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Quorum sensing Rezeptorprotein LuxP – gentechnisches Design von LuxP-Derivaten zur Anwendung in der BiosensorikIhle, Karolina 17 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Als Quorum sensing (QS) wird die Kommunikation zwischen Bakterien bezeichnet. Diese basiert auf kleinen Signalmolekülen, die Autoinducer (AI) genannt werden. Durch QS werden von Bakterien Verhaltensweisen wie Fähigkeit zur Symbiose, Virulenz, Produktion von Antibiotika und Bildung von Biofilmen reguliert. Die Kommunikation kann innerhalb einer Spezies (Intraspezies-Kommunikation) oder mehreren Spezies (Interspezies-Kommunikation) erfolgen. Gram-negative Bakterien kommunizieren über acetylierte Homoserinlaktone (AHL), Gram-positive Bakterien dagegen benutzen modifizierte Oligopeptide als Autoinducer.
Für die Interspezies-Kommunikation dient der Autoinducer-2 (AI-2). AI-2 entsteht auf dem Weg der spontanen Zyklisierung von 4,5-Dihydroxy-2,3-Pentadion (DPD), der von LuxS synthetisiert wird. Die Universalität des AI-2 als Signalmoleküls basiert auf dessen chemischen Eigenschaften. Als biologisch aktive Formen von DPD gelten S-THMF-Borat (bei marinen Bakterien wie Vibrio harveyi) und R-THMF (z.B. bei Enterobakterien wie Escherichia coli oder Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium). AI-2 wird bei allen Bakterien von einem periplasmatischen Rezeptor gebunden. S-THMF-Borat bindet spezifisch an den Rezeptor LuxP, R-THMF dagegen an den Rezeptor LsrR. Durch die Anbindung des AI-2 verändert sich die Konformation des Rezeptors, was als Signal über weitere Proteine in die Zelle weitergeleitet wird.
In E. coli ist die Expression des Operons lsrACDBFGE von AI-2 abhängig. Der lsr-Promotor wird von dem Repressor LuxR, Phospo-AI-2 sowie dem cAMP-CRP-Komplex reguliert.
In dieser Arbeit wurden die molekularbiologische Grundlagen zur Entwicklung eines AI-2-Biosensors gelegt. Es wurden mehrere Fusionskonstrukte des V. harveyi AI-2 Rezeptors LuxP sowie dessen Derivate mit veränderter Affinität zur AI-2 kreiert, in E. coli exprimiert und aufgereinigt. Auch Rezeptorproteine von Vibrio fischeri sowie E. coli konnten erfolgreich exprimiert werden. Die Expression der Proteine erfolgte in E. coli luxS- Deletionsstämmen, die hierfür konstruiert worden sind. Die AI-2-Rezeptorproteine werden in E. coli vorwiegend in Form von inclusion bodys exprimiert. Nur ein Teil des Proteins ist löslich und kann für die Aufreinigung unter nativen Bedingungen verwendet werden.
Auf der Basis von E. coli luxS- Deletionsstämmen wurde ein Bioassay entwickelt, der für die Detektion von AI-2 verwendet werden kann. Hierfür wurden mehrere Reporterplasmide konstruiert, in denen das rot fluoreszierende Protein DsRed unter die Kontrolle des lsr-Promotors von E. coli kloniert wurden. Dabei konnte unter Verwendung einer dieser Reporterplasmide (pBRDsRed) sowie des luxS-Deletionsstammes KIB1 Bioassay-Bedingungen etabliert werden, die einen Nachweis von AI-2 ermöglichen. Die für den Assay benötigten AI-2-Moleküle wurden in vitro mithilfe der Enzyme Pfs und LuxS und S-Adenosyl-Homocystein (SAH) als Substrat hergestellt.
Der entwickelte AI-2-Bioassay wurde für die Bestimmung der Bindeaktivität der V. harveyi LuxP-Derivate verwendet. Die resultierenden Ergebnisse wiesen eine hohe Reproduzierbarkeit (1,2 bis 11,3 % Standartabweichung) auf.
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The Role of Cell Division Orientation during Zebrafish Early DevelopmentQuesada Hernandez, Elena 26 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The development of multicellular organisms is dependent on the tight coordination between tissue growth and morphogenesis. The stereotypical orientation of cell divisions has been proposed to be a fundamental mechanism by which proliferating and growing tissues take shape.
However, the actual contribution of stereotypical cell division orientation (SDO) to tissue morphogenesis is unclear. In zebrafish, cell divisions with stereotypical orientation have been implicated in both body axis elongation and neural rod formation, although there is little direct evidence for a critical function of SDO in either of these processes.
Making use of extended time-lapse, multi-photon microscopy and a careful three-dimensional analysis of cell division orientation, we show that SDO is required for neural rod midline formation during neurulation, but dispensable for body axis elongation during gastrulation. Our data indicate that SDO during both gastrulation and neurulation is dependent on the non-canonical Wnt receptor Frizzled 7 (Fz7), and that interfering with cell division orientation leads to severe defects in neural rod midline formation, but not body axis elongation.
These findings suggest a novel function for Fz7 controlled cell division orientation in neural rod midline formation during neurulation. They also shed new light on the field of cell division orientation by uncoupling it from tissue elongation.
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Modelling genetic networks involved in the activity-dependent modulation of adult neurogenesisOverall, Rupert 10 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die Bildung neuen Nervenzellen im erwachsenen Gehirn—adulte Neurogenese—ist bei Säugetieren auf spezifische Regionen beschränkt. Eine der beiden bekannten ist der Hippokampus, eine Gehirnstruktur, die eine wichtige Rolle beim Lernen sowie der Gedächtnisbildung spielt. Ein Reservoir von neuralen Stammzellen befindet sich in der subgranulären Zone des hippokampalen Gyrus dentatus. Diese Zellen teilen sich fortwährend und bilden neue Nervenzellen. Die Regulation adulter hippokampaler Neurogenese wird sowohl von der Umgebung beeinflusst als auch von mehreren Genen gesteuert.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden mittels Hochdurchsatz- Genexpressionsverfahren die an der Neurogenese beteiligten Gene identifiziert und ihr Zusammenspiel untersucht. Anhand von genetischen, umgebungsbedingten und zeitlichen Angaben und Variationen wurde ein vielseitiger Datensatz erstellt, der einen multidimensionalen Blick auf den proliferativen Phänotyp verschafft. Netzwerke aus Gen-Gen und Gen-Phänotyp Interaktionen wurden beschrieben und in einer mehrschichtigen Ressource zusammengefasst. Ein Kern-Netzwerk bestehend aus immerwiederkehrenden Modulen aus verschiedenen Ebenen wurde anhand von Proliferation als Keim-Phänotyp identifiziert. Aus diesem Kern-Netzwerk sind neue Gene und ihre Interaktionen hervorgegangen, die potentiell bei der Regulierung adulter Neurogenesis beteiligt sind. / Neurogenesis, the production of new neurons, is restricted in the adult brain of mammals to only a few regions. One of these sites of adult neurogenesis is the hippocampus, a structure essential for many types of learning. A pool of stem cells is maintained in the subgranular zone of the hippocampal dentate gyrus which proliferate and can differentiate into new neurons, astrocytes and oligodendroctytes. Regulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis occurs in response to en- vironmental stimuli and is under the control of many genes.
This work employs high-throughput gene expression technologies to identify these genes and their interactions with each other and the neurogenesis phenotype. Harnessing variation from genetic, environmental and temporal sources, a multi-faceted dataset has been generated which offers a multidimensional view of the neural precursor proliferation phenotype. Networks of gene-gene and gene-phenotype interac- tions have been described and merged into a multilayer resource. A core subnetwork derived from modules recurring in the different layers has been identified using the proliferation phenotype as a seed. This subnetwork has suggested novel genes and interactions potentially involved in the regulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis.
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Functional Characterization of Microtubule Associated Proteins in ES Cell Division and Neuronal DifferentiationDemir, Özlem 27 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Microtubules are tubular polymers that are involved in a variety of cellular processes such as cell movement, mitosis and intracellular transport. The dynamic behavior of microtubules makes this possible because all of these processes require quick responses. Embryonic stem (ES) cells were first isolated from mouse embryos and they have two unique characteristics; they can be kept undifferentiated for many passages with a stable karyotype and they can be differentiated into any type of cells under appropriate conditions. The pluripotency of ES cells, their ease of manipulation in culture, and their ability to contribute to the mouse germ-line provides us a model of differentiation both in vitro and in vivo. In my thesis I focused on the cell division and neuronal differentiation of ES cells and developed two methods to understand the effects of microtubule dynamics in spindle assembly and chromosome segregation and to reveal the roles of different Microtubule Associated Proteins (MAPs) in the neuronal morphology formation.
In the first part, we developed a live-cell imaging method for ES cells to visualize, track and analyze the single cell behavior in a cell population over a time period. So far many techniques have been adapted and combined for imaging of cell lines, mainly for the cancer or immortalized ones. However, because ES cells are very prone to apoptosis, tend to form spheres and hard to stably label, it is quite tricky to image them in culture conditions. In our system, we combined the BAC-based gene expression with wide-field deconvolution microscopy for ES cells that are plated onto the laminin-511 coated surface and kept in CO2 independent culture conditions. This combined technique does not interfere with the growth of cells and keeps them healthy up to 24 hours on the microscope stage.
In the second part, we analyzed the effects of MAPs chTOG, EB1, Kif18A and MCAK in the overall spindle morphology and mitotic progression in mES cells. For this purpose, we utilized our stable TUBB-GFP and H2A-GFP cell lines along with our live-cell imaging set-up to reveal the effects of the above-mentioned proteins and the interplay among each other. By using RNAi method we either single or co-depleted the genes by siRNAs and measured the spindle length and width in RNAi conditions. We further analyzed the mitotic progression in H2A-GFP cell line in terms of the metaphase timing and the percentage of chromosome segregation errors. Our results showed that, EB1 depletion did not cause any significant changes in the overall spindle morphology or in the metaphase timing. However, the co-depletion of EB1 with chTOG partially rescued the sichTOG specific mini-spindle phenotype. siKif18A produced longer spindles without any change in the spindle width. Surprisingly, the co-depletion of antagonistic chTOG and Kif18A proteins had additive effects on the spindle dynamics and on mitotic progression in a way that spindle assembly was severely disrupted by the absence of these two proteins and as a result of this, both metaphase timing and chromosome missegregation levels increased significantly. These results overall indicate that MAPs have important roles in the regulation of dynamic instability and these proteins have an interplay among each other to be able to control the morphology of the spindle as well as the correct segregation of chromosomes into daughter cells.
In the last part, I will introduce you a new ES cell based differentiation and morphology model, which brings the advantages of high resolution imaging capacity, control over development and easy genetic manipulation and culturing. We have generated Tet-induced shRNA cell lines against chTOG, Kif18A and MCAK, which are also stably expressing TUBB-GFP. These labeled cells were mixed with unlabeled wild-type mES cells before differentiation at 1:1000 ratio and then they were differentiated into mouse cortical cells and spinal motor neurons. Our results showed that, all of the three genes could be successfully knocked-down by shRNA after 48 hours of Tet induction. After mixing the labeled and unlabeled cells, single neurons could be imaged at high resolution and their skeletons could be generated afterwards. The RNAi studies in shchTOG cell line showed that, the knock-down of this gene in early differentiation interferes with the neuronal differentiation.
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Understanding H3K36 methyltransferases in mouse embryonic stem cellsCoe Torres, Davi 02 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Methylation of histone 3 (H3) at lysine 36 (K36) has been implicated in several biological processes, such as DNA replication, DNA repair, and transcription. To date, at least eight distinct mammalian enzymes have been described to methylate H3K36 in vitro and/or in vivo. In this work, Set2, Nsd1, and Nsd3 Venus tagged proteins were successfully expressed in mouse embryonic stem cells and, then, analyzed by confocal microscopy, mass spectrometry (MS), and chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq). MS analysis revealed that Setd2, Nsd1, and Nsd3 do not associate in protein complexes with each other. Setd2 was associated with RNA polymerase II subunits and two transcription elongation factors (Supt5 and Supt6), whereas Nsd1 associated with the transcription factor Zfx. In contrast, Nsd3 interacted with multiple protein complexes including Kdm1b and Brd4 complexes.
Interestingly, Nsd1 and Zfx seem to be bound to chromatin during cell division. ChIP-seq analysis of the H3K36 methyltransferases showed different binding profiles at transcribed genes: Nsd1 binds near the transcription start site (TSS), Setd2 loading starts near the TSS and spreads along the gene body, while, Nsd3 is preferentially enriched at the 5’ and 3’ gene regions. Sequential deletion of PWWP and zinger-finger like domains was achieved to study any possible changes in Nsd1 and Nsd3 function. Deletion of either PHD1-4 or PHD5/C5HCH domains decreased Nsd1 recruitment to chromatin. Particularly, the PHD5/C5HCH were identified as the protein-protein interface for Zfx interaction. In agreement, Zfx knockdown also decreased Nsd1 deposition at the Oct4 and Tcl1 promoter regions. Furthermore, Nsd1 depletion reduced bulk histone H3K36me2 and histone H3K36me3 loading at the coding regions of Oct4, Rif1, Brd2, and Ccnd1.
In addition, Nsd1 knockdown led to an increased Zfx deposition at promoters. Our findings suggest Zfx recruits Nsd1 to its target loci, whereas Nsd1 regulates Zfx chromatin release and further contributes to transcription regulation through its H3K36 dimethylase activity. On the other hand, loss of Nsd3’s PHD5/C5HCH or PWWP domains decreased Nsd3 binding to DNA. In addition, we demonstrate that Nsd3 is recruited to target genes in a Brd4-dependent manner. Herein, we provided further insights on how H3K36 methyltransferases are regulated, and how they contribute to changes in the epigenetic landscape in mouse embryonic stem cells.fi
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Decellularised extracellular matrices as instructive microenvironments for bone marrow derived stem cellsPrewitz, Marina 07 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The regenerative potential of adult stem cell populations within the human body bears great promises for their use in regenerative medicine. The bone marrow (BM) harbours two different types of adult stem cells, haematopoietic stem and progneitor cells (HSPCs) and multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), which are tightly regulated in their distinct anatomically defined niches by multiple cues such as cytokines, cell-cell contacts, the extracellular matrix (ECM) and the physical microenvironment. The ex vivo expansion of these cells for applications in regenerative therapies is of great interest and several biomaterial approaches attempt to mimic the natural BM niche and its components to control stem cell maintenance and differentiation. However, as of now the complexity of such stem cell niches is hard to recapitulate. Towards this goal, this work was focussing on the ECM environment of BM stem cells and was set out to engineer improved in vitro culture systems. MSC themselves are one of the most important cell types within the BM that secrete and construct ECM-networks and thereby shape the microenvironment of the residing cells. The potential of primary human BM-MSC to secrete ECM in vitro has been exploited to generate niche-like ECM surrogates in a robust and versatile format. Application of decellularisation regimes allowed the fabrication of complex matrices which demonstrated suprastructural, compositional and physicochemical properties compareable to those of the native BM-ECM environment. Reliable stability and reproduciblity was achieved by a dedicated procedure of maleic anhydride co-polymer-mediated covalent binding of fibronectin and subsequent anchorage of cell-secreted ECM molecules. As a result of the high reproducibility, a complete proteomic register of ECM molecules was obtained in combination with determining the complex fibrillar and soft gel-like characteristics of MSC-derived matrices. Based on the established BM niche-like substrate, the impact of extracellular matrices on MSC and HSPC ex vivo behavior has been explored. Both cell types demonstrated strong adhesion to ECM substrates and depicted a changed cellular morphology upon contact with native ECM structures compared to standard culture substrates or simple ECM protein coatings, indicating an intense interplay between the cell and the microenvironment. MSC that re-grew into their own matrices have shown advantageous proliferation and cytokine secretion levels as well as enhanced differentiation intensity (upon differentiation induction) compared to MSC that were cultured on less complex substrates. Similarly, HSPC were also instructed for enhanced expansion on MSC-derived matrices without exhaustion of stem cell-marker expressing progenitor cells. The efficiency of these matrices was related to their ability to mimic the native composite suprastructure, ligand nano-topography, molecular composition and physical properties of natural BM ECM environments. The data obtained within this thesis set the ground for a more rational design of artificial stem cell niches with defined and distinct properties, offering exciting options for the in-depth analysis and understanding of stem cell regulation by exogenous cues.
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System Survey of Endocytosis by Functional Genomics and Quantitative Multi-Parametric Image AnalysisCollinet, Claudio 15 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Endocytosis is an essential cellular process consisting of the internalization of extracellular cargo and its transport towards different intracellular destinations. Multiple endocytic routes are tailored for the internalization and trafficking of different types of cargo and multiple endocytic organelles provide specialized biochemical environments where different molecular events take place. Membrane receptors and cargo molecules are internalized by both Clathrin-dependent and –independent endocytosis into early endosomes. From here two main endocytic routes are followed: 1) the recycling route, mainly followed by membrane receptor and other molecules like Transferrin, brings the cargo back to the plasma membrane and 2) the degradative route, followed by molecules like Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) and Lipoprotein particles (LDL), leads the cargo to degradation into late endosomes/lysosomes.
In addition to the basic function of intracellular cargo transport, the endocytic system fulfils many other cellular and developmental functions such as transmission of proliferative and survival signals and defence against pathogens. In order for cells to properly perform their various and numerous functions in organs and tissues, the activity of the endocytic system needs to be coordinated between cells and, within individual cells, integrated with other cellular functions. Even though molecules orchestrating the endocytic sorting and transport of different types of cargo have long been investigated, our understanding of the molecular machinery underlying endocytosis and its coordination into the cellular systems remains fragmentary.
The work presented in this thesis aimed at understanding how this high-order regulation and integration is achieved. This requires not only a comprehensive analysis of molecular constituents of the endocytic system but also an understanding of the general design principles underlying its function. To this end, in collaboration with several members of the Zerial group and with the HT-Technology Development Studio (TDS) at MPI-CBG, I developed a new strategy to accurately profile the activity of human genes with respect to Transferrin (Tfn) and Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) endocytosis by combining genome-wide RNAi with several siRNA/esiRNA per gene, automated high-resolution confocal microscopy, quantitative multi-parametric image analysis and high-performance computing. This provided a rich and complex genomic dataset that was subsequently subjected to analysis with a combination of tools such as a multi-parametric correlation of oligo profiles, phenotypic clustering and pathways analysis, and a Bayesian network reconstruction of key endocytic features.
Altogether, the genomic endeavour and the subsequent analyses provided a number of important results: first, they revealed a much higher extent of off-target effects from RNAi and provided novel tools to infer the specific effects of genes loss of function; second, they identified a large number of novel molecules exerting a regulatory role on the endocytic system, including uncharacterized genes and genes implicated in human diseases; third, they uncovered the regulatory activity of signalling pathways such as Wnt, Integrin, TGF-β, and Notch, and found new genes regulating the sorting of cargo to a specialized subset of early endosomes that function as intracellular signalling platforms; and fourth, a systems analysis by Bayesian networks revealed that the cell specifically regulates the number, size, concentration of cargo and intracellular position of endosomes, thus uncovering novel properties of the endocytic system.
In conclusion, the work presented here not only provided a dataset extremely rich of information whose potential has just begun to be uncovered but also shows how genomic datasets can be used to reveal design principles governing the functioning of biological processes.
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The role of STAG3 in mammalian meiosisWinters, Tristan 05 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The cohesin complex is essential for mitosis and meiosis. The specific meiotic roles of individual cohesin proteins are incompletely understood. We report in vivo functions of the only meiosis-specific STAG component of cohesin, STAG3. Newly generated STAG3-deficient mice of both sexes are sterile with meiotic arrest. In these mice, meiotic chromosome architecture is severely disrupted as no bona fide axial elements (AE) form and homologous chromosomes do not synapse. Axial element protein SYCP3 forms dot-like structures, many partially overlapping with centromeres. Asynapsis marker HORMAD1 is diffusely distributed throughout the chromatin, and SYCP1, which normally marks synapsed axes, is largely absent. Centromeric and telomeric sister chromatid cohesion are impaired. Centromere and telomere clustering occurs in the absence of STAG3, and telomere structure is not severely affected. Other cohesin proteins are present, localize throughout the STAG3-devoid chromatin, and form complexes with cohesin SMC1β. No other deficiency in a single meiosis-specific cohesin causes a phenotype as drastic as STAG3 deficiency. STAG3 emerges as the key STAG cohesin involved in major functions of meiotic cohesin.
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Generierung hoch-avider, WT1126-spezifischer CD8+ zytotoxischer T-Zell-Klone mit anti-leukämischer Aktivität mittels Streptamer-TechnologieTunger, Antje 12 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die „donor lymphocyte infusion“ (DLI) stellt eine wirksame Therapieoption für ein Rezidiv bei Patienten mit akuter myeloischer Leukämie (AML) nach allogener Stammzelltransplantation (SZT) dar. Jedoch ist die DLI oft mit einer „graft-versus-host disease” (GvHD) assoziiert, die auf einer proinflammatorischen, gegen den Empfänger gerichteten T-Zell-vermittelten Immunantwort beruht. Eine Strategie, den „graft-versus-leukemia” (GvL)-Effekt zu steigern und dabei das Risiko einer GvHD zu mindern, besteht in dem adoptiven Transfer hoch-avider CD8+ T-Zell-Klone, welche selektiv AML-assoziierte Antigene erkennen. Daher bestand das Ziel dieser Arbeit darin, eine neue Strategie zur Generierung hoch-avider CD8+ T-Zell-Klone, welche die Leukämie-assoziierten Antigene (LAAs) Wilms‘-Tumor-Antigen 1 (WT1), Proteinase 3 (PR3), Nucleophosmin 1 (NPM1) und Survivin als attraktive Ziele für spezifische Immuntherapien erkennen, zu entwickeln.
Zunächst wurden mithilfe der innovativen Streptamer-Technologie die Frequenzen von CD8+ T-Zellen mit Reaktivität gegen WT1, PR3, NPM1 und Survivin im peripheren Blut von 10 gesunden HLA-A*02:01+ Spendern analysiert. Auf diese Weise konnten jedoch nur sehr geringe bis keine detektierbaren Frequenzen LAA-spezifischer CD8+ T-Lymphozyten nachgewiesen werden. Diese Beobachtungen führten zu dem Schluss, dass AML-Peptid-spezifische CD8+ T-Zellen im Gegensatz zu Virus-spezifischen T-Zellen aufgrund deutlich geringerer Frequenzen nicht direkt aus dem peripheren Blut isoliert werden können. Daher erfolgte die in vitro-Expansion der CD8+ T-Zellen mithilfe von autologen Monozyten-abgeleiteten dendritischen Zellen (MoDCs). DCs sind als professionelle Antigen-präsentierende Zellen in der Lage, Effektorzellen des adaptiven Immunsystems zu stimulieren sowie deren Expansion zu induzieren. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein geeignetes Protokoll für die Generierung von Fast-MoDCs etabliert. Diese zeichneten sich durch die ausgeprägte Expression kostimulatorischer und Antigen-präsentierender Moleküle, die Sekretion großer Mengen des proinflammatorischen Zytokins IL-12 sowie ein effizientes stimulatorisches Potenzial gegenüber CD4+ T-Zellen aus. Erneute Frequenzanalysen nach zweimaliger in vitro-Stimulation mit Peptid-beladenen Fast-MoDCs mittels ELISpot ergaben einen Anstieg der Frequenzen AML-Peptid-spezifischer CD8+ T-Zellen, insbesondere von WT1126-spezifischen CD8+ T-Zellen.
Daraufhin erfolgte die Anreicherung der stimulierten CD8+ T-Zellen mit Spezifität für die vier untersuchten LAAs WT1, PR3, NPM1 und Survivin mittels Streptamer-Technologie. Dabei erzielte die Anreicherung WT1126-spezifischer CD8+ T-Lymphozyten deutlich höhere Reinheiten als die von CD8+ T-Zellen mit Reaktivität gegen die Peptide PR1169, NPM1283,mut A/D und Survivin95. Aus diesem Grund wurden die weiteren Untersuchungen auf WT1126 als das bisher vielversprechendste der untersuchten Peptide begrenzt. CD8+ T-Zellen von drei gesunden Spendern wurden mit bestrahlten T2-Zellen und Fast-MoDCs, welche mit dem HLA-A*02:01-restringierten Peptid WT1126 beladen waren, stimuliert. Anschließend erfolgte die Anreicherung WT1126-spezifischer CD8+ T-Zellen mittels Streptamer-Technologie. Bereits nach einmaliger Stimulation kam es zu einer deutlichen Anreicherung WT1126-spezifischer CD8+ T-Zellen, welche effektiv in der Lage waren, Peptid-beladene Zielzellen zu lysieren. Jedoch konnte nach zweimaliger Stimulation nochmals eine deutliche Steigerung in Reinheit und Ausbeute erzielt werden. Die angereicherten Zellen wurden als Effektor-Gedächtnis-T-Zellen charakterisiert. Ausgehend von den Streptamer-isolierten CD8+ T-Zellen eines Spenders erfolgte die Generierung WT1126-spezifischer CD8+ T-Zell-Klone. Im Rahmen der Klonierung wurden 32 WT1126-spezifische CD8+ T-Zell-Klone generiert. Drei vielversprechende Klone wurden genauer hinsichtlich ihrer funktionellen Eigenschaften charakterisiert. Diese exprimierten hoch-avide T-Zell-Rezeptoren und zeigten einen heterogenen Phänotyp von zentralen Gedächtnis-T-Zellen hin zu terminal differenzierten Effektor-Gedächtnis-T-Zellen. Zudem führten sie zu einer effizienten Lyse der HLA-A*02:01+ und WT1+ Zelllinien T2 und SET-2. Darüber hinaus wurde demonstriert, dass die untersuchten Klone auch HLA-A*02:01- und WT1-exprimierende primäre Blasten von AML-Patienten effektiv lysieren.
Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Streptamer-basierte Anreicherung stimulierter Tumorpeptid-spezifischer CD8+ T-Zellen vor anschließender Klonierung eine geeignete Strategie für die Generierung hoch-avider CD8+ T-Zell-Klone mit anti-tumoraler Aktivität darstellt. So generierte CD8+ T-Zell-Klone mit Reaktivität gegen AML-assoziierte Antigene können für die Entwicklung neuer immuntherapeutischer Strategien zur Therapie eines Rezidivs bei AML-Patienten nach allogener SZT verwendet werden.
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Directed Interface Modifications by Genetically Engineered Surface Active ProteinsGruner, Leopold Joachim 18 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This work was performed in the framework of an interdisciplinary graduate program that focuses on the establishment and extension of innovative compounds for the packaging of electronic systems. Such chemically or biotechnologically tailored compounds can be used for the direct patterning of optically, magnetically or biologically functional structures in nano- and biotechnical products. In order to organize matter at the nanometer scale, imprinting litho-graphy techniques or self-organization processes are appropriate. Fine-tuning of numerous engineering processes requires continuous and high precision monitoring as well as control of diverse parameters. These demands are only partially met by physical or chemical components since they use surrogate parameters, measure off-line, or provide insufficient performances. Biological compounds, in particular protein-based feedback systems, fulfill certain system requirements to a considerable degree.
Hydrophobins and S-layer proteins are surface active proteins, produced by filamentous fungi or bacteria. In nature, these (self )assembly proteins form highly ordered and robust structures. In addition, their tolerance for different sequence manipulations and chemical modifications allows extensive functionalization of these nanometer-sized proteins. Hence, these surface active proteins can also be fused with other protein domains to create chimera, which retain function of both original proteins. In conclusion, both hydrophobins and S-layer proteins represent a versatile tool in numerous fields of applied biotechnology, medicine or diagnostics. But until now, efficient in vitro operation in molecular designed protein coatings is strongly restricted due to their complex assembly mechanism.
In the first phase of this work, it was demonstrated, that representatives of class I and class II hydrophobins tend to form multilayered structures on solid surfaces. It was found that only two protein orientations seems to be preferentially formed. In the process of assembly, the orientation of the first hydrophobin layer strictly depends on the substrate wettability. Consequently, each of the following hydrophobin layers is inverse oriented to the layer before. This alternating assembly mechanism has to be taken into account, when working with functionalized hydrophobins, because a hydrophobin-fused functional protein domain is exclusively located on one side of the protein. Due to the densely packed structure of surface active proteins, a fused functional domain, embedded between two hydrophobins is barely available for external reagents. Basically, the simultaneous existence of a broad spectrum of ordered and disordered assembly structures, demonstrated the need of an uniform protein film assembly for applications in fine-diagnostics or biomedicine.
With regard to molecular designed protein coatings, this work further aimed at establishing conditions to develop a method for a ‘layer-by-layer’ assembly of protein chimeras. Based on their amphiphilic character, self-assembly behavior of surface active proteins can be influenced by conventional ionic surfactants. In order to study the effect of surfactants on the composition and morphology of adsorbed protein films, contact angle measurements, nulling ellipsometry, SEM, AFM and AFAM were performed. It was found that the layer thickness of assembled protein films is strictly dependent on the amount of added surfactant. At certain threshold surfactant concentrations, hydrophobins and S-layer proteins assemble in uniform layers, which are as thick as expected for a protein monolayer or a bilayer. Assembled protein films are covered by a smooth surfactant layer, which prevents further protein assembly. AFAM measurements reveal the formation of well defined lattice structures under the coverage of surfactants. Even the removal of the surfactant layer is possible without inter-fering with protein specific secondary structures. Solvent accessibility and functionality of protein-fused domains was successfully demonstrated. As compared to conventional assembly techniques, this novel protein deposition method offers a possibility for a ‘directed’ protein coating on solid surfaces. In addition, it guarantees broadly ranged homogeneous assembly of protein chimeras on non-planar or even porous surfaces independent of their position.
Finally, a prototype for an interfacial FRET was developed in a close collaboration with the Institute of Physical Chemistry (TUD). This innovative FRET between semiconducting nano-particles and illuminating protein chimeras takes place across an oil/water interface. Hydro-phobins were used to stabilize artificial oil droplets in aqueous solution. These small proteins possess the ability to attach fused functional domains very close to an oil/water interface. When, in addition to this, an optically active nanostructure directly docks to the hydrophobin, the distance of a protein-fused domain and the nanostructure are in the range of the FÖRSTER radius. It was successfully demonstrated that quantum dots and fluorescent proteins fulfill the spectroscopic requirements of such a donor/acceptor pair. The FRET performance of these excitable oil droplets was examined as a ‘proof of concept’. Due to its modular design, this signal amplification setup could be exploited in numerous fields of technical application ranging from quantification of micronutrient to photothermal cancer therapy.
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