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Bovine immune responses to cattle tick infestationEmily Piper Unknown Date (has links)
The cattle tick, Rhipicephalus Boophilus microplus (formerly Boophilus microplus), is the most significant parasite of cattle in Australia and threatens the improvement of cattle production in tropical and subtropical countries worldwide. Some cattle breeds of mainly Bos indicus origin develop a strong resistance to infestation with R. B. microplus, while other breeds of mainly Bos taurus origin will succumb to anaemia and ‘tick worry’ in tick-infested pastures. Resistance to cattle tick infestation is primarily manifest against the larval stage and results in the immature tick failing to make a successful attachment and obtain a meal. It is widely accepted that resistance to tick infestation in cattle is immunologically mediated and involves both cell-mediated and humoral immune responses. Previous research has demonstrated a role for the hypersensitivity response in the rejection of larvae from resistant B. taurus cattle. The immune response to R. B. microplus infestation in B. indicus and B. indicus × B. taurus cattle has not been studied in great detail and this thesis aimed to describe those responses of highly tick-resistant cattle that differ from those of tick-susceptible cattle. A pilot trial was conducted using six tick-resistant Brahman heifers (B. indicus) and six tick-susceptible Holstein-Friesian heifers (B. taurus). The animals were artificially infested for several weeks and blood samples obtained weekly for three weeks during the height of infestation, and on one occasion, skin biopsies obtained. It was found that significant differences existed between the two breeds with respect to the percentage of cellular subsets comprising the peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) population, cytokine expression by peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL), and levels of tick-specific immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) antibodies measured in the peripheral circulation. These results in combination with whole genome expression analysis of circulating PBL suggested that the B. indicus cattle had developed a stabilised T cell-mediated response to tick infestation evidenced by their cellular profile and leukocyte cytokine spectrum. The B. taurus cattle demonstrated cellular and gene expression profiles consistent with a sustained innate, inflammatory response to infestation, although high tick-specific IgG1 levels suggested that these animals had also developed a T cell response to infestation. Gene expression analyses using quantitative PCR (qPCR) and whole genome expression platforms indicated that the B. taurus cattle elicited an innate inflammatory response in the skin at the site of larval attachment. This was supported by histological examination of the tick-attachment sites. Conversely, the B. indicus cattle appeared to limit the inflammatory response and instead exhibited increased expression of genes involved in wound healing and the structural integrity of the skin. A second trial was conducted using a group of tick-naïve Santa-Gertrudis heifers to eliminate any innate breed differences that may have confounded the results obtained in the pilot trial. Thirty-five animals were obtained from a tick-free region of Australia; thirty animals were artificially infested weekly for thirteen weeks while five animals remained at a tick-free quarantine property to serve as a control group. Following thirteen weeks of tick infestation the animals in this trial exhibited divergent tick-resistance phenotypes and those carrying the lowest and highest numbers of ticks were classified into tick-resistant (n = 6 animals) and tick-susceptible (n = 6 animals) groups, respectively. The larger number of animals in this study and repeated measurements over the course of the trial enabled a detailed analysis of the effect of tick infestation across all animals, and also within the groups identified as highly resistant or highly susceptible. A cell-mediated response to tick-infestation was detected in all tick-infested animals by twenty-one days after the initial infestation, a response which waned towards the end of the trial when the antibody response became more dominant. Similar to the pilot trial, the tick-susceptible animals developed significantly higher levels of tick-specific IgG1 antibodies compared with the tick-resistant group. Some differences were observed between tick-resistant and tick-susceptible animals with respect to the percentage of cellular subsets comprising the PBMC population. Skin biopsies were taken from these animals prior to initial infestation and then at twenty-one days and ninety-one days after the initial infestation and whole genome expression profiles were produced and analysed. At twenty-one days post infestation both tick-resistant and tick-susceptible animals demonstrated an upregulation of genes involved in leukocyte migration and complement activation, suggestive of an inflammatory response. While this response persisted in the tick-susceptible group at ninety-one days post-infestation, it appeared to lessen in the tick-resistant group. A dominant interleukin-8 (IL-8) response was observed in the skin of the tick-susceptible animals at both time points post-infestation that was not observed in the tick-resistant animals. This thesis demonstrates that tick-susceptible animals respond to infestation with R. B. microplus with an apparently non-protective antibody response, and that tick-resistant animals demonstrate different structural responses in the skin at the tick-attachment site compared with the intense inflammatory response observed in tick-susceptible animals. The results presented here suggest that the extreme susceptibility of pure B. taurus and some B. taurus × B. indicus individuals may be due to their heightened ability to recognise and respond to tick antigens introduced into the host via tick saliva during the blood feeding process. These animals’ increased ability to recognise and respond to these proteins may act to set up a chronic state of inflammation that is beneficial to the tick through increased capillary permeability providing a suitable environment for tick feeding and survival.
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Abordagem sobre o controle do carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus e eficácia de acaricidas comerciais, na região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.Santos, Tania Regina Bettin dos January 2008 (has links)
A preocupação com a seleção de populações de R.(B.) microplus resistentes aos acaricidas é mundial. No Brasil, o aparecimento de resistência não é monitorado de maneira sistemática, o que dificulta o seu controle. O presente estudo foi realizado com os objetivos de avaliar a sensibilidade de populações de carrapatos da região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul a carrapaticidas comerciais: formamidinas, piretróides sintéticos, organofosforados e associações de organofosforados e piretróides sintéticos; detectar, através de inquérito epidemiológico, as falhas de manejo ocorridas nas propriedades e suas possíveis correlações com a seleção de populações de carrapatos resistentes às drogas e de comparar o índice de eficácia de produtos comercias à base de amitraz. Para avaliar a sensibilidade das drogas foram analisadas, pelo teste de Drummond, 30 populações de carrapatos de duas regiões fisiográficas do sul do Rio Grande do Sul (Serra do Sudeste e Encosta do Sudeste). Observou-se que a eficácia média dos acaricidas, somente tem diferença entre as regiões (p<0,05) para a deltametrina, sendo maior na Encosta do Sudeste. Entretanto, ao analisar as eficácias mínimas entre as duas regiões, observa-se que há diferença para o amitraz e a cipermetrina (p<0,05), sendo menores na Serra do Sudeste. A maioria das questões abordadas, não apresentou diferença estatística (p<0,05), exceto o número de aplicação de carrapaticidas ao ano que foi maior na Serra do Sudeste. Com o objetivo de realizar um inquérito abordando a percepção dos produtores da região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, quanto à identificação de populações de R. (B.) microplus difíceis de controlar com acaricidas e os fatores de risco para a seleção de populações de carrapatos resistentes, foram coletados dados sobre o controle do carrapato de bovinos de corte, em 85 propriedades de sete municípios, localizados na região Sul do Estado. Pelos resultados verificou-se a existência de associação entre a dificuldade de controlar o carrapato com os acaricidas e o grau de instrução do proprietário (até o ensino fundamental com OR =3,67 e p =0,01) e o número de aplicação de carrapaticida por ano (superior a quatro com OR = 4,05 e p = 0,006). Esses resultados indicam que propriedades com mais de 100 bovinos de corte em criação extensiva, na região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul apresentam características que podem contribuir para uma maior vida útil dos carrapaticidas do que as verificadas em outras regiões do País. A comparação entre a eficácia de cinco produtos comerciais a base de amitraz, foi realizada através de entrevistas de campo com 100 proprietários de fazendas de gado de leite e corte da região, usando questionário específico. Amostras de R. (B.) microplus, foram coletadas e processadas pelo teste de Drummond, no Laboratório de Parasitologia da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Através da análise dos resultados verificou-se que em 23% das populações estudadas, o amitraz tem uma eficácia inferior a 69%, sendo que em 29% dessas amostras de carrapato o grau de eficácia foi igual a zero, sugerindo a presença de altos níveis de resistência ao amitraz. Além disso, o produto comercial mais utilizado na região demonstrou o menor índice de eficácia. Alerta-se a respeito da possibilidade da dispersão de populações de carrapatos resistentes, o que justifica a necessidade de direcionar pesquisas visando novas alternativas e produtos para o controle desse parasito. / In this sense, the concern with the emergence of acaricide-resistant R. (B.) microplus populations has reached global proportions. In Brazil, the emergence of resistance is not systematically monitored, which makes tick control more difficult. The present study evaluates tick population sensitivity to commercially available acaricides, in the southern region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The acaricides tested were synthetic pyrethroid phormamidines, organophosphorous compounds and associations, as well as synthetic pyrethroid compounds. More specifically, this study conducted a epidemiological investigation to detect failures in husbandry procedures in farms and the potential correlations with acaricide resistance. Also, amitraz-based products were compared for efficiency. The Drummond test was adopted to assess sensitivity to the drugs tested in 30 tick populations from two physiogeographic regions in the south of Rio Grande do Sul (Serra do Sudeste and Encosta do Sudeste). Mean acaricide resistance was statistically significant (p<0.05) only for deltametrine, being higher in the Encosta do Sudeste region. Yet, when minimum drug efficiency was compared for the two regions, statistically significant difference was observed for amitraz and cipermetrine (p<0.05), being higher in the Serra do Sudeste region. Most resistance aspects addressed did not show statistically significant differences (p<0.05), except the number of yearly acaricide applications, which was higher in the Serra do Sudeste region. With a view to gain insights as to the perception local breeders have of the characterization of acaricide resistant R. (B.) microplus populations and of the risk factors involved in the emergence of these populations, data on tick control for meat-producing cattle were collected in 85 farms distributed across seven counties in the region. The results reveal the association between the difficulty to control tick populations with acaricides and literacy of breeders (up to junior high with OR = 3.67 and p = 0.01) and yearly acaricide applications (over 4 applications a year with OR = 4.05 and p = 0.006). The results indicate that local farms with more than 100 meat-producing bovines in extensive breeding regimes were managed in ways that may add to longer acaricide life as compared to values seen for other Brazilian regions. The comparative efficiency for five commercially available amitraz-based acaricides was assessed using a specifically prepared questionnaire to interview 100 breeders in the field who owned milk and finishing cattle farms. R. (B.) microplus specimens were collected and processed using the Drummond test in the Laboratório de Parasitologia of the Universidade Federal de Pelotas. The results show that amitraz efficiency was below 69% in 23% of populations studied. Also, in 29% of these samples, amitraz efficiency was zero, indicating high amitraz resistance values. Moreover, the commercial product most commonly used demonstrates the lowest efficiency index. The results signal the dispersion of acaricide-resistant tick populations, which justifies the need for more research directed to novel tick control measures.
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Abordagem sobre o controle do carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus e eficácia de acaricidas comerciais, na região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.Santos, Tania Regina Bettin dos January 2008 (has links)
A preocupação com a seleção de populações de R.(B.) microplus resistentes aos acaricidas é mundial. No Brasil, o aparecimento de resistência não é monitorado de maneira sistemática, o que dificulta o seu controle. O presente estudo foi realizado com os objetivos de avaliar a sensibilidade de populações de carrapatos da região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul a carrapaticidas comerciais: formamidinas, piretróides sintéticos, organofosforados e associações de organofosforados e piretróides sintéticos; detectar, através de inquérito epidemiológico, as falhas de manejo ocorridas nas propriedades e suas possíveis correlações com a seleção de populações de carrapatos resistentes às drogas e de comparar o índice de eficácia de produtos comercias à base de amitraz. Para avaliar a sensibilidade das drogas foram analisadas, pelo teste de Drummond, 30 populações de carrapatos de duas regiões fisiográficas do sul do Rio Grande do Sul (Serra do Sudeste e Encosta do Sudeste). Observou-se que a eficácia média dos acaricidas, somente tem diferença entre as regiões (p<0,05) para a deltametrina, sendo maior na Encosta do Sudeste. Entretanto, ao analisar as eficácias mínimas entre as duas regiões, observa-se que há diferença para o amitraz e a cipermetrina (p<0,05), sendo menores na Serra do Sudeste. A maioria das questões abordadas, não apresentou diferença estatística (p<0,05), exceto o número de aplicação de carrapaticidas ao ano que foi maior na Serra do Sudeste. Com o objetivo de realizar um inquérito abordando a percepção dos produtores da região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, quanto à identificação de populações de R. (B.) microplus difíceis de controlar com acaricidas e os fatores de risco para a seleção de populações de carrapatos resistentes, foram coletados dados sobre o controle do carrapato de bovinos de corte, em 85 propriedades de sete municípios, localizados na região Sul do Estado. Pelos resultados verificou-se a existência de associação entre a dificuldade de controlar o carrapato com os acaricidas e o grau de instrução do proprietário (até o ensino fundamental com OR =3,67 e p =0,01) e o número de aplicação de carrapaticida por ano (superior a quatro com OR = 4,05 e p = 0,006). Esses resultados indicam que propriedades com mais de 100 bovinos de corte em criação extensiva, na região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul apresentam características que podem contribuir para uma maior vida útil dos carrapaticidas do que as verificadas em outras regiões do País. A comparação entre a eficácia de cinco produtos comerciais a base de amitraz, foi realizada através de entrevistas de campo com 100 proprietários de fazendas de gado de leite e corte da região, usando questionário específico. Amostras de R. (B.) microplus, foram coletadas e processadas pelo teste de Drummond, no Laboratório de Parasitologia da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Através da análise dos resultados verificou-se que em 23% das populações estudadas, o amitraz tem uma eficácia inferior a 69%, sendo que em 29% dessas amostras de carrapato o grau de eficácia foi igual a zero, sugerindo a presença de altos níveis de resistência ao amitraz. Além disso, o produto comercial mais utilizado na região demonstrou o menor índice de eficácia. Alerta-se a respeito da possibilidade da dispersão de populações de carrapatos resistentes, o que justifica a necessidade de direcionar pesquisas visando novas alternativas e produtos para o controle desse parasito. / In this sense, the concern with the emergence of acaricide-resistant R. (B.) microplus populations has reached global proportions. In Brazil, the emergence of resistance is not systematically monitored, which makes tick control more difficult. The present study evaluates tick population sensitivity to commercially available acaricides, in the southern region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The acaricides tested were synthetic pyrethroid phormamidines, organophosphorous compounds and associations, as well as synthetic pyrethroid compounds. More specifically, this study conducted a epidemiological investigation to detect failures in husbandry procedures in farms and the potential correlations with acaricide resistance. Also, amitraz-based products were compared for efficiency. The Drummond test was adopted to assess sensitivity to the drugs tested in 30 tick populations from two physiogeographic regions in the south of Rio Grande do Sul (Serra do Sudeste and Encosta do Sudeste). Mean acaricide resistance was statistically significant (p<0.05) only for deltametrine, being higher in the Encosta do Sudeste region. Yet, when minimum drug efficiency was compared for the two regions, statistically significant difference was observed for amitraz and cipermetrine (p<0.05), being higher in the Serra do Sudeste region. Most resistance aspects addressed did not show statistically significant differences (p<0.05), except the number of yearly acaricide applications, which was higher in the Serra do Sudeste region. With a view to gain insights as to the perception local breeders have of the characterization of acaricide resistant R. (B.) microplus populations and of the risk factors involved in the emergence of these populations, data on tick control for meat-producing cattle were collected in 85 farms distributed across seven counties in the region. The results reveal the association between the difficulty to control tick populations with acaricides and literacy of breeders (up to junior high with OR = 3.67 and p = 0.01) and yearly acaricide applications (over 4 applications a year with OR = 4.05 and p = 0.006). The results indicate that local farms with more than 100 meat-producing bovines in extensive breeding regimes were managed in ways that may add to longer acaricide life as compared to values seen for other Brazilian regions. The comparative efficiency for five commercially available amitraz-based acaricides was assessed using a specifically prepared questionnaire to interview 100 breeders in the field who owned milk and finishing cattle farms. R. (B.) microplus specimens were collected and processed using the Drummond test in the Laboratório de Parasitologia of the Universidade Federal de Pelotas. The results show that amitraz efficiency was below 69% in 23% of populations studied. Also, in 29% of these samples, amitraz efficiency was zero, indicating high amitraz resistance values. Moreover, the commercial product most commonly used demonstrates the lowest efficiency index. The results signal the dispersion of acaricide-resistant tick populations, which justifies the need for more research directed to novel tick control measures.
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Abordagem sobre o controle do carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus e eficácia de acaricidas comerciais, na região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.Santos, Tania Regina Bettin dos January 2008 (has links)
A preocupação com a seleção de populações de R.(B.) microplus resistentes aos acaricidas é mundial. No Brasil, o aparecimento de resistência não é monitorado de maneira sistemática, o que dificulta o seu controle. O presente estudo foi realizado com os objetivos de avaliar a sensibilidade de populações de carrapatos da região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul a carrapaticidas comerciais: formamidinas, piretróides sintéticos, organofosforados e associações de organofosforados e piretróides sintéticos; detectar, através de inquérito epidemiológico, as falhas de manejo ocorridas nas propriedades e suas possíveis correlações com a seleção de populações de carrapatos resistentes às drogas e de comparar o índice de eficácia de produtos comercias à base de amitraz. Para avaliar a sensibilidade das drogas foram analisadas, pelo teste de Drummond, 30 populações de carrapatos de duas regiões fisiográficas do sul do Rio Grande do Sul (Serra do Sudeste e Encosta do Sudeste). Observou-se que a eficácia média dos acaricidas, somente tem diferença entre as regiões (p<0,05) para a deltametrina, sendo maior na Encosta do Sudeste. Entretanto, ao analisar as eficácias mínimas entre as duas regiões, observa-se que há diferença para o amitraz e a cipermetrina (p<0,05), sendo menores na Serra do Sudeste. A maioria das questões abordadas, não apresentou diferença estatística (p<0,05), exceto o número de aplicação de carrapaticidas ao ano que foi maior na Serra do Sudeste. Com o objetivo de realizar um inquérito abordando a percepção dos produtores da região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, quanto à identificação de populações de R. (B.) microplus difíceis de controlar com acaricidas e os fatores de risco para a seleção de populações de carrapatos resistentes, foram coletados dados sobre o controle do carrapato de bovinos de corte, em 85 propriedades de sete municípios, localizados na região Sul do Estado. Pelos resultados verificou-se a existência de associação entre a dificuldade de controlar o carrapato com os acaricidas e o grau de instrução do proprietário (até o ensino fundamental com OR =3,67 e p =0,01) e o número de aplicação de carrapaticida por ano (superior a quatro com OR = 4,05 e p = 0,006). Esses resultados indicam que propriedades com mais de 100 bovinos de corte em criação extensiva, na região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul apresentam características que podem contribuir para uma maior vida útil dos carrapaticidas do que as verificadas em outras regiões do País. A comparação entre a eficácia de cinco produtos comerciais a base de amitraz, foi realizada através de entrevistas de campo com 100 proprietários de fazendas de gado de leite e corte da região, usando questionário específico. Amostras de R. (B.) microplus, foram coletadas e processadas pelo teste de Drummond, no Laboratório de Parasitologia da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Através da análise dos resultados verificou-se que em 23% das populações estudadas, o amitraz tem uma eficácia inferior a 69%, sendo que em 29% dessas amostras de carrapato o grau de eficácia foi igual a zero, sugerindo a presença de altos níveis de resistência ao amitraz. Além disso, o produto comercial mais utilizado na região demonstrou o menor índice de eficácia. Alerta-se a respeito da possibilidade da dispersão de populações de carrapatos resistentes, o que justifica a necessidade de direcionar pesquisas visando novas alternativas e produtos para o controle desse parasito. / In this sense, the concern with the emergence of acaricide-resistant R. (B.) microplus populations has reached global proportions. In Brazil, the emergence of resistance is not systematically monitored, which makes tick control more difficult. The present study evaluates tick population sensitivity to commercially available acaricides, in the southern region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The acaricides tested were synthetic pyrethroid phormamidines, organophosphorous compounds and associations, as well as synthetic pyrethroid compounds. More specifically, this study conducted a epidemiological investigation to detect failures in husbandry procedures in farms and the potential correlations with acaricide resistance. Also, amitraz-based products were compared for efficiency. The Drummond test was adopted to assess sensitivity to the drugs tested in 30 tick populations from two physiogeographic regions in the south of Rio Grande do Sul (Serra do Sudeste and Encosta do Sudeste). Mean acaricide resistance was statistically significant (p<0.05) only for deltametrine, being higher in the Encosta do Sudeste region. Yet, when minimum drug efficiency was compared for the two regions, statistically significant difference was observed for amitraz and cipermetrine (p<0.05), being higher in the Serra do Sudeste region. Most resistance aspects addressed did not show statistically significant differences (p<0.05), except the number of yearly acaricide applications, which was higher in the Serra do Sudeste region. With a view to gain insights as to the perception local breeders have of the characterization of acaricide resistant R. (B.) microplus populations and of the risk factors involved in the emergence of these populations, data on tick control for meat-producing cattle were collected in 85 farms distributed across seven counties in the region. The results reveal the association between the difficulty to control tick populations with acaricides and literacy of breeders (up to junior high with OR = 3.67 and p = 0.01) and yearly acaricide applications (over 4 applications a year with OR = 4.05 and p = 0.006). The results indicate that local farms with more than 100 meat-producing bovines in extensive breeding regimes were managed in ways that may add to longer acaricide life as compared to values seen for other Brazilian regions. The comparative efficiency for five commercially available amitraz-based acaricides was assessed using a specifically prepared questionnaire to interview 100 breeders in the field who owned milk and finishing cattle farms. R. (B.) microplus specimens were collected and processed using the Drummond test in the Laboratório de Parasitologia of the Universidade Federal de Pelotas. The results show that amitraz efficiency was below 69% in 23% of populations studied. Also, in 29% of these samples, amitraz efficiency was zero, indicating high amitraz resistance values. Moreover, the commercial product most commonly used demonstrates the lowest efficiency index. The results signal the dispersion of acaricide-resistant tick populations, which justifies the need for more research directed to novel tick control measures.
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The role of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) decoloratus, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and Amblyomma hebraeum in the transmission of lumpy skin disease virusLubinga, Jimmy Clement January 2013 (has links)
Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is an economically important and debilitating disease of cattle caused by the lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV), a poxvirus in the genus Capripoxvirus. The disease is of economic importance to farmers in endemic regions and is a major constraint to international trade in livestock and their products. It is characterised by fever, enlargement of superficial lymph nodes, loss of weight, inappetence, salivation, lachrymation and formation of eruptive circumscribed skin lesions. The quality of meat and milk are reduced; there is infertility due to reduced sperm quality, abortions and reduced calving rates. The hides are permanently scarred, thereby reducing their quality and trade may be affected following movement restrictions from affected areas. v
Lumpy skin disease has the potential to become an emerging disease because of global climate change and changes in patterns of trade in animals and animal products. The disease has become endemic in Africa except in countries like Libya, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco, where the disease has never been reported. It has also spread to the Middle East where outbreaks were first reported in Israel (1989), Kuwait (1991), Saudi Arabia (1990) , Lebanon (1993), The United Arab Emirates (2000) and Oman (2010).
In endemic areas, LSD outbreaks are common in summer. The persistence of LSDV between inter-epidemic periods has not been determined and there is no carrier state reported in either cattle or wild animals. Transmission of the disease has been associated with a high incidence of biting insects such as in wet conditions. The spread of LSD from Egypt to Israel e.g. was associated with movement of the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans. The virus has been recovered from S. calcitrans and Biomya fasciata, caught while feeding on infected animals and transmission by insects is suspected to be mechanical, which has been demonstrated in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. During the 1957 outbreak of LSD in Kenya, affected animals were observed to have high tick infestations, especially of Amblyomma species. In a pilot trial in 2008 at the University of Pretoria (UP), Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases (DVTD), Amblyomma hebraeum, Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and R. (B) decoloratus ticks were implicated in the transmission of LSDV.
The overall objective of this study was to investigate the vector competence of three common sub-Saharan tick species (R. (B) decoloratus, R. appendiculatus and A. hebraeum) and their potential roles in the epidemiology of LSD. This was achieved by testing for persistence of LSDV in ticks and its subsequent transmission to recipient animals following interrupted feeding, transstadial and transovarial development of the ticks. The over-wintering of LSDV was also investigated during transstadial passage in A. hebraeum and transovarial passage in R. (B) decoloratus.
During the study, seven cattle were artificially infected with LSDV to serve as source (donors) of infection to ticks. To test for mechanical / intrastadial transmission and persistence in ticks, adult ticks (A. hebraeum and R. appendiculatus) were partially fed on donor animals and then transferred to recipient animals or collected for testing. To test for transstadial transmission/passage, nymphal stages of A. hebraeum and R. appendiculatus were fed on donor animals until they engorged and dropped. Engorged nymphs were incubated to moult to adults. The emergent adults were placed on recipient animals and also tested for the virus. To test for transovarial transmission and passage R. (B) decoloratus (one- host tick) larvae were fed on donor animals until engorged adults. For R. appendiculatus and A. hebraeum (three-host ticks), adults were fed to repletion on the donor animals. Engorged females were collected and incubated to lay eggs and the eggs were allowed to hatch. The emergent larvae were placed to feed on recipient animals to test for transovarial transmission, while larvae were tested for the presence of the virus.
Over-wintering of LSDV in ticks was tested by transstadial passage in A. hebraeum and transovarial passage in R. (B) decoloratus under fluctuating reduced temperatures, simulating wintery climatic conditions. Engorged A. hebraeum nymphs and R. (B) decoloratus females were infected by intracoelomic injection.
The presence of the virus in LSDV- infected animals was tested by real-time PCR, virus isolation (VI), and the serum neutralisation test (SNT). Tick saliva was tested by real-time PCR and VI while ticks were tested by immunohistochemistry, transmission electron microscopy, VI and real-time PCR.
Mechanical/intrastadial and transstadial transmission is reported in A. hebraeum and R. appendiculatus. Transovarial transmission was reported in A. hebraeum, R. appendiculatus and R. (B) decoloratus. The virus was demonstrated in saliva and tick organs of A. hebraeum and R. appendiculatus adults following both mechanical/intrastadial and transstadial persistence. Transovarial passage of LSDV was demonstrated in R. (B) decoloratus, R. appendiculatus and A. hebraeum larvae. The virus also persisted through cold temperature exposure during transstadial passage in A. hebraeum and transovarial passage in R. appendiculatus.
This study confirms the vector competency of A. hebraeum, R. appendiculatus and R. (B) decoloratus ticks for LSDV. It also shows the potential for LSDV to over-winter in ticks and demonstrates that LSDV may persist in ticks during inter-epidemic periods. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Veterinary Tropical Diseases / unrestricted
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Prospecção de genes relacionados com a resistência ao carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus em bovinos de corte /Rodrigues, Thaís de Oliveira. January 2007 (has links)
Resumo: Os prejuízos causados à pecuária brasileira pelo carrapato (Rhipicephalus (B.) microplus) são significativos e, uma das estratégias utilizadas para aumentar a produtividade dos rebanhos nas regiões tropicais tem sido a utilização de raças mais resistentes a esse ectoparasita. O objetivo desse projeto foi aplicar a tecnologia de microarray de DNA para a prospecção de genes relacionados com os mecanismos de resistência/tolerância ao carrapato, mediante a análise da expressão gênica diferencial em linfonodos de bovinos suscetíveis (Aberdeen Angus) e resistentes (Nelore) infestados artificialmente com este parasita. Os bezerros foram mantidos livres de carrapato desde o nascimento e foram infestados artificialmente com larvas de carrapato aos quatro meses de idade. As biópsias de linfonodo foram realizadas antes e após a infestação e mantidas a -80°C até o seu processamento. Essas amo stras foram submetidas a extração de RNA, síntese de cDNA e marcação . Depois elas foram submetidas a hibridização pela técnica de microarray. Foram identificados 341 genes diferencialmente expressos nos bovinos da Raça Angus e 254 para bovinos da Raça Nelore, os quais foram agrupados em categorias funcionais. Foram identificadas diferenças no padrão de expressão de genes de resposta imune entre as raças, tais como: Moléculas CD, Imunoglobulinas, Fator de Necrose tumoral, Integrinas e Interferon-γ. Para validação dos resultados de expressão diferencial foi empregada a técnica de PCR em tempo real, onde se verificou a expressão dos genes das citocinas IL-5 e IL12p40 nas duas Raças estudadas. / Abstract: Significant losses are brought by ticks (Rhipicephalus (B.) microplus) to Brazilian beef farming. One of the strategies to increase yield in tropical regions is the use of resistant breeds. This study was undertaken to apply the DNA microarray technology for the prospection of genes related to tick resistance/tolerance mechanisms, through differential gene expression analysis in lymphonodes of susceptible (Aberdeen Angus) and resistant (Nelore) breeds artificially infested with the parasite. Calves were kept tick-free since birth and infested with tick larvae when they reached four months of age. Lymphonode biopsies were performed before and after infestation and kept at -80°C until analyses. Samples were subjected to RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis and labelling. Hybridization was then performed through the microarray technique. In Angus, 341 differentially expressed genes were found against 254 in Nelore, which were grouped in functional categories. Different expression patterns were identified immune response genes between breeds, such as: CD molecules, Immunoglobulines, Tumor Necrosis Factor, Integrins and Interferon-γ. Real-time PCR was used to validate results, which showed the expression of cytokines IL-5 and IL12p40 in both breeds. / Orientador: Luiz Roberto Furlan / Coorientador: Márcia Cristina de Sena Oliveira / Banca: Maria Inês Tiraboschi Ferro / Banca: Maribel Elizabeth Funes Huacca / Mestre
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Avalia??o in vitro dos efeitos do agente etiol?gico Nomuraea rileyi no controle biol?gico do carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. / Evaluation in vitro of Nomuraea rileyi to control Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus tick.Terra, Andr?ia Loureiro Musso 29 August 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-08-29 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus causes severe economic losses to the Brazilian cattle raising industry. In nowadays, the control of the cattle tick is especially based on the use of chemical acaricides. The inadequate use of these acaricides allows the development of tick s resistant strains and environmental contamination. Several entomopathogenic fungal species have been investigated to control arthropod populations and, therefore, minimize the damages caused by them. The current study investigates Nomuraea rileyi isolates (Nr 151 and Nr 177) to control the three developmental stages of R. (B.) microplus tick. The fungal isolates were cultivated on modified Sabouraud Maltose Agar with yeast extract (SMAY) at 25 ? 1 ?C and relative humidity (RH) higher or equal to 80% for 30 days. Conidia were harvested from the SMAY medium surface and suspended in sterile Tween 80 0.1% aqueous solution. The suspensions were adjusted to 108 conidia ml-1 using the hemacytometer, other conidial suspensions (107, 106 and 105 conidia ml-1) were obtained by serial dilution (1:10). The specimens were immersed in 1 ml of conidial suspension for three minutes, while control groups were immersed in Tween 80 0.1% aqueous solution (no conidia). Each treatment or control groups were composed of 10 repetitions. The effects of fungal isolates on engorged female ticks were investigated through the evaluation of the following parameters: pre-oviposition period, oviposition period, egg production, egg incubation and hatching period, and dead tick weight. These data were used to calculate the Nutrient Index and Egg Production Index. The effect of fungal isolates on egg and larva was evaluated by recording the hatchability daily, and mortality (at every 5-day intervals), respectively. In general, N. rileyi isolates did not cause significant alteration of engorged females parameters; however, the isolate Nr 177 at 108 conidia ml-1 significantly reduced larvae hatchability. The percentage of control of engorged females exposed to N. rileyi was 17.15 or 27.62% at 105 or 108 conidia ml-1, respectively. The percent hatchability of eggs exposed to N. rileyi isolates did not differ from control group. The best result with the isolate Nr 177 was observed on non-fed larvae, all conidial suspensions caused significant mortality rates. The isolate Nr 177 at 108 conidia ml-1 caused 14.5% and 69.5% larva mortality only at day 15 and day 20 after treatment, respectively. Other fungal suspensions caused significant larva mortality, but the results were not reasonable as the results observed with the fungal suspension with the highest conidia concentration. The isolate Nr 151 caused low non-fed larva mortality rates, 10% or 15%, at 107 or 108 conidial ml-1, respectively. These results demonstrate that the N. rileyi isolates investigated did not cause significant harmful effect to control R. (B.) microplus tick. / Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Acari:Ixodidae) ? respons?vel por grandes perdas econ?micas na pecu?ria brasileira e atualmente seu controle consiste basicamente no uso de acaricidas qu?micos. A sua utiliza??o inadequada tem favorecido o desenvolvimento de cepas resistentes e a contamina??o do meio ambiente. Diversos fungos entomopatog?nicos t?m sido estudados no intuito de minimizar os problemas ocasionados por esse artr?pode. O objetivo desse estudo foi testar in vitro os isolados Nr 151 e Nr 177 de Nomuraea rileyi sobre as diferentes fases de desenvolvimento do carrapato R. (B.) microplus. O fungo foi repicado em Sabouraud Maltose ?gar com extrato de levedura (SMAY) - modificado e mantido a 25 ? 1?C e umidade relativa ≥ 80% por 30 dias. Para o preparo das suspens?es, os con?dios da superf?cie da placa foram raspados, suspensos em solu??o de ?gua destilada est?ril e Tween 0,1% e quantificados em c?mara de Neubauer. Ap?s preparo da suspens?o 108 con?dios ml-1, as concentra??es 107, 106 e 105 con?dios ml-1 foram obtidas por dilui??o seriada. Cada tratamento foi constitu?do pela imers?o dos esp?cimes em 1 ml de suspens?o durante tr?s minutos enquanto o grupo controle foi exposto apenas ao diluente sem adi??o de con?dios. Cada grupo foi formado por 10 repeti??es. Para avalia??o do efeito dos isolados f?ngicos sobre as f?meas ingurgitadas, os seguintes par?metros biol?gicos foram observados: peso de postura, per?odos de pr?-postura, postura, incuba??o e eclos?o, al?m do peso da quen?gina, necess?rios para a realiza??o dos c?lculos do ?ndice nutricional e de produ??o de ovos. Os par?metros utilizados para avalia??o dos isolados sobre ovos e larvas foram: percentual di?rio de eclos?o das larvas e percentual de mortalidade (observado a cada cinco dias at? o 20? dia), respectivamente. Os isolados de N. rileyi n?o foram capazes de ocasionar altera??es significativas nos par?metros biol?gicos de f?meas ingurgitadas, exceto no percentual de eclos?o das larvas, quando a maior concentra??o de 108 con?dios ml-1 foi utilizada, e no percentual de controle onde se obteve 17,15% e de 27,62% nas concentra??es 105 e 108 con?dios ml-1, respectivamente. Os ovos tratados com as diferentes concentra??es dos isolados de N. rileyi n?o apresentou diferen?a significativa no percentual das larvas eclodidas. O melhor resultado obtido com o isolado Nr 177 foi sobre larvas n?o alimentadas, onde todas as concentra??es utilizadas demonstraram um percentual de mortalidade significativo. A concentra??o 108 con?dios ml-1 do isolado Nr 177 de Nomuraea rileyi foi capaz de promover um percentual de mortalidade das larvas de 14,5 e 69,5% somente no 15? e 20?dia ap?s o tratamento, respectivamente. As demais concentra??es apresentaram um percentual de mortalidade significativo, no entanto esses resultados n?o foram t?o satisfat?rios quanto aos obtidos com a maior concentra??o utilizada. O isolado Nr 151 de Nomuraea rileyi ocasionou baixo percentual de mortalidade das larvas n?o alimentadas, entre 10 e 15% quando as concenta??es 107 e 108 con?dios ml-1 foram utizadas. Dessa forma, esses resultados demonstram que os isolados de N. rileyi n?o apresentaram efeitos delet?rios significativos ao carrapato R. (B.) microplus.
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Caracterização da calreticulina do Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Acari:ixodidae) na interação parasita hospedeiroRech, Herbert January 2007 (has links)
O carrapato Riphicephalus (Boophilus) microplus é um ectoparasito hematófago que infesta os rebanhos bovinos de regiões tropicais e subtropicais, causando grandes prejuízos à pecuária. O principal método de controle baseia-se nos acaricidas. No entanto, o uso de vacinas tem sido estudado como um método de controle alternativo. A calreticulina (CRT) é uma proteína multifuncional presente em quase todas as células de animais. A secreção da CRT durante a alimentação pode estar relacionada a modulação da interação parasita hospedeiro. No presente estudo, as CRTs de R. microplus (rBmCRT) e do Haemophisalis longicornis (rHlCRT) foram expressas em Escherichia coli e purificadas por cromatografia. As propriedades imunogênicas e antigênicas da BmCRT e HlCRT foram analisadas por diferentes métodos. In silico, foram comparandos os epítopos das CRTs pelo índice de Jamerson-Wolf, que mostrou 6 regiões com potenciais epítopos antigênicos diferentes entre as CRTs. Enquanto, a análise in silico, da rBmCRT e rHlCRT mostraram 6 regiões que podem interagir com a proteína C1q. In vitro, por Western blot, a rBmCRT, mas não a rHlCRT, foi reconhecida pelo soro de bovino infestado experimentalmente com R. microplus. Em Western blot de extrato de larvas, os soros do coelho imunizado com rBmCRT e bovinos imunizados com rBmCRT ou rHlCRT reconheceram a BmCRT, sugerindo que os anticorpos direcionados às proteínas recombinantes também reconhecem a proteína nativa BmCRT. Também a rBmCRT mostrou um efeito anticoagulante no teste de recalcificação plasmática. In vivo, a rBmCRT e rHlCRT induziram reações de hipersensibilidade cutânea imediata em bovinos imunizados com rBmCRT ou rHlCRT, mas não foi possível detectar alterações na análise histopatológica. Juntos, estes resultados sugerem, que a rBmCRT e rHlCRT são imunogênicas e pode ter funções imunomoduladoras sobre o sistema imune do hospedeiro, mas não suficiente para prevenir o desenvolvimento da imunidade humoral. / The tick Riphicephalus (Boophilus) microplus is a blood-sucking ectoparasite of bovines from tropical and subtropical regions, causing serious damages to the livestock production. The main method of control is based on the acaricides. However, the use of vaccines has been studied as a promising control method. The calretirulin (CRT) is a multifunctional protein present in almost all cells of animals. The secretion of CRT during feeding might be linked to the modulation of the parasite-host interaction. In the present study, recombinant CRTs of R. microplus (rBmCRT) and of Haemaphysalis longicornis (rHlCRT) were expressed in Escherichia coli and purified by ion exchange chromatography. The immunogenic and antigenic capacities of BmCRT e HlCRT were analyzed by different methods. In silico, were comparisons of the CRTs epitopes, identified by Jameson-Wolf antigenic index, indicates that there are three different regions between the tick CRTs. While, in silico analysis showed 6 regions in rBmCRT and in rHlCRT that could interact with C1q protein. In vitro, by Western blot, rBmCRT, but not rHlCRT, was recognized by the serum of bovine experimentally infested with R. microplus. In Western blot with extracts of larvae, the sera of a rabbit immunized with rBmCRT and bovines immunized with rBmCRT or rHlCRT recognized BmCRT; this suggests that antibodies directed to recombinant proteins also recognize native BmCRT. Also, the rBmCRT showed an anticoagulant effect in recalcification time. In vivo, the rBmCRT and rHlCRT induced reactions of immediate cutaneous hypersensitivity in bovines immunized with rBmCRT and rHlCRT, but it was not possible to detect alterations in histopathologic test. Together, these results suggest that the rBmCRT and rHlCRT are immunogenic and could have immunomodulatory functions on the immunity system of the host, but not enough to prevent the development of humoral immunity.
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Síntese de B-aminoálcoois derivados do limoneno e avaliação biológica in vitro / Synthesis of Limonene ß-amino alcohol derivatives and in vitro biological evoluationFerrarini, Stela Regina January 2008 (has links)
Nesse trabalho, foram sintetizados seletivamente, a partir do óxido do limoneno em oposição a diversas aminas primárias e secundárias, onze b-aminoálcoois derivados do limoneno através de aquecimento convencional e sob irradiação com microondas, fornecendo produtos com moderados a bons rendimentos. O limoneno e nove destes aminoálcoois foram testados contra ovos e larvas de carrapatos da espécie de Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplusn no intervalo de concentração de 0,150-10mg/mL. Os resultados revelaram que em doses entre 10 μl/ml - 2.5 μl/ml todos os compostos testados foram letais às larvas. Frente ao teste ovicida os compostos 2, 6, 8, 9 e 10 foram os mais ativos, impedindo a eclosão total ou quase total dos ovos na menor dose utilizada (0,150 μg/ml). Este é o primeiro relato da atividade carrapaticida de limoneno, óxido de limoneno e dos b- aminoálcoois do limoneno para a espécie de carrapato Rhipichephalus (Boophilus) microplus. O limoneno e sete β-aminoálcoois foram testatdos in vitro contra forma promastigota de Leishmania (Vianna) braziliensis. Os resultados dos testes mostraram que, dentre os sete β-aminoálcoois testados dois deles foram mais ativos que o padrão pentamidina (48,5 ± 28,7 μM) e cinco foram mais ativos que o limoneno 1. Destes, dois deles (compostos 7 e 9) apresentaram alta atividade frente a formas promastigotas do ciclo parasitário numa concentração de 0,156mg/mL. O Limoneno 1 nesse teste se mostrou inativo (876,2 ± 216 μM) demonstrando que este terpeno isolado não é um bom antiparasitário contra formas promastigotas de Leishmania (Vianna) braziliensis. Este é o primeiro relato de atividade contra leishmania para amino-álcoois derivados do limoneno. / In this work, a series of seven limonene β-amino alcohols derivatives have been regioselectively synthesized from moderate to good yields. The eleven β-amino alcohols Limonene derivatives were synthesized through aminólisis of Limonene oxide, using several primary and secondary amines by both conventional heating and under microwave irradiation. Limonene, Limonene oxide and nine ß-amino alcohol derivatives were investigated for the effect on egg hatchability and mortality rates of newly hatched larvae of cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. At the doses between 10 μl/ml to 2.5 μl/ml all compounds were highly lethal to the larvae and at lower concentrations some of them (2, 6, 8, 9 and 10) showed activity. The effect on hatchbility of the eggs was observed in all treatments. This is the first report of carrapicide activity for Limonene, Limonene oxide and nine ß-amino alcohol derivatives against cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. The leishmanicidal activity was performed and according to the results two of these compounds were more powerful against in vitro cultures of Leishmania (Vianna) braziliensis promastigote form in a range of μM. The activities observed for 3b and 3f were about 100 folds more potent than the drug standard Pentamidine, while the limonene hasn’t shown any activity in the same test. This is the first report of antileishmanial activity of Limonene β-amino alcohol derivatives.
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Isolamento e avaliação biológica de compostos fenólicos de espécies de hypericum nativas do sul do BrasilHaas, Juliana Schulte January 2010 (has links)
Espécies de Hypericum (Guttiferae) são mundialmente reconhecidas por seus efeitos farmacológicos, destacando-se H. perforatum pela atividade antidepressiva. O estudo com espécies brasileiras vem apresentando resultados promissores. Hypericum polyanthemum e H. caprifoliatum mostraram efeito antinociceptivo, enquanto H. caprifoliatum mostrou atividade do tipo antidepressiva. Além disso, verificou-se atividade de H. polyanthemum sobre o carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Para essas espécies, é descrita a presença de benzopiranos, derivados de floroglucinol e flavonóides. Objetivos: Isolar compostos fenólicos lipofílicos de H. polyanthemum e o flavonóide hiperosídeo de H. caprifoliatum, assim como avaliar atividades biológicas de algumas dessas substâncias. Materiais e Métodos: Realizou-se a análise química através de técnicas cromatográficas (CC, CCD) e espectroscópicas (1H e 13C RMN). Hiperosídeo foi avaliado nos seguintes modelos comportamentais: potenciação do sono barbitúrico, atividade locomotora espontânea, placa quente, contorções induzidas por ácido acético e natação forçada. O efeito antinociceptivo de isobutiril-5,7-dimetóxi-2,2-dimetilbenzopirano (HP1), 7-hidróxi-6-isobutiril-5-metóxi-2,2-dimetil-benzopirano (HP2) e 5-hidróxi-6-isobutiril-7-metóxi-2,2-dimetil-benzopirano (HP3), foi investigado, assim como sua atividade acaricida através do teste de imersão de larvas. Resultados e Conclusões: Além dos benzopiranos HP1, HP2 e HP3, dois compostos não relatados para a espécie H. polyanthemum, a xantona 6- desoxijacareubina e um benzopirano de estrutura similar ao ácido eriostemóico, foram isolados de extrato obtido por fluido supercrítico. Hiperosídeo mostrou efeito depressor sobre o SNC, e efeito antiimobilidade, que parece ser mediado pelo sistema dopaminérgico, em ratos. HP1 apresentou efeito antinociceptivo mediado pela neurotransmissão opióide. Nos experimentos para investigação da atividade acaricida, os benzopiranos mostraram ser, pelo menos em parte, responsáveis pela toxicidade dos extratos sobre os ácaros. / The pharmacological effects of some Hypericum species are worldwide recognized, mostly by the comproved efficacy of H. perforatum as antidepressant. The south Brazilian species have been showing promissing results. Hypericum polyanthemum and H. caprifoliatum presented antinociceptive effect, while an antidepressant-like activity of H. caprifoliatum was reported. In addition, extracts from H. polyanthemum showed to be highly toxic to Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus cattle tick. The chemical characterization reveals that these species are rich in benzopyrans, flavonoids and phloroglucinol derivatives. Objectives: To isolate lipophilic compounds from H. polyanthemum and the flavonoid hyperoside from H. caprifoliatum, as well as to carry out a biological evaluation of some of the isolated substances. Material and Methods: Chromatography and NMR spectroscopy techniques were performed for isolation and structure elucidation. Hyperoside was applied on behavior models, as the open field, pentobarbital sleeping potentiation, hot plate, acetic acid-induced writhing and the forced swimming test. The antinociceptive effect and the acaricide potential of 6-isobutyryl-5,7-dimethoxy- 2,2-dimethyl-benzopyran (HP1), 7-hydroxy-6-isobutyryl-5-methoxy-2,2-dimethylbenzopyran (HP2) and 5-hydroxy-6-isobutyryl-7-methoxy-2,2-dimethylbenzopyran (HP3) were also investigated. Results and conclusions: A benzopyran similar to the eriostemoic acid and the xanthone 6-deoxyjacareubin were isolated from the extract obtained by supercritical fluid. Hyperoside showed a central depressor effect and no toxicity signs. The present study provides evidences for the involvement of D2-like dopaminergic neurotransmission on the mechanism of hyperoside antidepressant-like action in rats. HP1 presented opioid-mediated antinociceptive effect. On larvae immersion test, the benzopyrans showed to account for the acaricide properties of H. polyanthemum extracts.
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