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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of an Interpretive Document for the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge

Burbridge, William R. 01 May 1972 (has links)
Since its inception, the National Wildlife Refuge System has been administered for management and restoration of habitat essential to the propagation and welfare of resident and wintering wildlife species. Acquisition of additional System units has been primarily directed to the benefit of the migratory bird resource. As of July 1, 1968 about 250 of the 321 refuge units were managed for the waterfowl resource (U. S. Department of Interior, 1968a). However, this growth of the System has been accompanied by an increase in recreational use of the refuges. In 1962, Public Law 87-714, the Refuge Recreation Act, was passed to provide direction for recreational development. The Act recognized that recreation must be limited in type and scope to avoid conflict with the primary wildlife management objectives. Although the primary function of the Refuge System is to meet the needs of wildlife, the entire System is based on the philosophical precept that the wildlife on these refuges is for the enjoyment of the public. It thus follows that refuges should provide for some public use. In recent analyses of America's resource picture, the fastest rising curves and projection are those of travel and the recreational use of wildlands (Clawson, 1963). Attendance records at our wildlife Refuges have grown at a rate of 12 percent annually. Except for boating and fishing at reservoir sites, the fastest growth in outdoor recreation since World War II has been in the use of National Wildlife Refuges (Clement, 1964).

Untrammeled by Man? An Ethnographic Approach of Outdoor Recreation Management in Charon's Garden Wilderness

Lukins, Gabrielle M 12 1900 (has links)
Charon's Garden Wilderness Area within the Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma is a landscape that is granted federal protection through the Wilderness Act of 1964. The discourse of wilderness management is influenced by governmental policies and practice which organize knowledge surrounding the natural landscape, like with the formation and semantics of the Wilderness Act. The Wilderness Act establishes characteristics that are designed to monitor and control the landscape and serve as a baseline and criterion for further wilderness preservation. These characteristics render the wilderness space as governable. Conservation management alternatives are identified which bypass the duality of nature from western society suggested by the discourse of environmental policy. These alternatives are understood under two notions of behaviors and perceptions. The project's goal is to uncover wilderness users' recreation behaviors and perceptions of wilderness as a designated space. Through understanding and assessing user's behaviors and perception of wilderness, alternative policies and practices that offer sustainable management practices and recreation opportunities can be developed.

Passer de la déréliction à la bénédiction le courage d’être dans la redéfinition de soi après le suicide d’un proche

Sansoucy, Lionel January 2014 (has links)
Ce mémoire vise à déterminer le rôle de la spiritualité dans la redéfinition de soi après le suicide d’un proche et se propose également d’explorer de nouvelles avenues d’accompagnement en soins spirituels. Les survivants d’un proche suicidé doivent composer avec l’ébranlement de certitudes fondamentales qui non seulement altère la confiance dans la solidité de leurs liens, mais crée un sentiment d’inadéquation devant la vie qui est accentué par la stigmatisation face au suicide. Dans l’exercice de redéfinition de soi, l’individu aura à se réconcilier avec sa profondeur grâce au courage d’être, qui surmonte l’angoisse face à la mort et permet de s’accepter en dépit du désespoir. Nous aurons recours aux ressources de la théologie systématique de Paul Tillich en dialogue avec la psychologie des profondeurs de Carl Gustav Jung.

Understanding Transgene Flow from Bt Cotton into Non-Bt Cotton Fields and its Consequences for Pest Resistance Evolution

Heuberger, Shannon January 2010 (has links)
Refuges of non-Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cotton are used to delay Bt resistance in several key insect pests. In 2004, I discovered that Bt cotton plants sometimes enter refuges via the seed bag, and hypothesized that this type of gene flow could have important effects on resistance evolution in insect pests. In the research described herein, I investigated the sources of Bt plants in the non-Bt cotton seed supply and assessed the potential implications of this gene flow on pest resistance evolution. I report results from an empirical study of gene flow in 15 non-Bt cotton seed production fields, as well as results from simulation modeling studies of gene flow from one-toxin and two-toxin Bt cotton. The current policy on gene flow from genetically engineered crops in the United States is also reviewed, including the implications of my research findings for policymakers. Key findings of this study included the prominent role of seed-mediated gene flow in the seed-production setting, and the utility of a geographic information system (GIS) ring analysis approach for describing pollen-mediated gene flow in cotton fields. Modeling results indicated that high rates of gene flow of Bt cotton into refuges could have large effects on pest resistance evolution under certain sets of assumptions, particularly in parts of the world where farm-saved seed is planted year after year in cotton fields. It appears that some of these effects could be mitigated by using non-cotton refuges or by using plants that contain linked transgenes that confer multiple toxins. There are no clear regulations in the United States regarding gene flow of Bt cotton into refuge seed or into seed production fields of non-Bt cotton, as Bt cotton has been deregulated following extensive safety testing. Nevertheless, results from this research suggest that limiting gene flow into refuge seed could be important for sustaining the efficacy of Bt cotton against targeted insect pests in regions where refuges are used.

Diplomatický azyl / Diplomatic asylum

Ander, Adam January 2013 (has links)
68 Summary Diplomatic Asylum The aim of my thesis is to analyse the topic of diplomatic asylum in the light of the fact that diplomatic asylum is not universally codified nevertheless it is used in international practice. Main questions set for this thesis are: On what legal basis lies the practice of providing international protection in form of diplomatic asylum in countries that are not participating on international treaties concerning diplomatic asylum? Should this situation be called in different way e.g. humanitarian refuge? Why are states not able to find compromise in codifying this topic? What is a background for this inability - or rather unwillingness? The thesis is divided into six main chapters, each of them trying to deal with the topic in different point of view and trying to find answers to the above stated questions. First chapter examines terminology of the topic using different encyclopaedias and vocabularies, finding that it is nearing Babylonian confusion of tongues. The following chapter goes back in history in order to find roots of asylum and more narrowly diplomatic asylum. This chapter is subdivided into two parts, because there is a huge difference between the development of diplomatic asylum in Europe and in Latin America, where diplomatic asylum survived until today and was...

Fatores de proteção sob a ótica de adolescentes vítimas de violência doméstica e abrigados - subsídios para a construção da resiliência / Protection factors under the optician of teenagers victims of domestic violence and sheltered people - subsidies for the resilience construction

Carlos, Diene Monique 28 September 2010 (has links)
A violência está presente nos diferentes espaços da sociedade brasileira, se configurando como um grave problema de saúde pública. Ela se materializa principalmente contra pessoas em situação peculiar de desenvolvimento, como crianças e adolescentes. Nosso estudo teve como objetivo conhecer e analisar, sob a ótica de adolescentes vítimas de violência doméstica e abrigados, os fatores de proteção a que estão submetidos e/ou têm acesso. Trata-se de um estudo com abordagem qualitativa, se delineando como pesquisa social estratégica, modalidade estudo de caso. Para a coleta de dados, foram realizados grupos focais, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e observação participante. Participaram dos grupos focais 17 adolescentes vítimas de violência doméstica e abrigados na ONG - Cidade dos Meninos, no município de Campinas - SP; destes, sete participaram das entrevistas individuais. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio da análise de conteúdo, modalidade temática. Emergiram dois núcleos temáticos principais: Contexto do abrigo; e Rede social. No primeiro núcleo, foi discutido o contexto do abrigo, que apesar dos esforços realizados contemporaneamente, ainda mantém um ambiente autoritário, com regras e punições freqüentes; os adolescentes ressaltam a importância do vínculo e confiança estabelecidos com alguns funcionários, atuando como fatores de proteção; a religiosidade e o ensino formal e profissionalizante também são evidenciados como proteção. No segundo núcleo, a violência doméstica aparece como fator de risco que aumenta consideravelmente a vulnerabilidade destes sujeitos; o conceito de desfiliação é discutido para compreensão da perda de referências pelos adolescentes. A rede social externa é abordada, e os sujeitos ressaltam a vizinhança e os equipamentos de assistência social como fatores de proteção para interrupção do ciclo de violência; a rua atua como espaço de convivência, e \"acolhedora\" para crianças e adolescentes que experienciam a violência em seus lares. Entendemos que estas considerações acerca dos fatores de proteção para adolescentes vitimizados e abrigados devem ser valorizadas e reforçadas pelos serviços de atenção à infância e adolescência, pois contribuem para a promoção da resiliência e, por conseguinte, da saúde desta população. / Violence is present in different places of Brazilian society, becoming a hard problem of public health. It\'s been shown mainly against people in particular situations of development, as children and teenagers. Our study has had as a goal to know and analyze, under the optician of teenagers victims of domestic violence and sheltered people, the protection factors to the ones they\'ve been submitted or have access to. It\'s a study with a qualitative approach, it\'s outlined as social strategic research, a case study kind. For data collection, focused groups, semi structured interviews and participating observations have been made. Seventeen teenagers victims of domestic violence and sheltered people on the ONG participated in the focused groups - Cidade dos Meninos, municipality of Campinas - SP, from these ones, seven participated from individual interviews. The data analyses were made using content analyses, the theme kind. Two main theme centers have appeared: Shelter context; and Social network. On the first center, shelter context was discussed, that besides efforts have been made contemporarily, still keep an authoritary atmosphere with frequent punishment and rules. Teenagers emphasize the importance of bond and confidence established among some employees, acting as protection factors; religiosity, and formal and vocational education shown as protection. On the second center, domestic violence appears as risk factor which increases the vulnerability of these people considerably. The non filiation concept is discussed for the comprehension of reference loss by teenagers. The external social network is approached and the subjects show the neighborhood and social assistance equipments as protection factors to interrupt violence circle; streets act as a living together space and welcoming space for children and teenagers who have experienced violence at home. We believe these considerations about protection factors for teenagers victims and sheltered people must be reinforced through attention services to childhood and adolescence as they contribute to resilience promotion and also to the population health.

Psicanálise no front: a posição do analista e as marcas do trauma na clínica com migrantes / Pas informé

Gebrim, Ana Carolina Campos 09 November 2018 (has links)
A partir de um fluxo acentuado de migrações para o Brasil, iniciado particularmente desde os anos 2010, novas populações, recém-chegadas (particularmente congoleses, angolanos, sírios e haitianos), passaram a interpelar a clínica psicanalítica com migrantes. Provenientes de realidades de violência extrema e condições precárias, as vivências dos sujeitos migrantes são marcadas por especificidades que vêm demandando novos questionamentos. Através de reflexões sobre a clínica com migrantes em instituições de acolhimento na cidade de São Paulo e na cidade de Paris, pretendemos sedimentar aportes teóricos para elaborar novas possibilidades de intervenção clínica, trabalhando a posição do analista e as vicissitudes desse encontro. Compreendendo o traumático como o sofrimento do sujeito diante de um acontecimento vivido como desastre, pensaremos nas possibilidades de fabricação de elementos clínicos de intervenção, assim como nas formas de sustentação de posições analíticas no encontro com esse sujeito migrante. Assim, debruçada sobre as experiências clínicas nas duas cidades supracitadas, tanto institucionalmente como em outras situações, a pesquisa pretende refletir sobre a dimensão do traumático, das diferenças de línguas e culturas, sobre as injunções institucionais e as questões raciais e coloniais presentes nas trajetórias de migrantes. Tomando como objeto, portanto, o encontro clínico entre migrante recém-chegado e o psicanalista, trataremos de refletir sobre as possibilidades tanto de intervenções clínicas em condições extremas, capazes de produzir ressignificações para o sujeito, como nas distintas posições possíveis para o analista, que frequentemente se encontra entre o excesso de implicação no sofrimento, de um lado e de outro, um distanciamento que produz efeitos de desmentido para o sujeito. Desse modo, pretendemos contribuir com elementos clínicos e teóricos para a prática de psicanálise em contextos extremos, particularmente com a população migrante e/ou em situação de refúgio / Depuis lannée 2010, un flux de nouvelles migrations vers le Brésil explique larrivée de populations de primo-arrivants (notamment des Congolais, Angolais, Syriens, Haïtiens). Ces nouvelles populations interrogent la clinique psychanalytique auprès des migrants. En effet, leur expérience de violence extrême et leur condition précaire les caractérisent et exigent un renouvellement des questionnements et des modalités dintervention cliniques. A travers des réflexions sur la clinique avec des sujets migrants dans les institutions d\'accueil de la ville de São Paulo, nous espérons contribuer à la réflexion sur de nouvelles possibilités d\'intervention clinique. En partant de la notion de trauma comme une modalité de souffrance du sujet face à un événement vécu comme désastre, nous réfléchissons aux possibilités de conception de nouveaux éléments d\'intervention clinique, ainsi quaux formes de positionnements analytiques dans la rencontre avec le migrant. Nous proposons, à un stade de notre réflexion, une comparaison avec la prise en charge des migrants à Paris, France, où larrivée récente de migrants a également exigé la mise en place de nouveaux dispositifs cliniques. Ainsi, à partir de cas cliniques menés dans les deux villes, cette recherche propose de qualifier le traumatisme, puis limpact opéré dans la prise en charge par les langues et les cultures, enfin les injonctions institutionnelles et les questions raciales et coloniales présentes tout au long de la trajectoire des migrants. En prenant comme objet la rencontre clinique entre les migrants nouvellement arrivés et le psychanalyste, nous essayerons de réfléchir aux possibilités dintervention clinique dans des conditions extrêmes, capables de produire de nouvelles significations pour le sujet. Nous montrerons en quoi les différents positionnements de l\'analyste sont au centre de nouveaux dispositifs cliniques, puisque ce dernier peut être pris entre, dune part, l\'excès d\'implication dans la souffrance du patient, et dautre part, dans la distanciation nécessaire, qui produit alors des effets de désaveu pour le sujet. De cette manière, nous souhaitons contribuer à la pratique psychanalytique en contexte extrême, en particulier avec la population migrante et /ou exilée

An Experimental Investigation of Nest Reuse and Nest Site Selection in an Open-Cup Nesting Passerine

Cancellieri, Sarah A. 07 March 2013 (has links)
Eastern Kingbirds (Tyrannus tyrannus) breed from coast to coast in North America and build open-cup nests in trees. They have been extensively studied across most of their range and have only on occasion been documented to reuse a nest from a previous season. However, at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (MNWR), located in southeastern Oregon, ~10 % of female Eastern Kingbirds reuse old nests of mainly American Robins (Turdus migratorius). In an attempt to address why nest reuse is so common at MNWR, I used artificial nests to evaluate two hypotheses as to why nest reuse is common in this breeding population. The first hypothesis states that Eastern Kingbirds reuse nests to save time and/or energy (TES) and the second one states nest reuse occurs because there is a shortage of suitable nest sites (NSS). I was able to reject the TES hypothesis because artificial nests provided no apparent reproductive benefits to Eastern Kingbirds, except that if a nest had failed it took less time to lay a replacement clutch after an initial failure if an artificial nest was used instead of building a new nest. A more reasonable explanation is that Eastern Kingbirds face a limited availability of suitable nest sites. With this in mind, I took vegetation measurements to address the hypothesis that Eastern Kingbirds make adaptive choices when selecting a nest site, in which case they would choose sites that increase their probability of breeding successfully. Successful nests, both natural and artificial, were placed higher in a tree and on a steeper angled nest branch than their failed counterparts. Those findings suggest that Eastern Kingbirds make adaptive choices when selecting a nest site.

An assessment of natural cavity abundance, nest box use, and management recommendations for birds on the Ohio River Islands Natural Wildlife Refuge, West Virginia

Sacilotto, Karen A. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--West Virginia University, 2002. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains xiv, 156 p. : col. ill., maps (part col.). Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references.

Habitat use by female greater sage grouse in relation to fire at Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge, Oregon /

Byrne, Michael W. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Oregon State University, 2002. / Typescript (photocopy). Includes bibliographical references (leaves 38-45). Also available online.

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