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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The glypican Dally binds to Lipophorin particles and increases Hedgehog signaling efficiency / Das Glypican Dally bindet Lipophorin-Partikel und erhöht die Effizienz des Hedgehog-Morphogens

Eugster, Christina 24 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The Drosophila Lipoprotein particles bear lipid-linked morphogens on their surface and are required for long-range signaling activity of Wingless and Hedgehog. They also bind a wide variety of gpi-linked proteins. Whether any of these proteins affect morphogen signaling is unknown. Here, I show that the gpi-linked heparan sulfate proteoglycan Dally is released from cell membranes and binds to lipoprotein particles both with and without its lipid anchor. Hedgehog signaling efficiency is reduced in Dally mutant discs, but can be rescued non-autonomously by expression of non-gpi-modified Dally. This Dally isoform colocalizes with Hedgehog, Patched and Lipophorin in endosomes and increases Hedgehog signaling efficiency without affecting Hedgehog distribution. These data show that Hedgehog signaling activity can be influenced by other Lipophorin-associated proteins, and suggest Lipoproteins provide a platform for regulation of morphogen signaling.

Theoretical aspects of motor protein induced filament depolymerisation / Theoretische Aspekte von Motorprotein induzierter Depolymerisation von Filamenten

Klein, Gernot A. 24 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Many active processes in cells are driven by highly specialised motor proteins, which interact with the cytoskeleton: a network of filamentous structures, e.~g.~ actin filaments and microtubules, which organises intracellular transport and largely determines the cell shape. These motor proteins are able to transduce the chemical energy, stored in ATP molecules, to do mechanical work while interacting with a filament. Certain motor proteins, e.~g.~members of the KIN-13 kinesin subfamily, are able to interact specifically with filament ends and induce depolymerisation of the filament ends. One important role for KIN-13 family members is in the mitotic spindle, a microtubule structure that is formed in the process of cell division and is responsible for separation and distribution of the duplicated genetic material to the forming daughter cells. The aim of this work is to develop a theoretical framework capable of describing experimentally observed behaviour and shed light on underlying principles of motor induced filament depolymerisation. We use two different theoretical approaches to describe motor dynamics in this non- equilibrium situation: On the one hand we use phenomenological continuum equations which themselves are to a large extent independent of the underlying molecular details of the system. Molecular details of the system are incorporated in the equations through the specific values of macroscopic parameters which are determined by the underlying details. On the other hand, we use one- and two-dimensional discrete stochastic descriptions of motors on a filament. These kind of descriptions enable us to investigate the effects of different microscopic mechanisms of filament depolymerisation, and to investigate the role of fluctuations on the dynamic behaviour of motor proteins. We additionally discuss filament depolymerisation in the case where motors are not free to move but are fixed to a common anchoring point and depolymerise filaments under the influence of applied forces, mimicking the situation in the mitotic spindle. Our results can be related to recent experiments on members of the KIN-13 subfamily and predictions made in our theory can be tested by further experiments. Although motivated by experiments involving members of the KIN-13 subfamily, our theory is not restricted to these motors but applies in general to associated proteins which regulate dynamics of filament ends.

Lysosome biogenesis during osteoclastogenesis

Apfeldorfer, Coralie 29 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Lysosomes are acidic, hydrolase-rich vesicles capable of degrading most biological macromolecules. During the past several decades, much has been learned about different aspects of lysosome biogenesis. The selective phosphorylation of mannose residues on lysosomal enzymes, in conjunction with specific receptors for the mannose-6-phosphate recognition marker, has been found to be largely responsible for the targeting of newly synthesized lysosomal enzymes to lyzosomes. It is known that lysosomes receive input from both the endocytotic and biosynthetic pathways. Nevertheless the exact molecular mechanisms responsible for sorting of the biosynthetic imput involved in the lysosome biogenesis is still a matter of debate. Because osteoclast precursors do not secrete their lysosomal enzymes and osteoclasts do, the observation of modifications occuring during osteoclastogenesis is a good model to observe mechanisms responsible for lysosomal enzymes traffic. Osteoclasts are bone-degrading cells. To perform this specific task they have to reorganise the sorting of their lysosomal enzymes to be able to target them toward the bone surface in mature cells. Since few years, the differentiation of osteoclasts in vitro did help to study these cells. Osteoclast morphology has been therefore already well studied, and the nature of their specific membrane domains is now established. Sensing the proximity of a bone-like surface the cell reorganises its cytoskeleton, and creates specific membrane domains: an actin-rich ring-like zone (named actin ring) surrounded by highly ruffled membrane (named the ruffled border) where enzymes are secreted, while subsequent bone degradation products are endocytosed. Endocytosed material is then transported through the cell inside transcytotic vesicles and released at the top of the cell in an area named the functional secretory domain. Several molecular machineries are thought to control these different phenomena. The main purpose of this thesis was to identify the major regulators of lysosomal enzymes secretion and therefore to identify the molecular switches responsible for such a membrane traffic re-organisation.

Proteomic analysis of the sorting machineries involved in vesicular traffic between the biosynthetic and endosomal compartments / Proteomische Analyse von Sortierungsmaschinerien involviert im vesikulaeren Verkehr zwischen biosynthetischen und endosomalen Kompartimenten

Baust, Thorsten Gerhard 06 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Vesicular traffic along the biosynthetic and endocytic pathways is essential for homeostasis of eukaryotic cells. However, it raised the question of how the proteins characteristic for each compartment are transported to their destination (Bonifacino and Glick, 2004). This study is especially focusing on the connection between the Golgi apparatus and the endosomal compartment, mediated by two parallel trafficking pathways regulated by the clathrin adaptors AP-1A and AP-3 (Owen et al., 2004). Typical cargo molecules sorted along the AP-1A regulated pathway are mannose 6-phosphate receptors (MPRs) (Ghosh et al., 2003) or the gpI envelop glycoprotein of the Vesicular Zoster virus (Alconada et al., 1996), while sorting of lysosomal membrane proteins like Lamp-1 and LimpII is AP-3 regulated (Eskelinen et al., 2003). To study how AP-1A and AP-3 coats are stabilized on membranes and to identify the protein networks involved, a liposome based in vitro assay that recapitulates the fidelity of protein sorting in vivo was developed and combined with proteomic screens. Therefore, liposomes carrying cytoplasmic domains of gpI or Lamp-1/LimpII were used as affinity matrix to recruit selectively AP-1A or AP-3 and associated protein machineries. The coated liposomes were then analyzed by mass spectrometry. Using the in vitro recruitment assay, it was possible to demonstrate that efficient and selective recruitment of AP-1A and AP-3 coats depends on the presence of several low affinity binding sites on membranes. Thus, AP-1A and AP-3 recognize their target membranes by activated Arf1 GTPases, organelle specific phosphoinositides, PI-4P and PI-3P respectively, and distinct cargo molecules carrying intact signals in their cytoplasmic domains. The implication of PI-3P in AP-3 recruitment was further supported by in vivo experiments. During the biochemical characterization of the assay, several lines of evidence indicated that cargo tails containing intact sorting signals stabilize not only AP-1A and AP-3 coats on membranes but also influence the membrane recruitment of Arf1. It is possible that cargo molecules indirectly drive an Arf1 amplification loop, thereby ensuring efficient AP coat assembly. The proteomic screens identified protein networks of ≈40 proteins selectively recruited on AP-1A coated structures. The most appealing result of the analysis was the presence of two additional protein machineries, one involved in actin nucleation the other involved membrane fusion. More precisely, the AP-1A analysis identified the selective recruitment of the AP-1A subunits and interacting molecules (clathrin, g-synergin), Arf1 and Arf1 effectors (Big2, Git1), Rac1 including Rac1 effectors (b-PIX, RhoGEF7) and a Rac1 dependent actin nucleation machinery (Wave/Scar complex, Arp2/3 complex, associated effectors) as well as members of a Rab machinery (Rab11, Rab14). This finding was further supported by in vivo colocalization studies of the AP-1A cargo CI-MPR with CYFIP2, a protein of the Wave/Scar complex, and the localization of Big2 and Git1 on Rab11 positive membranes (Matafora et al., 2001; Shin et al., 2004). The biochemical characterization revealed that the stabilization of AP-1A coats, most probably driven by cargo molecules that stabilize AP-1A and Arf1 on membranes, leads as well to the stabilization of the two other machineries. Thus, the results support the notion that cargo sorting, vesicular movement and membrane fusion are coordinated during early steps of vesicular traffic. In analogy, the proteomic screens on AP-3 coated structures identified as well ≈40 selectively recruited proteins, which constituted a similar supramolecular network of protein machineries involved in coat formation, action nucleation and membrane fusion via Rab proteins. Thus, beside the AP-3 coat including the AP-3 subunits, Arf1 and Arf effectors (Big1, ARAP1, AGAP1), members of the septin family involved in actin rearrangements and most of the already described effectors of Rab5 microdomains (EEA1, Rabaptin-5, Rabex-5, Vps45) involved in early endosomal dynamics were selectively recruited together with Rab5 and Rab7. Thus, the proteomic analysis of AP-1A and AP-3 coated structures suggest that both AP coats use similar principles - coats, actin nucleation devices and Rab fusion machineries - to assemble supramolecular structures needed for membrane traffic. Although we do not have the ultimate proves yet, it seems as AP-1A and AP-3 use different members of subcomplexes, hence different GTPase effectors, different actin nucleation machineries and different Rab GTPases, to regulate their specific transport pathways and to link the different protein machineries. The proteomic analysis revealed for example that they probably use different Arf and Rho GTPase effectors to link the coat with actin nucleation. However, this has to be proven experimentally. In order to understand the networks of protein interactions, bioinformatic tools were used as a first approach. Even though some clues about the overall organization of the supramolecular protein complexes were provided, the direct links to the Rab machinery are still elusive. Maybe the proteins with thus far unknown functions could be involved. The biochemical analysis, especially the role of PIPs, and the Rab GTPases identified in the context of AP-1A and AP-3, provide indications about AP-1A and AP-3 function in vivo. The results could be interpreted in a way that AP-1A functions either in traffic from PI-4P positive membranes towards Rab11/Rab14 positive membranes or AP-1A coats assemble on PI-4P and Rab11 or Rab14 positive membranes, hence, TGN to endosomes traffic. The same holds true for AP-3, the results either suggest AP-3 mediates traffic from PI-3P positive towards Rab5/Rab7 positive membranes or they could be interpreted in a way that AP-3 assembles on PI-3P and Rab5 positive membranes for subsequent transport to Rab7 positive membranes, thus traffic from early to late endosomes. Overall, the results of this thesis research provided important insight into the formation of AP-1A and AP-3 coated structures and the potential interconnection between AP coats, actin nucleation and membrane fusion machineries. Alconada, A., U. Bauer, and B. Hoflack. 1996. A tyrosine-based motif and a casein kinase II phosphorylation site regulate the intracellular trafficking of the varicella-zoster virus glycoprotein I, a protein localized in the trans-Golgi network. Embo J. 15:6096-110. Bonifacino, J.S., and B.S. Glick. 2004. The mechanisms of vesicle budding and fusion. Cell. 116:153-66. Eskelinen, E.L., Y. Tanaka, and P. Saftig. 2003. At the acidic edge: emerging functions for lysosomal membrane proteins. Trends Cell Biol. 13:137-45. Ghosh, P., N.M. Dahms, and S. Kornfeld. 2003. Mannose 6-phosphate receptors: new twists in the tale. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 4:202-12. Matafora, V., S. Paris, S. Dariozzi, and I. de Curtis. 2001. Molecular mechanisms regulating the subcellular localization of p95-APP1 between the endosomal recycling compartment and sites of actin organization at the cell surface. J Cell Sci. 114:4509-20. Owen, D.J., B.M. Collins, and P.R. Evans. 2004. Adaptors for clathrin coats: structure and function. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 20:153-91. Shin, H.W., N. Morinaga, M. Noda, and K. Nakayama. 2004. BIG2, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for ADP-ribosylation factors: its localization to recycling endosomes and implication in the endosome integrity. Mol Biol Cell. 15:5283-94.

Local Wnt11 Signalling and its role in coordinating cell behaviour in zebrafish embryos

Witzel, Sabine 02 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Wnt11 is a key signalling molecule that regulates cell polarity/migration during vertebrate development and also promotes the invasive behaviour of adult cancer cells. It is therefore essential to understand the mechanisms by which Wnt11 signalling regulates cell behaviour. The process of vertebrate gastrulation provides an excellent developmental system to study Wnt11 function in vivo. It is known that Wnt11 mediates coordinated cell migration during gastrulation via the non-canonical Wnt pathway that shares several components with a the planar cell polarity pathway (PCP) in Drosophila. However, the mechanisms by which these PCP components facilitate Wnt11 function in vertebrates is still unclear. While in Drosophila, the asymmetric localization of PCP components is crucial for the establishment of cell polarity, no asymmetric localization of Wnt11 pathway components have so far been observed in vertebrates. To shed light on the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying Wnt11 signalling, I developed an assay to visualize Wnt11 activity in vivo using live imaging of Wnt11 pathway components tagged to fluorescent proteins. This allowed me to determine the sub-cellular distribution of these components and to correlate the effect of Wnt11 activity with the behaviour of living embryonic cells. I found that Wnt11 locally accumulates together with its receptor Frizzled7 (Fz7) at sites of cell-cell contacts and locally recruits the intra-cellular signalling mediator Dishevelled (Dsh) to those sites. Monitoring these apparent Wnt11 signalling centres through time-lapse confocal microscopy revealed, that Wnt11 activity locally increases the persistency of cell-cell contacts. In addition, I found that the atypical cadherin Flamingo (Fmi) is required for this process. Fmi accumulates together with Wnt11/Fz7 at sites of cell-cell contact and locally increased cell adhesion, via a mechanism that appears to be independent of known downstream effectors of Wnt11 signalling such as RhoA and Rok2. This study indicates that Wnt11 locally interacts with Fmi and Fz7 to control cell-contact persistency and to facilitate coherent and coordinated cell migration. This provides a novel mechanism of non-canonical Wnt signalling in mediating cell behaviour, which is likely relevant to other developmental systems. (Die Druckexemplare enthalten jeweils eine CD-ROM als Anlagenteil: 50 MB: Movies - Nutzung: Referat Informationsvermittlung der SLUB)

Funktionelle Analyse von Proteinen der Gpr1/Fun34/yaaH-Proteinfamilie in den Hefen Yarrowia lipolytica und Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Functional analysis of proteins of the Gpr1/Fun34/yaaH-protein family in the yeasts Yarrowia lipolytica an Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Kuschel, Margret 10 February 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Trans-dominante Mutationen im GPR1-Gen der Hefe Yarrowia lipolytica führen zur Sensitivität der Hefezellen gegenüber Essigsäure. Die Deletion dieses Genes hat dem gegenüber keinen Effekt auf den Phänotyp. In dieser Arbeit wurde das Gpr1-Protein aus Y. lipolytica und dessen Orthologe Ycr010cp, Ydr384cp und Ynr002cp von S. cerevisiae weiter charakterisiert. S. cerevisiae-Transformanden, welche die Mutantenallele GPR1-1 bzw. GPR1-2 exprimierten, zeigten bei gleichzeitiger Anwesenheit von Glucose eine erhöhte Sensitivität gegenüber Essigsäure. Mittels Ort-spezifischer und zufälliger Mutagenese konnten funktionell wichtige Bereiche in den Proteinen Ycr010cp und Ynr002cp identifiziert werden. Die GPR1-Orthologen in S. cerevisiae werden durch verschiedene C-Quellen und voneinander unabhängig reguliert. Die Expression von YCR010c und YDR384c wird weiterhin durch allgemeinen Stress induziert. Die Deletion von zwei oder allen drei Homologen hatte eine Verringerung der Ammoniumproduktion zur Folge. Aufgrund der geringen Ähnlichkeit der Gpr1p-Orthologen zu Ammoniumtransportern wird davon ausgegangen, daß sie selber keine Ammoniumtransporter darstellen. Es wird angenommen, dass die Gpr1p-orthologen Proteine eine regulatorische Funktion haben bzw. Bestandteil einer bisher nicht bekannten Signaltransduktionskette sind.

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