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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Water and temperature contribution to the structuration of starch matrices in the presence of flavour / Contribution de l'eau et de la températutre à la structuration de matrices d'amidon en présence d'arômes

Somboonchan, Silawan 18 December 2015 (has links)
L'effet des traitements hydrothermiques et l’effet des arômes sur la structure de l'amidon et de ses propriétés physiques ont été étudiés. L’amidon de blé natif a été traité à 2 hydratations différentes (rapports eau-amidon: 50/50 et 80/20 g/g) et à 2 températures (65 et 85 °C) en présence d’ arômes (hexanoate d'éthyle et de 2-hexanone). Les échantillons fraîchement préparés ont été soumis à l’analyse calorimétrique (AED) et au dosage d’ arôme. Aucun complexe d'inclusion entre amidon et arôme n’a pu être détecté par AED cependant le résultat de l'analyse aromatique a prouvé qu'il y avait des interactions arôme-amidon. Les deux composés d’arôme (hexanoate d'éthyle et 2-hexanone) ont interagi avec l'amidon à des teneurs comparables. Les pertes d’arômes ont été trouvées les plus élevées dans les échantillons traités aux plus hautes hydratation et température . La perte d’arôme était principalement liée à l’évaporation lors des traitements hydrothermiques. Après les traitements hydrothermiques, les échantillons ont été lyophilisés ont montré une stabilité d’arôme à la lyophilisation. Les échantillons lyophilisés ont été soumis à diverses études: DSC (Tg), RVA, la taille des granules, XRD, WAXS, SAXS étude et de stockage. Les traitements hydrothermiques ont conduit à des échantillons avec des propriétés différentes. A haute hydratation, la température influence la taille des granules et des propriétés rhéologiques à la cuisson (pasting). Les échantillons chauffés à 65 °C présentaient des tailles de granules significativement plus importantes, une viscosité maximale (en RVA) inférieure à celles des échantillons chauffés à 85 °C mais de significative différence en % de cristallinité. A faible hydratation, la température de chauffage n’avait pas d’influencer significative sur la taille des granules, mais un effet significatif sur les propriétés rhéologiques à la cuisson, le degré de cristallinité et le profil SAXS. Les échantillons chauffés à 65°C avaient une viscosité maximale supérieure , un degré de cristallinité plus élevé et des pics SAXS plus importants qu’après un chauffage à 85 °C. La teneur résiduelle en arôme n'a eu aucune influence significative sur la structure, mais semble affecter les propriétés rhéologiques à la cuisson. En ce qui concerne l'étude à la conservations, les échantillons ont été stockés à 58 et 75% d'humidité relative et étudiés par analyse SPME, par extraction d’arôme et par AED pour un suivide relaxation d’enthalpie après de 2, 4 et 14 semaines de stockage. Les échantillons avaient une plus grande libération de l'arôme à 75% HR et l’hexanoate d’éthyle montré une plus grande libération de 2-hexanone. Les échantillons ont montré une augmentation de relaxation d'enthalpie de lors d'un stockage. / The effect of hydrothermal treatments and flavours addition on starch structure and its physical properties were studied. Native wheat starch was treated at 2 different hydrations (water-starch ratios: 50/50 and 80/20 g w/w) and temperatures (65 and 85 °C) in the presence of flavours (ethyl hexanoate and 2-hexanone). The freshly prepared samples were subjected to DSC and flavour analysis. Flavour inclusion complex could not be detected by DSC, however the result of flavour analysis proved that there were flavours interactions with starch. Both ethyl hexanoate and 2-hexanone interacted with starch at similar rates. The highest flavour loss was found in the samples at high hydration and heated at 85 °C. The loss of flavour was mainly due to vaporisation during hydrothermal treatments. After hydrothermal treatments, the samples subjected to freeze-drying and they showed flavour stability upon freeze-drying. The freeze-dried samples were subjected to various studies: DSC (Tg), RVA, granule size, XRD, WAXS, SAXS and storage study. The hydrothermal treatments resulted in samples with different properties. At high hydration, temperature influenced granule size and pasting properties. The samples heated at 65 °C had significantly greater granule diameter, lower peak viscosity than samples heated at 85 °C and no significantly difference in % crystallinity. At low hydration, heating temperature had no significantly influence on granule diameter but significantly affected pasting properties, % crystallinity and SAXS profile. The samples heated at 65 °C had a greater peak viscosity, % crystallinity and greater peak on SAXS than after a treatment at 85 °C. The residual flavour contenthad no significant influence on structure but affected pasting properties. Regarding storage study, the samples were stored at 58 and 75 % RH and withdrawn for SPME, flavour residual extraction and DSC (enthalpy of relaxation) at 2, 4 and 14 weeks of storage. The samples had greater flavour release at 75% RH and ethyl hexanoate showed greater release than 2-hexanone. The samples showed increasing of enthalpy relaxation upon storage.

Impacts of Living and Working Conditions on the Health of Immigrants : A Comparative Study on Asylum-Seekers in Germany and the Netherlands

Haji Modiri, Shima January 2015 (has links)
During the last several decades, many people, fleeing from disasters or political threats, have applied for asylum in the European countries. Council Directive 2003/9/EC, laying down minimum standards for the reception of asylum-seekers, as well as several other directives, have been developed in the EU in order to ensure fair treatment of the asylum-seekers in all the European countries. However, there are huge differences in the national asylum laws of countries and consequently, the way they treat the asylum-seekers. In this research, the national asylum laws of Germany and the Netherlands are studied and compared, showing that though following the Council Directive, fair or equal treatment of asylum-seekers cannot be guaranteed. In the Netherlands asylum-seekers are granted with a great extent of benefits while in Germany, they are greatly discriminated against. Based on the Social Determinants of Health Model, developed by Dahlgren and Whitehead in 1991, the hypothesis is that the asylum seekers in the Netherlands enjoy better health status than the ones in Germany, because based on the Dutch asylum laws, they have better living and working conditions. In order to confirm or negate this hypothesis, a meta-study of available literature on the health status of asylum-seekers has been done. However, the hypothesis could not be confirmed/ negated due to extreme lack of availability of data in this area. By discussing the relationship between life conditions and health of individuals, reviewing current legal instruments regulating asylum in the EU and analyzing the available data on the health status of asylum-seekers, this paper draws the attention to the importance of data and research on these topics and the need for development of practices for collection of such information. Availability of such information can affect future decision and policy makings regarding asylum-seekers and their health and might result in comprehensive reformations in the current national or international legal instruments.

Influence of Fenugreek gum on bread and in vitro physiological effects

Roberts, Keisha 18 May 2012 (has links)
ABSTRACT Influence of fenugreek gum on bread and in vitro physiological effects Keisha T. Roberts Advisors: University of Guelph Dr. S.W. Cui Professor T.E. Graham This thesis examined the effect of fenugreek gum, from Canadian grown fenugreek on bread quality, when substituted for wheat flour at 5 % and 10 %, and the in vitro physiological effects of these breads, based on models of acute and long - term feeding. Study I determined bread could be produced with 10 % fenugreek gum, while maintaining quality parameters of volume and texture, comparable to a control. This was accomplished through the development of a novel bread production method, using the lamination procedure for puff pastry production. The behavior of fenugreek gum and starch (wheat flour) was determined by rapid visco analysis (RVA), farinograph and dynamic rheological measurement, while scanning electron microscopy of bread found fenugreek gum could be identified within the bread matrix. Study 2 in vitro starch digestion found fenugreek gum at 5 % and 10 % reduced glucose liberated from bread, with 10 % fenugreek gum causing a reduction of over 30 %. RVA of fenugreek breads highlighted differences in viscosity between breads and wheat flour substituted with the gum. This was substantial as viscosity measurements by RVA are conducted on raw ingredients and not the food as consumed, which reflects the possible reduction in viscosity with food processing. This study also determined extruding fenugreek gum may have caused morphological changes to the gum, which may possibly contribute to attenuation of glucose liberated in vitro. Study 3 evaluated the accumulation of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) from the fermentation of three substrates: Extruded fenugreek gum, bread with 10 % extruded gum and control bread, based on fecal microbiota from three donors. SCFA profiles varied with substrates and donors, with fenugreek gum having the highest accumulation of SCFA after 12 hours. Donors were a caucuasian Canadian, a black Jamaican and a black Trinidadian who was the only donor culturally exposed to fenugreek. This Trinidadian’s SCFA profiles were consistently higher for fenugreek gum than the other donors. These studies collectively showed fenugreek gum, though viscous could be successfully incorporated into bread and have potential as a functional food and nutraceutical.

Risk- och sårbarhetsanalysprocessen i svenska kommuner från ett deltagarpespektiv / The Process of Risk- and Vulnerability Analysis at Municipal Level in Sweden from a Participant Perspective

Norlin, David January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Människor drabbade av naturrelaterade katastrofer fortsätter att stiga i antal tillsammans med de kostnader som följer i katastrofernas spår. Skadorna fördelas ojämnt mellan länder och samhällsgrupper och utgör både ett humanitärt problem och en fråga om ojämlikhet. Att reducera risker är därmed en förutsättning för att uppnå hållbar utveckling. Sendai-ramverket för katastrofriskreducering 2015-2030 talar om vikten av att riskhantering baseras på en förståelse av risker. Risk- och sårbarhetsanalys (RSA) är ett verktyg för att skapa förståelse av risker och åtgärder att vidta för att reducera dessa. Stöd till att utveckla processer för analys av risker och sårbarheter har identifierats som komparativa fördelar för svenskt bistånd inom de internationella kapacitetsutvecklingsinsatser som Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) bedriver. Trots förekomsten av erfarenheter, lagstöd och vägledningar saknas i större omfattning studier av hur arbetet genomförs och utnyttjas. Forskning om olycksinsatsplanering pekar ut själva processen som viktigare än de planer som produceras. Detta sammantaget visar på ett behov att identifiera viktiga erfarenheter från den svenska RSA-processen, erfarenheter som kan informera MSBs kapacitetsutvecklingsinsatser inom RSA. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att identifiera vad deltagare uppfattar som goda erfarenheter av det RSA-arbete som bedrivs av svenska kommuner med fokus på själva processen Metod: Studien som är av kvalitativ karaktär genomförs med en abduktiv ansats där deltagare intervjuas, inspelningar transkriberas och innehållet analyseras med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Som teoretiska utgångspunkter att jämföra studiens empiri används Risk Governance, Social Learning och en tillämpning av Design Science. Resultatet: Studiens resultat presenteras i form av tema, kategorier och underkategorier. På latent nivå härleds temat; lära tillsammans till nytta för ett säkrare samhälle, vilket fångar fundamentala tankegångar om att analysarbetet handlar om att lära sig mer, att det behöver göras tillsammans och att resultatet behöver komma till nytta, allt i en strävan mot ett säkrare samhälle. Det manifesta innehållet presenteras i kategorierna; funktionellt lagarbete, lärande och förändring samt främjande strategier och arrangemang. Kategorierna består i sin tur upp av tio underkategorier. Slutsatser: Bland viktiga slutsatser från arbetet med RSA är betydelsen av att forma team av deltagare med varierade roller, kompetens och perspektiv. Vidare att skapa forum och miljöer som främjar tillit och ömsesidigt utbyte. Här är samordnarens roll av avgörande betydelse. Ytterligare en slutsats är att ta vara på drivkrafter om nytta och användbarhet för ett flexibelt genomförande. Behovet av förankring, ägarskap och att bygga på vad som redan finns är andra betydelsefulla slutsatser. Vid stöd till nationell utveckling av RSA behöver lagstiftnings stimulerande men också hämmande effekter beaktas. Hur myndigheters stöd utformas behöver baseras på hur behoven ser ut hos de som ska genomföra RSA.

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