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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation du plasmidome complexe d'Aeromonas salmonicida ssp. salmonicida par séquençage à longues lectures

Massicotte, Marie-Ange 11 December 2019 (has links)
Aeromonas salmonicida ssp. salmonicida est un agent pathogène aquatique causant la furonculose chez les salmonidés, particulièrement les poissons d’élevage. L'antibiothérapie est la méthode couramment utilisée pour traiter cette maladie dans le monde entier. Toutefois, son efficacité est menacée par l’apparition de souches résistantes, voire multirésistantes, aux antibiotiques. L’étude de ces souches bactériennes devient donc nécessaire afin d’identifier les éléments génétiques responsables de ces résistances et comprendre comment ils contribuent à la propagation de l’antibiorésistance. C’est dans cette démarche que se positionne la présente étude qui a pour objectif de caractériser de nouveaux éléments génétiques porteurs de résistances aux antibiotiques chez A. salmonicida ssp. salmonicida à l’aide du séquençage à longues lectures. Plus spécifiquement, au centre de ce projet se trouve la souche SHY16-3432 dont l’étude a permis d’identifier trois nouveaux variants de plasmides nommés pAsa9b, pAsa5-3432 et pRAS3-3432, où ces deux derniers confèrent les résistances aux antibiotiques observées. L’analyse des séquences de ces trois variants a révélé qu’ils se distinguent tous de leur contrepartie classique par leur contenu en éléments génétiques mobiles. Le plasmide pAsa5-3432 possède une nouvelle région de multirésistances composée de plusieurs éléments génétiques mobiles. Celle-ci semble avoir été acquise à la suite d’une recombinaison entre deux plasmides. De son côté, pRAS3-3432 porte un nouvel élément inséré qui a uniquement été identifié chez l’agent pathogène porcin Chlamydia suis. Quant à pAsa9b, il se différencie du plasmide de référence par l’absence d’une séquence d’insertion. Ces découvertes soulignent ainsi l’importance des éléments mobiles sur la plasticité génomique d’A. salmonicida ssp. salmonicida ainsi que sa grande capacité d’interactions avec d’autres bactéries incluant des agents pathogènes animaux. En outre, les données obtenues dans ce projet suggèrent qu’il est nécessaire d’utiliser le séquençage à lectures longues pour caractériser complètement le génome de bactéries au plasmidome complexe comme A. salmonicida ssp. salmonicida. / Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida is an aquatic pathogen that causes furunculosis to salmonids, especially in fish farms. Antibiotherapy is a common method used to treat this worldwide disease. Unfortunately, its effectiveness is becoming limited due to the presence of drug-resistant strains and even multidrug-resistance strains of the bacterium. The study of these bacterial strains becomes necessary in order to identify the genetic elements responsible for this resistance and to understand how they contribute to the spread of antibiotic resistance. In this study, we focused on the A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida strain SHY16-3432 to characterize novel genetic elements conferring resistance to antibiotics using long-read sequencing technologies. It allowed us to identify three novel plasmid variants named pAsa9b, pAsa5-3432 and pRAS3-3432, the latter two being responsible for the observed antibiotic resistance. The sequence analysis of these three variants revealed that they all differ from their classical counterparts through the presence or absence of mobile genetic elements. The plasmid pAsa5-3432 carries a new multi-drug resistance region composed of numerous mobile genetics elements that appears to have been acquired through plasmid recombination. As for pRAS3-3432, it contains a new inserted element that has only been reported in the swine pathogen Chlamydia suis. Lastly, the only variation between pAsa9b and the reference plasmid is the absence of an insertion sequence in pAsa9b. Overall, these discoveries highlight the significant implication of mobile genetics elements in the genomic plasticity of A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and suggest that this aquatic bacterium has a high capacity to interact with other bacteria, including animal pathogens. Furthermore, the data obtained suggest that the use of long-read sequencing technologies is required to fully decipher the genome of bacteria possessing complex plasmid repertoire, such as A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida.

Génomique d'Aeromonas salmonicida et de ses phages

Vincent, Antony 05 July 2018 (has links)
Depuis la découverte de la pénicilline par Sir Alexander Fleming, les antibiotiques ont joué un rôle primordial et incontestable en médecine moderne en aidant à combattre les infections bactériennes. Cependant, les bactéries ont la capacité de se protéger par différents moyens des molécules antibiotiques. La surutilisation de ces molécules a accéléré le phénomène de résistance aux antibiotiques, rendant difficile, voire impossible, le traitement de certaines maladies infectieuses par cette approche. La résistance aux antibiotiques est une problématique d’envergure mondiale qui touche aussi négativement l’aquaculture, où les infections bactériennes peuvent causer d’importantes pertes économiques. L’une de ces bactéries est Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, l’agent étiologique de la furonculose. Bien qu’il fût déjà connu que plusieurs souches de cette bactérie étaient porteuses de plasmides conférant des résistances aux antibiotiques, l’ampleur de la problématique était encore inconnue. Les bactériophages (phages) sont des virus infectant spécifiquement les bactéries. Cette capacité à lyser les bactéries leur a valu d’être utilisés dans un contexte thérapeutique presque dès leur découverte au début du 20e siècle. Cependant, l’avènement des antibiotiques a fait en sorte que la thérapie par les phages a été oubliée dans plusieurs pays occidentaux. Maintenant que la résistance aux antibiotiques est devenue une inquiétude pour la pérennité de notre société, plusieurs études suggèrent que la thérapie par les phages pourrait être une alternative ou un complément aux traitements par antibiotiques. La présente thèse avait comme objectifs : (1) d’explorer la diversité génomique causant une résistance aux antibiotiques chez A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida et (2) d’investiguer le potentiel d’un traitement par les phages pour contrer les infections causées par cette bactérie. Il a été possible de mettre à jour et de caractériser cinq nouveaux plasmides avec des gènes de résistance aux antibiotiques chez A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida. De plus, la présence de deux de ces plasmides (pAB5S9b et pSN254b) causent une résistance à tous les antibiotiques approuvés par le gouvernement canadien pour une utilisation par l’industrie piscicole. Avant d’investiguer la diversité des phages infectant A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, il était crucial de mieux connaître la bactérie d’intérêt. Plusieurs phages sont connus pour avoir un spectre lytique étroit, n’infectant ainsi que certaines souches ou certaines sousespèces d’une bactérie. Or, la structure intra-espèce d’A. salmonicida était encore mal définie. De plus, l’une des sous-espèces d’A. salmonicida, pectinolytica, est considérée comme mésophile avec la capacité de croître à 37°C, alors que les autres sous-espèces, comme salmonicida, sont limitées à des températures d’environ 20°C et sont par conséquent qualifiées de psychrophiles. En caractérisant de nouvelles souches mésophiles, mes travaux ont mis en lumière que les séquences d’insertion peuvent être une raison pour expliquer cette dichotomie. De plus, il a été possible de démontrer une grande diversité génétique chez les souches mésophiles, comparativement à celles psychrophiles. Afin de vérifier le potentiel d’un traitement par les phages contre la furonculose, trois phages spécifiques à A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida ont été isolés de l’environnement. L'ADN de ces phages, en plus de celui de neuf autres disponibles à la collection Félix d’Hérelle, a été séquencé à haut-débit sur un appareil MiSeq d’Illumina. En comparant ces séquences génomiques à celles déjà disponibles publiquement, il a été possible de déterminer six groupes génomiques de phages contre A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida. Les 12 phages disponibles pour la présente étude ont été testés sur 65 souches d’A. salmonicida (incluant des sous-espèces autres que salmonicida), permettant de dresser un portrait de la capacité lytique de chacun de ces virus. Cette analyse a mis en lumière trois groupes de phages ayant des capacités lytiques variables. De plus, il a été possible de montrer que d’autres sous-espèces d’A. salmonicida psychrophiles peuvent être infectées par les phages isolés à partir de la sous-espèce salmonicida. Cependant, les souches mésophiles d’A. salmonicida sont insensibles à ces phages. Cette étude doctorale a montré que la résistance aux antibiotiques est un problème d’envergure dont l’ampleur était insoupçonnée chez A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida. Elle a aussi permis d’investiguer le potentiel de la thérapie par les phages. / Since the discovery of penicillin by Sir Alexander Fleming, antibiotics have played a paramount and indisputable role in modern medicine in helping to treat bacterial infections. However, bacteria have the ability to protect themselves against antibiotics by various mechanisms. The overuse of these molecules has accelerated the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance, making it difficult, if not impossible, to treat certain bacterial infections. Antibiotic resistance is a global problem that also negatively affects aquaculture, where bacterial infections can cause significant economic losses. One of these bacteria is Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, the etiologic agent of furunculosis. Although it was already known that several strains of this bacterium were carriers of plasmids conferring resistance to antibiotics, the extent of the problem was still unknown before this study. Bacteriophages (phages) are viruses specifically infecting bacteria. Their ability to lyse bacteria has been used in a therapeutic context almost as soon as they were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century. However, the advent of antibiotics has meant that phage therapy was forgotten in several Western countries. Now that antibiotic resistance has become a significant concern for the sustainability of our society, several studies suggest that phage therapy could be an alternative or supplement to antibiotic treatments. The objectives of this thesis were: (1) to explore the genomic diversity causing resistance to antibiotics in A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and (2) to investigate the potential of phage therapy to treat infections caused by this bacterium. Five new plasmids conferring antibiotic resistance to A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida were discovered and characterized. Two of these plasmids, pAB5S9b and pSN254b, cause resistance to all antibiotics approved by the Canadian government for use in the fish industry. Before investigating the diversity of phages infecting A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, it was crucial to better know the bacterium of interest. Several phages are known to have a narrow host spectrum, infecting certain strains or subspecies. Until the present doctoral study, the intra-species structure of A. salmonicida was poorly defined. In addition, one of the subspecies of A. salmonicida, pectinolytica, is considered mesophilic with the ability to grow at 37°C, while other subspecies, such as salmonicida, are limited to growth temperatures around 20°C and are therefore considered psychrophilic. By characterizing new mesophilic strains, we found that insertion sequences may be a reason for this dichotomy. In addition, it was possible to demonstrate a high genetic diversity in mesophilic strains compared to psychrophilic strains. In order to verify the potential of phage treatment against furunculosis, three phages specific to A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida were isolated from the environment. The genomic DNA of these phages, in addition to that of nine other phages available at the Felix d'Hérelle collection, was sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq device. By comparing these genomic sequences to those already available publicly, it was possible to determine six genomic groups of phages infecting A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida. The 12 phages available were tested on 65 strains of A. salmonicida (including subspecies other than salmonicida), providing the host range of each virus. This analysis revealed three groups of phages with variable lytic capacities. In addition, it was possible to show that other psychrophilic subspecies of A. salmonicida can be infected by phages isolated from the subspecies salmonicida. However, the mesophilic strains of A. salmonicida are insensitive to these phages. This doctoral study showed that resistance to antibiotics is a large-scale problem in A. salmonicida subsp. salmonicida, and that phage therapy may represent one of the solutions to the growing concern

Enhanced vaccination and antibiotics uptake by low intensity sonophoresis in fish

Labarca, Cristóbal Cobo 30 March 2016 (has links)
Eine effektive Strategie zur Verhinderung der Ausbreitung von Infektionskrankheiten in der Aquakultur ist die Anwendung geeigneter Präventionsmaßnahmen, insbesondere die Impfung von Fischen. Das effektivste Impfverfahren stellt die individuelle Injektion des Impfstoffes dar. Bei Milliarden von Fischen jährlich ist dies jedoch sehr zeit- und kostenintensiv. Bei Säugetieren gilt Niederfrequenz-Sonophorese (LFS) als eine der fortschrittlichsten Technologien zur transdermalen Verabreichung von Wirkstoffen. So entstand die Idee, bei Fischen die Aufnahme von Wirkstoffen während einer Tauchbadbehandlung mit Hilfe von LFS zu verbessern. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, dass mit einer Beschallungsintensität von etwa 60 mW/cm^2 die Aufnahme eines Bakterienimpfstoffs in das Kiemengewebe von Regenbogenforellen um den Faktor 240 erhöht werden konnte. Bei dieser Intensität traten geringe oder keine Nebenwirkungen auf. Bei höheren Beschallungsintensitäten wurde eine noch höhere Aufnahme des Bakterienimpfstoffes, aber auch schädliche Nebenwirkungen beobachtet. Darüber hinaus zeigte LFS eine durch eine lokale Entzündungsreaktion und Aktivierung von T-Helferzellen in den Kiemen charakterisierte, Adjuvans-ähnliche Wirkung. Ein Impfversuch mit Koi Karpfen und einem inaktivierten Impfstoff gegen das Koi-Herpesvirus zeigte, dass LFS das Potential hat, den mit einer Tauchbadimpfung erzielbaren Immunschutz zu verbessern. LFS konnte auch für die Verabreichung anderer Substanzen wie Antibiotika verwendet und die Aufnahme von Oxytetracyclin um den Faktor fünf erhöht werden. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die Effektivität einer Tauchbadimpfung von Fischen mit LFS durch die gesteigerte Impfstoffaufnahme und dessen Adjuvans-ähnlichen Wirkung verbessert werden kann. Darüber hinaus könnte mithilfe LFS die therapeutische Dosis von Antibiotika bei Badbehandlungen verringert werden. Es erfordert jedoch noch weitere Studien, um diese Technologie aus dem Labor in die Praxis zu übertragen. / In aquaculture, the use of prevention methods, such as vaccination of fish, is an effective strategy to avoid infectious diseases. However, the most effective route of vaccination for fish is the one-by-one intraperitoneal injection, which that is very laborious and expensive to apply for billions of fish every year. Low Frequency Sonophoresis (LFS) has been recognized as one of the most advanced technologies in transdermal delivery of substances in mammals. Thus, it has been suggested to use LFS to enhance the uptake of substances in fish during bath treatments. The present study shows that a low sonication intensity of ca. 60 mW/cm^2 at 37 kHz increased the uptake of a bacterin into the gill tissue of rainbow trout by up to a factor of 240. At this intensity, no or only minimal side effects occurred. At higher sonication intensities, an even higher bacterin uptake but also deleterious side effects were observed. In addition, LFS showed an adjuvant-like effect characterized by a local inflammatory response and T-helper cell activation in the gills. A vaccination trial with koi carp and an inactivated vaccine against the Koi Herpes Virus (KHV) showed that LFS has the potential to enhance the immune protection achieved by immersion vaccination. In addition LFS can also be used for the administration of other substances, such as antibiotics, here we showed that the uptake of Oxytetracycline could be increased by factor five. In summary, the efficacy of the immersion vaccination of fish could be improved by low-frequency ultrasound due, to the increased vaccine uptake along with its adjuvant-like effect. Furthermore, LFS could also reduce the required therapeutic dose of antibiotics in bath treatments, making them more effective, cheaper and environmentally friendly. However, further practical studies will be required to transfer this technology from the lab to the field.

Comparative Genomics in Diplomonads : Lifestyle Variations Revealed at Genetic Level

Xu, Feifei January 2015 (has links)
As sequencing technologies advance genome studies are becoming a basic tool for studying an organism, and with more genomes available comparative genomics is maturing into a powerful tool for biological research. This thesis demonstrates the strength of a comparative genomics approach on a group of understudied eukaryotes, the diplomonads. Diplomonads are a group of single cell eukaryotic flagellates living in oxygen-poor environments. Most diplomonads are intestinal parasites, like the well-studied human parasite Giardia intestinalis. There are seven different G. intestinalis assemblages (genotypes) affecting different hosts, and it’s under debate whether these are one species. A genome-wide study of three G. intestinalis genomes from different assemblages reveals little inter-assemblage sexual recombination, supporting that the different G. intestinalis assemblages are genetically isolated and thus different species. A genomic comparison between the fish parasite S. salmonicida and G. intestinalis reveals genetic differences reflecting differences in their parasitic lifestyles. There is a tighter transcriptional regulation and a larger metabolic reservoir in S. salmonicida, likely adaptations to the fluctuating environments it encounters during its systemic infection compared to G. intestinalis which is a strict intestinal parasite. The S. salmonicida genome analysis also discovers genes involved in energy metabolism. Some of these are experimentally shown to localize to mitochondrion-related organelles in S. salmonicida, indicating that they possess energy-producing organelles that should be classified as hydrogenosomes, as opposed to the mitosomes in G. intestinalis. A transcriptome analysis of the free-living Trepomonas is compared with genomic data from the two parasitic diplomonads. The majority of the genes associated with a free-living lifestyle, like phagocytosis and a larger metabolic capacity, are of prokaryotic origin. This suggests that the ancestor of the free-living diplomonad was likely host-associated and that the free-living lifestyle is a secondary adaptation acquired through horizontal gene transfers.  In conclusion, this thesis uses different comparative genomics approaches to broaden the knowledge on diplomonad diversity and to provide more insight into how the lifestyle differences are reflected on the genetic level. The bioinformatics pipelines and expertise gained in these studies will be useful in other projects in diplomonads and other organismal groups.

The effects of dietary soybean saponins on growth and performance, intestinal histology and immune response of first feeding rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss

Penn, Michael H. 14 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Hidden Diversity Revealed : Genomic, Transcriptomic and Functional Studies of Diplomonads

Jerlström-Hultqvist, Jon January 2012 (has links)
The diplomonads are a diverse group of eukaryotic microbes found in oxygen limited environments such as the intestine of animals were they may cause severe disease. Among them, the prominent human parasite Giardia intestinalis non-invasively colonizes the small intestine of humans and animals where it induces the gastrointestinal disease giardiasis. Two of the eight genetic groups of G. intestinalis, assemblage A and B, are known to infect humans and have zoonotic potential. At the start of project, genome scale data from assemblage B-H was either sparse or entirely missing. In this thesis, genome sequencing was performed on the assemblage B isolate GS (Paper I) and the P15 isolate (Paper III) of the hoofed-animals specific assemblage E to investigate the underlying components of phenotypic diversity in Giardia. Comparisons to assemblage A isolate WB revealed large genomic differences; entirely different repertoires of surface antigens, genome rearrangements and isolate specific coding sequences of potential bacterial origin. We established that genomic differences are also manifested at the transcriptome level (Paper VIII). In a follow up analysis (Paper IV) we concluded that the Giardia assemblages are largely reproductively isolated. The large genomic differences observed between Giardia isolates can explain the phenotypic diversity of giardiasis. The adaptation of diplomonads was further studied in Spironucleus barkhanus (Paper II), a fish commensal of grayling, that is closely related to the fish pathogen Spironucleus salmonicida, causative agent of systemic spironucleosis in salmonid fish. We identified substantial genomic differences in the form of divergent genome size, primary sequence divergence and evidence of allelic sequence heterozygosity, a feature not seen in S. salmonicida. We devised a transfection system for S. salmonicida (Paper VI) and applied it to the study of the mitochondrial remnant organelle (Paper VII). Our analyses showed that S. salmonicida harbor a hydrogenosome, an organelle with more metabolic capabilities than the mitosome of Giardia. Phylogenetic reconstructions of key hydrogenosomal enzymes showed an ancient origin, indicating a common origin to the hydrogenosome in parabasilids and diplomonads. In conclusion, the thesis has provided important insights into the adaptation of diplomonads in the present and the distant past, revealing hidden diversity.

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