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Produção leiteira e desenvolvimento regional: uma análise dos agentes da cadeia produtiva na região noroeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul / Dairy production and regional development: an analysis of agents of the production chain in the northwest region of the state of Rio Grande do SulMoraes, Alexandra de 09 August 2010 (has links)
Milk, a food source for humans and with economic importance, is an alternative production, income generation and employment with influence in local and regional development. The Northwestern Rio Grande do Sul is characterized by the family farm and between the small
farms activities the milk production is a source of income, employment and opportunity promoting the development of agribusiness. This study aims to contextualize the production chain of milk presenting relevant aspects that influence their performance through a
characterization from the agents which compose it. Based on the data collected, we present the analysis on the linkages between those involved in the milk chain and how these contribute to the management and promotion of regional development. The work was based on a qualitative study from primary and secondary data. The primary data were collected through semi-structured interviews with integrants of the institutions of the milk chain in the
northwestern Rio Grande do Sul. Secondary data were collected in books, research articles, newspapers, internet and events. The study was based on theoretical models by Ferraz, Kupfer and Haguenauer (1995) for describing the competitive framework of companies and by Jank and Galan (1998) for contextualizing and analyzing the structure and integration of players that compose the milk production chain in the region mentioned above. According to information from the Bulletin for Milk (2009), the referred region is holding the highest milk
production in RS gathering, nowadays, the structure and investments which is the highest source of income and employment. The results indicate that the dairy production chain in the northwestern Rio Grande do Sul is processed by the integration of different actors which compose itself. The chain is also concerned about the competitiveness of its various segments, the environment and proposes improvements in quality of life in dairy agribusiness activity, making it a self-sustainable alternative in terms of local and regional development. / O leite, como fonte de alimento para o homem e pela sua importância econômica, representa uma alternativa de produção, geração de renda e empregos com influência no
desenvolvimento local e regional. A região noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul apresenta como característica, a agricultura familiar e dentre as atividades das pequenas
propriedades está a produção de leite como fonte de renda, emprego e oportunidade de promover o desenvolvimento do agronegócio. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo
contextualizar a cadeia produtiva do leite apresentando os aspectos relevantes que influenciam seu desempenho, por meio de uma caracterização a partir dos agentes que a compõe. A partir dos dados coletados, apresentam-se as análises relativas às articulações entre os agentes
envolvidos na cadeia produtiva do leite e como esses contribuem para a gestão e a promoção do desenvolvimento regional. O trabalho baseou-se em uma pesquisa qualitativa a partir de dados primários e secundários. Os dados primários foram coletados por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada com representantes das instituições da cadeia produtiva do leite da região noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados secundários foram coletados em livros, pesquisas, artigos, jornais, eventos e internet. O estudo teve como base teórica, os modelos de Ferraz, Kupfer e Haguenauer (1995) para descrição do cenário competitivo das empresas e de
Jank e Galan (1998), para contextualizar e analisar a estruturação e integração dos agentes que compõem a cadeia produtiva do leite da região em epígrafe, que segundo informações do Boletim do Leite (2009), é a que detém a maior produção de leite no RS comportando hoje, uma estrutura e investimentos de beneficiamento que a constitui como uma das principais fontes de renda e emprego. Os resultados indicam que a cadeia produtiva leiteira da região
noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul se processa pela integração dos diversos atores que a compõe e a mesma possui preocupações com a competitividade dos diversos segmentos da cadeia, com o meio ambiente e propõe melhorias da qualidade de vida na atividade do agronegócio leiteiro, tornando-a em alternativa auto-sustentável em termos do desenvolvimento local e regional.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work had as main theme relate entrepreneurship to the survival of micro and small businesses in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The overall goal was to bring arguments to the entrepreuners in order to potentializing the possibilities of success at opening of micro and small busines. To achieve proposed goal, this research was divided into two stages, each of these stages is presented in this document as a scientific paper. Initially it was performed a study that aims to identify the average rate of companies extinct in the five conties with the largest number of habitants of Rio Grande do Sul, except for the capital, Porto Alegre, and its metropolitan area. In the work s second stage the goal was to identify the mais factors that cause mortality of micro and small enterprises in the central region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The results demonstrated the hardest hit sectors of activities and interferences of the main factors causing mortality in companies compromising the development of the cities studied. / Este trabalho teve como tema principal relacionar o empreendedorismo com a sobrevivência das micro e pequenas empresas - MPEs no estado do Rio Grande do Sul- RS. Para isso, o objetivo geral foi trazer argumentos para os empresários, a fim de potencializar as possibilidades de sucesso na abertura de MPEs. Para atingir o proposto, a pesquisa foi dividida em duas etapas, sendo cada uma delas apresentadas no formato de artigo científico. Inicialmente foi realizado o levantamento do número de empresas constituídas e extintas nos cinco municípios mais populosos, exceto a capital, Porto Alegre e a região metropolitana. Após, fez-se o levantamento dos principais fatores causadores da mortalidade das MPEs na região central do RS. Os resultados demonstraram os setores de atividades mais atingidos e a interferência dos principais fatores causadores da mortalidade nas empresas comprometendo o desenvolvimento dos municípios estudados.
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Les mécanismes d'apprentissage exploitant la créativité dans une région apprenante : une approche par les conventions / Learning mechanisms harnessing creativity in a learning region : an approach by conventionsRafanomezantsoa, Zo Mbolatiana 03 July 2015 (has links)
Les régions construisent leur avantage économique en s'appuyant sur leur capacité à mobiliser et à canaliser les connaissances. L'enjeu de cette recherche est de comprendre la dynamique à l’œuvre dans les relations inter-acteurs qui explique la sous-performance des uns ou les capacités créatives des autres par le biais de la diffusion de connaissances ou de l'apprentissage. L'enjeu est de cerner la manière dont les individus, les firmes et les institutions interagissent ainsi que les effets de leur interaction sur la performance régionale en matière d'innovation. Nous proposons d'approcher ce sujet d'étude sous l'angle de la théorie des conventions, en explorant d'autres dimensions importantes de la créativité et de l'apprentissage, particulièrement en articulant les notions de confiance et de croyance. Les individus agissent et interagissent dans un contexte social régi par des conventions. Une action ne peut s'effectuer sans l'existence d'un certain nombre de conventions. Un des problèmes majeurs des conventions est qu'elles limitent souvent l'ensemble d'actions possibles. Elles structurent et contraignent l'action. Elles ne sont pas sans lien avec les notions de confiance et de croyance en question. / Regions build their economic advantage in relying on their ability to mobilize and channel knowledge. The aim of this research is to understand the dynamics at work in the inter-actor relationship which explains the underperformance of some actors or the creative abilities of others through dissemination of knowledge or learning. The challenge is to identify how individuals, firm sand institutions interact and the effects of their interaction on regional performance in terms of innovation. We propose to approach this subject of study under angle of conventions theory, exploring other important dimensions of creativity and learning, particularly by articulating the notions of trust and belief. lndividuals act and interact in a social context governed by conventions. An action can not take place without the existence of some number of conventions. One major problem of conventions is that they often limit the set of possible actions. They structure and constrain action. They are not unrelated to the notions of trust and belief in question.
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Regional science-based clusters:a case study of three European concentrationsTeräs, J. (Jukka) 23 September 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide an improved understanding of the structural characteristics and the dynamic evolution of regional science-based clusters. The study is based on an in-depth comparison of three non-metropolitan science-based clusters: Oulu in Finland, Luleå in Sweden, and Pisa in Italy. This thesis is the result of a qualitative multiple-case study consisting of in-depth interviews with cluster decision-makers and experts in Finland, Sweden and Italy. The thesis is structured as follows: first the theoretical framework and research method are presented, then the case study regions and clusters are described, and finally, the data from the interviews are collated and discussed.
The results of the study suggest that regional science-based clusters are not isolated entities but are increasingly more connected to the external environments and global markets than before although the local cluster activities and the "social glue" between the cluster actors are still relevant. The current structures of the clusters should have more alternatives and allow more flexibility. The data from this case study, based not only on the current status of the case clusters but also on a more longitudinal approach, confirm the life cycle nature of regional science-based clusters, consisting of various stages. The results of the study show that a detailed analysis of the cluster components is more efficient than studying the cluster as an aggregate. Furthermore, the data indicate that critical mass plays an important role especially in the development of regional science-based clusters in non-metropolitan regions. This study suggests an optimal size for the non-metropolitan cluster, i.e. one which reaches the critical size of a cluster but avoids the problems related to metropolitan clusters. The study underlines the importance of cluster features, such as cluster leadership and strategic management.
The study identified similarities between the case study clusters in Oulu, Luleå, and Pisa, such as e.g. a strong research community, a high proportion of ICT companies, an insufficient number of growth-oriented enterprises, and some unease about the role of intermediaries of the cluster. Differences were found in e.g. the importance of cluster locomotive companies, the roles of technology parks, and the ability of the cluster actors to commit to joint actions. / Tiivistelmä
Tämän väitöstutkimuksen tavoitteena on syventää ymmärtämystä alueellisten tiedepohjaisten klustereiden rakenteesta, toiminnasta ja kehittymisestä. Tutkimuksessa verrataan kolmea pääkaupunkiseutujen ulkopuolista tiedepohjaista klusteria Pohjois-Suomen Oulussa, Pohjois-Ruotsin Luulajassa ja Italian Pisassa. Tämän kvalitatiivisen usean tapauksen tapaustutkimuksen pohjana ovat perusteelliset klustereiden päätöksentekijöiden ja asiantuntijoiden haastattelut Suomessa, Ruotsissa ja Italiassa. Tutkimuksessa esitellään teoreettinen viitekehys ja tutkimusmetodit, minkä jälkeen esitellään tutkimuksen kohdealueet ja klusterit, analysoidaan haastatteluaineisto ja esitetään tutkimuksen loppuarviointi.
Väitöstutkimuksen mukaan alueelliset tiedepohjaiset klusterit eivät ole ulkomaailmasta eristäytyneitä yksiköitä, vaan yhä enemmän sidoksissa ulkoiseen ympäristöönsä ja globaaleihin markkinoihin – huolimatta siitä, että paikallisilla klusteritoiminnoilla ja "sosiaalisella liimalla" klusteritoimijoiden välillä on edelleen merkitystä. Tutkimuksessa ehdotetaan klusterirakenteen kuvaamiseen joustavuutta ja vaihtoehtoisia klusterirakenteita. Tutkimusaineisto, joka sisältää nykytilanteen kuvauksen lisäksi pidemmän aikavälin aineistoa, vahvistaa alueellisten tiedepohjaisten klustereiden kehityksen elinkaarimallin eri vaiheineen. Klusterien analysoinnissa on tutkimuksen mukaan pelkkää kokonaistarkastelua tehokkaampaa klusterin komponenttien yksityiskohtainen tarkastelu. Tutkimuksen perusteella kriittisellä massalla on merkittävä vaikutus alueellisten tiedepohjaisten klustereiden kehitykselle etenkin pääkaupunkiseutujen ulkopuolisilla alueilla. Väitöstutkimuksessa esitetään klusterin optimaalisen koon käsite: klusteri saavuttaa kriittisen massan, mutta välttää etenkin metropolialueiden klustereiden tyypilliset ongelmat. Väitöstutkimus korostaa lisäksi mm. klustereiden johtajuuden ja strategisen johtamisen merkitystä.
Väitöstutkimuksessa tunnistettiin Oulun, Luulajan ja Pisan klustereiden välillä yhtäläisyyksiä, kuten vahva tutkimusyhteisö, informaatio- ja kommunikaatioteknologian yritysten suuri osuus, kasvuhakuisten yritysten vähäinen määrä ja klusteritoimijoiden osittainen tyytymättömyys välittäjäorganisaatioiden rooliin klustereissa. Eroja klustereiden välillä tunnistettiin mm. veturiyritysten osuudessa, teknologiakylien roolissa ja klusteritoimijoiden yhteistyökyvyssä.
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The metropolitan region Rhine-Neckar : A case study of cooperative federalism in the field of railroad infrastructurEdinger, Paul January 2017 (has links)
This Master Thesis gives an insight of railroad infrastructure at a regional level of European importance through a case-study within the Rhine-Neckar region in Germany. Administrative competences are hard to overcome from the planning point of view, consequently regions rely on informal planning tools to achieve a broader transnational and integrated transport strategy in Europe. Beside that metropolitan regions have in a scientific sense four different functions. One of them is the gateway function in a polycentric European development. Therefore this thesis analyze the new high-speed railway track between Frankfurt am Main and Mannheim. Furthermore the thesis draws an outlook of the further development of the new high-speed railway and their expected problems out of a regional planning point of view. The conclusion give an insight, if all four scientific metropolitan functions can be found within the region and what their approach of a cooperative federalism is about. All four metropolitan functions can be found within the region in terms of the new high-speed railway. The innovation function is given through the INTERREG IVB-NWE project CODE24, which was elected as a strategic initiative and was of European importance. The decision-making and control function is given through the established European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation, as it gives the whole initiative an European legal form. The symbol function can be found particularly in a footnote of the German Federal Train Track Expansion Act back in 2004, as the region achieved a legal boundary at the federal level. The last function, the gateway function, is given as the corridor between those two agglomerations has the highest traffic volume in Germany.
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Kulturní dědictví v rozvoji obcí a regionů na příkladu Jihočeského kraje / Cultural heritage in the development of municipalities and regions on the example of the region of South BohemiaBošková, Martina January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with cultural and natural heritage in the region of South Bohemia, in particular the relationship of cultural and natural heritage for tourism and joint action on the development of the region. The theoretical part is characterized by a general culture, the cultural and natural heritage, heritage conservation legislation and its financing in the Czech Republic, cultural tourism. It deals with the relationship of heritage conservation and tourism. The practical part of this work assesses the current state of cultural and natural heritage and exploit the potential for the development of tourism in the region. Finds the conditions for its further development and provides for limiting factors of development.
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Štrukturálne fondy a železničná doprava v Európskej únii / Structural funds and rail transport in the EUMinarovič, Karol January 2008 (has links)
This paper describes the management procedures and policy objectives of financial sources in relation to rail transport. Besides the Cohesion Fund and the European Regional Development Fund, this paper defines a variety of alternative sources suitable for EU railways such as TEN-T or Marco Polo, the EIB and the EBRD loans or PP. The theoretical part is supported by real-life examples of rail transport projects. An analysis of the project achievements in terms of outputs and outcomes is also provided in this paper
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Strategický rozvoj obce Nová Ves u Českých Budějovic / Strategic Development of the village Nová Ves u Českých BudějovicProkešová, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with strategic development of the village called Nová Ves u Českých Budějovic. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the most important aspects of regional and municipal development, and then characterizes the process of strategic planning and provides guidance on the preparation of the strategic plan for municipal development. The practical is focused on complete socio-economic analysis and SWOT analysis of the village Nová Ves. Based on this analysis, then identifies the key development opportunities and barriers and suggested the basic development activities.
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Investiční prostředí a rozvoj regionů: Moravskoslezský kraj / Investment environment and regional development: Moravian-Silesian RegionUrbánek, Adam January 2009 (has links)
This diploma theses addresses the issue of investment environment and regional development in the Moravian-Silesian Region. The first chapter describes theoretical inputs, namely competitivness and foreign direct investments. The general factors influencing competitivness are applied on example of the Czech Republic. Second chapter analyse the investment environment in the Region. This concerns namely socio-economic situation, business environment and completed restructuring. Included is also SWOT analysis and resulting recommendations. Third chapter evaluates the current state of investments in the Region and describes two significant development projects. These are namely Danish producer of luxury electrotechnics and South Korean car producer. The text describes the investors, industrial zones they are placed in, process and current status of the investment and overall impact upon the Region.
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L'innovation dans les services : essais sur les déterminants individuels et territoriaux / Innovation in services : essais on individual and territorial determinantsMongo, Sondjo 27 September 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une méthodologie permettant d’analyser les mécanismes d’innovation au sein du secteur des services ainsi que leurs implications en matière de développement territorial. Cette méthodologie se présente en trois temps. Dans un premier temps, une analyse des processus d’innovation au sein du secteur des services est élaborée afin de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des modes d’innovation et les logiques de localisation au sein de ce secteur. Dans un second temps, une étude économétrique comparative des déterminants de l’innovation dans les services et l’industrie est réalisée à partir d’une enquête communautaire sur l’innovation (CIS2008). Cette étude permet de mieux appréhender, d’une part, les facteurs à l’origine de l’innovation dans le secteur des services et, d’autre part, les principales divergences en matière d’innovation entre les services et l’industrie. Dans un troisième temps, une étude descriptive et économétrique des déterminants de l’innovation dans les services est effectuée à l’échelle de 31 agglomérations françaises. Cette étude permet de confronter sur données localisées l’impact des déterminants de l’innovation selon les types d’innovations développées (technologique et non technologique).Au final, ce travail, initialement entrepris sur la base d’une analyse globale des activités de services, s’est progressivement centré sur les Services à Forte Intensité de Connaissances (informatiques, R&D, architecture, publicité, etc.) au vue de leur poids économique (en termes d’emploi et de valeur ajoutée) et de leur pertinence en matière d’innovation. / This thesis proposes a methodology to analyze the mechanisms of innovation in the service sector and their implications for regional development. This methodology is presented in three stages. As a first step, an analysis of the innovation process in the service sector is performed to better understand the functioning of innovation patterns and location choices within the sector. In a second step, a comparative econometric study of the determinants of innovation in services and industry conducted on the basis of Community Innovation Survey (CIS2008) data. This study provides insight on the one hand, the factors driving innovation in the service sector and, secondly, the main differences in innovation between services and industry. In a third step, a descriptive and econometric analysis of the determinants of innovation in services is performed for 31 French cities. This study allows to compare the impact of the determinants of different types of innovation (technological and non-technological) on the basis of local data.Finally, this work was originally undertaken on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of service activities, gradually focusing on Knowledge Intensive Service (IT, R & D, advertising, etc.) In view of their economic impact (in terms of employment and value added) and their relevance for innovation.
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