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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Investigation of the Internal Rating-based Model under Basel II

Huang, Mei-chen 22 July 2004 (has links)

The Demand for Consumer Credit

Ashley, David W. 10 September 2002 (has links)
The demand for consumer credit is an area of economics that is of great interest to those in the lending community. While much research has been performed on this topic in the financial industry, the findings have been very closely guarded for competitive reasons. In this study, reduced form equations were derived to form the basis of a 2SLS regression model. This model was used to estimate the demand for consumer credit in the United States over the period 1973 - 2002. Six independent variables were included in the analysis: monetary base, unemployment rate, consumer confidence index, disposable personal income, federal funds interest rate and the price/barrel of oil. The model results concluded that only two of these variables significantly affect the demand for consumer credit &#8211; disposable personal income (DPI<sub>t</sub>) and the unemployment rate (uet). The error terms were compared against those derived from two alternative models using the same data sets &#8211; a trend model and an autoregressive model &#8211; AR(1). The root mean square error (RMSE) for the reduced form model was significantly lower then that of the trend model, but slightly higher then the AR(1) model. The objectives of this study are to: (1) produce an accurate model that defines the drivers behind the demand for consumer credit, while (2) producing results consistent with econometric theory. Based on this set of objectives, the reduced form model is the superior of the three models included in this study. / Master of Arts

Modeling large-scale singular climate events for integrated assessment

Zickfeld, Kirsten January 2003 (has links)
Erkenntnisse aus paläoklimatologischen Studien, theoretischen Betrachtungen und Modellsimulationen deuten darauf hin, dass anthropogene Emissionen von Treibhausgasen und Aerosolen zu großskaligen, singulären Klimaereignissen führen könnten. Diese bezeichnen stark nichtlineare, abrupte Klimaänderungen, mit regionalen bis hin zu globalen Auswirkungen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung von Modellen zweier maßgeblicher Komponenten des Klimasystems, die singuläres Verhalten aufweisen könnten: die atlantische thermohaline Zirkulation (THC) und der indische Monsun. Diese Modelle sind so konzipiert, dass sie den Anforderungen der "Integrated Assessment"-Modellierung genügen, d.h., sie sind realistisch, recheneffizient, transparent und flexibel. <br /> <br /> Das THC-Modell ist ein einfaches, interhemisphärisches Boxmodell, das anhand von Daten kalibriert wird, die mit einem gekoppelten Klimamodell mittlerer Komplexität erzeugt wurden. Das Modell wird durch die globale Mitteltemperatur angetrieben, die mit Hilfe eines linearen Downscaling-Verfahrens in regionale Wärme- und Süßwasserflüsse übersetzt wird. Die Ergebnisse einer Vielzahl von zeitabhängigen Simulationen zeigen, dass das Modell in der Lage ist, maßgebliche Eigenschaften des Verhaltens komplexer Klimamodelle wiederzugeben, wie die Sensitivität bezüglich des Ausmaßes, der regionalen Verteilung und der Rate der Klimaänderung. <br /> <br /> Der indische Monsun wird anhand eines neuartigen eindimensionalen Boxmodells der tropischen Atmosphäre beschrieben. Dieses enthält Parmetrisierungen der Oberflächen- und Strahlungsflüsse, des hydrologischen Kreislaufs und derHydrologie der Landoberfläche. Trotz des hohen Idealisierungsgrades ist das Modell in der Lage, relevante Aspekte der beobachteten Monsundynamik, wie z.B. den Jahresgang des Niederschlags und das Eintritts- sowie Rückzugsdatum des Sommermonsuns, zufrieden stellend zu simulieren. Außerdem erfasst das Modell die Sensitivitätdes Monsuns bezüglich Änderungen der Treibhausgas- und Aerosolkonzentrationen, die aus komplexeren Modellen bekannt sind. <br /> <br /> Eine vereinfachte Version des Monsunmodells wird für die Untersuchung des qualitativen Systemverhaltens in Abhängigkeit von Änderungen der Randbedingungen eingesetzt. Das bemerkenswerteste Ergebnis ist das Auftreten einer Sattelknotenbifurkation des Sommermonsuns für kritische Werte der Albedo oder der Sonneneinstrahlung. Darüber hinaus weist das Modell zwei stabile Zustände auf: neben dem niederschlagsreichen Sommermonsun besteht ein Zustand, der sich durch einen schwachen hydrologischen Kreislauf auszeichnet. Das Beachtliche an diesen Ergebnissen ist, dass anthropogene Störungen der plantetaren Albedo, wie Schwefelemissionen und/oder Landnutzungsänderungen, zu einer Destabilisierung des indischen Monsuns führen könnten. <br /> <br /> Das THC-Boxmodell findet exemplarische Anwendung in einem "Integrated Assessment" von Klimaschutzstrategien. Basierend auf dem konzeptionellen und methodischen Gerüst des Leitplankenansatzes werden Emissionskorridore (d.h. zulässige Spannen an CO2-Emissionen) berechnet, die das Risiko eines THC-Zusammenbruchs begrenzen sowie sozioökonomische Randbedingungen berücksichtigen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen u.a. eine starke Abhängigkeit der Breite der Emissionskorridore von der Klima- und hydrologischen Sensitivität. Für kleine Werte einer oder beider Sensitivitäten liegt der obere Korridorrand bei weit höheren Emissionswerten als jene, die von plausiblen Emissionsszenarien für das 21. Jahrhundert erreicht werden. Für große Werte der Sensitivitäten hingegen, verlassen schon niedrige Emissionsszenarien den Korridor in den frühen Jahrzehnten des 21. Jahrhunderts. Dies impliziert eine Abkehr von den gegenwärtigen Emissionstrends innherhalb der kommenden Jahrzehnte, wenn das Risko eines THC Zusammenbruchs gering gehalten werden soll. <br /> <br /> Anhand einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen - von Sensitivitäts- über Bifurkationsanalysen hin zu integrierter Modellierung - zeigt diese Arbeit den Wert reduzierter Modelle auf. Die Ergebnisse und die daraus zu ziehenden Schlussfolgerungen liefern einen wertvollen Beitrag zu der wissenschaftlichen und politischen Diskussion bezüglich der Folgen des anthropogenen Klimawandels und der langfristigen Klimaschutzziele. / Concerns have been raised that anthropogenic climate change could lead to large-scale singular climate events, i.e., abrupt nonlinear climate changes with repercussions on regional to global scales. One central goal of this thesis is the development of models of two representative components of the climate system that could exhibit singular behavior: the Atlantic thermohaline circulation (THC) and the Indian monsoon. These models are conceived so as to fulfill the main requirements of integrated assessment modeling, i.e., reliability, computational efficiency, transparency and flexibility. <br /> <br /> The model of the THC is an interhemispheric four-box model calibrated against data generated with a coupled climate model of intermediate complexity. It is designed to be driven by global mean temperature change which is translated into regional fluxes of heat and freshwater through a linear down-scaling procedure. Results of a large number of transient climate change simulations indicate that the reduced-form THC model is able to emulate key features of the behavior of comprehensive climate models such as the sensitivity of the THC to the amount, regional distribution and rate of change in the heat and freshwater fluxes. <br /> <br /> The Indian monsoon is described by a novel one-dimensional box model of the tropical atmosphere. It includes representations of the radiative and surface fluxes, the hydrological cycle and surface hydrology. Despite its high degree of idealization, the model satisfactorily captures relevant aspects of the observed monsoon dynamics, such as the annual course of precipitation and the onset and withdrawal of the summer monsoon. Also, the model exhibits the sensitivity to changes in greenhouse gas and sulfate aerosol concentrations that are known from comprehensive models. <br /> <br /> A simplified version of the monsoon model is employed for the identification of changes in the qualitative system behavior against changes in boundary conditions. The most notable result is that under summer conditions a saddle-node bifurcation occurs at critical values of the planetary albedo or insolation. Furthermore, the system exhibits two stable equilibria: besides the wet summer monsoon, a stable state exists which is characterized by a weak hydrological cycle. These results are remarkable insofar, as they indicate that anthropogenic perturbations of the planetary albedo such as sulfur emissions and/or land-use changes could destabilize the Indian summer monsoon. <br /> <br /> The reduced-form THC model is employed in an exemplary integrated assessment application. Drawing on the conceptual and methodological framework of the tolerable windows approach, emissions corridors (i.e., admissible ranges of CO2- emissions) are derived that limit the risk of a THC collapse while considering expectations about the socio-economically acceptable pace of emissions reductions. Results indicate, for example, a large dependency of the width of the emissions corridor on climate and hydrological sensitivity: for low values of climate and/or hydrological sensitivity, the corridor boundaries are far from being transgressed by any plausible emissions scenario for the 21st century. In contrast, for high values of both quantities low non-intervention scenarios leave the corridor already in the early decades of the 21st century. This implies that if the risk of a THC collapse is to be kept low, business-as-usual paths would need to be abandoned within the next two decades. <br /> <br /> All in all, this thesis highlights the value of reduced-form modeling by presenting a number of applications of this class of models, ranging from sensitivity and bifurcation analysis to integrated assessment. The results achieved and conclusions drawn provide a useful contribution to the scientific and policy debate about the consequences of anthropogenic climate change and the long-term goals of climate protection. <br><br>--- <br> Anmerkung:<br> Die Autorin ist Trägerin des von der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Potsdam vergebenen Michelson-Preises für die beste Promotion des Jahres 2003/2004.

Derivative pricing based on time series models of default probabilities

Chang, Kai-hsiang 02 August 2006 (has links)
In recent years, people pay much attention to derivative pricing subject to credit risk. In this paper, we proposed an autoregressive time series model of log odds ratios to price derivatives. Examples of the proposed model are given via the structural and reduced form approaches. Pricing formulae of the proposed time series models are derived for bonds and options. Furthermore, simulation studies are performed to confirm the accuracy of derived formulae.

The Risk Evaluation of Credit Guarantee and Actuarial Guarantee Fee of Loans to SMEs

Chen, Chin-ming 08 October 2008 (has links)
One of the most important government policies to support and satisfy financing needs for marginal enterprises or special sectors in economic system is to provide credit guarantee. In Taiwan, while Small and Medium Enterprise Credit Guarantee Fund of Taiwan (SMEG) had been established to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) acquiring bank loans successfully by providing credit guarantee, there is still a need to set up an appropriate credit rating systems for SMEs. This research proposes three kinds of assessment models to the credit risks of SMEG. While Model one employs a firm¡¦s financial performance, substituting debt level and estimated asset value and volatility into the model to derive probability of default (PD). Model two and three utilize a firm¡¦s risk premium observed from the loan rate to estimate credit level. The former belongs to the application of structure-form approach in the credit risk management model, on the other hand, the latter is the reduced-form approach. On the structure-form approach, due to the difficulties in accessing SMEs¡¦ public trade information in Taiwan, we adopt the Private Firm Model developed by Moody's KMV Company. We had also improved this PD evaluation model by taking some peculiar operating characteristics of Taiwan¡¦s SMEs into consideration. On the reduced-form approach, we apply risk-neutral model to estimate a firm¡¦s PD, which then been utilizing to evaluate the expected value of subrogation payment in the case of default. This can further go deeper to calculate the guarantee fee of a loan. The processes used in this model is same as that of actuarial methodology being used to determine the premium of a term insurance. The three credit risk management models proposed in this research are designed to reflect the market information of a SME, and to the applicability of operating in real world case. The empirical results indicate they could adequately reflect the risk levels of the SMEs to a certain extent. We hope to provide the SMEG with a method of evaluating credit risk of SMEs to establish a fairer and more reasonable guarantee fee, and contribute in enhancing and managing credit guarantee mechanism in Taiwan.

Direct sensitivity techniques in regional air quality models: development and application

Zhang, Wenxian 12 January 2015 (has links)
Sensitivity analysis based on a chemical transport model (CTM) serves as an important approach towards better understanding the relationship between trace contaminant levels in the atmosphere and emissions, chemical and physical processes. Previous studies on ozone control identified the high-order Decoupled Direct Method (HDDM) as an efficient tool to conduct sensitivity analysis. Given the growing recognition of the adverse health effects of fine particulate matter (i.e., particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5)), this dissertation presents the development of a HDDM sensitivity technique for particulate matter and its implementation it in a widely used CTM, CMAQ. Compared to previous studies, two new features of the implementation are 1) including sensitivities of aerosol water content and activity coefficients, and 2) tracking the chemical regimes of the embedded thermodynamic model. The new features provide more accurate sensitivities especially for nitrate and ammonium. Results compare well with brute force sensitivities and are shown to be more stable and computationally efficient. Next, this dissertation explores the applications of HDDM. Source apportionment analysis for the Houston region in September 2006 indicates that nonlinear responses accounted for 3.5% to 33.7% of daily average PM2.5, and that PM2.5 formed rapidly during night especially in the presence of abundant ozone and under stagnant conditions. Uncertainty analysis based on the HDDM found that on average, uncertainties in the emissions rates led to 36% uncertainty in simulated daily average PM2.5 and could explain much, but not all, of the difference between simulated and observed PM2.5 concentrations at two observations sites. HDDM is then applied to assess the impact of flare VOC emissions with temporally variable combustion efficiency. Detailed study of flare emissions using the 2006 Texas special inventory indicates that daily maximum 8-hour ozone at a monitoring site can increase by 2.9 ppb when combustion is significantly decreased. The last application in this dissertation integrates the reduced form model into an electricity generation planning model, and enables representation of geospatial dependence of air quality-related health costs in the optimization process to seek the least cost planning for power generation. The integrated model can provide useful advice on selecting fuel types and locations for power plants.

Pricing and modeling credit risk / Pricing and modeling credit risk

Kolman, Marek January 2017 (has links)
The thesis covers a wide range of topics from the credit risk modeling with the emphasis put on pricing of the claims subject to the default risk. Starting with a separate general contingent claim pricing framework the key topics are classified into three fundamental parts: firm-value models, reduced-form models, portfolio problems, with a possible finer sub-classification. Every part provides a theoretical discussion, proposal of self-developed methodologies and related applications that are designed so as to be close to the real-world problems. The text also reveals several new findings from various fields of credit risk modeling. In particular, it is shown (i) that the stock option market is a good source of credit information, (ii) how the reduced-form modeling framework can be extended to capture more complicated problems, (iii) that the double t copula together with a self-developed portfolio modeling framework outperforms the classical Gaussian copula approaches. Many other, partial findings are presented in the relevant chapters and some other results are also discussed in the Appendix.

Adequalidade e evidência psicométrica de uma escala de personalidade baseada no Big Five Inventory-10 a uma região no Sul do Brasil

Araujo, Jaciana Marlova Gonçalves 12 January 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T17:26:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 jaciana.pdf: 667514 bytes, checksum: 543d150a01c06b10933602382c393667 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-01-12 / The Big Five theory has been the basis for much of the personality assessment work conducted recently. Currently this is the theory that provides a better understanding of personality. The Big Five inventory- 10 (BFI-10) is a scale composed of 10 items that assesses five dimensions of personality, with two items for each factor: Extroversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism and Openness. The purpose of this study due to the need for a brief instrument based on Big Five Theory for use in research in Brazil. Were interviewed 1158 people, being the majority female (58%) aged between 14 and 35 years. In the original form of the instrument was added one item in each factor to select later the 10 items with better psychometric qualities. There was evidence of construct validity and the rates of internal consistence were acceptable. At the end of the analysis it was identified that Neuroticism was the factor that demonstrated greater legitimacy, whereas Agreeableness was the less representative. Associations were observed among factors and the sociodemographic variables: gender, age and scholarity. It has been concluded that the adapted BFI-10 can be used when the time available is very limited. Considering the limitations of a so brief scale, the results should be interpreted cautiously. Further studies should be made to complement the psychometric characteristics of the scale / Recentemente a teoria Big Five tem servido de base para grande parte do trabalho de avaliação da personalidade. O Big Five Inventory 10 (BFI-10) é uma escala de 10 itens (dois a cada fator), que avalia cinco dimensões da personalidade: Extroversão; Amabilidade; Conscienciosidade; Neuroticismo e Abertura a experiências. A adaptação de um instrumento baseado no BFI-10 foi o propósito do presente estudo, em função da necessidade de um instrumento breve baseado na teoria Big Five para uso em pesquisas no Brasil. Foram entrevistadas 1158 pessoas, 58% do sexo feminino, com idades entre 14 e 35 anos. À forma original do instrumento foi acrescentado um item em cada fator para selecionar posteriormente os 10 com melhores resultados. As evidências de validade de construto e os índices de fidedignidade foram aceitáveis. O fator Neuroticismo teve os melhores resultados, enquanto Amabilidade foi o menos representativo. Foram observadas associações entre os fatores e as variáveis sóciodemográficas: gênero, idade e escolaridade. Concluiu-se que a escala baseada no BFI-10 poderá ser utilizada quando o tempo disponível for muito limitado. Considerando as limitações de uma escala breve, os resultados devem ser interpretados com precaução. Novos estudos devem ser feitos para complementar as características psicométricas da escala

Pricing Us Corporate Bonds By Jarrow/turnbull (1995) Model

Oguz, Hatice Dilek 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this study Jarrow Turnbull (1995) Model, which is a reduced form approach for credit risk models, is employed to estimate the default intensity of US corporate bonds conditionally based on a fixed recovery rate. The estimations are performed with respect to the ratings of the bonds and the results were consistent with the ratings. US Treasury Bills are also used to since zero coupon default free prices, modeled by Svensson (1994) are necessary for pricing the default risky coupon bonds.

縮減式模型下房屋抵押貸款之評價 / Mortgage Valuation under Reduced-Form Model

江淑玲, Chiang,Shu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
房屋抵押貸款的評價,因為需考慮到貸款人的提前清償及違約風險造成現金流量之不確定性,決定房屋抵押貸款的價格比決定一般違約證券的價格更具困難度。因此,如何合理評估抵押貸款證券的價值實為一值得深入探討之課題,本文即針對此議題進行研究。傳統文獻在進行房屋抵押貸款的評價方法,主要可區分為兩種:結構模型(structural-form approach)及縮減式模型(reduced-form approach)。目前的文獻上,其評價的封閉解只存在於結構式模型,但在此模型下的評價,存在著違約與提前清償條件的設定問題,這將對評價的準確性造成很大的影響,在實務的應用上有一定的限制。再者,結構式模型在處理多變數且變數間具相關性的情況,存在一定的複雜性與困難度,而縮減式模型在此情況的處理上是較容易的。本研究將從縮減式模型的角度,引入 Jarrow (2001)的概念,在包含多重變數並考慮變數間相關係數之縮減模型下,進行房屋抵押貸款封閉解的推導。透過此方法可協助資產管理者從事投資組合配置最適化與避險策略的分析,亦期望能提供實務界一個更具可行性與效率性之房屋抵押貸款評價模型。 / Valuing mortgage-related securities is more complicated than valuing regular defaultable claims due to the borrower’s prepayment behavior as well as the possibility of default. In general, the methods that are applied to investigate mortgage value and termination risk can be divided into two categories: a structural-form approach and a reduced-form approach. Some researchers use a structural-form model to obtain the closed-form formulae for the mortgage value. With this method, however, it is difficult to identify the critical region of early exercise and deal with the situation including multivariable and their correlations correlation among variables. As an alternative, the reduced-form model developed in this study is able to value the mortgage without setting boundary conditions, and can thereby accurately handle the multi-dimensional space of correlated state variables. This study extends Jarrow’s (2001) model to examine mortgage valuations. The purpose of this article is to derive a closed-form solution of the mortgage valuation equation under a general reduced-form model that embeds relevant economic variables. This new approach enables portfolio managers to undertake sophisticated portfolio optimization and hedging analyses, and makes it possible to more accurately and efficiently value the complicated mortgage.

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