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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Automatic Translation of Moore Finite State Machines into Timed Discrete Event System Supervisors / Automatic Translation of Moore FSM into TDES Supervisors

Mahmood, Hina January 2023 (has links)
In the area of Discrete Event Systems (DES), formal verification techniques are important in examining a variety of system properties including controllability and nonblocking. Nonetheless, in reality, most software and hardware practitioners are not proficient in formal methods which holds them back from the formal representation and verification of their systems. Alternatively, it is a common observation that control engineers are typically familiar with Moore synchronous Finite State Machines (FSM) and use them to express their controllers’ behaviour. Taking this into consideration, we devise a generic and structured approach to automatically translate Moore synchronous FSM into timed DES (TDES) supervisors. In this thesis, we describe our FSM-TDES translation method, present a set of algorithms to realize the translation steps and rules, and demonstrate the application and correctness of our translation approach with the help of an example. In order to develop our automatic FSM-TDES translation approach, we exploit the structural similarity created by the sampled-data (SD) supervisory control theory between the two models. To build upon the SD framework, first we address a related issue of disabling the tick event in order to force an eligible prohibitable event in the SD framework. To do this, we introduce a new synchronization operator called the SD synchronous product (||SD), adapt the existing TDES and SD properties, and devise our ||SD setting. We formally verify the controllability and nonblocking properties of our ||SD setting by establishing logical equivalence between the existing SD setting and our ||SD setting. We present algorithms to implement our ||SD setting in the DES research tool, DESpot. The formulation of the ||SD operator provides twofold benefits. First, it simplifies the design logic of the TDES supervisors that are modelled in the SD framework. This results in improving the ease of manually designing SD controllable TDES supervisors, and reduced verification time of the closed-loop system. We demonstrate these benefits by applying our ||SD setting to an example system. Second, it bridges the gap between theoretical supervisors and physical controllers with respect to event forcing. This makes our FSM-TDES translation approach relatively uncomplicated. Our automatic FSM-TDES translation approach enables the designers to obtain a formal representation of their controllers without designing TDES supervisors by hand and without requiring formal methods expertise. Overall, this work should increase the adoption of the SD supervisory control theory in particular, and formal methods in general, in the industry by facilitating software and hardware practitioners in the formal representation and verification of their control systems. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Development of theoretical and computational tools for the design of control strategies for nonlinear sampled-data systems / Développement d'outils de calcul et de logiciels pour la réalisation et l'implantation de stratégies de commande non linéaires échantillonnées

Tanasa, Valentin 23 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse concerne la conception de commandes échantillonnées pour les systèmes non-linéaires en temps continu. Les systèmes échantillonnés sont des éléments inhérents aux systèmes contrôlés par ordinateur, les systèmes hybrides ou les systèmes embarqués. La conception et le calcul des contrôleurs numériques appropriés sont des taches difficiles car ils contiennent des composants à la fois continu et en temps discret. Ce travail s'inscrit dans une activité de recherche menée par S. Monaco et D. Normand-Cyrot dans le domaine des systèmes échantillonnés non-linéaires. L'idée de base est de concevoir des contrôleurs digitaux qui permettent de récupérer certaines propriétés en temps continu qui sont généralement dégradées par l'échantillonnage. Tel est le cas de l'émulation lorsque les contrôleurs en temps continu sont mis en ouvre en utilisant des bloqueurs d'ordre zéro. Cette thèse apporte des contributions dans trois directions complémentaires. La première concerne les développements théoriques: une nouvelle conception de type ``backstepping digital" est proposée pour les systèmes en forme ``strict-feedback". Cette méthode est comparée à d'autres stratégies proposées dans la littérature. La deuxième contribution est le développement d'un logiciel pour la synthèse des contrôleurs et d'une ``boîte à outils" pour simuler (en Matlab) les systèmes échantillonnés non-linéaires et leurs contrôleurs. Cette boîte à outils inclut plusieurs algorithmes pour la synthèse de contrôleurs échantillonnés tels que: commande de type multi-échelle, reproduction entrée-sortie/Lyapunov, backstepping digital, etc. La troisième contribution concerne plusieurs études de cas menées pour mettre en évidence les performances des contrôleurs échantillonnés, calculés avec l'aide du logiciel. Des résultats expérimentaux et des simulations sont décrits pour divers exemples réels dans les domaines électriques et mécaniques. / This thesis is concerned with the sampled-data control of non-linear continuous-time systems. Sampled-data systems are present in all computer controlled, hybrid or embedded systems. The design and computation of suitable digital controllers represent unavoidable tasks since both continuous and discrete-time components interact. The basic framework of this work takes part of a wide research activity performed by S. Monaco and D. Normand-Cyrot regarding non-linear sampled-data systems. The underlying idea is to design digital controllers that recover certain continuous-time properties that are usually degraded through sampling as it is the case when continuous-time controllers are implemented by means of zero-order holder devices (emulated control). This thesis brings contributions into three different directions. The first one regards theoretical developments: a new digital backstepping-like strategy design for strict-feedback systems is proposed. This method is compared with other strategies proposed in the literature. The second contribution is the development of a control designer and of a simulation toolbox (in Matlab) for non-linear sampled-data systems. This toolbox includes different digital design strategies such as: multi-rate control, input-output/Lyapunov matching, digital backstepping design, etc. The third contribution concerns several case studies conducted to highlight the performances of the sampled-data controller designs, computed by the means of the software toolbox. Experimental and simulation results are described for various real examples especially in the area of electrical and mechanical processes. / Teza de față se concentrează asupra studiului controlului eșantionat pentru sisteme neliniare în timp continuu. Sistemele eșantionate sunt componente indispensabile oricăror sisteme de control bazate pe dispozitive de calcul, sisteme hibride sau sisteme embedded. Sinteza și calculul comenzilor digitale, potrivite pentru astfel de sisteme, devine o sarcină dificilă o dată ce presupune existența de dinamici în timp discret respectiv în timp continuu.Cadrul de bază al acestei lucrări se regăsește în activitatea de cercetare realizată de Salvatore Monaco și Dorothée Normand-Cyrot în domeniul sistemelor eșantionate neliniare. Ideea care stă la bază este de a sintetiza comenzile digitale urmărind menținerea unor proprietăți impuse în timp continuu sub eșantionare. Aceste proprietăți sunt în general degradate sub eșantionare cum este cazul comenzilor emulate, când comenzile continue sunt implementate practic cu ajutorul extrapolatoarelor de ordin 0.Această teză își aduce aportul în 3 direcții complementare. Prima adresează dezvoltările teoretice unde o nouă sinteză de tip backstepping digital este propusă pentru sisteme în formă <strict-feedback>. Această metodă, dezvoltată în două versiuni, este comparată cu alte strategii similare propuse în literatură. A doua contribuție a tezei este legată de dezvoltarea unui toolbox software pentru sinteza de controllere digitale pentru sisteme nelinare sub eșantionare. Acest toolbox include strategii diferite pentru sinteza eșantionată precum: comandă de tip multi-rate, reproducere intrare-ieșire/Lyapunov, backstepping digital și alte soluții care sunt obiectul unor noi extensii. A treia contribuție este dată de studiile de caz dezvoltate pentru a scoate în evidență performanțele comenzilor eșantionate testate și calculate cu ajutorul aplicației software. Rezultatele experimentale și de simulare sunt obținute pentru diverse exemple reale din domeniul electric și mecanic.

Discrétisation des systèmes de Lur'e : stabilisation et consistance / Discretization of Lur’e systems : stabilization and consistency

Louis, Julien 27 August 2015 (has links)
De récents résultats sur l’étude des systèmes de Lur’e (commutés) à temps discret mettent en avant une fonction de Lyapunov de type Lur’e avancée, dont les lignes de niveau peuvent être non convexes et non connexes. Celles-ci soulèvent de larges questions pour les systèmes de Lur’e à temps discret obtenus par la discrétisation d’un système continu. Les contributions de cette thèse sont d’apporter des éléments de réponse à ces questions. Tout d’abord, le verrou des lignes de niveau non-connexes est levé en construisant à partir de celles-ci une suite décroissante d’ensembles connexes et bornés qui converge vers l’origine et qui contient le futur de la trajectoire à temps continu. Dans un second temps, le problème de la stabilisation conjointe d’un système de Lur’e à données échantillonnées avec un échantillonnage non-uniforme est traité. Quand la période d’échantillonnage est à choisir parmi un nombre fini de valeurs, il est montré que ce problème se traduit comme la stabilisation conjointe d’un système commuté de Lur’e avec des incertitudes bornées en norme. En associant de plus à chaque mode un critère quadratique, une stratégie de type min-switching permet de résoudre cette question à l’aide d’un problème d’optimisation sous contraintes LMI. Enfin, les propriétés de la stratégie de min-switching pour les systèmes de Lur’e commutés à temps discret sont étudiées. Une extension de la notion de consistance permet de prouver que cette stratégie est consistante vis-à-vis de majorants quadratiques modaux du critère de performance et ainsi de garantir l’intérêt de la stratégie d’échantillonnage non-uniforme développée / Recent studies dealing with discrete-time (switched) Lur’e systems involve an adapted Lur’e type function exhibiting possibly non-convex and disconnected level sets. These properties raise fundamental issues in the case of discrete-time Lur’e system obtained by the sampling of a continuous time one. This PhD thesis aims at answering these questions. The first contribution is to avoid the discrete-time disconnected level sets by a decreasing sequence of bounded and connected sets that converges to the origin and that contain the future of the continuous-time trajectory. The second contribution deals with the joint stabilization of a sampled-data Lur’e system with non-uniform sampling. When the sampling period belongs to a finite set of values, this problem is reformulated as the joint stabilization of a discrete-time Lur’e switched system with norm-bounded uncertain parameters. Futhermore, if a quadratic criterion is associated with each mode, a min-switching strategy combined with LMI constraints allow to provide a solution to this problem. Finally the property of consistency for discrete-time switched Lur’e systems is investigated. It is shown that the min-switching strategy is consistent with respect to quadratic upper bounds of the performances. This result is applied on the stabilization of Lur’e systems with non-uniform sampling.

Control and Analysis of Pulse-Modulated Systems

Almér, Stefan January 2008 (has links)
The thesis consists of an introduction and four appended papers. In the introduction we give an overview of pulse-modulated systems and provide a few examples of such systems. Furthermore, we introduce the so-called dynamic phasor model which is used as a basis for analysis in two of the appended papers. We also introduce the harmonic transfer function and finally we provide a summary of the appended papers. The first paper considers stability analysis of a class of pulse-width modulated systems based on a discrete time model. The systems considered typically have periodic solutions. Stability of a periodic solution is equivalent to stability of a fixed point of a discrete time model of the system dynamics. Conditions for global and local exponential stability of the discrete time model are derived using quadratic and piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions. A griding procedure is used to develop a systematic method to search for the Lyapunov functions. The second paper considers the dynamic phasor model as a tool for stability analysis of a general class of pulse-modulated systems. The analysis covers both linear time periodic systems and systems where the pulse modulation is controlled by feedback. The dynamic phasor model provides an $\textbf{L}_2$-equivalent description of the system dynamics in terms of an infinite dimensional dynamic system. The infinite dimensional phasor system is approximated via a skew truncation. The truncated system is used to derive a systematic method to compute time periodic quadratic Lyapunov functions. The third paper considers the dynamic phasor model as a tool for harmonic analysis of a class of pulse-width modulated systems. The analysis covers both linear time periodic systems and non-periodic systems where the switching is controlled by feedback. As in the second paper of the thesis, we represent the switching system using the L_2-equivalent infinite dimensional system provided by the phasor model. It is shown that there is a connection between the dynamic phasor model and the harmonic transfer function of a linear time periodic system and this connection is used to extend the notion of harmonic transfer function to describe periodic solutions of non-periodic systems. The infinite dimensional phasor system is approximated via a square truncation. We assume that the response of the truncated system to a periodic disturbance is also periodic and we consider the corresponding harmonic balance equations. An approximate solution of these equations is stated in terms of a harmonic transfer function which is analogous to the harmonic transfer function of a linear time periodic system. The aforementioned assumption is proved to hold for small disturbances by proving the existence of a solution to a fixed point equation. The proof implies that for small disturbances, the approximation is good. Finally, the fourth paper considers control synthesis for switched mode DC-DC converters. The synthesis is based on a sampled data model of the system dynamics. The sampled data model gives an exact description of the converter state at the switching instances, but also includes a lifted signal which represents the inter-sampling behavior. Within the sampled data framework we consider H-infinity control design to achieve robustness to disturbances and load variations. The suggested controller is applied to two benchmark examples; a step-down and a step-up converter. Performance is verified in both simulations and in experiments. / QC 20100628

Uma ferramenta para An?lise Multiresolu??o de dados n?o regularmente amostrados

Medeiros, Luiz Paulo de Souza 24 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:56:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LuizPSM_DISSERT.pdf: 2597772 bytes, checksum: 2a89626ca2223935451ac8cbba3ad340 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-24 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Digital signal processing (DSP) aims to extract specific information from digital signals. Digital signals are, by definition, physical quantities represented by a sequence of discrete values and from these sequences it is possible to extract and analyze the desired information. The unevenly sampled data can not be properly analyzed using standard techniques of digital signal processing. This work aimed to adapt a technique of DSP, the multiresolution analysis, to analyze unevenly smapled data, to aid the studies in the CoRoT laboratory at UFRN. The process is based on re-indexing the wavelet transform to handle unevenly sampled data properly. The was efective presenting satisfactory results / O processamento digital de sinais (PDS) tem como objetivo a extra??o de informa??es espec?ficas a partir de sinais armazenados digitalmente. Os sinais digitais s?o, por defini??o, grandezas f?sicas representadas por uma sequ?ncia de valores discretos e ? a partir dessas sequ?ncias de valores que ? poss?vel extrair e analisar as informa??es desejadas. Os sinais digitais n?o regularmente espa?ados n?o s?o corretamente analisados utilizando as t?cnicas padr?es do processamento digital de sinais. Neste trabalho teve-se o objetivo de adequar uma t?cnica de PDS, a an?lise multiresolu??o, para analisar sinais n?o regularmente espa?ados, visando auxiliar as pesquisas realizadas no laborat?rio CoRoT na UFRN. O trabalho desenvolvido consiste em uma reindexa??o da transformada Wavelet para tratar os dados n?o regularmente espa?ados de maneira adequada. O m?todo mostrou-se efetivo, apresentando resultados satisfat?rios

Beiträge zur Steuerung und Regelung von mehrvariablen linearen zeitinvarianten Systemen in polynomialer Darstellung

Lindert, Sven-Olaf 09 October 2009 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden lineare zeitinvariante endlichdimensionale Systeme (LTI-Systeme) mit m &amp;gt; 1 Eingängen und p &amp;gt; 1 Ausgängen untersucht (MIMO-Systeme). Diese lassen sich darstellen durch lineare Gleichungen mit Matrizen, deren Einträge Polynome im Ableitungsoperator d/dt sind. Bei Nutzung der Laplace-Transformation handelt es sich um Polynome in s. Algebraisch bilden diese einen Euklidischen Ring. Durch Überführung der Matrizen in die Hermitesche Normalform werden m Basisgrößen definiert. Die Verläufe oder Trajektorien der Basisgrößen lassen sich frei vorgegeben. Damit werden die Trajektorien sämtlicher übrigen Signale, insbesondere die der erforderlichen Eingangssignale, festgelegt und können ohne Integration berechnet werden. Ein linksteilerfremdes (auch steuerbar genanntes) Modell ist dabei nicht zwingend erforderlich. Damit eignen sich die Basisgrößen besonders zur Planung von Trajektorien. Genauer untersucht wird die Planung mit Polynomen in der Zeit als Ansatzfunktionen und die Planung von Trajektorien, die ein quadratisches Kostenfunktional minimieren. In der technischen Praxis werden die Systeme stets von den geplanten Trajektorien abweichen. Insbesondere bei instabilen Regelstrecken ist deshalb ein stabilisierender Folgeregler unentbehrlich. Die Struktur der Folgeregelung wird eingeführt und es wird deutlich gemacht, dass jede Methode zum Entwurf linearer Regler angewendet werden kann. Die Nullstellenzuweisung durch dynamische Ausgangsrückführung mit Reglern vorgegebener möglichst geringer dynamischer Ordnung wird detailliert untersucht und eine neue Lösungsmöglichkeit aufgezeigt. Durch Nutzung der modifizierten z-Transformation lässt sich die Theorie auf ein hybrides System, bestehend aus einer zeitkontinuierlichen Regelstrecke und einer zeitdiskreten digitalen Steuerung und Regelung, ausdehnen. Dabei werden die Verläufe der Signale zwischen den Abtastzeitpunkten in die Planung einbezogen. Zum Schluss werden die linearen Beobachter im Licht der polynomialen Matrizendarstellung neu untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass die polynomiale Matrizendarstellung einen theoretischen Rahmen bietet, in dem sich sämtliche linearen Beobachter mit einer Methode entwerfen lassen. - (Die Dissertation ist veröffentlicht in der Reihe Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 8 - Mess-, Steuerungs- und Regelungstechnik, Band 1164 im VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf, ISBN 978-3-18-516408-8) / In this thesis linear time invariant lumped systems (LTI-systems) with m&amp;gt;1 inputs and p &amp;gt; 1 outputs (MIMO-systems) are investigated. These systems can be represented by linear equations with matrices, whose entries are polynomials in the differential operator d/dt. If Laplace-transform is employed, the polynomials are in s. Algebraically polynomials form a Euclidean ring. The conversion of the matrices to the Hermite form leads to defining m basic variables. The trajectories of the basis variables may be chosen arbitrarily. With that choice the trajectories of all remaining variables and especially the input variables are determined and can be calculated without integration. A left coprime (also called controllable) model is not required. Hence basis variables are particularly useful for planning trajectories. Special attention is paid to planning trajectories with polynomials in time as basic functions and planning trajectories which minimise a quadratic functional of costs. In engineering practice the systems will always differ from the planed trajectories. Especially with unstable plants a stabilising tracking controller is compulsory. The structure of the tracking control is introduced. It becomes apparent that every linear theory for the design of closed loop controllers is suitable. Pole assignment by dynamic output feedback with low order controllers of a fixed structure is looked at in more detail. A new approach to this problem is presented. Using the modified z-transform the theory is extended to hybrid systems consisting of a digital or discrete time controller and a plant in continuous time. Thereby the course of the signals between the sampling moments is taken into account. Finally linear observers are reinvestigated using the polynomial matrix representation. It is shown that the polynomial matrix representation provides a theoretical framework in which all linear observers can be designed.

Improved Robust Stability Bounds for Sampled Data Systems with Time Delayed Feedback Control

Kurudamannil, Jubal J. 15 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Robust nonlinear control : from continuous time to sampled-data with aerospace applications. / Commande non linéaire robuste : du temps-continu jusqu’aux systèmes sous échantillonnage avec applications aérospatiales.

Mattei, Giovanni 13 February 2015 (has links)
La thèse porte sur le développement des techniques non linéaires robustes de stabilisation et commande des systèmes avec perturbations de model. D’abord, on introduit les concepts de base de stabilité et stabilisabilité robuste dans le contexte des systèmes non linéaires. Ensuite, on présente une méthodologie de stabilisation par retour d’état en présence d’incertitudes qui ne sont pas dans l’image de la commande («unmatched»). L’approche récursive du «backstepping» permet de compenser les perturbations «unmatched» et de construire une fonction de Lyapunov contrôlée robuste, utilisable pour le calcul ultérieur d’un compensateur des incertitudes dans l’image de la commande («matched»). Le contrôleur obtenu est appelé «recursive Lyapunov redesign». Ensuite, on introduit la technique de stabilisation par «Immersion & Invariance» comme outil pour rendre un donné contrôleur non linéaire, robuste par rapport à dynamiques non modelées. La première technique de contrôle non linéaire robuste proposée est appliquée au projet d’un autopilote pour un missile air-air et au développement d’une loi de commande d’attitude pour un satellite avec appendices flexibles. L’efficacité du «recursive Lyapunov redesign» est mis en évidence dans le deux cas d’étude considérés. En parallèle, on propose une méthode systématique de calcul des termes incertains basée sur un modèle déterministe d’incertitude. La partie finale du travail de thèse est relative à la stabilisation des systèmes sous échantillonnage. En particulier, on reformule, dans le contexte digital, la technique d’Immersion et Invariance. En premier lieu, on propose des solutions constructives en temps continu dans le cas d’une classe spéciale des systèmes en forme triangulaire «feedback form», au moyen de «backstepping» et d’arguments de domination non linéaire. L’implantation numérique est basée sur une loi multi-échelles, dont l’existence est garantie pour la classe des systèmes considérée. Le contrôleur digital assure la propriété d’attractivité et des trajectoires bornées. La loi de commande, calculée par approximation finie d’un développement asymptotique, est validée en simulation de deux exemples académiques et deux systèmes physiques, le pendule inversé sur un chariot et le satellite rigide. / The dissertation deals with the problems of stabilization and control of nonlinear systems with deterministic model uncertainties. First, in the context of uncertain systems analysis, we introduce and explain the basic concepts of robust stability and stabilizability. Then, we propose a method of stabilization via state-feedback in presence of unmatched uncertainties in the dynamics. The recursive backstepping approach allows to compensate the uncertain terms acting outside the control span and to construct a robust control Lyapunov function, which is exploited in the subsequent design of a compensator for the matched uncertainties. The obtained controller is called recursive Lyapunov redesign. Next, we introduce the stabilization technique through Immersion \& Invariance (I\&I) as a tool to improve the robustness of a given nonlinear controller with respect to unmodeled dynamics. The recursive Lyapunov redesign is then applied to the attitude stabilization of a spacecraft with flexible appendages and to the autopilot design of an asymmetric air-to-air missile. Contextually, we develop a systematic method to rapidly evaluate the aerodynamic perturbation terms exploiting the deterministic model of the uncertainty. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is highlighted through several simulations in the second case-study considered. In the final part of the work, the technique of I\& I is reformulated in the digital setting in the case of a special class of systems in feedback form, for which constructive continuous-time solutions exist, by means of backstepping and nonlinear domination arguments. The sampled-data implementation is based on a multi-rate control solution, whose existence is guaranteed for the class of systems considered. The digital controller guarantees, under sampling, the properties of manifold attractivity and trajectory boundedness. The control law, computed by finite approximation of a series expansion, is finally validated through numerical simulations in two academic examples and in two case-studies, namely the cart-pendulum system and the rigid spacecraft.

Contributions à l'identification de modèles à temps continu à partir de données échantillonnées à pas variable / Contributions to the identification of continuous-time models from irregulalrly sampled data

Chen, Fengwei 21 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de l’identification de systèmes dynamiques à partir de données échantillonnées à pas variable. Ce type de données est souvent rencontré dans les domaines biomédical, environnemental, dans le cas des systèmes mécaniques où un échantillonnage angulaire est réalisé ou lorsque les données transitent sur un réseau. L’identification directe de modèles à temps continu est l’approche à privilégier lorsque les données disponibles sont échantillonnées à pas variable ; les paramètres des modèles à temps discret étant dépendants de la période d’échantillonnage. Dans une première partie, un estimateur optimal de type variable instrumentale est développé pour estimer les paramètres d’un modèle Box-Jenkins à temps continu. Ce dernier est itératif et présente l’avantage de fournir des estimées non biaisées lorsque le bruit de mesure est coloré et sa convergence est peu sensible au choix du vecteur de paramètres initial. Une difficulté majeure dans le cas où les données sont échantillonnées à pas variable concerne l’estimation de modèles de bruit de type AR et ARMA à temps continu (CAR et CARMA). Plusieurs estimateurs pour les modèles CAR et CARMA s’appuyant sur l’algorithme Espérance-Maximisation (EM) sont développés puis inclus dans l’estimateur complet de variable instrumentale optimale. Une version étendue au cas de l’identification en boucle fermée est également développée. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, un estimateur robuste pour l'identification de systèmes à retard est proposé. Cette classe de systèmes est très largement rencontrée en pratique et les méthodes disponibles ne peuvent pas traiter le cas de données échantillonnées à pas variable. Le retard n’est pas contraint à être un multiple de la période d’échantillonnage, contrairement à l’hypothèse traditionnelle dans le cas de modèles à temps discret. L’estimateur développé est de type bootstrap et combine la méthode de variable instrumentale itérative pour les paramètres de la fonction de transfert avec un algorithme numérique de type gradient pour estimer le retard. Un filtrage de type passe-bas est introduit pour élargir la région de convergence pour l’estimation du retard. Tous les estimateurs proposés sont inclus dans la boîte à outils logicielle CONTSID pour Matlab et sont évalués à l’aide de simulation de Monte-Carlo / The output of a system is always corrupted by additive noise, therefore it is more practical to develop estimation algorithms that are capable of handling noisy data. The effect of white additive noise has been widely studied, while a colored additive noise attracts less attention, especially for a continuous-time (CT) noise. Sampling issues of CT stochastic processes are reviewed in this thesis, several sampling schemes are presented. Estimation of a CT stochastic process is studied. An expectation-maximization-based (EM) method to CT autoregressive/autoregressive moving average model is developed, which gives accurate estimation over a large range of sampling interval. Estimation of CT Box-Jenkins models is also considered in this thesis, in which the noise part is modeled to improve the performance of plant model estimation. The proposed method for CT Box-Jenkins model identification is in a two-step and iterative framework. Two-step means the plant and noise models are estimated in a separate and alternate way, where in estimating each of them, the other is assumed to be fixed. More specifically, the plant is estimated by refined instrumental variable (RIV) method while the noise is estimated by EM algorithm. Iterative means that the proposed method repeats the estimation procedure several times until a optimal estimate is found. Many practical systems have inherent time-delay. The problem of identifying delayed systems are of great importance for analysis, prediction or control design. The presence of a unknown time-delay greatly complicates the parameter estimation problem, essentially because the model are not linear with respect to the time-delay. An approach to continuous-time model identification of time-delay systems, combining a numerical search algorithm for the delay with the RIV method for the dynamic has been developed in this thesis. In the proposed algorithm, the system parameters and time-delay are estimated reciprocally in a bootstrap manner. The time-delay is estimated by an adaptive gradient-based method, whereas the system parameters are estimated by the RIV method. Since numerical method is used in this algorithm, the bootstrap method is likely to converge to local optima, therefore a low-pass filter has been used to enlarge the convergence region for the time-delay. The performance of the proposed algorithms are evaluated by numerical examples


Lima, Freud Sebastian Bach Carvalho 29 July 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-17T14:53:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Freud Sebastian Bach Carvalho Lima.pdf: 1668786 bytes, checksum: 953b0905b2e9bcd1cefb5702b8c6b362 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-07-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In activated sludge systems, the dissolved oxygen is used by microorganisms to decompose organic matter and treatment of wastewater. In these systems the dynamics of dissolved oxygen has been seen as the main source of information to obtain online information about the treatment process. Thus, the development of an appropriate model for the dynamics of dissolved oxygen and estimation of the parameters of this model can improve the quality of the estimates of process parameters and, consequently, the measurement system. In this study, a model of the bench-scale reactor is developed considering the dynamics associated with the operation of the aeration system and the dissolved oxygen sensor. The aeration system consists of air pumps with two operating states: on or off, and dissolved oxygen measurement is made by electrochemical cell based on Clark. Approach was used identification systems in continuous time and state variable filters with the least squares estimator for estimating the parameters of the model developed. Simulations and experimental results, using a bench scale reactor developed in the laboratory, are presented to illustrate the proposed model. / Em sistemas de lodo ativado, o oxigênio dissolvido é utilizado por microorganismos para decomposição de matéria orgânica e tratamento de água residuárias. Nestes sistemas, a dinâmica de oxigênio dissolvido tem sido vista como a principal fonte de informação para obtenção de informações online sobre o processo de tratamento. Com isso, o desenvolvimento de um modelo apropriado para dinâmica do oxigênio dissolvido e a estimação dos parâmetros deste modelo, pode melhorar a qualidade das estimativas dos parâmetros do processo e, consequentemente, do sistema de medição. No presente trabalho, um modelo do reator em escala de bancada é desenvolvido considerando as dinâmicas relacionadas com a operação do sistema de aeração e com o sensor de oxigênio dissolvido. O sistema de aeração é composto por bombas de ar com dois estados de operação: ligada ou desligada, e a medição de oxigênio dissolvido é realizada por sensor eletroquímico baseado em célula de Clark. Usa-se abordagem de identificação de sistemas em tempo contínuo e filtros de variável de estado junto com o estimador dos mínimos quadrados para estimação dos parâmetros do modelo desenvolvido. Simulações e resultados experimentais, utilizando um reator em escala de bancada desenvolvido no laboratório, são apresentados para ilustrar o modelo proposto.

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