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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Une analyse descriptive des facteurs pré-crime recensés au sein d'un échantillon d'agresseurs sexuels de femmes

Foisy, Dominic 11 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire avait pour but de dresser un portrait clair et exhaustif des facteurs pré-crime recensés au sein d’un échantillon de 37 agresseurs sexuels de femmes. Cette démarche est intimement liée à l’étude des processus de passage à l’acte des agresseurs sexuels. Dans le cadre d’un programme de prévention de la récidive, les participants avaient à identifier divers événements de vie qui sont survenus au cours des deux années précédant le (ou les) délit(s) de référence et qui ont eu un fort impact émotionnel sur eux. Au total, 339 événements de vie ont été recensés. À chaque événement de vie correspond une chaîne comportementale, celle-ci étant composée de six volets : 1) les « situations spécifiques » constituant l’événement de vie; 2) les « cognitions » associées à cet événement de vie; 3) les « émotions » engendrées par ces cognitions; 4) les « fantaisies » déclenchées par ces émotions; 5) les « comportements » adoptés suite à ces fantaisies; et 6) les « conséquences » ayant résulté de ces comportements. Les données, initialement de nature qualitative, ont ensuite été opérationnalisées afin qu’elles puissent être analysées quantitativement. Nos résultats ont démontré que les conflits conjugaux et la consommation d’alcool et/ou de drogues représentaient les situations les plus fréquemment rapportées au cours de la phase pré-crime. Les cognitions les plus souvent recensées suite à l’événement de vie initial étaient le pessimisme et l’adoption d’une position de victime. L’hostilité, la dépression et l’anxiété constituaient les émotions les plus fréquemment engendrées par le volet cognitif. Les fantaisies les plus souvent déclenchées par le volet émotionnel étaient l’agression sexuelle et la violence physique (non sexuelle). La consommation d’alcool et/ou de drogues et le fait de ne pas exprimer ses émotions, son point de vue ou ses besoins représentaient les comportements les plus fréquemment adoptés suite aux fantaisies. Enfin, les conséquences les plus souvent recensées étaient l’accumulation de cognitions et/ou d’émotions négatives et la présence de fantaisies sexuelles déviantes. / The main objective of this master’s thesis was to provide a clear and exhaustive overview of pre-crime factors identified in a sample of 37 convicted rapists. This approach is closely related to the study of pathways to sexual offending. While undergoing a relapse prevention program, the participants had to identify several emotionally significant life events having occurred within a 2-year period preceding the sexual crime(s) for which they have been convicted. A total of 339 life events were collected. For each life event, there is a 6-step behavioral chain: 1) "specific situations" constituting the life event; 2) "cognitions" associated with these specific situations; 3) "emotional states" initiated by these cognitions; 4) "fantasies" triggered by these emotional states; 5) "behaviors" adopted in response to these fantasies and; 6) "consequences" resulting from these behaviors. Qualitative accounts of the behavioural chains were then quantitatively codified so they can be easily analyzed. Our results showed that specific conflicts with the partner and alcohol and/or drug use were the most frequently reported emotionally significant life events having occurred in the pre-crime phase. The most commonly described cognitions associated with the specific life event situations were pessimism and feeling sorry for oneself (self-pity). Hostility, depression and anxiety were the main feelings characterizing the emotional states initiated by the cognitive processes. Sexual aggression and nonsexual violence were the most prevalent fantasies triggered by the emotional states. Alcohol and/or drug use and not expressing one’s emotions, point of view or needs were the most frequently reported behaviors in response to the fantasies. Finally, the main consequences resulting from one’s behaviors were the accumulation of negative cognitions and/or emotions and the presence of deviant sexual fantasies.

High risk sexual offenders : the association between sexual paraphilias, fantasies and psychopathy

Freimuth, Tabatha 05 1900 (has links)
High risk offenders are a complex and heterogeneous group of offenders about whom researchers, clinicians, and society still know relatively little. In response to the paucity of information that is specifically applicable to high risk offenders, the present study examined RCMP Integrated Sexual Predator Intelligence Network (ISPIN) data to investigate the relationship between sexual paraphilias, sexual fantasy, and psychopathy among 139 of the highest risk sexual offenders in British Columbia. The sample included 41 child molesters, 42 rapists, 18 rapist/molesters, 30 mixed offenders, and 6 “other” sexual offenders. The majority of offenders in this sample were diagnosed with one primary paraphilia (67%). Data analysis revealed significant differences between offender types for criminal history variables including past sexual and nonsexual convictions, number of victims, and age of offending onset. For example, offenders who victimized children (i.e., exclusive child molesters & rapist/molesters) had a greater number of past sexual convictions than did offenders who victimized adults exclusively. Further, there were significant differences between offender types for paraphilia diagnoses, sexual fantasy themes, and levels of psychopathy. For example, exclusive child molesters were significantly more likely to receive a paraphilia diagnosis, were more likely to report having sexual fantasies, and had lower Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R) scores than other offender types. Results from the current study will serve to facilitate a more refined and informed understanding of sexual offending behaviour, with important implications for future research, assessment, and treatment issues, as well as law enforcement practices when working with high risk sexual offenders. / Graduate Studies, College of (Okanagan) / Graduate

Can recidivism be predicted among rapists and pedophiles during their first year of parole in the state of California?

Bogdanoff, Michael Daniel, Hamm, Harvey Darnell 01 January 2000 (has links)
A multi-regression analysis was performed utilizing the variables, age, ethnicity, criminal background, and facets of treatment, but differentiated between the rapist and pedophile, examining the variance of recidivism.

An operational analysis of known rape cases in the greater George area

Pockpas, Mark Lorton 02 1900 (has links)
In an attempt to find more information on the developing of an offender profile through docket analysis, the researcher utilised sources available in the Greater George area, as well as national and international material. The initial idea was to test the general knowledge of the concept “offender” profiling locally, in order to research and later suggest how such a profile of a rape offender could be developed through docket analysis. To establish this, it was important to indicate how offender profiling forms part of the objectives of investigation of crime. The objective – the individualisation of crime – was directly linked to profiling, as it suggests that the crime is an act of a particular person or persons. At the heart of the concept “profiling”, it is suggested that the trademarks of the offender can be deduced by carefully and painstakingly examining the characteristics of the offence. This information can, at a later stage, predict the most likely offender who could have committed the offence. When the odds are against one in the investigation of crime – more specifically, a rape case – the concept and goals of offender profiling should most definitely be considered as a key aid. / Police practice / M. Tech. (Forensic Investigation)

Contexte de vie et facteurs précrime chez des agresseurs sexuels de femmes

Schraenen, Jolaine 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire vise à identifier des profils au sein des processus de passage à l’acte d’agresseurs sexuels de femmes en tenant compte des facteurs prédisposants (deux ans avant le délit) et précipitants (48 heures avant le délit) à l’agression sexuelle. Les facteurs précrime composant le cycle délictuel sont internes et externes à l’agresseur. Notre échantillon est composé de 37 agresseurs sexuels de femmes. Dans le cadre d’un programme de prévention de la récidive, les participants ont identifié l’enchaînement d’éléments découlant d’évènements de vie importants, qui constitue une chaîne comportementale incluant six composantes : 1) évènements de vie ; 2) cognitions ; 3) émotions ; 4) fantaisies ; 5) comportements ; et 6) conséquences. L’ensemble des chaînes comportementales rapportées par un participant compose son cycle délictuel. Nous avons analysé ces cycles délictuels selon une méthode qualitative exploratoire afin de distinguer des similitudes et des divergences entre les participants. Nos résultats ont permis d’identifier trois profils de cycle délictuel : 1) axé sur la sexualité ; 2) axé sur l’antisocialité ; et 3) mixte. La dimension sexuelle se divise également en deux sous-groupes : 1) sexualité déviante ; et 2) sexualité déviante et/ou désinhibée. Les participants au cycle délictuel axé sur la sexualité (n = 17) rapportent des perceptions négatives d’autrui et de la vie, lesquelles sont principalement associées à de l’hostilité et des émotions négatives (ex.: dépression, anxiété). Les agresseurs présentant un cycle délictuel axé sur l’antisocialité (n = 6) rapportent, entre autres, des perceptions négatives de soi, d’autrui et de la vie, et ce, combinées à une valorisation de la déviance. Les émotions associées étaient généralement d’hostilité et négatives. Les délinquants sexuels ayant un cycle délictuel mixte rapportent, entre autres, des perceptions négatives d’autrui et de la vie ainsi qu’une valorisation de la déviance. Une combinaison d’hostilité et d’émotions négatives, ou d’hostilité, d’émotions négatives et positives, découlait de ces cognitions. / The aim of this thesis is to investigate offending process profiles amongst sexual aggressors of women which integrate predisposing factors (two years prior to the offence) and precipitating factors (48 hours prior to the offence). Precrime factors included in offence cycles are internal and external to sexual aggressors. Thirty-seven convicted sex offenders who participated in a relapse prevention group are included in this study. Participants identified important life events. The sequence following these events forms a behavioural chain, which includes: 1) life events; 2) cognitions; 3) emotions; 4) fantasies; 5) behaviours; and 6) consequences. The series of behavioural chains reported by each participant shape his offending process. Offending processes were analyzed based on a qualitative exploratory method to put forward similarities and differences amongst participants. Results suggest three main offending-process profiles: 1) sexuality-oriented; 2) crime-oriented; and 3) mixed (sexuality and crime-oriented). The sexual dimension encompasses two sub-groups: 1) sexual deviance; and 2) deviant and/or disinhibited sexuality. Sexuality-oriented offenders (n = 17) had negative views of others and of life in general, which were associated mainly with hostility and negative emotions (e.g. depression, anxiety). Crime-oriented offenders (n = 6) had various cognitions, including negative views of themselves, of others, and of life in general, as well as cognitions supporting deviance. Following emotions were mainly hostile and negative. Mixed-profile offenders had various cognitions, including negative views of others and of life in general, as well as cognitions supporting deviance. A combination of hostility and negative emotions, or hostility, negative, and positive emotions followed.

An operational analysis of known rape cases in the greater George area

Pockpas, Mark Lorton 02 1900 (has links)
In an attempt to find more information on the developing of an offender profile through docket analysis, the researcher utilised sources available in the Greater George area, as well as national and international material. The initial idea was to test the general knowledge of the concept “offender” profiling locally, in order to research and later suggest how such a profile of a rape offender could be developed through docket analysis. To establish this, it was important to indicate how offender profiling forms part of the objectives of investigation of crime. The objective – the individualisation of crime – was directly linked to profiling, as it suggests that the crime is an act of a particular person or persons. At the heart of the concept “profiling”, it is suggested that the trademarks of the offender can be deduced by carefully and painstakingly examining the characteristics of the offence. This information can, at a later stage, predict the most likely offender who could have committed the offence. When the odds are against one in the investigation of crime – more specifically, a rape case – the concept and goals of offender profiling should most definitely be considered as a key aid. / Police practice / M. Tech. (Forensic Investigation)

La sexualité des agresseurs sexuels de femmes : sont-ils tous obsédés par le sexe?

Langevin, Stéphanie 06 1900 (has links)
Une revue des modèles explicatifs de l’agression sexuelle (développementaux, typologiques, processus de passage à l’acte) permet de mettre en évidence la place centrale occupée par la déviance et l’hypersexualité dans les études portant sur les agresseurs sexuels. L’étude présentée dans ce mémoire investigue la sexualité des agresseurs sexuels de femmes adultes extrafamiliaux sous ses facettes déviantes et non-déviantes afin d’évaluer l’hétérogénéité des styles de vie sexuelle des violeurs. Les caractéristiques psychosexuelles et délictuelles de 160 violeurs incarcérés au Québec (Canada) ont été investiguées. Une analyse de classe latente, suivie d’une analyse factorielle, ont permis d’identifier trois styles de vie sexuelle distincts : le Déviant Internalisé (DI), le Sans Problèmes Sexuels (SPS), et l’Hypersexuel Déviant (HD). Les résultats suggèrent que les DI sont caractérisées par une insatisfaction sexuelle, la déviance sexuelle, ainsi que par la pauvreté de leur vie sexuelle. Les SPS sont caractérisés par une absence de déviance sexuelle et d’hypersexualité. Leurs distorsions cognitives, plutôt que leur style de vie sexuelle, semblent favoriser leur passage à l’acte. Finalement, les agresseurs HD sont caractérisés par l’hypersexualité, de même que par leur déviance sexuelle, lesquels favorisent leurs comportements sexuellement coercitifs. Les implications cliniques et théoriques seront discutées. / A review of the models of sexual offending (developmental, typological, and offending processes) sheds light on the role of sexual deviance and hypersexuality in sexual offending. Consequently, the aim of the study was to investigate the deviant and nondeviant sexuality of extrafamilial sexual aggressors against women in order to evaluate the heterogeneity of their sexual lifestyles. Psychosexual and crime-related characteristics of 160 extrafamilial sexual aggressors against women incarcerated in Quebec (Canada) were analyzed. Latent class analysis, followed by a factor analysis results in the identification of hree distinct sexual lifestyles: Internalized Deviant (ID), No Sexual Problem (NSP), and Hypersexual Deviant (HD). ID aggressors were characterized by sexual dissatisfaction, sexual deviance, and a bland sexual life. NSP aggressors were characterized by the absence of sexual deviance or hypersexuality; their cognitive distortions, rather than their sexual lifestyles, appear to be the basis for their sexual crimes. Finally, HD aggressors were characterized by hypersexuality and sexual deviance, both of which may favour coercive sexual behaviours.

Paraphilic Coercive Disorder : Behavioral Markers and Validity of Diagnostic Criteria

Agalaryan, Anaida 03 1900 (has links)
Le présent projet doctoral vise à considérer les lacunes dans la documentation scientifique sur le Trouble Paraphilique Coercitif (TPC) en mettant l’accent sur la validité des critères diagnostiques proposés pour inclusion dans le DSM-5 et les marqueurs comportementaux. À ce fait, les données archivées d’individus ayant sexuellement agressé des femmes adultes ont été étudiées. La thèse est constituée de trois articles empiriques. Le premier article présente des résultats clés découlant des analyses, élaborés dans les articles subséquents. Le second (N = 47) évalue les fréquences observées du TPC, la validité et l’impact du recours au nombre minimal de victimes comme critère diagnostique, ainsi que les indices prédisant la récidive sexuelle. Le troisième article (N = 52) compare les groupes diagnostiques sur une série de comportements délictuels, tels que les gestes sexuels et les comportements violents, dans le but d’identifier les marqueurs comportementaux associés avec la propension au viol qui pourraient assister dans le processus diagnostique. Dans le même ordre d’idées, nous avons créé des typologies de violeurs à partir des gestes sexuels commis, d’un côté, et des comportements violents, de l’autre côté. Conséquemment, les caractéristiques des typologies ainsi obtenues et leur association avec le TPC furent examinées. Dans l’ensemble, nos résultats ne soutiennent pas le recours au nombre de victimes. Nos données suggèrent que, globalement, les violeurs avec le TPC utilisent un niveau de gestes sexuels plus envahissant et un niveau de violence moindre que les violeurs n’ayant pas ce diagnostic, et que l’exhibitionnisme et l’attouchement pourraient servir de marqueurs comportementaux pour le TPC. En outre, les violeurs avec le TPC sont caractérisés davantage par demande indécente, exhibitionnisme, attouchement, masturbation, tentative de pénétration et pénétration digitale que par pénétration vaginale et sodomie. De plus, ces derniers font moins recours à l’utilisation d’armes, semblent ne pas frapper/donner des coups à la victime et sont caractérisés par la manipulation plutôt que par le recours aux menaces de mort, force excessive et utilisation d’armes. En somme, nos données soulignent la nécessité de s’appuyer sur une combinaison de méthodes d’évaluation afin d’améliorer la validité diagnostique et discriminante du TPC. / The present dissertation aims to address the shortcomings in the current literature on Paraphilic Coercive Disorder (PCD) by focusing on two main objectives: assessing the validity of the diagnostic criteria proposed for inclusion in the DSM-5 and investigating behavioral markers. To this end, archival files of rapists who offended against adult women were studied. The thesis consists of three empirical articles. The first article presents a succinct account of some of the key results emanating from the analyses. The second article (N = 47) examines the observed frequencies of PCD and assesses the validity and impact of relying on minimum number of victims as a diagnostic criterion. Furthermore, a number of variables of interest are examined to determine predictors of sexual recidivism. The third article (N = 52) compares diagnostic groups on a number of offense conduct characteristics – specifically sexual acts and violent behaviors – in an attempt to identify behavioral markers associated with rape-proneness that could aid with the diagnosis of PCD. Similarly, rapist typologies were created by classifying the sample into groups of sex offenders based on their sexual acts, on one hand, and violent behaviors, on the other hand. Consequently, their characteristics and association with PCD were examined. Our results do not support the reliance on number of victims. Our findings suggest that rapists with PCD are more sexually intrusive and resort to less violence overall than sex offenders without such a diagnosis and that exhibitionism and fondling could serve as behavioral markers for PCD. Moreover, rapists with PCD are characterised more by indecent request, exhibitionism, fondling, masturbation, attempted intercourse and digital penetration rather than by intercourse and sodomy. In terms of violent behaviors, rapists with PCD resort less to the use of weapons, seem not to hit their victims, and are likely characterised more by manipulation rather than by the use of death threats, excessive force and weapons. In sum, the present study highlights the necessity of relying on a combination of assessment methods in order to improve diagnostic and discriminant validity of PCD.

Use of the biological body-fluid detection dog for investigation of rape cases

Maharaj, Vishyal 02 1900 (has links)
Serious and violent crime in South Africa (SA) has been on the rise in the last few years. The SAPS has been stretched to the maximum in its efforts of trying to stabilise the situation, and has applied various tactics and strategies to eradicate crime. This included, among other things, changes to the basic training programme and reintroduction of specialised units. The success or failure of any criminal investigation will still often depend on the detection and analysis of physical evidence found on the crime scene. Crimes such as rape will always leave behind physical evidence in the form of body-fluids. The detectives need not be experts in order to detect or analyse this physical evidence, but should be experienced enough to know which experts or investigative aids must be used to ensure maximum recovery of the evidence. The purpose of this study was to determine how the Biological Body-fluid Dog (BBFD) can assist detectives in the investigation of rape cases. The researcher has chosen a unique investigative aid in the form of man’s best friend, namely “The Police K9” (canine). The literature shows that trained police dogs have achieved outstanding success in numerous fields around the world, i.e. from narcotic busts, detection of explosives, to countering terrorist threats, to the most chilling search-and-rescue operations. The SAPS has sent its search-and-rescue dogs to many countries abroad to assist in natural disasters. Dogs have been trained by various police agencies for various purposes, but the BBFD dog is unique to the SAPS, and is trained to detect only human blood and semen. The use of K9s in the complex forensic science environment can never be doubted or overlooked. The main problem facing the Booysens SAPS was the low arrest and conviction rate in rape cases, due to a lack of evidence. The researcher hopes to broaden the detectives’ knowledge and skills regarding the objectives of crime investigation, with special focus on detection of physical evidence at rape crime scenes. The BBFD dog is trained to detect minute amounts of body fluid on any type or size of surface, including veld, bush areas, vehicles, carpets, grass, bedrooms, etc. / Police Practice / M.A. (Criminal Justice)

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