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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wettability alteration in high temperature and high salinity carbonate reservoirs

Sharma, Gaurav, M.S. in Engineering 02 November 2011 (has links)
The goal of this work is to change the wettability of a carbonate rock from oil wet-mixed-wet towards water-wet at high temperature and high salinity. Only simple surfactant systems (single surfactant, dual surfactants) in dilute concentration were tried for this purpose. It was thought that the change in wettability would help to recover more oil during secondary surfactant flood as compared to regular waterflood. Three types of surfactants, anionic, non-ionic and cationic surfactants in dilute concentrations (<0.2 wt%) were used. Initial surfactant screening was done on the basis of aqueous stability at these harsh conditions. Contact angle experiments on aged calcite plates were done to narrow down the list of surfactants and spontaneous imbibition experiments were conducted on field cores for promising surfactants. Secondary waterflooding was conducted in cores with and without the wettability altering surfactants. It was observed that barring a few surfactants, most were aqueous unstable by themselves at these harsh conditions. Dual surfactant systems, a mixture of a non-ionic and a cationic surfactant increased the aqueous stability of the non-ionic surfactants. One of the dual surfactant system, a mixture of Tergitol NP-10 and Dodecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide, proved very effective for wettability alteration and could recover 70-80% of OOIP during spontaneous imbibition. Secondary waterflooding with the wettability altering surfactant (without alkali or polymer) increased the oil recovery over the waterflooding without the surfactants (from 29% to 40% OOIP). Surfactant adsorption calculated during the coreflood showed an adsorption of 0.24 mg NP-10/gm of rock and 0.20 mg DTAB/gm of rock. A waterflood done after the surfactant flood revealed change in the relative permeability before and after the surfactant flood suggesting change in wettability towards water-wet. / text

In-situ marine monitoring and environmental management of SWRO concentrate discharge: A case study of the KAUST SWRO plant

Van Der Merwe, Riaan 06 1900 (has links)
Concentrate (when discharged to the ocean) may have chronic/acute impacts on marine ecosystems, particularly in the mixing zone around outfalls. The environmental impact of the desalination plant discharges is very site- and volumetric specific, and depends to a great extent on the salinity tolerance of the specific marine microbial communities as well as higher order organisms inhabiting the water column in and around this extreme discharge environment. Scientific studies that aim to grant insight into possible impacts of concentrate discharge are very important, in order to understand how this may affect different marine species when exposed to elevated salinity levels or residual chemicals from the treatment process in the discharge site. The objective of this PhD research was to investigate the potential environmental effects of the concentrate discharge in the near-field area around the submerged discharge of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) plant by a combination of biological and hydrological studies. Possible changes in microbial abundance were assessed by using flow cytometric (FCM) analysis on a single-cell level in 107 samples, taken from the discharge area, the feed-water intake area and two control sites. Results indicate that changes in microbial abundance in the near-field area of the KAUST SWRO outfall are minor and appear to bethe result of a dilution effect rather than a direct impact of the concentrate discharge. In order to also investigate potential impacts on higher order organisms, a longterm in-situ salinity tolerance test at the discharge site was conducted on the coral Fungia granulosa and its photophysiology. The corals were exposed to elevated levels of salinity as a direct result of concentrate discharge. Their photosynthetic response after exposure to extreme salinity conditions around the full-scale operating SWRO desalination discharge was measured. A pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometer was used to assess photochemical energy conversion in photosystem II (PSII) measured under constant concentrate discharge conditions. Based on a literature review, we anticipated distinct impairment of photosynthetic characteristics as a response to elevated salinity levels. We also expected particularly quick indications of bleaching for the specimens exposed to the highest salinity levels. The hypothesis was strongly rejected as symbiotic dinoflagellates of Fungia granulosa demonstrated high tolerance to hyper saline stress as measured by effective quantum yield of PSII (ΔF/Fm’) during this study. A series of propulsion driven autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) missions with velocity and salinity measurements were used for possible plume detection and evaluation of the discharge. The Cornell Mixing Zone Expert System (CORMIX) was additionally utilized in order to assess discharge performance under different ambient velocity magnitudes. Results show that AUV missions could provide significant insight with regards to plume identification and effluent discharge environmental impact studies. Combined with robust in-situ field measurements, models and expert systems were used to evaluate possible impacts on the marine environment in comparison with regulatory mixing zones and dilution criteria. Based on the findings and existing environmental governance (national and international), a revised regulatory framework for mixing zones within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is recommended.

Μελέτη της υδροδυναμικής της λιμνοθάλασσας Δράνας / The hydrodynamic study of Drana lagoon

Γιάννη, Αρετή 17 May 2007 (has links)
Η λιμνοθάλασσα Δράνα βρίσκεται στο ΒΔ τμήμα των εκβολών του ποταμού Έβρου, στο ΝΑ άκρο του νομού Έβρου. Η λιμνοθάλασσα αποξηράνθηκε από τους αγρότες της περιοχής στις 11 Μαίου 1987, γιατί θεωρήθηκε ότι ήταν η αιτία που προκαλούσε την αλάτωση των καλλιεργούμενων εκτάσεων. Η ανάγκη όμως αναβίωσης του βιοτόπου της λιμνοθάλασσας Δράνας οδήγησε τελικά στον επαναπλημμυρισμό της στις 5 Ιουνίου 2004. Η λιμνοθάλασσα καταλαμβάνει σήμερα έκταση περίπου ίση με 4km2 και έχει μέγιστο βάθος 0.9m. Επικοινωνεί με την ανοιχτή θάλασσα μέσω ενός διαύλου πλάτους 5m και μέγιστου βάθους 4m. Λίγους μήνες μετά την αποκατάσταση της ξεκίνησε η μέτρηση των φυσικών παραμέτρων της λιμνοθάλασσας η οποία και κράτησε αρκετούς μήνες, έτσι ώστε να εκτημηθεί η κατάσταση του φυσικού οικοσυστήματος. Mεταξύ άλλων μετρήθηκαν, η ταχύτητα και η διεύθυνση του ανέμου, η στάθμη της θάλασσας, η θερμοκρασία αέρα και νερού, η αλατότητα και η σχετική υγρασία. Στην παρούσα εργασία αναλύθηκαν τα δεδομένα αυτών των μετρήσεων και στην συνέχεια χρησημοποιήθηκαν για την προσομοίωση των υδροδυναμικών παραμέτρων της λιμνοθάλασσας Δράνας. Προσομοιώθηκε λοιπόν η κυκλοφορία της λιμνοθάλασσας, (ταχύτητα και διεύθυνση των ρευμάτων), αλλά και η επιφανειακή κατανομή της θερμοκρασίας και της αλατότητας. Η Δράνα είναι μια λιμνοθάλασσα η οποία χαρακτηρίζεται από υψηλές τιμές αλατότητας (μεγαλύτερες από αυτές της θάλασσας) και η ανανεώση των υδάτων της είναι πολύ αργή. Η ρύθμιση της αλατότητας μπορεί πραγματοποιηθεί με την είσοδο γλυκού νερού από τη Δεκάμετρο και Σαραντάμετρο αποστραγγιστική τάφρο. / The lagoon of Drana is situated in the river Ebros delta. The lagoon was dried at the 11/5/1987 and has flooded again at the 5/6/2004. Drana covers an area equal to 4km2 and it has a maximum depth of 0.9m. The lagoon is connected with the sea through a 4m deep and 5m wide channel. After the flooding of the lagoon the parameters that were measured are: wind speed, wind direction, sea level, air and water temperature, salinity and relative humidity. These measurements were used for the simulation of hydrodynamics (current speed and current direction) of Drana lagoon. Furthermore, were simulated the surface temperature and salinity. Drana is a lagoon with high salinity and short period of water refreshment. The salinity can be controlled by the fresh water inflow from the Sarantametros and Dekametros drainage channels.

Salinity of irrigation water in the Philippi farming area of the cape flats, Cape Town, South Africa

Aza-Gnandji Cocou Davis Ruben January 2011 (has links)
<p>This research investigated the nature, source and the spatial variation of the salinity of the water used for irrigation in the urban farming area of Philippi, which lies in the Cape Flats region of the Cape Town Metropolitan Area, South Africa. The irrigation water is mainly drawn from the Cape Flats aquifer, and pumped into ponds for eventual crop irrigation. Water samples were collected in summer and in winter from fifteen selected sites using standard water sampling procedures. Each site consisted of one borehole and one pond. The samples were routinely analyzed for salinity levels, and concentrations of major and minor ions. From the same boreholes and ponds, water was sampled in summer for isotope analysis to assess effects of evaporation on the water quality and salinity. Descriptive statistics were used to display the variation in range of specific ions in order to compare them with the recommended ranges. Geographical Information Systems analysis described the spatial distribution of the salinity across the study area, and hydrogeochemical analysis characterized the various waters and detected similarities between the water samples in the study area and other waters found in the Cape Flats region. In addition, the US salinity diagram classification of irrigation water developed by Richards (1954) was used to assess the current suitability of groundwater and pond water samples collected during the entire sampling period for irrigation activities. The research indicated that the concentrations of some ions such as chloride, nitrate, potassium and sodium exceeded in places in the study area, the target range values set by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF, 1996) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (Ayers and Westcot, 1985). It revealed that borehole and pond water were mostly brackish across the area regarding their total dissolved salts content, and fresh water was only found in the middle part of the study area. The research found that sea water does not intrude into the aquifer of the study area, and the accumulation of salts in groundwater and soil in the study area is mainly due to the agricultural activities and partially due to the natural movement of water through the geological formation of the Cape Flats region. The conceptual model of the occurrence of the salinization process supported these findings. From this investigation it is understood that the groundwater and pond water in the study area were generally suitable for irrigation purposes but they have to be used with caution as the vegetables are classified as sensitive and moderately sensitive to salt according to DWAF Irrigation water guidelines (1996). The quality of these waters was mainly affected by the land use activities.</p>

Cellular and molecular mechanisms of salinity acclimation in an amphidromous teleost fish

Lee, Jacqueline Amanda January 2012 (has links)
Inanga (Galaxias maculatus) is an amphidromous fish species that is able to successfully inhabit a variety of salinities. Using an integrated approach this thesis has characterised for the first time the physiological characteristics that facilitate acclimation in inanga. Structural studies using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM) revealed freshwater-acclimated inanga have a high density of apical pits and freshwater-type mitochondria-rich cells (MRCs) that can facilitate ion absorption from the hypo-osmotic environment. In seawater, inanga remodel their gills by increased proliferation of seawater-type MRCs to facilitate ion secretion in the hyper-osmotic environment. Concentration-dependent sodium (Na+) kinetic analysis revealed that at a whole body level, inanga regulate Na+ using a saturable, high affinity, low capacity uptake system which makes them extremely adept at extracting Na+ from very dilute freshwater environments. In fact inanga displayed an uptake affinity (Km) of 52 ± 29 µM, which is one of the lowest ever recorded in freshwater fish. The sodium/potassium ATPase transporter (NKA) is central to Na+ regulation within the gill. In high salinties inanga displayed increased NKA activity (6.42 ± 0.51 µmol ADP mg protein-1 h-1) in an effort to excrete the excess Na+, diffusively gained from the hyper-osmotic environment. This increase in NKA was most likely a reflection of the proliferation of NKA-containing MRCs. The NKA activities seen in freshwater- and 50% seawater-acclimated inanga were similar (2.54 ± 0.19 and 2.07 ± 0.22 µmol ADP mg protein-1 h-1 respectively) to each other suggesting the inanga gill is capable of supporting ion regulation in brackish waters without a significant increase in NKA activities, and the energetically-expensive changes in gill structure and function that accompany such a change. Molecular investigation of NKA isoform expression using quantitative PCR (qPCR) showed that inanga displayed salinity-induced changes in the expression of the three α NKA isoform variants investigated. Isoform α1a exhibited a pattern consistent with an important role in freshwater, confirming results from other fish species. While it is generally accepted that α1b isoform is the predominant NKA isoform in seawater, inanga did not display this pattern with a freshwater dominance seen. None of the salinity-induced changes could quantitatively explain the increased NKA activity in seawater suggesting that different isoforms may convey different activities, that there is also regulation of NKA at a post-transcriptional level, and/or other isoforms or subunits may have a significant role. The importance of the osmoregulatory hormone cortisol and prolactin is widely accepted and inanga were treated with cortisol, prolactin and a combination of the two in an effort to further elucidate their role. NKA activity and NKA isoform expression were assessed but no specific patterns were deduced, except for a decrease in both NKA activity and isoform expression in 100% seawater-acclimated inanga treated with cortisol and prolactin. The reasons for this decrease were not evident, although the impact of stress induced by the injection protocol was likely to be a confounding factor. The development of a new confocal-based technique in this study was able to describe, for the first time, intracellular sodium levels ([Na+]i) as a function of salinity in an intact euryhaline fish gill cell. Using the fluorescent Na+ indicator dye CoroNa Green this study demonstrated the ability of inanga gill cells to maintain [Na+]i in the face of environmental change. Freshwater-acclimated inanga displayed basal [Na+]i of 5.2 ± 1.8 mM, with 12 ± 2.3 mM and 16.2 ± 3.0 mM recorded in 50% seawater- and 100% seawater-acclimated cells, respectively. Low [Na+]i is advantageous in hypo-osmotic environments as it provides a gradient between the cell and the blood which is essential for generating electrochemical gradients cell volume regulation and other cellular homeostatic mechanisms. A slightly elevated [Na+]i seen at the higher sanities would help minimise the diffusive gradient for passive influx from the environment which would be of benefit in hyper-osmotic environments. Upon salinity challenge 50% seawater cells were equally adept at maintaining a constant [Na+]i at any salinity, suggesting these cells are have the necessary constituents to regulate Na+ in both lower and higher salinities. This novel LSCM approach is advantageous relative to existing transport models as it will allow the observation of cellular ion transport in real time, within a native filament structure displaying functional interaction of different cell types. The extreme ion uptake characteristics of the inanga and their amenability to in situ confocal-based studies demonstrated in this study, confirm inanga as a valuable model species for future research.

Strategies of inanga (Galaxias maculatus) for surviving the environmental stressors of hypoxia and salinity change

Urbina Foneron, Mauricio January 2013 (has links)
Salinity and oxygen availability have long been recognised as important factors influencing animal physiology and therefore species distribution. The maintenance of appropriate cellular ion levels is critical for many essential physiological processes, but at the same time is energetically expensive. Since hypoxia is likely to impose aerobic limitations for ATP generation, the maintenance of salt and water homeostasis could be at risk during hypoxia. The amphidromous inanga (Galaxias maculatus) is well known for its salinity tolerance and its life cycle that involves several salinity related migrations. During these migrations inanga also frequently encounters hypoxic waters, and therefore must maintain energy homeostasis when aerobic metabolism may be compromised. The present study has investigated behavioural, physiological, biochemical and molecular mechanisms by which inanga tolerate changes in salinity and hypoxia. After 14 days of acclimation to salinities ranging from freshwater to 43‰, inanga showed physiological acclimation. This was evident by no changes in metabolic rates or energy expenditures through this salinity range. Energy balance seemed to be tightly and efficiently controlled by changes in the proportion of protein and lipids used as energy substrate. No mortalities and only minor changes in plasma osmolality also indicated salinity acclimation. The remarkable osmoregulatory capacity of inanga was also evidenced after a seawater challenge. The osmotic balance of inanga was only disrupted during the first 24 hours after the challenge, evidenced by an increase in plasma osmolality and plasma Na+, and a decrease in muscle water content. These physiological changes were correlated with changes at the molecular level. Different isoforms of the catalytic subunit of the Na+,K+-ATPase (NKA) were isolated, partially sequenced and identified in inanga. Phylogenetic analysis grouped inanga isoforms (α-1a, α-1b, α-1c) with their respective homologues from salmonids. Patterns of mRNA expression were also similar to salmonids, with α-1a being downregulated and α-1b being up-regulated following seawater challenge. Previous to this study, NKA isoform switching was reported to occur only in salmonids and cichlids. The presence of NKA subunits that change with environmnetal salinity in inanga indicates that this isoform switching phenomenon is much more widespread among teleost lineages than previously thought. Aiming to elucidate the hypoxia tolerance of inanga, oxygen consumption rate as a function of decreasing external PO2 was evaluated. At no point did inanga regulate oxygen consumption, suggesting that this species is an oxyconformer. This is the first robust demonstration of the existence of oxyconforming in fish. Evaluation of the scaling relationship between oxygen consumption and fish size in normoxia, showed that the exponent of this relationship fell within the range previously reported for fish. However, in hypoxic conditions the scaling relationship was less clear suggesting different size-related mechanisms for tolerating hypoxia. Analysis of the aerobic and anaerobic metabolism of small and large fish, showed that smaller inanga were able to sustain aerobic metabolism for longer than larger inanga, which instead relied on anaerobic metabolism for extending their survival. This knowledge is likely to be of value for the conservation of this iconic fish species, by incorporating these size related differences in hypoxia tolerance in streams management. In light of the unusual oxyconforming response of inanga, a study examining the behavioural responses of this species to declining dissolved oxygen was performed. Inanga did not display a behaviour that might reduce energy expenditure during oxygen limitation; instead swimming activity and speed were elevated relative to normoxia. As hypoxia deepened inanga leaped out of the water, emersing themselves on a floating platform. Once emersed, fish exhibited an enhanced oxygen consumption rate compared to fish that remained in hypoxic water. Although this emersion behaviour was hypothesised to be of physiological advantage, both aquatic hypoxia and emersion resulted in similar physiological and biochemical consequences in inanga. While in hypoxic water oxygen availability seemed to be the limiting factor, in air failure of the circulatory system was hypothesised to be the cause of a similar metabolic signature to that found in aquatic hypoxia. Overall, inanga seemed to be not particularly well adapted to tolerate aquatic hypoxia. In light of the increasing likelihood of anthropogenic-induced hypoxia in inanga habitats, this is likely to have negative consequences for the future of inanga populations in the wild. Although this study provides the mechanisms behind the exceptional salinity tolerance of inanga, its susceptibility to hypoxia is likely to impose further constraints for the osmoregulatory processes that guarantee inanga survival during life cycle migrations. The results of the present study are relevant for understanding and managing the fishery of this economically- and culturally important fish species.

Ecosystem Services Based Evaluation Framework of Land-use Management Options for Dryland Salinity in the Avon Region, Western Australian Wheatbelt

Kleplova, Klara Zoe January 2014 (has links)
Dryland-salinity management options aim to positively influence the adverse human-induced processes which lead to salinisation of top-soil. Specifically, the processes causing dryland-salinity are rising saline groundwater table and soil erosion. In the Avon region of Western Australia, the management options are evaluated solely on the basis of their efficiency in lowering groundwater tables. However, recently the need to take into account also their wider impact on the ecosystems' resilience has been recognised as well. Nevertheless, the tool to assess these impacts is missing. The aim of this thesis is to synthesise the missing tool from existing ecosystem services-based land-use evaluation frameworks, which would fit the environmental issue, regional socio-economic demands and the existing dryland salinity management options' efficiency evaluation framework. The thesis builds on secondary data and describes (i) the environmental issue of dryland salinity in Australia, (ii) the dryland salinity-environmental, economic, social and political environments of the Avon region, and (iii) five chosen evaluation frameworks which assess the impact of land-use on ecosystem resilience. The proposed optimal framework for the Avon region is then a combination of two existent frameworks: (i) ecosystem resilience evaluation framework &amp; (ii) the ecosystem services economic valuation framework. Where the inputs of the proposed optimal framework are: (i) soil properties, (ii) external natural and anthropogenic drivers and (iii) beneficiaries; the transfer phase is represented by the soil processes; and the output of the framework are (i) ecosystem services and (ii) their economically valued benefits.

The Impact of Engineering Halide/Thiol Methyltransferase-mediated Cl– volatilization on Salt Tolerance of Tomato Plants

Ritika, Ritika 17 July 2013 (has links)
Many higher plants can synthesize methyl chloride gas via a common metabolic route, also known as the biological chloride methylation. The reaction is catalyzed by an S-adenosyl-L- methionine (AdoMet) dependent halide/thiol methyltransferase (H/TMT). It is speculated that plants use chloride methylation to remove excess chloride via volatilization and hence maintain homeostatic levels of cytoplasmic chloride ion, suggesting a role of H/TMT in salt tolerance. In this project, the effect of engineering a Brassica oleracea thiol methyltransferase (BoTMT) into tomato was studied to determine the physiological relevance of this enzyme in conferring salt tolerance. Transgenic tomato plants acquired the ability to release methyl chloride in response to NaCl treatment, but exhibited no greater tolerance to NaCl, based on several morphological and physiological measurements, as compared to the wild-type plants. The results indicate that AdoMet dependent chloride methylation is unlikely to contribute to an increase in salt tolerance in higher plants.

The Impact of Engineering Halide/Thiol Methyltransferase-mediated Cl– volatilization on Salt Tolerance of Tomato Plants

Ritika, Ritika 17 July 2013 (has links)
Many higher plants can synthesize methyl chloride gas via a common metabolic route, also known as the biological chloride methylation. The reaction is catalyzed by an S-adenosyl-L- methionine (AdoMet) dependent halide/thiol methyltransferase (H/TMT). It is speculated that plants use chloride methylation to remove excess chloride via volatilization and hence maintain homeostatic levels of cytoplasmic chloride ion, suggesting a role of H/TMT in salt tolerance. In this project, the effect of engineering a Brassica oleracea thiol methyltransferase (BoTMT) into tomato was studied to determine the physiological relevance of this enzyme in conferring salt tolerance. Transgenic tomato plants acquired the ability to release methyl chloride in response to NaCl treatment, but exhibited no greater tolerance to NaCl, based on several morphological and physiological measurements, as compared to the wild-type plants. The results indicate that AdoMet dependent chloride methylation is unlikely to contribute to an increase in salt tolerance in higher plants.

Turbulent diffusion, advection, and water structure in the North Indian Ocean

Bennett, Edward Bertram January 1970 (has links)
Typescript. / Bibliography: leaves 131-133. / xi, 133 l charts, graphs, maps, tables

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