Spelling suggestions: "subject:"renda artery stenosis""
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Epidemiology of atherosclerotic renovascular disease : clinical presentations, prognosis and treatmentRitchie, James January 2014 (has links)
Atherosclerotic renovascular disease (ARVD) is a significant cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and is associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Randomised controlled trials, representing over 2100 patients, have failed to demonstrate any prognostic benefit of percutaneous renal revascularisation when utilised in addition to standard medical therapy. This negative finding has been interpreted in three ways. Firstly, that ARVD may be an association of CKD and not a specific disease process. Secondly, that published studies have recruited low-risk patients who are least likely to benefit from revascularisation. Thirdly, that the focus of treatment for patients with ARVD should be optimal medical therapy, not renal revascularisation. This research project had a series of linked aims. These were investigated in two large patient cohorts that had been accumulated at this centre over the last decade. These cohorts comprised > 900 patients with ARVD, the Salford Renovascular Database (SRVD), and > 2500 patients with all-cause CKD, the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Standards Implementation Study (CRISIS). The first aim was to consider whether ARVD should be considered as a specific cause of CKD. Here risks for death and progression to renal replacement therapy were compared between patients having ARVD as their primary cause of renal failure and patients with other coded causes of CKD. In this analysis, patients with ARVD had a greater risk for death and a lesser risk for RRT than patients with other forms of CKD.The second aim of this thesis was to consider if specific patient sub-groups of ARVD could be identified. Patients in the SRVD with currently accepted high- risk clinical presentations were selected and outcomes compared to patients without a high-risk presentation. In this analysis, presentation with flash pulmonary oedema (but with not refractory hypertension or rapidly declining renal function) was associated with an increased risk for death and cardiovascular event. When the effects of revascularisation were considered in patients with high-risk presentations, a mortality benefit was observed in patients with flash pulmonary oedema and in patients presenting with rapidly declining renal function and refractory hypertension in combination. A separate analysis was performed in the SRVD to consider if a high-risk sub-group of ARVD patients could be identified using laboratory measurements. Here, a classification tree methodology was employed to identify ARVD patients with the greatest risk for progression to end stage kidney disease. The results of this analysis were converted into a practically applicable clinical scoring system incorporating renal function, proteinuria, medications, smoking history and renal artery occlusion. The final aim of this thesis was to describe how the majority of ARVD patients should be treated. In this analysis of the SRVD effects of treatment with anti- platelet and beta-blocker therapy were considered, and shown to be associated with reduced risks for cardiovascular events and death.
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Renal Artery Stenosis As Etiology of Recurrent Flash Pulmonary Edema and Role of Imaging in Timely Diagnosis and ManagementBhattad, Pradnya B., Jain, Vinay 09 April 2020 (has links)
Renal hypoperfusion from renal artery stenosis (RAS) activates the renin-angiotensin system, which in turn causes volume overload and hypertension. Atherosclerosis and fibromuscular dysplasia are the most common causes of renal artery stenosis. Recurrent flash pulmonary edema, also known as Pickering syndrome, is commonly associated with bilateral renal artery stenosis. There should be a high index of clinical suspicion for renal artery stenosis in the setting of recurrent flash pulmonary edema and severe hypertension in patients with atherosclerotic disease. Duplex ultrasonography is commonly recommended as the best initial test for the detection of renal artery stenosis. Computed tomography (CT) angiography (CTA) or magnetic resonance (MR) angiography (MRA) are useful diagnostic imaging studies for the detection of renal artery stenosis in patients where duplex ultrasonography is difficult. If duplex ultrasound, CTA, and MRA are indeterminate or pose a risk of significant renal impairment, renal angiography is useful for a definitive diagnosis of RAS. The focus of medical management for RAS relies on controlling renovascular hypertension and aggressive lifestyle modification with control of atherosclerotic disease risk factors. The restoration of renal artery patency by revascularization in the setting of RAS due to atherosclerosis may help in the management of hypertension and minimize renal dysfunction.
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Avaliação da sensibilidade e especificidade dos exames utilizados no diagnóstico da estenose de artéria renal em prováveis portadores de hipertensão renovascular / Evaluation of sensitivity and specificity of tests used in the diagnosis of renal artery stenosis in patients probably with renovascular hypertensionBorelli, Flavio Antonio de Oliveira 17 May 2012 (has links)
A crescente incidência da aterosclerose na população adulta e a obstrução da artéria renal são condições relacionadas à hipertensão renovascular. Independente das comorbidades presentes, a estenose de artéria renal é, por si só, importante causa de mortalidade cardiovascular. Frente a tal realidade, determinar o exame ou exames que possam identificar precocemente esta condição mórbida pode mudar a história natural da doença renovascular. Objetivo: Definir sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo e valor preditivo negativo dos exames não invasivos na estenose da artéria renal. Associar estes achados com a análise vascular quantitativa (QVA) das artérias renais. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo com 61 pacientes recrutados entre janeiro de 2008 e agosto de 2011. As características populacionais, os exames de ultrassom Doppler, cintilografia renal com DTPA e a tomografia computadorizada foram selecionados e seus resultados comparados à arteriografia digital das artérias renais e ao QVA. Resultados: A média das idades foi de 65,43 (DP 8,7) anos. Das variáveis relacionadas à população do estudo e comparadas à arteriografia, duas identificaram relação com a estenose da artéria renal, a disfunção renal e os triglicerídeos. A mediana do ritmo de filtração glomerular de 52,8 ml/min/m2 identificou uma razão de chance para estenose de artéria renal de até 10 vezes. Os triglicerídeos associaram-se a uma menor presença de estenose na artéria renal, p < 0,037. A análise da sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo e negativo dos diferentes testes diagnósticos permitiu identificar aquele que melhor detectava a estenose nos suspeitos e afastava nos sadios. O ultrassom doppler com sensibilidade de 82,90%, especificidade 70,00%, valor preditivo positivo 85,00% e preditivo negativo 66,70% e a angiotomografia com sensibilidade de 68,30%, especificidade 80,00%, valor preditivo positivo 87,50% preditivo negativo de 55,20%, foram os exames que permitiram predizer as maiores chances de estenose da artéria renal nos portadores e afastar na população sem estenose. A associação das características populacionais com o QVA, permitiu identificar duas novas variáveis, o sexo e a idade. A média do grau de estenose, 33,47% (DP 29,55) quantificada pelo QVA, identificou menores graus de estenose que na análise visual dos angiogramas. Exames não invasivos positivos em estenoses menores do que 60% da luz do vaso também foram identificados . Os resultados identificados pela curva ROC demonstraram respectivamente a arteriografia, a angiotomografia e o ultrassom Doppler como os exames com melhores chances em predizer estenose significativa da artéria renal. Conclusão: A angiotomografia e o ultrassom Doppler trouxeram qualidade e alta possibilidade no diagnóstico da estenose da artéria renal, com vantagem para o segundo, pois não há necessidade do uso de meio de contraste na avaliação de uma doença que, frequentemente, está acompanhada por portadores de disfunção renal, disfunção ventricular esquerda grave e diabetes melito. A incorporação de uma forma objetiva de medidas das artérias renais aprimora os resultados da angiografia invasiva. / The increasing incidence of atherosclerosis in adults and renal artery stenosis are conditions related to renovascular hypertension. Regardless all risk factors, renovascular stenosis is by itself an important cause of cardiovascular mortality. Choosing appropriate tests that can early identify this morbid condition can change the natural history of renovascular disease. Objective: To define sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of non- invasive tests in renal artery stenosis. Associate these findings with the renal arteries quantitative vascular analysis (QVA). Methods: Prospective study with 61 patients selected between January 2008 and August 2011. The population characteristics, Doppler ultrasound scanning, DTPA renal scintigraphy and computed tomography were selected and their results compared with renal arteries digital angiography as well as the comparison to QVA. Results: The mean age was 65.43 (SD 8.7). The risk factors of the study population compared to angiography identified two variables: renal dysfunction and triglycerides. The median glomerular filtration rate of 52.8 ml/min/m2 identified an odds ratio for renal artery stenosis up to 10 times. Triglycerides were associated with lower presence of renal artery stenosis p < 0.037. The analysis of sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of different diagnostic tests allowed the identification of the stenosis in the group of suspected patients and this possibility was discarded in the group of healthy patients. Doppler ultrasound scanning with 82.90% sensitivity, 70.00% specificity, 85.00% positive predictive value, 66.70% negative predictive value and computed tomography with 68.30% sensitivity, 80.00% specificity, 87.50% positive predictive value and 55.20% negative predictive value. These were the tests which supplied better chances to predict renal artery stenosis in patients with or without stenosis. The relationship of population characteristics with QVA identified two new variables, gender and age. The mean degree of stenosis 33.47% (SD 29.55) quantified by QVA identified lesser degrees of stenosis than in visual analysis of angiograms. Non- invasive positive stenoses less than 60% of vessel lumen were identified. The results identified by the ROC curve showed respectively angiography, computed tomography, and Doppler ultrasound scanning as better chances for predicting renal artery stenosis. Conclusion: Computed tomography, Doppler ultrasound scanning have brought high quality and ability in the diagnosis of renal artery stenosis, with an advantage to Doppler, which avoids the use of contrast medium in the evaluation of a disease that is often accompanied by patients with renal dysfunction, severe left ventricular dysfunction and diabetes mellitus. The introduction of new methodology to measure renal arteries will certainly improve the angiography results.
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Estudo dos determinantes de doença arterial coronária grave em pacientes hipertensos com indicação de arteriografia renal por suspeita de estenose de artéria rena / Determinants of severe coronary artery disease in hypertensive patients with indications of renal angiography for suspected renal artery stenosisMacêdo, Thiago Andrade de 23 April 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Em pacientes hipertensos com suspeita de doença arterial coronária (DAC), indicações para a realização de arteriografia renal no mesmo procedimento da cinecoronariografia estão bem estabelecidas. Entretanto, em hipertensos com suspeita de estenose de artéria renal (EAR) com indicação de arteriografia renal, não estão bem definidos os determinantes da presença de DAC grave. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a prevalência e os determinantes de DAC grave em pacientes hipertensos com indicação de arteriografia renal por suspeita de EAR. METODOLOGIA: Oitenta e dois pacientes com suspeita clínica de EAR foram submetidos à cinecoronariografia e arteriografia renal no mesmo procedimento. Lesão arterial significativa em artérias renal e/ou coronária foi definida por obstrução luminal maior ou igual a 70%. RESULTADOS: Obstrução luminal significativa, tanto em artéria coronária quanto em renal, foi encontrada em 39% dos pacientes. Os pacientes com DAC grave apresentaram idade mais avançada (63±12 vs. 56±13 anos; p=0,03), maior prevalência de angina (41 vs. 16%; p=0,013), maior diâmetro do átrio esquerdo (44,7 vs. 40,6mm; p=0,005) e maior velocidade de onda de pulso (12,6 vs. 10,7 m/s, p=0,02), comparados com os pacientes sem DAC grave. A presença de EAR significativa esteve associada a uma maior prevalência de DAC grave comparada a pacientes sem a lesão (66% vs. 22%; p<0,001). A análise multivariada demonstrou que EAR70% esteve associada com DAC grave de maneira independente (OR: 11,48; 95%CI 3,2-40,2; p<0,001), mesmo em pacientes sem angina (OR: 13,48; 95%CI 2,6-12,1; p<0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Há elevada prevalência de doença coronária grave em pacientes hipertensos com estenose de artéria renal significativa. A presença de estenose maior ou igual a 70%, verificada em arteriografia renal, é preditor forte e independente para a presença de DAC grave, mesmo na ausência de angina / INTRODUCTION: In patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD), indications for performing coronary and renal angiography at the same setting are well established. However, in hypertensive patients with suspected renal artery stenosis (RAS) with indication for renal angiography, it is not well defined the determinants of the presence of severe CAD. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to evaluate the prevalence and determinants of severe CAD in hypertensive patients referred to renal angiography for the diagnosis of RAS. METHODS: Eighty-two consecutive patients with high clinical risk for RAS systematically underwent renal angiography and coronary angiography at the same procedure. Significant RAS and CAD were defined as arterial luminal obstruction 70%. RESULTS: Either significant RAS or significant CAD were present in 32/82 patients (39%). Patients with severe CAD were older (63±12 vs. 56±13 years, p=0.03), had more angina (41 vs. 16%; p=0.013), higher left atrial diameter (44.7 vs. 40,6mm; p=0.005), and higher pulse wave velocity (12.6 vs. 10.7 m/s); p=0.02) compared to patients without significant CAD. Significant RAS was associated with an increased prevalence of severe CAD compared to patients without the lesion (66% vs. 22%, respectively; p<0.001). Binary logistic regression analysis showed that RAS 70% was independently associated with severe CAD (OR: 11.48; 95%CI 3.2-40.2; p<0.001), even in patients without angina (OR: 13.48; 95%CI 2.6-12.1; p<0.001). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of severe CAD in hypertensive patients with significant RAS is high. The presence of RAS 70%, diagnosed by renal angiography, is a strong and useful predictor to identify severe CAD, independently of the presence of angina
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Estudo dos determinantes de doença arterial coronária grave em pacientes hipertensos com indicação de arteriografia renal por suspeita de estenose de artéria rena / Determinants of severe coronary artery disease in hypertensive patients with indications of renal angiography for suspected renal artery stenosisThiago Andrade de Macêdo 23 April 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Em pacientes hipertensos com suspeita de doença arterial coronária (DAC), indicações para a realização de arteriografia renal no mesmo procedimento da cinecoronariografia estão bem estabelecidas. Entretanto, em hipertensos com suspeita de estenose de artéria renal (EAR) com indicação de arteriografia renal, não estão bem definidos os determinantes da presença de DAC grave. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a prevalência e os determinantes de DAC grave em pacientes hipertensos com indicação de arteriografia renal por suspeita de EAR. METODOLOGIA: Oitenta e dois pacientes com suspeita clínica de EAR foram submetidos à cinecoronariografia e arteriografia renal no mesmo procedimento. Lesão arterial significativa em artérias renal e/ou coronária foi definida por obstrução luminal maior ou igual a 70%. RESULTADOS: Obstrução luminal significativa, tanto em artéria coronária quanto em renal, foi encontrada em 39% dos pacientes. Os pacientes com DAC grave apresentaram idade mais avançada (63±12 vs. 56±13 anos; p=0,03), maior prevalência de angina (41 vs. 16%; p=0,013), maior diâmetro do átrio esquerdo (44,7 vs. 40,6mm; p=0,005) e maior velocidade de onda de pulso (12,6 vs. 10,7 m/s, p=0,02), comparados com os pacientes sem DAC grave. A presença de EAR significativa esteve associada a uma maior prevalência de DAC grave comparada a pacientes sem a lesão (66% vs. 22%; p<0,001). A análise multivariada demonstrou que EAR70% esteve associada com DAC grave de maneira independente (OR: 11,48; 95%CI 3,2-40,2; p<0,001), mesmo em pacientes sem angina (OR: 13,48; 95%CI 2,6-12,1; p<0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Há elevada prevalência de doença coronária grave em pacientes hipertensos com estenose de artéria renal significativa. A presença de estenose maior ou igual a 70%, verificada em arteriografia renal, é preditor forte e independente para a presença de DAC grave, mesmo na ausência de angina / INTRODUCTION: In patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD), indications for performing coronary and renal angiography at the same setting are well established. However, in hypertensive patients with suspected renal artery stenosis (RAS) with indication for renal angiography, it is not well defined the determinants of the presence of severe CAD. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to evaluate the prevalence and determinants of severe CAD in hypertensive patients referred to renal angiography for the diagnosis of RAS. METHODS: Eighty-two consecutive patients with high clinical risk for RAS systematically underwent renal angiography and coronary angiography at the same procedure. Significant RAS and CAD were defined as arterial luminal obstruction 70%. RESULTS: Either significant RAS or significant CAD were present in 32/82 patients (39%). Patients with severe CAD were older (63±12 vs. 56±13 years, p=0.03), had more angina (41 vs. 16%; p=0.013), higher left atrial diameter (44.7 vs. 40,6mm; p=0.005), and higher pulse wave velocity (12.6 vs. 10.7 m/s); p=0.02) compared to patients without significant CAD. Significant RAS was associated with an increased prevalence of severe CAD compared to patients without the lesion (66% vs. 22%, respectively; p<0.001). Binary logistic regression analysis showed that RAS 70% was independently associated with severe CAD (OR: 11.48; 95%CI 3.2-40.2; p<0.001), even in patients without angina (OR: 13.48; 95%CI 2.6-12.1; p<0.001). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of severe CAD in hypertensive patients with significant RAS is high. The presence of RAS 70%, diagnosed by renal angiography, is a strong and useful predictor to identify severe CAD, independently of the presence of angina
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Avaliação da sensibilidade e especificidade dos exames utilizados no diagnóstico da estenose de artéria renal em prováveis portadores de hipertensão renovascular / Evaluation of sensitivity and specificity of tests used in the diagnosis of renal artery stenosis in patients probably with renovascular hypertensionFlavio Antonio de Oliveira Borelli 17 May 2012 (has links)
A crescente incidência da aterosclerose na população adulta e a obstrução da artéria renal são condições relacionadas à hipertensão renovascular. Independente das comorbidades presentes, a estenose de artéria renal é, por si só, importante causa de mortalidade cardiovascular. Frente a tal realidade, determinar o exame ou exames que possam identificar precocemente esta condição mórbida pode mudar a história natural da doença renovascular. Objetivo: Definir sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo e valor preditivo negativo dos exames não invasivos na estenose da artéria renal. Associar estes achados com a análise vascular quantitativa (QVA) das artérias renais. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo com 61 pacientes recrutados entre janeiro de 2008 e agosto de 2011. As características populacionais, os exames de ultrassom Doppler, cintilografia renal com DTPA e a tomografia computadorizada foram selecionados e seus resultados comparados à arteriografia digital das artérias renais e ao QVA. Resultados: A média das idades foi de 65,43 (DP 8,7) anos. Das variáveis relacionadas à população do estudo e comparadas à arteriografia, duas identificaram relação com a estenose da artéria renal, a disfunção renal e os triglicerídeos. A mediana do ritmo de filtração glomerular de 52,8 ml/min/m2 identificou uma razão de chance para estenose de artéria renal de até 10 vezes. Os triglicerídeos associaram-se a uma menor presença de estenose na artéria renal, p < 0,037. A análise da sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo e negativo dos diferentes testes diagnósticos permitiu identificar aquele que melhor detectava a estenose nos suspeitos e afastava nos sadios. O ultrassom doppler com sensibilidade de 82,90%, especificidade 70,00%, valor preditivo positivo 85,00% e preditivo negativo 66,70% e a angiotomografia com sensibilidade de 68,30%, especificidade 80,00%, valor preditivo positivo 87,50% preditivo negativo de 55,20%, foram os exames que permitiram predizer as maiores chances de estenose da artéria renal nos portadores e afastar na população sem estenose. A associação das características populacionais com o QVA, permitiu identificar duas novas variáveis, o sexo e a idade. A média do grau de estenose, 33,47% (DP 29,55) quantificada pelo QVA, identificou menores graus de estenose que na análise visual dos angiogramas. Exames não invasivos positivos em estenoses menores do que 60% da luz do vaso também foram identificados . Os resultados identificados pela curva ROC demonstraram respectivamente a arteriografia, a angiotomografia e o ultrassom Doppler como os exames com melhores chances em predizer estenose significativa da artéria renal. Conclusão: A angiotomografia e o ultrassom Doppler trouxeram qualidade e alta possibilidade no diagnóstico da estenose da artéria renal, com vantagem para o segundo, pois não há necessidade do uso de meio de contraste na avaliação de uma doença que, frequentemente, está acompanhada por portadores de disfunção renal, disfunção ventricular esquerda grave e diabetes melito. A incorporação de uma forma objetiva de medidas das artérias renais aprimora os resultados da angiografia invasiva. / The increasing incidence of atherosclerosis in adults and renal artery stenosis are conditions related to renovascular hypertension. Regardless all risk factors, renovascular stenosis is by itself an important cause of cardiovascular mortality. Choosing appropriate tests that can early identify this morbid condition can change the natural history of renovascular disease. Objective: To define sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of non- invasive tests in renal artery stenosis. Associate these findings with the renal arteries quantitative vascular analysis (QVA). Methods: Prospective study with 61 patients selected between January 2008 and August 2011. The population characteristics, Doppler ultrasound scanning, DTPA renal scintigraphy and computed tomography were selected and their results compared with renal arteries digital angiography as well as the comparison to QVA. Results: The mean age was 65.43 (SD 8.7). The risk factors of the study population compared to angiography identified two variables: renal dysfunction and triglycerides. The median glomerular filtration rate of 52.8 ml/min/m2 identified an odds ratio for renal artery stenosis up to 10 times. Triglycerides were associated with lower presence of renal artery stenosis p < 0.037. The analysis of sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of different diagnostic tests allowed the identification of the stenosis in the group of suspected patients and this possibility was discarded in the group of healthy patients. Doppler ultrasound scanning with 82.90% sensitivity, 70.00% specificity, 85.00% positive predictive value, 66.70% negative predictive value and computed tomography with 68.30% sensitivity, 80.00% specificity, 87.50% positive predictive value and 55.20% negative predictive value. These were the tests which supplied better chances to predict renal artery stenosis in patients with or without stenosis. The relationship of population characteristics with QVA identified two new variables, gender and age. The mean degree of stenosis 33.47% (SD 29.55) quantified by QVA identified lesser degrees of stenosis than in visual analysis of angiograms. Non- invasive positive stenoses less than 60% of vessel lumen were identified. The results identified by the ROC curve showed respectively angiography, computed tomography, and Doppler ultrasound scanning as better chances for predicting renal artery stenosis. Conclusion: Computed tomography, Doppler ultrasound scanning have brought high quality and ability in the diagnosis of renal artery stenosis, with an advantage to Doppler, which avoids the use of contrast medium in the evaluation of a disease that is often accompanied by patients with renal dysfunction, severe left ventricular dysfunction and diabetes mellitus. The introduction of new methodology to measure renal arteries will certainly improve the angiography results.
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Impact d’une sténose expérimentale de l’artère rénale sur le débit sanguin rénal et le contenu tissulaire en oxygène / Impact of an experimental renal artery stenosis on renal blood flow and oxygen contentRognant, Nicolas 13 December 2010 (has links)
La sténose de l’artère rénale (SAR) est à l’origine d’une néphropathie dite « ischémique », dont les mécanismes conduisant au développement d’une insuffisance rénale sont mal connus. Il est utile de savoir à partir de quel degré de SAR surviennent des modifications hémodynamiques significatives dans le rein d’aval, et si une SAR chronique et hémodynamiquement significative peut entraîner une hypoxie rénale. Nous avons donc entrepris 2 études afin de préciser le lien entre degré de SAR et baisse du débit sanguin rénal (DSR), et de rechercher l’apparition d’une hypoxie dans le rein situé en aval d’une SAR chronique. Les résultats de la première étude montrent que la baisse du DSR reste modeste tant que le degré de SAR n’a pas dépassé 70%. Ces résultats nous permettent de conclure qu’une SAR de degré inférieur à 70% n’est probablement associée qu’à des modifications hémodynamiques mineures dans le rein d’aval. Dans la deuxième étude, nous avons décrit l’évolution du contenu rénal en oxygène (CRO) sur une période de 4 semaines après induction d’une SAR chez des rats. La méthode utilisée était l’IRM BOLD, qui permet d’étudier le CRO de manière non-invasive en mesurant le paramètre R2* dont la valeur est inversement proportionnelle au CRO. La mesure hebdomadaire de R2* dans le cortex, la médullaire externe et la partie externe de la médullaire externe des reins sténosés et des reins controlatéraux ne variaient pas au cours de l’étude, malgré l’apparition progressive d’une atrophie des reins en aval de la SAR. Ces données tendent à montrer qu’il n’y a pas d’hypoxie rénale dans notre modèle, et que l’atrophie rénale observée n’est donc pas secondaire à l’hypoxie / Renal artery stenosis (RAS) can lead to a so-called “ischemic” nephropathy but the mechanisms responsible for the development of chronic kidney disease in kidney downstream the RAS are largely unknown. There is an interest to know the degree of RAS that involves significant hémodynamic changes in the downstream kidney and if hypoxia occurs in this case. Therefore, we have undertaken two studies in order to describe the link between RAS degree and renal blood flow (RBF) and to search for the development of renal hypoxia in kidney downstream the RAS. Findings of the first study were that only a minor decrease of RBF occurs until the RAS degree reach 70%. We can thus conclude from these results that RAS degree must be at least of 70% to have hemodynamical repercussions in downstream kidney. In the second study, we describe the evolution of renal oxygen content (ROC) before and during 4 weeks after the constitution of RAS. ROC was measured weekly by the MRI BOLD technique, who allows to study ROC non-invasively by measuring the parameter called R2* that is inversely proportional to ROC. The value of R2* in the cortex, the outer medulla and the outer stripe of outer medulla in stenotic kidneys and controlateral kidneys was unchanged instead the development of atrophy of the kidney downstream the RAS. These results suggest that no renal hypoxia occur in this model and that renal atrophy is not caused by hypoxia
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Ergebnisse der CT-Angiographie bei der Diagnostik von NierenarterienstenosenLudewig, Stefan 06 November 2000 (has links)
EINLEITUNG: Die CT- Angiographie (CTA) ist eine neue Methode zum anatomischen Nachweis pathologischer Veränderungen am Gefäßsystem. Die Wertigkeit der an unserem Institut durchgeführten CT- Angiographien bezüglich der Diagnostik von Nierenarterienstenosen sollte untersucht werden. Außerdem sollten die einzelne Rekonstruktionsarten auf ihren Nutzen geprüft werden. MATERIAL UND METHODEN: Die Nierenarterien von 23 Patienten wurden sowohl angiograpisch als auch mit CTA untersucht. Aus dem Datensatz jeder Untersuchung wurden Axiale Schnittbilder (AS), axiale und coronale multiplanare Reformationen (cMPRa, cMPRc), 3D- Oberflächenrekonstruktion (SSD) und Maximum- Intensitäts- Projektion (MIP) angefertigt. Ohne Kenntnis des Angiographie- Befundes wurden in der ersten Befundungssitzung alle CTA- Rekonstruktionen einzeln beurteilt. Dabei kam eine fünfteilige Stenosengraduierung zum Einsatz. In der zweiten Befundungssitzung wurde die Diagnose anhand aller CTA- Rekonstruktionen eines Falles gestellt. Sensitivität, Spezifität und Kappa ergaben sich aus dem Vergleich mit den Angiographie- Befunden. ERGEBNISSE: Die CTA konnte relevante Nierenarterienstenosen (Lumeneinengung >50%) mit einer Sensitivität von 92,9 % und einer Spezifität von 86,7 % nachweisen. Der CTA- Stenosegrad stimmte bei Anwendung einer Unterteilung in fünf Kategorien in 65,9 % der Fälle mit dem der Angiographie überein (kappa = 0,468). Bei der Beurteilung der einzelnen Rekonstruktion lieferten die AS (Sensitivität 78,6 %, Spezifität 90,0 %, kappa 0,692) und die MIP (Sensitivität 71,4 %, Spezifität 96,7 %, kappa 0,726) die besten Resultate. Die cMPRa und cMPRc besaßen durch die ausschließliche Filmbefundung eine deutlich niedrigere diagnostische Qualität. Tendenziell wurde der Stenosegad mittels CTA unterschätzt. SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG: Die CTA besitzt eine hohe Wertigkeit bei der Diagnostik von Nierenarterienstenosen. Unsere Ergebnisse decken sich mit denen anderer Studien. Der Einsatz der CTA bei Verdacht auf eine Nierenarterienstenose kann die Zahl unnötiger Angiographien deutlich reduzieren. Zur Befunderhebung sollten die AS und die MIP regelmäßig genutzt werden. / PURPOSE: To evaluate the accuracy of Computed Tomographic Angiography (CTA) in the detection of renal artery stenosis in our department and to investigate the role of the different reformattings in making the right diagnosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: CTA and conventional Arteriography were performed on 23 Patients and axial slices (AS), curved axial multiplanar reformatting (cMPRa), curved coronal multiplanar reformatting (cMPRc), shaded surface display (SSD) and maximum intensity projections (MIP) were performed. During the first reading- session all blinded images were reviewed seperately, while all reformattings of one patient were analysed in the second reading session by one experienced radiologist, using a five- point- scale to determine the grade of the stenosis. RESULTS: Stenoses greater than 50% could be depicted by CTA with a sensitivity of 92,9 % and a specifity of 86,7 %. Applying a 5 five- point- scale, 65,9% of the diagnoses met the ones made by angiography (kappa= 0,468). MIP and AS were the most usefull reformattings with sensitivity, specifity and kappa reaching 71,4 %, 96,7 %, 0,726 and 78,6 %, 90 %, 0,692respectively. A tendency for underestimating the degree of the stenoses was notable. CONCLUSIONS: CTA has a high accuracy in diagnosing renal artery stenoses. Our results do not differ much from other studies on this technique. Applying CTA in suspected renal artery stenosis can reduce the amount of unnessecary arteriographies. For best results, MIP and AS should always be reviewed.
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