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Seam Binding, a Novel Mechanism for Microtubule Stabilization / Naht Bindung, ein Neuartiger Mechanismus zur Stabilisierung von MikrotubuliSandblad, Linda January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Microtubules are a fascinating component of the cellular scaffold protein network, the cytoskeleton. These hollow tubular structures are assembled of laterally associated proto-filaments containing ab-tubulin heterodimers in a head to tail arrangement. Accordingly microtubules have a defined polarity, which sets the base for the polarity of the cell. The microtubule lattice can be arranged in two conformations: In the more abundant B-lattice conformation, where the protofilaments interact laterally through a- to a- and b- to b-tubulin contacts and in the less stable A-lattice conformation, where a-tubulin interacts laterally with b-tubulin. In cells the microtubules generally contain 13 protofilaments of which usually one pair interacts in the A-lattice conformation, forming the so-called lattice seam. Microtubule dynamics and interactions are strongly regulated by micro-tubule associate proteins (MAPs). Structural investigations on MAPs and microtubule associated motor proteins in complex with microtubules have become possible in combination with modern electron microscopy (EM) and image processing. We have used biochemistry and different advanced EM techniques to study the interaction between microtubules and the MAP Mal3p in vitro. Mal3p is the sole member of the end-binding protein 1 (EB1) protein family in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Previous in vivo studies have shown that Mal3p promotes microtubule growth. Our studies with high-resolution unidirectional shadowing EM revealed that Mal3p interacts with the microtubule lattice in a novel way, using binding sites on the microtubule that are different from those reported for other MAPs or motor proteins. Full-length Mal3p preferentially binds between two protofilaments on the microtubule lattice, leaving the rest of the lattice free. A case where Mal3p was found in two adjacent protofilament, revealed an A-lattice conformation on the microtubules, surprisingly indicating specific binding of Mal3p to the microtubule seam. With a lattice enhancer, in form of a b-tubulin binding kinesin motor domain, it was demonstrated that Mal3p stabilizes the seam which is thought to be the weakest part of a microtubule. Further, the presence of Mal3p during microtubule polymerization enhances the closure of protofilament sheets into a tubular organization. Cryo-EM and 3-D helical reconstruction on a monomeric microtubule binding domain of Mal3p, confirm the localization in between the protofilament and result in an accurate localization on the microtubule lattice. The results also indicate Mal3p’s capacity to influence the microtubule lattice conformation. Together, studies approached in vitro demonstrate that an EB1-family homolog not only interacts with the microtubule plus end, but also with the microtubule lattice. The structure of Mal3p interacting with microtubules reveals a new mechanism for microtubule stabilization and further insight on how plus end binding proteins are able promote microtubule growth. These findings further suggest that microtubules exhibit two distinct reaction platforms on their surface that can independently interact with selected MAPs or motors. / Mikrotubuli sind eine faszinierende Komponente des Zytoskeletts einer Zelle. Ihre Struktur entspricht der eines Hohlzylinders. Sie sind aus seitlich assoziierten Proto-filamenten zusammengesetzt, die aus a- und b-Tubulin Untereinheiten bestehen. Diese Heterodimere sind gerichtet, bedingt durch ihre Kopf-Schwanz Anordnung. Folglich besitzen Mikrotubuli eine definierte Polarität, welche die Basis für die Polarität der Zelle bildet. Die Anordnung der Untereinheiten zu einem so genannten Mikrotubulus Gitter kann in zwei Konformationen vorkommen: In der häufigeren B-Gitter Formation, in welcher die Protofilamente seitlich durch a- zu a- und b- zu b-Tubulin interagieren und in der weniger stabilen A-Gitter Konformation, in der a-Tubulin lateral mit b-Tubulin wechselwirkt. In der Zelle vorkommende Mikrotubuli haben grundsätzlich 13 Proto-filamente. Mindestens ein Paar dieser Protofilamente interagiert in der A-Gitter Kon-formation und bildet die so genannte Gitter-Naht (lattice seam). Mikrotubuli Dynamik und Interaktionen sind streng durch Mikrotubuli assoziierte Proteine (MAPs) reguliert. Die Kombination aus moderner Elektronenmikroskopie (EM) und Bild-verarbeitung macht strukturelle Untersuchungen an MAPs und Motorproteinen im Zusammenhang mit Mikrutubuli möglich. Wir haben biochemische und hoch entwickelte EM Techniken benutzt, um die Interaktion zwischen Mikrotubuli und dem Mikrotubuli assoziierten Protein Mal3 in vitro zu untersuchen. Mal3p ist ein Homolog des konservierten Ende-Bindungs Protein 1 (EB1) in der Spalthefe Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Es wurde bereits gezeigt, dass EB1 die Struktur von Mikrotubuli stabilisiert. Mit Hilfe einer speziellen, hochauflösenden EM Schattierungstechnik haben wir demonstriert, dass Mal3p auf neuartige Weise mit dem Mikrotubulus Gitter interagiert. Dabei besetzt Mal3p Bindungsstellen am Mikrotubulus, die sich von denen der anderen MAPs oder Motorproteinen unterscheiden. Mal3p bevorzugt die Bindung zwischen zwei Proto-filamenten, lässt jedoch das übrigen Gitter unbesetzt. In seltenen Fällen wurde Mal3p in zwei nebeneinander angrenzenden Protofilamenten gefunden. An diesen Stellen zeigt sich überraschenderweise eine A-Gitter-Konformation am Mikrotubulus, was auf eine spezifische Naht-Bindung hinweist. Mit Hilfe einer Gitterverstärkung in Form einer Kinesin-Motor-Domäne, die an jede b-Untereinheit bindet, konnte gezeigt werden, dass Mal3p die Naht, den schwächsten Teil eines Mikrotubulus, stabilisiert. Des Weiteren unterstützt die Anwesenheit von Mal3p während der Mikrotubulus Polymerisation die Formierung zur Bildung des Hohlzylinders. Die Untersuchung der monomeren Mikrotubuli-Bindungs-Domäne von Mal3p unter Anwendung von Kryo-EM und anschließender 3-D helikalen Rekonstruktion, führte zur genauen Lokalisierung des Proteins auf dem Mikrotubulus Gerüst. Hierbei bestätigte sich auch die Lokalisation zwischen den Protofilamenten. Des Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass Mal3p die Fähigkeit besitzt, die Konformation des Mikrotubulus Gitters zu beeinflussen. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass das EB1-Homolog nicht nur an das Mikrotubulus Plus Ende, sondern auch an der Naht entlang des ganzen Mikrotubulus bindet. Die Art wie Mal3p mit den Mikrotubuli interagiert, zeigt einen neuen Mecha-nismus der Mikrotubuli Stabilisierung und eröffnet weitere Sichtweisen, wie Plus End Bindungsproteine die Dynamik von Mikrotubuli beeinflussen. Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass Mikrotubuli zwei definierte Reaktionsplattformen auf ihrer Oberfläche besitzen, die unabhängig mit verschiedenen MAPs und Motorproteinen interagieren
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Vererbung und Positionierung von Mitochondrien Analyse der Interaktion von Mitochondrien mit Mikrotubuli im filamentösen Pilz Neurospora crassa /Fuchs, Florian. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2004--München.
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Spatio-temporale Distribution der Tubuline und Tubulin spezifischen Chaperone im sensorischen Epithel der murinen Cochlea / Spatio-temporal distribution of tubulin and tubulin-specific chaperones in the sensory epithelium of the murine CochleaJürgens, Lukas Julian Christoph January 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Die fünf Tubulin-bindenden Kofaktoren (TBC) sind an der Tubulinsynthese und der Bildung von Mikrotubuli beteiligt. Ihre Bedeutung wird durch verschiedene Krankheiten und Syndrome hervorgehoben, die durch Funktionsstörungen oder Mutationen dieser Proteine verursacht werden. Posttranslationale Modifikationen (PTMs) von Tubulin fördern verschiedene Eigenschaften, einschließlich stabilitätsfördernder Subpopulationen von Tubulin. Die zell- und zeitspezifische Verteilung der PTMs ist bisher nur im Corti-Organ bei Gerbils untersucht worden. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, die zelltyp- und zeitspezifischen Expressionsmuster von TBC-Proteinen und PTMs erstmals in der murinen Cochlea über mehrere Entwicklungsstadien hinweg zu untersuchen. Dazu wurden murine Cochleae im postnatalen (P) Alter P1, P7 und P14 mittels Immunfluoreszenzanalyse untersucht. Die Untersuchungen zeigten mehrere erhebliche Interspezies-Unterschiede in der Verteilung der PTMs zwischen Gerbil und Maus. Darüber hinaus ist dies die erste Studie, die die räumlich-zeitliche Verteilung von TBCs in einem Gewebe beschreibt, das ein volatiles Expressionsmuster aufweist. Die Expressionsanalyse von TBC-Proteinen und PTMs des Tubulins zeigt, dass diese Proteine eine wichtige Rolle bei der physiologischen Entwicklung der Cochlea spielen und für das Hören essentiell sein könnten. / The five tubulin-binding cofactors (TBC) are involved in tubulin synthesis and the creation of microtubules. Their importance is highlighted by various diseases and syndromes caused by dysfunction or mutation of these proteins. Posttranslational modifications (PTMs) of tubulin promote different characteristics, including stability-creating subpopulations of tubulin. Cell- and time-specific distribution of PTMs has only been investigated in the organ of Corti in gerbils. The aim of the presented study was to investigate the cell type-specific and time-specific expression patterns of TBC proteins and PTMs for the first time in murine cochleae over several developmental stages. For this, murine cochleae were investigated at the postnatal (P) age P1, P7 and P14 by immunofluorescence analysis. The investigations revealed several profound interspecies differences in the distribution of PTMs between gerbil and mouse. Furthermore, this is the first study to describe the spatio-temporal distribution of TBCs in any tissue ever showing a volatile pattern of expression. The expression analysis of TBC proteins and PTMs of tubulin reveals that these proteins play a role in the physiological development of the cochlea and might be essential for hearing.
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Zelluläre Rolle und molekulare Grundlagen des Endosomentransports in Ustilago maydisWedlich-Söldner, Roland. Unknown Date (has links)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2001--München.
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Analyse des modulierenden Effekts von pegyliertem IGF-1 (pegIGF-1) auf die Hörfunktion von pmn-Mäusen / Analysis of the modulating effect of pegylated IGF-1 (pegIGF-1) on the auditory function of pmn miceSkornicka, Johannes January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Die Maus mit progressiver motorischer Neuropathie (PMN) ist ein Modell für eine vererbte motorische Neuropathie mit progressiver Neurodegeneration. Die Degeneration der Axone geht mit homozygoten Mutationen des TBCE- Gens einher, das für das Tubulin-Chaperon-E- Protein kodiert. TBCE ist für die korrekte Dimerisierung von Alpha- und Beta-Tubulin verantwortlich. Auffallend ist, dass die PMN-Maus nach dem normalen Beginn des Hörens auch einen progressiven Hörverlust entwickelt, der durch die Degeneration des Hörnervs und den Verlust der äußeren Haarzellen (OHC) gekennzeichnet ist. Die Entwicklung dieser neuronalen und cochleären Pathologie ist
Wirkung von peg-IGF-1 auf das auditorische System durch Behandlung ab dem 15. postnatalen Tag (p15). Die histologische Analyse ergab positive Auswirkungen auf die OHC-Synapsen der medialen olivocochleären (MOC) neuronalen Fasern und eine kurzfristige Abschwächung des OHC-Verlustes. Peg-IGF-1 war in der Lage, die Desorganisation der OHC-Synapsen bedingt wiederherzustellen und die Bereitstellung von cholinerger Acetyltransferase in den Präsynapsen aufrechtzuerhalten. Zur Beurteilung der auditorischen Funktion wurden frequenzspezifische Hirnstammreaktionen und otoakustische Emissionen mit Verzerrungsprodukten bei Tieren mit p21 und p28 aufgezeichnet. Trotz der positiven Auswirkungen auf die MOC-Fasern und die OHC konnte jedoch keine Wiederherstellung des Hörvermögens erreicht werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, dass die synaptische Pathologie der efferenten MOC-Fasern in PMN-Mäusen eine besondere Form der "efferenten auditorischen Neuropathie" darstellt. Peg-IGF-1 zeigte eine otoprotektive Wirkung, indem es die Degeneration von OHCs und efferenten Synapsen verhinderte. Es sind jedoch verstärkte Anstrengungen zur Optimierung der Behandlung erforderlich, um nachweisbare Verbesserungen der Hörleistung zu erzielen. / The progressive motor neuropathy (PMN) mouse is a model of an inherited motor neuropathy disease with progressive neurodegeneration. Axon degeneration associates with homozygous mutations of the TBCE gene encoding the tubulin chaperone E protein. TBCE is responsible for the correct dimerization of alpha and beta-tubulin. Strikingly, the PMN mouse also develops a progressive hearing loss after normal hearing onset, characterized by degeneration of the auditory nerve and outer hair cell (OHC) loss. However, the development of this neuronal and cochlear pathology is not fully understood yet. Previous studies with pegylated insulin-like growth factor 1 (peg-IGF-1) treatment in this mouse model have been shown to expand lifespan, weight, muscle strength, and motor coordination. Accordingly, peg-IGF-1 was evaluated for an otoprotective effect. We investigated the effect of peg-IGF-1 on the auditory system by treatment starting at postnatal day 15 (p15). Histological analysis revealed positive effects on OHC synapses of medial olivocochlear (MOC) neuronal fibers and a short-term attenuation of OHC loss. Peg-IGF-1 was able to conditionally restore the disorganization of OHC synapses and maintain the provision of cholinergic acetyltransferase in presynapses. To assess auditory function, frequency-specific auditory brainstem responses and distortion product otoacoustic emissions were recorded in animals on p21 and p28. However, despite the positive effect on MOC fibers and OHC, no restoration of hearing could be achieved. The present work demonstrates that the synaptic pathology of efferent MOC fibers in PMN mice represents a particular form of “efferent auditory neuropathy.” Peg-IGF-1 showed an otoprotective effect by preventing the degeneration of OHCs and efferent synapses. However, enhanced efforts are needed to optimize the treatment to obtain detectable improvements in hearing performances.
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Controlling Light-Matter Interaction between Localized Surface Plasmons and Quantum Emitters / Kontrollierte Licht-Materie Wechselwirkung zwischen lokalisierten Oberflächenplasmonen und QuantenemitternGroß, Heiko January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Metal nanostructures have been known for a long time to exhibit optical resonances via localized surface plasmons. The high electric fields in close proximity to the metal surface have prospects to dramatically change the dynamics of electronic transitions, such as an enhanced spontaneous decay rate of a single emitter. However, there have been two major issues which impede advances in the experimental realization of enhanced light-matter interaction. (i) The fabrication of high-quality resonant structures requires state-of-the-art patterning techniques in combination with superior materials. (ii) The tiny extension of the optical near-field requires precise control of the single emitter with respect to the nanostructure. This work demonstrates a solution to these problems by combining scanning probe and optical confocal microscopy. Here, a novel type of scanning probe is introduced which features a tip composed of the edge of a single crystalline gold sheet. The patterning via focused ion beam milling makes it possible to introduce a plasmonic nanoresonator directly at the apex of the tip. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the optical properties of this kind of scanning probe are ideal to analyze light-matter interaction. Detailed experimental studies investigate the coupling mechanism between a localized plasmon and single colloidal quantum dots by dynamically changing coupling strength via their spatial separation. The results have shown that weak interaction affects the shape of the fluorescence spectrum as well as the polarization. For the best probes it has been found that it is possible to reach the strong coupling regime at the single emitter level at room temperature. The resulting analysis of the experimental data and the proposed theoretical models has revealed the differences between the established far-field coupling and near-field coupling. It has been found that the broad bandwidth of plasmonic resonances are able to establish coherent coupling to multiple transitions simultaneously giving rise to an enhanced effective coupling strength. It has also been found that the current model to numerically calculate the effective mode volume is inaccurate in case of mesoscopic emitters and strong coupling. Finally, light-matter interaction is investigated by the means of a quantum-dot-decorated microtubule which is traversing a localized nearfield by gliding on kinesin proteins. This biological transport mechanism allows the parallel probing of a meta-surface with nm-precision. The results that have been put forward throughout this work have shed new light on the understanding of plasmonic light-matter interaction and might trigger ideas on how to more efficiently combine the power of localized electric fields and novel excitonic materials. / Metallische Nanostrukturen sind seit langer Zeit bekannt dafür optische Resonanzen durch lokalisierte Oberflächenplasmonen zu zeigen. Hohe elektrische Felder in direkter Nähe zur Metalloberfläche versprechen dramatische Dynamikänderungen von elektrischen Übergängen wie z.B. die gesteigerte spontane Zerfallsrate eines Einzelemitters. Es gibt jedoch zwei maßgebliche Gründe warum die Fortschritte der experimentellen Realisierung von Licht-Materie Wechselwirkung ausgebremst wird. (i) Die Herstellung von qualitativ hochwertigen resonanten Strukturen benötigt modernste Strukturierungsmethoden sowie die bestmöglichen Materialeigenschaften. (ii) Die winzigen Dimensionen von optischen Nahfeldern erfordern eine präzise Kontrolle des Einzelemitters im Bezug zur Nanostruktur. Diese Arbeit löst diese Probleme durch die Kombination eines Rasterkraftmikroskops mit einem optischen Konfokalmikroskop. Dabei wird eine neuartige Rastersonde vorgestellt welche eine Spitze aufweist die aus der Ecke einer monokristallinen Goldflocke besteht. Die Strukturierung mittels eines fokussierten Ionenstrahls ermöglicht es einen plasmonischen Nanoresonator direkt an der Spitze der Sonde herzustellen. Numerische Simulationen haben gezeigt, dass die optischen Eigenschaften für diese Art von Sonde ideal sind um Licht-Materie Wechselwirkung zu untersuchen. Die hier gezeigten experimentellen Studien haben den Kopplungsmechanismus zwischen lokalisierten Plasmonen und einzelnen kolloidalen Quantenpunkten untersucht indem die Kopplungstärke dynamisch über den Abstand kontrolliert wurde. Die Ergebnisse haben gezeigt, dass schwache Wechselwirkung einen Einfluss auf die Form des Fluoreszenzspektrums als auch auf die Polarisation hat. Die besten Sonden haben gezeigt, dass es möglich ist starke Wechselwirkung mit Einzelemittern bei Raumtemperatur zu erreichen. Die resultierende Analyse der experimentellen Daten und die aufgestellten theoretischen Modelle haben die Unterschiede zwischen der etablierten Fernfeldkopplung und der Nahfeldkopplung aufgezeigt. Dabei wurde beobachtet, dass die große Bandbreite von plasmonischen Resonanzen es möglich macht kohärent mit mehreren Übergängen gleichzeitig zu koppeln und dabei die effektive Kopplungsstärke zu höhen. Es wurde auch festgestellt, dass das aktuelle Model zur numerischen Beschreibung von effektiven Modenvolumen Ungenauigkeiten bei mesoskopischen Emittern und starker Wechselwirkung aufzeigt. Zuletzt wird die Licht-Materie Wechselwirkung mittels Quantenpunkt-bestückten Mikrotubuli untersucht, die auf Kinesin Proteinen durch ein lokalisiertes Nahfeld gleiten. Dieses biologische Transportsystem erlaubt es eine Meta-Oberfläche mit nm-Präzision parallel zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse, die diese Arbeit hervorgebracht hat, wirft neues Licht auf das Verständnis von plasmonischer Licht-Materie Wechselwirkung und könnte als Grundlage dienen neue Ideen zu entwickeln um effizienter die Stärke von lokalisierten elektrischen Felder und neuartiger exzitonischer Materialien zu kombinieren.
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Different effects of conditional Knock-Out of Stat3 on the sensory epithelium of the Organ of Corti / Unterschiedliche Auswirkungen des konditionellen Knock-Outs von Stat3 im sensorischen Epithel des Cortischen OrgansBieniussa, Linda Ilse January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Die Cochlea von Säugetieren nimmt Schall als Reaktion auf Vibrationen an frequenzabhängigen Positionen entlang des Cochlea-Kanals wahr. Die sensorischen äußeren Haarzellen, die von Stützzellen umgeben sind, wirken als Signalverstärker, indem sie ihre Zelllänge verändern können. Dies wird als Elektromotilität bezeichnet. Um eine korrekte elektrische Übertragung bei mechanischen Kräften zu gewährleisten, ist ein gewisser Widerstand des sensorischen Epithels eine Voraussetzung für die fehlerfreie Weiterleitung von Hörinformationen. Dieser Widerstand wird durch Mikrotubuli und deren posttranslationalen Modifikationen in den Stützzellen des sensorischen Epithels der Cochlea gewährleistet. Stat3 ist ein Transkriptionsfaktor, der an verschiedenen Phosphorylierungsstellen, sowie je nach Zelltyp und aktiviertem Signalweg an vielen zellulären Prozessen wie Differenzierung, Entzündung, Zellüberleben und Mikrotubuli-Dynamik beteiligt ist. Während Stat3 ein breites Spektrum an intrazellulären Funktionen hat, stellte sich die Frage, wie und ob Stat3 in den Zellen des Cortischen Organ einen Einfluss auf den Hörprozess hat.
Um dies zu testen, wurde das Cre/loxp-System verwendet, um Stat3 in den äußeren Haarzellen oder den Stützzellen entweder vor oder nach Hörbeginn von Mäusen konditional auszuschalten. Um das Hörvermögen zu erfassen, wurden DPOAE- und ABR-Messungen durchgeführt, während molekulare und morphologische Untersuchungen mittels Sequenzierung und Immunhistochemie durchgeführt wurden.
Eine konditioneller Knock-Out von Stat3 vor und nach dem Beginn des Hörens in äußeren Haarzellen führt zu leichten Hörschäden, während Synapsen, Nervenfasern und Mitochondrien nicht betroffen waren. Die Analyse der Sequenzierung von äußeren Haarzellen aus Mäusen mit konditionellem Knock-Out vor dem Beginn des Hörens ergab eine Störung der zellulären Homöostase und der extrazellulären Signale. Ein konditioneller Knock-Out von Stat3 in den äußeren Haarzellen nach Beginn des Hörens führte zu einem früh-entzündlichen Signalweg mit erhöhter Zytokinproduktion und der Hochregulierung des NF-κB-Wegs. In den Stützzellen führte ein kondioneller Knock-Out von Stat3 nur nach dem Beginn des Hörens zu einer Hörbeeinträchtigung. Synapsen, Nervensoma und -fasern waren jedoch von einem konditionellen Knock-Out von Stat3 in Stützzellen nicht betroffen. Dennoch war die detyronisierte Modifikation der Mikrotubuli verändert, was zu einer Instabilität der Stützzellen, insbesondere der Phalangealfortsätze, führte, was wiederum zu einer Instabilität des Epithels während des Hörvorgangs führte.
Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass ein konditioneller Knock-Out von Stat3 in Zellen des Cortischen Organs zu einer Hörstörung führte. Während ein konditioneller Knock-Out in äußeren Haarzellen eine erhöhte Zytokinproduktion zur Folge hatte, verloren die Stützzellen ihre Zellstabilität aufgrund einer verminderten detyronisierten Modifikation der Mikrotubuli. Insgesamt deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass Stat3 ein wichtiges Protein für die Hörleistung ist. Es sind jedoch weitere Untersuchungen des molekularen Mechanismus erforderlich, um die Rolle von Stat3 in den Zellen des Corti-Organs zu verstehen. / The mammalian cochlea detects sound in response to vibration at frequency-dependent positions along the cochlea duct. The sensory outer hair cells, which are surrounded by supporting cells, act as a signal amplifier by changing their cell length. This is called electromotility. To ensure correct electrical transmission during mechanical forces, a certain resistance of the sensory epithelium is a prerequisite for correct transduction of auditory information. This resistance is managed by microtubules and its posttranslational modification in the supporting cells of the sensory epithelium of the cochlea. Stat3 is a transcription factor, with its different phosphorylation sites, is involved in many cellular processes like differentiation, inflammation, cell survival and microtubule dynamics, depending on cell type and activated pathway. While Stat3 has a wide range of intracellular roles, the question arose, how and if Stat3 is involved in cells of the organ of Corti to ensure a correct hearing.
To test this, Cre/loxp system were used to perform conditional Knock-Out (cKO) of Stat3 in outer hair cells or supporting cells either before hearing onset or after hearing onset. Hearing performances included DPOAE and ABR measurements, while molecular were performed by sequencing. Additionally, morphological examination was used by immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy.
A cKO of Stat3 before and after hearing onset in outer hair cells leads to hearing impairments, whereas synapses, nerve fibers and mitochondria were not affected. Bulk sequencing analyzation of outer hair cells out of cKO mice before hearing onset resulted in a disturbance of cellular homeostasis and extracellular signals. A cKO of Stat3 in the outer hair cells after hearing onset resulted in inflammatory signaling pathway with increased cytokine production and upregulation of NF-kb pathway. In supporting cells, cKO of Stat3 only after hearing onset resulted in a hearing impairment. However, synapses, nerve soma and fibers were not affected of a cKO of Stat3 in supporting cells. Nevertheless, detyronisated modification of microtubules were altered, which can lead to an instability of supporting cells during hearing.
In conclusion, Stat3 likely interact in a cell-specific and function-specific manner in cells of the organ of Corti. While a cKO in outer hair cells resulted in increased cytokine production, supporting cells altered its stability due to decreased detyronisated modification of microtubules. Together the results indicated that Stat3 is an important protein for hearing performances. However, additional investigations of the molecular mechanism are needed to understand the role of Stat3 in the cells of the organ of Corti.
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Functional Characterization of Microtubule Associated Proteins in ES Cell Division and Neuronal DifferentiationDemir, Özlem 27 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Microtubules are tubular polymers that are involved in a variety of cellular processes such as cell movement, mitosis and intracellular transport. The dynamic behavior of microtubules makes this possible because all of these processes require quick responses. Embryonic stem (ES) cells were first isolated from mouse embryos and they have two unique characteristics; they can be kept undifferentiated for many passages with a stable karyotype and they can be differentiated into any type of cells under appropriate conditions. The pluripotency of ES cells, their ease of manipulation in culture, and their ability to contribute to the mouse germ-line provides us a model of differentiation both in vitro and in vivo. In my thesis I focused on the cell division and neuronal differentiation of ES cells and developed two methods to understand the effects of microtubule dynamics in spindle assembly and chromosome segregation and to reveal the roles of different Microtubule Associated Proteins (MAPs) in the neuronal morphology formation.
In the first part, we developed a live-cell imaging method for ES cells to visualize, track and analyze the single cell behavior in a cell population over a time period. So far many techniques have been adapted and combined for imaging of cell lines, mainly for the cancer or immortalized ones. However, because ES cells are very prone to apoptosis, tend to form spheres and hard to stably label, it is quite tricky to image them in culture conditions. In our system, we combined the BAC-based gene expression with wide-field deconvolution microscopy for ES cells that are plated onto the laminin-511 coated surface and kept in CO2 independent culture conditions. This combined technique does not interfere with the growth of cells and keeps them healthy up to 24 hours on the microscope stage.
In the second part, we analyzed the effects of MAPs chTOG, EB1, Kif18A and MCAK in the overall spindle morphology and mitotic progression in mES cells. For this purpose, we utilized our stable TUBB-GFP and H2A-GFP cell lines along with our live-cell imaging set-up to reveal the effects of the above-mentioned proteins and the interplay among each other. By using RNAi method we either single or co-depleted the genes by siRNAs and measured the spindle length and width in RNAi conditions. We further analyzed the mitotic progression in H2A-GFP cell line in terms of the metaphase timing and the percentage of chromosome segregation errors. Our results showed that, EB1 depletion did not cause any significant changes in the overall spindle morphology or in the metaphase timing. However, the co-depletion of EB1 with chTOG partially rescued the sichTOG specific mini-spindle phenotype. siKif18A produced longer spindles without any change in the spindle width. Surprisingly, the co-depletion of antagonistic chTOG and Kif18A proteins had additive effects on the spindle dynamics and on mitotic progression in a way that spindle assembly was severely disrupted by the absence of these two proteins and as a result of this, both metaphase timing and chromosome missegregation levels increased significantly. These results overall indicate that MAPs have important roles in the regulation of dynamic instability and these proteins have an interplay among each other to be able to control the morphology of the spindle as well as the correct segregation of chromosomes into daughter cells.
In the last part, I will introduce you a new ES cell based differentiation and morphology model, which brings the advantages of high resolution imaging capacity, control over development and easy genetic manipulation and culturing. We have generated Tet-induced shRNA cell lines against chTOG, Kif18A and MCAK, which are also stably expressing TUBB-GFP. These labeled cells were mixed with unlabeled wild-type mES cells before differentiation at 1:1000 ratio and then they were differentiated into mouse cortical cells and spinal motor neurons. Our results showed that, all of the three genes could be successfully knocked-down by shRNA after 48 hours of Tet induction. After mixing the labeled and unlabeled cells, single neurons could be imaged at high resolution and their skeletons could be generated afterwards. The RNAi studies in shchTOG cell line showed that, the knock-down of this gene in early differentiation interferes with the neuronal differentiation.
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Modulation of Cargo Transport and Sorting through Endosome Motility and PositioningHöpfner, Sebastian 28 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Utilizing various systems such as cell-based assays but also multicellular organisms such as Drosophila melanogaster and C.elegans, for example, the endocytic system has been shown to consist of a network of biochemically and morphologically distinct organelles that carry out specialized tasks in the uptake, recycling and catabolism of growth factors and nutrients, serving a plethora of key biological functions (Mellman, 1996). Different classes of endosomes were found to exhibit a characteristic intracellular steady state distribution. This distribution pattern observed at steady state results from a dynamic interaction of endosomes with the actin and the microtubule cytoskeleton. It remains unclear, however, which microtubule-based motors besides Dynein control the intracellular distribution and motility of early endosomes and how their function is integrated with the sorting and transport of cargo. The first part of this thesis research outlines the search for such motor. I describe the identification of KIF16B which functions as a novel endocytic motor protein. This molecular motor, a kinesin-3, transports early endosomes to the plus end of microtubules, in a process regulated by the small GTPase Rab5 and its effector, the phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase hVPS34. In vivo, KIF16B overexpression relocated early endosomes to the cell periphery and inhibited transport to the degradative pathway. Conversely, expression of dominant-negative mutants or ablation of KIF16B by RNAi caused the clustering of early endosomes to the peri-nuclear region, delayed receptor recycling to the plasma membrane and accelerated degradation. These results suggest that KIF16B, by regulating the plus end motility of early endosomes, modulates the intracellular localization of early endosomes and the balance between receptor recycling and degradation. In displaying Rab5 and PI(3)P-containing cargo selectivity, a remarkable property of KIF16B is that it is subjected to the same regulatory principles governing the membrane tethering and fusion machinery (Zerial and McBride, 2001). Since KIF16B can modulate growth factor degradation, we propose that this motor could have also important implications for signaling. Importantly, KIF16B has provided novel insight into how intracellular localization of endosomes governs the transport activity of these organelles. The second part of this thesis describes the proof-of-principle of a genome-wide screening strategy aimed at gaining insights into the next level of understanding: How the spatial distribution of organelles is linked to their function in an experimental system which features cellular polarity, for example, a tissue or organ. The suitability of C. elegans as a model organism to identify genes functioning in endocytosis has been demonstrated by previous genetic screens (Grant and Hirsh 1999; Fares and Greenwald, 2001). Offering excellent morphological resolution and polarization, the nematode intestine represents a good system to study the apical sorting of a transmembrane marker. The steady state localization of such a marker is likely the result of a dynamic process that depends on biosynthetic trafficking to the apical surface, apical endocytosis and recycling occurring through apical recycling endosomes. Therefore, mis-sorting of this marker upon RNA-mediated interference will be indicative of a failure in one of the aforementioned processes. Furthermore, since it is still largely unclear why apical endosomes maintain their polarized localization, this screen will also monitor the morphology of this endocytic compartment using a second marker. Following image acquisition based on an automated confocal microscope, data can be analyzed using custom-built software allowing objective phenotypic analysis. The successful establishment of the proof-of-principle marks the current state-of-the-art of this large-scale screening project.
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Modulation of Cargo Transport and Sorting through Endosome Motility and PositioningHöpfner, Sebastian 14 November 2005 (has links)
Utilizing various systems such as cell-based assays but also multicellular organisms such as Drosophila melanogaster and C.elegans, for example, the endocytic system has been shown to consist of a network of biochemically and morphologically distinct organelles that carry out specialized tasks in the uptake, recycling and catabolism of growth factors and nutrients, serving a plethora of key biological functions (Mellman, 1996). Different classes of endosomes were found to exhibit a characteristic intracellular steady state distribution. This distribution pattern observed at steady state results from a dynamic interaction of endosomes with the actin and the microtubule cytoskeleton. It remains unclear, however, which microtubule-based motors besides Dynein control the intracellular distribution and motility of early endosomes and how their function is integrated with the sorting and transport of cargo. The first part of this thesis research outlines the search for such motor. I describe the identification of KIF16B which functions as a novel endocytic motor protein. This molecular motor, a kinesin-3, transports early endosomes to the plus end of microtubules, in a process regulated by the small GTPase Rab5 and its effector, the phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase hVPS34. In vivo, KIF16B overexpression relocated early endosomes to the cell periphery and inhibited transport to the degradative pathway. Conversely, expression of dominant-negative mutants or ablation of KIF16B by RNAi caused the clustering of early endosomes to the peri-nuclear region, delayed receptor recycling to the plasma membrane and accelerated degradation. These results suggest that KIF16B, by regulating the plus end motility of early endosomes, modulates the intracellular localization of early endosomes and the balance between receptor recycling and degradation. In displaying Rab5 and PI(3)P-containing cargo selectivity, a remarkable property of KIF16B is that it is subjected to the same regulatory principles governing the membrane tethering and fusion machinery (Zerial and McBride, 2001). Since KIF16B can modulate growth factor degradation, we propose that this motor could have also important implications for signaling. Importantly, KIF16B has provided novel insight into how intracellular localization of endosomes governs the transport activity of these organelles. The second part of this thesis describes the proof-of-principle of a genome-wide screening strategy aimed at gaining insights into the next level of understanding: How the spatial distribution of organelles is linked to their function in an experimental system which features cellular polarity, for example, a tissue or organ. The suitability of C. elegans as a model organism to identify genes functioning in endocytosis has been demonstrated by previous genetic screens (Grant and Hirsh 1999; Fares and Greenwald, 2001). Offering excellent morphological resolution and polarization, the nematode intestine represents a good system to study the apical sorting of a transmembrane marker. The steady state localization of such a marker is likely the result of a dynamic process that depends on biosynthetic trafficking to the apical surface, apical endocytosis and recycling occurring through apical recycling endosomes. Therefore, mis-sorting of this marker upon RNA-mediated interference will be indicative of a failure in one of the aforementioned processes. Furthermore, since it is still largely unclear why apical endosomes maintain their polarized localization, this screen will also monitor the morphology of this endocytic compartment using a second marker. Following image acquisition based on an automated confocal microscope, data can be analyzed using custom-built software allowing objective phenotypic analysis. The successful establishment of the proof-of-principle marks the current state-of-the-art of this large-scale screening project.
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