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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Snižování oxidů dusíku z proudu spalin na speciálních katalyzátorech / Reduction of nitrogen oxides in flue gas on special catalysts

Vávra, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on experimental reduction of nitrogen oxides on special catalysts. The latest and state-of-the-art flue gas cleaning technologies are used. Selective catalytic reduction results in the desired level of pollution. It is necessary to meet the prescribed emission limit. A ceramic honeycomb filter based on vanadium and titanium is used as the catalyst. The entire measurement is carried out on the experimental INTEQ II unit, which is installed in the flue gas cleaning laboratory at NETME Center. It is shown which operating parameters achieve better efficiency of flue gas cleaning. Comparison of the BASF and CERAM catalysts is also performed. Finally, a material balance of the system is performed and a new external electric heater is designed to accelerate the heating process.

Data mining / Data mining

Mrázek, Michal January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is analysis of the multidimensional data. Three dimensionality reduction algorithms are introduced. It is shown how to manipulate with text documents using basic methods of natural language processing. The goal of the practical part of the thesis is to process real-world data from the internet forum. Posted messages are transformed to the numerical representation, then to two-dimensional space and visualized. Later on, topics of the messages are discovered. In the last part, a few selected algorithms are compared.

Studium plazmochemické redukce korozních vrstev na bronzi / Study of plasmachemical reduction of corrosive layers on bronze

Zemánek, Nikola January 2008 (has links)
The application of low-pressure low-temperature hydrogen plasma on artificial corrosion layers on bronze has been studied. For this purpose, three sets of bronze corroded samples were prepared. The first step of the model sample preparation was grinding of the bronze surface by using emery with 60, then 280 and finally by 600 grains density, in order to achieve the defined surface roughness. The next step of the work were optical and scanning electron microscopy observations with energy dispersive X-ray micro analysis (SEM-EDX) of the prepared bronze sample for purpose of surface structure characterization and element composition determination. Bronze samples with defined surface structure were corroded in different corrosion atmospheres. Three different model corrosion layers were formed by acidic atmospheres of hydrochloric acid, nitric acid and sulphuric acid. The element composition and structure of corrosion layer was determined by SEM-EDX again. The different amounts of oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, sulfur, copper, tin and lead in the corrosion layer according to different types of corrosion atmospheres were determined. The next and also main part of the work was a plasma chemical reduction of corroded samples. The plasma reactor used the RF discharge (13.56 MHz) created in quartz tube with outer electrodes. The generation of capacitively coupled plasma in continuous or pulse mode by different supplied power was carried out. The plasma radiation emitted from the RF discharge during the sample treatment was measured by optical emission spectroscopy. The quantity of OH radical created in an active discharge by reactions of atomic hydrogen with the corrosion layer is a significant indicator of a reduction process. Therefore the OH radical band integral intensities observed as a function of the treatment time were used as a monitor for plasma chemical reduction process. The OH emission showed different behavior depending on corrosion layer composition during the plasma treatment. The transformations of the corrosion layer due to the plasma effect were investigated by means of SEM-EDX once again. Changes in the element composition of corrosion (or surface) layers in consequence of plasma chemical treatment are given. Generally, the element composition after the plasma chemical treatment showed explicitly that oxygen and chlorine content in the corrosion layer decreased, nitrogen was removed totally. Metal deposition on the reactor wall was observed occasionally. The SEM-EDX analyzes also showed that in some cases the tin content in sample surface layers was significantly decreased. For that reason, in case of bronze sample (artifacts) treatment, the sample and plasma temperature seem to be very important parameters for the process optimization. The acceptable conditions for plasma chemical treatment has been found in case of corrosion layer formed by nitric acid, only. The other corrosions will be a subject of further studies.

Zneškodňování spalin znečištěných NOx / Treatment of flue gas polluted by NOx

Hanák, Libor January 2009 (has links)
There is an overview of secondary methods for NOX removal from stationary sources in the first part of master’s thesis. There are well known methods as SCR o SNCR, but also new and experimental ones. An accent is putting on catalytic filtration, especially on cloth filter, which will be used for experiments. An important part of master’s thesis is a project of new experimental unit for experiments with cloth and ceramic catalytic filters as well as with a bit of cloth filtration material. Unit has compact proportions, high-class measurement and control and wide application spectra. Other advantages of this equipment are fast and easy cleaning and installation. This unit, called INTEQ II, can be used in plants or in laboratories. There is prediction model created together with new technology. It enables calculation of efficiency at catalytic filters with variable conditions without many experiments. This model is elaborate and will be finished with dates from measuring. There in only summary of planned experiments in this thesis, because measurements at new unit have not done yet. Experiences with operations at unit INTEQ I were used for proposal of new equipment and for experiments planning.

Redukce NOx obsažených ve spalinách / Reduction of NOx contained in flue gas

Janík, Prokop January 2012 (has links)
Research in the field of NOX abatement has grown significantly in the past two decades. The general trend has been to develop new catalysts with complex materials in order to meet the stringent environmental regulations. The master’s thesis deals with the cleaning flue gases through a filter element which is from porous ceramics. There is catalyst implemented for NOx reduction throug the method of selective catalytic reduction in the filter element. There is also description of experimental unit for flue gas cleaning. Part of the thesis is creation of prediction model which allows to predict efficiency reduction in the filtration device operating conditions with some accuracy.

Pokročilé metody ditheringu barevných obrazů, redukce barevného prostoru na n-prvkovou paletu / Color Images Advanced Dithering Methods, Reduction of Color Space on n-Dimensional Palette

Štěpán, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes summarizing and comparsion of advanced dithering techniques used to reduce the image color space on n-dimensional palette. The goal is to create a set of basic methods including theirs enhancements and modifications focusing on the output image quality and maximum visual fidelity to the original image. Another part of this thesis is to analyze this methods using own comparsing method and design new dithering algorithm combining their advantages.

Vizuálně realistické modelování deformací dynamických objektů / Visually realistic modeling of dynamic objects deformations

Bulušek, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The present work deals with simulation methods for rigid bodies and deformable bodies. In the first chapter you can find research of some methods for simulation of rigid body physics with emphasis on method used in open source physics engine Bullet. In second chapter you can find methods for simulation of deformable bodies, again with emphasis on Bullet physics engine. In last chapter model order reduction technique is presented. This method enables to reduce system of ordinary differential equations. These equations come for example from applying finite element method to partial differential equations describing motion of elastic body. The technique is studied on bar truss systems. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Udržování a redukce váhy v boxu / Keeping and reducing weight in the boxing

Broža, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Title: Keeping and reducing weight in the boxing Aims: The aim of the diploma thesis is to find out which methods are used for sustain or reduction of boxers' weight in various weight classes. If this process affects their power, and which intervals they begin the reduction before the fight in. Methods: The observation as the quantitative method was used on the basis of public inquiry. Results: It follows that boxers use shorter and more intensive methods for their weight reduction rather than slow and careful methods for their organisms. Moreover, two thirds of respondents experience some changes in consequence of sustaining and reducing the weight. The majority of respondents mentioned they get the information how to sustain and reduce the weight in accordance with their own consideration. Keywords: Boxing, weight reduction, weight categories, dehydratation

Chelatace iontů mědi chelátory obsahujícími thiolovou skupinu / Chelation of copper ions by thiol containing chelators

Kladivová, Andrea January 2020 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Andrea Kladivová Consultant: Václav Tvrdý, MSc. Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Přemysl Mladěnka, PharmD., Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Chelation of copper ions by thiol containing chelators Copper is an essential trace element that is important for many physiological functions. On the other hand, disruption of copper homeostasis associated with its elevated level is dangerous for the organism, because of the formation of free radicals. Copper chelators can represent an effective tool in the treatment of such conditions. Due to the ability of a thiol group to bind metal ions and form a chelate, thiol containing chelators are promising compounds for the reduction of copper levels. Within this diploma thesis, four compounds containing a thiol group were tested for the ability to chelate copper ions. Spectrophotometric measurement was used for this determination. It is a simple, fast but precise method for determination of the chelation properties in vitro. In addition, the ability of these compounds to reduce cupric ions was examined. When using the basic hematoxylin method, all the tested substances proved they can chelate copper. Their efficacy was practically identical except for the...

Redukce hmotnosti u plně zaměstnaných osob / Body mass reduction in fully employed persons

Chvostek, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
Title: Weight reduction in full-time employees Objectives: The aim of the work is to find out, by means of a search of domestic, foreign literature and scientific works, and the subsequent elaboration of a survey sheet. Interventions leading to weight reduction in adults fully working overweight or obese, and subsequent individualization of the intervention lasting 4 weeks, leading to weight reduction. Methods: The theoretical part will be a search of Internet resources, which will be obtained from the server PubMed and Google Scholar, and combined with available literary resources. In the practical part of the diploma thesis, data collection will be carried out using a survey. The survey will be created specifically for this research based on information from the theoretical part. The aim of the survey will be to record the weekly program of full-time employees with a focus on the composition and timing of meals and physical activity. The obtained data are processed using the spreadsheet program Microsoft office Excel 2013. The record of weekly intake and distribution of food will be evaluated using the Internet portal Caloric Table, where the intake in kJ was mapped for each proband. From the survey sheet, the meal record will be transferred to the calorie tables, where the equivalent of kJ and...

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