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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att vara hjälparen : en studie av HVB-personals diskurser om sitt arbete / To be the helper : a study of the discourses of residential care homes personnel

Johansson, Sara January 2010 (has links)
<p>Eftersom barn och unga i vissa fall behöver komma ifrån sitt ursprungliga hem finns hem för vård eller boende(HVB-hem) på flera platser i landet. Verksamheten som bedrivs där syftar till att tillhandahålla boende och bistå ungdomarna i deras personliga utveckling, vilket utförs genom personal som hjälper ungdomarna med praktiska moment i vardagslivet, men som också utgör vuxna förebilder. Denna studie har utförts i syfte att synliggöra ochstudera hur anställda på HVB-hem upplever sin yrkesroll, och sig själva i den yrkesrollen. Syftet motiveras i den betydande roll personalen får för ungdomarnas personliga utveckling, vilket grundas i teorier om resocialisation. Genom intervjuer har personal på två HVB-hem delat med sig av sin livsvärld, och genom deras utsagor och med hjälp av teorier om bland annat socialisation och arbetstrivsel formas en förståelse för hur personalen upplever syftet med sin arbetsroll, och hur de upplever sig själva i den arbetsrollen. Analyser av arbetsgruppens betydelse för personalens mående och för utförandet av arbetet görs, och även uppfattningar av olika typer av relationer mellan personal och ungdomarna, samt betydelsen dessa relationer har, fokuseras i uppsatsen.</p>

Berlin : look to the world!

Campbell, Edwina S. January 2004 (has links)
In the spring 2004 issue of WeltTrends, Professor Gunther Hellmann made a „plea for offensive idealism“ and „against the power political resocialization of German foreign policy“. To a long-time outside observer of that foreign policy, this plea is unsurprising, but depressing. In keeping with Professor Hellmann’s own willingness, „notwendige Differenzierungen [zu] vernachlässigen zugunsten einer bewussten Zuspitzung“ I will comment on the aspects of his argument that strike an American colleague as particularly disturbing.

Deutsche Machtpolitik ohne Macht / German power policy without policy

Maull, Hanns W. January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Att vara hjälparen : en studie av HVB-personals diskurser om sitt arbete / To be the helper : a study of the discourses of residential care homes personnel

Johansson, Sara January 2010 (has links)
Eftersom barn och unga i vissa fall behöver komma ifrån sitt ursprungliga hem finns hem för vård eller boende(HVB-hem) på flera platser i landet. Verksamheten som bedrivs där syftar till att tillhandahålla boende och bistå ungdomarna i deras personliga utveckling, vilket utförs genom personal som hjälper ungdomarna med praktiska moment i vardagslivet, men som också utgör vuxna förebilder. Denna studie har utförts i syfte att synliggöra ochstudera hur anställda på HVB-hem upplever sin yrkesroll, och sig själva i den yrkesrollen. Syftet motiveras i den betydande roll personalen får för ungdomarnas personliga utveckling, vilket grundas i teorier om resocialisation. Genom intervjuer har personal på två HVB-hem delat med sig av sin livsvärld, och genom deras utsagor och med hjälp av teorier om bland annat socialisation och arbetstrivsel formas en förståelse för hur personalen upplever syftet med sin arbetsroll, och hur de upplever sig själva i den arbetsrollen. Analyser av arbetsgruppens betydelse för personalens mående och för utförandet av arbetet görs, och även uppfattningar av olika typer av relationer mellan personal och ungdomarna, samt betydelsen dessa relationer har, fokuseras i uppsatsen.

The construction of transnational identity : a case study of chinese immigrants in Quebec city

Liang, Yenan 10 February 2024 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à comprendre la construction identitaire d’immigrants dans un monde où les réalités migratoires s’intensifient, en analysant les traits identitaires que ceux-ci associent à leur société d’origine et à la société d’accueil. Elle a également l’ambition d’interroger les théories du nationalisme dans le contexte de la mondialisation, à partir du concept de « nationalisme banal » (Billig, 1995). Dans cette perspective, la recherche explore les liens entre la construction identitaire et les pratiques culturelles de la vie quotidienne, telles que celles liées à l’alimentation et aux voyages transnationaux. Elle sélectionne le cas de Québec et ses immigrants d’origine chinoise. Selon une analyse qualitative de 20 entrevues semi-dirigées avec 21 participants, ce mémoire présente les résultats suivants. Premièrement, l’analyse des marqueurs identitaires constate que les marqueurs primordialistes possèdent de fortes fonctions constructivistes, et leur signification devient cruciale dans l’interaction sociale. Deuxièmement, l’analyse répertorie quatre types d’identité transnationale qui évoluent et se transforment au cours du temps et en fonction des situations sociales rencontrées. Troisièmement, l’étude propose un modèle conceptuel pour expliquer ces changements identitaires. Ce modèle démontre que les changements d’identité sont des réponses aux distinctions entre deux systèmes sociaux, particulièrement deux ensembles de normes sociales, et sont influencés par les facteurs de push et pull impliqués dans le processus de resocialisation. Quatrièmement, un examen plus approfondi des pratiques culturelles des participants souligne la nature complexe de leur rôle dans le processus d’identification nationale. Ces pratiques peuvent soit renforcer, soit réduire les identités nationales des individus en fonction de la façon dont elles sont étroitement liées aux facteurs de push et pull. Ainsi, la recherche suggère qu’il est essentiel de considérer l’implication des pratiques culturelles dans les mécanismes de push et pull pour saisir comment elles modifient le développement de l’identité nationale des individus. / Regarding today’s intensified transnational activities, this research aims to comprehend the identity construction of immigrants and to analyze the identity traits that they associate with their original country and host country. It also intends to interrogate nationalism theories in the context of globalization, as inspired by banal nationalism (Billig, 1995). From this perspective, the research explores the relations between identity construction and cultural practices in everyday life, such as food practices and transnational travel. It selects the case of Quebec City and its Chinese immigrants to proceed with the examination. Based on a qualitative analysis of 20 semi-structured interviews with 21 participants, this thesis presents the following findings. First, the analysis of identity markers shows that primordialist markers possess strong constructivist functions, and their significance only becomes crucial in social interaction. Second, the analysis presents four transnational identity types that can evolve through time and transform into one another in relation to specific social settings. Third, the thesis proposes a conceptual model to explain those identity changes. This model demonstrates that identity changes are responses to the distinction between two social systems, particularly two sets of social norms, and are influenced by the push and pull factors involved in the process of resocialization. Fourth, a further examination of participants’ cultural practices underlines the complex nature of their role in the national identification process. Those practices can either reinforce or reduce individuals’ national identities based on the way they are intertwined with the push and pull factors. Thus, the research suggests that it is vital to investigate the ways everyday life practices are involved in the push and pull mechanisms to understand how they consequently alter the trajectories of individuals’ national identity development

Resocializace osob po návratu z výkonu trestu odnětí svobody / Resocialisation of persons after serving a term of imprisonment

Míčková, Sylvie January 2012 (has links)
Resocialisation of persons after serving a term of imprisonment Diploma thesis discusses problem of resocialisation of persons after serving a term of imprisonment. The aim of thesis is to explain a process of resocialisation of inmates during their imprisonment and after it. Thesis also attempts to answer how effective is special treatment with inmates. The main focus is given to the ways how we try to reach resocialisaton of these persons, such as treatment programmes - especially employment of prisoners and institute of conditional release from serving a prison sentence. The final part of thesis deals with post-penitentiary care and points out huge problems disallowing successful resocialisation - indebtedness and impossibility to find a job after serving a term of imprisonment.

Mehr machtpolitische Sozialisierung, bitte! / More power-political socialisation, please!

Volmer, Ludger, Brozus, Lars January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Nuteistųjų profesinis švietimas kaip resocializacijos priemonė / Profesional education of prisoners as a resocialization way

Osipian, Valentina 16 August 2007 (has links)
Spartėjant socialinei kaitai, tobulėjant mokslui ir sparčiai vystantis naujoms technologijoms, greitai kinta žmogaus atliekamas darbas, jis reikalauja vis daugiau žinių ir kompetencijos. Gausėja žmonių, kuriems nepriklausomai nuo amžiaus, socialinės-teisinės padėties bei kitų veiksnių atsiranda nauji edukaciniai poreikiai save ugdyti ir tobulinti, mokytis visą gyvenimą. Nuteistųjų profesinis mokymas ir socialinės reintegracijos problema Lietuvos visuomenei tampa viena aktualiausių, nes svarbiausi Lietuvos bei kitų pasaulio šalių priimti dokumentai užtikrina asmenų socialinės atskirties mažinimą, integravimą į visuomenę bei kvalifikacijos žinių suteikimą, lengvesnį įsidarbinimą, konkurencingumo darbo rinkoje galimybę ir t.t. Darbas teoriškai ir praktiškai reikšmingas, nes nuteistųjų švietimo prieinamumo, socialinio teisingumo ir profesinio mokymo klausimai minėtoje įkalinimo įstaigoje netyrinėti. Magistro darbo tema – „Nuteistųjų profesinis švietimas kaip resocializacijos priemonė“ Tyrimo problema – Nuteistųjų asmenų profesinis švietimas Tyrimo objektas – Suaugusiųjų nuteistųjų asmenų profesinio švietimo poreikių tenkinimo galimybės Tyrimo tikslas – Išsiaiškinti, kaip tenkinami suaugusiųjų nuteistųjų asmenų profesinio švietimo poreikiai Lietuvos Respublikos Vilniaus 2-uose pataisos namuose. Tikslas realizuojamas šiais uždaviniais: 5. Išanalizuoti pedagoginę, psichologinę, socialinę, andragoginę ir kt. literatūrą, mokslinius šaltinius ir dokumentus apie: -... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of master‘s work - „Profesional education of prisoners as a resocialization way“. The subject is relevant, because of quick social alternation, improving science and fast growing of new technologies, the work accomplished by person is changing quickly and it requires more and more knoweledge and competence. The number of people, wo have new educational needs to develop, improve and study themselves all the life independent of age and other factors is growing up. The social reintegration problem of the convicts is becoming one of the most relevant to Lithuania‘s community, because accepted in Lithuania and other countries of the world documents call the major for reduction social border of people, speak about integration into a society and training of a trade, about faster and easy employment, competitiveness on a labour market and other aspects. The work is meaningful notionally and practically, because the questions of prisoners education, social right and succession are not studied in the Vilnius Prisons-2. The Object of Survey - Satisfaction of needs for education at adult prisoners The Problem of Survey – Profesional education of adult‘s prisoners. The Purpose of Survey - To find out, how needs for education at adult prisoners are satisfied in Vilnius Prison-2. The Purpose is realized by these Goals: 1. To analyse the literature on pedagogies, psychologies, social, adult’s learn, the scientific literature and documents on training adults in a context of a... [to full text]

Současné sociální sítě jako nástroj resocializace handicapovaných / Current social networks as a tool for resocialisation of handicapped people

KOLÁŘOVÁ, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
It might happen to any of us at any time to have a direct experience of rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. As a result of a serious illness or an injury, a person might not be able to continue in the way of life to which they have been accustomed. It is very important for such person not to remain isolated, but rather to try to reintegrate into society. This thesis aims to determine the effect that being a member of a social network has on persons with physical disabilities. It focuses on the areas of health, social integration, and work as well as education. Further, the thesis tries to answer the question what people with disabilities perceive as the greatest benefit of being a member of a social network. To my research, I chose a qualitative approach; I collected data through semi-structured interviews which I had previously prepared a set of guiding questions for. The procedure was completed by a non-standardized observation technique, which was done secretly without any direct involvement from my side. The sample consisted of 15 persons with disabilities who are currently users of social networks. They were selected based on my judgment and their willingness to participate. The results of my research are presented in the form of case studies; the most important data immediately related to the main objectives of my thesis were also evaluated by simple enumeration technique. What emerged from the research is that being a member of a social network has a positive impact on rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. It may help them improve or compensate for their health situation, prevent social isolation, find suitable jobs, as well as raise their awareness about the opportunities for further education and retraining. People with disabilities perceive mediation of continuous contact with the outside world as the largest benefits of membership in social networks.

Kvalita života hráčů sitting volejbalu / Quality of life in sitting volleyball players

Kůtová, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
Title: Quality of life in sitting volleyball players Objectives: The main goal of the thesis is to summarize and extend knowledge about sitting volleyball and to analyse quality of life in sitting volleyball players. Methods: For the analysis we have used standardized questionnaire from the World Health Organization in its short version named WHOQOL-BREF. 12 players (8 men, 4 women) with average age 40,6 years participated in the study. Results: The results of the questionnaire show, that quality of life in sitting volleyball players is better then quality of life of general population. We can deduce it from the fact, that their answers were better in three of four domains of the questionnaire (experiencing, social relations, surroundings). Only in the domain of physical health, sitting volleyball players showed worse results than general population, what could not be surprising due to their physical handicap. Keywords: paralympic sport, volleyball, resocialisation, amputation, WHOQOL- BREF

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