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Molecular analysis of the LTR retrotransposon Ylt1 from the genome of dimorphic fungus Yarrowia lipolyticaKovalchuk, Andriy 22 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The retrotransposon Ylt1 was described previously from the genome of the dimorphic fungus Yarrowia lipolytica. Remarkably, Ylt1 is currently the largest LTR retrotransposon reported from fungal genomes. However, little was known about its biology and its interactions with host genome. So, the aim of this work was the characterization of properties of Ylt1.Analysis of proteins encoded by Ylt1 (Gag protein and integrase) was carried out during this work. To enable their detection, both proteins were tagged with HA epitopes. The sizes of Gag protein and putative precursors of Gag protein and integrase were estimated, and a model for the proteolytic processing of the polyprotein of Ylt1 was proposed. It was shown that Gag protein of Ylt1 is about 2-fold larger than Gag proteins of other studied yeast retrotransposons. An analysis of Ylt1 expression was also performed. Production of the Ylt1 Gag protein under different conditions was analyzed by Western blotting. Expression of Ylt1 occurred on all tested carbon sources. The amount of Ylt1 decreased rapidly upon transition to stationary growth phase, in the presence of copper sulfate and under heat shock conditions. It is suggested that Ylt1 is expressed in actively growing cells, whereas stress conditions have a negative impact on its expression. Such expression pattern was not previously reported for other yeast retrotransposons. Activity of Ylt1 in vivo was characterized using an Ylt1 elements tagged with SUC2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mobilization of the marked Ylt1 element and its transposition from autonomous plasmid into host genome was observed in performed experiments. Obtained results strongly support the idea that Ylt1 is transpositionally active. Formation of tandem repeats by newly inserted Ylt1 elements was observed in several cases. It is suggested that integrase function was affected in this case, and that the integration was mediated by homologous recombination instead. Analysis of the Ylt1 insertion specificity and of the Ylt1 distribution in the genome of Y. lipolytica E150 was done. The remarkable sequence specificity of Ylt1 insertions, which is unusual for LTR retrotransposons, was revealed during this analysis. Also, it was shown that Ylt1 insertions are found mainly in intergenic regions, often at a significant distance (>500 bp) from the next reading frame. No association of Ylt1 insertions with tRNA genes was observed. Searches for Ylt1-related elements in the Y. lipolytica genome database were performed. The novel Ty3/gypsy element Tyl6 was found in the genome of Y. lipolytica E150. The sequence analysis of this element was carried out. It was shown that structural properties of Tyl6 resemble the properties of the Ty3 element of S. cerevisiae. However, two reading frames of Tyl6 (gag and pol) are separated by -1 frame-shift, which was not previously reported for retrotransposons of hemiascomycetous yeasts. Phylogenetic analysis placed Tyl6 within chromoviruses, and the Tse3 element of S. exiguus was shown to be the closest relative of Tyl6. The distribution of Tyl6 among Y. lipolytica strains was analyzed. Interestingly, the novel element was found only in strains derived from the strain YB423-12. The strains of independent origin included in the analysis were shown to be Tyl6-free. The same distribution was previously reported for the retrotransposon Ylt1 and for the DNA transposon Mutyl. Two models of the evolution of transposable elements in Y. lipolytica genome were proposed based on these results.
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Molekularbiologische Charakterisierung und funktionelle Analyse des GPR1-Genproduktes in der Hefe Yarrowia lipolytica / Molecular characterization and functional analysis of the GPR1 gene product in the yeast Yarrowia lipolyticaAugstein, Antje 13 July 2001 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Molekulare und biochemische Charakterisierung des mitochondrialen Translationsaktivators Cbs2p in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeTzschoppe, Kathrin 10 September 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist das Kerngen CBS2 aus Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cbs2p wird gemeinsam mit Cbs1p spezifisch für die Translation der Cytochrom b (COB)-mRNA in den Mitochondrien benötigt. Die Untersuchungen konzentrierten sich auf die Charakterisierung funktionell wichtiger Bereiche im N- und C-terminalen Bereich des Proteins, den Nachweis von Protein-Protein Wechelwirkungen, die Assoziation von Cbs2p mit mitochondrialen Ribosomen und die Bedeutung des N-terminalen Bereiches für den Import von Cbs2p in die Mitochondrien. Die aminoterminalen 35 Aminosäuren (As) von Cbs2p genügen, um das Reporterprotein Gfp vollständig in die Mitochondrien zu rekrutieren. Dieses Ergebnis zeigt, dass der N-Terminus von Cbs2p den Import von Proteinen in die Mitochondrien vermitteln kann. Da ein N-terminal um 35 As verkürztes Cbs2-Protein ebenfalls noch in den Mitochondrien nachweisbar ist, besitzt Cbs2p wenigstens ein weiteres, vom N-Terminus unabhängiges, internes oder C-terminal lokalisiertes Importsignal für die Mitochondrien. Aufgrund genetischer Daten ist Abc1p ein potenzieller Interaktionspartner von Cbs2p. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine physikalische Wechselwirkung zwischen beiden Proteinen stattfindet. Mittels Blauer Nativ-Gelelektrophorese wurde Cbs2p in einem höher molekularen Proteinkomplex nachgewiesen. Da Cbs2p in der Lage ist, in vitro Homomere zu bilden, sprechen die Daten dafür, das Cbs2p als Multimer in diesem Komplex vorliegt. Es konnte weiterhin gezeigt werden, dass der N-Terminus von Cbs2p eine essentielle Rolle bei der Homomerisierung des Proteins spielt. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse erweitern das von Michaelis et al. (1991) entwickelte Modell der Wirkungsweise der Translationsaktivatoren Cbs1p und Cbs2p wie folgt: Cbs1p und Cbs2p sind mit der inneren Membran assoziiert. Beide Proteine könnten die COB-mRNA an die mitochondriale Innenmembran führen. Der Kontakt zwischen der COB-mRNA und der mitochondrialen Translationsmaschinerie könnte durch die Assoziation von Cbs2p mit mitochondrialen Ribosomen hergestellt werden. Nur an der Membran erlaubt die Prozessierungs- und Translationsmaschinerie die Reifung von COB-mRNA und die Synthese und Assemblierung von Cytochrom b. Das Vorliegen von Cbs2p in einem hoch molekularen Komplex und die physikalische Wechselwirkung mit Abc1p könnten ein Hinweis dafür sein, dass die Translation in räumlicher Nähe des Assemblierungsortes von Cytochrom b, dem bc1-Komplex, stattfindet.
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