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State Sector Relocations in Sweden : A Municipality-Level Panel Data Analysis on the Effects of Relocation on Regional DevelopmentGrennborg, Andreas January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, the effects that state sector relocations have on regional development in Sweden are investigated. In January 2017, a government report was released, suggesting the relocation of 10 000 state sector jobs from the capital of Stockholm to other parts of Sweden in order to enhance the preconditions for regional development in the destination localities. This thesis aims to investigate which effects that state sector relocations and state sector jobs have on regional development. Three determinants were used to find these effects: the share of state sector employees, the state sector employee growth rate and a dummy variable which denoted four separate occasions of larger relocations. Three of those relocations were executed as a compensation for military base closures. With a fixed effect panel data analysis, it was possible to investigate the effects of these three determinants and a number of control variables on two regional development variables: average income growth and net migration rate. The data used consists of panel data for the years 2006-2015 on a municipality level, with 264 included municipalities, in Sweden and derived from Statistics Sweden. The results showed that the state sector employee growth rate-variable had a positive effect on average income growth. However, the state sector relocation dummy had a negative effect on average income growth. These contradictory results, might be due to the military base closures which occurred a couple of years before the relocations, blurring the positive effects from the relocations. The state sector job-variables had no significant effect on net migration rate, and no obvious long-term effects were found as the share of state sector employees did not show any significant effects on average income growth.
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Význam lidských zdrojů v regionálním rozvoji Jihočeského kraje / Human resources in the regional development of the South Bohemian region.Jandová, Kristýna January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on human resources, labor market and regional development in the South Bohemian region. The main goal of the thesis is to evaluate the demographic and economic indicators, labor market indicators and educational structure in the South Bohemian region compared to other regions at NUTS III level in the Czech Republic and on the basis of own survey to formulate recommendations to a regional policy in supporting of the employment and development of the human resources in the South Bohemian region. This thesis consists of 5 parts. The first part focuses on human resources and labor market. The second part defines the regional development and regional policy, focusing on a regional policy of the European Union and the Czech Republic. The third part characterize the South Bohemia region and describes the basic documents of regional policy in the South Bohemia region. The fourth part examines and evaluates the development of demographic and economic indicators, labor market and educational structure in the Czech Republic. The fifth section focuses on the human resources and labor market in the South Bohemia region and its comparison with other regions at NUTS III level. This section consist of an analysis of demographic and economic indicators, labor market and educational structure and evaluation of the survey of residents and employers in the South Bohemia region. The conclusion formulates recommendations on regional employment policies of the region and human resources.
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Socioekonomická polarizace v Česku / The social-economic polarization in Czech RepublicKozáková, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
This thesis main topic is the social-economic polarization in Czech Republic and its development process within past two decades. The main aim is to define growth poles with positive social-economic development and peripheric areas with stagnating or negative development. Consequently the secondary aim of this thesis is to confirm or disprove hypothesis resulting from Myrdal's theory of cumulative causation: "Growth poles grow faster over time and conversly peripheric areas decline further over years." In next step growing and peripheric regions are described and the possible causes of develepment within this areas are interpreted. Leading theories of regional development focusing on social-economic growth polarization are described in the theoretical part. The emphasis is on core -- periphery theories with main focus on theory of cummulative causation by Gunnar Myrdal.
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Systém kontroly hospodaření organizačních složek státu / One of the state offices - checking and verification financial statements systemMoravcová, Štěpánka January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with checking and verification of financial statements the subjects of the public sector. In the first part of the thesis there is mentioned the general characteristic of public sector, there is also described systém of checking and verification financial statements. Practical part of the thesis is dedicated to the Ministry of Regional Development.
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Zhodnocení ekonomického přínosu cestovního ruchu pro královské město Kadaň / Economic Impact Evaluation of tourism ativities in KadanFlégrová, Karolína January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on evaluation of economic benefits that are generated by tourism activities in the destination Kadaň. The evaluation uses methodological framework of the tourism satellite account regionalization and local survey. Main attention is focused on quantifying the impacts on regional employment and business environment. The conclusion is based on the theory of destination lifecycle.
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Analýza využití a dosavadní realizace podpory infrastruktury cestovního ruchu na venkově v ČR na příkladu opatření III.1.3 Programu rozvoje venkova ČR / Analysis of the use and implementation of existing infrastructure support rural tourism in the example of measures III.1.3 Rural Development Programme of the Czech RepublicChadimová, Věra January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to identify and analyze the utilization and implementation of the existing infrastructure support for rural tourism in the Czech Republic on the example of Rural Development Program of the CR, actions III.1.3. The theoretical part deals with the definition of tourism infrastructure, tourism as one of the factors of regional development and the potential to promote tourism with a focus on its infrastructure. The practical part is focused on promoting tourism within the Rural Development Program of the CR. At the micro level there are assessed subsidies for the period 2007-2010. The source for analyzing is the data obtained from publicly available databases of the State Agricultural Intervention Fund and interviews with representatives of the regional offices of the intermediate body (SAIF). In this thesis descriptive, comparative and analytical methods are used. The character of the gained data is both primary and secondary. The main contribution of this work, based on the findings, is evaluation of the use of subsidies to support the tourism infrastructure within the Rural Development Programme of the CR - Encouragement of touristic activities during the 1st half of the current programming period.
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Obnovitelné zdroje energie a jejich dopad na regionální a municipální rozvoj v České republice / Renewable resources and their impact on regional and municipal developmentSládeček, Dušan January 2012 (has links)
This MA thesis examines the effects of wind and photovoltaic power plants on the regional development using the standard regional and statistical analysis tools. The theoretical part focuses on the macroeconomical point of view concerning the support of renewable energy sources. The consequences for Czech economy can be seen as greatly negative. The practical part includes case studies and focuses on specific municipalities. The result of the findings is that the construction of photovoltaic powe plants does not have a negative impact on the development of municipalities, in the case of smaller ones it can even be seen as an economic asset.
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Význam lidských zdrojů v regionálním rozvoji Moravskoslezského kraje / Importance of Human Resources in the Regional Development of the Moravian-Silesian RegionHolušová, Karolína January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with human resources and their importance in the regional development of the Czech Republic and uses the Moravian-Silesian region as the model example. The main aim of the work is to determine to what extent the employers in the Opava region are satisfied with the level of human resources. The emphasis is on education, motivation, performance and health of employees and job seekers. In order to compare the quality of human resources in the Moravian-Silesian region with other regions in the Czech Republic, an analysis of selected indicators in the period of 2003 -- 2012 was conducted. The analysis is supplemented by the scoring method for determining the ranking of the individual regions. The results of the analysis as well as the calculation from the scoring method clearly show that the values of indicators of development of regional development concerning the issue of human resources in the Moravian-Silesian region are significantly above average. On the other hand, assessment of questionnaires in the Opava region shows strong content of the employers with the quality of human resources in the region.
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Postavení krajské úrovně územní samosprávy a její úkoly v rozvoji kraje. / The status of regions in local governance system and its authority in the regional developmentJeřábek, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with an analysis of the economic performance of the Pardubice region and with an evaluation of a selected regional development project. It is divided into two parts. Firstly, the historical development and the current status of local governance in the Czech Republic are defined in the theoretical part. Further, the definition of regional policy with the emphasis on the role of the region in regional development is provided. Final section of the theoretical part is dedicated to the financial aspects of local governance, particularly to detailed description of the income and expenditure components of the budget. The analytical part of this thesis begins with the characteristics of the Pardubice region, especially from the geographical and socio-economic perspectives and continues with the analysis of economic performance of the Pardubice region in the period 2011 -- 2013. A comparison of the indebtedness of this region with other regions and the national average is added. Final part of the thesis provides an assessment of the selected regional development project called "Effective Public Administration and Friendly Public Services -- Smart Administration".
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Samverkan lärosäte-skola : en studie av Regionalt utvecklingscentrum som samarbetspartÖijen, Lena January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is a study of a phenomenon in Swedish education: the RegionalDevelopment Centre (Regionalt utvecklingscentrum, RUC). Insetting up RUC, the Swedish state’s original intention was to enhancecollaboration between teacher education and training, research andschool development. RUC was specified in the appropriation directionsfor Swedish higher education institutions (HEIs) that trained teachers in1997–2010. The purpose of this thesis is to clarify and analyse differinginterpretations and implications of RUC as a phenomenon and conceptualisethe task of addressing them in a changing education-policy context.Empirical sources for the study are central government publicationsand interviews with RUC representatives at 22 HEIs. This empiricalmaterial has been modified and analysed in four stages: a survey of RUCas a phenomenon, construal of ‘ideal types’ of RUC, testing of the construedideal types as analytical tools, and application of the construedideal types as analytical tools to gain an ‘explanatory understanding’ ofRUC. Through analysis of needs, actors and value, five ideal types empiricallybased on transcribed interviews are construed: the receiveroriented,trust-creating, region-boosting, conceptualising and salesorientedtypes. A model shows how these ideal types can be mutuallyunderstood and conceptualised. Examples are given, based on this model,of specific interpretations and implications that may fit each idealtype. RUC’s legitimacy in 2012 still entails a marked emphasis on RUCas a receiver-oriented associate. Three aspects enhancing the likelihoodof RUC, in 2012, being deemed important to retain at an HEI appear tobe the HEI’s goodwill towards RUC, its dependence on remits from theSwedish National Board of Education and schools’ research needs. Focusingmore on RUC as the region-boosting partner would mean oncemore uniting RUC’s role in teacher education with school developmentand research, but on the basis of ‘common needs’ within the frameworkof a distinct growth policy.
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