojektDruid, Staffan January 2022 (has links)
Infrastructural projects may sometimes require excavation of soils and the groundwater table to be lowered, temporarily or permanently. As there are risks in connection to groundwater lowering, the extent of the affected area is of interest. The distance from the source of the drawdown to the point of unaffected groundwater table is known as the influence radius, and can be analytically estimated by a number of formulas, using input based on aquifer properties. Using data from two infrastructural projects in Sweden, the formulas could be evaluated in respect to groundwater level measurements and actual influence radius. The aim of this study was to compare different the results of the formulas to observed drawdown, as well as to evaluate the sensitivity of the formulas, i.e. how changes in input yielded changes in influence radius. Data from the two projects were used as input to the formulas, where the output could be compared to time series of groundwater table measurements in order to evaluate the accuracy of each specific formulas in each case. The sensitivity analysis was carried out by changing the values of the input data, one parameter at a time within a range of typical values, and evaluating the change that occurred. The evaluation was made by comparisons between the original calculation of influence radius and the new set of influence radii, calculated by changes in input parameters. A large change in the value of influence radius indicate a high sensitivity and vice versa. The calculated influence radii varied largely between the two cases, and no clear result as to the accuracy of the formulas could be seen. What this implies is that the choice of formula when estimating influence radius matters greatly, and that a few different formulas should be used if the input data is available. For greater knowledge of the suitability of the formulas, a greater number of case should be investigated, but overall the theoretically derived formulas, with a greater number of input parameters, seem to be more reliable. The sensitivity analysis showed that a certain formula could have different sensitivities, depending on the magnitude of the input – a small change on the low part of the input range could have a greater change on the influence radius than a large change at the high part of the influence range. When making estimations, it’s thus a good practice to use a range of input values, i.e. minimum and maximum values, for a better estimation of influence radius. Hydraulic conductivity is a particularly important parameter when calculating the influence radius, and is oftentimes hard to determine exactly. Using a safety margin for the input when using the formulas is a good method for a better understanding of the extent of the influence radius. While hard to determine a single parameter associated with a high uncertainty, the empirical formulas did exhibit a larger sensitivity than the theoretical, further promoting the use of theoretical formulas in general when possible, and Theims (confined) well equation in particular, regardless of the aquifer type. / Många byggnadsprojekt kan kräva att marken grävs upp, där exempelvis ledningar, grundläggning för byggnader eller vägar ska anläggas. Det finns risk för att en sådan anläggning går ned under grundvattenytan, eller att arbetsförhållandena kräver att grundvattenytan sänks, tillfälligt eller permanent. En sänkt grundvattenyta kan riskera sprida sig till omgivande mark, beroende på markens egenskaper. Exempel på skador som kan uppstå från en sänkt grundvattenyta är sämre funktion eller kapacitet i brunnar samt sättningar i byggnader som är grundlagda på sättningskänslig mark. Det är således av stort intresse att känna till hur stort område som kan påverkas av sänkt grundvattenyta omkring den sänkning som anläggningen kräver. Det område som påverkas av sänkta grundvattennivåer kallas för influensområde, och det avstånd från anläggningen till opåverkade nivåer kallas följaktligen influensradie. Detta eftersom avståndet som influeras av grundvattensänkningen ofta antas ske jämnt i alla riktningar från en punkt. Influensradien kan uppskattas med hjälp av ett stort antal matematiska formler som använder sig av grundvattenmagasinets och områdets egenskaper (parametrar). Formlerna är i många fall lika, men kan ge väldigt olika resultat. I dagsläget saknas konsensus om vilken eller vilka metoder som är bäst lämpade för att bestämma influensområdet, eller hur de skiljer sig åt i samma sammanhang. Med hjälp av data från två infrastrukturprojekt i Sverige utvärderades formlernas lämplighet och användbarhet till att uppskatta en viss influensradie. Formlernas beräknade värde på influensradie jämfördes med mätningar av grundvattennivåer och kunde på så sätt utvärderas i relation till en faktisk influensradie. Syftet med detta arbete var dels att jämföra utfallen av formlerna mot den faktiska influensradien, samt att undersöka formlernas känslighet, d.v.s. hur ändringar i indata gav förändringar i utfallet. Känslighetsanalysen genomfördes genom att ändra värden på indata, en parameter i taget inom ett spann av typiska värden för grundvattenmagasinet, och utvärdera förändringen som uppstod. Utvärderingen gjordes genom jämförelse mellan den ursprungliga influensradien och de nya influensradier som uppstod med förändrad indata. En stor förändring i influensradie indikerar stor känslighet och vice versa. Resultaten från utvärderingen av formlerna skilde sig åt mellan de två fallen, och något entydigt resultat om bäst lämpade formler gick inte att se utifrån den tillgängliga datan. Däremot gav olika formler både under- och överskattningar för samma uppsättning indata, vilket visar på att valet av formel vid uppskattning spelar stor roll, och att det är säkrast att göra uppskattningen för ett par olika formler om indata är tillgänglig. För större kännedom kring formlernas lämplighet kan fler fall utvärderas, men det tycks finnas en viss fördel för de formler som är teoretiskt härledda och tar hänsyn till fler egenskaper av grundvattenmagasinet. Känslighetsanalysen visade att en parameter kan ha olika stor påverkan på känsligheten beroende på inom vilket spann rimliga värden på parametern finns. Att göra beräkningar med ett max- och min-värde är således en bra metod för att få reda på ungefär vilken influensradie som kan väntas utifrån beräkningar. Hydraulisk konduktivitet (genomsläpplighet) är en i synnerhet viktig parameter vid beräkning av influensradie som dessutom är svår att bestämma med stor säkerhet. Med hjälp av en viss säkerhetsmarginal kan influensområdet bättre förstås. Även om det är svårt att urskilja någon enskild parameter som i synnerhet känslig verkar det som att de empiriska formlerna är mer känsliga än de teoretiska. Detta styrker ytterligare ett användande av teoretiska formler generellt, och i synnerhet Theims brunnsekvation (för slutna akviferer), oavsett vilken typ av akvifer som beräkningen utförs för.
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Noise Control of Vacuum-Assisted ToiletsRose, Michael Thomas 23 April 2019 (has links)
Vacuum-assisted toilets make use of a large pressure difference between the ambient pressure and a vacuum tank to transport waste from the toilet bowl to the septic tank. This process requires 98% less water per flush making it an attractive product for transport vehicles such as airplanes, cruise ships, and trains. Unfortunately, the water savings come at the cost of high noise levels. This thesis investigates the acoustic characteristics of a vacuum-assisted toilet flush and several methods to reduce the radiated noise. Some methods include changing rinse parameters such as rinse pressure, rinse length, and rinse timing, adding structural damping of the bowl to reduce re-radiation, inserting a tube between the bowl and valve that utilizes a larger bend radius and longer tube length than what is currently installed, and modifying the valve. The most effective solution without requiring more water per flush was to insert a tube. The initial peak level was reduced by 16 dB and the steady-vacuum noise was reduced by 5 dB. Evidence of evanescent decay and reduced flow velocity as possible mechanisms for the noise reduction are presented and discussed. Rinse variations show a strong impact of the rinse-tube interaction on the noise reduction. In addition to these techniques, a modified flush plate opening and closing velocity profile is suggested which optimizes the sound generated by the opening and closing of the valve. Finally, a promising dual-valve solution that may take extra coordination of vacuum-assisted toilet manufacturers and airplane/cruise ship/train manufacturers is presented. By placing a secondary valve near the septic tank, the main noise from the valve is significantly reduced.
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Физическая реабилитация после перелома лучевой кости в типичном месте с использованием механотерапии с биологической обратной связью : магистерская диссертация / Physical rehabilitation after tyical radius fracture with the use of biofeedback mechanotheratyКочина, В. Р., Kochina, V. R. January 2019 (has links)
Учитывая высокую распространенность травм верхней конечности, в настоящее время существует необходимость разработки методики реабилитации после перелома лучевой кости в типичном месте, которая позволит существенно сократить сроки восстановления трудоспособности, улучшит качество жизни пациентов и будет способствовать их психическому благополучию. Внедрение данной методики должно иметь высокую эффективность по сравнению с традиционными способами, используемыми в большинстве медицинских учреждений. Цель исследования: обосновать эффективность использования инновационных средств физической реабилитации. В исследовании приняло участие 30 человек с диагнозом – перелом лучевой кости в типичном месте. По результатам исследования была разработана эффективная комплексная методика для реабилитации после перелома лучевой кости в типичном месте. Разработаны рекомендации для врачей и специалистов физической реабилитации по внедрению программы восстановления после перелома лучевой кости в типичном месте. / Taking into consideration high prevalence of upper extremities injuries, there is a particular demand on development of effective methods of physical rehabilitation after typical radius fracture. This will enable significantly decrease the recovery time, improve quality of life and will promote psychological health of patients. Implementation of the proposed method will be more effective in comparison with traditional methods used in medical departments at the moment. The aim of the study is to justify effectiveness of innovative physical rehabilitation methods. Thirty patients with typical radius fracture were recruited for the study. The obtained research enabled to develop effective complex methodic for rehabilitation after radius fracture in typical place. Guidelines and recommendations for healthcare practitioners and physical rehabilitation specialists were proposed for implementation of this methodic in patients after radius fractures in typical place.
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Estimating the Optimal Extrapolation Parameter for Extrapolated Iterative Methods When Solving Sequences of Linear SystemsAnderson, Curtis James January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Direct Numerical Simulation of Liquid Transport Through Fibrous Porous MediaPalakurthi, Nikhil Kumar 10 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Predictions of Radius Bending Strength by Radius Stiffness, Mineral, and Ulna Mechanical PropertiesNelson, McKenzie Louise 22 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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