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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Word-final imaala in contemporary Levantine Arabic : a case of language variation and change

Durand, Emilie Pénélope 12 July 2011 (has links)
The phenomenon of word-final imaala, or taa-marbuuTa raising, in the Levantine dialects of Arabic was well documented about 50 years ago by renowned Arabists who described the phenomenon as a purely phonological one. Today, after some major historical and sociological changes have taken place in Arab societies, this feature deserves to be revisited since this might shed some light on the processes of language change in those societies. The scope of this paper is to look into the issue of word-final imaala in contemporary Levantine Arabic (specifically after raa) through a wide lens, and to establish 1) whether there are patterns governing the production of taa marbuuTa after raa, and 2) whether the existing phonological rules account for all instances of word-final imaala as they appear in the speech of Levantine speakers nowadays. In order to do that, instances of all word tokens ending in -ra were extracted from 252 phone conversations recorded in 2004 and found in the LDC Levantine database. Those tokens were analyzed and the word-forms they represent were divided based on whether they exhibit any instances on word-final imaala. It soon became clear that the existing sound rules cannot account for all current instances of taa-marbouTa raising. Two main factors were identified as having a possible effect on the production of taa marbuuTa after raa: word frequency and phonological word classes. Because of a lack of speaker-related information in the database coupled with some imaala-related discrepancies found in the transcriptions of the conversations, it was impossible to determine the exact social meaning(s) of word-final imaala in Levantine communities. However, this study shows that enough changes have taken place since the 1960’s in terms of taa-marbuuTa raising, to consider it a case of language change in progress. This study also establishes some hypotheses which can be used as the base for a future sociolinguistic study whose scope will be to assign social meaning to word-final imaala in Levantine dialects. / text


Brook, Benjamin Nathan, 1913- January 1972 (has links)
No description available.

Religijų dialogas ir tolerancijos ugdymas / Inter-religious dialogue and raising of tolerance

Sereičikas, Gražvydas 24 September 2008 (has links)
Darbe analizuotas religijų dialogas ir jo plėtotei būtina sąlyga - tolerancijos buvimas. Globalėjančiame pasaulyje tolerancijos ugdymas padeda įgyvendinti teisingumą, taikų įvairių religijų sugyvenimą. Šiandieninė religijų dialogo situacija Lietuvoje atskleidžiama, analizuojant Bažnyčios Susirinkimų dokumentus, Lietuvos Respublikos įstatymus, vyriausybės nutarimus, Švietimo ir mokslo ministerijos patvirtintas bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų programas. Apžvelgiamas Lietuvos religinių bendruomenių indėlis į tarpusavio toleranciją, kuri vykdoma ekumeninio judėjimo pagrindu.Aptartos teorinės ir praktinės konfesijų dialogo suderinamumo kliūtys, ištirta moksleivių nuostata tarpreliginio dialogo ir tolerancijos klausimu. Atkreiptas dėmesys į visuomenės religinio bei etinio švietimo būtinumą ir galimybes vertybių pervertinimo situacijoje. / A dialogue and the necessary condition for its development – the presence of tolerance were analyzed in this work. In today’s world of globalization the raising of tolerance is helpful in implementing justice and peaceful living in concord among the religions. The present situation of the dialogue between religions in Lithuania is revealed by analyzing the documentation of Church Assemblies, the laws of the Lithuanian Republic, the governmental legal acts, the secondary school curriculums confirmed by the Ministry of Education and Science. The work is also reviewing the input of the Lithuanian religious communities into common tolerance, which is performed on the basis of ecumenical movement. The theoretical and practical compatibility obstacles of the confessions’ dialogue are discussed as well as pupils’ attitude towards the issue of inter-religious dialogue and tolerance is investigated. The attention is paid on the necessity of religious and ethic education in the society and the possibilities of the reassessment of values in this situation.

(R)Evolution Toward Harmony: A Re/Visioning of Female Teen Being in the World : The Un/Layering of Self Through Hatha Yoga / Revolution Toward Harmony: A Revisioning of Female Teen Being in the World : The Unlayering of Self Through Hatha Yoga

Kyte, Darlene 02 May 2014 (has links)
This work is a collectivist engagement between researcher and participants in a knowledge quest for self-hood through engaged bodily awareness and sense. The world of the teen girl is explored from a philosophical, social, and political perspective that emphasizes expression of self through embodied knowing and being. The process is performative where yoga is used as an arts-based method to explore the self through bodily awareness. The body is reclaimed as a way to know oneself. Yoga is the expression of the living, being, and knowing body. The asana practice, the still of meditation, and the flow of the breath are emancipatory discourse where each of us moves, changes, and grows; and ultimately becomes. This becoming is a consciousness raising experience that finds and grows voice. The transformative process engages a physical expression where participants’ and researcher’s individual sense of self is connected with their universal sense of self hereby replacing current patterns of harmful thinking with new consciousness that is reflective of self awareness and realization. Found poetry is used to explore the experience of the participants. The poetic representation brings the reader into the world of the teen girl. Voices that have been secret and silenced are celebrated. The body is the instrument through which power and ownership of the moment and the self are expressed through emotion and experience. The participants and researcher move collectively and intuitively from passive objects to self-knowing subjects; subjects who are thoroughly engaged in the world and aware of their highest potential as liberated selves. The findings of this collectivist and activist research approach indicate that embodied engagements elicit the space where flesh speaks and external and internal become unified as one. Yoga is an artful, embodied expression that is about experiencing the world without being enslaved by the world. This is not a passive engagement but an activist engagement that challenges hegemonic ideas of girls in the world and in the world of a girl. This further embraces the idea of the unity of whole-self and mind-body interconnectedness where we are not passive observers of the body with awareness of self located in the head watching over the body as object. Subject and object as separate dissolve and mindfulness is the present. The end result is one where we become; we become fully engaged in a creative and fluid self-hood enabling self-knowledge, self-acceptance, and self-love. / Graduate / 0727 / 0525 / 0273 / kyte_d@yahoo.ca

Romanian Dative Clitic Dependencies in Raising Constructions

Geber, Dana 19 July 2011 (has links)
The goal of this work is to provide an account of dative clitic dependencies in constructions with raising verbs such as to seem in Romanian. Dative clitic experiencers as quirky subjects and dative clitics in clitic left dislocation (CLLD) constructions are discussed from a syntactic point of view and experimentally tested in a psycholinguistics study. The study contributes to current innovations in the Minimalist Program, presenting new perspectives on Romanian clitic dependencies in raising constructions partially addressed in earlier generative grammar. This study poses new questions regarding raising, the intervention effects of dative clitic experiencers, and the effects of clitic dependencies in ditransitive constructions. Chapter II presents an overview of Romanian raising constructions without dative experiencers. I show that Romanian possesses three raising constructions, based on the type of the embedded clause: subjunctive, infinitive, and indicative. Each of these has three potential locations for the nominative subject, argued to be generated in the embedded clause. Formal mechanisms such as Long Distance and Multiple Agree, Movement, Case and EPP are considered independent of one another. Dative clitic experiencers in raising constructions, analyzed in Chapter III, are claimed to be quirky subjects and to structurally occupy the highest position in the sentence. Having established the role of dative clitic experiencers, I discuss raising constructions involving dative experiencers generated and/or surfacing in various positions, and their effects on operations such as Agree and Move. I then discuss Experiencer Islands, formed by matrix and embedded experiencers in the same utterance, and present the contexts in which they occur. A Grammaticality Judgment Test confirms the existence of such restriction in Romanian. Furthermore, I present an analysis of Experiencer Islands and discuss observed exceptions to the restriction. Dative clitic dependencies such as CLLD constructions and Long Distance CLLD Constructions are also analyzed in this thesis. The experimental study presented in Chapter IV supports theoretical claims and demonstrates that Romanian speakers are aware of dative clitic dependencies, such as clitic experiencer dependencies and clitic dependencies in CLLD constructions, possess the grammatical knowledge of biclausal constructions involving dative clitic dependencies and have the ability to recognize such dependencies.

(R)Evolution Toward Harmony: A Re/Visioning of Female Teen Being in the World : The Un/Layering of Self Through Hatha Yoga / Revolution Toward Harmony: A Revisioning of Female Teen Being in the World : The Unlayering of Self Through Hatha Yoga

Kyte, Darlene 02 May 2014 (has links)
This work is a collectivist engagement between researcher and participants in a knowledge quest for self-hood through engaged bodily awareness and sense. The world of the teen girl is explored from a philosophical, social, and political perspective that emphasizes expression of self through embodied knowing and being. The process is performative where yoga is used as an arts-based method to explore the self through bodily awareness. The body is reclaimed as a way to know oneself. Yoga is the expression of the living, being, and knowing body. The asana practice, the still of meditation, and the flow of the breath are emancipatory discourse where each of us moves, changes, and grows; and ultimately becomes. This becoming is a consciousness raising experience that finds and grows voice. The transformative process engages a physical expression where participants’ and researcher’s individual sense of self is connected with their universal sense of self hereby replacing current patterns of harmful thinking with new consciousness that is reflective of self awareness and realization. Found poetry is used to explore the experience of the participants. The poetic representation brings the reader into the world of the teen girl. Voices that have been secret and silenced are celebrated. The body is the instrument through which power and ownership of the moment and the self are expressed through emotion and experience. The participants and researcher move collectively and intuitively from passive objects to self-knowing subjects; subjects who are thoroughly engaged in the world and aware of their highest potential as liberated selves. The findings of this collectivist and activist research approach indicate that embodied engagements elicit the space where flesh speaks and external and internal become unified as one. Yoga is an artful, embodied expression that is about experiencing the world without being enslaved by the world. This is not a passive engagement but an activist engagement that challenges hegemonic ideas of girls in the world and in the world of a girl. This further embraces the idea of the unity of whole-self and mind-body interconnectedness where we are not passive observers of the body with awareness of self located in the head watching over the body as object. Subject and object as separate dissolve and mindfulness is the present. The end result is one where we become; we become fully engaged in a creative and fluid self-hood enabling self-knowledge, self-acceptance, and self-love. / Graduate / 0727 / 0525 / 0273 / kyte_d@yahoo.ca

我國長期照護政策之財源籌措方式探討 / A Study on Financing Methods of Long-term Care Policy in Taiwan

蘇品心, Su, Pin Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於家庭型態急速變遷,受少子女化現象、公共衛生發展、疾病之有效控制,及科技醫療發達等影響,全球人口高齡化現象日益顯著。根據內政部統計統計,我國截至2012年止,老年人口所佔比率,已大幅攀升至11.15%,該現象顯示未來,老年生活之經濟安全保障,已成為國內重大社會課題之一,而政府為了加強老人福利服務、醫療照護與保健等,近幾年來更是積極規劃「長期照護」等相關政策。 在我國,「長期照護」主要係指針對缺乏自我照顧能力者,提供健康與社會照顧之服務,雖然各年齡層人口均有發生長期照顧需要之風險,惟老人係照護服務需求之主要族群;由於照護時間往往漫長且無法預期,其成本往往超出家庭成員可負擔之範圍,普遍認為需由政府積極介入;惟中央財政缺口日深,舉債額度業逼公債法之上限,如何籌措財源即成為首要之務,按政府目前規劃方向,係朝開辦單一制之社會保險因應。 然而,我國已開辦之社會保險種類繁多,根據立法院預算評估報告,勞保、退撫、國民年金保險三大退休保險基金財務缺口總額已逾台幣八兆元,且持續惡化中,如今再將全民強制納入長期照護之被保險對象,是否適當有待商榷,且長期照護保險未來開辦後,若仍維持「高給付、低費率」之設計,恐落入相同財政困境,使負債世代移轉問題日益嚴重,且影響基金永續經營。 況且,如何說服所有民眾願意繳納長達數十年之長照保險費,直至「有可能發生」身心功能障礙,且持續達六個月以上時,始得被列為長期照護服務之對象,獲取保險給付及相關補助等,亦是項艱難的任務;另外,開辦後對於國內經濟將產生之影響與衝擊,更須妥為評估。 本研究將以目前已開辦之社會保險經營現況、國家財政、經濟發展情況及各界觀點等為切入點,佐以他國實施之經驗為參考,並就各種財源籌措方式之優缺點,以及社會民眾之接受度等,討論我國長期照護財源籌措較可行之方式。 / Globally, population aging has become an increasing trend in recent years due to rapid changes in family patterns, low fertility rate, development of public health and effective control of diseases, and advanced medical technology. According to local statistics, as of 2012, Taiwan’s elderly population has substantially increased to 11.15%. This denotes the future economic security of old people which has become one of the major social issues in Taiwan. In recent years, the government has also actively implemented policies relating to “long-term care” in order to strengthen welfare services, nursing and medical care for the elderly. In Taiwan, “long-term care” means to provide health and social care for dependent-care patients. Old people are the primary focus of care services, although people of all ages are likewise at risk of requiring long-term care. Given the long-term and unexpected time involved in care giving as well as the high expense that families could incur, the government is actively considering a social insurance system. With the increasing gap between the national budget and the debt limit which affects the law governing government bonds, raising funds has become a priority. To establish a unitary social insurance system is the current direction that the government wants to take. However, Taiwan has already established various forms of social insurance. Based on reports from the legislatures’ budget and assessment, there is a financial gap in three major pension funds including labor protection, civil service pension and national annuity insurance, which has exceeded NTD 8 trillion and is constantly getting worse. Recently, there was an issue whether to require everyone to apply insurance with long-term care. By implementing a long-term care insurance in the future, there would be a constant need to maintain a “high pay, low rate” package that could possibly lead to a similar fiscal difficulty, which would increasingly aggravate the transfer of debt from generation to generation, affecting sustainable operation of the fund. It is also difficult to persuade people to pay insurance premium for decades until physical and mental problems occur and last for over 6 months. It is only during this period that people can avail long-term care services and receive compensation and subsidy. The effect and impact of introducing this form of insurance on the domestic economy needs to be further evaluated. With an established social insurance management status, the national budget, the economy and opinions from all members of society as well as experience of other countries should be considered as a starting point or reference in initiating such plans. This study discusses potential measures for long-term fund raising based on the advantages and disadvantages of various fund raising measures as well as social acceptance.

BOT計劃透過資產證券化籌資之個案研究 / A case study of the fund raising through asset Securitization for BOT project

蘇琪君, Su, Chi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
投資計畫和融資決策間存在強烈的連動關係,因此近年來推動新金融商品以為籌資來源在全球資本市場上蔚為風潮,資產證券化便是相當受到重視的新金融工具。 資產證券化(Asset Securitization)最早由美國投資銀行家 Ranieri, Lewis R.於1977年接受《華爾街日報》記者採訪時提出。有別於傳統的融資工具,資產證券化可靈活的設計出不同的架構來滿足不同融資者的需求,在各國也有不同的制度設計以適應不同國家的經濟、法律和社會環境。 由於資產證券化在歐美已行之有年,我國政府為與國際金融接軌,促進金融國際化、自由化及多元化,也展開對資產證券化商品的推動。繼1996年率先頒佈「信託法」、2000年「信託業法」作為資產證券化的鋪路法源後,2002年7月公佈實施「金融資產證券化條例」、2003年7月公佈實施「不動產證券化條例」,而「金融資產證券化條例施行細則」及「不動產證券化條例施行細則」等相關子法也分別於2003年8月、2003年12月陸續公佈實施,國內銀行與證券商等相關業者均相當看好這塊新金融市場之潛力。雖然國內已有金融資產證券化商品及不動產資產信託、不動產投資信託商品,但金融資產證券化商品目前仍以企業貸款、債券貸款及住宅抵押貸款為主要證券化標的,仍有開發新資產基礎的空間。 因應在金融海嘯後,國內政府陸續推出四年5,000億振興經濟擴大公共建設投資計畫及愛台十二項建設等計劃,如同國際潮流,政府諸多公共建設投資計劃中多個項目即規劃採用BOT、BOO、ROT或OT等模式發包予民間投資人。在內部及外在環境條件均有利於民間機構參與公共建設的狀況下,對於參與BOT或BOO的民間機構而言,最關切的問題便是資金的來源與規劃。 本研究以發展環境資源相關BOT案的個案公司為研究基礎,分別以BOT專案計劃本身財務規劃的角度出發之單一資產證券化;及以BOT資產組合透過信託基金方式籌資以募集資金池,支應個案公司長期發展BOT業務的資金來源等兩個方向,探討個案公司以BOT資產為基礎的籌資建議,以為個案公司多元化籌資之參考。 / Investment plan and financing decision have strong feedback relationship. Hence, promote creative financial instruments as the source of funds raising becomes widespread in global capital market in recent years. Asset securitization is regarded as a new and potential financial instrument. The idea of asset securitization was brought up earliest by the American investment banker, Mr. Ranieri Lewis R. while interviewed by “The Wall Street Journal " reporter in 1977. Different from the traditional financing instruments, the request from various financing requirements can be satisfied by issuing asset securitization with the feasibility arrangements of transaction structure. And distinct systems have been structured to get with the local economic, legal and society environment in different countries. Assets securitization has already implemented for a long time in America and Europe. In order to integrate with the global finance market and promote financial internationalization, liberalization and pluralism, the government launched the push of the assets securitization goods in Taiwan. “Trust Business Law”has been issued in 2000 after sourcing first “Trust Law” in 1996, as law of paving the way to assets of securitization. Continually, the government implemented “Financial Asset Securitization Act” in July of 2002 and promulgated “Clauses of the Real Estate Securitization Act” in July of 2003. Following these rules, such relevant sub laws, “Enforcement Rules of the Financial Asset Securitization Act” and “Enforcement Rules of the Real Estate Securitization Act” were announced in August of 2003 and December of 2003 respectively. Consequently, domestic banks and underwriters had already had an optimistic view of the potentiality of this new financial market. Even though there are already financial asset securitization goods, real estate trust and real estate investment trust goods trading in Taiwan capital market. However, the major financial asset securitization goods are major for Collateralized Loan Obligation (“CLO”), Collateralized Bond Obligation (“CBO”) and Residential Mortgage Backed Securities (“RMBS”). It has to cultivate more new asset types as the asset base for securitization goods. After the financial tsunami, the government speeds up domestic public expenditure, such like “NT$ 500 billion for the Special Act for Expanding Investment in Public Works to Revitalize the Economy” and “The i-Taiwan 12 Projects”, etc.. To keep pace with the international market trend, the government plans to adopt the major projects with the participation of private sectors through BOT, BOO, ROT or OT model. Considering the favorable economy environment for public-private partnership, the most critical issue for BOT or BOO developers is only the sourcing and planning of the fund raising. The study focus on an individual environmental resources company which developing BOT related business. The study proposes two options for the future fund raising of the case company. The single BOT assets securitization or raising trust fund as the capital pool for BOT asset combination should be taken as the capital source alternates for the case company to fulfill its capital requirement.

The effects of social information, social norms and social identity on giving / Yue Shang.

Shang, Yue. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Indiana University, 2008. / Department of Philanthropic Studies, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Advisor(s): Adrian Sargeant, Dwight F. Burlingame, Richard Gunderman, Leslie Lenkowsky. Includes vitae. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 108-131).

Nonprofit board composition and overall organizational effectiveness /

Hammock, Kathryn Ellen, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.P.A.)--Missouri State University, 2008. / "December 2008." Includes bibliographical references (leaves 93-97). Also available online.

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