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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sustainable waste management : a decision support framework

De Beer, Thys 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this thesis is to address the need for sustainable development within waste management. It explores how sustainability can be assessed and used as the basis for high level decision making within waste management. Stellenbosch University (SU) was used as a case study to demonstrate how information can be gathered and used for decision support. The literature reviewed, showed a wide area of focus within which sustainability is defined and how businesses and organisations shift towards a model of corporate responsibility. The concept of sustainability was then presented within waste management. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), were presented as management tools that could facilitate the assessment and decision making process within a sustainable waste management framework. The two management tools, Sustainable Life Cycle Analysis (SLCA) and Analytical Hierarchal Process (AHP) (branches of LCA and MCDA respectively), were used to develop a framework to be applied to SU Waste Management System. By integrating the two tools, a framework was established that could measure the sustainability of current waste management practices and provide a decision support tool. The framework was validated by applying it to the Stellenbosch University waste system. The framework that was developed delivered a set of sustainable results from which decision makers could base policy decisions. The framework then facilitated the decision making process and a sustainable waste management policy was selected. The application modelled the decision makers preferences and resulted in a policy being selected which favoured high levels of recycling and waste prevention. The results represented an approach which, when compared to the current practice, was more expensive but more environmentally friendly and socially acceptable. The findings provide an exciting basis for future research, where decisions are based on sustainable principles. The framework has potential to be expanded into other areas of management and is not limited to a university environment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die behoefte aan volhoubare ontwikkeling binne afvalbestuur aan te spreek. Die tesis ondersoek hoe die volhoubaarheid in afvalbestuur bepaal kan word, en hoe dit dan gebruik kan word as basis vir beleid besluitneming binne afvalbestuur. Die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) is as ’n gevallestudie gebruik om te demonstreer hoe inligting versamel kan word en as ondersteuning vir beleidbesluitneming gebruik kan word. Die literatuurstudie dek ’n wye veld waarbinne daar op volhoubaarheid gefokus word. Dit wys ook hoe maatskappye en organisasies na ’n model van korporatiewe verantwoordelikheid beweeg. Die konsep van volhoubaarheid word dan binne die mileu van afvalbestuur aangebied. Die Lewenssiklus Assesering (LSA) en Multi-Kriteria Besluitnemings Analise (MKBA) wat gebruik is, kan dien as bestuur hulpmiddel om die assessering van, en besluitneming binne ’n volhoubare afvalbestuur te vergemaklik. Vanuit die twee hulpmiddels, is Volhoubare Lewens Siklus Analise (VLSA) en Analitiese Hierargiese Proses (AHP), gebruik om ’n raamwerk te ontwikkel wat toegepas is op die US. Deur die twee hulpmiddels te integreer kan ’n raamwerk geskep word wat die volhoubaarheid van die huidige afvalbestuur praktyke en wat kan dien as ‘n ondersteunende hulpmiddel met die besluitnemingsprosesse. Die waardasie van die raamwerk wat ontwikkel was, het ‘n stel volhoubare resultate opgelewer, wat besluitnemers gebruik het om hul beleidsbesluite op te baseer. Die besluitnemers se voorkeure is gebaseer op die bevindinge van die VLSA en het bepaal watter beleid gekies is. Die bevindinge het ’n duurder, maar meer omgewingsvriendelike en sosiaal aanvaarbare beleid verteenwoordig. Hierdie bevindinge bied ’n opwindende basis vir toekomstige navorsingwerk, waar besluitneming op volhoubare beginsels gebaseer is. Die raamwerk het potensiaal vir uitbreiding na ander gebiede van bestuur en is nie beperk tot ’n universiteitsomgewing nie.

Sensibilização dos profissionais de saúde para redução de resíduos sólidos de serviços de saúde

Goetten, Luana Ferreira 14 October 2013 (has links)
O conhecimento das melhores alternativas para segregar os Resíduos de Serviço de Saúde e o reconhecimento da importância do correto gerenciamento, são fundamentais para melhorar as medidas de segurança e higiene nos serviços de saúde, reduzir o volume de resíduos contaminados e estimular a reciclagem dos resíduos comuns. O presente estudo teve como objetivo sensibilizar os Profissionais que trabalham em Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBSs), localizadas na cidade de Foz do Iguaçu/PR, quanto ao gerenciamento adequado dos Resíduos Sólidos de Serviços de Saúde (RSSS). Na primeira etapa foi concebido e aplicado um levantamento (survey) para diagnosticar a percepção dos profissionais que atuam em dez UBSs. Em seguida, foi realizado um Evento Municipal para os Profissionais das UBS, utilizando palestras e várias atividades lúdicas, visando ensinar sobre a segregação correta e ecoeficiente de resíduos. Na continuidade da pesquisa, foi realizada uma avaliação in loco da situação do gerenciamento de RSSS em três UBSs, sendo constatadas algumas irregularidades. Foram realizados, para os profissionais das três Unidades, atividades de sensibilização visando o correto gerenciamento e a redução dos RSSS. Na pesquisa de percepção, o sentimento predominante dos respondentes, quanto à separação dos RSSS, foi o de insegurança, justificando a necessidade de maior conhecimento. A forma lúdica, utilizada nos eventos de sensibilização, foi aprovada pelos participantes para transmissão de conhecimentos. Isso pode ser confirmado pelas manifestações de risos e alegria, que puderam ser observadas, durante todas as atividades. As sensibilizações realizadas nas três Unidades foram avaliadas positivamente pelos participantes (55% dos Profissionais das Unidades), sendo que, a palestra e o teatro, foram as atividades consideradas mais interessantes pelos participantes. Os resultados desta pesquisa ratificam a importância e a evidência, que ainda, há muito por fazer no campo de informação, sensibilização e Educação Ambiental com relação a temática de RSSS. É importante que novos momentos de orientação e Educação Continuada sejam proporcionados aos trabalhadores na tentativa de torná-los sensíveis a importância que práticas corretas podem vir a trazer para a saúde, população e Meio Ambiente. / Knowledge of the best alternatives to separate Health Service Waste and the recognition of the importance of proper management are the key to improving security and hygiene measures in health services. It is also important to reduce the volume of contaminated waste and encourage recycling common waste. The present study aimed at raising awareness among professionals working in Basic Units of Health (BHU), located in the city of Foz do Iguaçu, state of Paraná, regarding the proper management of Solid Waste in Health Services (SWHS). The first stage of the study involved the design and implementation of a survey to diagnose the perception of professionals working at ten BHU. Then, vas held a Municipal Event for the professionals of BHU. This event comprising lectures and various recreational activities aiming at teaching about the proper and eco-efficient waste segregation. In continuing research, a spot evaluation of the SWHS management at three BHU where some irregularities were noted. In three BHU, were performed activities to raise awareness for proper management and reduction this geration of SWHS. The prevailing sentiment of the survey respondents in relation to the separation of SWHS was insecurity what justifies the need for greater knowledge on the subject. Participants to transmit knowledge adopted a playful way, used in awareness-raising events. This is can be confirmed by the manifestations of laughter and joy that could be observed during all activities. The sensitization raising at the three Basic Units of Health were positively evaluated by participants (55% of the professionals of the units), and the lecture and the theatrical activities were the actions considered more interesting by the participants. These results confirm that yet, there is much to be done in the field of information, awareness and environmental education regarding the topic of medical wastes. It is important that new moments of Continuing Education and guidance are provided to workers in an attempt to make them sensitive to the importance of correct practices are likely to bring health, population and environment.

Descarte do lixo e seu impacto no ambiente e saúde: percepção das comunidades indígenas de Mangueirinha – PR

Marcondes, Camila 21 March 2014 (has links)
A perda histórica das terras e dos recursos naturais e os constantes contatos interétnicos têm transformando pelo menos uma parte das economias indígenas dependentes da lógica econômica de mercado capitalista e alterado o padrão de consumo nas aldeias. Há certa dependência em relação aos alimentos consumidos, em sua grande maioria comprados, o que aumenta o número de embalagens e rejeitos para se desprezar. No entanto, a coleta de lixo nas aldeias é precário o que emana problemas no seu descarte. Em visita a Terra Indígena Mangueirinha observou-se a presença de lixo ao redor das casas contendo embalagens de produtos industrializados, tais como garrafas de plástico, latas de refrigerante, pacotes de salgadinho e fraldas descartáveis. Neste contexto, a pesquisa teve como objetivo principal analisar a percepção da população da Terra Indígena Mangueirinha em relação ao descarte do lixo e seu impacto na saúde e no ambiente da aldeia. Os objetivos específicos da investigação foram: traçar o perfil da cultura alimentar e sócio econômico dos entrevistados; identificar o método de descarte do lixo utilizado pela população investigada e identificar a percepção dos indígenas sobre meio ambiente e seus impactos na saúde. Para a investigação deste estudo de caso realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa com treze indígenas. Foi utilizado um roteiro pré-elaborado para nortear as questões referentes ao perfil do entrevistado, quais os métodos utilizados para o descarte do lixo e como percebem a relação do ambiente com a saúde. As entrevistas foram realizadas na escola Kokoj Ty Han já e em visitas domiciliares. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que os indígenas realizam atividades culturais com o objetivo de manter vivos os costumes e aspectos tradicionais da aldeia, porém no cotidiano, diversos segmentos são afetados pela influência não indígena, tais como educação, saúde e hábitos alimentares. No que se refere à percepção sobre os problemas ambientais na área indígena ou no entorno dela, formaram-se 3 grupos diferentes, dos moradores que identificam o desmatamento como o principal problema ambiental, o segundo grupo que identifica como a poluição e o terceiro grupo que acredita não existir problema ambiental nas Terras Indígenas. Os contatos interétnicos modificaram a percepção do que consideram itens necessários ao seu bem estar. Na procura por ter acesso aos bens de consumo diversificam seus meios de vida, conciliando o trabalho assalariado a outras fontes de renda. O que tem implicado na liberação de resíduos não orgânicos no meio ambiente e sido fonte de agravos à saúde. Os moradores elencaram soluções para os problemas enfrentados, como aumentar a frequência de coleta e os pontos em que passa o caminhão de lixo, construir depósitos para o armazenamento correto e a realização de orientações à comunidade para o reaproveitamento do lixo orgânico, separação do lixo e descarte correto. Portanto, percebem a importância de preservar o meio ambiente para sua qualidade de vida, porém no cotidiano lhes faltam estrutura e disponibilidade de serviços públicos de coleta de lixo e ações educativas sobre o manejo dos resíduos sólidos. / The historical loss of earth and natural resources and the constant inter-ethnic contacts had changed at least some part of the Indian economies dependents on the capitalist market logic and transformed the consumption pattern of the villages. There‟s some dependence related to their consumed food, in general bought, that raises the number of packaging and tailings to dispose. However, the garbage collect on the villages is still precarious, that originates problems on this discard. In visit to the Indian earth Mangueirinha, it was observed the presence of trash around the houses with industrialized products packaging, like plastic bottles, cans of soda, packets of chips and some disposable diapers. In this contest, the research had as central objective analyze the perception of the local people about the garbage discarding and It‟s impact on village‟s healthy and environment. The specific objectives of the research were: to do the cultural food and social-economic profiles and to identify the Indian methods of garbage discarding utilized by the investigated community and to identiy perception about environment and It‟s impact on healthy. For the investigation of that case we carried out a qualitative study with thirteen indigenous. A pre-prepared script was used to guide the questions regarding the respondent profile, what methods are used to dispose of trash and how they perceive the relationship between environment and health. The interviews were conductedat Kokoj Ty Han Já School and home visits. The research results show that the Indians perform cultural activities aiming to keep alive the customs and traditional aspects of the village, but in daily life, several segments are affected by non-indigenous influence, such as education, health and eating habits. With regard to the perception of environmental problems in the indigenous area or around it, formed three different groups of residents that identify the main environmental problem as deforestation, the second group that identifies as pollution and the third group that believes that no environmental problem exists on indigenous lands. Interethnic contacts changed the perception of what they consider items necessary for their well-being. In seeking to gain access to consumer goods they diversify their livelihoods, combining wage labor to other sources of income. What is involved in the release of non-organic waste on the environment and been a source of health problems. Residents listed solutions to the problems faced, such as increasing the frequency of collection and the points in passing garbage truck, build warehouses for the correct storage and conducting community guidelines for the reuse of organic waste, waste separation and correct disposal. Therefore, they realize the importance of preserving the environment for their quality of life, but in everyday life they lack structure and availability of public services of garbage collection and educational activities concerning the management of solid waste.

The role of environmental education in dealing with solid waste in the Central Business District of Thohoyandou

Ddungu, Elizabeth Rwakitarate 30 November 2004 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore the role of environmental education in dealing with solid waste in the Central Business District of Thohoyandou. The study was carried out in the Thohoyandou Central Business District (CBD). Two organisations were identified as practising environmental education in Thohoyandou, namely, the Environmental Education Desk (Environmental Affairs) and the Environmental Health Services (Thulamela Municipality). Officers from these organisations were interviewed. Vendors and hawkers in the Thohoyandou Central Business District were asked to complete a questionnaire on the role of environmental education in dealing with solid waste. The literature review in the study included the theoretical perspectives on environmental education and solid waste. From this review that solid waste can have both a positive and negative impact on the local and global environment. Therefore, environmental education that has a role in dealing with solid waste has an important part to play in sustainable development. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.(Environmental Education)

Use of food waste feeds for culturing low trophic level fish (grass carp, bighead carp and mud carp): persistent toxic substances

Cheng, Zhang 06 March 2014 (has links)
This study aimed at using different types of food wastes as major sources of protein to replace the fish meal used in fish feeds to produce quality fish. The major objectives were to (1) investigate the variations of metalloid/metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in the fish ponds (pond mud and water), and food wastes used as fish feeds; (2) analyze bioaccumulation and biomagnification of pollutants in the food chains; and (3) evaluate the potential health risks of exposure (to these pollutants) via dietary intake of fish fed with food waste feeds. The traditional fish farming model was used to culture low trophic level fish: a filter feeder (bighead, Aristichthys nobilis), a herbivore (grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idellus) and a bottom feeder (mud carp, Cirrhina molitorella), which are more environmental friendly as they can utilize more solar energy. Furthermore, low-trophic level fish are less susceptible to the accumulation of toxic chemicals. Two types of food wastes (mainly containing cereal (Food Waste A) and meat waste meal (Food Waste B)) were used as the major source of protein to replace the fish meal in fish feed to culture fish. The concentrations of metalloid (arsenic (As)), metals (mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni)) in water, suspended particulate matter and sediment of the 3 experimental fish ponds located in Sha Tau Kok Organic Farm were monitored (bi-monthly during the first half year and tri-monthly during the second half year) and the results were similar to or lower than those in the commercial fish ponds around the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region. Results of the health risk assessments indicated that human consumption of grass carp (a herbivore) which fed food waste feed pellets would be safer than other fish species (mud carp, bighead carp and largemouth bass). There were no or lower magnifications, and low concentrations of metalloid/metals contained in the ponds indicated that the practice of traditional pond management by draining pond water regularly can provide a better fish pond habitat for birds and other wildlife. Furthermore, the use of food waste instead of fish meal (mainly consisted of contaminated trash fish) further reduced Hg accumulation in the cultured fish. During October 2011 - December 2012, the concentrations of PAHs and OCPs in three experimental fish ponds were monitored (bi-monthly during the first half year and tri-monthly during the second half year). The results were similar to or lower than those obtained in commercial fish ponds around the PRD region. The mean concentrations of .PAHs and .OCPs in sediment and fish collected from the experimental fish ponds during the 2nd half year (May 2012 to December 2012) were significantly higher (p<0.05) than those in the 1st half year (October 2011 to April, 2012). .PAHs and .DDTs in the two species of fish (grass carp and bighead carp) were significantly increased (p<0.05) with time, and PAHs and DDTs in grass carp and bighead carp fed with commercial fish feed pellets (control group) were significantly higher (p<0.05) than the fish fed with food waste pellets (Food Waste A and Food Waste B). Fruit, vegetables, bone meal and meat products were the major sources of PAHs and OCPs contamination for producing Food Waste A and Food Waste B. No significant increases in PAHs and DDTs concentrations with trophic levels were observed in the experimental ponds, showing that PAHs were not biomagnifed in the omnivorous food chains (plankton, grass carp, bighead carp and mud carp). DDTs were lower magnifications than those predatory food chains (plankton, trash fish, and largemouth bass) in farmed ponds. There was a very low cancer risk for PAHs and DDTs exerted on humans via consumption of bighead carp, grass carp and mud carp (fed with food waste and commercial pellets). Furthermore, the use of food waste instead of fish meal (mainly consisted of contaminated trash fish) further reduced accumulation of PAHs and DDTs in the cultured fish.PAHs and DDTs exerted on humans via consumption of bighead carp, grass carp and mud carp (fed with food waste and commercial pellets). Furthermore, the use of food waste instead of fish meal (mainly consisted of contaminated trash fish) further reduced accumulation of PAHs and DDTs in the cultured fish. The present results revealed that recycling of food waste for cultivating low trophic level fish (mainly bighead carp and grass carp) is feasible, which will also ease the disposal pressure of the large volume of food waste, a common problem encountered in densely populated cites such as Hong Kong.

Potential to grow informal waste recycling in semi-urban areas: case of the P.E.A.C.E. recycling buyback centre in Senwabarwana, Limpopo

Chisango, Eliot Tichaona 02 1900 (has links)
This research aimed to investigate an area of research that has largely been overlooked in the past, that is, the efficiency, profitability and sustainability of informal waste recycling in semi-urban areas. In exploring the research topic, a recycling buyback centre was used as a case study. The centre facilitates collection, sorting and selling of waste and is located in Senwabarwana, Northern Limpopo Province. Here the P.E.A.C.E (Planning, Education, Agriculture, Cooperatives and Environment) Foundation, an organisation looking at rural poverty alleviation in South Africa, initiated a flagship recycling buyback centre as a community project. This research picks up on prior research that was conducted on a similar project initiated by the same organisation in Ndumo, KwaZulu Natal. Even though the location is different from KwaZulu Natal, both Senwabarwana and Ndumo are faced with similar challenges affecting social, economic and environmental circumstances. Five objectives were identified to provide structure to this research. Through action research, the study assessed the sustainability of this recycling buyback centre with regard to the impact on social, economic and environmental factors within Senwabarwana. It also covered problems experienced in rolling out waste management initiatives within the semi-urban study location and assessed the municipal framework with regard to waste and how waste is managed and recycled. Furthermore, analyses of the waste data generated at the recycling centre was examined that culminated in offering solutions to the identified problems. Recommendations for acceptable practices in semi-urban waste management are made to enable further research and potentially up-scaling the project for application in other geographic areas. The study reports both qualitative and quantitative data collected through the investigation of the case study in the start-up phase. The data gathering was done through administering questionnaires to waste pickers associated with the case study centre. Telephonic and face-to-face interviews and secondary data were interchangeably used to address each of the five objectives. The results from the data gathered show that, if properly coordinated and structured, informal waste recycling in semi-urban communities is possible and can contribute positively to the socio-economic and environmental development of these areas. It is envisaged that this study would contribute to the body of knowledge already in existence, whilst also creating an opportunity for further academic research and input within this field to enable the scaling-up of such initiatives. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)

Avaliação comparativa da gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos: um estudo multicaso nos municípios de Belo Horizonte, Curitiba e Porto Alegre / Benchmarketing analysis of urban solid wast management: multicases study in the municipalities of Belo Horizonte, Curitiba and Porto Alegre

Patricio, Claudia Cartes 08 August 2016 (has links)
A partir da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS) instituída pela Lei n.º 12.305 de 2010, os gestores municipais passam a ser responsabilizados quanto as suas ações no tocante a geração e destinação dos resíduos sólidos urbanos. Entretanto, a Política Nacional busca um novo modelo de gestão, promovendo a inclusão social, a logística reversa e outros instrumentos que devem ser direcionados pelos planos municipais de gestão integrada de resíduos sólidos urbanos. A questão é saber qual efeito esta Lei surtiu após 6 anos da sua instituição nas capitais brasileiras? Para responder esta questão o presente trabalho buscou analisar as ações do poder público municipal e as respectivas mudanças geradas nos indicadores da gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos alinhados com os seus Planos Municipais de Gerenciamento Integrado de Resíduos Sólidos PMGIRS. Delimitou-se a análise aos municípios de Belo Horizonte-MG, Curitiba-PR e Porto Alegre-RS, por apresentarem semelhanças socioeconômicas e ambientais, tendo como intervalo de estudo os anos entre 2008 a 2014, por dar possibilidade de análise o período que antecede e subsequente à instituição da PNRS. Para tanto foram analisados os dados disponíveis no Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE); Sistema Nacional de Informação de Resíduos Sólidos (SINIR- RS); Sistema Nacional de Informação de Saneamento (SNIS); institutos de pesquisa dos estados de Minas Gerais, Paraná e Rio Grande do Sul e informações das Prefeituras em questão. O presente estudo baseou-se em pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa, além de estabelecer uma fundamentação teórica sobre o assunto abordado. Como resultado, foi caracterizada a gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos dos municípios em questão e avaliado comparativamente os indicadores destes municípios. Os municípios já instituíram seus planos municipais, que estão alinhados com a PNRS, entretanto os indicadores de reciclagem e reaproveitamento dos resíduos sólidos urbanos não evoluíram significativamente. / From the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) established by the 2010 Law 12.305,municipal managers become accountable for their actions regarding the generation and disposal of municipal solid waste. However, the National Policy seeks a new management model, promoting social inclusion, reverse logistics and other instruments to be targeted by the municipal plans for integrated solid waste management. The question is what effect this law has had after 6 years of its institution in the Brazilian states capital. To answer this question this study sought to analyze the actions of the municipal government and its changes generated in municipal solid waste management indicators aligned with their Municipal Plans for Integrated Solid Waste Management (PMGIRS). The analysis was delimited to the municipalities of Belo Horizonte-MG, Curitiba-PR and Porto Alegre-RS, for presenting socioeconomic and environmental similarities, with the study interval the years between 2008 and 2014, to give possibility to analyze the period preceding and following the institution of the PNRS. Therefore the available data analyzed was from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE); National System of Solid Waste Information (SINIR-RS); National Sanitation Information System (SNIS); research institutes in the states of Minas Gerais, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul and information of the Prefectures in question. This study was based on quantitative and qualitative research, besides the establishment of a theoretical foundation on the subject matter. As a result, waste management was characterized in the municipalities concerned and weighed against the indicators of these municipalities. The municipalities have already instituted their municipal plans that are aligned with the PNRS, however the indicators of recycling and reuse of waste have not evolved significantly.

Composição gravimétrica de resíduos sólidos recicláveis domiciliares no meio rural de Chopinzinho – PR

Pasquali, Luiz 13 April 2012 (has links)
Devido às mudanças no paradigma de consumo mundial, tornou-se imprescindível o gerenciamento integrado de resíduos sólidos domiciliares, como prevê a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos. Na propriedade rural, esta problemática é real e crescente, porém muito pouco estudada, nacionalmente e internacionalmente. Este trabalho apresenta o monitoramento da composição gravimétrica de resíduos sólidos domiciliares recicláveis e de indicadores das propriedades (Índice de Diversificação de Renda, Renda Bruta Total, Renda Agrícola, “Outras Rendas”, Superfície Agrícola Útil, Valor Financeiro Mensal de Consumo e a distância dos domicílios rurais até o centro comercial urbano) e suas relações com a produção mensal de resíduos sólidos domiciliares recicláveis de 31 residências de agricultores familiares no município de Chopinzinho-PR durante 12 meses (abril/2010 a março/2011). Registrou-se a produção per capita anual de 5,48 kg de resíduos com a ocorrência de plástico (46,47%), papel e papelão (27,18%), vidro (13,28%), metal (8,58%), multicamadas (3,00%), outros (0,98%) e poliestireno (0,52%). Não foram identificados produtos têxteis, mistos e borrachas. Identificou-se uma variação significativa na produção de resíduos nos meses de dezembro e agosto, quando ocorreu a maior produção. Entre as estações do ano não ocorreu variação significativa na produção média de resíduos, ocorrendo variação apenas na composição gravimétrica de papel e papelão, vidro, multicamadas e outros. Indicadores econômicos, tais como gasto financeiro mensal, renda total, renda agrícola e “outras rendas” foram determinantes no volume de produção de resíduos das famílias. Os gastos mensais (R$ 320,21) das famílias com aquisição de alimentos, materiais de higiene e limpeza não apresentaram diferença significativa no período. Registrou-se a inexistência de correlação entre a distância das famílias do centro urbano e a produção de resíduos. Gerenciar os resíduos domiciliares vai além de planejar a coleta seletiva. É imprescindível gerar novas legislações a fim de responsabilizar os fabricantes pelo ciclo global de vida de seus produtos, tanto no meio urbano como também no rural. / According to changes of the paradigm on world consumption, it has become essential the integrated management of solid household waste, as indicated by National Solid Waste Policy. On rural area this is a real problem that grows constantly. Neither nationally nor internationally has this problem been studied with special attention. This report shows the monitoring of gravimetric households solid waste and property directories (Index of Income Diversification, Total Gross Income, Agricultural Income, “Other Incomes”, Agricultural Incomes, Profitable Agricultural Area, Monthly Financial Value on Consumption and Distance from Rural Area to the Urban Center), and their relation to monthly production of solid waste on 31 family farm homes in Chopinzinho for 12 months (ron April/2010 to March/2011). The annual per capita recorded was 5.48 kg of waste, with the occurrence of plastic (46.47%), paper and cardboard (27.18%), glass (13.28%), metal (8.58%), multi-layer (3.00%), others (0.98%) and polystyrene (0.52%). No textile, mixed material and rubber were identified. A significant variation in the average production of waste was recorded in December and August, which were the highest ones. Among seasons of the year no significant variation occurred on waste average production, it happened only on gravimetric composition of paper and cardboard, glass, multi-layer and others. Economic indexes, such as monthly expenses, total income, agriculture income, and others, were determiners on production volume of households waste. The family monthly expenses (R$ 320,21) with hygiene and cleaning products did not present significant changes on this period. There is no correlation between rural households distance from the urban commercial center and waste production. Managing the household waste goes further than organizing a selective collection. Nowadays is essential to create new laws in order to place the responsibility on manufactures for global life cycle of its products, whether in urban or rural areas.

Gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos urbanos: estudo de caso no município de Pato Branco – PR

Starck, Keli 13 February 2015 (has links)
CNPq; CAPES / O gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos é um tema muito abordado atualmente, isto se deve ao fato de haver um aumento significativo de produção dos resíduos sólidos que, ao serem dispostos inadequadamente, são fontes poluidoras do ar, solo e águas. A necessidade de gerir de forma adequada os resíduos sólidos urbanos evoluiu de forma rápida e progressivamente, tornando-se um desafio para a sociedade e para a administração pública. No intuito de contribuir para o debate, a presente dissertação teve como objetivo analisar a gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos adotado pelo município de Pato Branco – PR e sua adequação à legislação vigente. Este trabalho teve como base metodológica um estudo de caso empregando-se técnicas de coleta de dados. Considerando os resultados obtidos através de visitação e observação, entrevistas e questionários, torna-se possível verificar qual a situação da implementação da legislação vigente, principalmente a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (Lei nº 12.305/2010). Apesar de se identificarem avanços importantes no município estudado, principalmente na coleta dos resíduos sólidos e na destinação em aterro sanitário, verificam-se ainda duas questões pendentes, que referem-se a remediação do passivo ambiental do antigo aterro e realização da compostagem dos resíduos orgânico. Pontua-se portanto, que o avanço no gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos está atrelado a aplicação de políticas pública adequadas e ao compartilhamento das responsabilidades entre todos os atores envolvidos. / The solid waste management is a topic much discussed today, this is due to the fact that we have a significant increase in production of solid waste which, when improperly disposed, are polluting sources of air, soil and water. The need to properly manage municipal solid waste evolved quickly and progressively, making it a challenge for society and public administration. In order to contribute to the discussion, this thesis was to analyze the municipal solid waste management process adopted by the city of Pato Branco - PR and its adaptation to the current legislation. This work was methodological basis a case study in qualitative research employing techniques of collecting primary and secondary data. Considering the results obtained through visitation and observation, interviews and questionnaires, it is possible to find what the status of implementation of existing legislation, especially the Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (Law nº 12,305/2010). Despite identify important advances in the city studied, especially in the collection of solid waste and disposal in landfill, there are still two outstanding issues, which relate to remediation of environmental liabilities of the old landfill and performing the composting of organic waste. It points out therefore that the advance in the management of appropriate solid waste is related to the implementation of public policies and the sharing of responsibilities between all actors involved.

Composição gravimétrica de resíduos sólidos recicláveis domiciliares no meio rural de Chopinzinho – PR

Pasquali, Luiz 13 April 2012 (has links)
Devido às mudanças no paradigma de consumo mundial, tornou-se imprescindível o gerenciamento integrado de resíduos sólidos domiciliares, como prevê a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos. Na propriedade rural, esta problemática é real e crescente, porém muito pouco estudada, nacionalmente e internacionalmente. Este trabalho apresenta o monitoramento da composição gravimétrica de resíduos sólidos domiciliares recicláveis e de indicadores das propriedades (Índice de Diversificação de Renda, Renda Bruta Total, Renda Agrícola, “Outras Rendas”, Superfície Agrícola Útil, Valor Financeiro Mensal de Consumo e a distância dos domicílios rurais até o centro comercial urbano) e suas relações com a produção mensal de resíduos sólidos domiciliares recicláveis de 31 residências de agricultores familiares no município de Chopinzinho-PR durante 12 meses (abril/2010 a março/2011). Registrou-se a produção per capita anual de 5,48 kg de resíduos com a ocorrência de plástico (46,47%), papel e papelão (27,18%), vidro (13,28%), metal (8,58%), multicamadas (3,00%), outros (0,98%) e poliestireno (0,52%). Não foram identificados produtos têxteis, mistos e borrachas. Identificou-se uma variação significativa na produção de resíduos nos meses de dezembro e agosto, quando ocorreu a maior produção. Entre as estações do ano não ocorreu variação significativa na produção média de resíduos, ocorrendo variação apenas na composição gravimétrica de papel e papelão, vidro, multicamadas e outros. Indicadores econômicos, tais como gasto financeiro mensal, renda total, renda agrícola e “outras rendas” foram determinantes no volume de produção de resíduos das famílias. Os gastos mensais (R$ 320,21) das famílias com aquisição de alimentos, materiais de higiene e limpeza não apresentaram diferença significativa no período. Registrou-se a inexistência de correlação entre a distância das famílias do centro urbano e a produção de resíduos. Gerenciar os resíduos domiciliares vai além de planejar a coleta seletiva. É imprescindível gerar novas legislações a fim de responsabilizar os fabricantes pelo ciclo global de vida de seus produtos, tanto no meio urbano como também no rural. / According to changes of the paradigm on world consumption, it has become essential the integrated management of solid household waste, as indicated by National Solid Waste Policy. On rural area this is a real problem that grows constantly. Neither nationally nor internationally has this problem been studied with special attention. This report shows the monitoring of gravimetric households solid waste and property directories (Index of Income Diversification, Total Gross Income, Agricultural Income, “Other Incomes”, Agricultural Incomes, Profitable Agricultural Area, Monthly Financial Value on Consumption and Distance from Rural Area to the Urban Center), and their relation to monthly production of solid waste on 31 family farm homes in Chopinzinho for 12 months (ron April/2010 to March/2011). The annual per capita recorded was 5.48 kg of waste, with the occurrence of plastic (46.47%), paper and cardboard (27.18%), glass (13.28%), metal (8.58%), multi-layer (3.00%), others (0.98%) and polystyrene (0.52%). No textile, mixed material and rubber were identified. A significant variation in the average production of waste was recorded in December and August, which were the highest ones. Among seasons of the year no significant variation occurred on waste average production, it happened only on gravimetric composition of paper and cardboard, glass, multi-layer and others. Economic indexes, such as monthly expenses, total income, agriculture income, and others, were determiners on production volume of households waste. The family monthly expenses (R$ 320,21) with hygiene and cleaning products did not present significant changes on this period. There is no correlation between rural households distance from the urban commercial center and waste production. Managing the household waste goes further than organizing a selective collection. Nowadays is essential to create new laws in order to place the responsibility on manufactures for global life cycle of its products, whether in urban or rural areas.

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