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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design and implementation of HTS technology for cellular base stations : an investigation into improving cellular communication : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, and James Cook University, Townsville, Australia

Knack, Adrian Unknown Date (has links)
When placed between the antenna and receiver electronics of a cellular base transceiver station, a Cryogenic Receiver Front End (CRFE), consisting of a High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) filter and modern Low Noise Amplifier (LNA), can significantly improve the base stations' coverage and capacity. Due to CRFEs being hurried to the telecommunications industry in a competitive market, the development of CRFEs and their performance have been classified. This left it to be pondered whether HTS filters could really have been beneficial or if they were always just of academic interest. It is the main objective of this thesis to investigate if and under what circumstances high temperature RF-superconductivity can prove to be an important technological contribution to current and future wireless communications. This dissertation presents the analysis of an existing CRFE developed by Cryoelectra GmbH and its performance characteristics measured in a field trial held in rural China. With the aid of a CDMA Uplink Model developed by the author, the data was analysed and several novel engineering improvements were made to create an advanced CRFE which was economical to deploy. The analysis of results from a field trial in Beijing city using the CDMA Uplink Model led to the exploration of alternative filter technologies which could achieve similar results to the HTS filter technology. This culminated in the development of dielectric resonators filters which could be used as an alternative and as a supplement to the HTS filters used in the CRFE. The design of two novel dielectric resonator duplexers and two advanced multioperator combiner antenna sharing solutions followed the successful implementation of a high performance dielectric resonator filter. The performed investigation and development described in this thesis suggest that HTS filter technology for terrestrial wireless communications can be beneficial in current cellular networks, but due to its high cost is economical for use only under certain conditions. However, HTS filter technology may be of great importance in the design and implementation of spectrum friendly wireless communications systems in the future.

Effect of the Garmin Forerunner on threshold pace for intercollegiate distance runners /

Smith, Jacob W. January 2009 (has links)
Master's thesis - - State University of New York College at Cortland, 2009 - - Department of Kinesiology. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 25-7).

Σχεδίαση και ανάπτυξη ολοκληρωμένων κυκλωμάτων για συστήματα υπερευρείας ζώνης με έμφαση στα κυκλώματα του δέκτη

Μαυρίδης, Δημήτριος 09 January 2012 (has links)
Η περιοχή των ραδιοσυχνοτήτων (RF) για σχεδίαση ηλεκτρονικών κυκλωμάτων για τηλεπικοινωνιακά συστήματα αποτελεί ένα χώρο έντονης ερευνητικής δραστηριότητας. Το πρότυπο υπερευρείας ζώνης με την ονομασία Ultra Wideband (UWB), που καταλαμβάνει συχνότητες από 3.1-10.6 GHz, αποτέλεσε αντικείμενο της παρούσης έρευνας με σκοπό την σχεδίαση, κατασκευή και μέτρηση ολοκληρωμένων κυκλωμάτων με έμφαση στα κυκλώματα του μπροστινού τμήματος του UWB δέκτη. Η κατανόηση της λειτουργίας του πομποδέκτη και των παραμέτρων λειτουργίας σε επίπεδο συστήματος αποτέλεσε την αρχική προσέγγιση, με σκοπό τον καθορισμό των προδιαγραφών λειτουργίας των πιο κρίσιμων στοιχείων. Η ανάλυση έλαβε χώρα τόσο σε θεωρητικό επίπεδο όσο και σε επίπεδο εξομοίωσης και τα ηλεκτρονικά στοιχεία των υψηλών συχνοτήτων όπως είναι ο ενισχυτής χαμηλού θορύβου (Low Noise Amplifier - LNA) καθώς και ο μίκτης είναι τα πιο απαιτητικά στη σχεδίαση. Η έρευνα επικεντρώθηκε αρχικά στο κύκλωμα του ενισχυτή χαμηλού θορύβου , το οποίο ευρισκόμενο αμέσως μετά την κεραία λήψης, καλείται να ικανοποιήσει πολλές και αντικρουόμενες μεταξύ τους απαιτήσεις όσον αφορά το εύρος ζώνης, το κέρδος, την κατανάλωση ενέργειας και επιφανείας πυριτίου και το θόρυβο. Στα πλαίσια της μελέτης εξερευνήθηκαν και αξιολογήθηκαν οι υφιστάμενες τοπολογίες που έχουν εμφανιστεί στη βιβλιογραφία και επιλέχθηκαν δύο από αυτές για περεταίρω διερεύνηση. Το πρώτο ολοκληρωμένο που κατασκευάστηκε περιλαμβάνει τρεις ενισχυτές, οι δύο από αυτούς χρησιμοποιούν την τοπολογία κοινής πηγής με φίλτρο εισόδου και πηνίο στην πηγή (inductive source degeneration) και διαφέρουν στον τρόπο μέτρησης, όπου ο ένας ενισχυτής μετράται πάνω στο ολοκληρωμένο (on-wafer probing) και ο έτερος τοποθετείται σε πλακέτα (chip on board). Με τον τρόπο αυτό αποκτάται διαίσθηση όσον αφορά την επίδραση των παρασιτικών που υπεισέρχονται εξαιτίας των διασυνδέσεων των αγωγών (bondwires) μεταξύ ολοκληρωμένου και πλακέτας. Ταυτόχρονα για τον συγκεκριμένο ενισχυτή εφαρμόζεται και στρατηγική προστασίας από ηλεκτροστατικά φορτία (ESD). Ο τρίτος ενισχυτής βασίζεται στην τοπολογία ανάδρασης και αποτέλεσε προϊόν πρωτότυπης έρευνας και χρησιμοποιήθηκαν τεχνικές διεύρυνσης του εύρους ζώνης λειτουργίας με χρήση επαγωγικών στοιχείων. Οι μετρήσεις που επακολούθησαν την κατασκευή αποδείχθηκαν επιτυχείς και κατά κανόνα υπήρξε σύγκλιση με την εξομοίωση. Ο τρίτος ενισχυτής παρουσιάζει την πιο ανταγωνιστική απόδοση και είναι ικανός να λειτουργήσει μέχρι τα 7GHz. Επακόλουθο της κυκλωματικής μελέτης των ενισχυτών χαμηλού θορύβου υπήρξε η εστίαση σε επίπεδο συστήματος για την κατασκευή του συνολικού RF τμήματος του δέκτη σε ολοκληρωμένο και για λειτουργία μέχρι τα 10.6GHz. Το σύστημα περιλαμβάνει τον LNA της τοπολογίας με ανάδραση και στη συνέχεια δύο πανομοιότυπα μονοπάτια αποτελούμενα το καθένα από μίκτη, υψιπερατό φίλτρο και απομονωτή εξόδου στα 50 Ω για τις ανάγκες της μέτρησης. Ως κύριες προκλήσεις ανέκυψαν ο σχεδιασμός του μίκτη και κυρίως της διεπαφής με τον LNA, ο οποίος παρέχει σήμα μονής εξόδου ενώ ο μίκτης λειτουργεί διαφορικά. Στα πλαίσια της διατριβής προτάθηκε μια τεχνική για κύκλωμα μετατροπής μονού σε διαφορικό σήμα (balun), η οποία συνδυαζόμενη με την τοπολογία του μίκτη που επελέγη, ουσιαστικά ενσωματώνεται στο μίκτη και παρέχει διαφορικά σήματα με πολύ καλή ακρίβεια στο πλάτος και τη φάση. Το balun βασίζεται στην τοπολογία του διαφορικού ζεύγους και επεκτείνει πάνω σε αυτήν με χρήση πηνίου που στο κέντρο του παρέχει έναν τρίτο ακροδέκτη διασύνδεσης στην τροφοδοσία. Καταυτόν τον τρόπο λαμβάνει χώρα σύζευξη μεταξύ των φορτίων του balun που εγγυάται την ακρίβεια των μεγεθών που προαναφέρθηκαν. Η τεχνική υποστηρίζεται από ενδελεχή μαθηματική ανάλυση και παρουσιάζονται συγκρίσεις μεταξύ θεωρίας και εξομοίωσης με σύγκλιση μεταξύ των. Ο μίκτης που κατέληξε η έρευνα ανήκει στην κατηγορία της συνδεσμολογίας folded cascode. Δεδομένων επίσης των περιορισμών που υπήρχαν στον εξοπλισμό μέτρησης εφαρμόστηκαν τεχνικές με πιο σημαντική την τροφοδότηση των σημάτων ταλαντωτή τα οποία εσωτερικά του ολοκληρωμένου μετατρέπονται σε διαφορικά και καθοδηγούνται για αποφυγή ασυμμετριών σε ισομήκης μεταλλικές γραμμές μεταφοράς. Σε όλα τα κρίσιμα σημεία έχει προβλεφτεί στρατηγική θωράκισης των υψίσυχνων σημάτων ενώ η τοποθέτηση ενός πολύ μεγάλου αριθμού στοιχείων στο πυρίτιο υπήρξε προϊόν συγκερασμού διαφορετικών απαιτήσεων στη χωροταξία τους με πολυάριθμες τεχνικές και εμπειρικούς κανόνες να έχουν εφαρμοστεί. Η τελική προτεινόμενη αρχιτεκτονική τύπου άμεσης μετατροπής παρόλα τα σχεδιαστικά ρίσκα που είχαν ληφθεί, λειτούργησε επιτυχώς μέχρι και τα 8.5GHz επισφραγίζοντας την συνολική προσπάθεια. / The domain of RF engineering for electronic circuits, targeting the application of telecommunication systems, constitutes a field of intense research activities. The UWB protocol that occupies a frequency spectrum between 3.1 and 10.6 GHz is the subject of the current work which aims to the design, fabrication and measurement of electronic circuits with emphasis put on the receiver’s RF front end. The initial focus of the research work targets the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) circuit, a demanding and challenging circuit that being at the very front of the receiver’s chain, has to compromise among different and contradictory requirements, namely the extended bandwidth, the gain, the power and chip area consumption and the noise performance. Existing topologies in the literature were explored and classified and two among them were selected for further research. The first fabricated chip includes three LNAs, two of which apply the common source topology with input bandpass filter and inductive source degeneration and their difference lies in the measurement method. One amplifier is measured on wafer while the other is mounted on board. That way, intuition is acquired regarding the effect of the bondwires that act as the interface between the chip and the board. At the same time, ESD protection strategy is applied as the chip is more vulnerable to static currents. The third LNA is based on the feedback topology and constitutes a work of novelty, where bandwidth extension techniques were applied, comprising of inductive elements. The following measurement procedure was successful indicating an upper frequency of operation for the feedback LNA up to 7GHz. The focus of the work after the LNAs was shifted to system level for the implementation of the total RF front end of the receiver up to 10.6GHz. The system comprises an improved version of the feedback LNA followed by two identical paths, each one consisting of a mixer, a high pass filter and an output buffer at 50 Ohm for measurement purpose. The challenges that are mostly highlighted are the mixer design in conjunction with the necessary balun interface from the single ended output of the LNA to the differential mixer. A novel technique is proposed for the balun that builds on the differential pair topology and provides coupling between the load elements that both are implemented with a center tapped inductor. That way the designed balun achieves balanced outputs in terms of amplitude and phase. The technique is supported by mathematical analysis and the comparison between computed and simulated results show convergence. The resulting mixer that includes the balun belongs to the folded cascode differential connection. Moreover, given the limitations of the available measurement equipment, several layout techniques were applied; particularly in the issue of the external LO signal feeding. The two quadrature LO signals are provided in single ended form and traverse the chip by two equal length transmission lines that are separated at the center of the chip and reach the on chip single to differential converters that are placed close to the mixers. In every critical point, care is taken to shield the high frequency signals from interferences. In any case, the placing of a high number of individual elements that have different requirements on the same chip requires for compromises, while layout techniques and rules of thumb have been applied to the maximum extend. The final proposed architecture belongs to the direct conversion category and worked successfully up to the frequency of 8.5GHz. It achieves gain of 25dB, double sideband noise figure of 7dB and power consumption of 62.7 mW.

Design of CMOS active downconversion mixers for gigahertz multi-band and multiple-standard operation / Um misturador ativo CMOS para conversão a baixas frequências com operacão multi-banda e multi-protocolo

Cordova Vivas, David Javier January 2014 (has links)
Os requisitos de linearidade e ruído em aplicações multi-banda e multi-protocolo fazem que o projeto de misturadores RF seja uma tarefa muito desafiadora. Nesta dissertação dois misturadores com base na topologia célula de Gilbert são propostas. Linearidade e ruído foram as principais figuras de mérito consideradas para o misturadores propostos. Para aumento linearidade, foi utilizada uma técnica de cancelamento de harmônicas pós-distorção (PDHC). E, para redução de ruído, foi utilizado um circuito de redução dinâmica de corrente combinada com um filtro LC sintonizado na frequência do LO e cancelamento de ruído térmico. A análise por séries Volterra do estágio transcondutância do misturador proposto é reportada para mostrar a eficácia da técnica de cancelamento de harmônicos com pósdistorção. O circuito de linearização adicionado não aumenta o tamanho do misturador, nem degrada ganho de conversão, figura de ruído, ou consumo de potência. Simulações elétricas foram realizadas em nível de pós-layout para a primeira topologia e nível esquemático para a segunda topologia, usando processo CMOS de 0.13 mm da IBM. As melhorias em IIP2 e IIP3 são apresentadas em comparação com o misturador do tipo célula de Gilbert convencional. Para a primeira topologia, foi obtido um ganho de conversão de 10.2 dB com uma NF de 12 dB para o misturador projetado funcionando a 2 GHz, com uma frequência intermediária de 500 kHz. E um IIP2 e IIP3 de 55 dBm e 10.9 dBm, respectivamente, consumindo apenas 5.3 mW de uma fonte de 1.2 V. Para a segunda topologia, foram obtidos um ganho de conversão de [13.8 ~11] dB, um coeficiente de reflexão na entrada (S11) de [-18 ~-9.5] dB e um NF de [8.5 ~11] dB no intervalo de 1 a 6 GHz. Para as especificações de linearidade, um valor médio de IIP3 de 0 dBm foi alcançado para toda a faixa de frequência, consumindo 19.3 mW a partir de uma fonte de 1.2 V. Especificações adequadas para operação multi-banda e multi-protocolo. / The linearity and noise requirements in multi-band multi-standard applications make the design of RF CMOS mixers a very challenging task. In this dissertation two downconversion mixers based on the Gilbert-cell topology are proposed. Linearity and noise were the principal figures of merit for the proposed mixers. For linearity improvement, post distortion harmonic cancellation (PDHC) was employed. And, for noise reduction, dynamic current injection combined with an LC filter tuned at the LO frequency and thermal-noise cancellation were used. A Volterra series analysis of the transconductance stage is reported to show the effectiveness of the post-distortion harmonic cancellation technique. The added linearization circuitry does not increase the size of the mixer, nor does it degrade conversion gain, noise figure, or power consumption. Electrical simulations were performed on extracted layout level from the first topology and schematic level from the second topology. Using an IBM 0.13 mm CMOS process improvements on IIP3 and IIP2 in comparison to the conventional Gilbert-cell mixer are demonstrated. For the first topology, we achieved a conversion gain of 10.2 dB with a NF of 12 dB for the designed mixer working at 2 GHz, with a low-IF of 500 kHz and an IIP2 and IIP3 of 55 dBm and 10.9 dBm, respectively, while consuming only 5.3 mW from a 1.2 V supply. For the second topology, we achieved a conversion gain range of [13.8 ~11] dB, an input reflection coefficient (S11) of [-18 ~-9.5] dB and a NF of [8.5 ~11] dB in the frequency range of 1 to 6 GHz. For the linearity specs, an IIP3 of 0 dBm was achieved for the whole frequency range, while consuming 19.3 mW from a 1.2 V supply, making the second topology well suited for multi-band and multi-standard operation.

Sparse graph-based coding schemes for continuous phase modulations / Schémas codés pour modulation de phase continue à l'aide de codes définis sur des graphes creux

Benaddi, Tarik 15 December 2015 (has links)
L'utilisation de la modulation à phase continue (CPM) est particulièrement intéressante lorsque le canal de communication comporte une forte non-linéarité et un support spectral limité, en particulier pour la voie aller, lorsque l'on dispose d'un amplificateur par porteuse à bord du satellite, et pour la voie retour où le terminal d'émission travaille à saturation. De nombreuses études ont été effectuées sur le sujet mais les solutions proposées reposent sur la démodulation/décodage itératif des CPM couplées à un code correcteur d'erreur de type convolutif ou bloc. L'utilisation de codes LDPC n'a pas été à ce jour abordée de façon précise. En particulier, il n'existe pas à notre connaissance de travaux sur l'optimisation des codes basés sur des graphes creux adaptés à ce type de schémas. Dans cette étude, nous proposons d'effectuer l'analyse asymptotique et le design d'un schéma Turbo-CPM basé sur des graphes creux. Une étude du récepteur associé comportant les fonctions de démodulation sera également effectuée. / The use of the continuous phase modulation (CPM) is interesting when the channel represents a strong non-linearity and in the case of limited spectral support; particularly for the uplink, where the satellite holds an amplifier per carrier, and for downlinks where the terminal equipment works very close to the saturation region. Numerous studies have been conducted on this issue but the proposed solutions use iterative CPM demodulation/decoding concatenated with convolutional or block error correcting codes. The use of LDPC codes has not yet been introduced. Particularly, no works, to our knowledge, have been done on the optimization of sparse graph-based codes adapted for the context described here. In this study, we propose to perform the asymptotic analysis and the design of turbo-CPM systems based on the optimization of sparse graph-based codes. Moreover, an analysis on the corresponding receiver will be done.

Interações entre angiotensina II, atividade do nervo depressor aórtico e atividade simpática esplâncnina durante o desenvolvimento da hipertensão por coarctação. / Interactions between angiotensin II, aortic and sympathetic nerve during development of coarctation hypertension.

Claudia Moreira dos Santos 25 November 1999 (has links)
Demonstramos na fase crônica da hipertensão por coarctação, depressão acentuada do controle reflexo da freqüência cardíaca (Michelini et al, Hypertension, 1992; 19:II159-II163) e que o tratamento crônico com losartan, embora não reverta os elevados níveis de pressão, normaliza o controle reflexo da freqüência cardíaca (Santos et al, Am. J. Physiol, 1995; 269:H812-H818). No presente estudo investigamos em ratos hipertensos e seus controles normotensos os efeitos do bloqueio crônico dos receptores AT1 sobre a atividade aferente do nervo depressor aórtico (NDA, protocolo I) e sobre a atividade simpática esplâncnica (ASE, protocolo II) na situação basal e após estimulação por hipotensões e hipertensões transitórias. Ratos Wistar adultos machos (180-300g) foram tratados cronicamente com veículo (VEH=água destilada, 0,1ml/100g/dia, po.) ou losartan (LOS= 10mg/kg/dia, po.) por 8 dias. No 4º dia após a determinação da pressão de cauda, foram submetidos à coarctação subdiafragmática da aorta (CH) ou à cirurgia fictícia (SHAM) e ao final do 7º dia, instrumentados com cânula arterial para registro direto da pressão arterial, realizada no 8º dia, com os animais acordados. Foram a seguir anestesiados para isolamento do nervo depressor aórtico ou do simpático esplâncnico, que foram registrados simultaneamente à pressão arterial em duas situações distintas: a) durante a situação basal (registro da atividade espontânea por 10-15 minutos), b) durante estimulação dos pressorreceptores por variações transitórias da pressão arterial (infusões/retiradas de sangue e injeções/infusões de fenilefrina e nitroprussiato de sódio iv.). Os registros da atividade neural foram retificados, integrados e aquisitados simultaneamente aos registros de pressão arterial em computador (programa de aquisição de dados Codas - Windaq DI-200, Ohio, USA). Tratamento com LOS determinou queda significante da pressão de cauda (104+-3 vs. 117+-3 mmHg nos grupos VEH). Em ambos os grupos VEH e LOS, CH determinou aumento significativo e similar da pressão arterial (em média 29%) que foi acompanhada, nos grupos tratados com VEH, por significativo aumento da variabilidade associada à depressão no ganho da correlação da atividade do NDA com a pressão arterial (CHVEH=1,04+-0,11 vs. SHAMVEH=1,63+-0,14 %/ciclo/mmHg, p<0,05, protocolo I) e por facilitação da resposta da ASE (CHVEH=-10,36+-1,05 vs. SHAMVEH=-5,81+-0,60 %/ciclo/mmHg, p<0,05, protocolo II). Nos grupos tratados com LOS, o estabelecimento da hipertensão foi acompanhado por redução da variabilidade e significativa melhora no ganho do NDA, uma vez que na faixa fisiológica de variações da pressão a depressão da atividade do NDA foi significativamente menor (CHLOS=3,30+-0,33 vs. CHVEH=2,18+-0,37 %/ciclo/mmHg, p<0,05, uma recuperação de 40% quando comparado aos respectivos controles ~5,01+-0,33 %/ciclo/mmHg). Houve ainda nos CHLOS normalização do ganho de resposta de ASE (CHLOS=-6,58+-0,62 %/ciclo/mmHg que não diferia dos SHAMLOS e SHAMVEH). O tratamento crônico com LOS determinou ainda correção parcial da atividade basal do NDA, mas não alterou a descarga espontânea da ASE. As alterações de atividade do NDA e ASE observadas nos CHLOS ocorreram simultaneamente, mas foram independentes da redução da pressão arterial pelo LOS. Nossos dados sugerem que a Ang II, ativada durante o desenvolvimento da CH, deprime a sinalização aferente pelo NDA, sendo responsável pela facilitação da resposta simpática durante alterações transitórias da pressão arterial. Nossos dados permitem ainda discriminar entre o efeito pressor e o efeito modulatório da Ang II, indicando restauração parcial do ganho da NDA e normalização da resposta simpática após o bloqueio crônico dos receptores AT1, mesmo na presença da hipertensão. / In the chronic phase of coarctation hypertension (CH) we have shown both marked depression of baroreceptor reflex control of heart rate (Michelini et al, Hypertension, 1992, 19: II159-II163) and normalization of the depressed reflex control even with the persistence of hypertension in losartan-treated animals (Santos et al, Am. J. Physiol, 1995, 269: H812-H818). In the present study we analyzed the effects of chronic AT1tors blockade on the both the afferent aortic nerve activity (AON, protocol I) and splanchnic sympathetic nerve activity (SSNA, protocol II) of CH and sham operated controls in two conditions: spontaneous activity (basal condition) and stimulated discharge during transient increases/decreases in arterial pressure. Male Wistar rats (180-300g aged 2-3 months) were chronically treated with vehicle (VEH=distilled water, 1ml/kg/day, po.) or losartan (LOS=10mg/kg/day, po.) during 8 days. Tail pressure was measured at the beginning and on the 4th day, before subdiaphragmatic aortic coarctation (CH) or sham surgery (SHAM). On day 7 the rats were instrumented with a catheter to record arterial pressure in conscious freely moving rats on day 8. Rats were then anesthetized to record AON or SSNA simultaneously with pressure during 10-15 min (basal or spontaneous activity) and during baroreceptor loading/unloading (infusion/withdrawal of blood or injections/infusions of phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside iv.). Nerve activity was rectified and integrated and acquired simultaneously with pressure in a computer (Windaq DI-200, Ohio, USA). Losartan-treatment caused a significant decrease in tail pressure (104+-3 vs. 117+-3 mmHg in VEH groups). In both LOS- and VEH-treated groups, CH caused significant and similar increases in arterial pressure (mean of 29%) that was accompanied in the VEH groups by both significant increase in variability and depression of the AON/activity/pressure relationship (CHVEH=1,04+-0,11 vs. SHAMVEH=1,63+-0,14 %/cycle/mmHg, p<0,05, protocol I) and by potentiation of SSNA responses (CHVEH=-10,36+-1,05 vs. SHAMVEH=-5,81+-0,60 %/cycle/mmHg, p<0,05, protocol II). In the LOS-treated groups, establishment of CH was accompanied by smaller variability and marked improvement in AON gain: in the physiological range of pressure changes, depression of AON activity was significantly smaller (CHLOS=3,30+-0,33 vs. CHVEH=2,18+-0,37 %/cycle/mmHg, p<0,05, a recovery of 40% when compared to respective controls of ~5,01+-0,33 %/cycle/mmHg). CHLOS showed also normalization of SSNA responses: gain in the CHLOS=-6,58+-0,62 %/cycle/mmHg, that was not different from SHAMLOS and SHAMVEH groups. In addition chronic treatment with LOS caused partial correction of spontaneous AON activity but did not change spontaneous SSNA discharge. Both AON and SSNA responses observed in CHLOS occurred simultaneously but were independent from pressure reductions observed in these groups. The date suggested that Ang II, activated during development of hypertension, depresses the afferent signaling by aortic receptors and is factor responsible for the facilitation of SSNA during pressure changes. The date permits to discriminate between pressor and a modulatory effects of Ang II and indicates that after chronic AT1 receptors blockade hypertension persists, but there is a partial restoration of AON gain accompanied by normalization of the sympathetic response.

Precisão de coordenadas planimétricas obtidas com receptores GNSS de pontos situados sob redes elétricas de alta tensão / Planimetric coordinate accuracy obtained with GNSS receivers located in points under high voltage electrical lines

Hillebrand, Fernando Luis 17 September 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this work was investigate and measure the possibility to exist multipath caused by the corona noise generated in high voltage electric lines recepting GNSS signals. Experiments were realized with a 69 kV tension electric line localized in Santa Maria/RS. A serie was located with eleven transversal points to the longitudinal ranging of the transmission line. In this points, the eletromagnetic field was estimated using an equipment to measure the electromagnetic field EM-8000 model. Valuations was realized about the interferences on positioning by the absolut method, using a GNSS receiver with C/A code Garmin GPS II Plus model and the positioning by the relative method with the GNSS receiver L1/L2 Topcon Hiper model. To estimate the interference in the points was necessary to obtain the geodesic coordinates of this points without multipath possibilities caused of corona noise. For this was implanted a squared topographical polygonal where the support points were located far from the transmission lines, free of the electromagnetic field influence. Calculating the variances among the coordinates was necessary transform the geodesic coordinates obtained at GNSS receivers to the Local Topographic System, to make the systems compatible, using the rotation and translation model. Calculating was possible conclude that to the raising method and the geodesic equipment used in this experiment, in a 69 kV transmission line, the found discrepancies were in the standard deviation of 17,10 mm admitted to equipment GNSS receiver L1/L2 and 15 mm to GNSS receiver C/A code, in a 95% confidence level. So it was not evidenced interferences in the electromagnetic field at GNSS signal reception. / O propósito deste trabalho foi investigar e mensurar a possibilidade de haver multicaminhamento pelo efeito corona gerado em linhas elétricas de alta tensão na recepção de sinais GNSS. Foram realizados experimentos em uma rede elétrica com tensão de 69 kV localizado no município de Santa Maria/RS. Foi implantada uma série de onze pontos transversais ao alinhamento longitudinal da linha de transmissão. Nestes pontos realizou-se uma avaliação do campo eletromagnético gerado utilizando um equipamento medidor de campo eletromagnético modelo EM- 8000. Foram realizadas avaliações da interferência no posicionamento pelo método absoluto utilizando o receptor GNSS de código C/A Garmin modelo GPS II Plus e o posicionamento pelo método relativo com o receptor GNSS portadora L1/L2 Topcon modelo Hiper. Para avaliar a interferência dos pontos foi necessário obter as coordenadas geodésicas desses pontos sem possibilidades de multicaminhamento pelo efeito corona. Para isto implantou-se uma poligonal topográfica enquadrada em que os marcos de apoio localizavam-se distantes a linha de transmissão sem a influência do campo eletromagnético. Ao realizar o cálculo das discrepâncias entre as coordenadas foi necessário realizar a transformação das coordenadas geodésicas obtidas pelos receptores GNSS para o Sistema Topográfico Local para a compatibilização dos sistemas, sendo utilizado o modelo das rotações e translações. Realizando os cálculos concluiu-se que para os métodos de levantamento e os equipamentos geodésicos utilizados neste experimento, em uma linha de transmissão de 69 kV, as discrepâncias constatadas ficaram dentro do desviospadrões de 17,10 mm admitido ao equipamento receptor GNSS portadora L1/L2 e 15 m ao receptor GNSS código C/A, a nível de confiança de 95%. Assim não se constatou interferências do campo eletromagnético na recepção dos sinais GNSS.

Design of CMOS active downconversion mixers for gigahertz multi-band and multiple-standard operation / Um misturador ativo CMOS para conversão a baixas frequências com operacão multi-banda e multi-protocolo

Cordova Vivas, David Javier January 2014 (has links)
Os requisitos de linearidade e ruído em aplicações multi-banda e multi-protocolo fazem que o projeto de misturadores RF seja uma tarefa muito desafiadora. Nesta dissertação dois misturadores com base na topologia célula de Gilbert são propostas. Linearidade e ruído foram as principais figuras de mérito consideradas para o misturadores propostos. Para aumento linearidade, foi utilizada uma técnica de cancelamento de harmônicas pós-distorção (PDHC). E, para redução de ruído, foi utilizado um circuito de redução dinâmica de corrente combinada com um filtro LC sintonizado na frequência do LO e cancelamento de ruído térmico. A análise por séries Volterra do estágio transcondutância do misturador proposto é reportada para mostrar a eficácia da técnica de cancelamento de harmônicos com pósdistorção. O circuito de linearização adicionado não aumenta o tamanho do misturador, nem degrada ganho de conversão, figura de ruído, ou consumo de potência. Simulações elétricas foram realizadas em nível de pós-layout para a primeira topologia e nível esquemático para a segunda topologia, usando processo CMOS de 0.13 mm da IBM. As melhorias em IIP2 e IIP3 são apresentadas em comparação com o misturador do tipo célula de Gilbert convencional. Para a primeira topologia, foi obtido um ganho de conversão de 10.2 dB com uma NF de 12 dB para o misturador projetado funcionando a 2 GHz, com uma frequência intermediária de 500 kHz. E um IIP2 e IIP3 de 55 dBm e 10.9 dBm, respectivamente, consumindo apenas 5.3 mW de uma fonte de 1.2 V. Para a segunda topologia, foram obtidos um ganho de conversão de [13.8 ~11] dB, um coeficiente de reflexão na entrada (S11) de [-18 ~-9.5] dB e um NF de [8.5 ~11] dB no intervalo de 1 a 6 GHz. Para as especificações de linearidade, um valor médio de IIP3 de 0 dBm foi alcançado para toda a faixa de frequência, consumindo 19.3 mW a partir de uma fonte de 1.2 V. Especificações adequadas para operação multi-banda e multi-protocolo. / The linearity and noise requirements in multi-band multi-standard applications make the design of RF CMOS mixers a very challenging task. In this dissertation two downconversion mixers based on the Gilbert-cell topology are proposed. Linearity and noise were the principal figures of merit for the proposed mixers. For linearity improvement, post distortion harmonic cancellation (PDHC) was employed. And, for noise reduction, dynamic current injection combined with an LC filter tuned at the LO frequency and thermal-noise cancellation were used. A Volterra series analysis of the transconductance stage is reported to show the effectiveness of the post-distortion harmonic cancellation technique. The added linearization circuitry does not increase the size of the mixer, nor does it degrade conversion gain, noise figure, or power consumption. Electrical simulations were performed on extracted layout level from the first topology and schematic level from the second topology. Using an IBM 0.13 mm CMOS process improvements on IIP3 and IIP2 in comparison to the conventional Gilbert-cell mixer are demonstrated. For the first topology, we achieved a conversion gain of 10.2 dB with a NF of 12 dB for the designed mixer working at 2 GHz, with a low-IF of 500 kHz and an IIP2 and IIP3 of 55 dBm and 10.9 dBm, respectively, while consuming only 5.3 mW from a 1.2 V supply. For the second topology, we achieved a conversion gain range of [13.8 ~11] dB, an input reflection coefficient (S11) of [-18 ~-9.5] dB and a NF of [8.5 ~11] dB in the frequency range of 1 to 6 GHz. For the linearity specs, an IIP3 of 0 dBm was achieved for the whole frequency range, while consuming 19.3 mW from a 1.2 V supply, making the second topology well suited for multi-band and multi-standard operation.

Design of CMOS active downconversion mixers for gigahertz multi-band and multiple-standard operation / Um misturador ativo CMOS para conversão a baixas frequências com operacão multi-banda e multi-protocolo

Cordova Vivas, David Javier January 2014 (has links)
Os requisitos de linearidade e ruído em aplicações multi-banda e multi-protocolo fazem que o projeto de misturadores RF seja uma tarefa muito desafiadora. Nesta dissertação dois misturadores com base na topologia célula de Gilbert são propostas. Linearidade e ruído foram as principais figuras de mérito consideradas para o misturadores propostos. Para aumento linearidade, foi utilizada uma técnica de cancelamento de harmônicas pós-distorção (PDHC). E, para redução de ruído, foi utilizado um circuito de redução dinâmica de corrente combinada com um filtro LC sintonizado na frequência do LO e cancelamento de ruído térmico. A análise por séries Volterra do estágio transcondutância do misturador proposto é reportada para mostrar a eficácia da técnica de cancelamento de harmônicos com pósdistorção. O circuito de linearização adicionado não aumenta o tamanho do misturador, nem degrada ganho de conversão, figura de ruído, ou consumo de potência. Simulações elétricas foram realizadas em nível de pós-layout para a primeira topologia e nível esquemático para a segunda topologia, usando processo CMOS de 0.13 mm da IBM. As melhorias em IIP2 e IIP3 são apresentadas em comparação com o misturador do tipo célula de Gilbert convencional. Para a primeira topologia, foi obtido um ganho de conversão de 10.2 dB com uma NF de 12 dB para o misturador projetado funcionando a 2 GHz, com uma frequência intermediária de 500 kHz. E um IIP2 e IIP3 de 55 dBm e 10.9 dBm, respectivamente, consumindo apenas 5.3 mW de uma fonte de 1.2 V. Para a segunda topologia, foram obtidos um ganho de conversão de [13.8 ~11] dB, um coeficiente de reflexão na entrada (S11) de [-18 ~-9.5] dB e um NF de [8.5 ~11] dB no intervalo de 1 a 6 GHz. Para as especificações de linearidade, um valor médio de IIP3 de 0 dBm foi alcançado para toda a faixa de frequência, consumindo 19.3 mW a partir de uma fonte de 1.2 V. Especificações adequadas para operação multi-banda e multi-protocolo. / The linearity and noise requirements in multi-band multi-standard applications make the design of RF CMOS mixers a very challenging task. In this dissertation two downconversion mixers based on the Gilbert-cell topology are proposed. Linearity and noise were the principal figures of merit for the proposed mixers. For linearity improvement, post distortion harmonic cancellation (PDHC) was employed. And, for noise reduction, dynamic current injection combined with an LC filter tuned at the LO frequency and thermal-noise cancellation were used. A Volterra series analysis of the transconductance stage is reported to show the effectiveness of the post-distortion harmonic cancellation technique. The added linearization circuitry does not increase the size of the mixer, nor does it degrade conversion gain, noise figure, or power consumption. Electrical simulations were performed on extracted layout level from the first topology and schematic level from the second topology. Using an IBM 0.13 mm CMOS process improvements on IIP3 and IIP2 in comparison to the conventional Gilbert-cell mixer are demonstrated. For the first topology, we achieved a conversion gain of 10.2 dB with a NF of 12 dB for the designed mixer working at 2 GHz, with a low-IF of 500 kHz and an IIP2 and IIP3 of 55 dBm and 10.9 dBm, respectively, while consuming only 5.3 mW from a 1.2 V supply. For the second topology, we achieved a conversion gain range of [13.8 ~11] dB, an input reflection coefficient (S11) of [-18 ~-9.5] dB and a NF of [8.5 ~11] dB in the frequency range of 1 to 6 GHz. For the linearity specs, an IIP3 of 0 dBm was achieved for the whole frequency range, while consuming 19.3 mW from a 1.2 V supply, making the second topology well suited for multi-band and multi-standard operation.

Distributed spectrum sensing and interference management for cognitive radios with low capacity control channels

Van Den Biggelaar, Olivier 05 October 2012 (has links)
Cognitive radios have been proposed as a new technology to counteract the spectrum scarcity issue and increase the spectral efficiency. In cognitive radios, the sparse assigned frequency bands are opened to secondary users, provided that interference induced on the primary licensees is negligible. Cognitive radios are established in two steps: the radios firstly sense the available frequency bands by detecting the presence of primary users and secondly communicate using the bands that have been identified as not in use by the primary users.<p><p>In this thesis we investigate how to improve the efficiency of cognitive radio networks when multiple cognitive radios cooperate to sense the spectrum or control their interferences. A major challenge in the design of cooperating devices lays in the need for exchange of information between these devices. Therefore, in this thesis we identify three specific types of control information exchange whose efficiency can be improved. Specifically, we first study how cognitive radios can efficiently exchange sensing information with a coordinator node when the reporting channels are noisy. Then, we propose distributed learning algorithms allowing to allocate the primary network sensing times and the secondary transmission powers within the secondary network. Both distributed allocation algorithms minimize the need for information exchange compared to centralized allocation algorithms. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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