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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vadovavimas procesui / Active management of procedure

Grigonytė, Vaida 29 December 2006 (has links)
The aim of this master paper is to reveal the role of a judge. In the first part of the paper the ideas of social civil procedure school (that is essential in the Lithuanian Republic Civil procedure code) defining an active role in civil procedure and the model of civil procedure of Lithuanian Republic are discussed. The second part of the paper deals with analysis of stages of the civil procedure. By analyzing these stages the author of the paper tries to disclose by which means provided in law the judge realizes his (hers) performing role in the procedure. Also the intensity of the judge role depending on the stage of the civil procedure is shown. Attention is paid to certain categories of cases that influence the extension of the judge’s activity and the difference of performing intensity depending on contentious proceedings as well. In the third part of the paper the possibilities of making default judgment and judicial penalties assigning as means helping to control parties that overindulge processing right or do not care about the progress of proceedings are discussed.

Europos Sąjungos ir valstybių euro zonos narių kompetencijos ribos pinigų politikos srityje / European Union and Euro-zone Member States: Limits of Competences in the Field of Monetary Policy

Šimkus, Andrius 28 March 2006 (has links)
Common monetary policy, according to its nature and established principles of formation and implementation, is unique policy of the Community. Its importance for the EU existence requires clearly divided competence in its sphere. Regardless exclusive monetary policy competence of the Community, euro-zone members obtained a wide range of opportunities for active participation in creation, formation and implementation of monetary policy, both through the institutional system and through the political interest influence.

Gėluvos regioninio aukšto (silūras) stratigrafija ir koreliacija / Stratigraphy and correlation of gėluva regional stage (silurian)

Kojelė, Andrius 04 July 2014 (has links)
Gėluvos regioninis aukštas buvo išskirtas 2-oje Baltijos stratigrafų konferencijoje 1993 metais, kuri vyko Vilniuje, Lietuvoje, spausdintoje medžiagoje (Paškevičius ir kt., 1994). Anksčiau, kaip savarankiškas stratigrafinis padalinys, buvo vadinamas sluoksniais su Euripterus (Schmidt, 1891) ir šie sluoksniai buvo koreliuojami su apatine ludlovio dalimi. Vėliau šie sluoksniai buvo pavadinti Rootsikülos vardu (Bekker, 1925). Rootsikülos regioninio aukšto stratotipas buvo nebeegzistuojamame Viitos karjere (Sidaravičienė, 1999). Neostratotipas buvo išskirtas Vesiku upelio atodangoje prie Rootsikülos kaimo, o hipostratotipas – Kipio gręžinio 25,6 – 53,6 m intervale (Эйнасто, 1970). Rootsikülos regioninis aukštas yra išskirtas sėklavandenėse facijose kur vyrauja sluoksniuoti lagūniniai dolomitai, dolomitai su biodurbacijomis, sluoksniuoti stromatolitai ir stambenuolaužinės klintys. Rootsikülos regioninio aukšto ribos buvo išskirtos remiantis sedimentacijos cikliškumais. Rootsikülos regioninio aukšto pjūvis Estijoje neturi koreliacinių požymių, būtinų chronostratigrafiniam padaliniui, stratotipas yra laguninėse facijose, pjūvyje yra randamos stratigrafinės pertraukos ir spragos. Dėl pertraukų, spragų ir nepilnų geologinių pjūvių, regioninio aukšto ribos visame baseine ir jų koreliacijos yra neaiškios, ribos ir apimtis globalioje graptolitėje stratigrafineje skalėje nesikoreliuoja su biozonu ribomis ir apimtimis. Trūkstant tikslios regioninio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The regional horizon of Geluva has been characterized in the written materials (Paškevičius and others, 1994) of the second conference of Baltic stratigraphists which took place in Vilnius, Lithuania in the year 1993. Earlier it was recognized as a separate stratigraphic element only in conjunction with Euripterus (Schmidt, 1891) layers and those layers were correlated with the lower part of Ludlov. Later on those layers were given the name of Rootsikülos (Bekker, 1925). The stratotype of the regional horizon of Rootsikülos was in the extinct quarry of Viitos (Sidaravičienė, 1999). The neostratotype has been characterized in the exposures of Vesiku stream near the village of Rootsikülos, the hipostratotype – in the boring of Kipio (interval between 25.6 and 53.6 meters) (Эйнасто, 1970). The regional horizon of Rootsikülos is characterized in shallow-water facies which are being dominated by layered lagoonal dolomites, dolomites containing with bioturbations, by layered stromatopors and coarse-fragmented limestone. The boundaries of this horizon were determined by referencing the cycle of sedimentation. The sectional view of the regional horizon of Rootsikülos in Estonia does not have correlational features that are required for a chronostratigraphic element. The stratotype is in lagoonal facies. The sectional view contains stratigraphic breaks and gaps which, in conjunction with the incomplete geological sectional view, is the cause... [to full text]

Moterų kolektyvinio tapatumo raiška komandinėse sporto šakose: krepšinio atvejo studija / Women’s collective identity formation in team sports: a case study from women’s basketball

Smolskaitė, Inga 23 June 2014 (has links)
Nors sportininkių skaičius nuolat auga, sportas vis dar yra suvokiamas kaip vyrams aktuali veikla, todėl natūralu, kad moterys, norėdamos sulaukti pripažinimo ir populiarumo, susiduria su eile apribojimų. Šio darbo tikslas yra išsiaiškinti, ar egzistuoja lyčių nelygybė sporte ir pastarosios įtaką kolektyvinio tapatumo formavimuisi komandinėje sporto šakoje, kaip būdui, siekiant sugriauti lytiškumu (sexism) paremtas struktūras. Teorinėje darbo dalyje remiantis socialinio pripažinimo, lyties kaip struktūros, galios sampratomis bei sportininkių/ sportininkų vaizdavimo ypatumais žiniasklaidoje parodoma, kad sportas dar tebėra vyrų dominavimo sritis. Aptariama teisinė bazė (Tarptautinių „Moterų ir sporto“ konferencijų principai, Title IX (JAV)), reglamentuojanti moterų teises sporte. Apžvelgiamos A.Melucci, V.Taylor ir N.Whittier kolektyvinio tapatumo sampratos leidžia suvokti, kaip grupė apibrėžia, kas ji yra, kaip konstruoja grupės sąmonę, bei kaip mobilizuojasi kovai prieš nusistovėjusį lyčių status quo. Tuo pačiu, pristatomas kolektyvinio tapatumo ryšys su lauko, socialinio pripažinimo sampratomis. Aptariamos sąlygos, sukeliančios kolektyvinio veiksmo atsiradimą. Pristatomas C.F. Pelak atliktas lyčių nelygybės ledo ritulyje tyrimas. Empirinės darbo dalies pagrindą sudaro atvejo – VU merginų krepšinio komanda – analizė, kurioje siekiama pažiūrėti, ar moteriškos lyties atstovės susiduria su lyčių nelygybė sporte ir kokia forma ji reiškiasi. Tuo pačiu, C.F.Pelak merginų ledo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Although the number of sportswomen grows, however the sport is conceptualized as exclusively male domain. For this reason, women, who want to be sport leaders have to confront with a lot of boundaries. The aim of this work is to find out whether gender inequality exists in sport and if it does, to show the role that collective identity plays in contesting sexism structures in team sports. According to conceptions of social recognition, gender as a social structure, power and presentation of sportsmen/sportswomen in media, the theoretical part of this work reveals that the sport is not just the male domain. In this part is described the legal basis (the principles of international “Women and sports” conferences Title IX (USA)) that regulates women‘s rights in sports. A.Melucci, V.Taylor and N.Whittier collective identity concepts allow us to examine the processe of how groups define who they are, contruct the group consciousness and mobilize against perceived injustices. Here are also discussed the circumstances that cause the rise of collective action. The research of gender differences in ice hockey by C.F. Pelak is presented. The empirical base of this work is a case study – VU women‘s basketball team – analysis, which helps to find out whether female confront gender inequality in sports and if they do, how it shows. The same indicators were adapted in making the interviews with the VU basketball players as in C.F.Pelak female ice hockey players research, in order to... [to full text]

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