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Justice As Reconciliation: Political Theory in a World of DifferenceFourlas, George 17 October 2014 (has links)
Divisiveness routinely turns violent, thus making research into alternative means of dealing with conflict an urgent necessity. This dissertation focuses on the politics of divisiveness and the techniques of conflict transformation. In this, I offer a robust and operable theory of reconciliation. I argue that reconciliation is the first principle of justice. In this sense, the ideal of justice is enacted through the improvement and coordination of social-political relations, which requires the development of trust and institutions that facilitate the ever emergent demos.
This is not to suggest that alternative approaches to justice, such as distributive models, are useless or wrong. Rather, justice requires a consensus which cannot be realized when persons see their neighbors as enemies. In conflicts, activities that benefit the enemy Other, such as the redistribution of wealth, will be taken as an injustice by other embattled social groups. As I demonstrate through various cases, interpersonal and institutional responses, like redistribution, often escalate discord and rarely create a shared sense of justice. Thus, conflict becomes a cyclical and multilevel problem. I explore how we can better respond to the cycle of conflict at individual, social, and systemic levels, in order to realize a legitimate notion of justice.
I use an interdisciplinary approach to defend my arguments, drawing on
iv philosophy and conflict resolution (CR). CR is an emerging field that emphasizes practical responses to conflict, often with advocacy for reconciliation. However, more theoretical work needs to be done to explain the ideal of reconciliation that directs CR practices. Within philosophy, little work has been done on the topic of reconciliation. A vast literature exists on the topic of justice, but this literature offers few practical descriptions of how persons come to agree upon the terms of justice. Thus, theories of justice are often labeled as 'ideal' simply because they are disconnected from the fragmented and conflict-ridden reality most people experience. This dissertation, as a project in non-ideal political theory that is empirically informed by cases and concerns in CR, fills these gaps in both philosophy and CR.
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Sistematização do cálculo de diluição e perdas operacionais para reconciliação de teores e massas em larva a céu abertoCâmara, Taís Renata January 2013 (has links)
Em lavra a céu aberto, a diluição nem sempre é um fator analisado e calculado sistematicamente, muitas vezes é apenas um número ajustado para atender necessidades de auditorias, por exemplo. A diluição, assim como a perda, são fatores que devem ser sempre considerados nas estimativas de teores e massas para quantificação de reservas. Estes fatores andam sempre conjugados e são determinados considerando diversas particularidades do depósito (complexidade geológica, geometria do corpo de minério, dureza da rocha, etc.) e características da operação (equipamentos, geometria de cava, habilidade dos operadores, entre outros). O principal objetivo deste estudo é a determinação de um fator de diluição que possa ser utilizado no planejamento de lavra (modelo de estimativas), levando em consideração diversas particularidades do depósito e da operação, além de considerar fatores objetivos relacionados à geometria. A reconciliação pode ser definida como uma comparação entre teores e massas estimados no modelo de blocos com as medidas reais dos teores e massas produzidos, dentro de um mesmo volume. O processo de reconciliação de teor e massa entre o planejamento e o executado atua como uma maneira para verificar se o planejamento está adequado, e se não estiver, identificar onde se encontram os problemas de falta de aderência. Além de verificar a confiabilidade dos procedimentos de construção do modelo utilizado, a reconciliação permite definir medidas corretivas e priorizá-las para aproximar os resultados entre produção e o planejamento. Para saber se o fator de diluição utilizado está correto e adequado às necessidades do depósito é necessário primeiramente, saber se existe uma boa aderência na reconciliação entre planejado e executado. Com o resultado, é possível saber quais fatores estão sendo causadores de diluição e/ou perdas de minério e onde estes estão ocorrendo. O fator de diluição pode ser uma ferramenta muito positiva se aplicado de maneira correta, já que este varia a partir de diferentes etapas ao longo do planejamento de mina, influenciando áreas a serem mineradas, orçamentos, eficiência da produção e também melhora do resultado financeiro do projeto. / In open pit mining, not always the dilution is a factor analyzed and systematically calculated, often is only a number adjusted for attending the needs of audits, for example. The dilution, as well as loss, are factors that should be always considered for tonnage and grade estimates during mine planning. These factors are always associated and can be determined considering several particularities of the deposit (like geology complexity, orebody geometry, rock hardness, etc.) and the operation itself (e.g. mining equipment, pit design, experience, among others). The main objective of this study is to determine a dilution factor that can be used in mine planning (estimation model), taking into consideration those particularities of the deposit and operation, besides considering objective factors related to the geometry. Reconciliation could be defined as a comparison of predicted grade and tonnage from the block model estimates against the effective measures of mined mass and produced ore, within a block. The reconciliation process of grade and mass of planning against executed is a way to check if planning is appropriate, and if not, identify where the problems of lack of adherence are. In addition to checking the reliability of the procedures used in the block model creation, reconciliation allows one to define corrective measures and prioritize them to optimize production and planning. To understand if the dilution factor used is correct and appropriate to the needs of the deposit it is first required knowing if there is a good adherence in reconciliation between planned and executed. With the results, is possible to know which factors are causing dilution and/or losses of ore and where they are occurring. The dilution factor can become a very positive tool if better assessed, because it varies from different locations along the mine planning, influencing areas to be mined; budgets; production efficiency and also profit increase.
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Activating justice : local appropriation of transitional justice in Sierra LeoneMartin, Laura Stearns January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines local transitional justice programmes and processes in Sierra Leone. I will examine both recognised mechanisms – official institutions with preconceived goals and processes that are already recognised as part of the transitional justice ‘toolkit’ and unrecognised mechanisms – processes outside the institutional transitional justice scope and discourse. Much research and analysis of these processes often prioritise organisations and their programmes as the starting point of investigation and fail to recognise the various individual actors involved, both within the organisational structures and the groups for whom these programmes are designed. Moving beyond discussions of impact and effectiveness, this thesis examines the actual activity of Sierra Leonean individuals in both recognised and unrecognised processes. Fambul Tok is an example of a recognised local transitional justice programme, which seeks to facilitate justice and reconciliation through bonfire ceremonies to make the programmes more contextually relevant for rural communities. I will look at the various individuals involved in constructing and shaping how Fambul Tok operates and is represented to different audiences to better understand dynamics amongst different Sierra Leoneans with attachments to different places, all of whom theoretically constitute the local. My thesis will demonstrate how transitional justice processes are not only institutional, but also individual. I move away from discussions about ‘societies,’ normative questions of institutional effectiveness, the underlying assumptions that propel transitional justice programmes and mechanisms and look more specifically at the activities and appropriation of individual actors within these transitional justice processes to better illustrate the diverse means through which individuals construct as well as engage with local transitional justice programmes and the unique unrecognised ways individuals move past their war-related experiences.
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Indigenous Worldviews: Teachers’ Experience with Native Studies in OntarioLagarde, Natasha 10 July 2018 (has links)
This research is an analysis of Ontario teachers’ experiences with Grade 11 NDA3M Current Aboriginal Context in Canada curriculum. By deconstructing and critically analyzing the curricular and pedagogical implications, my thesis is a targeted response to number 63 of the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action. As outlined by Clandinin and Connelly (2000), this research is centred in narrative research techniques. Additionally, I draw on Miller’s (1996) 3L’s: Look, Listen, and Learn approach, paired with Dion and Dion’s (2004) storytelling as a means of telling and (re)telling the story. I used one-on-one interviews with teachers and one sharing circle with teachers and elders to synthesize data from documents to capture the essence of the lived experiences. Participants revealed their experiences of what Aoki claims is curriculum-as-planned and curriculum-as-lived in this course. The results of this research were revealed responses to components of number 63 of the Calls to Action; NDA3M requires a review of curriculum expectations to align with teachers’ classroom experiences; participants discussed how their respective schools are using every opportunity to students’ capacity and awareness of Indigenous Worldviews; and professional development to support Indigenous education is in high demand.
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Sistematização do cálculo de diluição e perdas operacionais para reconciliação de teores e massas em larva a céu abertoCâmara, Taís Renata January 2013 (has links)
Em lavra a céu aberto, a diluição nem sempre é um fator analisado e calculado sistematicamente, muitas vezes é apenas um número ajustado para atender necessidades de auditorias, por exemplo. A diluição, assim como a perda, são fatores que devem ser sempre considerados nas estimativas de teores e massas para quantificação de reservas. Estes fatores andam sempre conjugados e são determinados considerando diversas particularidades do depósito (complexidade geológica, geometria do corpo de minério, dureza da rocha, etc.) e características da operação (equipamentos, geometria de cava, habilidade dos operadores, entre outros). O principal objetivo deste estudo é a determinação de um fator de diluição que possa ser utilizado no planejamento de lavra (modelo de estimativas), levando em consideração diversas particularidades do depósito e da operação, além de considerar fatores objetivos relacionados à geometria. A reconciliação pode ser definida como uma comparação entre teores e massas estimados no modelo de blocos com as medidas reais dos teores e massas produzidos, dentro de um mesmo volume. O processo de reconciliação de teor e massa entre o planejamento e o executado atua como uma maneira para verificar se o planejamento está adequado, e se não estiver, identificar onde se encontram os problemas de falta de aderência. Além de verificar a confiabilidade dos procedimentos de construção do modelo utilizado, a reconciliação permite definir medidas corretivas e priorizá-las para aproximar os resultados entre produção e o planejamento. Para saber se o fator de diluição utilizado está correto e adequado às necessidades do depósito é necessário primeiramente, saber se existe uma boa aderência na reconciliação entre planejado e executado. Com o resultado, é possível saber quais fatores estão sendo causadores de diluição e/ou perdas de minério e onde estes estão ocorrendo. O fator de diluição pode ser uma ferramenta muito positiva se aplicado de maneira correta, já que este varia a partir de diferentes etapas ao longo do planejamento de mina, influenciando áreas a serem mineradas, orçamentos, eficiência da produção e também melhora do resultado financeiro do projeto. / In open pit mining, not always the dilution is a factor analyzed and systematically calculated, often is only a number adjusted for attending the needs of audits, for example. The dilution, as well as loss, are factors that should be always considered for tonnage and grade estimates during mine planning. These factors are always associated and can be determined considering several particularities of the deposit (like geology complexity, orebody geometry, rock hardness, etc.) and the operation itself (e.g. mining equipment, pit design, experience, among others). The main objective of this study is to determine a dilution factor that can be used in mine planning (estimation model), taking into consideration those particularities of the deposit and operation, besides considering objective factors related to the geometry. Reconciliation could be defined as a comparison of predicted grade and tonnage from the block model estimates against the effective measures of mined mass and produced ore, within a block. The reconciliation process of grade and mass of planning against executed is a way to check if planning is appropriate, and if not, identify where the problems of lack of adherence are. In addition to checking the reliability of the procedures used in the block model creation, reconciliation allows one to define corrective measures and prioritize them to optimize production and planning. To understand if the dilution factor used is correct and appropriate to the needs of the deposit it is first required knowing if there is a good adherence in reconciliation between planned and executed. With the results, is possible to know which factors are causing dilution and/or losses of ore and where they are occurring. The dilution factor can become a very positive tool if better assessed, because it varies from different locations along the mine planning, influencing areas to be mined; budgets; production efficiency and also profit increase.
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Sistematização do cálculo de diluição e perdas operacionais para reconciliação de teores e massas em larva a céu abertoCâmara, Taís Renata January 2013 (has links)
Em lavra a céu aberto, a diluição nem sempre é um fator analisado e calculado sistematicamente, muitas vezes é apenas um número ajustado para atender necessidades de auditorias, por exemplo. A diluição, assim como a perda, são fatores que devem ser sempre considerados nas estimativas de teores e massas para quantificação de reservas. Estes fatores andam sempre conjugados e são determinados considerando diversas particularidades do depósito (complexidade geológica, geometria do corpo de minério, dureza da rocha, etc.) e características da operação (equipamentos, geometria de cava, habilidade dos operadores, entre outros). O principal objetivo deste estudo é a determinação de um fator de diluição que possa ser utilizado no planejamento de lavra (modelo de estimativas), levando em consideração diversas particularidades do depósito e da operação, além de considerar fatores objetivos relacionados à geometria. A reconciliação pode ser definida como uma comparação entre teores e massas estimados no modelo de blocos com as medidas reais dos teores e massas produzidos, dentro de um mesmo volume. O processo de reconciliação de teor e massa entre o planejamento e o executado atua como uma maneira para verificar se o planejamento está adequado, e se não estiver, identificar onde se encontram os problemas de falta de aderência. Além de verificar a confiabilidade dos procedimentos de construção do modelo utilizado, a reconciliação permite definir medidas corretivas e priorizá-las para aproximar os resultados entre produção e o planejamento. Para saber se o fator de diluição utilizado está correto e adequado às necessidades do depósito é necessário primeiramente, saber se existe uma boa aderência na reconciliação entre planejado e executado. Com o resultado, é possível saber quais fatores estão sendo causadores de diluição e/ou perdas de minério e onde estes estão ocorrendo. O fator de diluição pode ser uma ferramenta muito positiva se aplicado de maneira correta, já que este varia a partir de diferentes etapas ao longo do planejamento de mina, influenciando áreas a serem mineradas, orçamentos, eficiência da produção e também melhora do resultado financeiro do projeto. / In open pit mining, not always the dilution is a factor analyzed and systematically calculated, often is only a number adjusted for attending the needs of audits, for example. The dilution, as well as loss, are factors that should be always considered for tonnage and grade estimates during mine planning. These factors are always associated and can be determined considering several particularities of the deposit (like geology complexity, orebody geometry, rock hardness, etc.) and the operation itself (e.g. mining equipment, pit design, experience, among others). The main objective of this study is to determine a dilution factor that can be used in mine planning (estimation model), taking into consideration those particularities of the deposit and operation, besides considering objective factors related to the geometry. Reconciliation could be defined as a comparison of predicted grade and tonnage from the block model estimates against the effective measures of mined mass and produced ore, within a block. The reconciliation process of grade and mass of planning against executed is a way to check if planning is appropriate, and if not, identify where the problems of lack of adherence are. In addition to checking the reliability of the procedures used in the block model creation, reconciliation allows one to define corrective measures and prioritize them to optimize production and planning. To understand if the dilution factor used is correct and appropriate to the needs of the deposit it is first required knowing if there is a good adherence in reconciliation between planned and executed. With the results, is possible to know which factors are causing dilution and/or losses of ore and where they are occurring. The dilution factor can become a very positive tool if better assessed, because it varies from different locations along the mine planning, influencing areas to be mined; budgets; production efficiency and also profit increase.
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Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and the Search for Justice: A Comparative Study of Chile, Argentina and GuatemalaArroyo, Pastor Jose 01 January 2018 (has links)
During the mid to late 1900s many Latin American countries found themselves under the rule of violent military regimes and in civil war. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the atrocities committed in the late 20th century throughout Latin America and to discuss the ways in which these societies, affected by state violence, were able to overcome the past. In this paper, I will look at the purpose of truth and reconciliation commissions and their outcomes in Chile, Argentina, and Guatemala in order to find some similarities and compare and contrast the successes and failures of the different commissions in their respective settings.
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The meaning of Hilasmos in the first Epistle of John 2:2 (Cf. 4:10)Bigalke, Ron J. January 2013 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the thesis. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2013 / New Testament Studies / unrestricted
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Drawing the borderlines, truth justice and reconciliation mechanisms/amnesties and the Rome StatuteKamunde, Nelly Gacheri January 2009 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / This research analyzes Truth Justice and Reconciliation Mechanisms and Amnesties in the light of the Rome Statute to the International Criminal Court (ICC). The research looks strictly into the legal terms of the Rome Statute in order to see if their interpretation indicates that the Court is meant to ‘complement1’ such forms of justice mechanisms, especially when they are accompanied by amnesties. / South Africa
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Women as forgotten victims in the process of transitional justice and national reconciliationTromp, Johnlyn January 2010 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM
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