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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dendrologia, anatomia do lenho e "status" de conservação das espécies lenhosas dos gêneros Cinchona, Croton e Uncaria no estado do Acre, Brasil. / Dendrology, wood anatomy and “status” conservation of species of the Cinchona, Croton and Uncaria’s genus from Acre state, Brasil.

Percy Amilcar Zevallos Pollito 19 April 2004 (has links)
No presente trabalho foram estudadas 8 espécies lenhosas dos gêneros Cinchona (C. amazonica Standl.), Croton (C. billbergianus Müll.Arg., C. floribundus Spreng., C. lechleri, Müell.Arg., C. matourensis Aubl., C. palanostigma Klotzsch) e Uncaria (U. guianensis (Aubl.) J.F. Gmel. e U. tomentosa (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) DC.) de interesse medicinal e ocorrentes no Estado do Acre, Brasil. Dessas plantas foram analisadas as características dendrológicas, a estrutura anatômica do lenho, sua distribuição geográfica e “status” de conservação. A pesquisa consistiu de visitas de campo a diferentes regiões do Estado, coleta de material botânico e do lenho das plantas, levantamento e estudo das exsicatas das espécies em herbários nacionais e internacionais da América do Sul, revisão bibliográfica das espécies na literatura e “sites” especializados, descrição dos parâmetros dendrológicos e da estrutura antômica do lenho das espécies em laboratório, possibilitando a identificação das espécies dos 3 gêneros. As características dendrológicas vegetativas das plantas mostraram variações, resultado das adaptações ao meio ambiente, da idade e de sua ampla distribuição geográfica. A estrutura anatomica do lenho foi mais distinta entre famílias (Euphorbiaceae e Rubiaceae) e gêneros (Cinchona, Croton, Uncaria) e menos nas espécies, constituindose em parâmetro importante e auxiliar na sua identificação. As plantas de Cinchona amazonica apresentaram baixa intensidade populacional, embora com ampla distribuição no Estado do Acre, em outros estados brasileiros e nos países amazônicos. No gênero Croton, as plantas de C.palanostigma mostraram distribuição quase pontual no Acre e extensa na Amazônia e menos ampla na América Latina; C. floribundus com ocorrência pontual no Acre, distribuição concentrada no Estado de São Paulo e em outros estados brasileiros e no Paraguai; C. matourensis encontram-se bem distribuídas no Acre e em outros estados brasileiros e países amazônicos, até o Panamá; C. lechleri ocorrem somente no sudeste do Estado do Acre, na Bolívia, Colômbia, Peru e Equador; C. billbergianus encontram-se bem distribuídas no Estado do Acre, escassa em outros estados amazônicos, ocorrendo em outros países da América Latina até o México. As plantas de Uncaria guianensis e U. tomentosa foram as de maior abundância no Estado do Acre e em toda a Amazônia brasileira, sendo U. tomentosa de menor abundância e distribuição muito ampla ocorrendo, inclusive, até a América Central. Com respeito ao “status” de conservação, as plantas de Croton billergianus, C. matourensis e Uncaria guianensis foram incluídas na categoria LC (comuns e abundantes ou fora de perigo), Cinchona amazonica, Croton lechleri e C. palanostigma em CR (perigo crítico), Uncaria tomentosa em VU (perigo a médio prazo) e Croton floribundus em DD (informação insuficiente). A presença destas espécies não foi constatada nas unidades de conservação do Estado do Acre e, no momento, as florestas onde ocorrem estão sendo exploradas para a extração da madeira, de fármacos e para a ampliação da fronteira agropecuária. Nos herbários das instituições de pesquisa e de ensino do Estado do Acre as coleções de plantas das espécies de Cinchona, Croton e Uncaria são escassas em comparação com as de outros Estados do Brasil e dos países visitados. / This research studied eight wood species of the genus Cinchona (C. amazonica Standl.), Croton (C. billbergianus Müll.Arg. C. floribundus Spreng.; C. lechleri, Müll.Arg.; C. matourensis Aubl. and C. palanostigma Klotzsch) and Uncaria (U. guianensis (Aubl.)J.F. Gmel. and U. tomentosa (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.)DC.). All of them with medicinal interest, grown in the state of Acre (Brazil). The research consisted mainly in: field work in different regions of the state of Acre and botanical and plants collections, raising the exsiccates of the mentioned species in the most important national and international herbariums of South America, a wide bibliographical review concerning these species, dendrology description and the macro and microscopy description of the wood. The ve getative dendrological characteristics of these species showed variations with age adaptations and geographical distribution. The anatomy structures were different between families (Euphorbiaceae and Rubiaceae) and genus (Cinchona, Croton, Uncaria) and less within species. These results can be used for identification of these genus. In the order hand, this study shows that Cinchona amazonica had low distribution in Acre State, other Brazilian states and Amazonian countries. For Croton genus as C. palanostigma showed an almost punctual distribution in Acre, although had high distribution on the Amazon region and lowest on Latin America; C. floribundus with punctual occurrence on the Acre State and concentrated distribution in Sao Paulo State, other Brazilian States and in Paraguay; C. matourensis had high distribution in Acre, other Brazilian states and Amazonian countries, reaching up to Panama; C. lechleri grew only in the south east of Acre, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador; C. billbergianus was found well distributed in Acre, less abundant in other Amazon states and Latin countries and reaching up to Mexico. Uncaria guianensis and U. tomentosa were the most abundant species in Acre state and in all the Brazilian Amazon, and the U. tomentosa in Brazil can be considered less abundant, although with a wider distribution reaching inclusive the Central America. Concerning the conservation “status”, C billbergianus, C. matourensis and U. guianensis were included in the category LC (common and abundant or out of danger); Cinchona amazonica, Croton lechleri and C. palanostigma on CR (critical danger), Uncaria tomentosa on VU (medium term danger) and Croton floribundus on DD (insufficient information). One of the most important aspects to mention is that there were no evidence of any presence of these species in the conservation unites in the State of Acre, and in the forests where they occur. Also, they are cuttings for raw material for wood, pharmacological exploration and farm and cattle frontiers amplification.. This situation was verified in the State of Acre for the lower collection of plants of Cinchona, Croton and Uncaria in relation to other states in Brazil and in other countries visited.

Diversité, biogéographie, écologie et conservation des Rubioideae-Rubiaceae en Afrique centrale, Burundi, R.D.Congo, Rwanda / Diversity, biogeography, ecology and conservation of Rubioideae-Rubiaceae in Central Africa, Burundi, D.R.Congo, Rwanda

Niyongabo, Ferdinand 27 April 2012 (has links)
Cette étude est une contribution à la connaissance de la biodiversité, la distribution géographique et la conservation des Rubioideae (Rubiaceae) d’Afrique centrale (Burundi,R.D.Congo et Rwanda). Le travail est basé sur l’analyse critique des riches collections conservées dans les grands herbaria de Belgique et du Burundi (plus de 10.000 échantillons). Une check-list critique des Rubioideae d’Afrique centrale a été établie; 291 taxons ont été inventoriés et une carte de distribution géographique a été tracée pour chacun, après géoréférencement de toutes<p>les récoltes. Des taxons nouveaux pour le territoire étudié ont été découverts, révélant le caractère incomplet de la ‘World check-list of Rubiaceae’. Des taxons nouveaux pour la science ont été mis en évidence. Une espèce nouvelle (avec deux variétés) a été décrite. Les analyses de distribution ont utilisé deux niveaux de résolution: le système d’information géographique (SIG) pour la production des cartes de la distribution des espèces et le système de maillage pour calculer la densité et l’effort d’échantillonnage. La richesse floristique apparente est fortement biaisée par l’intensité d’échantillonnage. Après correction de ces biais, la diversité reste inégalement répartie.<p>Des régions de plus haute diversité peuvent être expliquées à la fois par des processus déterministes (régions à haute diversité ’habitats), et, probablement aussi par des contingences historiques (refuges). Elles correspondent à des zones de spéciation active ou de moindre extinction. De plus, cette diversité varie selon les phytochories considérées.<p>La distribution des taxons a été utilisée pour tenter de redéfinir sur une base objective des subdivisions phytogéographiques du territoire étudié. L’approche basée sur la similarité floristique et la distribution potentielle a démontré le rôle déterminant des taxons indicateurs et des variables environnementales<p>dans l’établissement d’un système cohérent de phytochories pour l’Afrique centrale. Un nouveau<p>système de trois territoires floristiques défini sur base des Rubioideae est comparativement proche de celui de White (1979, 1983) mais ne comprend pas des zones de transition.<p>Enfin, la caractérisation de l’état de conservation des Rubioideae de la zone d’étude, sur base de la méthodologie de l’UICN, a porté sur cinquante-six taxons (sub-)endémiques d’Afrique centrale. L’évaluation paramétrique a été largement utilisée. Elle est basée sur la détermination de la zone d’occupation (AOO) et de la zone d’occurrence (EOO). La proportion des Rubioideae menacés et coïncide avec celles des autres groupes déjà évalués. Cette analyse a démontré qu’il existe une corrélation entre les taxons menacés et les zones de forte concentration humaine.<p><p><p>This study is a contribution to the knowledge of biodiversity, geographic distribution and conservation of Rubioideae (Rubiaceae), a group of flowering plants in Central Africa (D.R.Congo, Rwanda, Burundi). The work is based on the critical evaluation of the rich herbarium collections conserved in Belgium and Burundi (> 10,000 specimens). A critical check-list of Rubioideae in Central Africa has been produced, comprising 291 taxa. A distribution map has been obtained for each of them. A number of taxa are new to the area, highlighting the gaps of knowledge in the ‘World check-list of Rubiaceae’. Species new to science have been detected, one of which has been formally described (with two varieties) in this study. The analysis of distribution patterns has been performed at two levels of resolution. Grid-maps have been used to analyse patterns of species diversity. Floristic richness appears strongly correlated with<p>sampling effort. After correction for sampling effort, species diversity remains heterogeneous.<p>Regions of higher diversity correspond either to areas of more active speciation, in relation to a high diversity of habitats, or to forest refuges where extinction rates have been lower. Additionally, this diversity varies between the different phytochoria recognized. The distribution of species has been used in an attempt to redefine phytochoria based only on floristic criteria. Floristic similarity, and potential distribution (based on climatic parameters), has shown that phytochoria can be effectively defined and characterized by the method of indicator taxa. Three major<p>phytochoria show a reasonably match with phytochoria previously proposed by White (1979, 1983), but White’s transition zones are not highlighted. Finally, distribution data have been used to critically evaluate the conservation status of 56 taxa, using the methodology and criteria of IUCN. The area of occupancy (AOO) and extent of occurrence (EOO) were calculated and used as main criteria to evaluate the species. A relatively high proportion of taxa appear to be threatened, especially in relation to urbanization and deforestation in the most<p>highly populated parts of the study area. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Le genre Psychotria (Rubiaceae) en Afrique occidentale et centrale: taxonomie, phylogénie et biogéographie / Genus Psychotria (Rubiaceae) in West and Central Africa: taxonomy, phylogeny and biogeography

Lachenaud, Olivier 11 September 2013 (has links)
Le genre Psychotria est le plus vaste de la famille des Rubiaceae, avec plusieurs centaines d’espèces répandues dans toutes les régions tropicales humides. Les Psychotria sont principalement des arbustes (quelques-uns sont lianescents, herbacés ou arborescents) et entrent souvent pour une part importante dans la composition des sous-bois tropicaux. Certains montrent des adaptations remarquables comme la symbiose bactérienne foliaire ou l’accumulation d’humus. En raison de sa taille et des difficultés d’identifications, ce genre reste mal connu, notamment en Afrique occidentale et centrale où il n’a fait l’objet d’aucun travail d’ensemble depuis les années 1960.<p>Le présent travail a pour objectifs :1) la révision taxonomique du genre Psychotria pour l’Afrique occidentale et centrale; 2) une étude phylogénétique du genre, visant à reconstituer son évolution et améliorer la classification infragénérique ;et 3) une étude biogéographique régionale de ce groupe, afin de définir des centres de diversité et d'endémisme.<p>Notre travail de taxonomie, fondé sur l’examen des spécimens d’herbier et sur des missions de terrain au Cameroun et au Gabon, nous a conduit à reconnaître l’existence de 232 espèces en Afrique occidentale et centrale, ce qui fait de Psychotria le plus vaste genre de plantes dans cette région. Parmi ces espèces, 78 sont nouvelles.<p>Nos travaux phylogénétiques, basés sur l’étude de deux marqueurs nucléaires (ITS et ETS) et quatre chloroplastiques (rps16, trnG, matK et rbcLa), montrent que la classification de Petit (1964, 1966) est largement à revoir. Il apparaît notamment que les deux sous-genres (Psychotria et Tetramerae) reconnus en Afrique, et fondés sur la présence ou l’absence de nodules bactériens foliaires, ne sont pas monophylétiques, certaines espèces ayant secondairement perdu leurs nodules. Nos résultats soutiennent également le rattachement du genre monospécifique Peripeplus à Psychotria.<p>Le genre Psychotria montre une diversité remarquable, associée à un taux d’endémisme élevé, dans le domaine bas-guinéen (Cameroun et Gabon principalement) où plusieurs centres d’endémisme ont été identifiés. Ceux-ci sont localisés non seulement dans les massifs montagneux de l’intérieur, dont la flore particulière est bien connue, mais également dans les régions littorales. L’Afrique de l’ouest, moins diversifiée, montre cependant un fort endémisme localisé principalement dans deux centres, l’un situé au Liberia et dans l’ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire, l’autre vers la frontière Côte d’Ivoire/Ghana. Le bassin du Congo, comparable en diversité à l’Afrique de l’Ouest, est relativement pauvre en endémiques.<p>Ces résultats suggèrent que les forêts du Cameroun et du Gabon auraient relativement bien résisté aux périodes sèches passées, et remettent notamment en question l’hypothèse d’une disparition des forêts littorales du golfe de Guinée au cours du Pleistocène./Psychotria is the largest genus in the Rubiaceae family, with several hundred species in wet tropical areas worldwide. Psychotria spp. are mostly shrubs (a few being lianas, creepers or trees) and are often an important component of the undergrowth in tropical rainforests. Some show remarkable adaptations such as leaf bacterial symbiosis or litter gathering. Due to its size and identification problems, Psychotria remains a little-known genus, especially in West and Central Africa, where no major work has been done on this group since the 1960s.<p>The aims of the present work are: 1) a taxonomic revision of Psychotria in West and Central Africa; 2) a phylogenetic study of the genus, in order to trace its evolution and improve the infrageneric classification; and 3) a regional biogeographic study of the genus, to define centers of diversity and endemism.<p>Our taxonomical work, based on the study of herbarium specimens and field expeditions in Gabon and Cameroon, led us to recognise 232 species of Psychotria in West and Central Africa. Psychotria is therefore the largest plant genus in this area. Among these species, 78 are new.<p>Our phylogenetic work, based on two nuclear markers (ITS and ETS) and four chloroplastic markers (rps16, trnG, matK, rbcLa), shows that Petit’s (1964, 1966) infrageneric classification is in need of revision. In particular, we show that the two subgenera present in Africa (subg. Tetramerae and subg. Psychotria), which are defined by the presence or absence of leaf bacterial nodules, are not monophyletic: a secondary loss of the bacterial nodules has occured in some species. Our results also support the merging of the monospecific genus Peripeplus into Psychotria.<p>The genus Psychotria shows a remarkable diversity and a high level and endemism in the Lower Guinea domain (particularly Cameroon and Gabon) where several centers of endemism are identified. These are located not only in the inland hill ranges, which are well known for their particular flora, but also in littoral areas. West Africa is less diverse but also shows a high level of endemism, which concerns mostly two areas, one in Liberia and western Côte d’Ivoire and the other around the Côte d’Ivoire/Ghana border. The Congo basin, comparable in diversity to West Africa, has relatively few endemic species.<p>These results suggest that the rainforests of Cameroon and Gabon resisted relatively well during historical drier periods. They do not support the hypothesis of a disappearance of the Gulf of Guinea littoral forests during the Pleistocene.<p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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