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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multicellular Systems Biology of Development

de Back, Walter 01 September 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Embryonic development depends on the precise coordination of cell fate specification, patterning and morphogenesis. Although great strides have been made in the molecular understanding of each of these processes, how their interplay governs the formation of complex tissues remains poorly understood. New techniques for experimental manipulation and image quantification enable the study of development in unprecedented detail, resulting in new hypotheses on the interactions between known components. By expressing these hypotheses in terms of rules and equations, computational modeling and simulation allows one to test their consistency against experimental data. However, new computational methods are required to represent and integrate the network of interactions between gene regulation, signaling and biomechanics that extend over the molecular, cellular and tissue scales. In this thesis, I present a framework that facilitates computational modeling of multiscale multicellular systems and apply it to investigate pancreatic development and the formation of vascular networks. This framework is based on the integration of discrete cell-based models with continuous models for intracellular regulation and intercellular signaling. Specifically, gene regulatory networks are represented by differential equations to analyze cell fate regulation; interactions and distributions of signaling molecules are modeled by reaction-diffusion systems to study pattern formation; and cell-cell interactions are represented in cell-based models to investigate morphogenetic processes. A cell-centered approach is adopted that facilitates the integration of processes across the scales and simultaneously constrains model complexity. The computational methods that are required for this modeling framework have been implemented in the software platform Morpheus. This modeling and simulation environment enables the development, execution and analysis of multi-scale models of multicellular systems. These models are represented in a new domain-specific markup language that separates the biological model from the computational methods and facilitates model storage and exchange. Together with a user-friendly graphical interface, Morpheus enables computational modeling of complex developmental processes without programming and thereby widens its accessibility for biologists. To demonstrate the applicability of the framework to problems in developmental biology, two case studies are presented that address different aspects of the interplay between cell fate specification, patterning and morphogenesis. In the first, I focus on the interplay between cell fate stability and intercellular signaling. Specifically, two studies are presented that investigate how mechanisms of cell-cell communication affect cell fate regulation and spatial patterning in the pancreatic epithelium. Using bifurcation analysis and simulations of spatially coupled differential equations, it is shown that intercellular communication results in a multistability of gene expression states that can explain the scattered spatial distribution and low cell type ratio of nascent islet cells. Moreover, model analysis shows that disruption of intercellular communication induces a transition between gene expression states that can explain observations of in vitro transdifferentiation from adult acinar cells into new islet cells. These results emphasize the role of the multicellular context in cell fate regulation during development and may be used to optimize protocols for cellular reprogramming. The second case study focuses on the feedback between patterning and morphogenesis in the context of the formation of vascular networks. Integrating a cell-based model of endothelial chemotaxis with a reaction-diffusion model representing signaling molecules and extracellular matrix, it is shown that vascular network patterns with realistic morphometry can arise when signaling factors are retained by cell-modified matrix molecules. Through the validation of this model using in vitro assays, quantitative estimates are obtained for kinetic parameters that, when used in quantitative model simulations, confirm the formation of vascular networks under measured biophysical conditions. These results demonstrate the key role of the extracellular matrix in providing spatial guidance cues, a fact that may be exploited to enhance vascularization of engineered tissues. Together, the modeling framework, software platform and case studies presented in this thesis demonstrate how cell-centered computational modeling of multi-scale and multicellular systems provide powerful tools to help disentangle the complex interplay between cell fate specification, patterning and morphogenesis during embryonic development.

Extension of Generalized Modeling and Application to Problems from Cell Biology

Zumsande, Martin 06 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Mathematical modeling is an important tool in improving the understanding of complex biological processes. However, mathematical models are often faced with challenges that arise due to the limited knowledge of the underlying biological processes and the high number of parameters for which exact values are unknown. The method of generalized modeling is an alternative modeling approach that aims to address these challenges by extracting information about stability and bifurcations of classes of models while making only minimal assumptions on the specific functional forms of the model. This is achieved by a direct parameterization of the Jacobian in the steady state, introducing a set of generalized parameters which have a biological interpretation. In this thesis, the method of generalized modeling is extended and applied to different problems from cell biology. In the first part, we extend the method to include also the higher derivatives at the steady state. This allows an analysis of the normal form of bifurcations and thereby a more specific description of the nearby dynamics. In models of gene-regulatory networks, it is shown that the extended method can be applied to better characterize oscillatory systems and to detect bistable dynamics. In the second part, we investigate mathematical models of bone remodeling, a process that renews the human skeleton constantly. We investigate the connection between structural properties of mathematical models and the stability of steady states in different models. We find that the dynamical system operates from a stable steady state that is situated in the vicinity of bifurcations where stability can be lost, potentially leading to diseases of bone. In the third part of this thesis, models of the MAPK signal transduction pathway are analyzed. Since mathematical models for this system include a high number of parameters, statistical methods are employed to analyze stability and bifurcations. Thereby, the parameters with a strong influence on the stability of steady states are identified. By an analysis of the bifurcation structure of the MAPK cascade, it is found that a combination of multiple layers in a cascade-like way allows for additional types of dynamic behavior such as oscillations and chaos. In summary, this thesis shows that generalized modeling is a fruitful alternative modeling approach for various types of systems in cell biology. / Mathematische Modelle stellen ein wichtiges Hilfmittel zur Verbesserung des Verständnisses komplexer biologischer Prozesse dar. Sie stehen jedoch vor Schwierigkeiten, wenn wenig über die zugrundeliegende biologischen Vorgänge bekannt ist und es eine große Anzahl von Parametern gibt, deren exakten Werte unbekannt sind. Die Methode des Verallgemeinerten Modellierens ist ein alternativer Modellierungsansatz mit dem Ziel, diese Schwierigkeiten dadurch anzugehen, dass dynamische Informationen über Stabilität und Bifurkationen aus Klassen von Modellen extrahiert werden, wobei nur minimale Annahmen über die spezifischen funktionalen Formen getätigt werden. Dies wird erreicht durch eine direkte Parametrisierung der Jacobimatrix im Gleichgewichtszustand, bei der neue, verallgemeinerte Parameter eingeführt werden, die eine biologische Interpretation besitzen. In dieser Arbeit wird die Methode des Verallgemeinerten Modellierens erweitert und auf verschiedene zellbiologische Probleme angewandt. Im ersten Teil wird eine Erweiterung der Methode vorgestellt, bei der die Analyse höherer Ableitungen im Gleichgewichtszustand integriert wird. Dies erlaubt die Bestimmung der Normalform von Bifurkationen und hierdurch eine spezifischere Beschreibung der Dynamik in deren Umgebung. In Modellen für genregulatorische Netzwerke wird gezeigt, dass die so erweiterte Methode zu einer besseren Charakterisierung oszillierender Systeme sowie zur Erkennung von Bistabilität verwendet werden kann. Im zweiten Teil werden mathematische Modelle zur Knochenremodellierung untersucht, einem Prozess der das menschliche Skelett kontinuierlich erneuert. Wir untersuchen den Zusammenhang zwischen strukturellen Eigenschaften verschiedener Modelle und der Stabilität von Gleichgewichtszuständen. Wir finden, dass das dynamische System von einem stabilen Zustand operiert, in dessen Nähe Bifurkationen existieren, welche das System destabilisieren und so potentiell Knochenkranheiten verursachen können. Im dritten Teil werden Modelle für den MAPK Signaltransduktionsweg analysiert. Da mathematische Modelle für dieses System eine hohe Anzahl von Parametern beinhalten, werden statistische Methoden angewandt zur Analyse von Stabilität und Bifurkationen. Zunächst werden Parameter mit einem starken Einfluss auf die Stabilität von Gleichgewichtszuständen identifizert. Durch eine Analyse der Bifurkationsstruktur wird gezeigt, dass eine kaskadenartige Kombination mehrerer Ebenen zu zusätzliche Typen von Dynamik wie Oszillationen und Chaos führt. Zusammengefasst zeigt diese Arbeit, dass Verallgemeinertes Modellieren ein fruchtbarer alternativer Modellierungsansatz für verschiedene zellbiologische Probleme ist.

Moment-Closure Approximations for Contact Processes in Adaptive Networks / Moment-Abschluss Näherungen für Kontaktprozesse in Adaptiven Netzwerken

Demirel, Güven 02 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Complex networks have been used to represent the fundamental structure of a multitude of complex systems from various fields. In the network representation, the system is reduced to a set of nodes and links that denote the elements of the system and the connections between them respectively. Complex networks are commonly adaptive such that the structure of the network and the states of nodes evolve dynamically in a coupled fashion. Adaptive networks lead to peculiar complex dynamics and network topologies, which can be investigated by moment-closure approximations, a coarse-graining approach that enables the use of the dynamical systems theory. In this thesis, I study several contact processes in adaptive networks that are defined by the transmission of node states. Employing moment-closure approximations, I establish analytical insights into complex phenomena emerging in these systems. I provide a detailed analysis of existing alternative moment-closure approximation schemes and extend them in several directions. Most importantly, I consider developing analytical approaches for models with complex update rules and networks with complex topologies. I discuss four different contact processes in adaptive networks. First, I explore the effect of cyclic dominance in opinion formation. For this, I propose an adaptive network model: the adaptive rock-paper-scissors game. The model displays four different dynamical phases (stationary, oscillatory, consensus, and fragmented) with distinct topological and dynamical properties. I use a simple moment-closure approximation to explain the transitions between these phases. Second, I use the adaptive voter model of opinion formation as a benchmark model to test and compare the performances of major moment-closure approximation schemes in the literature. I provide an in-depth analysis that leads to a heightened understanding of the capabilities of alternative approaches. I demonstrate that, even for the simple adaptive voter model, highly sophisticated approximations can fail due to special dynamic correlations. As a general strategy for targeting such problematic cases, I identify and illustrate the design of new approximation schemes specific to the complex phenomena under investigation. Third, I study the collective motion in mobile animal groups, using the conceptual framework of adaptive networks of opinion formation. I focus on the role of information in consensus decision-making in populations consisting of individuals that have conflicting interests. Employing a moment-closure approximation, I predict that uninformed individuals promote democratic consensus in the population, i.e. the collective decision is made according to plurality. This prediction is confirmed in a fish school experiment, constituting the first example of direct verification for the predictions of adaptive network models. Fourth, I consider a challenging problem for moment-closure approximations: growing adaptive networks with strongly heterogeneous degree distributions. In order to capture the dynamics of such networks, I develop a new approximation scheme, from which analytical results can be obtained by a special coarse-graining procedure. I apply this analytical approach to an epidemics problem, the spreading of a fatal disease on a growing population. I show that, although the degree distribution has a finite variance at any finite infectiousness, the model lacks an epidemic threshold, which is a genuine adaptive network effect. Diseases with very low infectiousness can thus persist and prevail in growing populations.

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