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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relationship between the adhesive properties and the rheological behavior of fresh mortars

Phan, Van-Tien 22 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Nowadays, with the development of the construction industry, mortars are produced in factory by specifically designed dry-mix plants, in which mineral binders and aggregates are mixed together in the appropriate way. These dry-mix mortars (ready to use) are characterized by a very complex formulation involving various constituents. In addition to the basic components (cement, lime, sand), different additives and admixtures are often added in the mortar formulations to improve their characteristic and to achieve different technical properties. Indeed, when applying an adhesive mortar, the product must adhere to the application support instead of to the working tool. Depend on their application purposes, the usage of these additives and admixtures must be fully investigated in order to observe the most effective contributions. Based on current standards, the adhesive properties of cement-based mortars are often measured at the early age. However the adhesive properties of mortar is usually said to be open in a relatively short duration (several hours) depending on the type of the mortar used. It is therefore necessary to examine the evolution of adhesive properties in the fresh state as well as the rheological properties with the variation of polymer concentrations. An adhesive mortar in fresh state can be considered as a granular suspension in a complex fluid. The study of the rheological behavior of such materials involves the rheology of complex fluids, including granular suspensions, colloidal dispersions, etc. Many scientific questions still exist in this domain, for example: the problem of shear localization and interpretation of the corresponding rheological measurements. The investigation of these problems in the variation of different types of additives and admixtures help answer these questions. To characterize the rheological behavior of an adhesive mortar, in quasi-static regime, we use a three-parameter behavior law that includes a yield stress, a viscosity coefficient and a fluidity index. The adhesiveness of the mortar can be characterized by identifying the evolution of the adhesive force, the cohesive stress and the adherence force. The objective of this thesis is to determine the roles of various additives of organic origin (cellulose ethers, re-dispersible resins powders) and/or mineral (clays, silica fume, etc.) on the fresh state properties of these mortars, including their adhesive properties and rheological behaviors.

Relationship between the adhesive properties and the rheological behavior of fresh mortars / Relation entre propriétés adhésives et comportement rhéologique des mortiers frais

Phan, Van-Tien 22 October 2012 (has links)
Les mortiers colles (prêts à l’emploi) sont caractérisés par une formulation très complexe mettant en contribution plusieurs constituants. En plus des constituants de base (ciment, chaux, différents sables…), des adjuvants d’origine minérale et/ou organique sont souvent ajoutés. Ces derniers permettent de répondre à un certain nombre d'exigences liées essentiellement à la mise en place de ces matériaux. En effet, lors de l’application d’un mortier colle le produit doit adhérer au support, mais pas à l’outil. En se basant sur les normes actuelles, les propriétés adhésives des mortiers colles sont mesurées au jeune âge mais jamais à l’état frais. Or l’encollage s’effectue généralement dans un temps dit ouvert relativement court (quelques heures) qui dépend du type du mortier colle utilisé. Il est donc nécessaire de s’intéresser à l’évolution des propriétés adhésives à l’état frais ainsi qu’à celle des propriétés rhéologiques. Pour caractériser le comportement rhéologique d’un mortier colle, en régime quasi statique, il faut utiliser une loi de comportement à trois paramètres comprenant un seuil d’écoulement, une viscosité et un indice de fluidité. L’aspect collant du mortier peut être caractérisé en identifiant trois forces caractéristiques : force d’adhérence (par rapport au support), force d’adhésion et enfin la cohésion du matériau. L’objectif de cette de thèse est de déterminer le rôle que jouent différents adjuvants d’origine organique (Ethers de Cellulose, Résines) et/ou minérale (argiles) sur les propriétés de mise en place des mortiers colles, notamment leurs propriétés adhésives et leur comportement rhéologique. / Nowadays, with the development of the construction industry, mortars are produced in factory by specifically designed dry-mix plants, in which mineral binders and aggregates are mixed together in the appropriate way. These dry-mix mortars (ready to use) are characterized by a very complex formulation involving various constituents. In addition to the basic components (cement, lime, sand), different additives and admixtures are often added in the mortar formulations to improve their characteristic and to achieve different technical properties. Indeed, when applying an adhesive mortar, the product must adhere to the application support instead of to the working tool. Depend on their application purposes, the usage of these additives and admixtures must be fully investigated in order to observe the most effective contributions. Based on current standards, the adhesive properties of cement-based mortars are often measured at the early age. However the adhesive properties of mortar is usually said to be open in a relatively short duration (several hours) depending on the type of the mortar used. It is therefore necessary to examine the evolution of adhesive properties in the fresh state as well as the rheological properties with the variation of polymer concentrations. An adhesive mortar in fresh state can be considered as a granular suspension in a complex fluid. The study of the rheological behavior of such materials involves the rheology of complex fluids, including granular suspensions, colloidal dispersions, etc. Many scientific questions still exist in this domain, for example: the problem of shear localization and interpretation of the corresponding rheological measurements. The investigation of these problems in the variation of different types of additives and admixtures help answer these questions. To characterize the rheological behavior of an adhesive mortar, in quasi-static regime, we use a three-parameter behavior law that includes a yield stress, a viscosity coefficient and a fluidity index. The adhesiveness of the mortar can be characterized by identifying the evolution of the adhesive force, the cohesive stress and the adherence force. The objective of this thesis is to determine the roles of various additives of organic origin (cellulose ethers, re-dispersible resins powders) and/or mineral (clays, silica fume, etc.) on the fresh state properties of these mortars, including their adhesive properties and rheological behaviors.

Amélioration du ciment acrylique osseux utilisé lors de vertébroplasties / Enhancement of acrylic bone cement in vertebroplasty

Ahmari, Ali January 2010 (has links)
Vertebroplasty is a new technique in orthopedic surgery for stabilizing fractured vertebra. In this technique acrylic bone cement as a biocompatible material is injected through a cannula inside of vertebra. There are several concerns in this technique that the most serious one is cement leakage out of vertebra. The main reasons are improper viscosity and lack of visibility. Clinicians who practice vertebroplasty use commercial highly concentrated radiopaque acrylic bone cement (more than 25%BaSO[subscript 4] or ZrO[subscript 2]) or a cement with manually added radiopaque agents. High density materials with attenuation under X-ray are good alternatives compared to conventional radiopaque agents (BaSO[subscript 4] or ZrO[subscript 2]) in acrylic bone cement for application in vertebroplasty. In the first part of this study, thermal and rheological properties of modified acrylic bone cement with conventional radiopaque agent (Barium Sulfate, BaSO[subscript 4]) are studied. Additions of barium sulfate are in the form of substitute or excess. In substitute formulation, barium sulfate is replaced with the same weight of powder and liquid to powder ratio kept constant. In the excess formulation, barium sulfate added as excess and liquid to powder ratio decreased. In the second part of this study, high density radiopaque agents are used as alternative radiopacifier. Experimental design technique is used to study the effect of X-ray conditions, concentration, type, and size of radiopaque agents on the visibility of bone cement. The visibility of bone cement was quantified by the measurement of contrast index. In the first project, it was found that the setting time increased with the increase of concentration of radiopacifier in substitute formulation of barium sulfate bone cement. With increase of barium sulfate concentration, excess formulations showed higher residual monomer but for substitute cement, we had a decreasing trend. Acrylic bone cements with excess formulation had higher initial viscosity compared to reference or substitute but the variation of viscosity with time was lower for substitute formulation and cements had higher working time. In the second project, contrast index was the same for barium sulfate, tungsten, and zirconium in the lower voltage but in higher voltage of X-ray lamp, tungsten and zirconium gave higher contrast index. Variation of current in X-ray lamp changed the contrast index of cement slightly compared to the effect of voltage. Bone cement with nano tungsten had higher contrast index compared to the cement with micro size tungsten although micro size zirconium as radiopacifier gave higher contrast index than nano size zirconium.

Traitement des signaux EMG et son application pour commander un exosquelette

Durandau, Guillaume January 2015 (has links)
Le vieillissement de la population dans notre société moderne va entraîner de nouveaux besoins pour l’assistance aux personnes âgées et pour la réhabilitation. Les exosquelettes sont une piste de recherche prenant de plus en plus d’importance pour répondre à ces nouveaux challenges. Deux de ces challenges sont, la réalisation d’un contrôle naturel pour l’utilisateur et la sécurité. Cette maîtrise cherche à répondre à ces deux problématiques. Nous avons donc développé un outil de travail informatique utilisant les décharges électriques produites par les neurones moteurs pour contracter les muscles et un modèle des os et des muscles du bras. Cet outil utilise la librairie informatique ROS et OpenSim. Elle permet de connaître la force et le mouvement développés par le coude. De plus, un autre outil informatique a été développé pour optimiser le modèle des os et des muscles du bras pour le personnaliser à l’utilisateur pour un meilleur résultat. Une carte d’acquisition utilisant des électrodes de surface pouvant être reliées avec un ordinateur par USB et compatible avec ROS a été développée. Pour tester les algorithmes développés, un exosquelette pour le coude utilisant un actionneur compliant et contrôlé en force a été conçu. Pour compenser le poids de l’exosquelette et l’effet d’amortissement passif de l’actionneur, une compensation de gravité dynamique a été développée. Finalement, des expérimentations ont été menées sur l’efficacité de l’optimisation du modèle et sur l’exosquelette avec les différents algorithmes.

Pusiau kieto hidrofobinio pagrindo iš gamtinės kilmės medžiagų modeliavimas ir kokybės vertinimas / Modeling of semisolid hydrophobic basis using natural substances and quality analysis

Stelmakienė, Ada 21 June 2010 (has links)
Dažniausiai natūralios kosmetikos gaminių sudėtyje tik veikliosios medžiagos yra gamtinės kilmės, todėl aktualu pagaminti kosmetinio preparato pagrindą, panaudojant tik gamtinės kilmės medžiagas. Darbo tikslas: Pagaminti pusiau kietą hidrofobinį pagrindą, panaudojant tik gamtinės kilmės medžiagas ir įvertinti jo kokybę. Metodai: Sistemos gaminamos sulydymo metodu. Jų kokybė vertinama: 1. Dinaminės klampos nustatymu. Vertinamas sistemos kietumas ir stabilumas 2. pH reikšmės nustatymu. 3. Reologinių charakteristikų nustatymu. Vertinamas tepumas ir struktūros stabilumas 4. Mikrostruktūros nustatymu. Vertinamas vienalytiškumas 5. Stabilumo tyrimais. Atliekama natūraliomis sąlygomis 12 mėnesių laikotarpyje. 6. Juslinių savybių tyrimais. Vertinama spalva, kvapas, konsistencija, tepumas ir riebumas. Rezultatai: Nustatyta, kad bičių vaško ir alyvuogių aliejaus pagrindas neužtikrina stabilios sistemos suformavimo, todėl įterptos pagalbinės medžiagos – kakavos sviestas, cholesterolis, baltasis vazelinas ir kietasis parafinas, kurie pagerina juslines savybes ir suformuoja puskietę sistemą. Taikant ortogonalų statistinį planą suformuotos optimizavimo sudėtys, kurioms atlikti mikrostruktūros nustatymo ir reologinių savybių tyrimai. Nustatyta, kad visos sistemos yra vienalytės. Bičių vaškas daro įtaką takumo indekso mažėjimui, konsistencijos koeficiento ir ribinio takumo didėjimui. Kylant temperatūrai preparatų plastinės savybės mažėja. Juslinių savybių tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In many of natural cosmetic products only active ingredients are natural therefore it is important to make basis of cosmetic product using only natural substances Purpose of work: To make semisolid hydrophobic basis, designed for lip care using only natural substances and evaluate its quality. Methods: All systems were made by melting. Their quality was assessed: 1. Measurement of dynamic viscosity. Rigidity and stability of systems are evaluated. 2. Measurement of pH value. 3. Measurement of rheological characteristics. Structure stability and lubrication are evaluated. 4. Measurement of microstructure. Homogeneity is evaluated. 5. Test of stability. Stability was studied 12 months in natural conditions. 6. Test of organoleptic characteristics. Color, odor, consistence, lubrication and fatness were evaluated. Results: It has been discovered that the basis of beeswax and olive oil did not form stable structure, therefore were added – cocoa butter, cholesterol, white Vaseline and hard paraffin, which improved organoleptic characteristics and form semisolid system. Compositions for optimization were formed by orthogonal statistical plan. The tests of rheological characteristics and microstructure were made for these compositions. It has been found that all the systems are homogeneous. Beeswax influences the decrease of flow behavior index, and the increase of consistency coefficient and yield stress. With increase of temperature, plasticity of preparations is decreasing Test... [to full text]

Impact des défauts géométriques sur l'amortissement dans les assemblages / Impact of geometrical defects on damping in assemblies

Bouchaala, Noussa 17 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la quantification de l’énergie dissipée ainsi que l’amortissement induit par les micro-glissements dans les interfaces constituant les assemblages mécaniques en présence du défaut géométrique. Le mémoire est composé de quatre chapitres traitant la problématique tant du point de vue analytique qu’expérimental. Un modèle rhéologique de contact basé sur les hypothèses de Greenwood et Williamson est développé afin de prendre en compte les défauts géométriques à l’interface du contact. L’énergie dissipée ainsi que l’amortissement induit par les micro-glissements entre deux surfaces rugueuses soumises à un effort normal constant et un déplacement tangentiel allant du glissement partiel jusqu’au glissement total sont déterminés. Afin de valider et discuter le modèle développé on a considéré un montage expérimental composé d’un tribomètre installé sur la machine MTS 830. Afin de révéler le phénomène de dissipation d’énergie entre deux surfaces nominalement planes soumises à un effort normal statique et une rotation alternée, un second banc d’essai est dimensionné et réalisé. Le montage est constitué de deux poutres assemblées par un boulon et excitées par un pot vibrant. Le modèle rhéologique de contact développé dans le premier partie est étudiée dans le cas où les deux surfaces en contact soumises à une charge normal statique et une rotation alternée dynamique. / This thesis focuses on the quantification of energy dissipation and damping induced by microslipping in interfaces constituent assemblies in the presence of geometric defect. The thesis contains four chapters examining this problem from both analytical and experimental viewpoints. A rheological contact model based on the assumptions of Greenwood and Williamson is developed to take into account the geometrical defects at the interface of contact. The energy dissipated and damping induced by micro-slipping between two rough surfaces subjected to a constant normal force and tangential displacement ranging from partial slip to total slip are determined. To validate and discussed the developed model we considered an experimental setup consisting of a tribometer installed on the MTS 830 machine. To reveal the phenomenon of energy dissipation between two nominally flat surfaces subjected to a static axial force and an alternating rotation, a second test bench is designed andrealized. The experimental setup consists of two beams assembled by bolt and excited by a shaker. The rheological contact model developed in the first part is studied in the case where the two contact surfaces subjected to a normal static and dynamic load alternating rotation.

Projeto, montagem e posta-em-marcha de um loop de bombeamento de polpas minerais. / Design, instalation and star-up of a pumping system of mineral pulps.

Trinca, Gabriel Henrique Costa e Silva 03 July 2017 (has links)
O transporte de minérios através do bombeamento de polpa é relevante em escala mundial. No Brasil este modo de transporte é muito importante devido à enorme produção mineral e suas distâncias continentais. E, o bombeamento de polpa em planta é ainda mais importante pois é uma operação diária que afeta a todos os envolvidos. A motivação para este estudo foi providenciar para a Escola Politécnica uma estação de bombeamento capaz de levantar os parâmetros do escoamento necessários para o correto dimensionamento das linhas de polpa. Esta dissertação descreve a montagem de dois loops (3\'\' e 4\'\'), devidamente instrumentado e com a aquisição direta dos dados via computador. Os loops foram dimensionados, os componentes, bomba e instrumentos adquiridos, o loop montado, calibrado e colocado em marcha. Esta dissertação registra esta experiência e discute as dificuldades encontradas, na expectativa de que este sistema de bombeamento venha a ser útil para futuros pesquisadores. A Escola Politécnica agora dispõe de um loop de bombeamento de polpa mineral adequado para a determinação de parâmetros hidráulicos, pesquisa e suporte para futuros projetos. / Ore transportation via slurry pumping is relevant in a world scale. In Brazil, due to its huge mineral production and continental distances, mineroducts are an important transportation mode. And, in plant slurry pumping is still more important as it is a dayby- day operation that affects everybody. The motivation for this study was to provide Escola Politécnica (USP) of a convenient pumping station (loop) able to measure the necessary flow parameters for proper design of slurry lines. This dissertation describes the design of two loops (3\'\' and 4\'\') full instrumented and with direct data acquisition via computer. The loops have been sized, components, pump and instruments purchased, erected and started-up. This dissertation registers this experience and discusses the difficulties found, in the expectative can become useful for other researches. Escola Politécnica has now a proper slurry pumping loop for hydraulic determinations, research and for support of future projects.

Alteração do comportamento reológico da suspensão cimentícia aplicada sobre substratos porosos. / Modification of rheological behavior of cementitious paste applied on porous substrates.

Barbosa, Waleska da Silva 01 July 2010 (has links)
As argamassas de revestimento são amplamente utilizadas na construção civil e, suas propriedades no estado endurecido são fortemente influenciadas pelas propriedades no estado fresco, as quais dependem de fatores como: materiais empregados; forma de aplicação; e interação entre substrato e argamassa. Os ensaios utilizados para caracterização reológica das argamassas não contemplam as alterações que ocorrem devido o contato com o substrato, gerando discordâncias nas teorias sobre os fenômenos pelo qual ocorre a resistência de aderência. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho visa identificar as alterações do comportamento reológico de suspensões cimentícias aplicadas em substratos porosos por meio do ajuste do método do squeeze-flow. Para tanto, foram utilizadas duas configurações do squeeze-flow, com e sem confinamento do fluxo radial; três tipos de base, sendo uma metálica e duas porosas; e, pastas com diferentes materiais, a saber: cimento; cal e filler calcário. A escolha da pasta ao invés da argamassa foi basicamente por duas razões: primeiro, porque a pasta é a parcela da argamassa mais suscetível aos efeitos de sucção capilar do substrato; e segundo, para simplificar o cenário de análise, eliminando a variável areia. Ambas as configurações apresentaram-se viáveis na identificação da alteração do comportamento reológico da pasta, devido aos fatores como: tipo de substrato; o tempo de contato entre pasta e substrato; perda de água da pasta; e energia de mistura. Além disso, observou-se que os procedimentos adotados, assim como o auxílio de outros ensaios, podem colaborar em estudos da influência de fatores como: temperatura; rugosidade; ângulo de contato; distribuição granulométrica de pastas e argamassas; e, principalmente, compreender os fenômenos que ocorre no período denominado como tempo de puxamento, ao passo que este influencia diretamente na resistência de aderência. / Mortar renderings are used in most of the constructions and their properties in the hardened state are strongly influenced by the properties in the fresh state, which depend on factors such as materials used; application form; and interaction between substrate and mortar. The determination of rheological parameters of fresh mortars doesn\'t include the changes that occur due to contact with the substrate. It generates disagreements in the theories about the phenomena of formation of the bond strength. Therefore, this study aims to identify changes in the rheological behavior of cementitious paste applied to porous substrates by adjusting the squeeze flow method. For this, two configurations of squeeze flow were used, with and without confinement of the radial flow; three substrate types; and pastes with different materials, namely cement, lime and sand. The choice of paste instead of mortar was basically for two reasons: first, because the paste is the portion of mortar more susceptible to the effects of capillary suction of substrate; and second, to simplify scenario analysis, eliminating the variable sand. Both configurations were viable in the identification of the alteration of rheological behavior of paste, due to factors such as substrate type; the contact time between paste and substrate; loss of water from paste; and mixing energy. In addition, it was observed that the procedures adopted as well as the aid of the other tests can collaborate on studies of the influence of factors such as temperature, roughness, contact angle, particle size distribution of pastes and mortars; and above all to understand the phenomena that occurs in the initial periods of contact paste/substrate and consequently in the bond strength.

Ozone technology as an alternative for reducing mycotoxin contamination in wheat products / Tecnologia do ozônio como alternativa para reduzir a contaminação de micotoxinas em produtos de trigo

Alexandre, Allana Patrícia Santos 23 February 2018 (has links)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the reduction on the levels of mycotoxins in wheat products and by-products: deoxynivalenol (DON) in whole wheat flour, wheat bran and the efluent from wet milling of wheat flour, and zearalenone (ZEN) in wheat bran. Firstly, the reduction of DON contamination was studied on whole wheat flour, naturaly contaminated, and considering different moisture levels, as well as in wet milling effluent of wheat flour. Further, the impact of the ozonation process on the rheological properties of the processed flour was evaluated. Secondly, the wheat bran naturally co-contaminated with DON and ZEN was studied, considering the degradation of both mycotoxins and the impact of the ozonation process on the bran phenolic compound content and on the antioxidant capacity. The DON degradation in the whole wheat flour increased with both processing time and moisture content. By changing these process parameters, it was possible to obtain products in accordance with the legal limits of Brazil and the European Union, even starting with concentration 2-4 times higher than the legal limits. However, the rheological properties of the whole wheat flour were affected by the process, probably due to protein modifications. The DON concentration on the wet milling effluent was linearly reduced by the ozonation. In wheat bran naturally contaminated and in its equilibrium moisture, the ozonation reduced both DON and ZEN contamination. The degradation of ZEN was higher and faster than the degradation of DON, which could be explained by their molecular structures. It was also observed that the ozonation process did not negatively affect the phenolic compounds and the antioxidant capacity, which is high desirable from a nutritional point of view. Consequently, this work concludes that the ozonation process was effective in reducing DON and ZEN in different wheat products and efluent. It is noteworthy that the results obtained are promising for future studies and to elucidate the mechanism of action of ozone on mycotoxins and constituents of food. / O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a redução nos níveis de micotoxinas em produtos e subprodutos de trigo: desoxinivalenol (DON) em farinha de trigo integral, farelo de trigo e efluente de moagem da farinha de trigo e zearalenona (ZEA) em farelo de trigo. No primeiro momento, a redução da contaminação por DON foi estudada em farinha de trigo integral, naturalmente contaminada e considerando diferentes níveis de umidade, bem como no efluente de moagem úmida da farinha. Além disso, o impacto do processo de ozonização nas propriedades reológicas da farinha processada foi avaliado. Em segundo lugar, estudou-se o farelo de trigo naturalmente co-contaminado com DON e ZEA, considerando a degradação de ambas as micotoxinas e o impacto do processo de ozonização no conteúdo do composto fenólico do farelo e na capacidade antioxidante. A degradação de DON na farinha de trigo integral aumentou tanto com o tempo de processamento quanto com o teor de umidade. Ao alterar esses parâmetros de processo, foi possível obter produtos de acordo com os limites legais do Brasil e da União Européia, mesmo com a concentração 2-4 vezes superior aos limites legais. Contudo, as propriedades reológicas da farinha de trigo integral foram afetadas pelo processo, provavelmente devido a modificações de proteínas. A concentração de DON no efluente de moagem úmida foi linearmente reduzida pela ozonização. Em farelo de trigo naturalmente contaminado e em sua umidade de equilíbrio, a ozonização reduziu a contaminação DON e ZEA. A degradação do ZEA foi maior e mais rápida que a degradação do DON, o que poderia ser explicado pelas suas estruturas moleculares. Observou-se também que o processo de ozonização não afetou negativamente os compostos fenólicos e a capacidade antioxidante, o que é altamente desejável do ponto de vista nutricional. Consequentemente, este trabalho conclui que o processo de ozonização foi efetivo na redução de DON e ZEA em diferentes produtos de trigo e efluentes. Vale ressaltar que os resultados obtidos são promissores para futuros estudos e elucidar o mecanismo de ação do ozônio sobre micotoxinas e constituintes dos alimentos.

Análise de fatores que exercem influência na argamassa e no processo de projeção em revestimento de paredes

Cechin, Gabriela January 2017 (has links)
A argamassa de revestimento é um material largamente utilizado na construção civil. Após a década de 90, as construtoras necessitaram introduzir inovação no processo construtivo, como um diferencial de mercado, a fim de aumentar a produtividade e qualidade, juntamente à redução do custo final. Em consequência disso, ao longo do tempo, houve a evolução do subsistema de revestimento, apresentando como maior mudança a substituição da aplicação manual por projeção mecânica. Acredita-se que, devido ao fato desta tecnologia propiciar a redução da interferência da mão de obra e possibilitar o fluxo contínuo durante a execução, permite atingir maior produtividade, qualidade e redução de perdas excessivas. Porém, verifica-se elevada incerteza e variabilidade na produção e aplicação da argamassa em canteiros de obras com a inexistência de controle das variáveis envolvidas ao processo, juntamente à carência de normativas e recomendações para projeção mecânica. Além disso, a falta de controle tecnológico e carência de conhecimento técnico, com elevado grau de empirismo nas etapas do processo resultam, muitas vezes, no desencadeamento de manifestações patológicas e perda de desempenho do revestimento. Sendo assim, buscando-se um melhor entendimento das variáveis existentes no sistema e a influência de sistemas distintos para projeção de argamassas, o principal objetivo desta pesquisa consiste em verificar a influência de variáveis com baixo ou inexistente controle no processo de produção da argamassa em relação às propriedades, no estado fresco e endurecido. Para que seja possível atingir esse objetivo a pesquisa foi dividida em duas etapas: a etapa 1, em campo e em laboratório, e a etapa 2, em laboratório. Na etapa 1, em campo, buscou-se o conhecimento e caracterização das edificações, bem como peculiaridades e práticas executivas adotadas em canteiros de obras. Os resultados desta etapa mostraram a variabilidade na produção e aplicação do revestimento, principalmente relacionado à quantidade de água adicionada e sentido de aplicação. Em relação à etapa 1, em laboratório, foram coletadas e transportadas as argamassas produzidas e utilizadas em canteiros de obra desta etapa, em campo. Foram realizados ensaios de caracterização, no estado fresco e endurecido, a fim de observar a influência da mistura (sistema) e do aumento da vazão. Através deste estudo, verifica-se que distintos sistemas apresentam diferença estatística significativa em algumas propriedades no estado fresco, tais como índice de consistência aos 50 minutos e retenção de água, e endurecido, através do coeficiente de capilaridade e resistência à tração na flexão, da argamassa. Além disso, pode-se afirmar que com o incremento da quantidade de água, apenas o teor de ar incorporado decresce, sendo as demais propriedades diretamente proporcionais ao aumento da vazão. Quanto à etapa 2, em laboratório, foram avaliados três fatores controláveis (vazão, sentido de aplicação e altura do substrato) em relação à resistência de aderência à tração e permeabilidade. Pode-se afirmar que a totalidade dos fatores controláveis estudados, bem como a interação entre a totalidade das variáveis (com nível de confiabilidade de 93%) influenciam na resistência de aderência à tração. Entretanto, em relação à permeabilidade, apenas o efeito isolado da vazão e a interação entre os fatores controláveis exercem influência estatisticamente significativa. / Rendering mortars are widely used in civil construction. In the 1990s, construction companies were pressed to introduce innovations in their processes to gain market advantages, increase quality and productivity and reduce costs. As a result, rendering systems underwent major improvements, the most important of which being the adoption of mechanical shotcrete systems to replace manual processes. As mechanical systems reduce operator interference and offer better flow control during application, they are believed to deliver higher productivity and quality while reducing losses. However, the reality of construction sites still shows that the process is subject to the great variability and uncertainty associated with the lack of standards and guidelines for shotcrete application. In addition, this lack of technological control and the limited technical expertise are compounded by the adoption of empirical approaches, which often result in pathological manifestations and impaired rendering performance. To provide a better understanding of existing variables and the influence of different shotcrete systems, this study investigated the influence of mortar production variables that are subject to no or limited control on the properties of fresh and hardened mortar. The study was designed as a two-phase program, in which phase 1 was carried out both in situ and in the lab and phase 2 in the lab only. In the in situ section of phase 1, information was collected on the features of constructions and on the specific characteristics and application techniques used in construction sites. The results of this stage show huge differences in shotcrete production and application practices, particularly regarding the amount of water added and the direction/orientation of application. In the lab section of phase 1, the mortars collected in the construction sites were taken to the lab for the characterization of fresh and hardened mortar in order to determine the influence of mixing processes (system) and flow rates. The study shows that different systems result in statistically significant differences in some properties of fresh mortars, such as the consistency at 50 minutes and water retention. In the hardened mortar, differences were observed in capillarity coefficients and flexural strength. In addition, it was observed that higher water amounts cause only the entrained air content to decrease, while all other properties increase as the flow rate increases. In stage 2 in the lab three controllable factors were studied (flow, direction/orientation of application, and depth of substrate vis-à-vis bond strength and permeability). It is possible to say that all controllable/control variables studied as well as the interaction between them (with a confidence level of 93%) affect bond strength. However, in the case of permeability only the isolated effect of flow and the interaction between the controllable/control factors have a statistically significant influence.

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