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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Breeding Melons for Resistance to Viral and Fungal Diseases. Exploiting the Multi-Resistant Accession TGR-1551

López Martín, María 15 January 2024 (has links)
[ES] Las cucurbitáceas son la segunda familia de hortícolas más importante a nivel mundial, solo por detrás de las solanáceas. Tradicionalmente su cultivo se ha llevado a cabo en las zonas templadas del planeta. Sin embargo, las condiciones de cambio climático, el comercio internacional y los modelos de agricultura intensiva favorecen la aparición de nuevas virosis y enfermedades fúngicas en zonas donde antes no estaban presentes. En este sentido, resulta esencial el monitoreo periódico de las principales zonas productoras, para así poder detectar los virus y hongos emergentes en cada territorio y adaptar los programas de mejora a los objetivos específicos de cada zona. En el caso concreto del melón (Cucumis melo) existe una gran variabilidad intraespecífica que puede servir como fuente de alelos de resistencia frente a estos patógenos. Sin embargo, las fuentes de resistencia suelen encontrarse dentro del germoplasma silvestre, normalmente originario de África o Asia, y en el que el nivel de domesticación es reducido. Para un mejor aprovechamiento de las accesiones resistentes, resulta necesario un estudio del control genético de los caracteres de interés, que permita localizar las regiones asociadas a la resistencia y diseñar marcadores moleculares asociadas a las mismas. Esto facilita los programas de mejora orientados a la introgresión de las resistencias manteniendo el fondo genético de las variedades de interés En la presente tesis doctoral, durante las campañas de verano de 2019 y 2020, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de la incidencia y diversidad genética de 9 especies virales potencialmente limitantes para el cultivo de cucurbitáceas en el sur este español. Se ha podido observar que los virus transmitidos por pulgones son prevalentes frente a los transmitidos por mosca blanca. Dentro del primer grupo destacó la presencia de watermelon mosaic virus (WMV), cucurbits aphid borne yellows virus (CABYV) y cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), ya que fueron detectados en todas las zonas y cultivos estudiados, apareciendo frecuentemente en infecciones mixtas. Moroccan watermelon mosaic virus (MWMV) y tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) también fueron detectados en algunas zonas, pero con porcentajes de infección más bajos y normalmente en infecciones mixtas con WMV. Los análisis filogenéticos de los distintos aislados encontrados ha permitido la identificación de 7 nuevos perfiles moleculares de WMV y de aislados recombinantes de CMV, lo que es consistente con los resultados obtenidos en otros países y pone de manifiesto la gran variabilidad de estos patógenos. Las accesiones silvestres de melón recogidas en distintos bancos de germoplasma son un valioso recurso para los programas de mejora genética frente a estreses bióticos. La accesión africana TGR-1551 ha sido descrita previamente como resistente a WMV, CYSDV (cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus), CABYV y el hongo Podosphaera xanthii (Px, razas 1, 2 y 5) agente causal del oídio en melón. Además, es tolerante a la mosca blanca (Bemisia tabaci) y portadora del gen Vat (virus aphid transmission), el cual limita la transmisión de virus por pulgón. Por lo tanto, esta accesión constituye una buena fuente de alelos de resistencia y, al poder utilizar un único parental donante, su uso acortaría los programas de mejora. En el marco de la presente tesis doctoral, mediante el desarrollo de poblaciones segregantes de mapeo y el aprovechamiento de las tecnologías de genotipado masivo se han podido cartografiar los QTLs asociados a la resistencia a CYSDV derivados de esta entrada. En el caso de la resistencia a CYSDV, se han detectado dos QTL en el cromosoma 5. El primero de ellos es de efecto mayor y herencia dominante, estando asociado al desarrollo de síntomas. El segundo QTL, de efecto menor y también de herencia dominante, no confiere resistencia por sí mismo y está asociado a la carga viral durante la infección. Siguiendo una estrategia similar se han podido cartografiar y estrecha / [CA] Les cucurbitàcies són la segona família d'hortícoles més important a nivell mundial, només per darrere de les solanàcies. Tradicionalment el seu cultiu s'ha dut a terme a les zones temperades del planeta. No obstant això, les condicions de canvi climàtic, el comerç internacional i els models d'agricultura intensiva afavoreixen l'aparició de noves virosis i malalties fúngiques en zones on abans no estaven presents. En aquest sentit, resulta essencial el monitoratge periòdic de les principals zones productores, per a d'aquesta manera, poder detectar els virus i fongs emergents en cada territori i adaptar els programes de millora als objectius específics de cada zona. En el cas concret del meló (Cucumis melo) existeix una gran variabilitat intraespecífica que pot servir com a font d'al·lels de resistència enfront d'aquests patògens. No obstant això, les fonts de resistència solen trobar-se dins del germoplasma silvestre, normalment originari d'Àfrica o Àsia, i en el qual el nivell de domesticació és reduït. Per a un millor aprofitament de les accessions resistents, resulta necessari un estudi del control genètic dels caràcters d'interés, que permeta localitzar les regions associades a la resistència i dissenyar marcadors moleculars associats a aquestes. Això facilita els programes de millora orientats a la introgressió de les resistències mantenint el fons genètic de les varietats d'interés. En la present tesi doctoral, durant les campanyes d'estiu de 2019 i 2020, s'ha dut a terme un estudi de la incidència i diversitat genètica de nou espècies virals potencialment limitants per al cultiu de cucurbitàcies en el sud-est espanyol. S'ha pogut observar que els virus transmesos per pugons són prevalents enfront dels transmesos per mosca blanca. Dins del primer grup va destacar la presència de watermelon mosaic virus (WMV), cucurbits aphid born yellows virus (CABYV) i cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), ja que van ser detectats en totes les zones i cultius estudiats, apareixent sovint en infeccions mixtes. Moroccan watermelon mosaic virus (MWMV) i tomatoleaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) també van ser detectats en algunes zones, però amb percentatges d'infecció més baixos i normalment en infeccions mixtes amb WMV. Les anàlisis filogenètiques dels diferents aïllats trobats ha permés la identificació de set nous perfils moleculars de WMV i d'aïllats recombinants de CMV, la qual cosa és consistent amb els resultats obtinguts en altres països i posa de manifest la gran variabilitat d'aquests patògens. Les accessions silvestres de meló recollides en diferents bancs de germoplasma són un valuós recurs per als programes de millora genètica enfront d'estressos biòtics. L'accessió africana *TGR-1551 ha sigut descrita prèviament com a resistent a WMV, CYSDV (cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus), CABYV i el fong Podosphaera xanthii (Px, races 1, 2 i 5) agent causal de l'oïdi en meló. A més, és tolerant a la mosca blanca (Bemisia tabaci) i portadora del gen Vat (virus aphid transmission), el qual limita la transmissió de virus per pugó. Per tant, aquesta accessió constitueix una bona font d'al·lels de resistència i, en poder utilitzar un únic parental donant, el seu ús acurtaria els programes de millora. En el marc de la present tesi doctoral, mitjançant el desenvolupament de poblacions segregants de mapatge i l'aprofitament de les tecnologies de genotipat massiu s'ha pogut cartografiar els QTLs associats a la resistència a CYSDV derivats d'aquesta entrada. En el cas de la resistència a CYSDV, s'han detectat dues QTL en el cromosoma cinc. El primer d'ells és d'efecte major i herència dominant, estant associat al desenvolupament de símptomes. El segon QTL, d'efecte menor i també d'herència dominant, no confereix resistència per si mateix i està associat a la càrrega viral durant la infecció. Seguint una estratègia similar s'han pogut cartografiar i estrényer els *QTLs de resistència enfront de Px. En aquest cas es tracta d'una epistàsia dominant-re / [EN] Cucurbits represent the second most important horticultural family worldwide, second only the Solanaceae family. Traditionally, their cultivation has been concentrated in temperate regions across the globe. However, climate change conditions, international trade, and intensive agricultural practices are contributing to the emergence of new viral and fungal diseases in regions where they were previously absent. In this regard, it is crucial to regularly monitor major production areas to detect emerging viruses and fungi specific to each region. This monitoring allows for the adaptation of breeding programs to the unique goals of each area. In the case of melon (Cucumis melo), it exists significant intraspecific variability that can serve as a source of resistance alleles against these pathogens. However, sources of resistance are often found within wild germplasm, typically originating from Africa or Asia, and characterized by limited domestication. To better utilize these resistant accessions, a study of the genetic control of desirable traits is necessary. This study aims to locate regions associated with resistance and design molecular markers linked to these regions. Such an approach streamlines breeding programs focused on introgressing resistance traits while preserving the genetic background of the desired varieties. During the summer campaigns of 2019 and 2020, this doctoral thesis conducted a study on the incidence and genetic diversity of nine viral species potentially affecting cucurbit cultivation in southeastern Spain. It was observed that viruses transmitted by aphids were more prevalent than those transmitted by whiteflies. Within the first group, the presence of watermelon mosaic virus (WMV), cucurbits aphid borne yellows virus (CABYV), and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) stood out, as they were detected in all the studied areas and crops, often in mixed infections. Moroccan watermelon mosaic virus (MWMV) and tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) were also detected in some areas but with lower infection percentages, typically in mixed infections with WMV. Phylogenetic analyses of the found isolates have identified seven new molecular profiles of WMV and recombinant CMV isolates, which is consistent with results from other countries, highlighting the extensive variability of these pathogens. Wild melon accessions preserved in various germplasm banks represent a valuable resource for breeding programs against biotic stresses. The African accession TGR-1551 has been previously described as resistant to WMV, CYSDV (cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus), CABYV, and the fungus Podosphaera xanthii (Px, races 1, 2, and 5), which causes powdery mildew in melons. Additionally, it is tolerant to whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci) and carries the Vat gene (Virus Aphid Transmission), limiting virus transmission by aphids. Therefore, this accession constitutes as an excellent source of resistance alleles, and its use, as a single donor parent, can expedite breeding programs. Within the scope of this doctoral thesis, through the development of segregating mapping populations and the utilization of high-throughput genotyping technologies, the QTLs associated with CYSDV resistance from this accession have been mapped. In the case of CYSDV resistance, two QTLs have been detected on chromosome 5. The first of these, with major effects and dominant inheritance, is associated with symptom development. The second QTL, with minor effects and also dominant inheritance, does not confer resistance by itself and is linked to viral load during infection. A similar strategy was employed to map and narrow down the QTLs for resistance against Px. In this case, it involves a dominant-recessive epistasis, with the recessive gene located on chromosome 12 and the dominant gene on chromosome 5, specifically in the same region where the major CYSDV resistance QTL is located. Regarding resistance against WMV, previous studies conducted by the research / This research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), grant number PID2020-116055RB (C21 and C22), and by the Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esports de la Generalitat Valenciana, grant number PROMETEO/2021/072 (to promote excellence groups, cofinanced with FEDER funds). M.L. is a recipient of a predoctoral fellowship (PRE2018-083466) of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades co-financed with FSE funds. / López Martín, M. (2023). Breeding Melons for Resistance to Viral and Fungal Diseases. Exploiting the Multi-Resistant Accession TGR-1551 [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202060

Understanding Isoform Expression and Alternative Splicing Biology through Single-Cell RNAseq

Arzalluz Luque, Ángeles 27 April 2024 (has links)
[ES] La introducción de la secuenciación de ARN a nivel de célula única (scRNA-seq) en el ámbito de la transcriptómica ha redefinido nuestro entendimiento de la diversidad celular, arrojando luz sobre los mecanismos subyacentes a la heterogeneidad tisular. No obstante, al inicio de esta tesis, las limitaciones de a esta tecnología obstaculizaban su aplicación en el estudio de procesos complejos, entre ellos el splicing alternativo. A pesar de ello, los patrones de splicing a nivel celular planteaban incógnitas que esta tecnología tenía el potencial de resolver: ¿es posible observar, a nivel celular, la misma diversidad de isoformas que se detecta mediante RNA-seq a nivel de tejido? ¿Qué función desempeñan las isoformas alternativas en la constitución de la identidad celular? El objetivo de esta tesis es desbloquear el potencial del scRNA-seq para el análisis de isoformas, abordando sus dificultades técnicas y analíticas mediante el desarrollo de nuevas metodologías computacionales. Para lograrlo, se trazó una hoja de ruta con tres objetivos. Primero, se establecieron cuatro requisitos para el estudio de las isoformas mediante scRNA-seq, llevando a cabo una revisión de la literatura existente para evaluar su cumplimiento. Tras completar este marco con simulaciones computacionales, se identificaron las debilidades y fortalezas de los métodos de scRNA-seq y las herramientas computacionales disponibles. Durante la segunda etapa de la investigación, estos conocimientos se utilizaron para diseñar un protocolo óptimo de procesamiento de datos de scRNA-seq. En concreto, se integraron datos de lecturas largas a nivel de tejido con datos de scRNA-seq para garantizar una identificación adecuada de las isoformas así como su cuantificación a nivel celular. Este proceso permitió ampliar las estrategias computacionales disponibles para la reconstrucción de transcriptomas a partir de lecturas largas, mejoras que fueron implementadas en SQANTI3, software de referencia en transcriptómica. Por último, los datos procesados se utilizaron para desarrollar un nuevo método de análisis de co-expresión de isoformas a fin de desentrañar redes de regulación del splicing alternativo implicadas en la constitución de la identidad celular. Dada la elevada variabilidad de los datos de scRNA-seq, este método se basa en la utilización de una estrategia de correlación basada en percentiles que atenúa el ruido técnico y permite la identificación de grupos de isoformas co-expresadas. Una vez configurada la red de co-expresión, se introdujo una nueva estrategia de análisis para la detección de patrones de co-utilización de isoformas que suceden de forma independiente a la expresión a nivel de gen, denominada co-Differential Isoform Usage. Este enfoque facilita la identificación de una capa de regulación de la identidad celular atribuible únicamente a mecanismos post-transcripcionales. Para una interpretación biológica más profunda, se aplicó una estrategia de anotación computacional de motivos y dominios funcionales en las isoformas definidas con lecturas largas, revelando las propiedades biológicas de las isoformas involucradas en la red de co-expresión. Estas investigaciones culminan en el lanzamiento de acorde, un paquete de R que encapsula las diferentes metodologías desarrolladas en esta tesis, potenciando la reproducibilidad de sus resultados y proporcionando una nueva herramienta para explorar la biología de las isoformas alternativas a nivel de célula única. En resumen, esta tesis describe una serie de esfuerzos destinados a desbloquear el potencial de los datos de scRNA-seq para avanzar en la comprensión del splicing alternativo. Desde un contexto de escasez de herramientas y conocimiento previo, se han desarrollado soluciones de análisis innovadoras que permiten la aplicación de scRNA-seq al estudio de las isoformas alternativas, proporcionando recursos innovadores para profundizar en la regulación post-transcripcional y la función celular. / [CA] La introducció de la seqüenciació d'ARN a escala de cèl·lula única (scRNA-seq) en l'àmbit de la transcriptòmica ha redefinit el nostre enteniment de la diversitat cel·lular, projectant llum sobre els mecanismes subjacents a l'heterogeneïtat tissular. Malgrat les limitacions inicials d'aquesta tecnologia, especialment en el context de processos complexos com l'splicing alternatiu, els patrons d'splicing a escala cel·lular plantejaven incògnites amb potencial de resolució: és possible observar, a escala cel·lular, la mateixa diversitat d'isoformes que es detecta mitjançant RNA-seq en teixits? Quina funció tenen les isoformes alternatives en la constitució de la identitat cel·lular? L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és desbloquejar el potencial del scRNA-seq per a l'anàlisi d'isoformes alternatives, abordant les seues dificultats tècniques i analítiques amb noves metodologies computacionals. Per a això, es va traçar una ruta amb tres objectius. Primerament, es van establir quatre requisits per a l'estudi de les isoformes mitjançant scRNA-seq, amb una revisió de la literatura existent per avaluar-ne el compliment. Després de completar aquest marc amb simulacions computacionals, es van identificar les debilitats i fortaleses dels mètodes de scRNA-seq i de les eines computacionals disponibles. Durant la segona etapa de la investigació, aquests coneixements es van utilitzar per dissenyar un protocol òptim de processament de dades de scRNA-seq. En concret, es van integrar dades de lectures llargues a escala de teixit amb dades de scRNA-seq per a garantir una identificació adequada de les isoformes així com la seua quantificació a escala cel·lular. Aquest procés va permetre ampliar les estratègies computacionals disponibles per a la reconstrucció de transcriptomes a partir de lectures llargues, millores que van ser implementades en SQANTI3, un programari de referència en transcriptòmica. Finalment, les dades processades es van fer servir per a desenvolupar un nou mètode d'anàlisi de coexpressió d'isoformes amb l'objectiu de desentranyar xarxes de regulació de l'splicing alternatiu implicades en la constitució de la identitat cel·lular. Donada l'elevada variabilitat de les dades de scRNA-seq, aquest mètode es basa en la utilització d'una estratègia de correlació basada en percentils que minimitza el soroll tècnic i permet la identificació de grups d'isoformes coexpressades. Un cop configurada la xarxa de coexpressió, es va introduir una nova estratègia d'anàlisi per a la detecció de patrons de co-utilització d'isoformes que succeeixen de forma independent a l'expressió del seu gen, denominada co-Differential Isoform Usage. Aquest enfocament facilita la identificació d'una capa de regulació de la identitat cel·lular atribuïble únicament a mecanismes post-transcripcionals. Per a una interpretació biològica més profunda, es va aplicar una estratègia d'anotació computacional de motius i dominis funcionals en les isoformes definides amb lectures llargues, revelant les propietats biològiques de les isoformes involucrades en la xarxa de coexpressió. Aquestes investigacions culminen en el llançament d'acorde, un paquet de R que encapsula les diferents metodologies desenvolupades en aquesta tesi, potenciant la reproducibilitat dels seus resultats i proporcionant una nova eina per a explorar la biologia de les isoformes alternatives a escala de cèl·lula única. En resum, aquesta tesi descriu una sèrie d'esforços destinats a desbloquejar el potencial de les dades de scRNA-seq per a avançar en la comprensió de l'splicing alternatiu. Des d'un context de manca d'eines i coneixement previ, s'han desenvolupat solucions d'anàlisi innovadores que permeten l'aplicació de scRNA-seq a l'estudi de les isoformes alternatives, proporcionant recursos innovadors per a aprofundir en la regulació post-transcripcional i la funció cel·lular. / [EN] In the world of transcriptomics, the emergence of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) ignited a revolution in our understanding of cellular diversity, unraveling novel mechanisms in tissue heterogeneity, development and disease. However, when this thesis began, using scRNA-seq to understand Alternative Splicing (AS) was a challenging frontier due the inherent limitations of the technology. In spite of this research gap, pertinent questions persisted regarding cell-level AS patterns, particularly concerning the recapitulation of isoform diversity observed in bulk RNA-seq data at the cellular level and the roles played by cell and cell type-specific isoforms. The work conducted in the present thesis aims to harness the potential of scRNA-seq for alternative isoform analysis, outlining technical and analytical challenges and designing computational methods to overcome them. To achieve this, we established a roadmap with three main aims. First, we set requirements for studying isoforms using scRNA-seq and conducted an extensive review of existing research, interrogating whether these requirements were met. Combining this acquired knowledge with several computational simulations allowed us to delineate the strengths and pitfalls of available data generation methods and computational tools. During the second research stage, this insight was used to design a suitable data processing pipeline, in which we jointly employed bulk long-read and short-read scRNA-seq sequenced from full-length cDNAs to ensure adequate isoform reconstruction as well as sensitive cell-level isoform quantification. Additionally, we refined available transcriptome curation strategies, introducing them as innovative modules in the transcriptome quality control software SQANTI3. Lastly, we harnessed single-cell isoform expression data and the rich biological diversity inherent in scRNA-seq, encompassing various cell types, in the design of a novel isoform co-expression analysis method. Percentile correlations effectively mitigated single-cell noise, unveiling clusters of co-expressed isoforms and exposing a layer of regulation in cellular identity that operated independently of gene expression. We additionally introduced co-Differential Isoform Usage (coDIU) analysis, enhancing our ability to interpret isoform cluster networks. This endeavour, combined with the computational annotation of functional sites and domains in the long read-defined isoform models, unearthed a distinctive functional signature in coDIU genes. This research effort materialized in the release of acorde, an R package that encapsulates all analyses functionalities developed throughout this thesis, providing a reproducible means for the scientific community to further explore the depths of alternative isoform biology within single-cell transcriptomics. This thesis describes a complex journey aimed at unlocking the potential of scRNA-seq data for investigating AS and isoforms: from a landscape marked by the scarcity of tools and guidelines, towards the development of novel analysis solutions and the acquisition of valuable biological insight. In a swiftly evolving field, our methodological contributions constitute a significant leap forward in the application of scRNA-seq to the study of alternative isoform expression, providing innovative resources for delving deeper into the intricacies of post-transcriptional regulation and cellular function through the lens of single-cell transcriptomics. / The research project was funded by the BIO2015-71658 and BES-2016-076994 grants awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation / Arzalluz Luque, Á. (2024). Understanding Isoform Expression and Alternative Splicing Biology through Single-Cell RNAseq [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203888

Das Dauerstadium als Präadaptation

Chang, Zisong 08 January 2015 (has links)
Wir fanden konservierte molekulare Signaturen der Regulation durch Δ7-DA und Ascarosid bei Dauer- und infektiösen Larven. Danach wurde die hohe Konservierung durch unsere Analyse in Dauer- und Postdauer-Stadium zwischen den zwei nah verwandten freilebenden Arten C. elegans und C. briggsae identifiziert. Das heißt, dass die relative Veränderung auf mRNA- oder Protein- Ebene zwischen zwei Arten stark korreliert ist. Aber die relative Veränderung innerhalb derselben Art zeigt keine hochgradige Korrelation zwischen mRNA- und Protein-Ebene. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen in C. elegans Dauerlarven die signifikante Reduzierung der RNA-Mengen in 20 Stoffwechselwegen. Im Gegensatz dazu speicherten Dauerlarven reichlich RNA-Mengen in GO Termen wie Ribosome und Aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis. Auf Protein-Ebene sind die Stoffwechselwege von Proteinsynthese und Proteinverarbeitung im endoplasmatischen Retikulum in Dauerlarven herunterreguliert und GO Terme wie Lysosome sind hochreguliert. Durch die Zeitreihenanalyse der Proteom-Remodellierung der molekularen Signaturen beim Austritt aus dem Dauer-Stadium fand wir, dass GO Terme wie metal ion binding signifikant herunterreguliert sind und der Proteinabbau hochreguliert ist. Unsere Ergebnisse vom pSILAC Experiment deuten an, dass die Proteine für Energieerzeugung und Chaperone/Proteinfaltung beim Daueraustritt schnell verbraucht sind und wieder hergestellt werden. Zum Schluss haben wir als Erste den popomR-Assay in C. elegans etabliert und ein Screening der vermeintlichen Proteinbindestellen auf poly-A-RNA durchgeführt, um in der Zukunft die konservierten Mechanismen der post-transkriptionellen Regulation durch RBPs im Dauer-Stadium zu analysieren. / We found the conservation of molecular signatures by regulating with Δ7-DA and Ascarosid in dauer larvae and infective larvae. Then by our comparative analysis, the high degree of conservation between two closely related free-living species C. elegans and C. briggsae was identified in dauer and post-dauer stages. This means that the relative changes are strongly correlated on the mRNA or the protein level between two species. But the relative changes in the same species don’t show any strong correlation between the mRNA and the protein levels. Our results showed a significantly reduced amount of RNA in 20 metabolic pathways in C. elegans dauer larvae. In contrast, dauer larvae stored a large amount of RNA in GO terms such as ribosome and aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis. On the protein level, the metabolic pathways of protein synthesis and protein processing in endoplasmic reticulum were downregulated in dauer larvae and the term of lysosome was up-regulated. Due to time course analysis for proteome remodeling of molecular signatures during exit process from dauer stage, we found that GO terms such as metal ion binding were significantly downregulated during dauer exit and at the same time the protein degradation was up-regulated. Our results of pSILAC experiment suggest that the proteins for energy generation and chaperone/protein folding are quickly spent and rebuilded during dauer exit. Finally, we were the first to establish the popomR assay in C. elegans and performed a screening of the putative protein binding sites on poly-A RNA to analyze the conserved mechanisms of post-transcriptional regulation by RBPs in dauer larvae in the future.

O transcritoma antisense primário de Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1 / The antisense primary transcriptome of Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1

João Paulo Pereira de Almeida 04 September 2018 (has links)
Em procariotos, RNAs antisense (asRNAs) constituem a classe de RNAs não codificantes (ncRNAs) mais numerosa detectada por métodos de avaliação de transcritoma em larga escala. Apesar da grande abundância, pouco se sabe sobre mecanismos regulatórios e aspectos da conservação evolutiva dessas moléculas, principalmente em arquéias, onde o mecanismo de degradação de RNAs dupla fita (dsRNAs) é um fenômeno pouco conhecido. No presente estudo, utilizando dados de dRNA-seq, identificamos 1626 inícios de transcrição primários antisense (aTSSs) no genoma de Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1, importante organismo modelo para estudos de regulação gênica no domínio Archaea. Integrando dados de expressão gênica obtidos a partir de 18 bibliotecas de RNA-seq paired-end, anotamos 846 asRNAs a partir dos aTSSs mapeados. Encontramos asRNAs em ~21% dos genes anotados, alguns desses relacionados a importantes características desse organismo como: codificadores de proteínas que constituem vesículas de gás e da proteína bacteriorodopsina, além de vários genes relacionados a maquinaria de tradução e transposases. Além desses, encontramos asRNAs em genes pertencentes a sistemas de toxinas-antitoxinas do tipo II e utilizando dados públicos de dRNA-seq, evidenciamos que esse é um fenômeno que ocorre em bactérias e arquéias. A interação de um ncRNA com seu RNA alvo pode ser dependente de proteínas, em arquéias, a proteína LSm é uma chaperona de RNA homóloga a Hfq de bactérias, implicada no controle pós-transcricional. Utilizamos dados de RIP-seq de RNAs imunoprecipitados com LSm e identificamos 91 asRNAs interagindo com essa proteína, para 81 desses, o mRNA do gene sense também foi encontrado interagindo. Buscando por aTSSs presentes nas mesmas regiões de genes ortólogos, identificamos 160 aTSSs que dão origem a asRNAs em H. salinarum possivelmente conservados em Haloferax volcanii. A expressão dos asRNAs anotados foi avaliada ao longo de uma curva de crescimento e em uma linhagem knockout de um gene que codifica uma RNase R, possível degradadora de dsRNAs em arquéias. Encontramos um total de 144 asRNAs diferencialmente expressos ao longo da curva de crescimento, para 56 desses o gene sense também está diferencialmente expresso, caracterizando possíveis mecanismos de regulação em cis por esses RNAs. Na linhagem knockout, encontramos cinco asRNAs diferencialmente expressos e apenas para um desses o gene sense também está diferencialmente expresso, resultado que não nos permitiu inferir um possível papel de degradação de dsRNAs da RNAse R em H. salinarum NRC-1. Nesse trabalho apresentamos um mapeamento completo do transcritoma antisense primário de H. salinarum NRC-1 com resultados que consistem em um importante passo na direção da compreensão do envolvimento da transcrição antisense na regulação gênica pós-transcricional desse organismo modelo do terceiro domínio da vida. / Antisense RNAs (asRNAs) constitute the most numerous class of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) detected by transcriptome highthroughput methods in prokaryotes. Despite this abundance, little is known about regulatory mechanisms and evolutionary aspects of these molecules, mainly in archaea, where the mechanism of double-strand RNA (dsRNA) degradation remains poorly understood. In this study, using dRNA-seq data, we identified 1626 antisense transcription start sites (aTSSs) in the genome of Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1, an important model organism for gene expression regulation studies in Archaea. By integrating gene expression data from 18 RNA-seq paired-end libraries, we were able to annotate 846 asRNAs from mapped aTSSs. We found asRNAs in ~21% of annotated genes including genes related to important characteristics of this organism, such as: gas vesicle proteins, bacteriorhodopsin, translation machinery and transposases. We also found asRNAs in type II toxin-antitoxin systems and using public dRNA-seq data, we show evidences that this phenomenon might be conserved in archaea and bacteria. The interaction of a ncRNA with its target may depend on intermediary proteins action. In archaea, the LSm protein is a RNA chaperone homologous to bacterial Hfq, involved in post-transcriptional regulation. We used RIP-seq data from RNAs immunoprecipitated with LSm and identified 91 asRNAs interacting with this protein, for 81 of these the mRNA of the sense gene is also interacting. We searched for aTSSs present in the same region of orthologous genes in the Haloferax volcanii. We found 160 aTSSs that originated asRNAs in H. salinarum NRC-1 that might be conserved in this two archaea. The expression of annotated asRNAs was analyzed over a growth curve and in a knockout strain for RNase R gene. We found 144 asRNA differentially expressed over the growth curve, for 56 of these the sense gene was also differentially expressed, characterizing possible cis regulators asRNAs. In the knockout strain we found five differentially expressed asRNAs and only one asRNA/gene pair, this result does not allow us to infer a dsRNA degradation in vivo activity for this RNase in H. salinarum NRC- 1. This work contributes to the discovery of the antisense transcriptome in H. salinarum NRC- 1 a relevant step to uncover the post-transcriptional gene regulatory network in this archaeon.

Caracterização do potencial patogênico de linhagens de Yersinia enterocolitica-like / Characterization of the pathogenic potential of Yersinia enterocolitica-like strains

Imori, Priscilla Fernanda Martins 04 April 2016 (has links)
Dentre as 18 espécies do gênero Yersinia, as espécies Y. enterocolitica, Y. pseudotuberculosis e Y. pestis foram extensivamente caracterizadas em diversos aspectos como ecologia, epidemiologia e mecanismos de patogenicidade. Sete das 15 espécies restantes (Y. aldovae, Y. bercovieri, Y. frederiksenii, Y. intermedia, Y. kristensenii, Y. mollaretii e Y. rohdei), usualmente conhecidas como Y. enterocolitica-like, até o momento, não tiveram seu potencial patogênico caracterizado e são, geralmente, consideradas não-patogênicas. Entretanto, dados da literatura sugerem que algumas dessas espécies possam causar doença. Esses dados estimularam o surgimento de questões sobre os mecanismos pelos quais as espécies de Y. enterocolitica-like possam interagir com as células do hospedeiros e causar doenças. Esse projeto teve como principal objetivo caracterizar o potencial patogênico de linhagens de Y. enterocolitica-like, especificamente das espécies Y. frederiksenii, Y. kristensenii e Y. intermedia. No presente trabalho, o potencial patogênico de 118 linhagens de Y. enterocolitica-like (50 Y. frederiksenii, 55 Y. intermedia e 13 Y. kristensenii) foi avaliado pela pesquisa da presença dos genes relacionados à virulência ail, fepA, fepD, fes, hreP, myfA, tccC, ystA, ystB e virF por PCR. Além disso, a habilidade de algumas linhagens de Yersinia de aderir e invadir células Caco-2 e HEp-2 após diferentes períodos de incubação, bem como, de sobreviver no interior de macrófagos humanos U937 foi testada. Aspectos morfológicos da adesão bacteriana foram visualizados por microscopia eletrônica. Finalmente, a presença de possíveis novos mecanismos de virulência foi avaliada a partir do sequenciamento de RNA de uma linhagem de Y. enterocolitica-like. As linhagens estudadas apresentaram os seguintes genes: Y. frederiksenii, fepA (44%), fes (44%) e ystB (18%); Y. intermedia, ail (53%), fepA (35%), fepD (2%), fes (97%), hreP (2%), ystB (2%) e tccC (35%); e Y. kristensenii, ail (62%), ystB (23%), fepA (77%), fepD (54%), fes (54%) e hreP (54%). De modo geral, as linhagens de Y. enterocolitica-like tiveram a habilidade de aderir e invadir células Caco-2 e HEp-2 inferior à da linhagem altamente patogênica Y. enterocolitica 8081. Contudo, Y. kristensenii FCF 410 e Y. frederiksenii FCF 461 apresentaram elevado potencial de invasão a células Caco-2 após cinco dias de pré-incubação, os quais foram 45 e 7,2 vezes maiores do que o controle Y. enterocolitica 8081, respectivamente, porém, o gene ail não foi detectado nessas linhagens. O ensaio de sobrevivência em macrófagos humanos U937 ii mostrou que as linhagens de Y. frederiksenii FCF 461 (40,0%) e Y. frederiksenii FCF 379 (24,6%) tiveram porcentagens de sobrevivência superior à de Y. enterocolitica 8081 (13,4%). Todavia, linhagens de Y. intermedia e Y. kristensenii apresentaram uma capacidade reduzida de sobreviver em macrófagos. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura mostrou as bactérias em contato com a filipódia celular. As bactérias foram distribuídas tanto individualmente quanto em pequenos aglomerados. Portanto, podemos concluir que a presença dos genes relacionados à virulência encontrados nas Y. enterocolitica-like estudadas indicou o possível potencial patogênico de algumas dessas linhagens. Os ensaios de adesão e invasão a células de mamíferos sugerem que a patogenicidade de Y. kristensenii e Y. frederiksenii possa ser linhagem-dependente. O ensaio de sobrevivência em macrófagos humanos U937 evidenciou o potencial patogênico de algumas linhagens de Y. frederiksenii. Em conjunto, os resultados obtidos sugerem a existência de mecanismos de virulência alternativos aos mecanismos clássicos descritos para Y. enterocolitica patogênica. Contudo, a presença de possíveis novos mecanismos de virulência não pode ser verificada, uma vez que a plataforma 454 GS Junior (Roche) não se mostrou adequada para a realização de sequenciamento de RNA de amostras provenientes de interações com células devido à baixa cobertura obtida. / Among the 18 species of the Yersinia genus, Y. enterocolitica, Y. pseudotuberculosis and Y. pestis were extensively characterized in different subjects as ecology, epidemiology and pathogenicity mechanisms. Seven among the remaining 15 species (Y. aldovae, Y. bercovieri, Y. frederiksenii, Y. intermedia, Y. kristensenii, Y. mollaretii and Y. rohdei), often called Y. enterocolitica-like have not their pathogenic potential characterized and are usually considered to be nonpathogenic. However, literature data suggest that some of these species can cause diseases. These data stimulate the upsurge of questions about the mechanisms of which Y. enterocolitica-like species may interact with host cells and cause diseases. The main objective of this preject was to characterize the pathogenic potential of Y. enterocolitica-like strains, specifically of the species Y. frederiksenii, Y. kristensenii and Y. intermedia. This work evaluated the pathogenic potential of 118 Y. enterocolitica-like strains (50 Y. frederiksenii, 55 Y. intermedia and 13 Y. kristensenii) searching for the presence of the virulence-related genes ail, fepA, fepD, fes, hreP, myfA, tccC, ystA, ystB and virF by PCR. Besides, Yersinia strains ability of adhesion and invasion to Caco-2 and HEp-2 cells after different pre-incubation periods, and its survival within human macrophages U937 were tested. Morphologic aspects of bacterial adhesion were observed by scanning electronic microscopy. Finally, the presence of new possible virulence mechanisms was evaluated through RNA sequencing of one Y. enterocolitica-like strain. The studied strains showed the following genes: Y. frederiksenii, fepA (44%), fes (44%) and ystB (18%); Y. intermedia, ail (53%), fepA (35%), fepD (2%), fes (97%), hreP (2%), ystB (2%) and tccC (35%); and Y. kristensenii, ail (62%), ystB (23%), fepA (77%), fepD (54%), fes (54%) and hreP (54%). Usually Y. enterocolitica-like strains presented less ability of adhere and invade Caco-2 and HEp-2 cells than the highly pathogenic strain Y. enterocolitica 8081. On the other hand, Y. kristensenii FCF 410 and Y. frederiksenii FCF 461 showed high potential of invasion in Caco-2 cells after 5 days of pre-incubation, which were 45 and 7.2 times higher than the control Y. enterocolitica 8081 respectively, but ail gene was not found in these strains. Survival assay in human macrophages U937 showed that Y. frederiksenii FCF 461 (40.0%) and Y. frederiksenii FCF 379 (24.6%) strains presented survival percentages higher than Y. enterocolitica 8081 (13.4%). However, Y. intermedia and Y. iv kristensenii strains showed a reduced capability of surviving in macrophages. Scanning electron microscopy showed bacteria at the surface in contact with the cellular filopodia. The bacteria were distributed either individually or in small clumps. Therefore, it may be concluded that the presence of virulence-related genes in some of the Y. enterocolitica-like strains indicated their possible pathogenic potential. Mammal cells adhesion and invasion assays suggest that the pathogenicity of Y. kristensenii and Y. frederiksenii may be strain-dependent. Human macrophages U937 surviving assay highlighted the pathogenic potential of some Y. frederiksenii strains. Together, the results suggest the existence of alternative virulence mechanisms other than the classical mechanisms described for pathogenic Y. enterocolitica. However, we could not verify the presence of possible new virulence mechanisms because 454 GS Junior (Roche) platform was not suitable for RNA sequencing of strains from cells interaction due its low coverage obtained.

O transcritoma antisense primário de Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1 / The antisense primary transcriptome of Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1

Almeida, João Paulo Pereira de 04 September 2018 (has links)
Em procariotos, RNAs antisense (asRNAs) constituem a classe de RNAs não codificantes (ncRNAs) mais numerosa detectada por métodos de avaliação de transcritoma em larga escala. Apesar da grande abundância, pouco se sabe sobre mecanismos regulatórios e aspectos da conservação evolutiva dessas moléculas, principalmente em arquéias, onde o mecanismo de degradação de RNAs dupla fita (dsRNAs) é um fenômeno pouco conhecido. No presente estudo, utilizando dados de dRNA-seq, identificamos 1626 inícios de transcrição primários antisense (aTSSs) no genoma de Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1, importante organismo modelo para estudos de regulação gênica no domínio Archaea. Integrando dados de expressão gênica obtidos a partir de 18 bibliotecas de RNA-seq paired-end, anotamos 846 asRNAs a partir dos aTSSs mapeados. Encontramos asRNAs em ~21% dos genes anotados, alguns desses relacionados a importantes características desse organismo como: codificadores de proteínas que constituem vesículas de gás e da proteína bacteriorodopsina, além de vários genes relacionados a maquinaria de tradução e transposases. Além desses, encontramos asRNAs em genes pertencentes a sistemas de toxinas-antitoxinas do tipo II e utilizando dados públicos de dRNA-seq, evidenciamos que esse é um fenômeno que ocorre em bactérias e arquéias. A interação de um ncRNA com seu RNA alvo pode ser dependente de proteínas, em arquéias, a proteína LSm é uma chaperona de RNA homóloga a Hfq de bactérias, implicada no controle pós-transcricional. Utilizamos dados de RIP-seq de RNAs imunoprecipitados com LSm e identificamos 91 asRNAs interagindo com essa proteína, para 81 desses, o mRNA do gene sense também foi encontrado interagindo. Buscando por aTSSs presentes nas mesmas regiões de genes ortólogos, identificamos 160 aTSSs que dão origem a asRNAs em H. salinarum possivelmente conservados em Haloferax volcanii. A expressão dos asRNAs anotados foi avaliada ao longo de uma curva de crescimento e em uma linhagem knockout de um gene que codifica uma RNase R, possível degradadora de dsRNAs em arquéias. Encontramos um total de 144 asRNAs diferencialmente expressos ao longo da curva de crescimento, para 56 desses o gene sense também está diferencialmente expresso, caracterizando possíveis mecanismos de regulação em cis por esses RNAs. Na linhagem knockout, encontramos cinco asRNAs diferencialmente expressos e apenas para um desses o gene sense também está diferencialmente expresso, resultado que não nos permitiu inferir um possível papel de degradação de dsRNAs da RNAse R em H. salinarum NRC-1. Nesse trabalho apresentamos um mapeamento completo do transcritoma antisense primário de H. salinarum NRC-1 com resultados que consistem em um importante passo na direção da compreensão do envolvimento da transcrição antisense na regulação gênica pós-transcricional desse organismo modelo do terceiro domínio da vida. / Antisense RNAs (asRNAs) constitute the most numerous class of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) detected by transcriptome highthroughput methods in prokaryotes. Despite this abundance, little is known about regulatory mechanisms and evolutionary aspects of these molecules, mainly in archaea, where the mechanism of double-strand RNA (dsRNA) degradation remains poorly understood. In this study, using dRNA-seq data, we identified 1626 antisense transcription start sites (aTSSs) in the genome of Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1, an important model organism for gene expression regulation studies in Archaea. By integrating gene expression data from 18 RNA-seq paired-end libraries, we were able to annotate 846 asRNAs from mapped aTSSs. We found asRNAs in ~21% of annotated genes including genes related to important characteristics of this organism, such as: gas vesicle proteins, bacteriorhodopsin, translation machinery and transposases. We also found asRNAs in type II toxin-antitoxin systems and using public dRNA-seq data, we show evidences that this phenomenon might be conserved in archaea and bacteria. The interaction of a ncRNA with its target may depend on intermediary proteins action. In archaea, the LSm protein is a RNA chaperone homologous to bacterial Hfq, involved in post-transcriptional regulation. We used RIP-seq data from RNAs immunoprecipitated with LSm and identified 91 asRNAs interacting with this protein, for 81 of these the mRNA of the sense gene is also interacting. We searched for aTSSs present in the same region of orthologous genes in the Haloferax volcanii. We found 160 aTSSs that originated asRNAs in H. salinarum NRC-1 that might be conserved in this two archaea. The expression of annotated asRNAs was analyzed over a growth curve and in a knockout strain for RNase R gene. We found 144 asRNA differentially expressed over the growth curve, for 56 of these the sense gene was also differentially expressed, characterizing possible cis regulators asRNAs. In the knockout strain we found five differentially expressed asRNAs and only one asRNA/gene pair, this result does not allow us to infer a dsRNA degradation in vivo activity for this RNase in H. salinarum NRC- 1. This work contributes to the discovery of the antisense transcriptome in H. salinarum NRC- 1 a relevant step to uncover the post-transcriptional gene regulatory network in this archaeon.

Caratterizzazione di genotipi di sorgo in funzione di tratti legati alla tolleranza alla siccità / CHARACTERIZATION OF SORGHUM GENOTYPES FOR TRAITS RELATED TO DROUGHT TOLERANCE

FRACASSO, ALESSANDRA 28 January 2015 (has links)
L’incessante aumento della popolazione mondiale ed il conseguente incremento della richiesta di risorse alimentari ed energetiche, congiuntamente al mutevole scenario climatico, sempre più incline a periodi di siccità prolungata in misura sempre maggiore in alcune zone del pianeta, fa sì che sempre più attenzione sia rivolta allo sviluppo ed all’implementazione di risorse energetiche rinnovabili a bassi input. Il sorgo zuccherino (Sorghum bicolor Moench) è una coltura bioenergetica in grado di fornire cibo, bioetanolo e biogas. Lo studio di tale coltura in risposta al deficit idrico promuove una più approfondita conoscenza dei meccanismi alla base dei processi fotosintetici, e di come, e quanto, questi possano essere influenzati dall’assenza temporanea, o più o meno prolungata, di disponibilità idrica. La produzione di biomassa e la sua composizione chimica sono state valutate per genotipi di nuova costituzione in confronto a quelli già disponibili in commercio, ai fini della produzione di biogas e bioetanolo. Una più approfondita analisi fisio-fenologica e molecolare è stata condotta su sei genotipi di sorgo con lo scopo di combinare in una visione di insieme più integrata la risposta alla siccità in sorgo. Due genotipi (uno sensibile e l’altro tollerante la siccità) sono stati selezionati per l’analisi trascrittomica in risposta allo stress idrico al fine di individuare geni candidati potenzialmente utili ai fini di una selezione assistita da marcatore. / Due to the increasing human population and the consequent surging energy and water demand, it is necessary to implement energy and fuel production from low input renewable sources. Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor Moench) is a low input multipurpose crop that provides food, feed and bioethanol from conversion of sugars accumulated in the stalk and biogas from anaerobic digestion of whole aboveground dry biomass. This multipurpose crop was studied in response to water deficit. In particular, the biomass production and its composition were evaluated in response to drought for new developed and commercial genotypes for biogas and bioethanol production. The physiologic and molecular approaches were combined in order to provide an integrated view on drought tolerance in sorghum enabling to know which are the mechanisms and with which extent they were affected by drought in this bioenergy crop. The transcriptomic analysis was performed on two sorghum genotypes (one sensitive and the other one tolerant to drought) with RNA-Seq technology in order to evaluate the diversity existing in the sorghum transcriptome that could be related to drought tolerance and to identify candidate genes that could be used as potentially marker for the marker assisted selection.

Le traductome induit par le récepteur FSH et l'implication des B-arrestines dans le contrôle de la traduction des ARNm 5' TOP / Translatome induced by FSH receptor and beta-arrestins implications involved in translation control of 5'Top mRNA

Tréfier, Aurelie 21 December 2017 (has links)
La FSH est une des hormones clés qui régule la reproduction chez les mammifères. Chez le mâle, elle cible les cellules de Sertoli, qui expriment le RFSH. La cellule de Sertoli a un rôle trophique important pour le bon développement de la spermatogenèse. Dans cette thèse, nous avons établi le premier traductome, c’est-à-dire l’ensemble des ARNm en cours de traduction, dépendant du RFSH. La traduction de certains ARNm significativement modulés par la FSH exercerait un rétrocontrôle sur la signalisation FSH-dépendante. L’analyse du protéome nous a permis de valider ce traductome au niveau systémique. Nous avons également démontré l’implication des β-arrestines dans la traduction d’ARNm dépendante de la FSH. Les β-arrestines forment un assemblage moléculaire avec le module de traduction p70S6K/rpS6. Cet assemblage est impliqué dans la traduction des ARNm 5’TOP, qui encodent la machinerie traductionnelle. C’est l’activation FSHdépendante des protéines G qui promeut l’activation de p70S6K au sein du module β-arrestines/ p70S6K/ rpS6. Ce travail constitue une nouvelle avancée sur les mécanismes grâce auxquels la FSH exerce sa fonction biologique de dans ses cellules-cibles naturelles de la gonade mâle. / FSH is one of the key hormones that regulate the reproductive function in mammals. In the male, FSH targets Sertoli cells, which express the FSHR. Sertoli cells play an important trophic role in the development of spermatogenesis. Here, we have provided the first FSHR-induced translatome, that encompasses all the mRNA being actively translated. The translation of some mRNAs significantly modulated by FSH may exert a feedback control on FSH-dependent signaling. The analysis of the proteome has validated the FSHR translatome at the systems level. We also demonstrated the involvement of β-arrestins in the FSH-stimulated translation of mRNA. β-arrestins form a molecular assembly with the p70S6K / rpS6 translation module. This molecular assembly is involved in the translation of 5'TOP mRNA, which encode proteins of the translational machinery. FSH-activated G proteins leads to p70S6K activation within the β-arrestins/ p70S6K/ rpS6 module. This work provides new advance on the mechanisms whereby FSH exerts its biological function in its natural target cells of the male gonad.

Le récepteur de l’acide rétinoïque alpha (RAR-α) : nouveau rôle dans l’adhésion des fibroblastes / The retinoic acid receptor alpha (RARα) : new role in fibroblasts adhesion

Andriamoratsiresy, Dina 08 December 2016 (has links)
Les récepteurs de l’acide rétinoïque, RARα, β et γ sont des facteurs de transcription dépendants du ligand qui contrôlent l’expression de gènes spécifiques. Cependant, il s’avère depuis peu que les RAR ont aussi des effets non-transcriptionnels extranucléaires. Durant ma thèse, j’ai observé que (1) les fibroblastes invalidés pour tous les RAR ont un cytosquelette d’actine perturbé et ont perdu leurs propriétés d’adhésion (2) RARα interagit via son motif riche en proline N-terminal avec la profiline 2a (PFN2a) qui est un régulateur critique de l’élongation des filaments d’actine du cytosquelette. J’ai montré que : (1) Les RAR contrôlent la morphologie, l’adhésion et la migration des MEF via la régulation transcriptionnelle de l’expression de gènes codant pour des protéines d’adhésion (2) Dans le cytoplasme, RARα forme avec PFN2a des complexes dont le nombre contrôle le réseau d’actine et l’adhésion des MEF via un mécanisme non transcriptionnel. Ces observations mettent en exergue l’importance de la combinaison des effets génomiques et non-génomiques des RAR dans l’adhésion des cellules et ouvrent de nouvelles possibilités de dérégulation du fonctionnement des RAR dans certaines pathologies. / Retinoic acid receptors, RARα, β and γ are ligand-dependent transcription factors that control the expression of specific genes. However, growing evidence indicates that RARs also have extranuclear and non transcriptional effects. During my thesis, I observed that (1) fibroblasts invalidated for all RARs depict a disrupted actin cytoskeleton and have lost their adhesion properties (2) RARα interacts through its N-terminal proline rich motif with profilin2a (PFN2a) a critical regulator of actin filaments elongation. I have shown that: (1) RARs control the morphology, adhesion and migration of MEFs via controlling at the transcriptional level the expression of adhesion genes (2) In the cytosol, RARα forms complexes with PFN2a. The number of these complexes controls the actin network and the adhesion of MEFs via a non-transcriptional mechanism. These observations highlight the importance of the combined genomic and non-genomic effects of RARs in cell adhesion, and open new avenues for RARs deregulations in certain pathology.

Cartographie et analyse de variations épigénomiques naturelles chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Mapping and analysis of natural epigenomic variations in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Filleton, Fabien 27 November 2015 (has links)
L'épigénome est défini par l’ensemble de l’information chromatinienne autre que celle fournie par la séquence ADN. Au sein d'une même espèce et pour un type cellulaire donné, chaque individu présente des caractéristiques particulières de l'épigénome. Les épi-polymorphismes, définis comme étant les différences inter-individus de marques chromatiniennes, sont encore partiellement caractérisés et peuvent être liés aux phénotypes de chacun. La première partie de mon travail a été d'identifier et d'interpréter chez S.cerevisiae l'impact des épi-polymorphismes de modification des queues d'histones. Pour y parvenir, j'ai cartographié les épigénomes de cinq modifications différentes (3 acétylations et 2 méthylations) chez trois souches de levures issues de différents isolats naturels. Par une méthode de ChIP-seq et le développement d'un outil informatique, j'ai comparé les épigénomes de ces souches à l'échelle de nucléosomes individuels. L'étude des propriétés génomiques des épi-polymorphismes m'a alors permis de découvrir certaines caractéristiques encore inconnues et décrites dans ce manuscrit.Par ailleurs, j'ai voulu aborder le lien entre épi-polymorphismes et réponse transcriptionnelle à l'environnement. Pour cela, j'ai construit un jeu de souches mutantes dérivées de souches naturelles, où certains épi-polymorphismes ne peuvent plus être maintenus. J'ai analysé par RNA-seq les transcriptomes de certaines de ces souches avant et après un changement environnemental. Malheureusement, l'analyse des résultats a révélé que la qualité des données ne permettent pas d'établir le lien recherché mais les outils mis en place sont désormais disponibles.J'ai enfin étudié la dynamique d'évolution d'un épigénome en présence ou en l'absence de pression de sélection. Pour cela, j'ai suivi une modification d'histone (l'acétylation de la lysine 14 de l'histone H3) chez la levure pendant 1.000 générations dans deux conditions d'évolution expérimentale différentes : l'une sélective, l'autre neutre. J'ai mis en évidence des différences remarquables et inattendues entre ces deux régimes évolutifs. Des études mécanistiques détaillées restent à faire pour caractériser la nature et les propriétés de ces différences. / Epigenome is defined as the entire chromatin information other than the DNA sequence. Within a given species and for a given cell type, each indivual has specific epigenomic characteristics. Epigenomic differences between individuals (refered to as 'epi-polymorphisms') remain poorly characterized, although cases were reported where they could be linked to phenotypic differences. In my thesis, I used the model organism S. cerevisiae to identify histone modification epi-polymorphisms and study their biological impact. I profiled the epigenome of five different histone modifications (3 acetylations and 2 methylations) in three natural yeast strains. By ChIP-seq methods and software developments, I compared these strains at single-nucleosome resolution and discovered novel characteristics of these epi-polymorphisms which are described in this manuscript.Furthermore, I constructed a research framework to investigate the link between epi-polimorphisms and response to environmental cues. For this, I built a set of mutant strains derived from natural strains but where some epi-polymorphisms can no longer be maintained. I analyzed by RNA-seq the transcriptomes of some of these mutant strains before and after an environmental shift. Unfortunately, the quality of this initial data produced was not sufficient to link epi-polymorphisms to differntial responses, but the strain resources remain available for further investigations. Finally, I studied the evolutionary dynamics of epi-polymorphisms in the presence or absence of selection pressure. To do so, I followed the evolution of H3K14ac for 1.000 generations under two conditions of yeast experimental evolution ( selective or neutral). Marked differences were observed between the two regimes, revealing unexpected consequences of the presence of selection. Further mechanistic studies will be needed to elucidate the full properties of these differences.

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