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Conception, synthèse et développement de nouvelles molécules de type biguanide pour contourner la résistance aux médicaments dans le mélanome / Design, synthesis and development of new biguanide-like molecules to circumvent drug resistance in melanomaGrytsai, Oleksandr 11 December 2018 (has links)
Le mélanome est l’un des cancers à la croissance la plus rapide, avec une incidence mondiale de plus de 360% rapporté depuis la fin des années 1970. Malgré les progrès incroyables réalisés dans le développement de thérapies anti-mélanome au cours des 10 dernières années, de nombreux patients atteints de mélanome sont encore en échec thérapeutique en raison du développement rapide de résistances acquises. Dans ce contexte, ma thèse décrit la synthèse et l'optimisation de nouveaux composés de type biguanide actifs contre le mélanome afin de surmonter la pharmacorésistance. Nous avons concentré notre attention sur l'optimisation Hit-to-Lead de deux composés anti-mélanomes identifiés au laboratoire : HIT 1 et HIT 2. Un nouveau protocole a été développé pour la synthèse des précurseurs de HIT 1, à savoir la préparation de 2-benzoxazolylguanidines et de 2-aminobenzoxazoles à l'aide de cyanoguanidine et catalysée par un acide de Lewis. Au cours de l'optimisation Hit-to-Lead de HIT 1, une ouverture de cycle non attendue nous a permis de préparer des amidinourées hautement actives. Cela a conduit au développement de nouvelles méthodes rapides et efficaces pour leur synthèse. Une étude complète des relations structure-activité de 79 nouveaux analogues d'amidinourées et l'identification d'un nouveau composé Lead sont présentées. L’optimisation Hit-to-Lead de HIT 2 nous a conduit à la révision de sa structure et à la découverte concomitante d’un nouveau réarrangement. Des études mécanistiques de l'action du HIT 2, appuyées par la synthèse de sondes fluorescentes et de type biotine, ont également été réalisées. Une étude approfondie du nouveau réarrangement, la synthèse de 71 structures analogues de biguanides, ainsi que de 35 produits réarrangés correspondants est ensuite présentée. L'évaluation biologique de ces composés a abouti à l'identification de 2 nouveaux Lead hautement actifs contre le mélanome. La dernière partie du manuscrit porte sur l’étude d’un nouveau protocole efficace pour la synthèse de 1,2,4-triazole-5-amines via la formation oxydative de liaisons N-N induites par I2/TBAI, dans le cadre de l’exploration de la réactivité des nouveaux dérivés biguanides synthétisés. / Melanoma is one of the fastest growing cancer with more than 360% increasing worldwide incidence since the late 1970s. Despite incredible progress in the development of anti-melanoma therapies in the last 10 years, there are still a lot of melanoma patients in therapeutic failure due to rapid development of acquired resistance. In this context, my thesis describes the synthesis and optimization of new biguanidelike compounds active against melanoma in order to overcome drug-resistance. In this manuscript, we focused our attention on Hit-to-Lead optimization of two anti-melanoma compounds identified in the laboratory: HIT 1 and HIT 2. A novel Lewis acid-catalyzed new transformation for the synthesis of HIT 1 precursors has been developed: the preparation of 2benzoxazolylguanidines and 2-aminobenzoxazoles from cyanoguanidine as safe and inexpensive reagent. During the course of HIT 1 Hit-to-Lead optimization, an unexpected cycle-opening led us to prepare highly active amidinoureas via an efficient and unprecedented methodology. A comprehensive structureactivity relationships study of 79 new amidinoureas analogues and the identification of a new Lead compound have been established. Hit-to-Lead optimization of HIT 2 led us to its structure revision and the concomitant discovery of a new rearrangement. Biological studies of the mechanism of action of HIT 2 have been investigated. The mode of action has been attested by the synthesis of biotin and fluorescent probes. A comprehensive investigation of the new rearrangement, the synthesis of 71 biguanide-like structures, as well as the synthesis of 35 corresponding rearranged products is then presented. The biological evaluation of these compounds resulted in the identification of 2 new highly active Lead compounds. The last part of the manuscript focused on the study of a new and effective protocol for the synthesis of 1,2,4-triazole-5-amines via I2/TBAI-mediated oxidative N−N bond formation, as part of the exploration of the reactivity of the new synthesized biguanide derivatives.
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Accelerating RSA Public Key Cryptography via Hardware AccelerationRamesh, Pavithra 10 April 2020 (has links)
A large number and a variety of sensors and actuators, also known as edge devices of the Internet of Things, belonging to various industries - health care monitoring, home automation, industrial automation, have become prevalent in today's world. These edge devices need to communicate data collected to the central system occasionally and often in burst mode which is then used for monitoring and control purposes. To ensure secure connections, Asymmetric or Public Key Cryptography (PKC) schemes are used in combination with Symmetric Cryptography schemes. RSA (Rivest - Shamir- Adleman) is one of the most prevalent public key cryptosystems, and has computationally intensive operations which might have a high latency when implemented in resource constrained environments. The objective of this thesis is to design an accelerator capable of increasing the speed of execution of the RSA algorithm in such resource constrained environments. The bottleneck of the algorithm is determined by analyzing the performance of the algorithm in various platforms - Intel Linux Machine, Raspberry Pi, Nios soft core processor. In designing the accelerator to speedup bottleneck function, we realize that the accelerator architecture will need to be changed according to the resources available to the accelerator. We use high level synthesis tools to explore the design space of the accelerator by taking into consideration system level aspects like the number of ports available to transfer inputs to the accelerator, the word size of the processor, etc. We also propose a new accelerator architecture for the bottleneck function and the algorithm it implements and compare the area and latency requirements of it with other designs obtained from design space exploration. The functionality of the design proposed is verified and prototyped in Zynq SoC of Xilinx Zedboard.
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Emulace infrastrukturní jednotky pro systém inteligentní dopravy / Emulation of infrastructure unit for inteligent transport systemGiertl, Juraj January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the study of communication models for cooperative intelligent transport systems and the development of the application used for testing. The ETSI ITS-G5 and IEEE 1609.x DSRC/WAVE comunication stacks were compared to standartizes layered ISO/OSI reference model. The basic principes of comunication in inteligent transport systems are described for each model. Besides that the common messages structures for defining alert messages, the intersection geometry and trafic lights signals are described in further detail. Based on these structures and other requirements, an application is created that allows easy definition of alert messages, intersection geometry and its traffic light states.
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Hardwarově akcelerovaný přenos dat s využitím TLS protokolu / Hardware accelerated data transfer using TLS protocolZugárek, Adam January 2020 (has links)
This paper describes implementation of the whole cryptographic protocol TLS including control logic and used cryptographic systems. The goal is to implement an application in the FPGA technology, so it could be used in hardware accelerated network card. The reason for this is new supported higher transmission speeds that Ethernet is able to operate on, and the absence of implementation of this protocol on FPGA. In the first half of this paper is described theory of cryptography followed by description of TLS protocol, its development, structure and operating workflow. The second half describes the implementation on the chosen technology that is also described here. It is used already existing solutions of given cryptographic systems for the implementation, or at least their parts that are modified if needed for TLS. It was implemented just several parts of whole protocol, such are RSA, Diffie-Hellman, SHA and part of AES. Based on these implementations and continuing studying in this matter it was made conclusion, that FPGA technology is inappropriate for implementation of TLS protocol and its control logic. Recommendation was also made to use FPGA only for making calculations of given cryptographic systems that are controlled by control logic from software implemented on standard processors.
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Systém pro měření kvality elektrické energie / Power quality measuring systemValenta, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the measurement of power quality. The evaluating quality parameters, data collection systems and transfer technologies will be discussed. The various type of cryptographic algorithms are also described. Cryptographic algorithms, which ensure to secure data communications from remote collection points of measurement, will be realized. These cryptographic algorithms will be realized in MATLAB and C/C++. The last part is focus on designed and implemented a simulation model to telemetry the power quality.
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Sicherheitsaspekte kryptographischer Verfahren beim HomebankingNöbel, Lars 20 October 2017 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden kryptographische Verfahren und Protokolle vorgestellt, die im HBCI-Standard zum Einsatz kommen. Das Hauptaugenmerk liegt hierbei auf den derzeit verwendeten Algorithmen DES und RSA sowie deren möglichen Nachfolgern Rijndael und ElGamal mit elliptischen Kurven. Die dafür notwendigen mathematischen Grundlagen werden ebenso wie die grundlegenden Begriffe der Kryptographie eingeführt. Es wird auf Sicherheitsaspekte der untersuchten Algorithmen und auf die zukünftige Entwicklung eingegangen. Dabei stellt sich heraus, daß mit den benutzten Verfahren die Sicherheit der Kommunikationspartner nur unwesentlich bis gar nicht beeinträchtigt werden kann. Beim praktischen Einsatz existieren aber noch Lücken, die für einen Angriff ausgenutzt werden können.
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Fuzzy FingerprintingStrobel, Cornelia 03 February 2005 (has links)
Fingerprints play an important role in biometrics and cryptography. Their creation might be based on one-way hash functions, which should usually also be collision-resistant. But users tend to draw less attention at those fingerprints - so an attacker might hand out a similar fingerprint in order to spoof identity.
The main ideas for creating such 'fuzzy fingerprints' and the creation algorithm itself are discussed in this lecture. The demonstration of the tool, that produces fuzzy fingerprints shows the practical background of this technique. / Fingerabdrücke besitzen sowohl in der Kryptographie als auch in der Biometrie eine große Bedeutung. In kryptographischen Anwendungen werden diese durch Einweg-Hash-Verfahren erzeugt, die für bestimmte Anwendungen auch kollisionsresitent sein müssen. In der Praxis schenken Benutzer diesen Fingerprints weit weniger Aufmerksamkeit - oft genügt es nur hinreichend ähnliche Fingerprints auszugeben, um die Nutzer zu täuschen
Die Kriterien, die dabei erfüllt sein müssen und die Erzeugung dieser "Fuzzy Fingerprints" sind Hauptbestandteil dieses Vortrags. Durch die Demonstration eines Tools im praktischen Einsatz wird dieser abgeschlossen.
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A Web-Based Application for the Secure Transfer of NGS dataOdén Österbo, Ina January 2019 (has links)
During the last decade, the use of Next-Generation Sequencing(NGS) technologies has sky-rocketed. The vast amount of data produced by these platforms require processing and analysis. This is usually performed at locations remote from the sequencing facilities thereby introducing the need for data-transportation to the place of analysis. The use of internet transfer would greatly facilitate the process, however since NGS data is considered to be personal sensitive information the handling of the data is highly regulated by the General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR). During this project, a web-based application was developed for the privacy-protecting transfer of personal sensitive data, implementing an in-motion encryption scheme which ensures data integrity and authenticity. The application consists of three scripts: the HTML web page with JavaScript functionality, a PHP script responsible for connection establishment and integrity verification, and a Python script executing the majority of the server-side operations. The resulting application uses the symmetric encryption algorithm AES in GCM mode, using a key size of 128 bits and transfers 60 Kibibytes of the file at a time. The key is established by using the asymmetric RSA encryption scheme with a 4096 bit key pair. SHA-256 is used for verifying the integrity of the transferred files. The JavaScript encryption speed is 584 MB/s and the Python decryption speed 251 MB/s. While the focus of the project was to optimize the application for NGS data, it is not limited to this type of file and can transfer different formats, enabling the use in multiple different fields.
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Risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser - Samverkan när den är som bäst : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan i Blekinge län / Risk and vulnerability analysis - Collaboration at its best : A qualitative study on collaboration in Blekinge CountyAhlgren, Jennifer, Hägerlund, Mikael January 2022 (has links)
Med en ökad utmaning i samhället med att hantera risker och dess konsekvenser sätts en allt större press på samhällets förmåga att agera vid oönskade händelser. Studien omfattar Blekinge län och har som syfte att analysera hur flernivåstyrning påverkar arbetet med risk och sårbarhet. Syftet besvaras av två frågeställningar som behandlar samverkan och utmaningar mellan administrativa nivåer. Studien baseras på en abduktiv ansats där teorin väljs utifrån empirin. Teorin i studiens sammanhang är flernivåstyrning vars ändamål är att analysera studiens tidigare forskning och resultat. Studiens resultat utgörs av en dokumentanalys av risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser (RSA) samt en intervjustudie med tjänstemän som visar på att samverkan mellan administrativa nivåer fungerar. Däremot finns det utmaningar med ansvarsfördelningen som är en konsekvens av en bristande kommunikation i ett hierarkiskt beroende system. Utmaningarna påverkar hur arbetet aggregeras upp i de administrativa nivåerna. / With an increased challenge in society in managing risks and their consequences, an increasing pressure is put on society's ability to act in the event of undesirable events. The study covers Blekinge County and aims to analyze how multilevel governance affects risk and vulnerability. The purpose is answered by two questions that explore collaboration and challenges between administrative levels. The study is based on an abductive approach where the theory is chosen based on empirical data. Results from the study are created by a document analysis of risk- and vulnerability documents (RVA) as well as an interview study from municipal employees. The result shows that collaboration between administrative levels works. However, there are challenges with the division of responsibilities from a lack of communication in a hierarchically dependent system. The challenges affect how the analysis is aggregated up to the administrative levels.
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Random Sampling of Steel Scrap : A novel method of recyclingSirén, Patrik, Nguyen, John January 2013 (has links)
Today, the alloy content in steel scrap deliveries in Sweden are determined by the waste management company by test melts. Random sampling analysis (RSA) is an alternative method, under development, to determine the alloy composition of steel scrap. This method evaluates the alloy composition of the steel delivery based on a number of randomly chosen steel scrap unit. RSA is a surface analysis, it is done on a distributed area where with the help of a grid, marks the random steel scrap units for evaluation. This means that the surface fraction determines the odds of analyzing the steel scrap. In a previous study of RSA, 100 random pieces of scrap units was evaluated for its alloy composition with Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES). These scrap deliveries were thereafter sent to an Electric Arc Furnace for melting. This was done to compare the RSA analysis with samples taken after scrap melting. The RSA study however assumes that the scrap units have the same weight. In this study, the weights of the scrap units in the RSA was assumed to have a variance. Using MATLAB® and the alloy composition data acquired from the old study, a simulation was made where 100 pieces and 100 analyses was made to see what the margin of error in comparison to the old study. Another goal with this study was to see if the variance of the weight had any relation to the absolute deviation of each element in the alloy composition. The results showed that there was no relation between the absolute deviation of each element and the weight distribution in the population. This indicates that there are other factors involved other than the weight distribution in the samples. The average margin of error for all the elements was calculated to 5.94% for the weight distribution of 0.1:0.1:10 kg. This indicates that RSA is accurate or close in analysis for old steel scrap deliveries even if the weight distribution is 0.1:0.1:10kg. The highest margin of error was obtained for W, Ce and Ti with a margin of error of 18.6%, 14.89% and 10.71% respectively. All the other elements had a margin of error beneath 10%. This indicates that for RSA on old steel scrap deliveries a margin of error of 10% would be a good benchmark on the accuracy of the analysis.
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