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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamique du nickel et d’autres éléments en traces métalliques (Co, Cr, Cu et Mn) dans des matériaux miniers ultramafiques / Nickel and others trace metal elements (Co, Cr, Cu and Mn) dynamic in ultramafic mining materials

Raous, Sophie 28 January 2011 (has links)
Une solution pour stabiliser les résidus d’extraction minière de latérites nickélifères est de les végétaliser avec des plantes natives de ces sols ultramafiques. L’objectif de cette thèse était d’étudier la réactivité géochimique des stériles miniers nickélifères des massifs de Niquelândia et Barro Alto (Goiás) dans l’optique de mettre en œuvre ce procédé de revégétalisation.La minéralogie et la réactivité des phases porteuses d’ETM dans les stériles ont été déterminées. L’influence du transport et de la composition de la solution au contact du stérile sur la mobilisation du Ni ont ensuite été étudiées par des expériences en colonne saturée et insaturée. Enfin, la comparaison de la composition de la solution circulant dans les sols naturels ultramafiques avec celle circulant dans des parcelles expérimentales de minerais types a permis d’obtenir une première évaluation de l’adaptabilité des plantes aux stériles.Deux phases majeures sont présentes dans les stériles : un matériau garniéritique, principalement composé de smectites ferrifères riches en Ni échangeable (1230 mg kg-1) ; et un matériau limonitique, principalement composé de goethite, pauvre en nickel mobile, mais riche en Cr(VI) échangeable (980 mg kg-1) complexé en sphère interne à la surface des goethites. Goethite et smectite ont servi de modèles pour affiner la détermination des mécanismes impliqués dans la mobilisation du nickel (modélisation PHREEQC). Outre les réactions de complexation de sphère externe et interne cette étude montre que la dissolution des phases minérales (phyllosilicates, oxydes de fer et de manganèse) et l’adsorption des complexes métal-(citrate/EDTA) jouent un rôle important dans la composition de la solution dans les stériles / A way to ensure physical and chemical stability of mining spoils heaps from nickeliferous laterites is to revegetate them using the native vegetation of the ultramafic soils. The aim of this work was to study the geochemical reactivity of nickeliferous mining spoils of Niquelândia and Barro Alto complexes (Goiás) for the further application of such a revegetation process. Mineralogy and reactivity of TME bearing phases in the spoils were determined. The influence of transport and percolating solution composition on the Ni mobilisation were then studied using saturated and unsaturated column experiments. Finally, the comparison of the composition of solution circulating in natural ultramafic soils with those circulating in experimental plots composed of typical mining ores allowed us to have a first evaluation of the adaptability of natural vegetation to spoils. Two main phases are present in the spoils: a garnieritic spoil, mainly composed of ferruginous smectites enriched in exchangeable Ni (1230 mg kg-1); and a limonitic spoil, mainly composed of goethite with little mobile Ni but very high exchangeable Cr(VI) contents (980 mg kg-1) located as outer sphere complexes at the goethite surface. Synthetic goethite and purified smectite served as model phases to refine the characterisation of main reactive mechanisms implied in Ni mobilisation (PHREEQC modelling). Besides outer (smectite, garnierite) and inner (goethite, limonite) sphere complexation reactions, we showed that the dissolution of mineral phases (phylosilicates, goethite and manganese oxides) and the adsorption of metal-citrate or metal-EDTA complexes do have an important role in the composition of the solution circulating in the spoils

Simulation numérique 3D d'Écoulement Multiphysiques Réactifs en Milieux Poreux / 3D Numerical Simulation of Multiphase flow with reactive transport in porous media

Id Moulay, Mohamed 02 December 2019 (has links)
La modélisation du transport réactif est utilisée dans de nombreuses applications énergétiques et environnementales liées aux écoulements souterrains. La modélisation de tels problèmes conduit à un système hautement non linéaire d'EDP couplées à des équations différentielles ordinaires ou algébriques. Deux types d'approches pour la résolution numérique des problèmes de transport réactif sont largement utilisés dans la littérature. L'une est l'approche de séparation des opérateurs qui consiste à découpler les problèmes d'écoulement et de transport réactif. Ces derniers sont résolus séquentiellement à chaque pas de temps. L'autre stratégie est basée sur une approche entièrement couplée dans laquelle le système entier est résolu simultanément. Le but de la thèse de doctorat est le développement d'un schéma implicite en volumes finis pour la modélisation numérique d'écoulements multicomposants monophasiques et diphasiques avec transport réactif en milieu poreux.Deux nouveaux modules de transport réactif seront implémentés dans DuMuX, un simulateur libre pour les problèmes d'écoulements et de transport dans les milieuw poreux. Des simulations numériques bi et tridimensionnels comprenant des benchmarks et du calcul haute performance, seront effectuées pour valider les modules. / Reactive transport modeling is used in many energy and environmental applications related to subsurface flows. Modeling such problems leads to a highly nonlinear system of PDEs coupled with algebraic or ODEs. Two types of approaches for the numerical solving of reactive transport problems are widely used in the literature. One is the operator-splitting approach which consists in splitting the flow and reactive transport problems. These latter are solved sequentially at each time step. The other strategy is based on the fully coupled approach in which the entire system is solved simultaneously. The goal of the PhD thesis is the development of a fully coupled fully implicit finite volume scheme for numerical modeling of single and two-phase multicomponent flows with reactive transport in porous media. New reactive transport modules will be implemented in DuMuX, a free and open-source simulator for flow and transport processes in porous media. Numerical simulations for 2D and 3D including benchmark tests and high performance computing will be performed to validate the modules.

Implémentation des isotopes dans un modèle hydrogéochimique couplé / Implementation of isotopes into coupled hydrogeochemical modeling

Marinoni, Marianna 03 May 2018 (has links)
Ce travail décrit le développement d’un outil de simulation du transport réactif, nommé SpeCTr (Spéciation Cinétique Transport), intégrant le fractionnement isotopique. Ce modèle est obtenu à travers le couplage d’un module décrivant le transport et d’un module décrivant les principales réactions chimiques (approche de séparation d’opérateur). Une grande partie du travail est dédiée à l’amélioration des algorithmes du module décrivant les réactions chimiques pour la résolution des équations de l’équilibre thermodynamique (méthode de Newton Raphson modifiée à travers les techniques du scaling et des Fractions Continues Positives) et du mélange de réactions cinétiques et à l’équilibre (étude sur la formulation et résolution des systèmes d’équations différentielles et différentielles-algébriques). L’outil est validé à travers la résolution de plusieurs tests (batch et transport réactif) et appliqué pour la simulation d’expériences de laboratoire en 1D, 2D et 3D portant sur la dissolution des cristaux de calcite dans une colonne de milieu poreux / The work describes the development of a reactive transport code named SpeCTr (Spéciation Cinétique Transport in French). The code, able to describe isotopic fractionation, is obtained through the coupling of a transport module and a reaction module that describes the main chemical reactions (operator splitting approach). A consistent portion of the work is dedicated to the improvement of the numerical methods employed in the reaction module for solving thermodynamic equilibrium (Newton Raphson method modified with scaling and Positive Continuous Fractions) and mixed equilibrium and kinetic reactions (formulation and solution of systems of differential and differential-algebraic equations). The code was verified through the solution of different benchmarks (batch and reactive transport simulations) and applied to perform 1D, 2D and 3D simulations of laboratory experiments dedicated to calcite crystals dissolution in a column of porous medium.

Reactive transport simulation of contaminant fate and redox transformation in heterogeneous aquifer systems

Jang, Eunseon 17 March 2017 (has links)
The transport of contaminants in groundwater system is strongly influenced by various aquifer heterogeneity factors such as spatial aquifer heterogeneity of hydraulic conductivity and reactive substances distribution. The contaminants transport can be simulated by using numerical reactive transport models, and their fate can be possibly even predicted. Furthermore, reactive transport modeling is an essential tool to get a profound understanding of hydrological-geochemical complex processes and to make plausible predictions of assessment. The goal of this work is to improve our understanding of the groundwater contaminants fate and transport processes in heterogeneous aquifer systems, with a focus on nitrate problems. A large body of knowledge of the fate and transport of nitrogen species has been achieved by previous works, however, most previous models typically neglect the interrelation of physical and chemical aquifer heterogeneities on the contaminant fate and redox transformation, which is required for predicting the movement and behavior of nitrate and quantifying the impact of uncertainty of numerical groundwater simulation, and which motivates this study. The main research questions which are answered in this work are how aquifer heterogeneity influences on the nitrate fate and transport and then, what is the most influential aquifer heterogeneity factor must be considered. Among the various type of aquifer heterogeneity, physical and chemical aquifer heterogeneities are considered. The first part of the work describes groundwater flow system and hydrochemical characteristics of the study area (Hessian Ried, Germany). Especially, data analyses are performed with the hydrochemical data to identify the major driving force for nitrate reduction in the study area. The second part of the work introduces a kinetic model describing nitrate removal by using numerical simulation. The resulting model reproduces nitrate reduction processes and captures the sequence of redox reactions. The third and fourth parts show the influence of physical and chemical aquifer heterogeneity with varying variance, correlation length scale, and anisotropy ratio. Heterogeneous aquifer systems are realized by using stochastic approach. Results, in short, show that the most influential aquifer heterogeneity factors could change over time. With abundant requisite electron donors, physical aquifer heterogeneity significantly influences the nitrate reduction while chemical aquifer heterogeneity plays a minor role. Increasing the spatial variability of the hydraulic conductivity increases the nitrate removal efficiency of the system in addition. If these conditions are reversed, nitrate removal efficiency varies by the spatial heterogeneity of the available initial electron donor. The results indicate that an appropriate characterization of the physical and chemical properties can be of significant importance to predict redox contamination transport and design long-term remediation strategies and risk assessment.

VS2DRT: Variably saturated two dimensional reactive transport modeling in the vadose zone

Haile, Sosina Shimeles 22 February 2013 (has links)
Contaminate transport in vadose is a huge concern since the vadose zone is the main passage way for ground water recharge. Understanding this process is crucial in order to prevent contamination, protect and rehabilitate ground water resources. Reactive transport models are instrumental for such purposes and there are numerous solute transport simulation programs for both ground water and vadose zone but most of this models are limited to simple Linear, Langmuir and Freundlich sorption models and first order decay and fail to simulate more complex geochemical reactions that are common in the vadose zone such as cation exchange, surface complexation, redox reaction and biodegradation. So it is necessary to enhance capabilities of solute transport models by incorporating well tested hydrogeochemical models like PHREEQC in to them to be able closely approximate the geochemical transport process in the subsurface. In this PhD research a new reactive transport model called VS2DRT was created by coupling existing public domain solute and heat transport models VS2DT, VS2DH with hydro-chemical model PHREEQC using non-iterative operator splitting technique. VS2DRT was compiled using MinGW compiler using tools like autotools and automake. A graphical user interface was also created using QT creator and Argus ONE numerical development tools. The new model was tested for one dimensional conservative Cl transport, surface complexation, cation exchange, dissolution of calcite and gypsum, heat and solute transport as well as for two dimensional cation exchange cases. Their results were compared with VS2DT, VS2DH, HP1 and HP2 models and the results are in good agreement.

Modelling reactive transport processes in porous media

Shao, Haibing 07 September 2010 (has links)
Reactive transport modelling has wide applications in geosciences. In the field of hydrogeology, it has been utilised to simulate the biogeochemical processes that disperse and degrade contaminants in the aquifer. For geotechnical applications, such as geological CO2 sequestration, the reaction of CO2 with the ambient saline aquifer determines the final success of storage. In a radioactive waste repository, scientists rely on reactive transport models to predict the mobilisation of hazardous radionuclides within space and time. In this work, the multi-component mass transport code OpenGeoSys, was coupled with two geochemical solvers, the Gibbs Energy Minimization Selektor (GEM) and the Biogeochemical Reaction Network Simulator (BRNS). Both coupled codes were verified against analytical solutions and simulation results from other numerical models. Moreover, the coupling interface was developed for parallel simulation. Test runs showed that the speed-up of reaction part had a very good linearity with number of nodes in the mesh. However, for three dimensional problems with complex geochemical reactions, the model performance was dominated by solving transport equations of mobile chemical components. OpenGeoSys-BRNS was applied to a two dimensional groundwater remediation problem. Its calculated concentration profiles fitted very well with analytical solutions and numerical results from TBC. The model revealed that natural attenuation of groundwater contaminants is mainly controlled by the mixing of carbon source and electron donor. OpenGeoSys-GEM was employed to investigate the retardation mechanism of radionuclides in the near field of a nuclear waste repository. Radium profiles in an idealised bentonite column was modelled with varying clay/water ratios. When clay content is limited, Ba-Sr-Ra sulfate solid solutions have a very strong retardation effect on the aqueous radium. Nevertheless, when clay mineral is abundant, cation exchange sites also attract Sr and Ba, thus dominates the transport of Ra.

Sorption et transport réactif d'ions dans des monolithes de silice fonctionnalisés aux hexacyanoferrates pour le traitement d'effluents radioactifs / Sorption and reactive transport of ions in HCF-functionalized silica monolith for radioactive effluent treatment

Cabaud, Clément 26 September 2019 (has links)
L’industrie du nucléaire produit de grandes quantités d’effluents radioactifs de sources diverses nécessitant des traitements spécifiques en fonction de leur composition chimique. Le césium 137 fait partie, avec le strontium 90, des radioéléments majoritairement présents dans ces effluents qui doivent être extraits le plus efficacement possible en produisant un minimum de déchets secondaires. Le traitement en colonne est parmi les procédés les plus adaptés pour ce type d’extraction sur support solide. Son principe repose sur la capacité de sorption du radioélément par des hexacyanoferrates (HCF) de cuivre, des échangeurs ioniques minéraux très sélectifs du césium. Des investigations sur les HCF ont permis de mettre en avant les modifications structurales intervenant lors de l’échange avec le césium, à l’origine de leur forte affinité pour cet ion. La fonctionnalisation des HCF sur des monolithes de silice à porosité hiérarchique a mis à profit les propriétés remarquables de ces supports pour une utilisation en colonne. Les cinétiques de sorption évaluées jusqu’aux concentrations traces ont montré une capture rapide du césium qui justifie l’intérêt de ce matériau pour un emploi en colonne. Par ailleurs, la compétitivité des monolithes fonctionnalisés par rapport à des lits particulaires a été démontrée. Ces matériaux ont enfin été mis en œuvre pour la décontamination simultanée du césium et du strontium par des mécanismes couplés d’échange d’ions et de coprécipitation du sulfate de baryum, rendue possible par la grande perméabilité des monolithes. Un modèle simplifié du transport réactif basé sur la morphologie du monolithe a été développé avec le code HYTEC en supposant un écoulement dispersif dans les canaux du squelette et la diffusion dans les parois du squelette et les agrégats de HCF. / The nuclear industry produces high amounts of contaminated water from various sources that require specific treatments depending on their chemical composition. Cesium-137 and strontium-90 are among the most abundant radionuclides in those effluents, which have to be removed as efficiently as possible in order to generate the lowest amount of waste. The column process is one of the most suitable processes to achieve this solid-phase extraction. Its principle is based on the sorption capacity of the radionuclide by copper hexacyanoferrates (HCF), highly cesium-selective mineral ion-exchangers. Investigations on HCF pointed out the structural effects of the cesium insertion within the crystal, which were linked to the high affinity of HCF for this ion. The functionalization of HCF on silica monolith with hierarchical pore structure was carried out in order to benefit the remarkable properties of these supports used as a column. Sorption kinetics evaluated down to trace concentrations have shown a fast capture of the cesium, which proves the interest of this material for a column process purpose. In addition, the performances of functionalized silica monolith have been highlighted in comparison with those made of particulate fixed beds. Finally, those materials were implemented for a simultaneous decontamination of cesium and strontium by a double extraction mechanism of ion exchange and coprecipitation of barium sulfate, allowed by the high permeability of the monolith. A simplified model of reactive transport was built with the HYTEC code, based on the actual morphology of the monolith. To do so, a dispersive flow in the macroporous intraskeletal channels and a diffusive flow inside the walls of the structure and the HCF aggregates were assumed.

Modelling reactive transport of acid mine drainage in groundwater : Effect of geochemical processes spatially variable flow source location and distribution

Tekelu Geberetsadike, Tegenne January 2004 (has links)
Impacts from mining waste deposits on groundwater resources have been recognized invarious parts of the world; though varied in scale depending on the composition of mineralsbeing mined, the level of technology employed and environmental commitment of thedevelopers. Mining activities usually involve milling, concentrating, and processing of oreswhich will result in a huge amount of waste, called tailings, usually deposited inimpoundments as a slurry, composed of fine grained geological material (uneconomicalminerals), chemicals utilized in the processs, and water. Oxidation of these deposits, usuallycontaining sulphide minerals, may result in generation of an acidic, metal laden leachate,callled Acid Mine Drainage (AMD), which may have a devastating impact on thesurrounding groundwater resources. In this study, the stochastic LaSAR-PHREEQC reactive transport modeling approach is usedin order to evaluate the coupled effect of geochemical reactions and physical heterogeneity ofthe subsurface in the breakthrough of acidity and metal downstream of the source while theAMD transported in the water saturated zone of an impoundment. The tailings depositcalled Impoundment 1 at the Kristineberg mining site at the Skellefteå field, in northernSweden, is used as a case study to simulate pH buffering processes and attenuation of Zn.The objectives of the study are 1) to evaluate the relevance of different possible geochemicalprocesses in pH buffering and Zn attenuation; 2) to evaluate the effect of spatial variability ofthe physical processes of the groundwater system on the breakthrough of contaminants; and3) to evaluate the effect of the location and distribution of the source zone in terms of thedistance from the impoundment boundary. Simulation results of the presented model revealed that pH buffering from calcite andchlorite are important processes capable of counteracting the acidification from AMD.Dissolution of secondary Al(OH)3(s) is another important process capable of buffering pH.Precipitation of smithsonite, ZnCO3, is an important process for attenuation of Zn2+.Moreover, sorption of Zn2+ on ferric iron surfaces is found to be an important process forattenuation of the metal, depending on the available sorption surface sites. Flow variabilityhighly affects the breakthrough of the contaminants such that with increasing subsurfaceheterogeneity, earlier breakthrough of contaminants occurs. Moreover, increased variabilityresults in decreased peak loads, but longer duration of the load. / www.ima.kth.se

Predictive Modeling of Organic Pollutant Leaching and Transport Behavior at the Lysimeter and Field Scales

Amankwah, Edward Akwasi 08 October 2007 (has links)
Soil and groundwater pollution has become a global issue since the advent of industrialization and mechanized agriculture. Some contaminants such as PAHs may persist in the subsurface for decades and centuries. In a bid to address these issues, protection of groundwater must be based on the quantification of potential threats to pollution at the subsurface which is often inaccessible. Risk assessment of groundwater pollution may however be strongly supported by applying process-based simulation models, which turn out to be particularly helpful with regard to long-term predictions, which cannot be undertaken by experiments. Such reliable predictions, however, can only be achieved if the used modeling tool is known to be applicable. The aim of this work was threefold. First, a source strength function was developed to describe the leaching behavior of point source organic contaminants and thereby acting as a time-dependent upper boundary condition for transport models. For general application of these functions dimensionless numbers known as Damköhler numbers were used to characterize the reaction of the pollutants with the solid matrix. Two functions were derived and have been incorporated into an Excel worksheet to act as a practical aid in the quantification of leaching behavior of organic contaminant in seepage water prognoses. Second, the process based model tool SMART, which is well validated for laboratory scale data, was applied to lysimeter scale data from two research centres, FZJ (Jülich) and GSF (München) for long term predictions. Results from pure forward model runs show a fairly good correlation with the measured data. Finally, the derived source term functions in combination with the SMART model were used to assess groundwater vulnerability beneath a typical landfill at Kwabenya in Ghana. The predicted breakthrough time after leaking from the landfill was more than 200 years considering the operational time of the facility (30 years). Considering contaminant degradation, the landfill would therefore not cause groundwater pollution under the simulated scenarios and the SMART model can be used to establish waste acceptance criteria for organic contaminants in the landfill at Kwabenya / Seit dem Beginn der Industrialisierung und der mechanisierten Landwirtschaft wurde die Boden- und Grundwasserverschmutzung zu einem weltweiten Problem. Einige Schadstoffe wie z. B. PAK können für Jahrzehnte oder Jahrhunderte im Untergrund bestehen. Um diese Probleme behandeln zu können, muss der Schutz des Grundwassers basierend auf der Quantifizierung potentieller Gefährdungen des zumeist unzugänglichen Untergrundes erfolgen. Risikoabschätzungen von Grundwasserverschmutzungen können jedoch durch die Anwendung prozess-basierter Simulationsmodelle erheblich unterstützt werden, die sich besonders im Hinblick auf Langzeitvorhersagen als hilfreich erweisen und nicht experimentell ermittelbar sind. Derart zuverlässige Vorhersagen können jedoch nur erhalten werden, wenn das verwendete Modellierwerkzeug als anwendbar bekannt ist. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit bestand aus drei Teilen. Erstens wurde eine Quellstärke-funktion entwickelt, die das Ausbreitungsverhalten organischer Schadstoffe aus einer Punktquelle beschreibt und dadurch als zeitabhängige obere Randbedingung bei Transportmodellen dienen kann. Im Hinblick auf die allgemeine Anwendbarkeit dieser Funktion werden als Damköhler-Zahlen bekannte, dimensionslose Zahlen verwendet, um die Reaktion von Schadstoffen mit Feststoffen zu charakterisieren. Zwei Funktionen wurden abgeleitet und in ein Excel-Arbeitsblatt eingefügt, das ein praktisches Hilfsmittel bei der Quantifizierung des Freisetzungsverhaltens organischer Schadstoffe im Rahmen der Sickerwasserprognose darstellt. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit beinhaltet die Anwendung des prozessbasierten und mittels Laborexperimenten validierten Modellwerkzeugs SMART für Langzeitprognosen auf der Lysimeterskala anhand von Daten zweier Forschungszentren, FZJ (Jülich) und GSF (München). Ergebnisse reiner Vorwärtsmodellierungsläufe zeigten gute Übereinstimmungen mit den gemessenen Daten. Im dritten Teil wurden die erhaltenen Quellstärkefunktionen in Kombination mit dem SMART-Modell eingesetzt, um das Grundwassergefährdungspotential unter einer typischen Deponie in Kwabenya, Ghana, einzuschätzen. Die vorhergesagten Durchbruchszeiten nach einer Leckage in der Deponie betragen über 200 Jahre bei einer Betriebszeit von 30 Jahren. Unter Berücksichtigung des Schadstoffabbaus verursacht die Deponie somit keine Grundwasserverunreinigung im Rahmen der simulierten Szenarien und das SMART-Modell kann verwendet werden, um Schadstoffgrenzwerte für organische Schadstoffe in der Deponie in Kwabenya festzulegen.

The Nernst-Planck-Poisson Reactive Transport Model for Concrete Carbonation and Chloride Diffusion in Carbonated and Non-carbonated Concrete

Alsheet, Feras January 2020 (has links)
The intrusion of chlorides and carbon dioxide into a reinforced concrete (RC) structure can initiate corrosion of the reinforcing steel, which, due to its expansive nature, can damage the structure and adversely affects its serviceability and safety. Corrosion will initiate if at the steel surface the concrete free chloride concentration exceeds a defined limit, or its pH falls below a critical level. Hence, determination of the time to reaching these critical limits is key to the assessment of RC structures durability and service life. Due to the ionic nature of the chlorides and the bicarbonate anion (HCO3-) formed by the CO2 in the multi-ionic pore solution, the transport of both species is driven by Fickian diffusion combined with electromigration and ionic activity, which can be mathematically expressed by the Nernst-Planck-Poisson (NPP) equations. For a complete representation of the phenomenon, however, the NPP equations must be supplemented by the relevant chemical equilibrium equations to ensure chemical balance among the various species within the concrete pore solution. The combination of NPP with the chemical equilibrium equations is often termed the NPP reactive transport model. In this study, such a model is developed, coded into the MATLAB platform, validated by available experimental data, and applied to analyze the time-dependent concrete carbonation and the movement of chlorides in carbonated and non-carbonated concrete. The results of these analyses can be used to predict the time to corrosion initiation. The transient one-dimensional governing equations of NPP are numerically solved using the Galerkin’s finite element formulation in space and the backward (implicit) Euler scheme in the time domain. The associated system of chemical equilibrium equations accounts for the key homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical reactions that take place in the concrete during carbonation and chlorides transport. At each stage of the analysis, the effects of these reactions on the changes in the pore solution chemical composition, pH, cement chloride binding capacity, concrete porosity, and the hydrated cement solids volumetric ratio are determined. The study demonstrates that given accurate input data, the presently developed NPP reactive transport model can accurately simulate the complex transport processes of chlorides and CO2 in concrete as a reactive porous medium, and the ensuing physical and chemical changes that occur due to the reaction of these species with the pore solution and the other cement hydration products. This conclusion is supported by the good agreement between results of the current analyses with the corresponding available experimental data from physical tests involving carbonation, and chloride diffusion in non-carbonated and carbonated concrete. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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