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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SCTP and Diameter Parameters for High Availability in LTE Roaming

Xiong, Xuelin January 2015 (has links)
Today mobile network operators utilize IP Packet exchange (IPX) carriers to interconnect their networks with other operators. Mobile network operators are free to choose one IPX carrier for their data traffic and another for their control traffic. This thesis examines the case of control traffic, specifically Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) carrying Diameter protocol traffic arising from users roaming from their home Long Term Evolution (LTE) network to another operator’s LTE network. The thesis project aims to identify a set of SCTP parameter configurations that can provide improved application/service level availability between two Diameter nodes in different network connectivity environments, specifically for IPX carriers who are Diameter service providers. These service providers provide Diameter connectivity for their customers who are mobile network operators. These mobile network operators in turn provide LTE roaming services to their customers. Unfortunately, applying the ‘One size fits all’ configuration recommendations given in the SCTP documentation is unsuitable for different network environments. In addition, the amount of Diameter signaling traffic is growing at a very rapid rate. Therefore, it is valuable to identify suitable parameter selection criteria for Diameter service providers to ensure 100% Diameter connectivity reliability for their customers. In this thesis project, author investigated how tuning SCTP parameter values affect Diameter message transmission in terms of Round Trip Delay and identified its determining parameters for packet loss recovery performance. Both IPX carriers and mobile network operators may use these values as reference when attempting to ensure high availability of Diameter transmissions under reliable, semi reliable, and unreliable network transport conditions. / Mobilnätsoperatörer använder sig av IP Packet exchange (IPX) tjänstetillhandahållare för att koppla ihop sina nät med andra operatörers nät. Mobilnätsoperatörer kan fritt välja en IPX tjänstetillhandahållare för sin datatrafik och en annan för sin kontrolltrafik. Denna uppsats undersöker fallet för kontrolltrafik, specifikt Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) kommunikationsprotokoll för Diameter protocol-trafik vid användares roaming från sitt Long Term Evolution (LTE)-hemmanät till en annan operatörs LTE-nät. Examensarbetet avser etablera en uppsättning av SCTP-parameterkonfigurationer som ger förbättrad applikations-/tjänstetillgänglighetsnivå mellan två Diameter-noder i olika nätmiljöer, särskilt för IPX tjänstetillhandahållare som är Diameter tjänstetillhandahållare.  Dessa tjänstetillhandahållare erbjuder Diameter-konnektivitet till sina kunder, som är mobilnätsoperatörer. Dessa mobilnätsoperatörer tillhandahåller i sin tur LTE-roamingtjänster till sina kunder. Tyvärr är det olämpligt att tillämpa de enhetliga konfigurationsrekommendationer, som ges i SCTP- och Diameter-protokollens dokumentation, i olika nätmiljöer. Samtidigt ökar Diameter-signaleringstrafiken mycket snabbt. Därför är det värdefullt att identifiera lämpliga parameterkriterier för Diameter-tjänstetillhandahållare att säkerställa 100% tillförlitlig Diameter-tillgänglighet för sina kunder. I detta examensarbete har författaren undersökt hur trimning av SCTP-parametervärden påverkar Diameter-meddelandeöverföring vad avser överföringstiden tur- och retur, och identifierat de avgörande parametrarna för återställande av paketförluster. Både IPX tjänstetillhandahållare och mobilnätsoperatörer kan använda dessa värden som referens för att åstadkomma hög tillgänglighet för Diameter-överföring vid tillförlitliga, halvtillförlitliga och otillförlitliga nättransportförutsättningar.

Distributed Coding for Wireless Cooperative Networks. / Codage distribué pour les réseaux coopératifs sans fil

Hatefi, Atoosa 25 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude théorique et à la conception pratique de schémas de codage conjoint réseau/canal adaptés à différents scénarii de communications dans les réseaux sans fil. Contrairement aux hypothèses conventionnelles retenues dans la littérature (accès multiple orthogonal, absence d'erreurs sur certains liens), les caractéristiques de diffusion et de superposition des signaux propres au canal radio et la présence d'évanouissements lents et de bruit sur tous les liens sont prises en compte dans la formulation du problème et exploitées. Différentes stratégies de coopération au niveau du ou des relais sont examinées et comparées. Le point commun entre toutes ces stratégies est que le système doit fonctionner même en absence de coopération. Seuls le ou les relais et la destination sont informés d'une coopération. Ni les sources, ni le ou les relais ne connaissent l'état du canal à l'émission.
Le premier volet de la thèse porte sur le canal à accès multiple avec relais unique (slow fading MARC). Le problème du codage et décodage conjoint canal/réseau (JNCC/JNCD) est étudié sur un plan théorique et pratique. Différentes hypothèses au niveau de l'accès multiple (semi-orthogonal et non-orthogonal) et différents modes de fonctionnement du relais (half-duplex et full-duplex) sont envisagés. Une nouvelle stratégie de coopération adaptative (SDF pour selective decode and forward) est définie dans laquelle le relais calcule et retransmet une fonction déterministe des messages de sources qu'il a pu décoder sans erreur. Le ré-encodage, défini sur un corps fini (corps binaire), est également conçu de manière à assurer que la performance finale au niveau de la destination atteint bien un ordre de diversité 2.
Le modèle de canal MARC est par la suite étendu à plusieurs relais (slow fading MAMRC). Une analyse théorique est conduite et des nouveaux schémas JNCC/JNCD permettant de s'approcher des limites théoriques sont décrits. Afin d'assurer la diversité pleine, nous proposons de combiner un codage canal binaire et un codage réseau non-binaire.
Pour les deux types de canaux, nous montrons que l'interférence naturellement induite par la diffusion des signaux dans un environnement sans fil, n'est pas un inconvénient mais bien un avantage dès lors qu'on est en mesure de la traiter via des techniques de codage et de décodage sophistiquées (turbo codes et leur décodage, turbo détection). Les gains en termes de capacité (rapportée à une certaine probabilité de coupure) obtenus avec un accès multiple semi-orthogonal ou non-orthogonal sont substantiels comparés à un accès multiple orthogonal (référence).
Dans la dernière partie de la thèse, la stratégie de coopération SDF est comparée à deux autres stratégies de coopération s'appuyant sur un procédé de décodage-et-retransmission "souple" (sans prise de décisions intermédiaires) : l'une basée sur les rapports logarithmiques de probabilité a posteriori sur les bits codés et l'autre basée sur l'estimation de l'erreur quadratique moyenne (MSE). Nous vérifions que la stratégie de coopération SDF fonctionne bien dans la plupart des configurations, les stratégies de coopération souples n'améliorant légèrement les performances que dans certains cas extrêmes. / With the rapid growth of wireless technologies, devices and mobile applications, the quest of high throughput and ubiquitous connectivity in wireless communications increases rapidly as well. Relaying is undoubtedly a key concept to provide coverage extension and capacity increase in wireless networks. Network coding, which allows the intermediate nodes to share their computation capabilities in addition to their resource and their power, has grabbed a significant research attention since its inception in information theory. It has become an attractive candidate to bring promising performance improvement, especially in terms of throughput, in relay-based cellular networks. Substantial research efforts are currently focused on theoretical analysis, implementation and evaluation of network coding from a physical layer perspective. The question is, what is the most efficient and practical way to use network coding in wireless relay-based networks, and whether it is beneficial to exploit the broadcast and multiple-access properties of the wireless medium to perform network coding. It is in such a context, that this thesis proceeds. In the first part of the thesis, the problem of Joint Network-Channel Coding (JNCC) for a Multiple Access Relay Channel (MARC) is investigated in the presence of multiple access interferences and for both of the relay operating modes, namely, half-duplex and full-duplex. To this end, three new classes of MARC, referred to as Half-Duplex Semi-Orthogonal MARC (HD-SOMARC), Half-Duplex Non-Orthogonal MARC (HD-NOMARC), and Full-Duplex Non-Orthogonal MARC (FD-NOMARC) have been introduced and studied. The relaying function in all of the classes is based on a Selective Decode-and-Forward (SDF) strategy, which is individually implemented for each source, i.e, the relay forwards only a deterministic function of the error-free decoded messages. For each class, an information-theoretic analysis is conducted, and practical coding and decoding techniques are proposed. The proposed coding schemes, perform very close to the outage limit for both cases of HD-SOMARC and HD-NOMARC. Besides, in the case of HD-NOMARC, the optimal allocation of the transmission time to the relay is considered. It is also verified that exploiting multiple access interferences, either partially or totally, results in considerable gains for MARC compared to the existing interference-avoiding structures, even in the case of single receive antenna. In the second part of the thesis, the network model is extended by considering multiple relays which help multiple sources to communicate with a destination. A new class of Multiple Access Multiple Relay Channel (MAMRC), referred to as Half-Duplex Semi-Orthogonal MAMRC (HD-SOMAMRC) is then proposed and analyzed from both information theoretic and code design perspective. New practical JNCC schemes are proposed, in which binary channel coding and non binary network coding are combined, and they are shown to perform very close to the outage limit. Moreover, the optimal allocation of the transmission time to the sources and relays is considered. Finally, in the third part of the thesis, different ways of implementing cooperation, including practical relaying protocols are investigated for the half-duplex MARC with semi-orthogonal transmission protocol and in the case of JNCC. The hard SDF approach is compared with two Soft Decode and Forward (SoDF) relaying functions: one based on log a posterior probability ratios (LAPPRs) and the other based on Mean Square Error (MSE) estimate. It is then shown that SDF works well in most of the configurations and just in some extreme cases, soft relaying functions (based on LAPPR or MSE estimate) can slightly outperform the hard selective one.

Ultra-narrowband wireless sensor networks modeling and optimization / Modélisation d'un réseau sans fils en bande ultra étroite et optimisation du protocole de communication

Do, Minh-Tien 21 July 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but de modéliser les réseaux de capteurs sans fil à faible débit (WSN) basés sur la technique ultra bande étroite. Ce réseau a déjà été déployée par la société SIGFOX et a déjà démontré sa très grande efficacité pour les applications pour l’Internet des objets (IoTs) grâce à sa capacité de communication point à point efficace en terme de puissance consommée, et de sa connectivité de longue portée. Cette étude donne quelques aperçus sur le passage à l’échelle de la technique de l’UNB pour un réseau multipoint à point pour une liaison montante. L’accès au canal spécifique qui est basé sur l’accès multiple par répartition aléatoire de fréquence et de temps (R-FTDMA) est introduit et analysé. En outre, l’impact de l’interférence due à l’absence de stratégie d’ordonnancement à la couche MAC est étudié et modélisé. Notre modèle simplifié nous permet non seulement de décrire la puissance d’interférence agrégée, mais aussi d’évaluer les performances du système d’un tel réseau en matière de taux d’erreur et de probabilité de coupure. De même, la géométrie stochastique est utilisée pour modéliser la distribution spatiale des noeuds afin d’étendre le modèle simplifié dans le canal réaliste où les dégradations de canal sont prises en compte. De plus, le mécanisme de retransmission est considéré pour ce réseau. Cette étude permet de d’identifier le nombre optimal de retransmissions. Le réseau peut être configuré avec un paramètre global unique. Et enfin, cette thèse met en évidence le fait que le réseau de l’UNB Random-FTDMA est très pertinent dans un réseau réaliste, en particulier pour les applications à faible débit, car il allége le coût élevé du réseau, le coût de la synchronisation globale, mais sans perte de performance. / This thesis aims at modeling the low-throughput wireless sensor networks (WSNs) based on ultra-narrow-band technology. Such wireless network is already been deployed by Sigfox company and has proved to be ultra-efficient for the Internet of things (IoTs) applications thanks to its ability of point-to-point communication in terms of power efficiency and long range connectivity. In particular, this thesis gives some insights on the scalability of UNB technology for a multi-point-to-point network in an uplink scenario. The multiple access schemes based on random time and frequency selection are introduced and analyzed. Furthermore, the interference impact due to the lack of scheduling strategy at the MAC layer is studied and modeled. Our simplified model using rectangular function allows us not only to describe the aggregate interference power but also evaluate the system performance of such network in terms of the bit-error-rate and outage probability. Besides, the geometry stochastic is used for spatial node distribution in order to extend the simplified model in the realistic channel communication where the channel impairments are taken into account. Besides, the retransmission mechanism is considered for such network. This study argues an optimal number of retransmission. The network can be configured with a unique global parameter. Last but not least, this thesis highlights the fact that the UNB network using Random-FTDMA schemes is very relevant in a realistic network, especially for low-throughput applications, because it bypasses the high network cost, the cost of global synchronization but without loss of performance.

IEEE 802.11e無線網路下影像串流之MAC-centric跨層設計 / MAC-centric Cross-Layer Design for Video Streaming in IEEE 802.11e Wireless Network

蘇毓迪, Su,Yu Ti Unknown Date (has links)
近十年來,由於無線網路的普及與人們對於影像串流服務的需求愈高,導致人們迫切需要更好的服務品質。但在IEEE 802.11無線網路中,本身的設計並非針對影像串流來設計,為讓影像串流能在無線網路更有效率,我們必須重新設計適合影像串流的無線網路。本研究首先探討IEEE 802.11 MAC層DCF (Distributed Coordination Function)與802.11e EDCA (Enhanced Distributed Channel Access)機制的潛在問題。由於DCF與EDCA並未特別對影像串流做設計,會導致具有時延(delay time)限制的影像封包等待過久造成失效,卻仍繼續傳送。本研究提出幾個有效方法,改善原本IEEE 802.11無線網路對影像串流傳輸效能不彰的現象。我們將利用跨層設計使MAC層能取得影像串流封包資訊,並改善DCF與EDCA的重傳(retransmission)機制,使用time limit與retry limit混和設計節省不必要的等待時間,並使用single-video multi-level queue改善傳輸效能。最後本研究將利用網路模擬器NS-2 (Network Simulater ver. 2)與影像串流測試實驗架構myEvalvid-NT作不同效能的驗證比較並評估我們所提出方法的有效性。 / Over the past decade, wireless network access and video streaming services have become more popular than ever. People are eager to have better quality of video streaming services over wireless network. However, IEEE 802.11 DCF and IEEE 802.11e EDCA are not specifically designed for video streaming. This leads to the problem of transmitting overdue video packets and thus degrades both the network performance and video quality. In this paper, we propose a hybrid design framework to improve the quality of video streaming. This framework consists of a MAC-centric cross-layer architecture to allow MAC-layer to retrieve video streaming packet information (slice type and transmission deadline), a retransmission mechanism of hybrid retransmission deadline and retry limit to save unnecessary packet waiting time, and a single-video multi-level queue to prioritize I/P/B slice delivery. Simulations show that the proposed methodology outperforms IEEE 802.11e, IEEE 802.11e Timebase and IEEE 802.11e MultiQ in packet loss rate, invalid packet ratio, lost and invalid packet ratio, delay time, jitter, and PSNR.

An?lise de desempenho de estrat?gias de retransmiss?o para o mecanismo HCCA do padr?o de redes sem fio IEEE 802.11e

Viegas, Carlos Manuel Dias 03 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CarlosMDV.pdf: 1914852 bytes, checksum: a7e99d6b563c17f13d6bf2747cf54976 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-07-03 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This paper presents the performanee analysis of traffie retransmission algorithms pro?posed to the HCCA medium aeeess meehanism of IEEE 802.11 e standard applied to industrial environmen1. Due to the nature of this kind of environment, whieh has eleetro?magnetic interferenee, and the wireless medium of IEEE 802.11 standard, suseeptible to such interferenee, plus the lack of retransmission meehanisms, refers to an impraetieable situation to ensure quality of service for real-time traffic, to whieh the IEEE 802.11 e stan?dard is proposed and this environment requires. Thus, to solve this problem, this paper proposes a new approach that involves the ereation and evaluation of retransmission al-gorithms in order to ensure a levei of robustness, reliability and quality of serviee to the wireless communication in such environments. Thus, according to this approaeh, if there is a transmission error, the traffie scheduler is able to manage retransmissions to reeo?ver data 10s1. The evaluation of the proposed approaeh is performed through simulations, where the retransmission algorithms are applied to different seenarios, whieh are abstrae?tions of an industrial environment, and the results are obtained by using an own-developed network simulator and compared with eaeh other to assess whieh of the algorithms has better performanee in a pre-defined applieation / Este trabalho apresenta a an?lise de desempenho de algoritmos de retransmiss?o de tr?fego propostos para o mecanismo de acesso ao meio HCCA do padr?o IEEE 802.11 e aplicados ao ambiente industrial. Devido ? natureza deste tipo de ambiente, que pos?sui interfer?ncias eletromagn?ticas, e ? do meio de transmiss?o sem fio do padr?o IEEE 802.11, suscept?vel a tais interfer?ncias, em conjunto com a aus?ncia de mecanismos de retransmiss?o, remete a uma situa??o impratic?vel para garantias de qualidade de servi?o ao tr?fego de tempo real, ao qual o padr?o IEEE 802.11 e se prop?e e este tipo de ambiente requer. Desta forma, para resolver este problema, este trabalho prop?e uma nova abordagem que engloba a cria??o e avalia??o de algoritmos de retransmiss?o com o intuito de garantir um nivel de robustez, confiabilidade e qualidade de servi?o ? comunica???o sem fio presente em tais ambientes. Assim, de acordo com esta abordagem, em caso de erros na transmiss?o, o escalonador de tr?fego poder? gerenciar retransmiss?es para que os dados perdidos possam ser recuperados. A avalia??o da abordagem proposta ? realizada atrav?s de simula??es, onde os algoritmos de retransmiss?o s?o aplicados a diferentes cen?rios, que s?o abstra??es de um ambiente industrial, e os resultados dessa avalia??o s?o obtidos com o aux?lio de um simulador de redes desenvolvido e compa?rados entre si para avaliar qual dos algoritmos possui melhor efici?ncia em determinada aplica??o

Performance Optimization of Network Protocols for IEEE 802.11s-based Smart Grid Communications

Saputro, Nico 16 June 2016 (has links)
The transformation of the legacy electric grid to Smart Grid (SG) poses numerous challenges in the design and development of an efficient SG communications network. While there has been an increasing interest in identifying the SG communications network and possible SG applications, specific research challenges at the network protocol have not been elaborated yet. This dissertation revisited each layer of a TCP/IP protocol stack which basically was designed for a wired network and optimized their performance in IEEE 802.11s-based Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) communications network against the following challenges: security and privacy, AMI data explosion, periodic simultaneous data reporting scheduling, poor Transport Control Protocol (TCP) performance, Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) broadcast, and network interoperability. To address these challenges, layered and/or cross-layered protocol improvements were proposed for each layer of TCP/IP protocol stack. At the application layer, a tree-based periodic time schedule and a time division multiple access-based scheduling were proposed to reduce high contention when smart meters simultaneously send their reading. Homomorphic encryption performance was investigated to handle AMI data explosion while providing security and privacy. At the transport layer, a tree-based fixed Retransmission Timeout (RTO) setting and a path-error aware RTO that exploits rich information of IEEE 802.11s data-link layer path selection were proposed to address higher delay due to TCP mechanisms. At the network layer, ARP requests create broadcast storm problems in IEEE 802.11s due to the use of MAC addresses for routing. A secure piggybacking-based ARP was proposed to eliminate this issue. The tunneling mechanisms in the LTE network cause a downlink traffic problem to IEEE 802.11s. For the network interoperability, at the network layer of EPC network, a novel UE access list was proposed to address this issue. At the data-link layer, to handle QoS mismatch between IEEE 802.11s and LTE network, Dual Queues approach was proposed for the Enhanced Distributed Channel Access. The effectiveness of all proposed approaches was validated through extensive simulation experiments using a network simulator. The simulation results showed that the proposed approaches outperformed the traditional TCP/IP protocols in terms of end to end delay, packet delivery ratio, throughput, and collection time.

Architectures and Protocols for Performance Improvements of Real-Time Networks

Kunert, Kristina January 2010 (has links)
When designing architectures and protocols for data traffic requiring real-time services, one of the major design goals is to guarantee that traffic deadlines can be met. However, many real-time applications also have additional requirements such as high throughput, high reliability, or energy efficiency. High-performance embedded systems communicating heterogeneous traffic with high bandwidth and strict timing requirements are in need of more efficient communication solutions, while wireless industrial applications, communicating control data, require support of reliability and guarantees of real-time predictability at the same time. To meet the requirements of high-performance embedded systems, this thesis work proposes two multi-wavelength high-speed passive optical networks. To enable reliable wireless industrial communications, a framework in­corporating carefully scheduled retransmissions is developed. All solutions are based on a single-hop star topology, predictable Medium Access Control algorithms and Earliest Deadline First scheduling, centrally controlled by a master node. Further, real-time schedulability analysis is used as admission control policy to provide delay guarantees for hard real-time traffic. For high-performance embedded systems an optical star network with an Arrayed Waveguide Grating placed in the centre is suggested. The design combines spatial wavelength re­use with fixed-tuned and tuneable transceivers in the end nodes, enabling simultaneous transmis­sion of both control and data traffic. This, in turn, permits efficient support of heterogeneous traf­fic with both hard and soft real-time constraints. By analyzing traffic dependencies in this mul­tichannel network, and adapting the real-time schedulability analysis to incorporate these traffic dependencies, a considerable increase of the possible guaranteed throughput for hard real-time traffic can be obtained. Most industrial applications require using existing standards such as IEEE 802.11 or IEEE 802.15.4 for interoperability and cost efficiency. However, these standards do not provide predict­able channel access, and thus real-time guarantees cannot be given. A framework is therefore de­veloped, combining transport layer retransmissions with real-time analysis admission control, which has been adapted to consider retransmissions. It can be placed on top of many underlying communication technologies, exemplified in our work by the two aforementioned wireless stan­dards. To enable a higher data rate than pure IEEE 802.15.4, but still maintaining its energy saving properties, two multichannel network architectures based on IEEE 802.15.4 and encompassing the framework are designed. The proposed architectures are evaluated in terms of reliability, utiliza­tion, delay, complexity, scalability and energy efficiency and it is concluded that performance is enhanced through redundancy in the time and frequency domains.

Exploiting Network Coding in Lossy Wireless Networks / Exploiting Network Coding in Lossy Wireless Networks

Kuo, Fang-Chun 16 February 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Um estudo do aumento da capacidade de sistemas 3g WCDMA usando t?cnicas 3.5G de expans?o do enlace reverso

Rodrigues, Eduardo Jorge Brito 16 December 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EduardoJB.pdf: 1367282 bytes, checksum: 6b7509a3a7d719223deb44d539d92c51 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-12-16 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The introduction of new digital services in the cellular networks, in transmission rates each time more raised, has stimulated recent research that comes studying ways to increase the data communication capacity and to reduce the delays in forward and reverse links of third generation WCDMA systems. These studies have resulted in new standards, known as 3.5G, published by 3GPP group, for the evolution of the third generation of the cellular systems. In this Masters Thesis the performance of a 3G WCDMA system, with diverse base stations and thousand of users is developed with assists of the planning tool NPSW. Moreover the performance of the 3.5G techniques hybrid automatic retransmission and multi-user detection with interference cancellation, candidates for enhance the WCDMA uplink capacity, is verified by means of computational simulations in Matlab of the increase of the data communication capacity and the reduction of the delays in the retransmission of packages of information / A introdu??o de novos servi?os digitais nas redes celulares, em taxas de transmiss?o cada vez mais elevadas, tem impulsionado recentes pesquisas que v?m estudando maneiras de aumentar a capacidade de transmiss?o de dados e diminuir os atrasos nos enlaces direto e reverso de sistemas de terceira gera??o WCDMA. Esses estudos t?m resultado em novos padr?es, chamados de 3.5G, publicados pelo grupo 3GPP, para a evolu??o da terceira gera??o dos sistemas celulares. Nesta disserta??o de mestrado o desempenho de um sistema de 3G WCDMA, com diversas esta??es base e milhares de usu?rios ? analisado com aux?lio da ferramenta de projetos NPSW. Al?m disso a performance das t?cnicas de 3.5G redu??o do tamanho do quadro de transmiss?o, retransmiss?o autom?tica h?brida e detec??o multi-usu?rio com cancelamento de interfer?ncias, candidatas para amplia??o do uplink de redes WCDMA, ? verificada por meio de simula??es computacionais, na linguagem Matlab, do aumento da capacidade de transmiss?o de dados e da diminui??o dos atrasos na retransmiss?o de pacotes de informa??o. Palavras-Chave: WCDMA, UMTS, capacidade de transmiss?o, t?cnicas de 3.5G EUL, redu??o do quadro de transmiss?o, retransmiss?o autom?tica h?brida, detec??o multi-usu?rio, cancelamento de interfer?ncias

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