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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Síntese, caracterização e estudo da ação neurotóxica de complexos de manganês(III) em Danio rerio / Synthesis, characterization and study of the neurotoxic activity of manganese(III) complexes in Danio rerio

Anderson Arndt 09 February 2010 (has links)
O manganês (Mn) é um elemento químico abundante na natureza, principalmente em minérios e presente também em alimentos e na água. É o cofator de enzimas importantes, como a superóxido dismutase mitocondrial. Entretanto, mineradores e outras pessoas expostas a produtos manufaturados de Mn podem apresentar uma concentração excessiva desse metal no cérebro, adquirindo uma desordem neurológica similar ao mal de Parkinson conhecida por manganismo. Basicamente a neurotoxicidade do Mn pode estar associada com os vários estados de oxidação que ele pode alcançar, gerando espécies reativas de oxigênio durante a interconversão dessas espécies. Dessa forma, neste trabalho sintetizamos e avaliamos as propriedades pró-oxidantes e neurotóxicas de complexos de Mn(III) com desferrioxamina, [Mn(dfb)]; acetohidroxamato, [Mn(aha)3]; citrato, [Mn(cit)]; cloro-salen, EUK 8; e aceto-salen, EUK 108. Tais compostos são propostos como miméticos da SOD e/ou catalase, entretanto podem apresentar atividade pró-oxidante. Estes complexos foram caracterizados espectrofotometricamente (UV/Vis e IV) e por voltametria cíclica. Foram determinadas as absortividades molares dos complexos [Mn(aha)3], EUK 8 e EUK 108. Os EUK\'s apresentaram dois processos redutivos, sendo apenas um reversível, enquanto o [Mn(cit)] apresentou apenas um processo redutivo reversível e os hidroxamatos [Mn(dfb)] e [Mn(aha)3] não apresentaram processos redox na faixa de potenciais utilizada. Em teste de lipofilicidade todos os complexos apresentaram maior afinidade pela fase aquosa, sendo muito pouco particionados para a fase orgânica. Através do ensaio de supressão de fluorescência de calceína foi possível estabelecer que os EUK\'s são relativamente mais estáveis do que os outros complexos, sendo o [Mn(aha)3] o menos estável dos compostos estudados. Nas análises de atividade pró-oxidante, o [Mn(dfb)] oxidou fortemente a sonda mesmo na ausência de outros cofatores, mas este processo é dependente da concentração de O2 no meio. Os EUK\'s atuaram como pró-oxidantes em função da concentração de peróxido no meio. A atividade pró-oxidante foi suprimida por ascorbato, glutationa e Trolox®, que agiram como antioxidantes, sugerindo implicações para a terapia do manganismo. O teste de toxicidade aguda em paulistinhas (Danio rerio) adultos resultou na mortalidade de alguns animais quando expostos a [Mn(dfb)] e [Mn(aha)3]. Comparando o telencéfalo de peixes expostos ao [Mn(dfb)] com um controle em microscópio, não se visualizou nenhuma alteração morfológica na região do núcleo dorsal, indicando que o complexo não causou nenhum dano visível nessa região. / Manganese (Mn) is an abundant element which is present also in food and water. It is the cofactor of important enzymes such as mitochondrial superoxide dismutase. However, miners and other occupationally exposed individuals may present an excessive load of Mn in brain and develop manganism, a neurological disorder akin to Parkinson Disease. Basically, Mn neurotoxicity may stem from its wide redox cycle, generating reactive oxygen species in the process of converting from one oxidation state to another. Thus, in this work we synthesized and evaluated the pro-oxidant and neurotoxic characteristics of Mn(III) complexes with desferrioxamine, [Mn(dfb)]; acetohydroxamate, [Mn(aha)3]; citrate, [Mn(cit)]; chlorosalen, EUK 8; and aceto-salen, EUK 108. Such compounds are proposed as mimetics of superoxide dismutase and/or catalase, however they may also be prooxidant. These complexes were characterized spectrophotometrically (UV/Vis and IR) and by cyclic voltammetry. Molar absorptivities were determined for [Mn(aha)3], EUK 8 and EUK 108. EUK\'s displayed two reductive processes, only one of which was reversible, while [Mn(cit)] displayed only one (reversible) reductive process and hydroxamates [Mn(dfb)] and [Mn(aha)3] did not display redox processes in the working range of potentials. Lipophilicity tests showed that all complexes have very low partition to the organic phase. Calcein fluorescence quenching studies showed that both EUK complexes are relatively more stable than the others, while [Mn(aha)3] is the least stable. In the pro-oxidant activity studies, [Mn(dfb)] strongly oxidized the fluorescent probe even in the absence of ancillary substances such as peroxide. However, this effect was dependant on O2 saturation in the solution. Both EUK acted as pro-oxidants with a linear dependence on peroxide concentration. Pro-oxidant activity was eliminated by the treatment with antioxidants such as ascorbate, glutathione and Trolox®, which is of interest for the therapy of manganism. In the acute toxicity tests induced some mortality in adult Danio rerio exposed to [Mn(dfb)] or [Mn(aha)3]. Comparison of the telencephalus of [Mn(dfb)]-exposed individuals with controls failed to indicate morphological alterations in the dorsal nucleus area, indicating that the complex did not affect visibly this brain region.

Efeitos de glicocorticoide sobre a expressão de genes de relógio nas células ZEM-2S de Danio rerio / Glucocorticoid effects on clock gene expression in Danio rerio ZEM-2S cells

Jennifer Caroline de Sousa 23 February 2015 (has links)
O estudo da expressão circadiana de genes de relógio tem sugerido hormônios como potenciais agentes sincronizadores. A regulação da ritmicidade de relógios periféricos é, aparentemente, mais um dentre os diferentes efeitos fisiológicos atribuídos aos glicocorticoides (GCs), que se constituem como candidatos a zeitgeber dado ao fato de que seus níveis circulantes apresentam padrões diários robustos e são uma das principais eferências do relógio central em mamíferos. Entretanto, em outros vertebrados, o papel dessa classe hormonal em relação a este aspecto ainda é pouco explorado e se a regulação é direta ou indireta, quais suas consequências e de que maneira ela ocorre são indagações a serem respondidas. Empregando a técnica do PCR quantitativo, avaliamos o perfil de expressão dos genes da alça negativa do núcleo da maquinaria molecular do relógio, per1b e cry1b, em células ZEM-2S do teleósteo Danio rerio expostas ao regime fotoperiódico 12:12 CE ou mantidas em escuro constante (EE) e mantidas em EE, mas condicionadas a trocas diárias de meio de cultura ou a pulsos diários de dexametasona a 10-7 M (DEXA), agonista sintético de glicocorticoide. Em 12:12 CE, ambos os genes apresentaram variação temporal, com picos de expressão observados na fase clara do ciclo. Em EE, per1b mostrou um perfil oscilatório de amplitude atenuada, enquanto para cry1b, não foi detectada oscilação ao longo das 24 h. Trocas de meio em EE alteraram significativamente o padrão de expressão de per1b e cry1b, no entanto, os pulsos diários de DEXA promoveram uma oscilação temporal muito mais pronunciada para per1b, modulando positiva ou negativamente sua expressão nos diferentes pontos temporais. O emprego do antagonista RU 486 na concentração de 10-5 M aboliu o pico de expressão detectado no ZT 16, porém, na concentração de 10-6 M, a expressão gênica foi aumentada em cerca de 3 vezes comparado ao tratamento apenas com DEXA. O gene cry1b, por sua vez, não se apresentou suscetível aos pulsos diários de DEXA. Estes resultados permitem confirmar as células ZEM-2S como modelo de relógios periféricos em cultura dada a fotossensibilidade intrínseca das mesmas, reafirmando o papel do ciclo CE como principal agente sincronizador. Os glicocorticoides certamente exercem modulação de per1b por meio da via genômica direta, sem, no entanto excluir uma possível ação via receptor de membrana, tendo em vista a atividade agonista de RU 486, podendo se constituir em um dos fatores que regulam o complexo funcionamento da maquinaria molecular do relógio biológico de zebrafish / Studies on the circadian expression of clock genes have suggested hormones as potential synchronizing agents. Regulation of rhythmicity of peripheral clocks is among the various physiological effects of glucocorticoids (GCs), which are candidate to zeitgeber, since their circulating levels present robust daily patterns and are one of the major outputs of the mammalian central pacemaker. However, in other vertebrates, such a feature has yet to be clarified as well as if the hormonal regulation is direct or indirect, what are its mechanisms and consequences. Applying qPCR technique, we evaluated the gene expression profile of per1b and cry1b, negative feedback loop members of the molecular machinery of biological clock, in ZEM-2S cells of the teleost Danio rerio. The cells were exposed to photoperiod regimen of 12:12 LD; kept in constant darkness (DD); kept in DD but subject to medium changes or treated with daily pulses of 10-7 M dexamethasone (10-7 M DEXA), a glucocorticoid synthetic analogue. In 12:12 LD, both genes presented temporal variation, with peaks of expression in the light phase. In DD, per1b showed an oscillatory profile with attenuated amplitude, whereas cry1b did not oscillate throughout 24 h. DEXA-free medium changes in constant DD conditions altered significantly per1b and cry1b expression profiles. Nevertheless, DEXA daily pulses promoted a temporal oscillation much more pronounced for per1b, modulating positively or negatively its expression at different time points, whereas cry1b was not susceptible to the hormone. RU 486 at 10-5 M abolished the peak of expression of per1b previously observed at ZT 16. On the other hand, RU 486 at 10-6 M increased the gene expression around 3-fold in comparison to just DEXA treatment. These results confirm ZEM-2S cells as a model of peripheral clocks in culture due to their intrinsec photosensitivity, emphasizing the light/dark cycle as a major synchronizing agent. The glucocorticoid modulates per1b expression, probably through a direct genomic pathway, without excluding however its possible action through membrane receptors, since RU 486 exerted agonistic activity. Glucocorticoids could, therefore, be one of the factors that regulate the complex molecular machinery of zebrafish biological clock

Modulação dos genes de relógio Per1, Cry1b, Clock e da melanopsina por endotelina-1 em células embrionárias de Danio rerio / Modulation of clock genes Per1, Cry1b, Clock and of melanopsin by endothelin-1 in Danio rerio embryonic cells

Fernanda Pizão Farhat 15 March 2007 (has links)
Relógios biológicos são marcapassos endógenos presentes tanto em eucariotos quanto em procariotos. Relógios diferentes possuem períodos distintos, e aqueles que se aproximam de 24h de oscilação são chamados circadianos. Em mamíferos, o primeiro relógio circadiano identificado situa-se no núcleo supraquiasmático, localizado no hipotálamo. O funcionamento do relógio circadiano envolve mecanismos de retroalimentação positiva e negativa, em geral tendo início com a ativação dos genes Per e Cry por CLOCK e BMAL1. Atualmente sabe-se que os relógios estão presentes em áreas do cérebro fora do núcleo supraquiasmático e em muitos tecidos periféricos. Em Drosophila e Danio rerio, os osciladores periféricos podem ser sincronizados diretamente por luz, enquanto em mamíferos o reinício de fase dos mesmos parece ser controlado por sinais regulados pelo marcapasso do núcleo supraquiasmático. Uma nova opsina, denominada melanopsina, foi recentemente descoberta na retina de todos os vertebrados estudados, em uma subpopulação de células ganglionares intrinsecamente fotossensíveis. Ela é responsável pela captura de luz e envio dessa informação para o núcleo supraquiasmático. A endotelina (ET) é um peptídeo vasoconstritor composto por 21 resíduos de aminoácidos. Existem três isoformas endógenas de ETs, designadas ET-1, ET-2 e ET-3. Três tipos de receptores para endotelinas já foram clonados, sendo eles designados ETA, ETB e ETC. Todos pertencem à família dos receptores acoplados à proteína G. Órgãos, tecidos e células de Danio rerio constituem um excelente modelo para o estudo dos genes de relógio e de ritmos in vitro. Em células embrionárias ZEM 2S deste teleósteo, constatamos a presença de melanopsina, do receptor ETA para endotelina, e dos seis genes Cry através de PCR. A presença de melanopsina também foi confirmada por imunocitoquímica. Foram realizadas curvas de crescimento em células ZEM 2S previamente mantidas por cinco dias em regime de 14C:10E (luz acesa às 9:00h). No 6º. dia, as células foram transferidas para as seguintes condições: escuro constante; 14C:10E; 10C:14E e luz constante. Houve inibição da proliferação celular por luz. O padrão de expressão temporal dos genes Per1, Cry1b, Clock e da melanopsina foi estudado, assim como sua modulação por ET-1. Células ZEM 2S foram mantidas em fotoperíodo 12C:12E (luz acesa às 9:00h) durante cinco dias, após o que foram tratadas com ET-1 nas concentrações 10-11M, 10-10M, 10-9M e 10-8M, durante 24h. O RNA extraído a cada 3h foi submetido a RT-PCR para posterior análise por PCR quantitativo. RNA ribossômico 18S foi utilizado como normalizador do experimento. Melanopsina não apresentou ritmicidade de expressão em fotoperíodo 12C:12E. ET-1 exerceu efeito bifásico, aumentando a expressão nas menores concentrações de hormônio utilizadas e diminuindo nas maiores. Na concentração 10-10M, ET-1 aparentemente estabeleceu uma oscilação ao longo das 24 horas, com crescente expressão na fase de escuro, atingindo um pico em ZT21 e decrescente durante o período de luz, com o mínimo em ZTs 6 e 9. A expressão do gene Clock é rítmica em regime fotoperíodo 12C:12E, com valores significativamente maiores em ZT12 a ZT21 do que em ZT0, ZT3 e ZT9, indicando um aumento de expressão coincidente com o período de escuro. Foi observado um pico de expressão em ZT6, durante a fase de luz. ET-1 nas concentrações de 10-11 e 10-10M aboliu o ritmo de expressão de Clock, e inibiu o pico de expressão em ZT6. Expressão de Clock permaneceu elevada somente em ZT18. Nas maiores concentrações (10-9M e 10-8M), a inibição ocorreu em todos os ZTs, abolindo completamente o ritmo e atenuando qualquer variação previamente observada entre os ZTs. A expressão do gene Per1 é rítmica em regime fotoperíodo 12C:12E, com valores significativamente maiores nos ZTs 21, 0, 3, 6 e 9 do que nos ZTs 12, 15 e 18, indicando um aumento de expressão na fase de claro. Vale mencionar que já em ZT21, há um aumento significativo antecipatório da fase de luz. Nas concentrações de 10-11 e 10-10M, ET-1 não alterou o período ou a amplitude desse ritmo. A ação evidente de ET-1 foi a inibição da expressão de Per1 na fase de luz (ZT0, ZT3, ZT6 e ZT9), e também em ZT21 (fase de escuro) nas maiores concentrações (10-9M e 10-8M) não afetando o período da oscilação, mas diminuindo marcadamente sua amplitude. A expressão de Cry1b foi rítmica durante o ciclo claro:escuro, com aumento na fase de claro e diminuição na fase de escuro. Novamente a ET-1 apresentou um efeito bifásico sobre a expressão deste gene, aumentando a mesma durante a fase de luz na concentração de 10-11M, e em ZT6 e ZT9 na concentração 10-10M. No entanto, não alterou o período ou a amplitude do ritmo. Por outro lado, durante toda a fase de luz houve inibição deste gene na presença de ET-1 10-9 e 10-8M, diminuindo a amplitude observada nas células controle. / Biological clocks are endogenous timekeepers that are present both in eukaryotic as in prokaryotic organisms. Different clocks have different periods, and those that have about 24h of oscillation are called circadian clocks. In mammals, the first identified circadian clock is located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, in the hipothalamus. It is now well known that clocks are present in brain regions other than the suprachiasmatic nucleus and in many peripheral tissues. In Drosophila and Danio rerio, peripheral oscillators can be synchronized directly by light, while in mammals the reset of the phase seems to be controlled by signals regulated by the suprachiasmatic timekeepers. The maintenance of the circadian clock is governed by positive and negative feedback loops, in general starting with the activation of Per and Cry genes by CLOCK and BMAL1. A new opsin called melanopsin, was recently discovered in the retina of all studied vertebrates, in a subset of intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells. This photopigment is responsible for capturing light and sending this information to the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Endothelin (ET) is a 21-amino acid residue vasoconstrictor peptide. There are three endogenous isoforms of ETs, ET1, ET2 and ET3. Three subtypes of endothelin receptors have already been cloned: ETA, ETB and ETC, all members of the family of G protein -coupled receptors. Organs, tissues and cells of Danio rerio constitute an excellent model for the study of clock genes and rhythms in vitro. In ZEM 2S embryonic cells of this teleost, we demonstrated the presence of melanopsin, the endothelin receptor ETA, and the six Cry genes by PCR. The presence of melanopsin was also confirmed by immunohistochemistry. ZEM 2S cells previously kept for five days in 14L:10D (lights on 9:00am) were transferred in the sixth day to the following conditions: constant darkness, 14L:10D, 10L:14D and constant light, and growth curves were determined. ZEM 2S showed inhibition of proliferation by light. The temporal expression pattern of the genes Per1, Cry1b, Clock and of melanopsin and their modulation by ET-1 were studied. ZEM 2S cells were kept in 12D:12L photoperiod (lights on 9:00am) for five days, and then treated with 10-11M, 10-10M, 10-9M and 10-8M ET-1, for 24h. RNA extracted every 3 hours was submitted to RT-PCR for subsequent analysis by Real Time-PCR. 18S ribosomal RNA was used to normalize the results. Melanopsin did not show rhythmicity of expression in 12D:12L photoperiod. ET-1 exhibited a biphasic effect, increasing the expression in the lower concentrations, and reducing at the higher concentrations. At 10-10M, ET-1 apparently established an oscillation along the 24h-period, with increasing expression in the dark phase, reaching a peak at ZT2, and decreasing during the light phase, with the minimum at ZT6 and 9. The expression of Clock gene was rhythmic in 12D:12L photoperiod, with significant higher values in ZT12 to ZT21 than ZT0, ZT3 e ZT9, indicating an increase of expression coincident with the dark period. A peak of expression was observed at ZT6, during the light phase. At 10-11 and 10-10M, ET-1 abolished the rhythm of expression of Clock, and inhibited the peak of expression at ZT6. Expression of Clock remained high only at ZT18. At the higher concentrations (10-9M e 10-8M), the inhibition occurred at all ZTs, completely abolishing the rhythm and attenuating any variation previously observed among ZTs. The expression of Per1 gene was rhythmic in 12D:12L photoperiod, with significant higher values at ZTs 21, 0, 3, 6 and 9 than at ZTs 12, 15 and 18, indicating an increase of expression in the light phase. It is important to mention that at ZT21 there was already a significant increase, anticipatory of the light phase. At 10-11 e 10-10M, ET-1 did not alter neither the period nor the amplitude of this rhythm. The evident action of ET-1 was the inhibition of Per1 expression in the light phase (ZT0, ZT3, ZT6 e ZT9), and also at ZT21 (dark phase), at the higher concentrations (10-9M e 10-8M), with no change in the oscillation period, but markedly reducing its amplitude. The expression of Cry1b was rhythimic during the light:dark cycle, with increase in the light phase and reduction in the dark phase. Again, ET-1 showed a biphasic effect on this gene expression, increasing it during the light phase at the concentration of 10-11M, and at ZT6 and 9 at 10-10M. However, the hormone did not affect either the period or the amplitude of the rhythm. On the other hand, along the light phase, there was inhibition of Cry1b in the presence of ET-1 10-9 and 10-8M, reducing the amplitude observed in the control cells.

Rôle du facteur de virulence MGTC chez les mycobactéries et Pseudomonas aeruginosa et son inhibition par un peptide naturel / Role of MgtC virulence factor in mycobacteria and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its inhibition with a natural peptide.

Belon, Claudine 20 April 2015 (has links)
La résistance aux antibiotiques est un problème majeur en santé publique qui mène à développer de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques, notamment en ciblant des facteurs de virulence bactériens. MgtC est un facteur de virulence impliqué dans la survie intra-macrophagique chez plusieurs pathogènes intracellulaires. La protéine MgtC est également présente chez le pathogène extracellulaire Pseudomonas aeruginosa. De plus, un peptide MgtR a été identifié comme étant un antagoniste naturel potentiel de MgtC. Pour étudier le rôle de MgtC dans la virulence des mycobactéries, j'ai analysé un mutant mgtC de Mycobacterium marinum dans les modèles d'infection d'embryons de danio et de macrophages en culture. Cela a permis de mettre en évidence un nouveau rôle de MgtC au niveau de l'étape de phagocytose qui est augmentée avec le mutant mgtC. Chez P. aeruginosa, nous avons montré qu'un mutant mgtC est atténué dans l'embryon de danio et présente une sensibilité accrue à l'action bactéricide du macrophage. Par ailleurs, j'ai montré que les gènes mgtC de M. marinum et de P. aeruginosa sont régulés par le magnésium. De plus, l'expression de mgtC de P. aeruginosa est fortement induite dans les macrophages. Enfin, concernant les propriétés antagonistes de MgtR, des souches de Mycobacterium bovis BCG ou de P. aeruginosa exprimants mgtR semblent se comporter de la même manière que les mutants mgtC, suggérant des propriétés anti-virulence prometteuses pour MgtR et confirmant le choix de MgtC en tant que cible dans le cadre d'une stratégie anti-virulence. / Antibiotic resistance is a major problem in public health, which leads to develop new therapeutics strategies, including strategies targeting bacterial virulence factors. MgtC is a virulence factor involved in intramacrophage survival in several intracellular pathogens. MgtC protein is also present in extracellular pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Moreover, a peptide MgtR has been identified as a potential and natural antagonist of MgtC.To study the role of MgtC in mycobacterial virulence, I have analysed a Mycobacterium marinum mgtC mutant in zebrafish embryo and macrophage infection models. This approach allowed us to uncover a new role of MgtC in phagocytosis, which is increased with mgtC mutant. In P. aeruginosa, we have shown that a mgtC mutant is attenuated in zebrafish embryos. In ex vivo experiments, mgtC mutant is more sensitive to macrophage killing. In parallel, I have shown that M. marinum and P. aeruginosa mgtC genes are regulated by magnesium. In addition, expression of P. aeruginosa mgtC is highly induced in macrophages.Finally, regarding MgtR antagonistic properties, Mycobacterium bovis BCG or P. aeruginosa strains expressing mgtR appear to mimic the behaviour of mgtC mutants, suggesting promising anti-virulence properties for MgtR and supporting the choice of MgtC as a suitable target of an anti-virulence strategy.

Development of in-vitro culture and cryopreservation protocol for zebrafish (Danio rerio) ovarian tissue fragments

Anil, Siji January 2013 (has links)
Cryopreservation of fish ovarian tissue fragments can be a viable alternative to cryopreservation of oocytes and embryos. The ability to cryopreserve both maternal and paternal gametes would provide a reliable source of fish genetic material for scientific and aquaculture purposes. The main aim of the present study was to develop an in-vitro culture protocol and cryopreservation protocol for zebrafish ovarian tissue fragments. In-vitro culture protocol for the tissue fragments containing stage I and stage II follicles were developed and the growth assessment of follicles were evaluated using biomarkers. To develop the cryopreservation protocol using control slow cooling method, the effect on freezing medium, cryoprotectants and cooling rate on the tissue fragments were investigated. The in-vitro culture experiments showed that L-15 medium (pH 9) containing 100mIU/ml FSH along with 20% FBS was effective for tissue fragments containing stage I and II follicles to grow in-vitro. The growth of the ovarian follicle stages was confirmed by the level of expression of p450aromA and vtg1 gene. The optimal cryopreservation protocol for the ovarian tissue fragments was found as 2M methanol+ 20%FBS in 90% L-15 medium with the cooling rate of 4°C/min. Although the highest survival rate obtained for stage II follicles within the fragments was 68.2±1.9% and stage I follicles within the fragments was 55.4±2.3% using TB staining, it showed a significant decrease in their ATP levels. This is the first study carried out on the zebrafish ovarian tissue fragments. Study on cryopreservation of the ovarian tissue fragments and development of the in-vitro culture protocol and use of biomarkers for the ovarian tissue fragments were reported here for the first time. The outcomes of this study have provided useful information for future cryopreservation protocol development.

Investigation of the effects of different cryopreservation parameters on the genome of 51/4 hpf zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos

Ahmed, Raju January 2013 (has links)
In recent years, numerous studies have linked cryopreservation with increased occurrence of mutations, DNA fragmentation and the event of apoptosis in biological objects. However, the evidence emerged from such studies is somewhat inconclusive. The current study, therefore, aimed to analyse the DNA damage response (DDR) from the cryopreserved cells in order to characterise the nature of the putative DNA damage. The study set out to investigate the effects of different cryopreservation parameters on the genome in terms of double strand breaks (DSBs), single strand breaks (SSBs), and various forms of sequence alteration using 5¼ hour post fertilisation (hpf) zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. The experimental conditions under which the investigation was carried out were short term chilling at 0˚C, treatment with two cryoprotective agents (CPA), namely, MeOH and Me2SO, and cooling to -35˚C. Assays for detecting DSB-activated DDR proteins and SSB-activated DDR proteins in 5¼ hpf zebrafish (Danio rerio) were developed and then utilised to investigate the occurrence of DSBs and SSBs in the genome of the embryos treated with the experimental conditions. The study then analysed the expression profiles of a set of genes unique to the base excision repair (BER), nucleotide excision repair (NER) and mismatch repair (MMR) pathways as indicators of the occurrence of various forms of sequence alterations in the genome of the embryos treated with the experimental conditions. It was found that chilling and CPA treatment did not induce DSBs or SSBs but up-regulated the MMR and BER, respectively. CPA treatment also down-regulated the NER and the MMR mechanisms. Cooling, on the contrary, did not induce DSBs but induced SSBs in the genome, which were repaired when the embryos were provided with a recovery time. Cooling also up-regulated the NER and the BER mechanisms in the embryos. The overall finding of the study indicated that the experimental conditions increased the occurrence of various single stranded DNA lesions in the genome of the embryos. The present study provided important insights into how eukaryotic cells respond to different cryopreservation parameters, which will significantly enhance the current knowledge of the effects of cryopreservation on the genome of biological objects.

Characterization of the tg(rgs4:mCherry) zebrafish line

Hallgren, Henrik January 2014 (has links)
Cell-to-cell communication is one of the fundamental requisites of making multicellular organisms. G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are one of the most abundant receptor-types within vertebrates. They canonically mediate their signal via hetrotrimeric G proteins, and G protein signaling is regulated by regulators of G protein-signaling (RGS). One of these RGS proteins, RGS4, is preferentially expressed in the central nervous system of humans and has been strongly connected to dopaminergic signaling, along with a number of severe neuronal diseases. rgs4 is not well studied in the model organism Danio rerio, the zebrafish, with only two publications. In this project, a newly constructed transgenic line, tg(rgs4:mCherry), with the fluorophore mCherry regulated by the promoter element of rgs4 was characterized in order to investigate fidelity to endogenous rgs4 expression and the utility of the transgenic line. The mCherry expression is apparent by 48 hours post fertilization, and expression is found mainly in neuronal tissue. Cell bodies are visible only in some labeled areas, while other areas show a more diffuse signal indicative of projections. There is only one transgenically labeled area that also unambiguously expresses rgs4; the pronephric tubule. This line is therefore not particularly well suited for rgs4-specifc studies, but this does not discredit the fidelity of the construct. A transgenic line made with a site-directed technique would most likely confer the fidelity of the promoter to the expression of the fluorophore. A way of increasing the labeling resolution includes exchanging the mCherry fluorophore for one with stronger signal and a lower tendency to aggregate, e.g. eGFP. Increasing the resolution of the characterization, e.g. to the level of sub-nuclei or neuronal types, would serve to enhance the utility of the line. As it is, the tg(rgs4:mCherry) zebrafish line has limited uses, and yet it is not without them.

The Role of tfec in Zebrafish Neural Crest Cell and RPE Development.

Spencer, Samantha A 01 January 2015 (has links)
Zebrafish (Danio rerio) show a unique pigmentation pattern comprised of three pigment cell types: melanophores, iridophores and xanthophores. Other pigmented cells include the retinal pigmented epithelium (rpe) which absorbs excess light in the eye and maintain the extracellular environment around the photoreceptors. While previous mutations in mitfa showed a role in regulating trunk melanophores, the rpe was not affected. TALENs and CRISPR-Cas9 systems were used to generate mutant zebrafish for tfec, a transcription factor expressed in both neural crest and rpe. Embryos with tfec mutations showed a loss of iridophore pigmentation, and delays in the pigmentation of xanthophores and rpe, showing positive regulation of multiple pigment cells. Double mutants for tfec and mitfa displayed greater losses of iridophore, xanthophore and rpe pigmentation with noncircular globes, suggesting cooperative roles for these transcription factors.

Efeitos da exposi??o ao glifosato sobre par?metros comportamentais em peixe-zebra (Danio rerio)

Bridi, Daiane 11 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Biotecnologia Farmac?utica (mpbf@pucrs.br) on 2017-10-05T18:16:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DAIANE_BRIDI-DIS.pdf: 2089124 bytes, checksum: c80421954ce799cf7f5b1206f22ec59a (MD5) / Rejected by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br), reason: Devolvido devido ? falta de capa institucional no arquivo PDF, e a publica??o est? cadastrada como "tese" on 2017-10-06T13:39:56Z (GMT) / Submitted by PPG Biotecnologia Farmac?utica (mpbf@pucrs.br) on 2017-10-18T11:48:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DAIANE_BRIDI-DIS.pdf: 2205656 bytes, checksum: 0d6301199a5443bf6ca3d070c2d27d6e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-10-20T12:39:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DAIANE_BRIDI-DIS.pdf: 2205656 bytes, checksum: 0d6301199a5443bf6ca3d070c2d27d6e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-20T12:43:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DAIANE_BRIDI-DIS.pdf: 2205656 bytes, checksum: 0d6301199a5443bf6ca3d070c2d27d6e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-11 / Glyphosate has become the most widely used herbicide in the world, due to the wide scale adoption of resistant crops, after its introduction in 1996. Glyphosate can be used alone, but is commonly used as an active ingredient of the Roundup? herbicide. This herbicide contains several adjuvants in addition to glyphosate, which may promote an unknown e.g. toxicity Polioxietilenamida (POEA). Zebrafish is gaining popularity in behavioral research, because of its physiological similarity to mammals, ease of manipulation, robust performance, low cost, external fertilization, transparency of embryos larval stages and rapid development. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of glyphosate and Roundup? on behavioral and morphological parameters in zebrafish larvae and adult. Zebrafish larvae at 3 days post-fertilization (dpf) and adults were exposed to glyphosate (0.01, 0.065, and 0.5 mg/L) and Roundup? (0.01, 0.065, and 0.5 mg/L) for 96 hours. Immediately after the treatment, behavioral parameters such as locomotor activity and aversive behavior and morphology for the larvae and locomotion, agressive behavior and memory for the adults were analyzed. Zebrafish larvae, the results indicated that there were significant differences in the locomotor activity and aversive behavior by glyphosate and Roundup? when compared to the control. However, there was a decrease in distance traveled and the time spent in zone without stimulation for exposed larvae at doses of glyphosate and Roundup?. A significant decrease in body lenght was observed for larvae exposed to Roundup? in all concentrations tested. Our findings demonstrated that glyphosate and Roundup? exposure reduced the distance traveled, the mean speed and the line crossings in the highest concentration of glyphosate (0.5 mg / L) and 0.065 and 0.5mg/L Roundup? in animals adults. We verified that Roundup?-treated adult zebrafish showed a significant impairment in memory. Our results showed that glyphosate and Roundup? had an effect on agressive behavior. Our findings demonstrated that the effects of isolated and commercial forms of glyphosate promoted differences on locomotion, behavior and morphology of the treated animal, suggesting similar mechanisms of toxicity and cellular response. / O glifosato tornou-se o herbicida mais utilizado no mundo, devido ? ado??o ampla de culturas resistentes, ap?s sua introdu??o em 1996. O glifosato pode ser usado sozinho, mas ? comumente utilizado como ingrediente ativo do herbicida Roundup?. Este herbicida cont?m v?rios adjuvantes, tal como a Polioxietilenamida (POEA), que podem promover uma toxicidade desconhecida. O peixe-zebra est? ganhando popularidade na pesquisa comportamental, devido ? similaridade fisiol?gica com os mam?feros, facilidade de manipula??o, baixo custo, fertiliza??o externa, transpar?ncia de embri?es nos est?gios larvais e desenvolvimento r?pido. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do glifosato e do Roundup? sobre par?metros comportamentais e morfol?gicos em peixe-zebra no est?gio larval e adulto. As larvas com 3 dias p?s-fertiliza??o (dpf) e adultos foram expostos ao glifosato (0,01, 0,065 e 0,5 mg/L) e Roundup? (0,01, 0,065 e 0,5 mg/L) por 96 horas. Imediatamente ap?s o tratamento, realizamos a an?lise de par?metros comportamentais, como atividade locomotora, comportamento aversivo e morfologia para larvas e locomo??o, comportamento agressivo e mem?ria aversiva para adultos. Nas larvas houveram diferen?as significativas na atividade locomotora e comportamento aversivo nos animais tratados com glifosato e Roundup? quando comparado ao controle. Foi observada uma diminui??o na dist?ncia percorrida e na resposta aversiva nas larvas expostas ao glifosato e Roundup?. Observou-se uma diminui??o significativa no comprimento corporal das larvas expostas ao Roundup? em todas as concentra??es testadas. Nossos resultados demonstraram que a exposi??o ao glifosato ou Roundup? reduziu a dist?ncia percorrida, a velocidade m?dia e o n?mero de cruzamentos na maior concentra??o de glifosato (0,5mg/L) e 0,065 e 0,5mg/L de Roundup? em animais adultos. Verificamos que peixe-zebra adulto tratado com Roundup? apresentou um comprometimento significativo na mem?ria. Nossos resultados demostraram que o glifosato e o Roundup? tiveram efeito sobre o comportamento agressivo. Assim, nossos achados demonstraram que os efeitos das formas isoladas e comerciais de glifosato promoveram diferen?as na locomo??o, comportamento e morfologia do animal tratado, sugerindo mecanismos semelhantes de toxicidade e resposta celular.

Validação farmacológica da preferência claro-escuro em Danio rerio

MAGNO, Lílian Danielle Paiva 23 April 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2012-09-19T19:02:38Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_ValidacaoFarmagologicaPreferencia.pdf: 809036 bytes, checksum: ad66113d2aa6556dde18a768e6d045c5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva(arosa@ufpa.br) on 2012-09-28T12:38:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_ValidacaoFarmagologicaPreferencia.pdf: 809036 bytes, checksum: ad66113d2aa6556dde18a768e6d045c5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-09-28T12:38:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_ValidacaoFarmagologicaPreferencia.pdf: 809036 bytes, checksum: ad66113d2aa6556dde18a768e6d045c5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A ansiedade é uma desordem complexa e com grande relevância clínica, cujo estudo com modelos animais é importante para pesquisar sobre seus mecanismos e drogas para o seu tratamento. O zebrafish figura como um potencial modelo animal para pesquisas farmacológicas da ansiedade. Um modelo de ansiedade é a preferência claro-escuro, que já foi validado comportamentalmente em zebrafish, contudo necessita de uma validação farmacológica. Objetiva-se descrever a sensibilidade da preferência claro-escuro em zebrafish adultos para as drogas mais utilizadas na clínica da ansiedade, foram administradas pela imersão do animal na solução: Benzodiazepínicos (Clonazepam); Agonistas parciais 5-HT1A (Buspirona); Antidepressivo tricíclico (Imipramina); Antidepressivo ISRS (Fluoxetina e Paroxetina); Antipsicóticos (Haloperidol e Risperidona); Psicostimulante (Dietilpropiona); Beta bloqueadores (Propranolol) e Depressores do SNC (Etanol). Os parâmetros analisados foram o tempo despendido pelo animal no ambiente escuro, o tempo da primeira latência e número de alternâncias. O clonazepam administrado por 300s aumentou o tempo no escuro na menor concentração e reduziu a atividade locomotora, a administração durante 600s da concentração intermediária diminuiu o tempo no escuro e da primeira latência, assim como aumentou a atividade locomotora, indicando efeito ansiolítico. A buspirona aumentou o tempo de permanência no escuro provavelmente devido a redução da atividade motora. A imipramina e a fluoxetina aumentaram o tempo no escuro e da primeira latência e diminuíram o número de alternâncias, indicando ação ansiogênica. A paroxetina não alterou o tempo no escuro, entretanto aumentou o tempo da primeira latência e diminuiu a atividade locomotora. O haloperidol diminuiu a ansiedade na menor concentração, curiosamente aumentou a atividade motora na maior concentração, ao contrário da risperidona que diminuiu a atividade na maior concentração. A dietilpropriona não modificou o tempo no escuro, mas aumentou o tempo da primeira latência e diminuiu a atividade motora apenas na menor concentração. O propranolol reduziu somente o tempo no escuro. O etanol foi efetivo na redução da ansiedade com a concentração intermediária e diminuiu a atividade locomotora em uma concentração menor Os dados corroboram com relatos da literatura em Danio rerio tanto neste modelo em administração intraperitoneal como em outros modelos por administração hídrica e em roedores, quando foi possível a comparação. / Anxiety is a complex disorder with large clinical relevance, whose study with animal models is important for research about their mechanisms and drugs for their treatment. The zebrafish appears as a potential animal model for pharmacological research in anxiety. A model of anxiety is the light-dark preference, which has been validated behaviorally in zebrafish, however, requires a pharmacological validation. The objective is to describe the sensitivity of the light-dark preference in zebrafish adults for the most common drugs in clinical anxiety, were administered by immersing the animal in the solution: Benzodiazepines (Clonazepam), 5-HT1A partial agonists (Buspirone), Tricyclic Antidepressant (Imipramine), Antidepressant SSRIs (Fluoxetine and Paroxetine), Antipsychotics (Haloperidol and Risperidone); Psychostimulant (Diethylpropion), Beta blockers (Propranolol) and CNS depressants (Ethanol). The parameters analyzed were the time spent by the animal in a dark environment, the time of the first latency and number of midline crossings. Clonazepam administered 300 s increased the time in the dark at lower concentrations and reduced locomotor activity, administration during 600 s of the intermediate concentration decreased over time in the dark and the first latency, and increased locomotor activity, indicating anxiolytic effect. Buspirone raised the time spent in the dark, probably due to reduction of motor activity. Imipramine and fluoxetine increased time in the dark and the first latency and decreased the number of alternations, indicating anxiogenic action. Paroxetine did not alter the time in the dark, however the first time increased latency and decreased locomotor activity. Haloperidol decreased anxiety in the lowest concentration, curiously raised motor activity at the highest concentration, instead of risperidone, which decreased the activity at the highest concentration. Diethylpropion did not change over time in the dark but increased the time of the first latency and decreased motor activity only at lower concentrations. Propranolol reduced only time in the dark. Ethanol was effective in reducing anxiety with the intermediate concentration and decreased locomotor activity in a lower concentration. Data corroborate with the literature in Danio rerio both intraperitoneal administration in this model as in other models for water delivery and in rodents, when it was possible to compare.

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