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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Performance Comparison of AI Algorithms : Anytime Algorithms / Utförande Jämförelse av AI Algoritmer : Anytime Algoritmer

Butt, Rehman January 2008 (has links)
Commercial computer gaming is a large growing industry that already has its major contributions in the entertainment industry of the world. One of the most important among different types of computer games are Real Time Strategy (RTS) based games. RTS games are considered being the major research subject for Artificial Intelligence (AI). But still the performance of AI in these games is poor by human standards due to some fundamental AI problems those require more research to be better solved for the RTS games. There also exist some AI algorithms those can help us solve these AI problems. Anytime- Algorithms (AA) are algorithms those can optimize their memory and time resources and are considered best for the RTS games. We believe that by making AI algorithms anytime we can optimize their behavior to better solve the AI problems. Although many anytime algorithms are available to solve various kinds of AI problems, but according to our research no such study is been done to compare the performances of different anytime algorithms for an AI problem in RTS games. This study will take care of that by building our own research platform specifically design for comparing performances of our selected anytime algorithms for an AI problem. / Address: NaN Mob. +46 - 737 - 40 19 17

Performance Comparison of AI Algorithms : Anytime Algorithms / Utförande Jämförelse av AI Algoritmer : Anytime Algoritmer

Butt, Rehman January 2008 (has links)
Commercial computer gaming is a large growing industry, that already has its major contributions in the entertainment industry of the world. One of the most important among different types of computer games are Real Time Strategy (RTS) based games. RTS games are considered being the major research subject for Artificial Intelligence (AI). But still the performance of AI in these games is poor by human standards because of some broad sets of problems. Some of these problems have been solved with the advent of an open real time research platform, named as ORTS. However there still exist some fundamental AI problems that require more research to be better solved for the RTS games. There also exist some AI algorithms that can help us solve these AI problems. Anytime- Algorithms (AA) are algorithms those can optimize their memory and time resources and are considered best for the RTS games. We believe that by making AI algorithms anytime we can optimize their behavior to better solve the AI problems for the RTS games. Although many anytime algorithms are available to solve various kinds of AI problems, but according to our research no such study is been done to compare the performances of different anytime algorithms for each AI problem in RTS games. This study will take care of that by building our own research platform specifically design for comparing performances of selected anytime algorithms for an AI problem

Zlepšování systému pro automatické hraní hry Starcraft II v prostředí PySC2 / Improving Bots Playing Starcraft II Game in PySC2 Environment

Krušina, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create an automated system for playing a real-time strategy game Starcraft II. Learning from replays via supervised learning and reinforcement learning techniques are used for improving bot's behavior. The proposed system should be capable of playing the whole game utilizing PySC2 framework for machine learning. Performance of the bot is evaluated against the built-in scripted AI in the game.

Řízení entit ve strategické hře založené na multiagentních systémech / Strategic Game Based on Multiagent Systems

Knapek, Petr January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is focused on designing and implementing system, that adds learning and planning capabilities to agents designed for playing real-time strategy games like StarCraft. It will explain problems of controlling game entities and bots by computer and introduce some often used solutions. Based on analysis, a new system has been designed and implemented. It uses multi-agent systems to control the game, utilizes machine learning methods and is capable of overcoming oponents and adapting to new challenges.

Zobrazování komplexních scén na mobilních zařízeních / Complex Scene Rendering on Mobile Devices

Matýšek, Michal January 2015 (has links)
This thesis presents optimization techniques for efficient rendering of complex scenes on mobile devices. The introductory part of the text describes Unity game engine and the topic of mobile game development using this tool. Then follows a presentation of important optimization principles and methods for terrain rendering, large scale rendering of animated objects, rendering of animated water surfaces and of other elements in the scenes. The described methods include both general principles of optimization and specific optimization approaches based on the features of Unity game engine. The implementation of presented methods is described and used in practice in the context of mobile strategy game development.

Remoistenable temporary supports for facing of canvas paintings

Alba, Paola 30 March 2021 (has links)
[ES] Aunque el empapelado es una técnica ampliamente utilizada en restauración con diversos propósitos, todavía no se dispone de mucha información técnica sobre la misma. A primera vista, acarrea consecuencias complejas, incluyendo cambios en lascapas pictoricas, pudiendo tener también potenciales repercusiones en la propia conservación de la obra. En la mayoría de casos, sería más adecuado recurrir a otras técnicas alternativas y menos intrusivas. Por este motivo, a lo largo de esta tesis doctoral se ha desarrollado un protocolo de investigación orientado al diseño de soportes temporales rehumectables (remoistenable temporary supports: RTS) para la protección de pinturas sobre lienzos, un método alternativo que permite un mayor control de la penetración de adhesivo en el sustrato, y por tanto una remoción de residuos más sencilla y eficaz. Durante este estudio se prestó especial atención a las necesidades de los restauradores, no solo en términos de disponibilidad y eficiencia económica, sino también en lo concerniente a la salud de los operadores y el cuidado del medio ambiente. En la primera sección de esta tesis se ha realizado una revisión histórica, comenzando por las primeras fuentes indirectas del Siglo XVIII hasta la actualidad. A continuación, se analizan los mecanismos adhesivos y de penetración del empapelado, focalizándose en aspectos relacionados con la conservación, relacionados con los materiales empleados y metodologías de aplicación. En la segunda sección se describe el estudio de la metodología innovadora de los RTS, ensayada de acuerdo a un meticuloso proyecto de investigación adaptando tecnologías analíticas avanzadas a las necesidades específicas del estudio realizado. Durante la primera etapa experimental, se realizaron análisis químicos, físicos y mecánicos de las diferentes clases de materiales (adhesivos y soportes temporales) y su compatibilidad para la preparación de tejidos rehumectables. La segunda etapa de la investigación se centró en la evaluación de la aplicación de soportes temporales rehumectables en maquetas simuladoras de pinturas en lienzo, con el fin de ensayar aquellos factores considerados más relevantes. Se realizaron observaciones con Microscopía Óptica empleando luz visible y UV, Microscopía electrónica de barrido de emisión de campo (FESEM) para evaluar la permanencia de residuos y el estudio de posibles modificaciones que podrían darse en la superficie de la pintura. Se empleó micro-espectroscopía Raman asociada a un microscopio de alta resolución para determinar la penetración del adhesivo en las grietas de las maquetas. Finalmente, se realizaron pruebas de desprendimiento (peeling test) en diferentes condiciones ambientales para estudiar la fuerza adhesiva de los RTS seleccionados. / [CA] Tot i que la protecció del color és una tècnica àmpliament utilitzada en restauració amb diversos propòsits, encara no s'hi disposa de molta informació tècnica. A primera vista, implica conseqüències complexes, incloent-hi canvis en les capes pictòriques, que poden tenir també potencials repercussions en la mateixa conservació de l'obra. En la majoria de casos, seria més adequat recórrer a altres tècniques alternatives i menys intrusives. Per aquest motiu, al llarg d'aquesta tesi doctoral s'ha desenvolupat un protocol d'investigació orientat al disseny de suports temporals rehumectables (Remoistenable Temporary Supports: RTS) per a la protecció de pintures sobre llenç, un mètode alternatiu que permet un major control de la penetració d'adhesiu en el substrat i, per tant, una eliminació de residus més senzilla i eficaç. Durant aquest estudi es va prestar especial atenció a les necessitats dels restauradors, no solament en termes de disponibilitat i eficiència econòmica, sinó també pel que fa a la salut dels operadors i la cura del medi ambient. En la primera secció d'aquesta tesi s'ha realitzat una revisió històrica, començant per les primeres fonts indirectes del segle XVIII fins a l'actualitat. A continuació, s'analitzen els mecanismes adhesius i de penetració de l'empaperat, i es focalitza en aspectes relacionats amb la conservació futura dels materials emprats i metodologies d'aplicació. En la segona secció es descriu l'estudi de la metodologia innovadora dels RTS, assajada d'acord amb un meticulós projecte d'investigació que adapta tecnologies analítiques avançades a les necessitats específiques de l'estudi realitzat. Durant la primera etapa experimental, es realitzaren anàlisis químiques, físiques i mecàniques de les diferents classes de materials (adhesius i suports temporals) i la seua compatibilitat per a la preparació de teixits rehumectables. La segona etapa de la investigació es va centrar en l'avaluació de l'aplicació de suports temporals rehumectables en maquetes simuladores de pintures en llenç, amb la finalitat d'assajar aquells factors considerats més rellevants. Es realitzaren observacions amb microscòpia òptica emprant llum visible i UV, Microscòpia electrònica d'escaneig d'emissió de camp (FESEM) per a avaluar la permanència de residus i l'estudi de possibles modificacions que podrien donarse en la superfície de la pintura. S'empraren microespectroscòpia Raman associada a un microscopi d'alta resolució per a determinar la penetració de l'adhesiu en les clivelles de les provetes. Finalment, es realitzaren proves de despreniment (peeling test) en diferents condicions ambientals per a estudiar la força adhesiva dels RTS seleccionats. / [EN] Although facing is widely used for multiple purposes, there is still little information about it. At first glance, facing seems to be an almost neutral and simple intervention. Its application, however, entails complex consequences including changes to a painting's strata, and it can have potential repercussions on the conservation of the paint itself. In most cases, it would be better to recur to alternative and less intrusive methods, but sometimes the use of facing is strictly necessary. For this reason, during this PhD a research protocol addressed the design of remoistenable temporary supports (RTS) for the facing of canvas paintings, an alternative method that enables a higher control of the adhesive penetration into the substrate, and thus the easier removal of residues. Great attention was given in this assessment to the needs of restorers, in terms of not only availability and the cost-effectiveness of materials, but also for the concerns of the safety of the operator as well as the environment. In the first section of this dissertation, a historical review is made starting from the first indirect sources of the 18th century up to the present day. Then facing's adhesive and penetrative mechanisms are analysed, focusing on conservative issues related to the used materials and application methodologies. The second section describes the assessment of the innovative RTS methodology, tested according to a meticulous research project adapting advanced analytical technologies to the specific needs. During the first experimental stage, chemical, physical and mechanical analyses of the different classes of materials (adhesives and temporary supports) and their compatibility for the preparation of remoistenable tissues were carried out. The second step of the investigation focused on the evaluation of the application of remoistenable temporary supports on mock-ups reproducing a canvas painting, in order to test those considered the most relevant factors. Observations with optical microscope in visible and ultraviolet (UV) light and analyses with fieldemission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) were carried out to evaluate the permanence of residues and the assessment of the possible modifications that may have occurred on the painted surface. Micro-Raman spectroscopy associated with a high-resolution microscope was used to determine the penetration of the adhesive into the cracks of the mock-ups. Finally, peeling tests at different environmental conditions were carried out to assess the adhesion strength of the selected RTS. / An acknowledgment to the financial support from the Spanish “I+D+I” project CTQ2017-85317-C2-1-P, which is supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (ERDF) funds and Agencia Estatal de Investigación(AEI). / Alba, P. (2021). Remoistenable temporary supports for facing of canvas paintings [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/164901

"Got Skills...?" : En kvalitativ studie om kompetensutveckling baserat på StarCraft II

Denkert, Ellinor, Friberg, Erik January 2012 (has links)
The use of computer games has grown exponentially in the past few years and StarCraft II is one of the most popular e-sports today, played by millions of people worldwide. This study investigates the game’s effect on skills, as perceived by the players of StarCraft II. The study was conducted by using an empirical survey and interviews. The skills being investigated were both physical and mental in their nature. The conclusion was that the majority of players perceived that their skills regarding reaction speed, multitasking, APM, analysis and strategy were increased the most, while there was a smaller change in social skills and language skills. Additionally, people who played team games of StarCraft II did, however, feel that their teamwork, conflict management and leadership capabilities increased. / Under de senaste åren har användandet av datorspel vuxit explosionsartat. StarCraft II är ett utav dagens mest populära e-sporter och spelas av miljontals människor runt om i världen. Studien undersöker om spelare uppfattar kompetensförändringar av att spela StarCraft II. Studien utfördes med hjälp utav en enkät och intervjuer. Kompetenserna vi undersökte var av både fysiska och mentala i sin karaktär. Av resultaten kan man se att majoriteten av spelarna uppfattade en ökad kompetens inom reaktionshastighet, multitasking, APM, analytisk- och strategisk förmåga, medan man ser en mindre förändring inom social kompetens och språklig kompetens. Resultaten visar även att de som valde att spela lagspel uppfattade en ökad kompetens inom samarbete, konflikthantering och ledarskap.

Multi-Antenna Communication Receivers Using Metaheuristics and Machine Learning Algorithms

Nagaraja, Srinidhi January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, our focus is on low-complexity, high-performance detection algorithms for multi-antenna communication receivers. A key contribution in this thesis is the demonstration that efficient algorithms from metaheuristics and machine learning can be gainfully adapted for signal detection in multi- antenna communication receivers. We first investigate a popular metaheuristic known as the reactive tabu search (RTS), a combinatorial optimization technique, to decode the transmitted signals in large-dimensional communication systems. A basic version of the RTS algorithm is shown to achieve near-optimal performance for 4-QAM in large dimensions. We then propose a method to obtain a lower bound on the BER performance of the optimal detector. This lower bound is tight at moderate to high SNRs and is useful in situations where the performance of optimal detector is needed for comparison, but cannot be obtained due to very high computational complexity. To improve the performance of the basic RTS algorithm for higher-order modulations, we propose variants of the basic RTS algorithm using layering and multiple explorations. These variants are shown to achieve near-optimal performance in higher-order QAM as well. Next, we propose a new receiver called linear regression of minimum mean square error (MMSE) residual receiver (referred to as LRR receiver). The proposed LRR receiver improves the MMSE receiver by learning a linear regression model for the error of the MMSE receiver. The LRR receiver uses pilot data to estimate the channel, and then uses locally generated training data (not transmitted over the channel) to find the linear regression parameters. The LRR receiver is suitable for applications where the channel remains constant for a long period (slow-fading channels) and performs well. Finally, we propose a receiver that uses a committee of linear receivers, whose parameters are estimated from training data using a variant of the AdaBoost algorithm, a celebrated supervised classification algorithm in ma- chine learning. We call our receiver boosted MMSE (B-MMSE) receiver. We demonstrate that the performance and complexity of the proposed B-MMSE receiver are quite attractive for multi-antenna communication receivers.

Rozvoj finančních trhů v Rusku / Development of financial markets in Russia

Zhiganov, Artem January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the diploma is to introduce provide information about financial system of Russia. It includes a description and classification of Russian financial markets, development of the whole system and describe a current financial position during the crisis. Diploma also includes Regulation and Supervision part, which is relatively important due to a present situation in the financial world. In terms of practical part basing on technical and fundamental analyses the author tends to forecast the probable future trend of development of the Russian Trade System RTS. The diploma is made for a wide range of prospective readers, who even might not be interested in Finance.

Využití šumové diagnostiky k analýze vlastností solárních článků / Anyalyze of photovoltaic cell by noise diagnostic

Husák, Marek January 2009 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with the noise diagnostic in the solar cells. Describes the main kinds of noises. The samples were quality and reliability screened using noise reliability indicators. The samples were surveyed by measuring the I-V characteristics, the noise spectral density as a function of forward voltage and frequency. It was calculated the noise spectral density as a function of forward current.

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