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”Karantänen du vill vara i” : En studie om det virtuella upplevelserummet / ”The quarantine you want to be in” : A study about the virtual experience roomPersson, Sara, Anderberg, Emmeli, Johansson, Beatrice January 2020 (has links)
This study presents research about the virtual experience room, more specific theKarantänfestivalen Unplugged. The purpose of this study is to analyse how the virtualexperience room Karantänfestivalen Unplugged is built and also how committed consumersare during a virtual event. This will be answered by three research questions. The researchquestions affect inclusion of consumers at a distance, important factors from the physicalexperience room and also how consumers judge the virtual experience room in terms ofcomments.The research questions will be answered with help from the model The Virtual ExperienceRoom that is created by the authors of this study. The model is based on the two models TheExperience Room Model and The Four Realms of An Experience. Also the important factorsregarding the experience room from Mossberg and Bitner. The study is written from aqualitative approach where the collection of the data has been done through a case study. Thecase study was made from the virtual experience room Karantänfestivalen Unplugged througha document and video study. The documents and the video was analysed from a contentanalysis with help from the model that was mentioned above.The result shows that Karantänfestivalen Unplugged includes its consumers in a way that itmakes it possible for them to participate more spontaneously than if it was a physical event.And also that the consumers are able to ask questions to the artists and employees of theevent. The main factors in a virtual experience room are considered to be customerengagement, technology, object language and intangible artefacts, which is presented in themodel The Virtual Experience Room. Finally, it can be considered that consumers of a virtualevent will express their opinions through writing in a comment that they will publish on aplatform where the event is being observed.The study is written in Swedish. / I denna studie presenteras forskning kring det virtuella upplevelserummet Karantänfestivalen Unplugged. Syftet med studien är att analysera hur det virtuella upplevelserummet Karantänfestivalen Unplugged är uppbyggt samt hur engagerade konsumenter är under ett virtuellt evenemang. Detta besvaras genom tre forskningsfrågor. Forskningsfrågorna berörinkludering av konsumenter på distans, viktiga faktorer som kan appliceras från det fysiska upplevelserummet samt hur konsumenter bedömer det virtuella upplevelserummet i form av kommentarer. Forskningsfrågorna besvaras med hjälp av den egenskapade modellen Det Virtuella Upplevelserummet som baseras på modellerna The Experience Room Model och The Four Realms of An Experience, samt Mossberg och Bitners viktiga faktorer i ett upplevelserum. Studien är skriven utifrån en kvalitativ infallsvinkel där insamlingen av data har gjorts genomen fallstudie. Fallstudien gjordes på det virtuella upplevelserummet Karantänfestivalen Unplugged genom en dokument- och videostudie. Dokumenten och videon analyserades utifrån en innehållsanalys med hjälp av modellen som tidigare nämnts. Resultatet visar att Karantänfestivalen Unplugged inkluderar konsumenterna genom att spontant deltagande kan ske på ett annat sätt än vid fysiska evenemang samt att konsumenterna får ställa frågor till artisterna och personalen. Huvudfaktorerna i ett virtuellt upplevelserum anses vara kundengagemang, teknologi, object language och ogripbara artefakter, vilket visas i modellen Det Virtuella Upplevelserummet. Slutligen kan det konstateras att konsumenter av ett virtuellt evenemang uttrycker sina åsikter genom att skrivadet i en kommentar som de sedan publicerar på den plattform där de följer sändningen.
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Physikalische Grundlagen des thermischen Raummodells THERAKLES / Physics of the thermal room model THERAKLESNicolai, Andreas 17 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Das thermische Raummodell THERAKLES berechnet das dynamische Verhalten eines Raumes und seiner Umschließungsflächen in Abhängigkeit von realistischen Klimarandbedingungen, sowie Nutzer- und Anlagenverhalten. Neben Energieverbrauchswerten werden die operative Temperatur sowie weitere Kriterien zur Beurteilung der Behaglichkeit berechnet. Schwerpunkt der Anwendung liegt auf Optimierung der thermischen Behaglichkeit im Sommerfall, sowie energetischer Optimierung der Regelung von Heizungsanlagen unter Ausnutzung der Dynamik schwerer Baukonstruktionen und Massivbauwände. Das Modell beschreibt das dynamische Verhalten der Umfassungskonstruktionen durch instationäre, räumlich aufgelöste Simulation der Wand-, Fußboden-, und Decken- bzw. Dachflächen. Dadurch werden in der Konstruktion enthaltene Phasenwechselmaterialien (PCM) berücksichtigt und die zeitliche Verfügbarkeit der zusätzlichen Wärmespeicherfähigkeit abgebildet.
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Physikalische Grundlagen des thermischen Raummodells THERAKLESNicolai, Andreas 17 January 2013 (has links)
Das thermische Raummodell THERAKLES berechnet das dynamische Verhalten eines Raumes und seiner Umschließungsflächen in Abhängigkeit von realistischen Klimarandbedingungen, sowie Nutzer- und Anlagenverhalten. Neben Energieverbrauchswerten werden die operative Temperatur sowie weitere Kriterien zur Beurteilung der Behaglichkeit berechnet. Schwerpunkt der Anwendung liegt auf Optimierung der thermischen Behaglichkeit im Sommerfall, sowie energetischer Optimierung der Regelung von Heizungsanlagen unter Ausnutzung der Dynamik schwerer Baukonstruktionen und Massivbauwände. Das Modell beschreibt das dynamische Verhalten der Umfassungskonstruktionen durch instationäre, räumlich aufgelöste Simulation der Wand-, Fußboden-, und Decken- bzw. Dachflächen. Dadurch werden in der Konstruktion enthaltene Phasenwechselmaterialien (PCM) berücksichtigt und die zeitliche Verfügbarkeit der zusätzlichen Wärmespeicherfähigkeit abgebildet.
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Investigations of Flow Patterns in Ventilated Rooms Using Particle Image Velocimetry : Applications in a Scaled Room with Rapidly Varying Inflow and over a Wall-Mounted RadiatorSattari, Amir January 2015 (has links)
This thesis introduces and describes a new experimental setup for examining the effects of pulsating inflow to a ventilated enclosure. The study aimed to test the hypothesis that a pulsating inflow has potential to improve ventilation quality by reducing the stagnation zones through enhanced mixing. The experimental setup, which was a small-scale, two-dimensional (2D), water-filled room model, was successfully designed and manufactured to be able to capture two-dimensional velocity vectors of the entire field using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Using in-house software, it was possible to conclude that for an increase in pulsation frequency or alternatively in the flow rate, the stagnation zones were reduced in size, the distribution of vortices became more homogeneous over the considered domain, and the number of vortices in all scales had increased. Considering the occupied region, the stagnation zones were moved away in a favorable direction from a mixing point of view. In addition, statistical analysis unveiled that in the far-field occupied region of the room model, stronger eddies were developed that we could expect to give rise to improved mixing. As a fundamental experimental study performed in a 2D, small-scale room model with water as operating fluid, we can logically conclude that the positive effect of enhanced mixing through increasing the flow rate could equally be accomplished through applying a pulsating inflow. In addition, this thesis introduces and describes an experimental setup for study of air flow over a wall-mounted radiator in a mockup of a real room, which has been successfully designed and manufactured. In this experimental study, the airflow over an electric radiator without forced convection, a common room-heating technique, was measured and visualized using the 2D PIV technique. Surface blackening due to particle deposition calls for monitoring in detail the local climate over a heating radiator. One mechanism causing particle deposition is turbophoresis, which occurs when the flow is turbulent. Because turbulence plays a role in particle deposition, it is important to identify where the laminar flow over radiator becomes turbulent. The results from several visualization techniques and PIV measurements indicated that for a room with typical radiator heating, the flow over the radiator became agitated after a dimensionless length, 5.0–6.25, based on the radiator thickness. Surface properties are among the influencing factors in particle deposition; therefore, the geometrical properties of different finishing techniques were investigated experimentally using a structured light 3D scanner that revealed differences in roughness among different surface finishing techniques. To investigate the resistance to airflow along the surface and the turbulence generated by the surfaces, we recorded the boundary layer flow over the surfaces in a special flow rig, which revealed that the types of surface finishing methods differed very little in their resistance and therefore their influence on the deposition velocity is probably small. / Det övergripande syftet med den första studien i avhandlingen var att undersöka hypotesen att ett pulserande inflöde till ett ventilerade utrymme har en potential till att förbättra ventilationens kvalitet genom att minska stagnationszoner och därigenom öka omblandningen. För genomförande av studien byggdes en experimentuppställning i form av en tvådimensionell (2D) småskalig modell av ett ventilerat rum. Strömningsmediet i modellen var vatten. Det tvådimensionella hastighetsfältet registrerades över hela modellen med hjälp av Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Vid ett stationärt tillflöde bildas ett stagnationsområde i centrum av rumsmodellen. Vid ett pulserade inflöde genererades sekundära virvlar. Med en egen utvecklad programvara var det möjligt att kvantifiera statistiken hos virvlarna. Det pulserade inflödet gjorde att inom området där det vid stationärt tillflöde fanns en stagnationszon ökade antalet virvlar i alla storlekar och fördelningen av virvlar blev mera homogen än tidigare. Detta kan förväntas ge upphov till förbättrad omblandning. Baserat på en grundläggande experimentell studie utförd i en småskalig tvådimensionell rumsmodell med vatten som strömningsmedium kan vi logiskt dra slutsatsen att ett pulserande tilluftsflöde har en potential att förbättra omblandningen. I en fortsatt studie i avhandlingen visuliserades och mättes hastighetsfältet och därefter beräknades statistiska värden av exempelvis medelhastighet, standardavvikelse och skjuvspänning hos hastighetsfluktuationerna i luftströmmen över en väggmonterad radiator med 2D-PIV-teknik. Bakgrunden till studien är att en bidragande orsak till partikelavsättning på väggytor är turbofores som uppträder vid en turbulent luftström. Studien genomfördes genom uppbyggnad av en fullskalig rumsmodell. Eftersom turbulens spelar en roll vid partikelavsättning genom turbofores är det viktigt att identifiera var det laminära flödet över radiatorn blir turbulent. Resultaten baserat på visualisering och PIV-mätningar indikerade att, för ett rum med denna typ av radiatoruppvärmning, blev flödet över radiatorn turbulent efter en dimensionslös längd lika med 5,0‒6,25 gånger radiatorns tjocklek. Ytors egenskaper är viktiga vid partikelavsättning. Därför har de geometriska egenskaperna hos några olika metoder för ytbehandling undersökts experimentellt med hjälp av en scanner för strukturerat 3D-ljus. Resultaten visar på skillnader i ytråhet hos de olika ytbehandlingsmetoderna. För att undersöka motståndet mot luftströmning längs ytan och den turbulens som genereras av ytorna registrerade vi gränsskiktsflödet över ytorna i en speciell luftströmningsrigg. Detta påvisade att motståndet hos de olika typerna av ytbehandlingsmetoder skilde sig mycket litet åt och därför är troligt vid deras påverkan på depositionshastigheten mycket liten. / <p>QC 20150525</p>
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Thermal room modelling adapted to the test of HVAC control systems / Thermisches Raummodell für den Test von Reglern für Heizungs-, Lüftungs- und KlimasystemenRiederer, Peter 05 November 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Room models, currently used for controller tests, assume the room air to be perfectly mixed. A new room model is developed, assuming non-homogeneous room conditions and distinguishing between different sensor positions. From measurement in real test rooms and detailed CFD simulations, a list of convective phenomena is obtained that has to be considered in the development of a model for a room equipped with different HVAC systems. The zonal modelling approach that divides the room air into several sub-volumes is chosen, since it is able to represent the important convective phenomena imposed on the HVAC system. The convective room model is divided into two parts: a zonal model, representing the air at the occupant zone and a second model, providing the conditions at typical sensor positions. Using this approach, the comfort conditions at the occupant zone can be evaluated as well as the impact of different sensor positions. The model is validated for a test room equipped with different HVAC systems. Sensitivity analysis is carried out on the main parameters of the model. Performance assessment and energy consumption are then compared for different sensor positions in a room equipped with different HVAC systems. The results are also compared with those obtained when a well-mixed model is used. A main conclusion of these tests is, that the differences obtained, when changing the position of the controller's sensor, is a function of the HVAC system and controller type. The differences are generally small in terms of thermal comfort but significant in terms of overall energy consumption. For different HVAC systems the cases are listed, in which the use of a simplified model is not recommended. This PhD has been submitted in accordance to the conditions for attaining both the French and the German degree of a PhD, on a co-national basis, in the frame of a statement of the French government from January 18th, 1994. The research has been carried out in the Automation and Energy Management Group (AGE), Department of Sustainable Development (DDD), at the &quot;Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment&quot; (CSTB) in Marne la Vallée, France, in collaboration with the &quot;Centre Energétique&quot; (CENERG) at the &quot;Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris&quot; (ENSMP), Paris, France and the Technical University of Dresden (TUD), Germany.
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Thermal room modelling adapted to the test of HVAC control systemsRiederer, Peter 28 January 2002 (has links)
Room models, currently used for controller tests, assume the room air to be perfectly mixed. A new room model is developed, assuming non-homogeneous room conditions and distinguishing between different sensor positions. From measurement in real test rooms and detailed CFD simulations, a list of convective phenomena is obtained that has to be considered in the development of a model for a room equipped with different HVAC systems. The zonal modelling approach that divides the room air into several sub-volumes is chosen, since it is able to represent the important convective phenomena imposed on the HVAC system. The convective room model is divided into two parts: a zonal model, representing the air at the occupant zone and a second model, providing the conditions at typical sensor positions. Using this approach, the comfort conditions at the occupant zone can be evaluated as well as the impact of different sensor positions. The model is validated for a test room equipped with different HVAC systems. Sensitivity analysis is carried out on the main parameters of the model. Performance assessment and energy consumption are then compared for different sensor positions in a room equipped with different HVAC systems. The results are also compared with those obtained when a well-mixed model is used. A main conclusion of these tests is, that the differences obtained, when changing the position of the controller's sensor, is a function of the HVAC system and controller type. The differences are generally small in terms of thermal comfort but significant in terms of overall energy consumption. For different HVAC systems the cases are listed, in which the use of a simplified model is not recommended. This PhD has been submitted in accordance to the conditions for attaining both the French and the German degree of a PhD, on a co-national basis, in the frame of a statement of the French government from January 18th, 1994. The research has been carried out in the Automation and Energy Management Group (AGE), Department of Sustainable Development (DDD), at the &quot;Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment&quot; (CSTB) in Marne la Vallée, France, in collaboration with the &quot;Centre Energétique&quot; (CENERG) at the &quot;Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris&quot; (ENSMP), Paris, France and the Technical University of Dresden (TUD), Germany.
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