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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die stories en storiemoontlikhede van christelike geloofstaal in `n dominant-gereformeerde geloofsgemeenskap

Fourie, Jerry 29 February 2004 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Individuals can be deemed weaklings within the family relations by social discourse that claims that the value of a human being is measured by his productivity and mobility. Parkinson's disease in its turn has a paralysing effect on the mobility of the physical body. The above-mentioned social discourse on the one hand and Parkinson's disease on the other hand become a dominant story that "paralyses" the individual. During research someone who has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, related how she wrote an alternative story. This person, who practices a reformed spirituality, wrote an alternative story by using Christian faith language, which, in the end, halted the marginalising effect of Parkinson's disease. In this study the concerned participant had the opportunity to share her genuine experiences and her application of Christian language of faith to manage Parkinson's disease. / Practical Theology / M. Th.

The ministry of deliverance in the Reformed Church in America

Ooms, Russell Dean 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation lays out some of the current attitudes and understandings in the Reformed Church in America in regards to the ministry of deliverance. The arguments laid out are supported by what is currently happening in deliverance ministry across the United States and in-depth interviews with Reformed Church in America pastors. Differences in how we understand the terminology involved in this ministry were also briefly looked at. Deliverance ministry within the Reformed church is hampered by issues of fear and uncertainty, lack of knowledge or understanding and issues of world view. Many RCA pastors are open to this ministry although very few have actually engaged in deliverance with a person. RCA pastors tend to lean more toward psychological answers than they do spiritual ones. / Thesis (M. Th. (Practical Theology))

Teologie en kerklied : aspekte van die teologiese inhoud van die Evangeliese Gesange in gebruik by die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk en die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika

Nuholtz-Huisamen, Evard, 1953- 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans, English and German / Text in Afrikaans / 'n Ondersoek na die teologiese inhoud van die Evangeliese ; Gesange is geYnisieer nadat vasgestel is dat sodanige studie nog nie voorheen in Suid-Af rika in Geref ormeerde kringe onderneem is nie. Aangesien die geskiedenis en die f undering van die kerklied deur ander navorsers reeds volledig uitgewerk is, is hoofstuk 1 bloot 'n inleidende oorsig wat die agtergrond van die studie verskaf. In hoofstuk 2 is 'n kategorisering van die Gesange in extenso gedoen en in hoofstuk 3 is die inhoud van die kategoriee kortliks beskryf. Die doel hiermee is om vas te stel oor watter onderwerpe die meeste gesing word en waar die lakunes voorkom. Aan die hand van hierdie kategorisering is daar uiteindelik vyf onderwerpe afgebaken wat ooglopend Bybelsteologiese leemtes of selfs afwykings vertoon wat in die toekoms aangespreek behoort te word. Die onderwerpe is onderskeidelik: die Godsbeskouing, die skepping, die sonde, die doop en die toekomsverwagting. In hoof stuk 4 het hierdie onderwerpe af sonderlik ender die soeklig gekom. Daar is o.a. gevind dat die inhoud van die Gesange 'n duidelike reflektering is van die tradisionele kerkleer en dus nie volkome daartoe in staat is om die moderne mens (die jeug veral!) aan te spreek nie. Die gevolgtrekking waartoe die navorser geraak het, is dat liedere wat die eietyds geloofsproblematiek aanspreek 'n sine qua non geword het. Die navorsing oor die inhoud van die Gesange het voorts ook vreemde teologiese aksente uitgewys. So bv. is daar 'n duidelike invloed van die Grieks platonistiese dualisme te bespeur waar die Jenseitige teenoor die Diesseitige af gespeel word. Di t het veral aan die lig gekom met die bespreking oor die skepping. Eodem modo is daar spore van die Pietistiese individualisme in die Gesange aangetref waar die vertikale belewing met God (bekering, heiliging) die horisontale belewing van verantwoordelikheid, oorskadu! Hierdie sending, aanbevelings die godsdiens omgewingsbewaring) is in hoof stuk krities-waarderende opmerkings saamgevat. / Research into the theological content of the Evangelical Hymns was initiated after it was established that such a study had not been attempted in South Africa in Reformed circles. Since the history and grounding of the church hymn have already been discussed in full by other researchers, chapter 1 merely offers an introductory review which provides some background to the study. In chapter 2 a categorisation of the Hymns was done in extenso and chapter 3, in turn, deals with the contents of each specific category. The aim is to determine which subjects are prevalent in Hymns and which ones are not addressed at all. On the basis of this categorisation, five subjects were finally defined which revealed obvious biblical-theological lacunae, if not deviations, all of which need to be addressed in the future. The subjects are: the ways of thinking about God, the creation, sin, baptism and hopes for the future. In chapter 4 these subjects were examined in detail. It was proved, inter alia, that the contents of the Hymns clearly reflect the traditional church doctrine and consequently fail to a large extent to address modern man (especially the young people of our time). The conclusion reached by the researcher is that Hymns addressing the contemporary problematic nature of faith have become a sine qua non. Furthermore, research on the contents of the Hymns also revealed foreign theological accents such as clear influences of the Greek Platonistic dualism where the Jenseitige is compared to the Diesseitige. This became particularly evident in the discussion on the creation. Eodem modo traces of the Pietistic indiviudalism were detected in the Hymns, where the vertical experience of God (conversion, sanctification) completely overshadows the horizontal experience of religion (social responsibility, mission work, nature conservation)! Chapter 5 comprises these recommendations in the form of remarks of a criticalappreciation nature. / Eine Untersuchung in Bezug auf den theologischen Inhalt der Evangelischen Kirchenlieder wurde in die Wege geleitet nachdem festgestellt wurde, daB ein solches Studium noch nie vorhin in Ref ormierten Kreisen in Slidaf rika vorgenommen worden war. Da die Geschichte und die Fundierung des Kirchenliedes von andern Forschern schon in all en Einzelheiten ausgearbeitet worden sind, bietet Kapitel 1 bloB eine einleitende Ubersicht als Hintergrund flir das Studium. In Kapitel 2 wurden die Kirchenlieder in extenso nach Kategorien geordnet und in Kapitel 3 findet sich der Inhalt jeder einzelnen Kategorie vor. Es sollte festgestellt werden, welche Themen sich am meisten in den Kirchenliedern erkennen lassen und welche liberhaupt nicht berlihrt werden. An Hand dieser Anordnung in Kategorien wurden zum Schluss flinf Themen definiert, die augenfiillig biblisch-theologische Lucken, wenn nicht sogar Abweichungen, offenbaren; es sind Themen, denen in der Zukunft zweifellos einem gerechten Platz Gottesauffassung, die zukommen sollen. Die themen sind: Schopfung, Siinde, die Taufe und Zukunftserwartungen. In Kapitel 4 wurden diese Themen in allen Einzelheiten untersucht. Es stellte sich unter anderern heraus, das der Inhalt der Kirchenlieder eine klare Widerspiegelung der traditionellen Kirchenlehre ist und deshalb den Ansprilchen des modernen Menschen (vor allern der Jugend) nicht vollig gerecht werden konnen. Die schluflfolgerung des Forschers ist deshalb, das Lieder, welche den zeitgenossischen Glaubensproblernatik berilhren, eine sine qua non geworden sind. Die Forschung in Bezug auf den Inhalt der Kirchenlieder offenbarte weiterhin auch fremde theologische Akzente. Es laflt sich zurn Beispiel einen deutlichen Einfluss des griechisch-platonistischen Dualismus aufweisen wo das Jenseitige dern Diesseitigen gegenilbergestellt wird. Es wurde besonders deutlich in der Diskussion Uber die Schopfung. Eodem modo offenbarte sich Spuren eines pietistischen Individualismus in den Liedern wo das vertikale Gotteserlebnis (Bekehrung, Heiligung) das horizontale Erlebnis der Religion (soziale Verantwortung, Missionsarbeit, Naturbewahrung) vollig in den Schatten stelltl Diese Ernpfehlungen wurden in Kapitel 5 in der Form kritisch-bewertenden Anrnerkungen zusanunengefasst. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Divine simplicity : a dogmatic account

Duby, Steven J. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis offers a constructive account of the doctrine of divine simplicity in Christian theology. In its methodology, the thesis aims to present this divine perfection as an implicate of the scriptural portrayal of God, to draw upon the insights and conceptual resources of Thomas Aquinas and various Reformed orthodox theologians, and to respond to some objections to divine simplicity. The focus on exegetical elaboration of biblical teaching and the use of Thomas and the Reformed orthodox distinguish this work from a number of recent accounts of God in both systematic theology and analytic philosophy. The case for God's simplicity is made by examining God's singularity, aseity, immutability, infinity, and act of creation in Holy Scripture and then tracing the ways in which these descriptions of God imply that he is (negatively) not composed of parts. Rather, he is (positively) actus purus and really identical with his own essence, existence, and attributes, each of which is identical with the whole being of the triune God considered under some aspect. In light of the constructive work, this study then addresses the three most pressing objections to divine simplicity: (1) that it denigrates God's revelation of his many attributes in the economy; (2) that it eliminates God's freedom in creating the world and acting in history; and (3) that it does not cohere with the doctrine of the Trinity.

Calvin's theology of the word of God : an examination of the Christocentric character of Calvin's theology with reference to his teaching concerning man's knowledge of God, the providence of God, the law of God, and the life of the Christian man

Demson, David E. January 1964 (has links)
In our time we, of course, face problems in Christian dogmatics within a different context from Calvin. let in the Reformed Churches we believe we would greatly impoverish ourselves if we departed from his locus or disregarded his seminal teaching. Thus, the underlying question of the thesis is: can Reformed theology go the same fundamental way as Calvin and yet go further, i.e., let Calvin's theology extend and make itself explicit in the face of our theological problems? We think so. We have chosen three areas in which to test this assertion, all of which are lively areas of discussion in modern theology: natural knowledge of God, history and ethics. In each of the respective chapters we try first to represent what Calvin said; then we suggest the problems these doctrines of Calvin present for modern (Reformed) theology. Finally, we let Calvin's doctrine of the Word extend and make explicit his statements in each of these areas; i.e., knowledge, history and ethics, in the face of the problems of today. In order to follow this procedure we set forth in the First Chapter the heart and norm for all of Calvin's theology, his doctrine of the Word, In sum, then, we let Calvin's doctrine of the Word clarify the Christological character of Calvin's doctrines of our knowledge of God, the Providence of God, the Law of God and the life of the Christian man in the face of contemporary theological discussion.

Die stories en storiemoontlikhede van christelike geloofstaal in `n dominant-gereformeerde geloofsgemeenskap

Fourie, Jerry 29 February 2004 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Individuals can be deemed weaklings within the family relations by social discourse that claims that the value of a human being is measured by his productivity and mobility. Parkinson's disease in its turn has a paralysing effect on the mobility of the physical body. The above-mentioned social discourse on the one hand and Parkinson's disease on the other hand become a dominant story that "paralyses" the individual. During research someone who has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, related how she wrote an alternative story. This person, who practices a reformed spirituality, wrote an alternative story by using Christian faith language, which, in the end, halted the marginalising effect of Parkinson's disease. In this study the concerned participant had the opportunity to share her genuine experiences and her application of Christian language of faith to manage Parkinson's disease. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th.

The ministry of deliverance in the Reformed Church in America

Ooms, Russell Dean 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation lays out some of the current attitudes and understandings in the Reformed Church in America in regards to the ministry of deliverance. The arguments laid out are supported by what is currently happening in deliverance ministry across the United States and in-depth interviews with Reformed Church in America pastors. Differences in how we understand the terminology involved in this ministry were also briefly looked at. Deliverance ministry within the Reformed church is hampered by issues of fear and uncertainty, lack of knowledge or understanding and issues of world view. Many RCA pastors are open to this ministry although very few have actually engaged in deliverance with a person. RCA pastors tend to lean more toward psychological answers than they do spiritual ones. / Thesis (M. Th. (Practical Theology))

Significant others : a visual analysis of the representation of gender in the Afrikaans corporate church

Koenig-Visagie, Leandra Helena 03 December 2012 (has links)
This study explores how contemporary Afrikaans churches represent gender in their visual culture. For these purposes, a Barthean semiotic analysis is done on visual material produced between 2007 and 2008 by three Afrikaans corporate churches in the Pretoria- Centurion area, namely the Dutch Reformed congregations Moreletapark and kerksondermure (“church without walls”), and Doxa Deo’s Brooklyn and East campuses – Afrikaans Apostolic Faith Mission congregations. The analysis seeks to demystify and denaturalise the material’s potentially mythical, ideological and hegemonic underpinnings. Operating from an interdisciplinary theoretical framework comprising aspects of Visual Culture Studies and Gender Studies, this study primarily provides a focused analysis of the representation of men and masculinity in the selected churches according to three themes, namely professional occupation and leadership; physical activity and adventurism; and fatherhood. This focus was adopted owing to the lack of available literature on men and masculinity in the church and Christianity, as opposed to the more ready availability of research on women and femininity. The representation of gender in Moreletapark, kerksondermure and Doxa Deo is conceptualised in broad terms through a comparison of the representation of masculinity with femininity as its foil. In this regard gender is analysed in the three churches according to notions of gendered ontology and matters of work, marriage and family. Exscripted, or non-represented, themes are also problematised. It is argued that the churches under investigation represent gender in dualistic, essentialist and often stereotypical terms. This particular depiction of gender attests to the churches‟ participation in the biological essentialising of gender, polarising men and women into strict binary dualisms, whilst also visually denying the existence of homosexuality and alternative sexualities. This tendency is problematic, not only because it fails to provide a realistic portrayal of men and women in the three churches, but also because it visually participates in conservative and fundamentalist gender discourses. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Visual Arts / unrestricted

Teologie en kerklied : aspekte van die teologiese inhoud van die Evangeliese Gesange in gebruik by die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk en die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika

Huisamen, Evard, 1953- 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans, English and German / Text in Afrikaans / 'n Ondersoek na die teologiese inhoud van die Evangeliese ; Gesange is geYnisieer nadat vasgestel is dat sodanige studie nog nie voorheen in Suid-Af rika in Geref ormeerde kringe onderneem is nie. Aangesien die geskiedenis en die f undering van die kerklied deur ander navorsers reeds volledig uitgewerk is, is hoofstuk 1 bloot 'n inleidende oorsig wat die agtergrond van die studie verskaf. In hoofstuk 2 is 'n kategorisering van die Gesange in extenso gedoen en in hoofstuk 3 is die inhoud van die kategoriee kortliks beskryf. Die doel hiermee is om vas te stel oor watter onderwerpe die meeste gesing word en waar die lakunes voorkom. Aan die hand van hierdie kategorisering is daar uiteindelik vyf onderwerpe afgebaken wat ooglopend Bybelsteologiese leemtes of selfs afwykings vertoon wat in die toekoms aangespreek behoort te word. Die onderwerpe is onderskeidelik: die Godsbeskouing, die skepping, die sonde, die doop en die toekomsverwagting. In hoof stuk 4 het hierdie onderwerpe af sonderlik ender die soeklig gekom. Daar is o.a. gevind dat die inhoud van die Gesange 'n duidelike reflektering is van die tradisionele kerkleer en dus nie volkome daartoe in staat is om die moderne mens (die jeug veral!) aan te spreek nie. Die gevolgtrekking waartoe die navorser geraak het, is dat liedere wat die eietyds geloofsproblematiek aanspreek 'n sine qua non geword het. Die navorsing oor die inhoud van die Gesange het voorts ook vreemde teologiese aksente uitgewys. So bv. is daar 'n duidelike invloed van die Grieks platonistiese dualisme te bespeur waar die Jenseitige teenoor die Diesseitige af gespeel word. Di t het veral aan die lig gekom met die bespreking oor die skepping. Eodem modo is daar spore van die Pietistiese individualisme in die Gesange aangetref waar die vertikale belewing met God (bekering, heiliging) die horisontale belewing van verantwoordelikheid, oorskadu! Hierdie sending, aanbevelings die godsdiens omgewingsbewaring) is in hoof stuk krities-waarderende opmerkings saamgevat. / Research into the theological content of the Evangelical Hymns was initiated after it was established that such a study had not been attempted in South Africa in Reformed circles. Since the history and grounding of the church hymn have already been discussed in full by other researchers, chapter 1 merely offers an introductory review which provides some background to the study. In chapter 2 a categorisation of the Hymns was done in extenso and chapter 3, in turn, deals with the contents of each specific category. The aim is to determine which subjects are prevalent in Hymns and which ones are not addressed at all. On the basis of this categorisation, five subjects were finally defined which revealed obvious biblical-theological lacunae, if not deviations, all of which need to be addressed in the future. The subjects are: the ways of thinking about God, the creation, sin, baptism and hopes for the future. In chapter 4 these subjects were examined in detail. It was proved, inter alia, that the contents of the Hymns clearly reflect the traditional church doctrine and consequently fail to a large extent to address modern man (especially the young people of our time). The conclusion reached by the researcher is that Hymns addressing the contemporary problematic nature of faith have become a sine qua non. Furthermore, research on the contents of the Hymns also revealed foreign theological accents such as clear influences of the Greek Platonistic dualism where the Jenseitige is compared to the Diesseitige. This became particularly evident in the discussion on the creation. Eodem modo traces of the Pietistic indiviudalism were detected in the Hymns, where the vertical experience of God (conversion, sanctification) completely overshadows the horizontal experience of religion (social responsibility, mission work, nature conservation)! Chapter 5 comprises these recommendations in the form of remarks of a criticalappreciation nature. / Eine Untersuchung in Bezug auf den theologischen Inhalt der Evangelischen Kirchenlieder wurde in die Wege geleitet nachdem festgestellt wurde, daB ein solches Studium noch nie vorhin in Ref ormierten Kreisen in Slidaf rika vorgenommen worden war. Da die Geschichte und die Fundierung des Kirchenliedes von andern Forschern schon in all en Einzelheiten ausgearbeitet worden sind, bietet Kapitel 1 bloB eine einleitende Ubersicht als Hintergrund flir das Studium. In Kapitel 2 wurden die Kirchenlieder in extenso nach Kategorien geordnet und in Kapitel 3 findet sich der Inhalt jeder einzelnen Kategorie vor. Es sollte festgestellt werden, welche Themen sich am meisten in den Kirchenliedern erkennen lassen und welche liberhaupt nicht berlihrt werden. An Hand dieser Anordnung in Kategorien wurden zum Schluss flinf Themen definiert, die augenfiillig biblisch-theologische Lucken, wenn nicht sogar Abweichungen, offenbaren; es sind Themen, denen in der Zukunft zweifellos einem gerechten Platz Gottesauffassung, die zukommen sollen. Die themen sind: Schopfung, Siinde, die Taufe und Zukunftserwartungen. In Kapitel 4 wurden diese Themen in allen Einzelheiten untersucht. Es stellte sich unter anderern heraus, das der Inhalt der Kirchenlieder eine klare Widerspiegelung der traditionellen Kirchenlehre ist und deshalb den Ansprilchen des modernen Menschen (vor allern der Jugend) nicht vollig gerecht werden konnen. Die schluflfolgerung des Forschers ist deshalb, das Lieder, welche den zeitgenossischen Glaubensproblernatik berilhren, eine sine qua non geworden sind. Die Forschung in Bezug auf den Inhalt der Kirchenlieder offenbarte weiterhin auch fremde theologische Akzente. Es laflt sich zurn Beispiel einen deutlichen Einfluss des griechisch-platonistischen Dualismus aufweisen wo das Jenseitige dern Diesseitigen gegenilbergestellt wird. Es wurde besonders deutlich in der Diskussion Uber die Schopfung. Eodem modo offenbarte sich Spuren eines pietistischen Individualismus in den Liedern wo das vertikale Gotteserlebnis (Bekehrung, Heiligung) das horizontale Erlebnis der Religion (soziale Verantwortung, Missionsarbeit, Naturbewahrung) vollig in den Schatten stelltl Diese Ernpfehlungen wurden in Kapitel 5 in der Form kritisch-bewertenden Anrnerkungen zusanunengefasst. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)

A new case for female elders : an analytical reformed-evangelical approach

Hübner, Jamin Andrew 11 1900 (has links)
This study is the product of research in the field of systematic theology, particularly the subject of women in ministry. The goal was to provide, given the scope and limits of the study, the most persuasive case for women elders (or “pastors”) from a Reformed-Evangelical approach to date. The primary means of accomplishing this goal is by making an analytically constructed argument that is both exegetically and theologically sound. The introduction outlines the study’s basic objectives, structure, research methods, assumptions, and overall direction. Two gives a detailed literature review of major publications on the subject of women ministry in order to track the movement of the debate. Three explores theological methods that addresses theological loci, the role of hermeneutics, and the theological-analytical structure and content of Reformed-Evangelical arguments for women elders. Chapter Four explores conceptual framework, which frames the specific, contemporary debate over women elders in Reformed-Evangelical circles, and then addresses the insights and challenges of feminist theology and Roman Catholic theology. The heart of the study is captured in three main chapters that present a case for women elders in the church. The first argument provides a detailed examination of the “prohibition passages” in the New Testament and concludes that they do not prohibit women from being elders. The second argument provides a sweeping account of the proclamation of the gospel in New Testament theology, and affirms that anti-women-elder readings and attitudes simply do not conform to the actions, attitudes, and teachings of the early church regarding gender and gospel-proclamation. Finally, the third section provides three additional arguments in favor of women elders. The first argument addresses the nature of hermeneutics and application of specific interpretations, the second addresses the nature of marriage and its relationship to church leadership, and the third deals with functions of women in NT ministry. The research concludes with Chapter Eight, which summarizes the argument and introduces practical ramifications if the study’s premises and conclusions are true. / Philosophy & Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)

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