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Biological Diversity of Fish and Bacteria in Space and TimeRagnarsson, Henrik January 2008 (has links)
Biological diversity is controlled by an array of factors and processes all active at different spatial and temporal scales. Regional factors control what species are available to occur locally, whereas the local factors determine what species are actually capable of colonizing the locality. I have investigated how these local and regional factors affect species richness and diversity, mainly of fish in Swedish lakes and in order to assess the impact of dispersal mode one study on bacteria was also performed. In addition, potential first steps towards speciation were investigated in perch (Perca fluviatilis) from two different habitats. Fish species richness and diversity were found to be regulated by history, dispersal limitation and the local environment. In addition, striking similarities were found in the control of community composition for fish and bacteria. Both were regulated by nearly equal parts regional and local factors. The study of morphological and genetical variation in perch (Perca fluviatilis) revealed genetic differentiation at small spatial scales, suggesting that genetic differences can evolve between groups at strikingly small spatial scales, which might have implications for speciation in a long time perspective. Based on these findings I conclude that space and time matter. Space has the potential to isolate sites. And both dispersal and local extinctions, it seems, might take a long time, as effects of the last ice-age can still be seen on the contemporary fish community richness and composition.
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What explains patterns of species richness? The relative importance of climatic-niche evolution, morphological evolution, and ecological limits in salamandersKozak, Kenneth H., Wiens, John J. 08 1900 (has links)
A major goal of evolutionary biology and ecology is to understand why species richness varies among clades. Previous studies have suggested that variation in richness among clades might be related to variation in rates of morphological evolution among clades (e.g., body size and shape). Other studies have suggested that richness patterns might be related to variation in rates of climatic-niche evolution. However, few studies, if any, have tested the relative importance of these variables in explaining patterns of richness among clades. Here, we test their relative importance among major clades of Plethodontidae, the most species-rich family of salamanders. Earlier studies have suggested that climatic-niche evolution explains patterns of diversification among plethodontid clades, whereas rates of morphological evolution do not. A subsequent study stated that rates of morphological evolution instead explained patterns of species richness among plethodontid clades (along with "ecological limits" on richness of clades, leading to saturation of clades with species, given limited resources). However, they did not consider climatic-niche evolution. Using phylogenetic multiple regression, we show that rates of climatic-niche evolution explain most variation in richness among plethodontid clades, whereas rates of morphological evolution do not. We find little evidence that ecological limits explain patterns of richness among plethodontid clades. We also test whether rates of morphological and climatic-niche evolution are correlated, and find that they are not. Overall, our results help explain richness patterns in a major amphibian group and provide possibly the first test of the relative importance of climatic niches and morphological evolution in explaining diversity patterns.
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Effect of land-use history and site-specific environmental factors on solitary bees and flower beetles in clear-cuts of boreal coniferous forestEriksson, Victor January 2015 (has links)
Land-use history has been recognized as an important factor in shaping biological communities in clear-cuts. Many solitary bees and flower beetles (Cerambycidae: Lepturinae) are commonly found in clear-cuts, which serve as early successional habitats. I analyzed the effect of land-use history on the abundance and species richness, as well as the preference for land-use history in specific species, of solitary bees and flower beetles in coniferous clear-cuts in southern Sweden. Additionally, the effect of site-specific environmental factors was examined. Insects were caught with blue, white and yellow pan-traps in 48 clear-cuts, of which half were meadow and half were forest in the 1870s. With few exceptions, the species found did not show preference for any land-use history. Furthermore, land-use history had no significant effect on the abundance or species richness of solitary bees or flower beetles. This may be due to pan-traps being less attractive in flower-rich locations, a bias in the sampling method. However, species richness and abundance of solitary bees was higher in young clear-cuts (2-4 years old), probably best explained by more exposed soil and higher frequencies of flowering plants in newer clear-cuts. Abundance of flower beetles was higher in old clear-cuts (6-8 years old). This may be due to larger amounts of more strongly decomposed wood in older clear-cuts, which is used in the flower beetles´ larval development. I conclude that solitary bees are likely to benefit if clear-cuts, particularly with meadow history, are kept more open by introducing disturbance regimes, as suggested by previous studies.
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Coral islands in West Papua: A model system for functional and taxonomic diversity and the resilience of isolated habitatsSchrader, Julian 17 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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How former arable fields with permanent grazing differ from managed semi-natural pastures in SwedenGalin, Isolde January 2019 (has links)
New farming needs and innovations have, over time, led to changes in land use. Arable fields have been turned into pastures and semi-natural pastures into arable fields. Due to the ecological value of continually grazed semi-natural pastures in Sweden the aim of this study is to find out how former arable fields that are permanently grazed differ from semi-natural pastures. In this study I selected appropriate semi-natural pastures from a national monitoring program on seminatural- pastures and meadows. Plots continuously grazed were compared with grazed plots on former arable fields. Pair-wise differences in the Ellenberg indicator values Light (L), Soil moisture (F), soil pH (R) and soil nitrogen (N), vertical coverage of trees, bushes and vegetation, species richness and species composition were tested. Except for species composition there were only small differences between former arable fields that are permanently grazed and semi-natural pastures. That means former arable fields can with time and grazing gain many of the values continuously grazed semi-natural pastures have.
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How do social media marketing activities influence customer equity and purchase intention : An empirical study of hotel industry based on Y-Generation.Macharia, Haggah, Cheng, Ying January 2019 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of social media marketing activities on customer equity and how that drive affects purchase intention in the context of the hotel industry with the perspective of Y-Generation. Design/methodology/approach: An explanatory, deductive, quantitative research approach and cross-sectional research design were utilized within this research, where self-completed questionnaires were distributed online with a number of 136 valid responses collected. Findings: The research found that social media marketing activities positively affected customer equity in the context of hotel industry. Brand equity and relationship equity had positive influence on customer’s purchase intention. Finally, information richness negatively moderated the relationship between social media marketing activities and purchase intention. Research implications/limitations: The main implication of this research is social media marketing activities should be utilized as an effective marketing strategy to enhance customer equity. In addition, for hotel managers, creating emotional tie with brands and building bond with customers are supposed to take priority. The main limitation of this research is the language barriers and the research is considered not to be generalized since most respondents are students. Future research: Further research could investigate how social media marketing activities influence other industries and also investigate other different consumer groups such as X-Generation. Sociodemographic variables such as gender, income, backgrounds could be used as moderators in future. Cultural difference is interesting to go depth regarding to this topic.
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Estrutura de comunidades de formigas do cerrado. / Ant community structure in the brazilian tropical dry forest (Cerrado).Silvestre, Rogerio 09 June 2000 (has links)
O presente trabalho investiga três aspectos da estrutura de comunidades de formigas do bioma Cerrado: interações interespecíficas, riqueza e diversidade de espécies e guildas. Primeiramente, investiguei a influência dos comportamentos agressivos observados em interações interespecíficas nos levantamentos faunísticos que empregam iscas, verificando a existência de hierarquias de dominância dentro das comunidades de formigas e tentando responder se essa eventual dominância comportamental da fonte alimentar poderia alterar os resultados de freqüência relativa das espécies obtidos em levantamentos. Utilizei como modelo iscas de sardinha que mimetizam fontes de proteína. Registrei os atos comportamentais de formigas visitando 60 iscas oferecidas por 90 minutos sobre o solo de duas localidades de Cerrado. Setenta e duas espécies foram registradas realizando 682 atos comportamentais interativos, dos quais 352 foram agressivos, resultando na morte de 29 indivíduos. A maioria das espécies observadas monitora constantemente o habitat à procura de alimentos, sobrepondo as áreas de forrageamento das colônias que estão próximas, resultando assim na competição freqüentemente observada. A maioria das iscas (85%) foi visitada nos primeiros cinco minutos de exposição e em média 4,8 espécies (1-8) visitaram cada isca durante os 90 minutos. O comportamento mais comum registrado foi a visita oportunista das formigas nas iscas; nesta situação a operária encontra solitariamente a isca, coleta uma porção da sardinha e retorna ao ninho. Muitas vezes operárias foram observadas obstruindo o acesso das outras que visitavam as mesmas iscas, por utilizarem químicos repelentes, recrutamento de massa ou por serem agressivas. Minhas observações indicam que, embora a dominância da isca por determinadas espécies possa ocorrer, resultando na exclusão das espécies subordinadas, a ordem na hierarquia de dominância pode se inverter em outra ocasião, possivelmente como resultado da distância da fonte ao ninho, da composição de espécies interagindo na mesma isca e das diferentes estratégias de recrutamento empregadas em cada situação. Na segunda etapa do trabalho, realizei um levantamento da fauna de formigas em 7 localidades de Cerrado, utilizando métodos quantitativos e qualitativos. Para as coletas quantitativas, uma área de 1ha de Cerrado sensu stricto foi escolhida em cada localidade e 25 pontos foram sorteados de um total de 121 pontos demarcados em uma grade de coleta, formada por 11 transectos, separados 10m entre si, com 11 pontos separados, também 10m um do outro. Em cada localidade as iscas foram oferecidas por 90 minutos no solo e na vegetação nos períodos diurno e noturno. Um total de 4.400 iscas foram oferecidas em todas as 7 localidades, com o objetivo de comparar a similaridade faunística entre as áreas amostradas. Utilizei ainda, em cinco localidades, 500 iscas dispostas em Matas Ciliares (100 por localidade), no solo e na vegetação, apenas no período diurno, em transectos cobrindo 250m lineares. Para as amostragens qualitativas utilizei: coletas com pinça, frasco aspirador, escavação de cupinzeiros, o revirar de pedras, a abertura de troncos, galhos e gravetos caídos, amostras de serapilheira submetidas a funil de Berlese-Tüllgren e extrator de Winkler, a instalação de armadilhas do tipo pit-fall, bandejas com água e para a captura de alados Malaise e armadilha luminosa. Um total de 331 espécies foi registrado, somando todas as espécies de formigas amostradas nos levantamentos qualitativos e quantitativos nas 7 localidades de Cerrado. Neste levantamento foram registradas as subfamílias Formicinae, Myrmecinae, Dilichoderinae, Ecitoninae, Ponerinae, Pseudomyrmecinae e Cerapachyinae. Os gêneros Camponotus, Pheidole, Crematogaster e Solenopsis foram os mais ricos em número de espécies. Pseudomyrmex mostrou uma grande diversidade de espécies (29), incluindo espécies ainda não descritas. Muitas espécies foram registradas pela primeira vez nesta latitude como Blepharidatta conops, Gigantiops destructor, Paraponera clavata, Megalomyrmex acauna e Tingimyrmex mirabilis. Como última etapa do trabalho, analisei a comunidade amostrada no Cerrado, tentando revelar as guildas de formigas existentes, baseando-me na taxonomia, na preferência trófica, nos hábitos de nidificação, nas estratégias de forrageamento, no padrão de comportamento observado em interações interespecíficas, no tamanho das operárias, na agilidade relativa das espécies e no tamanho da população das colônias maduras. Selecionei para análise os táxons associados com os dados de observações de campo, considerando para este propósito um total de 110 espécies. Uma análise de agrupamento com distância Euclidiana e ligação completa orientou a formação de 12 guildas: predadoras grandes, patrulheiras, oportunistas, espécies crípticas, desfolheadoras, cultivadoras de fungos sobre carcaças, mirmicíneas generalistas, dolichoderíneas de recrutamento massivo, nômades, especialistas mínimas, cefalotíneas e dolichoderíneas coletoras de néctar. Por fim, eu comparo a estrutura da comunidade de uma localidade no core" do Cerrado, com uma localidade ilha" de Cerrado, utilizando o modelo de classificação das guildas, demonstrando que existe uma substituição de espécies dentro dos grupos e que as comunidades são funcionalmente semelhantes. / The present work investigates three aspects of ant community structure in the tropical dry forest of the Brazilian Central Plateau (Cerrado): interespecific interactions, richness and diversity of species and guilds. Firstly, I investigated the influence of aggressive behaviors in interspecific interactions on ant faunistic surveys that employ baits, assessing if the eventual behavioral dominance hierarchy on the food source influences the relative frequencies observed in surveys. I used as model sardine baits that mimic sources of protein, recording the behavioral acts of ants visiting 60 baits, offered for 90 minutes, on the soil of two Cerrado localities. Seventy-two ant species were registered performing 682 interactive behavioral acts, of which 352 were aggressive, resulting in the death of 29 individuals. Of the observed species, most constantly monitor the habitat searching for food, resulting in niche overlapping, and hence interespecific competition was quite frequent. Most baits (85%) were visited in the first five minutes after exposition, and in average 4,8 (1-8) species visited each bait during the 90 min. The most common behavior registered was the opportunistic visit of ants to baits, in which individuals find the bait alone, take some of it and leave the spot. Nevertheless some species were observed obstructing the access of others visiting the same bait, either by releasing irritating sprays, employing massive recruitment, or by agonistic behaviors. My observations indicate that although dominance may occur resulting in the exclusion of subordinate species, the order in dominance hierarchies may change, possibly as a result of the different distances from the nest to the food source, of the species composition interacting at a given bait, and of the different recruiting strategies employed by them in each situation. Secondly, I check the ant fauna through qualitative and quantitative surveys in seven Cerrado localities. For this purpose the samples include all species collected by different techniques. To perform the quantitative surveys, one area (1ha) of Cerrado sensu stricto was chosen before collecting events in each locality, and 25 points were randomly chosen among 121 points in a grid made by 11 transects, separated 10m either, with 11 points, also separated 10m from each other. At each locality sardine baits were offered for 90 minutes, over the soil and on the vegetation, at day and night periods. A total of 4400 baits in all seven localities were offered in order to compare the ant species composition in each surveyed area. I summed to this total 500 baits set in Forests bordering rivers, on transects covering 250m, in five localities. For the qualitative surveys, a set of general procedures was applied including general collecting using forceps and aspirator, excavations on termites nests, the turn of rocks and opening of rotting wood, tearing up logs and stumps, submitting litter samples to Berlese-Tüllgren funnels and Winkler extractors, the setting of pit-fall traps and yellow water trays, and Malaises and light-traps to capture winged forms. Summing all ants collected in qualitative and quantitative surveys I registered 331 species. In this survey I registered the subfamilies: Formicinae, Myrmicinae, Dolichoderinae, Ecitoninae, Ponerinae, Pseudomyrmecinae, and Cerapachyinae. The genera Camponotus, Pheidole, Crematogaster, and Solenopsis were the most rich in number of species. Pseudomyrmex showed a great diversity (29 species), including undescribed ones. Several species had their first record in this latitude as Blepharidatta conops, Gigantiops destructor, Paraponera clavata, Megalomyrmex acauna, and Tingimyrmex mirabilis. Finally, I analyzed the Cerrado ant community trying to classify the species in guilds based on taxonomy, throphic preference, nidification habits, foraging and recruitment strategies, behavioral patterns observed on interespecific interactions, size of workers, readiness of movement" and estimated mature colony population. I selected for this analysis those taxa associated with field observation data, considering for this purposes a total of 110 species. A cluster analysis, with Euclidean distance, and with complete linkage oriented the formation of 12 guilds: big predators, patrollers, opportunistic, cryptic, leaf cuttings, fungus growers over carcass, generalist myrmicines, aggressive arboreal, nomads, minimal specialist, cephalotines, and nectars feed dolichoderines. After that I compared two Cerrado localities, utilizing the guild model, revealing as well which species substitute others in different localities, and that the communities are functionally similar.
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Diversidade florística e fitossociológica dos quintais agroflorestais do reassentamento Mariana, TocantinsSantos, Ícaro Gonçalves 24 March 2017 (has links)
Objetivou-se caracterizar a composição florística e fitossociológica do componente arbustivo-arbóreo de quatro quintais agroflorestais (QAs) no reassentamento Mariana, Tocantins, a fim de conhecer a estrutura dessas áreas e as suas contribuições para a manutenção, proteção e conservação da biodiversidade. Além disso, buscou-se subsidiar a formação de uma base de dados referentes aos quintais agroflorestais no estado do Tocantins. O levantamento foi realizado em quatro quintais agroflorestais no reassentamento Mariana, que se encontra entre os municípios de Palmas e Porto Nacional, no estado do Tocantins. Foram instaladas três parcelas de 20x30m em cada quintal, perfazendo um total de 0,72 ha de área amostral, sendo amostrados todos os indivíduos arbustivo-arbóreos com circunferência altura do peito 1,30 cm do solo (CAP) ≥ a 10 cm. Foram amostrados nos quatro QAs um total de 477 indivíduos, 81 espécies, 34 famílias e 73 gêneros. O valor encontrado para o índice de diversidade (Shannon) foi de 3,68 e para equabilidade (Pielou) foi de 0,83, valores esses encontrados em 0,72 ha de área amostral. Individualmente, os quintais agroflorestais apresentaram os seguintes valores de diversidade de Shannon (H’) QA1 2,52; QA2 3,27; QA3 2,66 e QA4 2,94; e equabilidade de Pielou (J’) QA1 0,78; QA2 0,90; QA3 0,77 e QA4 0,85. A altura média da vegetação no QA1 foi de 4,79m e área basal total de 120,17m²/ha, no QA2 a altura media foi de 5,14m com área basal total de 18,49m²/ha, no QA3 a altura media foi de 3,66m e área basal total de 27,42m²/ha, no QA4 a altura media foi de 5,54m com área basal total de 33,98m²/ha. As dez espécies mais importantes dos quintais agroflorestais representaram juntas 44,26% do valor de importância total, com destaque para as espécies Malpighia glabra, Psidium guajava e Mangifera indica que alcançaram posições de destaque em mais de um quintal. As dez famílias mais importantes somaram juntas 67,63% do IVI total as famílias que mais se destacaram foram Arecaceae, Anacardiaceae e Fabaceae para todos os (QAs) avaliados. Assim, pode-se inferir que os quintais agroflorestais do reassentamento Mariana demonstraram alta riqueza e diversidade, evidenciando grande heterogeneidade ambiental e baixa dominância ecológica. / The objective of this study was to characterize the floristic and phytosociological composition of the shrubby-arboreal component of four quintals agroforestry (QAs) in the Mariana resettlement, Tocantins, in order to know the structure of these areas and their contributions to the maintenance, protection and conservation of biodiversity. In addition, it was sought to subsidize the formation of a database of agroforestry quintals in the state of Tocantins. Three 20x30m plots were installed in each quintal, making a total of 0,72 ha of sample area, and all shrub-arboreal individuals with chest height circumference 1,30 cm (CAP) ≥ 10 cm were sampled. A total of 477 individuals, 81 species, 34 families and 73 genera were sampled in the four QAs. The value found for the diversity index (Shannon) was 3,68 and for equability (Pielou) was 0,83, values found in 0,72 ha of sample area.Individually, agroforestry quintals had the following Shannon diversity values (H '): QA1 2,52; QA2 3,27; QA3 2,66 and QA4 2,94; And Pielou equability (J ') QA1 0,78; QA2 0,90; QA3 0,77 and QA 40,85. The average height of the vegetation in QA 01 was 4,79m and total basal area was 120,17 m²/ ha, in QA 02 the average height was 5,14m with a total basal area of 18,49 m²/ ha, in QA 03 a mean height was 3,66 m and total basal area was 27,42 m²/ ha; in QA 04 the mean height was 5,54m with a total basal area of 33,98 m²/ha.The ten most important agroforestry species together represented 44.26% of the value of total importance, especially the species: Malpighia glabra, Psidium guajava and Mangifera indica that they reached prominent positions in more than one quintal.The ten most important families together accounted for 67.63% of the total IVI, and the families that stood out were Arecaceae, Anacardiaceae and Fabaceae for all (QAs) evaluated. Thus, it can be inferred that the agroforestry quintals of the Mariana resettlement demonstrated high richness and diversity, evidencing great environmental heterogeneity and low ecological dominance.
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Índices espaciais e de diversidade florística das zonas central e residencial central de Imperatriz - MAAngelo, Dalton Henrique 25 September 2017 (has links)
Considerando a importância das árvores por proporcionar o embelezamento das cidades, a amenização da temperatura local e entre outros fatores, se faz necessário conhecer as espécies que compõem a arborização urbana, o qual pode ser avaliada através do inventário. Após o levantamento florístico é possível medir a qualidade da arborização através de índices de riqueza e/ou índices espaciais das árvores em via pública. Baseado nisso, este estudo teve o objetivo de estudar a arborização urbana em duas regiões centrais da cidade Imperatriz – MA, avaliando riqueza, dominância, equidade e os índices espaciais. Para isso foi feito um inventário total dos indivíduos arbóreos, no qual contemplou-se altura das árvores ≥ 1,5 m, circunferência a altura do peito – CAP, raios e altura da copa, altura da 1ª bifurcação e também dados da malha urbana (largura e comprimento da calçada e vias, distância da árvore para o meio fio, dimensões da área de livre crescimento, altura de fiação e distância entre árvores). Todos os dados coletados foram inseridos em planilhas do programa Microsoft Office Excel onde foram calculados os índices de riqueza: Shannon-Weaver (H’), Odum, Menhinick (Dmn) e Jentsch (QM), índices de diversidade; Simpson (D) McIntosh (dominância); Pielou (J) e Bulla (E) (equidade) e os índices espaciais: ICA, IPO, Déficit, ICV, IDA, IAQC, PCV, IAVT, IAVPB, IAVPV, AVB, IPT, IPE, Sad, Npot e dfut. No estudo obteve-se um total de 228 quadras inventariadas, sendo 145 quadras pertencentes à Zona Central (ZC) e 83 a Zona Residencial Central (ZRC). Foram inventariados 2321 indivíduos distribuídos em 69 espécies e 27 famílias botânicas. Verificou-se também que na área total foram encontradas 24 espécies de origem nativas e 45 exóticas. Através da caracterização florística, observou-se que Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch e Azadirachta indica A. Juss são as espécies mais frequentes os quais representam 63,77% dos indivíduos. Os índices de riqueza demonstram baixa diversidade de espécies (H’, Dmn e QM), com exceção do índice de Odum. Os índices de dominância evidenciam a baixa diversidade, mostrando que existe alta dominância de poucas espécies. E os índices de equidade mostram haver baixa uniformidade do número de árvores para o número de espécies. No geral, a ZRC demonstrou ser menos diversa, com maior dominância e menor equidade. Quanto aos índices espaciais os resultados demonstram que a ocupação das copas em relação à área de calçadas está abaixo do recomendado, tanto para área total (19,81%) quanto para ZC (25,11%) e ZRC (16,93%), representando um déficit total de 7570 árvores, que representam percentualmente 76,5% de implantação de indivíduos para que houvesse ocupação completa.Quanto à relação do número de habitantes, a arborização de vias e praças de Imperatriz também se encontra inadequada, demonstrada pelo ICV (1,03 m²/habitante), IAVT e IAVPV (0,70 m²/habitante). Portanto, é possível perceber que a área de estudo em Imperatriz possui baixa diversidade, com poucos indivíduos em relação ao número de espécies, demonstra ainda haver desproporção entre a quantidade de árvores por espécie. Por outro lado, a área de estudo apresenta potencial para receber plantio de novas árvores desde que haja planejamento adequado por meio de um plano diretor de arborização urbana. / Considering the importance of trees for providing the beautification of cities, the amelioration of the local temperature and other factors, it is necessary to know the species that make up the urban forestry, which can be assessed through the inventory. After the floristic survey it is possible to measure the quality of the afforestation through indices of wealth and / or spatial indexes of the trees on public roads. Based on this, this study aimed to study the urban forestation in two central regions of the city Imperatriz - MA, evaluating wealth, dominance, equity and spatial indices. To this was done a total inventory of individual trees, which is included tree height ≥ 1.5 m, diameter at breast height - CAP rays and height of the canopy height of 1st data fork and also the urban network (width and length of sidewalk and pathways, distance from the tree to the curb, dimensions of the free growing area, spinning height and distance between trees). All data were entered in Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet program where wealth indices were calculated: Shannon-Weaver (H '), Odum, Menhinick (Dmn) and Jentsch (QM), diversity indices; Simpson (D) McIntosh (dominance); Evenness (J) and Bulla (E) (fairness) and spatial indexes: ICA, IPO deficit, ICV, IDA IAQC, PCV IAVT, IAVPB, IAVPV, AVB, IPT IPE Sad, and Npot dfut. In the study yielded a total of 228 scheduled blocks, 145 blocks and belonging to the central zone (ZC) and 83 Central Residential (ZRC). 2321 individuals were scheduled distributed in 69 species and 27 botanical families. It was also found that the total area found 24 species of native origin and 45 exotic. Through the floristic characterization, it was observed that Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch and Azadirachta indica A. Juss s will be the most common species which represents 63.77% of the subjects. The richness indices show low diversity of species (H +, Dmn and QM), except Odum index. The dominance indexes show low diversity, showing that there is a high dominance of few species. And the equity indices show a low uniformity of the number of trees for the number of species. Overall, the ZRC proved to be less diverse, with greater dominance and less equity. As for spatial indexes s results demonstrate that the occupation of the cups with respect to area walkways are below the recommended both pa ra total area (19.81%) and for ZC (25.11%) and ZRC (16.93 %), representing a total deficit of 7570 trees, representing 76.5% percentage deployment individuals so that there was full occupancy. Regarding the number of inhabitants, the arborization of Imperatriz roads and squares is also inadequate, as demonstrated by the ICV (1.03 m² / inhabitant), IAVT and IAVPV (0.70 m² / inhabitant). Therefore, it is possible to notice that the study area in Imperatriz has low diversity, with few individuals in relation to the number of species, it also shows a disproportion between the number of trees per species. On the other hand, the study area has the potential to be planted with new trees provided there is adequate planning through a master plan for urban afforestation.
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Diversidade e conservação de anfíbios anuros no estado de Santa Catarina, sul do Brasil / Diversity and Conservation of amphibians in Santa Catarina State, southeastern BrazilGonsales, Elaine Maria Lucas 12 September 2008 (has links)
Apesar da elevada diversidade de anfíbios anuros na Mata Atlântica, as variações geográficas na riqueza e na composição das taxocenoses são pouco conhecidas. Este estudo sintetiza o conhecimento atual sobre a riqueza e a distribuição geográfica de anuros no Estado de Santa Catarina, sul do Brasil, e identifica as principais lacunas de áreas para a conservação e de conhecimento sobre as espécies. As informações foram obtidas por meio da consulta de exemplares depositados em dez coleções científicas nacionais, literatura e em campo. As visitas a campo foram realizadas em áreas carentes de informações e/ou com necessidade de coleta de espécies com problemas taxonômicos, identificadas a partir de análises preliminares. Padrões gerais de distribuição foram investigados considerando a amplitude total da distribuição geográfica de espécies ocorrentes no Estado. As variações na riqueza e endemismo de anuros foram analisadas utilizando análise de agrupamento e análise de parcimônia de endemismo (APE). Para isso, o Estado foi dividido em cinco eco-regiões, considerando as variações na complexidade estrutural da vegetação, características de clima e heterogeneidade de relevo. Para identificar as regiões prioritárias para a conservação de anuros, bem como as principais lacunas de conhecimento e de áreas para a conservação, a área territorial do Estado foi dividida em quadrículas, e a riqueza de espécies, esforço de amostragem, representatividade da fauna, insubstituibilidade e número de espécies ameaçadas e quase ameaçadas de extinção foram analisadas para cada quadrícula e em diferentes escalas. Registramos uma riqueza em torno de 144 espécies de anuros no Estado. Esta riqueza corresponde a 60% das famílias, 37% dos gêneros e 17% das espécies de anuros conhecidas no Brasil (830 espécies). Os padrões gerais de distribuição geográfica revelaram uma fauna típica das porções sudeste e sul da Mata Atlântica. A maior riqueza de espécies, e a maior taxa de endemismo foram encontradas nas encostas e escarpas da Serra do Mar e Serra Geral, na região leste do Estado. As maiores lacunas de áreas para a conservação também foram identificadas nesta região. A área do planalto meridional apresenta relativamente poucos remanescentes de vegetação natural e as maiores lacunas de conhecimento. Não somente as áreas de elevada diversidade e endemismo devem ser consideradas como de especial prioridade na conservação de anuros no Estado de Santa Catarina, mas o aumento no conhecimento sobre a diversidade nas áreas desprovidas de informações também é prioritário. / Despite the high diversity of anurans in the Atlantic Forest, little is known about geographic variations in the richness and composition of assemblages. This study summarizes the current knowledge on the richness and geographic distribution of anurans in Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil, and identifies areas for conservation and the main knowledge gaps on species. The information was obtained by examining ten national scientific collections, literature, and in the field. Field trips were carried out in areas with little information available and/or from which specimens with taxonomic problems were needed for collections, identified based on preliminary analyses. General distribution patterns were examined using the total extent of the geographic distribution of the species found in the state. Variations in anuran richness and endemism were examined using grouping analysis and parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE). To this end, the state was divided into five eco-regions, based on variations in the structural complexity of the vegetation, climate features, and relief heterogeneity. To identify priority regions for anuran conservation, as well as the main gaps on the knowledge and areas for conservation, the territorial area of the state was divided into squares. Species richness, sampling effort, representativeness of the fauna, irreplaceability, and number of species near threatened or threatened with extinction were analyzed for each plot and on different scales. A richness of approximately 144 anuran species was found in the state, representing 60% of families, 37% of genera, and 17% of anuran species known in Brazil (830 species). The general patterns of geographic distribution revealed a fauna typical of southeastern and southern regions of the Atlantic Forest. The highest species richness and endemic rates were found in the foothills and cliffs of the Serra do Mar and Serra Geral, in the eastern region of the state. The widest gaps regarding areas for conservation were also identified in this region. The southern highland area presents relatively few reminiscent patches of natural vegetation and is the most poorly known. Areas with high diversity and endemism levels need to be considered as of special importance regarding anuran conservation in Santa Catarina State, however, increase in the knowledge on diversity of poorly known areas should also be a priority.
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