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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Zellatmung: ein effizienter biologischer Prozess nicht ohne Risiken

Ostermann, Kai, Rödel, Gerhard 05 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The energy supplies of modern society seem to be necessarily associated with risks. In this paper, we address the question as to whether the efficient utilisation of energy in biological systems is also coupled to hazards. Most organisms oxidise highly reduced substrates with molecular oxygen in order to gain energy. In eukaryotes, this process takes place at the inner membrane of specialised organelles, the mitochondria. Interestingly, about 1% of the consumed oxygen molecules are reduced not to water, but to ROS (reactive oxygen species), which are deleterious to many macromolecules, including mitochondrial DNA. As a result, mitochondrial DNA mutations accumulate, in turn affecting the energy supply and inducing degeneration and ageing. / Nach dem heutigen Stand der Technik scheint eine ausreichende Energieversorgung der Gesellschaft stets mit Risiken verbunden zu sein. Wir gehen in dem Artikel der Frage nach, ob auch biologische Systeme bei der Nutzung von Energie Risiken in Kauf nehmen. Zur effizienten Energiegewinnung nutzen Organismen meist Sauerstoff zur Oxidation energiereicher Substrate. In Eukaryonten erfolgt die Energiegewinnung vor allem an der inneren Membran von Mitochondrien. Etwa 1 % des verbrauchten Sauerstoffs wird dabei nicht zu Wasser, sondern zu ROS (reactive oxygen species, reaktive Sauerstoffspezies) reduziert, die unter anderem die mitochondriale DNA schädigen und Mutationen hervorrufen. Diese akkumulieren auf Dauer und führen zu einer Störung der Energiegewinnung, in deren Folge Degenerations- und Alterungsphänomene auftreten.

Stem cell regulation in the Drosophila testicular niche

Michel, Marcus 02 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
All multicellular organisms constantly need to replace aged or damaged cells. This vital task of tissue homeostasis is fulfilled by stem cells. The balance between self-renewal and differentiation of the stem cell is crucial for this task and tightly regulated by a signaling microenvironment termed the niche. A widely used model for studying stem cell niche biology is the Drosophila testis, where two stem cell populations, the germline stem cells (GSCs) and the somatic cyst stem cells (CySCs), reside in a niche located at the apical tip. A lot is known about the signals regulating GSC maintenance in the testicular niche. It is, however, unknown how the spatial regulation of these signals defines the range of the niche. Here I show, that Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) signaling is specifically activated at the interface of niche and stem cells. This local activation is achieved by coupling the transport of adhesion and signaling molecules in the niche cells and directing their transport to contact sites of niche and stem cells. Localized niche signaling at junctions underlies the so called stem-cell-niche synapse hypothesis proposed for the mammalian hematopoietic stem cell niche. I have shown that disrupting the localized transport causes premature differentiation and stem cell loss. BMP signaling between niche and GSCs therefore provides the first description of a stem-cell-niche synapse and will yield valuable insights into mammalian stem cell biology. The CySCs reside in the niche of the testis together with the GSCs. To understand how the niche maintains both stem cell types in a concerted way, it is essential to know the pathways regulating both stem cell types. Here I show that Hedgehog (Hh) signaling is a key stem cell factor of CySCs, while only indirectly affecting GSCs. Loss of Hh signaling in CySCs results in premature differentiation and consequent loss of the cells. Overactivation of the pathway leads to an increased proliferation and an expansion of the cyst stem cell compartment. As Hh signaling is also a regulator of the somatic cells in the mammalian testis and the Drosophila ovary this may reflect a higher degree of homology between these systems than previously expected.

Visualization of cell-to-cell communication by advanced microscopy techniques

Raabe, Isabel 10 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In order to maintain a multicellular organism cells need to interact and communicate with each other. Signalling cascades such as the Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) and Hedgehog (Hh) signalling pathways therefore play essential roles in development and disease. Intercellular signalling also underlies the function of stem cell niches, signalling microenvironments that regulate behaviour of associated stem cells. Range and intensity of the niche signal controls stem cell proliferation and differentation and must therefore be strictly regulated. The testis and ovary of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster are established models of stem cell niche biology. In the apical tip of the testis, germ line stem cell (GSCs) and somatic cyst stem cells (CySCs) are arranged around a group of postmitotic somatic cells termed hub. While it is clear which signals regulate GSC maintenance it is unclear how these signals are spatially regulated. Here I show that BMP signalling is specifically activated at the interface of niche and stem cells. This local activation is possible because the transport of signalling and adhesion molecules is coupled and directed towards contact sites between niche and stem cells. I further show that the generation of the BMP signal in the wing disc follows the same mechanism. Hh signalling controls somatic stem cell populations in the Drosophila ovary and the mammalian testis. However, it was unknown what role Hh might play in the fly testis, where the components of this signalling cascade are also expressed. Here I show that overactivation of Hh signalling leads to an increased proliferation and an expansion of the cyst stem cell compartment. Finally, while the major components of the Hh signalling pathway are known, detailed knowledge of how signal transduction is implemented at the cell biological level is still lacking. Here, I show that localisation of the key signal transducer Smo to the plasma membrane is sufficient for phosphorylation of its cytoplasmic tail and downstream pathway activation. Using advanced, microscopy based biophysical methods I further demonstrate that Smo clustering is, in contrast to the textbook model, independent of phosphorylation.

Identification of gonial stem cells and Leydig cells in transgenic medaka (Oryzias latipes) reporter strains

Khatun, Mst. Muslima 31 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The mechanism to maintain stem cell properties and to exit into differentiation pathways is a pivotal question in stem cell research. Spermatogonia are the adult stem cells of the male germ line, which are used in biomedical research as a source of undifferentiated cells. The communication between germ line stem cells and specialized somatic cells (Sertoli cells and Leydig cells) plays important roles in stem cell maintenance, germ cell proliferation, and differentiation. With regard to the biology of stem cells and spermatogenesis, the medaka (Oryzias latipes) is used as a teleost model organism, and it is also used to assess the effects of endocrine disruptors on reproductive phenomena. However, the lack of suitable molecular markers hampers the detection, isolation and analysis of different testis cells including gonial stem cells and Leydig cells. Therefore, oct4, sox2 and cyp11b were chosen to create transgenic reporter lines for the labeling of stem cells and Leydig cells, respectively. The present study had the aim to examine the temporal and spatial expression of the respective genes during embryonic development and in adult gonads of the medaka, and to describe the application of these transgenic lines in stem cell biology and reproductive biology. The mCherry expression in transgenic fish of the line FSI-Tg(sox2-mCherry)17 marks embryonic stem cells, Leydig cells and interstitial cells in adult testis. Faithful EGFP and DsRed expression in transgenic reporters strains for oct4 and cyp11b mimics the endogenous expression of oct4/pou2 and cyp11b-protein, respectively. The reporter gene expression in the strains FSI-Tg(oct4-EGFP)9 and FSI-Tg(oct4-EGFP)A allows the visualization of oct4 positive cells during embryonic development, PGCs, early germ cells and adult gonial cells. The Leydig cells express brightly green or red fluorescence in the medaka strains FSI-Tg(cyp11b-EGFP)20 and FSI-Tg(cyp11b-DsRed)1434, respectively, allowing the easy identification of Leydig cells in adult testis. The oct4-EGFP reporter labels medaka embryonic and spermatogonial stem cells, in which the spermatogonial stem cells at the ends of the testicular lobules show brightly green fluorescence. The transgenic expression in stem cells is also shown in the flow plot of primary testis cells. The spermatogonia are the largest cells and have the strongest fluorescence, which decreased upon differentiation. Therefore, the oct4-EGFP reporter strains will provide an opportunity to detect and to isolate the EGFP expressing cells for transplantation. These strains will also facilitate further experiments on the effects of drugs or hypoxia on these cells, because the strongest EGFP expressing cells can be easily detected in transgenic lines. Labeling of Leydig cells in cyp11b reporter lines opens a new area to study the seasonal variation of spermatogenesis. The medaka is a seasonal breeder in its natural habitat and the simulation of seasonal changes allows the simultaneous quantitative analysis of oct4-EGFP and cyp11b-DsRed expressing cells under such conditions.

Tagging methods as a tool to investigate histone H3 methylation dynamics in mouse embryonic stem cells

Ciotta, Giovanni 20 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Covalent modification of histones is an important factor in the regulation of the chromatin structure implicated in DNA replication, repair, recombination, and transcription, as well as in RNA processing. In recent years, histone methylation has emerged as one of the key modifications regulating chromatin function. However, the mechanisms involved are complex and not well understood. Histone 3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methylation is deposited by a family of histone H3K4 methyltransferases (HMTs) that share a conserved SET domain. In mammalian cells, six family members have been characterized: Setd1a and Setd1b (the mammalian orthologs of yeast Set1) and four Mixed lineage leukemia (Mll) family HMTs, which share limited similarity with yeast Set1 beyond the SET domain. Several studies demonstrated that the H3K4 methyltransferases exist as multiprotein complexes. To functionally dissect H3K4 methyltransferase complexes, GFP tagging of the core subunit Ash2l and the complex-specific subunits Cxxc1 and Wdr82 (Setd1a/b complexes) Men1 (Mll1/2 complexes), and Ptip (Mll3/Mll4 complexes), was used. The fusion proteins were successfully expressed in mouse embryonic stem cells (ES cells), analyzed by confocal microscopy, Mass Spectrometry (MS) and ChIP-seq. Ptip was the only subunit able to bind mitotic chromatin. Additionally, both Ptip and Wdr82 were found to associate with cell cycle regulators, suggesting a possible role of the two proteins or respective complexes in cell cycle regulation. Mass Spectrometry revealed that Wdr82 and Ptip interact with members of he PAF complex, and ChIP-seq showed that Wdr82, Cxxc1 and Ptip positively modulate pluripotency genes. Thus, Setd1a/b and Mll3/4 complexes might act together in the regulation of embryonic stem cells identity. Protein pull downs identified at least one new Setd1a/b interactor, Bod1l that is orthologous to the yeast protein Sgh1, a component of the Set1C complex. Furthermore, our MS and ChIP-seq data suggested that only Mll2 complex binds to bivalent promoters, wheras Mll2 and Setd1a complexes might function together in a set of promoters.

Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von artifiziellen extrazellulären Matrizes und elektrischen Feldern auf humane mesenchymale Stammzellen / Influence of artificial extracellular matrices and electric fields on human mesenchymal stem cells

Heß, Ricarda 31 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Eine bevorzugte Zellquelle für den Einsatz im Tissue Engineering sind mesenchymale Stammzellen (MSZ). Diese besitzen, neben einer hohen Proliferationsrate, die Fähigkeit, sich in verschiedene Zellen des mesodermen Ursprungs und in die entsprechenden Gewebetypen zu entwickeln. Um ein funktionales Gewebe zu erhalten ist es Ziel, sich bereits in vitro den in vivo Bedingungen anzunähern. Hierbei spielen neben der dreidimensionalen Struktur der Scaffolds auch die biochemische Mikroumgebung der Zellen in Form der unlöslichen extrazellulären Matrix (EZM) und den löslichen Mediatorproteinen wie Wachstums- und Differenzierungsfaktoren, sowie die physikalische Stimulation der Zellen eine wichtige Rolle. Während sich gegenwärtige Untersuchungen im TE vorwiegend mit den alleinigen Einflussfaktoren beschäftigen, verfolgt die vorliegende Arbeit das Ziel, die Auswirkungen kombinierter Stimuli durch Verwendung einer artifiziellen EZM, bestehend aus definierten Komponenten der nativen EZM, und physikalischer Stimuli durch elektrische Felder zu untersuchen. Letzteres erfolgte mit einem innerhalb der Arbeitsgruppe neu entwickelten System, dass die Stimulation von Zellen mit ausschließlich elektrischen Feldern, ohne störende Nebeneinflüsse, erlaubt.

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