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Computational Study of the Water Cycle at the Surface of MarsZubik, Jakub Tadeusz Unknown Date
No description available.
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Regolith expression of hydrothermal alteration : a study of the Groundrush and Vera Nancy gold deposits of Northern AustraliaMurphy, Daniel M.K. January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics were identified for regolith overlying two Australian Au deposits that discriminate mineralized and associated hydrothermally-altered rock from weathered rock that was not hydrothermally-altered. Mineralization was lithologically controlled within a previously unrecognized diorite dyke at the lower Proterozoic mesozonal Groundrush deposit, Tanami region, Northern Territory. Although hydrothermal alteration effects within the dyke were subtle and obliterated by weathering, Ti/Zr ratios clearly discriminated the diorite dyke from visually indistinguishable but generally unmineralized dolerite. In contrast, the Carboniferous Vera Nancy low-sulphidation epithermal Au deposit, located in the Drummond Basin, northeast Queensland, comprises structurally-controlled quartz veins within a relatively chemically homogenous suite of andesitic lavas and subvolcanic intrusions. A zoned hydrothermal alteration system in the hangingwall of the main vein grades from a proximal silica-pyrite alteration zone through an argillic zone into regionally extensive propylitic 'background'. Deep chemical weathering has destroyed the minerals diagnostic of the different alteration zones in bedrock to leave a kaolinitic regolith overlying all alteration zones. However, the silica-pyrite alteration zone is identified in regolith by retention of the anomalous concentrations of Au, As, Sb and Mo present in bedrock, and mineralogical characteristics, determined from X-ray diffraction investigations, discriminated weathered argillic from propylitic alteration zones. ... Metasomatic reactions, including weathering reactions, are typically difficult to specify, as some reactants and products may be removed by fluids, and thus evidence for their involvement is absent from the observed assemblages. In addition, the range of possible reactions even for relatively simple systems is such that identifying the real reaction may be intractable without additional information. Linear algebra provides an approach to this problem. If minerals and aqueous phases are represented as columns in a matrix with elements as rows, any vectors in the null space of this matrix (if it is greater than 0-dimensional) provide coefficients to balance reactions between the phases. The 'Gale' vectors for a set of phase are the row vectors of any basis for this null space. The relationships between phases are clarified through examination of these vectors in d-dimensional Gale vector space, where d is the dimension of the null space. The hyperplane normal to any vector in Gale vector space separates the space into reactant and product half-spaces. The geometric relationships between the Gale phase vectors describe all the possible reactions. Because changes to parameters (e.g. volume, mass, density) can be determined for each possible reaction, Gale analysis can be used to identify reactions consistent with these constraints. Gale analysis of weathering at the Vera deposit indicated that all the possible weathering reactions producing kaolinite, goethite and quartz from illite, pyrite and siderite resulted in minor reductions in volume and mass only, whereas acid-neutral weathering of propylitic rocks exhibited greater mass losses, consistent with observation and geochemical interpretation.
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Cartographie du régolithe sur formation ultrabasique de Nouvelle-Calédonie : Localisation dans l’espace et le temps des gisements nickélifères / Regolith mapping on ultrabasic formation in New Caledonia : Location in space and ti me of nickel depositsSevin, Brice 25 July 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour sujet l'étude du régolithe développé sur les massifs ultrabasiques de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Dès l'Oligocène, la Nappe des Péridotites est soumise à l'altération supergène sous climat tropical humide. Le manteau d'altération (régolithe) qui se développe est le siège de phénomènes géologiques dont l'un des plus remarquables estl'enrichissement des teneurs en Ni et Co. Ce régolithe très particulier, que constituent les profils latéritiques sur rochesultrabasiques, a été largement étudié par le passé, surtout pour son intérêt économique. Une synthèse des connaissances a été réalisée. De nombreuses données acquises durant cette thèse permettent de mieux cerner l'évolution minéralogique, géochimique et géologique des profils d'altération. Un apport important sur la connaissance des saprolites fines (oulatérites), peu étudiées, a été réalisé. La cartographie des formations ultrabasiques et de leur manteau d'altération (1/ 50000) s'appuie sur des observations de terrain classiques, et fait appel à la géomorphologie, l'analyse structurale, l'altérologie, l'hydrogéologie, etc. Afin d'améliorer la couverture cartographique sur des zones difficiles d'accès, de nouveaux outils ont été évalués. Le premier outil, la télédetection hyperspectrale, a permis avec succès de cartographier des zones de sols nus, mais aussi de réaliser des cartes minéralogiques ayant un intérêt pour la prospection minière (carte de répartition des oxy-hydroxydes de fer, carte du taux de serpentinisation). La deuxième méthode utilise quant à elle la spectrométrie gamma au sol, pour cartographier le cortège d'intrusif de l'ophiolite. L'âge de formation des manteaux d'altération reste difficile à établir. Le recours à une méthode de datation par paléomagnétisme a permis pour la première fois d' attribuer un âge aux cuirasses sommitales des profil s. Les âges les plus anciens obtenus (25 Ma) montrent que l'altération a débuté dès l'Oligocène supérieur à Thiébaghi et Goro, aux deux extrémités de la Grande Terre, mais qu'elle s'est interrompue à Thiébagi et qu'elle s'est pours uivie jusqu'à la période actuelle dans le Sud du Massif du Sud (Goro). L'étude pétrographique et paléomagnétique des cuirasses des klippes de la côte ouest montrent la difficulté de retrouver des témoins de la surface oligocène sur ces massifs. Les observations géomorphologiques témoignent d'un démantèlement avancé de ces massifs sous l'effet de mouvements verticaux importants. Une vision globale des évènements« post-abduction » peut-être proposée par l'étude complémentaire des (i) sédiments post-abd uction [Népoui principalement) et des (ii) granitoïdes oligocènes. En effet, la découverte récente d'un calcaire d'âge Miocène inférieur sous le conglomérat de Pindaï (Groupe de Népoui) permet de réévaluer précisément l'âge de dépôt de ce conglomérat torrentiel, constitué principalement d'éléments des profils d'altération oligocènes. L'âge obtenu est très proche de de celui du granite de Koum ayant subi une exhumation rapide (données traces de fissions sur apatite). L'ensemble des donnéesconvergent vers une cause tectonique plutôt qu'eustatique pour expliquer les mouvements verticaux importants responsables de la géomorphologie actuelle de la Ride de Norfolk. La rupture de la plaque plongeante, responsable de l'abduction, a permis la mise en place du granitoïde de Koum et le soulèvement de la Ride, à la faveur de l'ouverture d'une fenêtre asthénosphérique permettant la remontée de manteau.Le taux de surrection différent entre le Nord et le Sud de la Grande Terre est responsable de la configuration actuelle des massifs de péridotite. Dans le Nord du Massif duSud, la côte ouest et le Nord, les massifs sont montagneux et les gisements de nickel sont de type silicaté saprolitique (quelques plateaux présentent des latérites). Dans l'extrémité méridionale du Massif du Sud, les paysages sont des bassins et les gisements de nickel sont du type oxydé latéritique. / This work deals with regolith development on ultramafic rocks in New Caledonia. From the Oligocene on, the peridotite Nappe is subject to supergene weathering under wet tropical climate. The weathering mantle (regolith) that develops, led to geological phenomena of which the most remarkable are economie concentrations of Ni and Co. This particular regolith developed on ultramafic rocks, has been extensively studied in the past, especially for its economie interest. A lmowledge synthesis is presented. Data acquired during this work helps identifying the mineralogical, geochemical and geologicalevolution of weathering profiles. An important contribution to the knowledge of the Jess known fine saprolite (or laterite), has been done. Mapping ultramafic units and their weathering mantle (1/50, 000) is based on usual field observations, geomorphology, structural analysis, alterology, hydrogeology, etc. To improve mapping in remote areas, new tools were assessed. The first tool, hyperspectral remote sensing, has been successful used on areas of bare sail, but also to performmineralogical mapping having an interest in mineral exploration (mapping of distribution of iron oxy-hydroxides and of serpentinisation grade). The second method used is the gamma spectrometry to map the late-intrusive dyke network of the ophiolite. The age of formation of the regolith remains difficult to establish. The use of an indirect method by paleomagnetic dating allows for the first time to assign an age to the top-most ferricrete of the weathering profiles. The oldest age obtained (25 Ma) shows that weathering began during Late Oligocene at Thiébaghi and Goro, at both ends of the Grande Terre, butceased at Thiébagi while continuing up to the present period in the south of Massif du Sud (Goro). The paleomagnetic and petrographie study of ferricretes from the West Coast klippen, show the difficulty of finding remnants of the Oligocene surface on these units. Geomorphological observations show evidences of an early dismantling of the regolith onthese units due to large vertical movements. An overview of "post-abduction" events may be proposed by the further study of (i) post-abduction Oligocene sediments (Népoui series) and (ii) Late Oligocene granitoids. The recent discovery of an Early Miocene limestone unit of younger age below the Pindaï conglomerate (Népoui Group) allows to reassess precisely the time of deposition of this torrential conglomerate, consisting mainly of Oligocene regolith elements. Age obtained is very close to that of the Koum granite that has undergone a rapid exhumation (new apatite fission tracks data). A tectonic rather than eustatic cause explains better the large vertical movements responsible for the present geomorphology of the Norfolk Ridge. Slab break off of the overridden plate, responsible for the abduction, allowed the intrusion of Koum granitoid and the uplift of the ridge, du ring the opening of an asthenospheric window. The different rate of uplift between the North and the South of Grande Terre is responsible for the present configuration of peridotite massifs. In the northern part of Massif du Sud, the West Coast and the North of Grande Terre, the ultramafic units are in a mountainous context and nickel deposits are of the saproiite silicate type (a few plateaus have also laterite deposits). In the southern part of Massif du Sud, in a context of basins, nickel deposits are of the oxide lateritic type.
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Contrôles géodynamiques et climatiques du système fluvio-lacustre de Nouvelle-Calédonie, conséquences sur les gisements de nickel latériques. / Geodynamic and climatic controls of the Fluvio-lacustrine Formation of New Caledonia, inference on lateritic nickel ore deposits.Folcher, Nicolas 01 June 2016 (has links)
La Formation Fluvio-lacustre localisée dans le sud de la Grande Terre, se situe dans de petits bassins intramontagneux à la géométrie complexe. Cette formation d'une épaisseur maximale de 70 mètres a pour particularité de remanier les produits d'altération de péridotites et de gabbros (latérites ferrugineuses et argiles kaolinitiques). Contrairement à ce que suggère son nom, l'essentiel du remplissage des bassins est fluviatile, et débute le plus souvent par un conglomérat très grossier. Les seuls dépôts véritablement lacustres sont restreints aux lacs et dolines actuels. En raison de la forme lobée du contour de certains d'entre eux et de la présence de nombreuses dolines, ces bassins étaient interprétés comme des poljés résultant de la coalescence de dolines (Trescases, 1975). Cependant, la topographie ante fluvio-lacustre révélée par les sondages, montre d'anciennes vallées constituant un réseau hydrographique très semblable au réseau actuel, largement contrôlé par des fractures rectilignes. Dans la plupart des bassins (Pernod, Netcha, Plaine des Lacs, K04), les sédiments de la Formation Fluvio-lacustre reposent sur des formations d'altération en place, ce qui signifie qu'elles n'ont été que très peu érodées, contrairement à ce qui est observé plus au nord-ouest. En l'absence d'exutoires bien définis, ces bassins ont probablement connu une évolution partiellement endoréique. Dans le cas des bassins de la Rivière des Pirogues et de la Yaté, les dépôts sont limités au nord-est par le bloc surélevé d'Unia-Goro qui a joué un rôle de barrage permettant l'accumulation des sédiments. Les dépôts Fluvio-lacustres, limités par les accidents de Koum-Yaté-Goro et Koum-Col de Plum sont localisés à l'aplomb de l'anomalie gravimétrique du Grand Sud. Cette anomalie positive généralement interprétée comme un épaississement de la Nappe des Péridotites, pourrait tout aussi bien résulter d'un amincissement de la croûte continentale provoquant une remontée du manteau sous-jacent. La dépression topographique ainsi créée aurait favorisé l'accumulation et la préservation ultérieure des sédiments. / The Fluvio-lacustrine Formation located in the southern part of the 'Grande-Terre' is confined to small intramontaneous basins which possess a complex geometry. This formation with a maximal thickness of 70m has a distinctive feature which is that it reworks weathering products formed upon peridotites and gabbros (iron-rich laterites, kaolinitic clays).Unlike its name suggests, most of the sedimentary infill occurs in fluvial conditions and often starts with a very coarse torrential conglomerate. The only known occurrences of lacustrine sediments are restricted to actual lakes and dolines. Due to the lobbed shape of some basins and the numerous dolines developed upon the infill, these basins were previously interpreted as 'poljes' resulting from the coalescence of dolines (Trescases, 1975). However, the ante fluvio-lacustrine sediments topography revealed by drillings highlight old valley established by a hydrographic network similar to the actual network, controlled by straight faults. ln most basins (Pernod, Netcha, Plaine des Lacs, K04), sediments from the Fluvio-lacustrine Formation lay directly on in situ weathering formation, which means they have not been much eroded, unlike the north-western part of the island. The lack of well-defined outlets imply a partially endoreic evolution of these basins. Concerning the Rivière des Pirogues basin and the Yaté basin, sediments are limited to the north east by the uplifted block of Unia-Goro which played the role of a dam allowing the accumulation of sediments. Sediments from the Fluvio-lacustrine Formation are constrained by Koum-Yaté-Goro and Koum-Col de Plum fault zone and located at the vertical of a positive gravimetric anomaly. The later, interpreted as a thickening of the Peridotite Nappe could aIso result from a crustal thinning which caused an ascent of the mantle below. Topographic depression created by this process could have favour the accumulation and later preservation of sediments.
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Regolith mapping and gold geochemical anomalies in the Siguiri Gold Mine of AngloGold Ashanti, Guinea, West AfricaBah, Boubacar January 2015 (has links)
Gold exploration in the laterite terrains of the Siguiri basin (Guinea-West Africa) is discussed in this thesis. It seeks to propose and develop effective and reliable geochemical exploration techniques applied in such laterite terrains. The study is also intended to investigate and provide some geological clues as to why, in some target areas, the reconnaissance test drilling across the geochemical anomalies couldn’t intersect economic gold mineralisation. Targets were generated based on soil geochemical results, some of which were drilled without delivering economic discoveries even on areas with strong and consistent geochemical signatures. To find the failure and define the appropriate methods to be used is the core of the thesis. More importantly, the geological observation is aimed at sourcing and establishing the nature and validity of geochemical anomalies within the license area and their relationship with the underlying lithologies and structural networks. The geological field work conducted during this study is mostly based on regolith and surface geological mapping. The thick laterite cover, deep weathering, bedrock geology, gold geochemistry (the gold geochemical anomalous results are defined according to historical data before 2007), soil formations and variations in climate conditions are emphasized to illustrate the importance of mineral element mobility and dispersion in the weathering profiles. The knowledge and experience in regolith geochemistry and regolith mapping provide the advantage to exploration geologists. The depletion of ore resources and reserves in Siguiri and the continuous decline of the gold price in comparison to the complexity of exploring for gold are demanding more scientific-related thoughts and techniques to be integrated in the available geological, geochemical and geophysical information so as to reduce costs. The integration of good exploration strategy and technique may result in the possibility of making viable discoveries in this highly competitive geological environment where the mineral resources become depleted every day.
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Terrestrial Archives of Meteoric 10BeAdrian A Singleton (11814842) 19 December 2021 (has links)
<div><div><div><p>The radionuclide 10Be is produced in the atmosphere and is delivered to Earth’s surface in meteoric rain and aerosols. The stable nuclide 9Be is present in trace concentrations within rocks in Earth’s crust and is released via chemical weathering. Together, these two isotopes have been employed to study a wide range of Earth processes. Here I explore new terrestrial archives of Be isotopes: cave speleothems and terrestrial Mn-oxides. Until this point, these archives have barely been studied. Only one published dataset of Be isotopes in cave speleothems exists (Lundblad, 2006), and to my knowledge, terrestrial manganese oxides are yet to be explored. However, since speleothems and Mn-oxides precipitate from groundwater, they have the potential to encode temporal variations in the 10Be/9Be ratio of water and colloids in the vadose zone.</p><p>I develop a framework for using the 10Be/9Be ratio in the dissolved phase and/or secondary weathering products as a metric of chemical weathering rate. I am motivated by several over-arching questions:</p><ol><li><p>1) Which factor, or factors, is/are dominant in controlling Be isotopes in speleothems and terrestrial Mn-oxides?</p></li><li><p>2) Can Be isotopes in speleothems be used as a metric of weathering rate over time, particularly across glacial/interglacial cycles?</p></li><li><p>3) Can Be isotopes be used to date the formation of terrestrial Mn-oxides?</p></li></ol><p>I measure Be-isotope concentrations in speleothems from Soreq Cave, Israel. By applying an equation that I derive in this thesis, I use the temporal variation in the speleothem10Be/9Be ratio to calculate chemical weathering rates over the last 168 ka. Chemical weathering varies with independent proxies for temperature. The weathering-temperature relationship can be fit to an Arrhenius relationship, and the calculated activation energy (Ea) matches other field-based estimates for feldspar, an abundant mineral in the soil above the cave. In the Appendices I present additional results of Be-isotope measurements in a flowstone from Buffalo Cave in South Africa, as well as Mn-oxides from the Appalachians.</p></div></div></div>
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Koncepční návrh ultra lehké konstrukce lunárního habitatu / Ultra lightweight structural design concept of a lunar habitatMazáč, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with ultra lightweight structural design concept of a lunar habitat. The beginning of the thesis is focused on basic properties of the Moon and different concept designs of lunar habitats and bases. Afterwards the main concept is introduced with defined loads followed by application of loads on the construction and design of main parts of the construction, especially design of an inflatable beam. Thesis is ended by manufacturing technology of an inflatable beam and design concept of main structural nodes.
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Dating the Cenozoic incision history of the Tennessee and Shenandoah Rivers with cosmogenic nuclides and 40Ar/39Ar in manganese oxidesWilliam E Odom III (9673769) 15 December 2020 (has links)
The post-orogenic history of the Appalachian Mountains, particularly the persistence of rough topography and the degree of river incision throughout the region, has been a longstanding focus of geomorphology studies. Numerous models have been developed to explain the evolution of this landscape, variously invoking episodic or continuous processes of uplift and erosion to drive the generation or reduction of topographic relief. Recently, late Cenozoic uplift has found favor as a mechanism for rejuvenating the topography of the southern and central Appalachians. This hypothesis has drawn on longitudinal river profiles, seismic tomography, and offshore sediment records as evidence of Neogene uplift.<div><br></div><div>Radiometric dating of surficial deposits provides a means to directly test models of episodic and continuous landscape evolution, as well as the Neogene uplift hypothesis. The research described in this thesis dates surficial sediments (river terraces, alluvial fans, and a filled sinkhole) and supergene manganese oxides using 26Al/10Be burial dating and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, respectively. Our cosmogenic 26Al/10Be dating provides detailed histories of aggradation and incision along the Shenandoah and Tennessee Rivers since the early Pliocene. 40Ar/39Ar dating of manganese oxides permits estimates of surface preservation and denudation in the Shenandoah Valley and nearby watersheds throughout the Cenozoic.<br></div><div><br></div><div>The results of our work in the Shenandoah Valley, Tennessee River basin, and intervening areas indicate that the Appalachians experienced no significant pulse of uplift during the Cenozoic. Long-term preservation of supergene manganese oxides dates as far back as the Eocene, demonstrating minimal denudation and discontinuous formation that lend evidence to episodic landscape evolution models. Cosmogenic26Al/10Be burial ages along the Shenandoah and Tennessee Rivers reveal Pliocene aggradation, with enhanced deposition in the Shenandoah Valley during the mid-Piacenzian Warm Period. Both rivers likely experienced incision during the Pleistocene, likely due to climatic fluctuations. These results demonstrate that while the Appalachian landscape has remained largely unchanged for tens of millions of years, rapid Pleistocene changes in base level recently triggered significant incision of major drainages.<br></div>
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Additive manufacturing of lunar regolith simulant using direct ink writingGrundström, Billy January 2020 (has links)
In this work, the use of a lunar regolith simulant as feedstock for the direct ink writing additive manufacturing process is explored, the purpose of which is to enable future lunar in-situ resource utilisation. The feasibility of this approach is demonstrated in a laboratory setting by manufacturing objects with different geometries using methyl cellulose or sodium alginate as binding agents and water as liquid phase together with the lunar regolith simulant EAC-1A to create a viscous, printable ‘ink’ that is used in combination with a custom three-axis gantry system to produce green bodies for subsequent sintering. The sintered objects are characterised using compressive strength measurements and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It is proposed that the bioorganic compounds used in this work as additives could be produced at the site for a future lunar base through photosynthesis, utilising carbon dioxide exhaled by astronauts together with the available sunlight, meaning that all the components used for the dispersion – additive, water (in the form of ice) and regolith – are available in-situ. The compressive strength for sintered samples produced with this method was measured to be 2.4 MPa with a standard deviation of 0.2 MPa (n = 4). It is believed, based on the high sample porosity observed during SEM analysis, that the comparatively low mechanical strength of the manufactured samples is due to a non-optimal sintering procedure carried out at a too-low temperature, and that the mechanical strength could be increased by optimising the sintering process further.
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Investigating the effects of space weathering on carbon-rich asteroidal regoliths through analysis of experimental analogsDara Laczniak (16655169) 01 August 2023 (has links)
<p>Space weathering refers to the gradual spectral, microstructural, and chemical alteration of airless planetary regoliths due to their exposure to the harsh environment of outer space. Solar wind irradiation and micrometeoroid impacts are the primary space weathering processes at work in our solar system. Although the microstructural and compositional effects of space weathering are small, occurring at the sub-micron scale in individual regolith grains, their collective impact on the spectral signature of planetary surfaces is critical. Space weathering is known to change the slope, albedo, and strength of absorption band features of reflectance spectra acquired by ground- and spacecraft-based instrumentation. In this way, space weathering impedes our ability to determine planetary surface compositions from remote sensing data and pair meteorites with their parent bodies. Thanks to decades of research since the Apollo sample return missions, the planetary science community has developed a comprehensive understanding of how space weathering alters the Moon and silicate-rich asteroids. However, the effects of space weathering on primitive, carbon-rich asteroids—which dominate the outer main belt—are more poorly constrained and very complex. This dissertation aims to improve our understanding of how solar wind irradiation and micrometeoroid bombardment modifies the spectral, microstructural, and chemical properties of carbonaceous asteroidal regoliths. To accomplish this goal, this research experimentally simulates constituent space weathering processes in the laboratory on carbon-rich analog materials. A multi-faceted analytical approach including a variety of electron microscopy and spectroscopic techniques is used to probe the spectral, microstructural, and chemical changes induced by experimental space weathering.</p><p>Chapter 1 of this dissertation provides an introduction to space weathering, including a description of the current state of knowledge in the field as well as the motivation for this research. Similarly, chapter 2 provides an overview of the various experimental simulations and coordinated analytical techniques employed in this work. Chapter 3 initiates the discussion of research accomplished during this doctoral program, presenting a detailed characterization of the spectral, microstructural, and chemical effects derived from simulated solar wind irradiation of a carbonaceous asteroid analog material. More specifically, in chapter 1, I perform high flux (~1013 ions/cm2/s), high fluence (1018 ions/cm2) 1 keV H+ and 4 keV He+ irradiation experiments on the Murchison meteorite. Chapter 2 investigates the role of incident ion flux in solar wind space weathering of carbonaceous asteroidal regolith by performing a set of low flux (~1011 ions/cm2/s) and high flux (~1013 ions/cm2/s) H+ and He+ irradiation experiments on Murchison samples. These experiments are the lowest flux solar wind simulations carried out, to date. Finally, chapter 5 presents results from the first <i>combined</i> ion irradiation and heating experiments performed on a carbon-rich analog using in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In situ TEM is a relatively novel technique in the planetary and geological sciences which allows users to observe the physiochemical changes caused by an external stimuli in <i>real time</i>. The experimental approach used in chapter 5 simulates both solar wind irradiation and micrometeoroid impacts, and, thus, probes the cumulative microstructural and compositional modifications induced by these concurrent space weathering processes. In chapters 3 through 5, I compare my results to previous space weathering simulations and observations of lunar and asteroidal returned samples. Findings from this dissertation advance the existing model of space weathering on carbon-rich asteroids, help inform remote sensing observations from the Hayabusa2 and OSIRIS-REx missions which have rendezvoused with C-complex asteroids Bennu and Ryugu, respectively, and provide experimental ground-truth for analyzing returned samples from these missions.</p>
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