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Market entry and expansion through international joint venturesKlossek, Andreas M. 23 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
International joint ventures (IJVs) are important modes for entering foreign markets. Yet, research shows that IJVs are volatile, difficult to manage, and often fail, especially when the joint venture is located in a developing country. Many studies look at a range of different factors behind IJV success or failure, and a few longitudinal studies have shed light on some of the complex management processes within IJVs. Many researchers have concluded that the high rate of IJV failure is due to internal tensions that are inherent to IJVs, but viable solutions for practitioners are rare. In the absence of a model that adequately explains the longitudinal aspects and determinants of IJV performance, we see firms electing to stay in underperforming IJVs, even though more profitable modes of entry into foreign markets exist. In this thesis I analyze market entry and expansion through IJVs using a multi-causal analysis of IJV performance. I begin with a critical evaluation of the IJV literature. I then develop a process-oriented model that may explain why firms persist with failing IJVs. Finally, I draw several important conclusions that have valuable implications for practitioners and for future research.
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Mergers & Acquisitions and IntangiblesOtt, Christian 17 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation explores the disclosure on intangibles acquired in Mergers & Acquisitos. The related empirical analyses are based on a sample of M&As that are accounted for under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US-GAAP). In three different research papers I answer three distinct research questions. In order to enable capital providers and other external stakeholders to evaluate the PPA, the International Financial Reporting Standard 3 (IFRS 3) and the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 141 (SFAS 141) require the acquirer firm’s management to disclose information about the assets acquired and liabilities assumed in the notes to the financial statement. The first research paper (see chapter II) addresses the following research question:
Which information about intangibles acquired in M&As does the acquirer firm’s management disclose in the notes to the financial statement?
The second research paper examines the factors that affect the initial recognition of goodwill. This research question is answered in the second research paper (see chapter III):
Does the acquirer firm’s management opportunistically or efficiently use its discretion to recognize goodwill initially?
The corporate information environment consists not only of corporate disclosure but also of disclosure by information intermediaries. The third research paper (see chapter IV) addresses this last set of research questions:
Which information about intangibles acquired in M&As is provided in voluntary or mandatory corporate disclosures and in disclosures by information intermediaries? How are the disclosure channels interrelated?
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The impact of industrial diversification on corporate transactionsNöllgen, Bruno 27 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This doctoral thesis consists of three articles: one literature overview and two empirical articles. The first article provides a literature overview about industrial diversification, corporate acquisitions and the intersection of both research areas. This thesis secondly analyzes whether conglomerates invest externally differently from focused firms. This investigation provides new insights on the question how industrial diversification influences corporate investment. It allows to draw conclusions whether internal investment is independent from external investment in diversified firms, or whether weak internal investment in conglomerates is (at least partially) offset by more efficient external investment, or even whether value-destructive internal investment is accompanied by external investment eliciting the same effects. In this case weakly managed multi-segment firms could be also identified by their behavior and success in corporate acquisitions. Third, the thesis copes with the question how conglomerates are perceived and treated as potential targets of corporate acquisitions. This analysis adds further aspects to the question whether multi-segment firms are discounted due to their organizational form. Assuming that the sum of the single segment of a diversified company is higher valued than the conglomerate as a whole, one could expect that investors should strive to acquire such companies, to dismantle them subsequently in order to create additional value by reshaping these inefficiently composed entities. However, there are also contradicting effects of lower synergies and higher integration costs compared to the acquisition of stand alone firms. New insights in these discussions allow us to draw conclusions whether a diversification discount potentially being harvested by a bust up takeover outweighs lower synergies and higher integration costs.
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Die Rolle grenzüberschreitender Unternehmenskooperationen im Grenzraum Südwestsachsen-Nordböhmen im Zuge der EU-OsterweiterungLeick, Birgit 20 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Grenzüberschreitende Unternehmensverflechtungen, insbesondere Unternehmenskooperationen, können bei ökonomischer Integration in peripheren Regionen Impulse für das regionale Wachstum und eine Konvergenz der Grenzräume geben. Anhand der Analyse des Kooperationsgeschehens im südwestsächsisch-nordböhmischen Grenzgebiet werden die Bestimmungsgrößen der Kooperationsbereitschaft grenznaher Firmen abgeleitet. Besonders Lerneffekte bei der Internationalisierung sowie wahrnehmbare mikroökonomische Binnenmarkteffekte werden als Determinanten der Kooperationsbereitschaft herausgestellt. Die Auslandsengagements der Unternehmen weisen dabei überwiegend lediglich das Potenzial zur kurz-, maximal mittelfristigen Verbesserung der Wettbewerbsposition der kooperierenden Unternehmen auf. Als wachstums- und konvergenzfördernder Internationalisierungstyp wird deshalb die Verbundzusammenarbeit kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen herausgestellt, von der in perspektivischer Sicht Impulse für eine Netzwerkbildung grenznaher Unternehmen ausgehen können.
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