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Suburbanizace venkovského prostoru (případová studie Dolní Třebonín). / Suburbanization of rural space (case study of the village Dolní Třebonín)DRŠKOVÁ, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
This diploma work consists of two parts. The theoretic part literary summary deals with the question of suburbanization and the practical part, in which the survey of suburbanization in model area Dolní Třebonín was conducted. In the theoretical part, I firstly mention the types of suburbanization, where we can distinguish residential and commercial suburbanization. Secondly I talk about phases of urbanization process. The previously mentioned suburbanization is a second phases. Then I focus on consequences of suburbanization, which are mostly negative. Due to the fact that process of suburbanization can be regulated I also describe some influential people and institutions that can reduce the negative effects. For a better imagination of developing suburbanization in Czech Republic I also describe the actual situation of this process. In the last chapter of literary summary I point at the problems of migration, which is closely connected with the process of suburbanization. Practical part contains the description of model area and also the evaluation of results taken out of the questionnaire survey. The newly checked results were used to indicate the impacts of suburbanization in the researched area, which was the main aim of my diploma work.
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Začlenění nových ploch suburbanizace do okolní krajiny / The incorporation of new areas of suburbanization into the surrounding landscapeDVOŘÁKOVÁ, Marta January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis evaluates the spatial plans of chosen municipalities of commercial and residential suburbanization in the area of České Budějovice. The issue of research were particularly old and new plans of both municipalities and their comparison, including the proposal of new functional areas in the territory. The most important documentary used were the spatial plans of municipalities and following terrain research . Results are presented by both - text and graphic form. For processing the results geographic information systém ArcGIS 10 was used.
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Spanish Real Estate Market AnalysisMelnikova, Yulia January 2016 (has links)
At the beginning of 2000-ies the real estate market of residential property in Spain considered to be one the most popular and fast-growing real estate market in Europe, which attracted a great number of investment into the country and thus contributed greatly to the development of the national economy of Spain. However, because of the economic crisis in the country, residential real estate market collapsed significantly. At the present time, the Spanish real estate market of residential property market is recovering from the recession to the pre-crisis level as the prices for residential real estate property has started increasing due to the high demand for it. All this factors positively affect the national economy of Spain.
In order to obtain the major aim of the thesis, it is crucial to conduct a retrospective overview of the residential real estate market of Spain before the crisis and provide a bene-ficial real estate market analysis of the current situation on the market of residential proper-ty.
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Senioři v rezidenčních zařízeních a jejich subjektivní vnímání potřeb / Senior citizens in residential institutions in Austria: Own perception of needsKŘIŽKOVÁ, Petra January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with subjective perception of needs of clients in residential institutions in Austria. The overview part describes important concepts of old age and the issues and the process of aging, further it describes ways of adaptation to old age, forms of activisation of seniors and the topic of human needs of elderly people. Theoretical basis of the work is typology of needs by A. Maslow and M. Max-Neef. The overview part is followed by qualitative research that is looking to find an aswer to the research question: What is the subjective perception of needs by elderly people living in residential care.
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Suburbanizace v zázemí Českých Budějovic - jihozápadní a jižní sektor / Suburbanization of České Budějovice - southern and south-western sectorsJURÁK, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis resulted from a part of the experimental project of the department of geography ? Pedagogical Faculty, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, which was supported with the grant agency sb. u. (grant no. 072/2010/s). It discusses the problems of suburbanization in the agglomeration of České Budějovice, specifically the suburbs of the southern and south-western sectors. Exploration included various aspects of suburban geography, where there were elaborate social, economic and demographic problems. I observe suburban transformation from the socialist and post-socialist period to the present. Due to the complex problems of the topic, three main aims were identified to reflect the substance of the work. To achieve them, the literature review revealed useful information and thematic maps were created. Data was collected in the chosen localities and analysis of dates, terrain mapping, dialogues and examinations with mayors of the municipalities were carried out. The theoretical part describes chosen characterizations of the social-geographical world, for example inhabitants, industry, agriculture, services, travelling and transport. The following chapters discuss aspects of the exploration of suburbanization, according to theories and literature. They explain reasons and conditions of suburban actions in the worlds? developed countries, suburbanization in the U. S. A. and in the western and post-socialist Europe. The practical part of the work used quantitative research, included collecting data about the typology of the seats, analysis of the development of inhabitants in suburban municipalities, the age of the permanently inhabited houses, number of built flats, processions and another problems in the suburbs. The results of this research can be used as a resource for information about the suburban development of smaller towns. The work is able to serve not only as informative material for the mayors of individual municipalities but is also able to help the municipal authorities of České Budějovice.
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Psychosociální potřeby seniorů v rezidenční péči / Psychosocial needs of seniors in residential careRoučková, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
The Masters thesis deals with the psychosocial needs of seniors in residential care. The theoretical part characterizes the old age phenomenon as a natural part of human life. It describes the attitude of society to senior citizens and the status of the senior in the family system. The thesis focuses on the saturation of psychosocial needs of seniors within institutional care. Impact is placed on the role of a social worker in providing social help to these people. The research part detects through semi-structured interviews how the users of social services perceive the quality of their life in the retirement home. The results of the research are compared with the opinions of experts dealing with senior issues.
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Realitní trh v České republice - analýza a odhad vývoje (2. část SZZK z oboru FP) / The real estate market in the Czech Republic - analysis and forecasts of trendsBultas, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
Thesis tite: The Real Estate Market in the Czech Republic - Analysis and Forecasts of Trends This paper deats wiih ihe residentat reat-esiaie markei in ihe Czech Repubtic. Ii anatyses ihe devetopmeni of ihe reat-esiaie markei in ihe tasi severat years, investiaies faciors which have had subsiantat infuence on ihe existni characier of ihe markei and forecasis fuiure irends of ihe markei. The frsi pari of ihe ihesis characierizes subjecis operatni on ihe Czech reat-esiaie markei. Ii atso defnes major seimenis of ihe reat-esiaie markei. In ihe fottowini pari, ii evatuaies a proiress of ihe markei - especiatty devetopmeni (increase) of prices and size of ihe markei. A tocaton ptays ihe main and cruciat rote on ihe reat-esiaie markei. Therefore, ihis paper poinis oui diferences of partcutar tocatons - boih wiihin ihe Czech Repubtic and taier atso wiihin ihe European coniexi. From ihe comparison of Czech and European markeis we can see ihai Czech markei devetops in prediciabte directon and ii exacity betonis io ihe reiion of middte Europe. The ihesis iniroduces major faciors infuencini ihe markei in ihe pasi years - faciors infuencini demand, suppty and atso ieneratty characier of ihe markei. In reiard io ihe demand - ii focuses on peopte's expeciatons, economy devetopmeni and disposabte income of...
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Cizinci v městském regionu Karlových Varů: prostorová distribuce a vlivy na lokální prostředí / Foreigners within Karlovy Vary urban region: spatial distribution and influences on local environmentKlsák, Adam January 2017 (has links)
Foreigners within Karlovy Vary urban region: spatial distribution and influences on local environment Due to exceptional migration characteristics of Czechia among CEE countries and entire EU, foreigners are becoming more and more important component of population of our cities. This fact implies the growing importance of foreign population as an agent in process of shaping the lived space. The aim of this diploma thesis is the presence of foreigners within the urban region and broader environs of Karlovy Vary - which currently is a city with one of the highest proportions of foreign population in entire Czechia. Migration characteristics and mobility of population of area are analysed with emphasis on foreigners. Subsequently patterns of spatial distribution of significant groups of foreigners are explained on various levels, based on unique unpublished data from Czech Foreign police office. Then the core section of empirical part is the analysis of influence of foreign inhabitants on the local environment, which stems from detailed field research carried out by the author. The work varies between urban and migration studies and theoretically is roofed by concepts of socio-spatial differentiation and residential mobility. From methodical point of view, the author claims and affiliation to the...
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Porovnání elektronické aukce a přímého prodeje bytů / Comparison of e-auction and direct sale of apartmentsGavlasová, Kristina January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis is the comparison of the e-auction and the direct sale of apartments and to find answers to the research questions: Does the way of sale affect the price of the apartment? Are the prices higher in e-auction than in direct sales? In the theoretical part, the issue of auctions and direct sales is described and the development on the Czech real estate market is outlined. Analytical part analyzes data from e-auction and direct sale of apartements, and research questions are answered.
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Návrat investic do developerského projektu v Brně Žabovřeskách / Return on Investment in a Developer's Project in Brno ŽabovřeskySasínová, Zdeňka January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the issue concerning the return on investment for the development projects, its financing possibilities, scope and description of the development activities. Withint the first part of the thesis is described development process, its participants and general possibilties of the development projects financing. The second part of the thesis is dealing with specific real estate residential development project and analysis of its existing market. The main goal of the thesis is to clarify the project development process, its financing and what subjects are involved in such a process.
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