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Engineering fundamentals of energy efficiencyCullen, Jonathan M. January 2010 (has links)
Using energy more efficiently is essential if carbon emissions are to be reduced. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), energy efficiency improvements represent the largest and least costly savings in carbon emissions, even when compared with renewables, nuclear power and carbon capture and storage. Yet, how should future priorities be directed? Should efforts be focused on light bulbs or diesel engines, insulating houses or improving coal-fired power stations? Previous attempts to assess energy efficiency options provide a useful snapshot for directing short-term responses, but are limited to only known technologies developed under current economic conditions. Tomorrow's economic drivers are not easy to forecast, and new technical solutions often present in a disruptive manner. Fortunately, the theoretical and practical efficiency limits do not vary with time, allowingthe uncertainty of economic forecasts to be avoided and the potential of yet to be discovered efficient designs to be captured. This research aims to provide a rational basis for assessing all future developments in energy efficiency. The global fow of energy through technical devices is traced from fuels to final services, and presented as an energy map to convey visually the scale of energy use. An important distinction is made between conversion devices, which upgrade energy into more useable forms, and passive systems, from which energy is lost as low temperature heat, in exchange for final services. Theoretical efficiency limits are calculated for conversion devices using exergy analysis, and show a 89% potential reduction in energy use. Efforts should befocused on improving the efficiency of, in relative order: biomass burners, refrigeration systems, gas burners and petrol engines. For passive systems, practical utilisation limits are calculated based on engineering models, and demonstrate energy savings of 73% are achievable. Significant gains are found in technical solutions that increase the thermal insulation of building fabrics and reduce the mass of vehicles. The result of this work is a consistent basis for comparing efficiency options, that can enable future technical research and energy policy tobe directed towards the actions that will make the most difference.
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Development of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Options for Alberta’s Energy SectorSubramanyam, Veena Unknown Date
No description available.
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Development of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Options for Albertas Energy SectorSubramanyam, Veena 11 1900 (has links)
Alberta is the third largest economy in Canada and is expected to grow significantly in the coming decade. The energy sector plays a major role in Albertas economy. The objective of this research is to develop various greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigations scenarios in the energy demand and supply sectors for the Province of Alberta. This is done through an energy-environment planning and forecasting tool called Long Range Energy Alternative Planning system model (LEAP). By using LEAP, a sankey diagram for energy and emission flows for the Province of Alberta has been developed. A reference case also called as business-as-usual scenario was developed for a study period of 25 years (2005-2030). The GHG mitigation scenarios encompassed various demand and supply side scenarios. In the energy conversion sector, mitigation scenarios for renewable power generation and inclusion of supercritical, ultra-supercritical and integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plants were investigated. In the oil and gas sector, GHG mitigation scenarios with carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) option were considered. In Albertas residential and commercial sector 4-6 MT of CO2 equivalents per year of GHG mitigation could be achieved with efficiency improvement. In the industrial sector up to 40 MT of CO2 equivalents per year of GHG reduction could be achieved with efficiency improvement. In the energy conversion sector large GHG mitigation potential lies in the oil and gas sector and also in power plants with carbon capture and storage (CCS) option. The total GHG mitigation possible in the supply side option is between 20 70 MT CO2 equivalents per year. / Engineering Management
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A Stylistic Comparison into The Carmen Fantasy for Double Bass: Proto, Sankey, and DaXunLee, Hyung-Tag January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Analyse entropique et exergétique des systèmes énergétiques par des représentations géométriques / Geometric representations of exergyCanivet, Yvain 06 December 2017 (has links)
À l’heure de la prise de conscience de la finitude des ressources et du besoin grandissant d'énergie, la notion de développement durable doit prendre une place centrale dans l'évolution de la société. Pour atteindre ce but, il est maintenant reconnu, qu'un changement de consommation profond est nécessaire ; et ce, qu'il s'agisse de consommation énergétique, alimentaire ou de produits finis. Nous croyons que ce changement de paradigme n’est possible que si tous les acteurs avancent de concerts sur les différentes problématiques auxquelles nous sommes confrontées. Chacun à son échelle doit ainsi pouvoir prendre les décisions qui s'imposent à tous. C'est la logique qui a motivé l'outil d'exergo-graphie présenté dans le chapitre 3. Inscrit dans la lignée des diagrammes de Sankey, il permet de représenter les bilans exergétiques sous forme graphique afin d’en communiquer plus facilement les enseignements. Nous l’appliquons à deux cas d'analyses faites sur les installations de chauffage et de production d’ECS du bâtiment A de l’UPN. Pour chacune, nous étudions la possibilité d’une solution de production durable de la chaleur (PAC géothermique et solaire thermique). Après en avoir présenté les analyses, nous en dressons les représentations graphiques que nous comparons à celles du système actuel. Au préalable, le chapitre 1 introduit les concepts de base de l’analyse exergétique, approfondis dans le chapitre 2, au travers d’une modélisation des systèmes fluides statiques et dynamiques. Finalement, dans le chapitre 4, nous introduisons un modèle-jouet qui, proposant une représentation fractale de la chaleur, tente d’établir un lien conceptuel entre le comportement microscopique, statistique, du support de la chaleur, et les observables macroscopiques qui la caractérisent. / At this time of awareness of the finiteness of resources, and of increasing needs for energy, the concept of sustainable development must play a central role in the forthcoming developments of our society. To do so, it is now an accepted fact that a deep change of our consumption habits is necessary; whether it is energy, food or final goods consumption. We believe this paradigm shift is only possible if all actors face together the various issues we are dealing with. Everyone, at one own scale, must be able to make informed decision. This is the idea that leads to the exergo-graphy tool presented in chapter 3. In line with the so called Sankey diagrams, it allows to graphically represent exergy balances in order to communicate more easily on their lessons. We apply it to two analysis done on the heating and DHW installations of the building A of the UPN. For each, we investigate the possibility of a sustainable heat production solution (geothermal heat pump and solar thermal energy). After presenting the analyses, we draw their graphical representations which we then compare to those of the current system. Beforehand, the first chapter introduces the basic notions of exergetic analysis, discussed further in chapter 2, through a model for static and dynamic fluid systems. Finally, in chapter 4, we introduce a toy-model which, proposing a fractal representation of exergy, tries to establish a conceptual link between microscopic, statistical, behaviour of heat background support, and the macroscopic observables that characterize it.
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Tank-to-Wheel Energy Breakdown AnalysisYu, Xu January 2020 (has links)
In early design phase for new hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) powertrains, simulation isused for the estimation of vehicle fuel consumption. For hybrid electric powertrains,fuel consumption is highly related to powertrain efficiency. While powertrainefficiency of hybrid electric powertrain is not a linear product of efficiencies ofcomponents, it has to be analysed as a sequence of energy conversions includingcomponent losses and energy interaction among components.This thesis is aimed at studying the energy losses and flows and present them in theform of Sankey diagram, later, an adaptive energy management system is developedbased on current rule-based control strategy. The first part involves developing energycalculation block in GT-SUITE corresponding to the vehicle model, calculating allthe energy losses and flows and presenting them in Sankey diagram. The secondpart involves optimizing energy management system control parameters according todifferent representative driving cycles. The third part involves developing adaptiveenergy management system by deploying optimal control parameter based on drivingpattern recognition with the help of SVM (support vector machine).In conclusion, a sturctured way to generate the Sankey diagram has been successfullygenerated and it turns out to be an effective tool to study HEV powertrain efficiencyand fuel economy. In addition, the combination of driving pattern recognition andoptimized control parameters also show a significant potential improvement in fuelconsumption. / Under den tidiga utvecklingsfasen av nya elektrifieradedrivlinor for hybridapplikationer (HEV) används simulering för uppskattning avfordonets bränsleförbrukning. För dess drivlinor är bränsleförbrukningen i hög gradkopplad till drivlinans verkningsgrad. Även om drivlinans verkningsgrad inte ären linjär prokukt av komponenternas verkningsgrad behöve rden analyseras somen sekvens av energiomvandlingar, inklusive förluster och energipåverkan mellankomponenter.Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka energiförluster och flöden samtpresentera dessa i form av sankey diagram. Senare utvecklas ett anpassningsbartenergihanteringssystem baserat på nuvarande regelbaserad kontrollstrategi. Deninledande delen involverar utvecklandet av energianalys i GT-SUITE som motsvararfordonsmodellen, beräkningar av totala energiförluster och flöden samt presentationav dessa i ett sankey diagram. Den andra delen innefattar optimering avenergihanteringssystems kontrollparametrar enligt olika representativa körcykler.Den tredje delen involverar utveckling av anpassningsbara energihanteringssystemgenom användning av optimala kontrollparameterar baserad på detektering avkörbeteende med hjälp av SVM ( stödvektormaskin).Slutligen, ett strukturerat sätt att generera sankey diagrammet har med framgånggenererats och visat sig vara ett effektivt verktyg för studier av HEV drivlinorseffektivitet och bränsleekonomi. Dessutom visar kombinationen av detektering avkörbeteende och optimerade kontrollparametrar på en markant potentiell förbättringi bränsleförbrukning.
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Möjligheter för nyttiggörandet av värme : Från två metallindustrier i Kronobergs länVatn, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
Potentialen för nyttiggörandet av spillvärme hos två metallindustrier utvärderas. Det ena företaget härdar stål med vatten och det andra gjuter aluminiumtackor i vattenbad och sprayar även vatten som bildar fuktig luft. Vattnet, ej det sprayade, kyls sedan i kyltorn för att kunna återanvändas i processerna. Sankey-diagram för båda företagen presenteras för att tydligt presentera energiflödena i processerna. Värmeåtervinningsförslag presenteras med gasolkostnadsbesparings exempel. Investeringskostnader och återbetalningstider har ej utvärderats. Teoridelen och metoden är användbar för den som vill utvärdera potentialen för värmeåtervinning hos industrier som använder vatten i olika typer av kylprocesser. I teorin presenteras elproduktions metoder för låga temperaturer, dock ansågs inget av företagen vara lämpliga för elproduktion. Värmeåtervinningsförslagen som presenteras innefattar golvvärme, luftvärmare, fjärrvärmeintegrering och värmelager.
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Návrh zlepšení řízení obalového materiálu ve vybraném podniku / The Proposal of Management Improvement of Packaging Material in a Selected CompanyGlonek, Andrej January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with packaging materials in company Frauenthal Automotive Hustopeče, s. r. o., specifically proposals to improve the storage, flow and use of packaging material with limited storage capacity. The first part contains the theoretical basis of the work. The second part includes a presentation of the company and an analysis of the current situation. In the last part, own solutions to current shortcomings in the company are proposed.
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Návrh řešení technologického rozmístění strojů ve frézovně strojírenské firmy Tirad / Proposal for technological layout of machines in a milling room of a mechanical engineering company TiradDohnal, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
Tirad, a metal machining company, plans to build a new hall as an extension of its operation. This paper deals predominantly with production flow analysis of present operation. The analysis draws upon literary study and the company's previous production experience. Possible placement of machines is suggested in the following part of the paper, based on the analysis and requirements of the company. The fundamental requirement is to separate roughing and finishing technological operations, moving the latter completely into the new hall. The deployment of machines is optimized with regard for materiál flow. The new hall's dimensions are outlined in a drawing. Three options of machine deployment are discussed. In conclusion, these options are compared to one another and also to the present state.
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Návrh interního zásobování výroby ve společnosti Walter s.r.o. / The Proposal of Internal Production Supply in Walter s.r.oMotyčka, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on proposal of internal production supply in the Walter Ltd. The company is undergoing changes in the production layout and therefore it is necessary to design a new system of production supply. The theoretical part focuses on Toyota production system and methods used in this system. Next part of the theoretical part is dedicated to lean management and lean manufacturing. The last point of theoretical part are supplying and material handling. The theoretical part is basis for analytical part in which is mapped the current state of supplying production lines. The last point of diploma thesis are solution proposals based on analytical data’s.
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