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Vývoj bytové politiky v Písku po roce 1989 a její vliv na residenční diferenciaci a segregaci / The development of housing policy in Písek after 1989 and its impact on residental differentiation and segregationJindrová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the development of housing policy in Písek after 1989 and its impact on residential differentiation and segregation. To do this it was necessary to carry out interviews with key stakeholders and to link the findings with quantitative analysis. From the research, it was found that the city primarily established rules of allocation and sale of city apartments and also tried to address the issue of social housing, especially in the context of an aging population. Also important was the development of residential development, which the town supported the various tools. Influence of the housing policy in Písek created several locations which became attractive for housing. In the city, however, also located 2 socially excluded localities incurred controlled migration socially maladjusted people. As an endangered locality by segregation and social exclusion is denoted housing estate Portyč where is but rather a residential differentiation. It is also possible to observe the cooperation of the city with local actors, as well as disputes between the leaders of housing policy. Contribution of the thesis also focuses on analyzing the implications of municipal housing policy of the city and its inhabitants. Key words: housing policy, Písek, residential differentiation, segregation
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Trh nemovitostí - nové trendy rezidenčního bydleníKulhánek, Filip January 2008 (has links)
Práce monitoruje současnou situaci na trhu nemovitostí s výraznějším akcentem na bytovou výstavbu. Podrobně jsou pak rozebrány nové aktuální trendy a jejich vliv na jednotlivé subjekty na trhu (koneční uživatelé, developeři, realitní společnosti)
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Stanovení hodnoty vybrané nemovitostiTomičová, Marie January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyses the real property market of the micro region Boskovicko and deals with the valuation of selected real property. The theoretical part contains the definition of basic economic context and the specifics of the real property market that represents the fundamental basis of the current approach to real property markets. The review of valuation methods follows. The practical part draws on theory and deals with the real property market analysis with regard to the specifics of the area. It does include valuation of real property using methods, which were selected as most suitable for a particular purpose. Finally, it summarizes the objectives mentioned in the introduction.
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Uzavřené rezidenční areály a rezidenční separace v Praze / Gated communities and residential separation in PragueBrabec, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on gated communities (GCs) as an example of residential separation in today's Prague. The GCs are a new specific phenomenon characterising the society in present post-industrial cities. It is a type of residence where high social status population concentrates behind walls and fences. The number of GCs grows more or less globally which results in increased experts' interest in GCs. This type of residence occurs also in Czechia, primarily in Prague. Experts' interest in the subject in our environment is, however, not as high as in other post-communist countries. This thesis follows up with previous studies and assesses in detail if - in context of the post-industrial transformation - the high social status population is separated in Prague GCs and why such type of residence appears. The document also partly focuses on the development and situation of residential separation and the consequences of GCs formation. It is based on several quantitative (data analysis, questionnaire survey) and qualitative (interviews) research methods. It turns up that on one hand the level of residential segregation and separation in Prague decreases, on the other hand we can see that the number of specific separated locations such as the GCs where the high social status population concentrates grows....
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Studie proveditelnosti výstavby rezidenčního bydlení v Brně a jeho okolí / Feasibility Study of Residential Housing Development in Brno and Its SurroundingsUrbánková, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
The aim of my work is to analyse the market with the residential estates in Brno and its surroundings. To check all the factors and impacts that influence outside and inside of the neighbourhood of the residential housing living and their mutual connections. To describe the strong and weak points, future threats, the facilities in residential areas and to establish the main advantages. To evaluate the feasibility in present conditions on the base of my anlysis and to suggest a suitable solution for the residential dwelling improvement.
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Lokální aktéři procesu suburbanizace na příkladu Českých Budějovic / Local stakeholders of the suburbanization process in the case of České BudějoviceČejková, Eva January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with identification of local actors of a residential suburbanization. The main interest of this work is suburban area of the town České Budějovice, which is in this post- socialistic period undergoing intensive residential construction and population development. The tools, which could possibly control this process (to prevent its negativ impacts and on the other hand to support its positives) are very limited. The most important tool for controlling the development of the territory (which is municipal plan) is available to particular municipalities. However it indicates now that the attitude of the municipalities towards town and country planning is rather "difficult". Councils are under a big pressure of the individual builders, landowners and also developers, who require expansion of the usable territories for more building. The councils usually comply those requirements and they are willing to change the municipal plan. From communities point of view and also from metropolitan region point of view can such steps lead to too fast and extensive building development with series of negative impacts. In the thesis there is an intention to document this inappropriate suburbanization development by a case study of the village Srubec, which is affected by so called urban sprawl impacts. The...
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Demografické stárnutí na pražských sídlištích / Demographic aging housing estate in PragueVávra, Michal January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines demographic aging of housing estate in Prague and residential satisfaction of seniors. In the theoretical part the issue of demographic aging, residential satisfaction and residential stability is elaborated summary of the basis of literature. Empirical part is based on two research methods, which are the data analysis of the age structure of the population census and interviews with seniors living in the housing estate Nové Ďáblice. Two approaches were defined to work with the data, the first one compared the type of settlement development with other parts of Prague, in the second one there were defined individual settlement files with a population of more than 15 000. Carried out the research, it was found that the age structure is equalize and the current demographic situation in the settlements is determined by the period of construction of the housing estate file. Generally speaking, the earlier the settlement was established, the older population it has. In parts focused on the quality of life of older people on the estate were determined using semi-structured interviews satisfaction with the physical environment, social relationships, housing, public spaces, public facilities and services, transportation and security. In addition, it assessed the stability of residential...
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Vývoj výstavby rezidenčních nemovitostí v Českých Budějovicích / Development of the construction of residential properties in České BudějoviceKučerová, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the theoretical part of my Master’s thesis is to summarize the historical evolution of building construction in České Budějovice, to process the summary of residential construction in each area of the city, and to describe current construction. There is described in my thesis how was the city of České Budějovice developing, varying and ramifying over time. In the practical part I did the analysis of the future construction using the survey among residents of České Budějovice and so future builders. Analysis determines the requirements for the type and location of the future construction, builders’ own building requirements. This thesis summarizes and describes the history and current construction. Also thanks to the practical part gives awareness about the direction of residential constructions in České Budějovice in the coming years.
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Lokality nové rezidenční výstavby v Praze a struktura jejich obyvatel / New Residential Localities in Prague and the Structure of Their InhabitantsMacešková, Dana January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of housing construction in Prague in the years 2000-2009, and evaluation of socio-demographic structure of the population in the selected new residential areas. First is with the use of the database of the completed dwellings in the respective period described the deployment of new housing stock according to the character of the building in various concentric zones of the city, and on this basis the most important areas of new residential construction are identified. In the main empirical part is through the analysis of migration data at five selected case sites studied the relationship between socio- demographic structure of population and the selected/preferred types of housing. The analysis of statistical data is further supplemented by the data collected through field investigation.
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Rezidenční spokojenost seniorů na vybraných pražských sídlištích / Residential satisfaction of seniors in selected housing estates in PragueSlezáková, Alena January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to evaluate and compare the residential satisfaction of seniors aged 65 plus in three housing estates in Prague - Invalidovna, Háje and Nové Butovice, among other aspects differentiated by the date of development. The research undertaken at the turn of May and June 2011 using the method of a semi-structured interview endeavours to uncover seniors' satisfaction in several areas - basic stores and services, leisure time activities, social relationships, transport and mobility, public spaces and green areas, housing, security. In addition, the residential stability of seniors and overall residential satisfaction are assessed.
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