Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sanken""
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Návrh nového rozmístění technologických pracovišť v provozu výroby měděných dílců / Proposal for the new layout of technological workplaces in the manufacturing operation of copper partsPešek, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on proposal for the new layout of technological worplaces. At first, it analyzes the present state. The second step is the design of possible variants of the new layout. These variants are evaluated. The economic evaluation is performed for chosen variant.
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Analysis of the energy consumption of the powertrain and the auxiliary systems for battery-electric trucks / Analys av energiförbrukningen i drivlinan samt för hjälpsystemen för batterielektriska lastbilarSong, Guanqiao January 2020 (has links)
The electrification of the truck is crucial to meet the strategic vision of the European Union (EU) to contribute to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions for all sectors of the economy and society. The battery-electric truck is very efficient to reduce the emissions and has also a lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) compared to diesel trucks. Thus, the energy consumption of the battery-electric truck needs to be analysed in detail, and the differences in the conventional powertrain, recuperation by regenerative braking during driving and charging during standing, need to be considered. This master thesis aims to analyse the energy consumption of the battery-electric truck during driving and standing charging. For driving cycle simulation the Vehicle Energy Consumption calculation TOol (VECTO) and MATLAB are used. Different variations, such as payload, rolling resistance, air drag, and Power Take Off (PTO), are considered in the driving cycle simulation. The driving cycle simulation is verified by calculating the energy balance and compared with the on-road test results. For the standing charging simulation, MATLAB is used to analyse the charging loss with different battery packs and charging speeds. The results are shown with the Sankey diagram and other illustrative tools. Seen from the simulation results, the usable energy of the battery pack is enough for the truck to complete the designed driving cycle. The main loss in the powertrain is the Power Electronic Converter (PEC) and the electric machine. To increase the range and reduce energy loss, using a higher efficiency PEC and electric machine is an efficient method. For the charging simulation, the current Combined Charging System (CCS) standard charging station can charge the battery-electric truck with adequate voltage and reasonable charging time. The main loss during the charging comes from the charging station. / Elektrificering av lastbilen är avgörande för att uppfylla Europeiska Unionens (EUs) strategiska vision att bidra till nettonollutsläpp av växthusgaser för alla sektorer i samhället. Den batterielektriska lastbilen är väldigt effektiv för att reducera utsläppen och är också mer ekonomisk med en lägre Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) jämfört med diesel lastbilar. Således behöver energiförbrukningen för den batterielektriska lastbilen analyseras i detalj, och skillnaderna i den konventionella drivlinan, återhämtning genom regenerativ bromsning under körning och laddning, måste övervägas. Detta examensarbete syftar till att analysera energiförbrukningen för den batterielektriska lastbilen under körning och laddning. För körcykelsimuleringar används the Vehicle Energy Consumption calculation TOol (VECTO) och MATLAB. Olika variationer, såsom nyttolast, rullmotstånd, luftmotstånd och Power Take Off (PTO), beaktas i körcykelsimuleringen. Körcykelsimuleringen verifieras genom att beräkna energibalansen som jämförs med experimentella testresultat utförda på väg. För laddningssimuleringen används MATLAB för att analysera laddningsförlusten med olika batteripaket och laddningshastigheter. Resultaten visas med Sankey diagram och andra illustrativa verktyg. Simuleringsresultaten visar att batteripaketets användbara energi är tillräckligt för att lastbilen ska kunna slutföra den planerade körcykeln. Den största förlusten i drivlinan är kopplat till the Power Electronic Converter (PEC) och den elektriska maskinen. För att öka räckvidden och minska energiförlusten är det ett effektivt sätt att en använda PEC och en elektrisk maskin med högre effektivitet. För laddningssimuleringen kan den nuvarande stationen med Combined Charging System (CCS) standard ladda batteriladdaren med tillräcklig spänning och med rimlig laddningstid. Huvudförlusten under laddningen kommer från laddstationen.
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Site-level resource efficiency analysisGonzalez Hernandez, Ana January 2018 (has links)
To achieve agreed targets for reducing global carbon emissions, industry must become more resource-efficient. To this end, two viable strategies exist: energy efficiency and material efficiency. Despite their inherent interdependence, industry continues to treat these two strategies as isolated pursuits, providing in the process only a partial insight into the potential of resource efficiency. To resolve this disconnect, this thesis attempts to develop and apply tools that help integrate industrial energy and material efficiency analyses. Three areas of research are explored. The first is concerned with a fundamental component of industrial performance: efficiency benchmarks. No agreed-upon metric exists to measure the efficiency with which the sector trans- forms both energy and materials - that is, how resource-efficient they are. This thesis applies exergy - a well-established method to consolidate energy and materials into a single metric - to a case study of the global steel industry in 2010. Results show that this exergy-based metric provides a suitable proxy to capture the interactions between energy and materials. By comparing energy and material efficiency options on an equal footing, this metric encourages the recovery of material by-products - an intervention excluded from traditional energy efficiency metrics. To realise resource efficiency opportunities, individual industry firms must be able to identify them at actionable time-frames and scopes. Doing this hinges on understanding resources flows through entire systems, the most detailed knowledge of which resides in control data. No academic study was found to exploit control data to construct an integrated picture of resources that is representative of real operations. In the second research area, control data is extracted to track the resource flows and efficiency of a basic oxygen steel-making plant from TataSteel. This second case study highlights the plant's material efficiency options during operations. It does so by building close-to-real-time Sankey diagrams of resource flows (measured in units of exergy) for the entire plant and its constituent processes. Without the support of effective policies the new exergy approach is unlikely to be widely adopted in industry. By collating evidence from interviews and policy documents, the third area explores why the European Union's industrial energy and emissions policies do not incentivise material efficiency. Results suggest several contributing factors, including: the inadequacy of monitored indicators; an imposed policy lock-in; and the lack of a designated industry lobby and high-level political buy-in. Policy interventions are then proposed to help integrate material efficiency into energy and climate agendas. The European Union's limited agency stresses the need for Member States and industry to drive the move to a low-carbon industry in the short-term.
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Energikartläggning av integrerat massa- och pappersbruk / Energy survey of integrated pulp and paper millKristofersson, Josef, Samuelsson, Christian, Jonsson, Jonas January 2011 (has links)
Målet med detta examensarbete har varit att utföra en energikartläggning på Nymölla Bruk med utgångspunkt i företagets befintliga energiaspektregister. Syftet har varit att tydliggöra hur energianvändningen på Nymölla Bruk ser ut. Bakgrunden till detta arbete är företagets deltagande i programmet för energieffektivisering i energiintensiv industri (PFE). I examensarbetet har en energikartläggning på Nymölla Bruk för år 2010 utförts. Fallstudien delades in i två steg där första steget i studien var att kartlägga energiflödena in och ut från bruket.Andra delen av studien innefattade att kartlägga de interna processerna och deras energiflöden. Energiflödenas storlekar baseras främst på mätdata från processerna, som erhållits från Nymölla Bruks interna loggnings- och mätsystem WinMops. Antaganden som i vissa fall varit nödvändiga bygger på uppskattningar som genomförts i samråd med medarbetare på Nymölla Bruk med insikt i och kunskap om respektive delprocess. Enligt detta examensarbete förbrukades år 2010 cirka 510 GWh el, varav massafabriken förbrukade 50 % och pappersbruket 46 %. Resterande andel utgörs bland annat av mät- och överföringsförluster. Under året tillfördes totalt 2060 GWh bränsle där luten står för cirka 75 %. Från bränslena tillfördes 1800 GWh nyttig värme till ångproduktionen. Total energimängd i producerad ånga uppgick till cirka 2190 GWh (från referensnivå). De största förbrukarna av ånga var papperstillverkningen som använde 32 % och indunstningen som använde 19 % av total energimängd distribuerad med ånga. / The aim of this study was to perform an energy survey of Nymölla Mill on the basis of the company's existing energy aspect register. The aim has been to clarify how the energy at Nymölla Mill is used. The background to this thesis is the company's participation in the Programme for Improving Energy Efficiency in Energy Intensive Industries (PFE). In this thesis an energy survey based on 2010 of Nymölla Mill has been performed. The case study was divided into two stages where the first step in the study was to identify the energy flows in and out of the mill. The second part of the study included identifying the internal processes and their energy flows. Energy flows are based primarily on data from processes, obtained from Nymölla Mill's internal logging and measuring system WinMops. Necessary assumptions were made based on estimates provided in consultation with employees on Nymölla Mill with knowledge and understanding of each sub-process. According to this thesis approximately 510 GWh of electricity were consumed in 2010 of which the pulp factory consumed 50 % and the paper mill 46 %. The remaining portion consists of measurement and transmission losses. A total of 2060 GWh of fuel was added of which liquor accounts for about 75 %. From fuels 1800 GWh of useful heat was added to the steam production. The total amount of energy in the steam was about 2190 GWh (from baseline). The largest consumers of steam was the paper productioning unit using 32 % and the evaporation unit using 19 % of total energy distributed by steam.
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Štíhlá výroba a její implementace / Lean Manufacturing and its ImplementationLévek, Martin January 2019 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the materiál flow, layout of the workplace and varieties of waste in the chosen company. There is theoretical background for the thesis in the first part. Next part is focused on analyzing of present manufacturing process. There are provided solutions for lean implementation, better material flow and elimination of the waste in the manufacturing process in the last part.
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Optimalizace toku materiálu v lisovně plastů / Optimization of Material Flow in the Moulding ShopČermák, Jaroslav January 2008 (has links)
Subject of the graduation theses is to propose improvement of the current terms and make a proposal for an amendment. Changes leading to the transportation retrenchment and to reduction of the material and moulding usage. Teoretical part contains characteristics of processes, methodology and philoshophy for improving of company processes.In the practical part is analysed problem, made propositions of process improvement and estimation of contributions solutions.
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Optimalizace logistických procesů výroby testovacích stolic v podniku AVL Moravia / Optimization of logistic processes for the production of testing platforms in AVL Moravia companyVáňa, Viktor January 2013 (has links)
The main goal of a study is to rationalize organization of production and material handling in company AVL Moravia s.r.o. via material flow intensity analysis. Analysis results in suggesting new organization of production and economical rating of the suggestion.
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Towards sustainable urban transportation : Test, demonstration and development of fuel cell and hybrid-electric busesFolkesson, Anders January 2008 (has links)
Several aspects make today’s transport system non-sustainable: • Production, transport and combustion of fossil fuels lead to global and local environmental problems. • Oil dependency in the transport sector may lead to economical and political instability. • Air pollution, noise, congestion and land-use may jeopardise public health and quality of life, especially in urban areas. In a sustainable urban transport system most trips are made with public transport because high convenience and comfort makes travelling with public transport attractive. In terms of emissions, including noise, the vehicles are environmentally sustainable, locally as well as globally. Vehicles are energy-efficient and the primary energy stems from renewable sources. Costs are reasonable for all involved, from passengers, bus operators and transport authorities to vehicle manufacturers. The system is thus commercially viable on its own merits. This thesis presents the results from three projects involving different concept buses, all with different powertrains. The first two projects included technical evaluations, including tests, of two different fuel cell buses. The third project focussed on development of a series hybrid-bus with internal combustion engine intended for production around 2010. The research on the fuel cell buses included evaluations of the energy efficiency improvement potential using energy mapping and vehicle simulations. Attitudes to hydrogen fuel cell buses among passengers, bus drivers and bus operators were investigated. Safety aspects of hydrogen as a vehicle fuel were analysed and the use of hydrogen compared to electrical energy storage were also investigated. One main conclusion is that a city bus should be considered as one energy system, because auxiliaries contribute largely to the energy use. Focussing only on the powertrain is not sufficient. The importance of mitigating losses far down an energy conversion chain is emphasised. The Scania hybrid fuel cell bus showed the long-term potential of fuel cells, advanced auxiliaries and hybrid-electric powertrains, but technologies applied in that bus are not yet viable in terms of cost or robustness over the service life of a bus. Results from the EU-project CUTE show that hydrogen fuelled fuel cell buses are viable for real-life operation. Successful operation and public acceptance show that focus on robustness and cost in vehicle design were key success factors, despite the resulting poor fuel economy. Hybrid-electric powertrains are feasible in stop-and-go city operation. Fuel consumption can be reduced, comfort improved, noise lowered and the main power source downsized and operated less dynamically. The potential for design improvements due to flexible component packaging is implemented in the Scania hybrid concept bus. This bus and the framework for its hybrid management system are discussed in this thesis. The development of buses for a more sustainable urban transport should be made in small steps to secure technical and economical realism, which both are needed to guarantee commercialisation and volume of production. This is needed for alternative products to have a significant influence. Hybrid buses with internal combustion engines running on renewable fuel is tomorrow’s technology, which paves the way for plug-in hybrid, battery electric and fuel cell hybrid vehicles the day after tomorrow. / QC 20100722
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Análisis y propuesta de mejora de la enseñanza de las tecnologías en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato: un enfoque desde el aprendizaje basado en proyectos (PBL) y la interdisciplinariedad de áreas STEM.Torres Barchino, Enric 03 November 2023 (has links)
[ES] Paradigma:
Entre el post-positivismo, cuyos hallazgos son probabilidades cuantitativas extraídos de las opiniones del alumnado, y el constructivismo, la realidad cualitativa se construye por interacción social, según las entrevistas en profundidad con el profesorado.
Investigación mixta:
Según los análisis de datos CUAL y CUAN, sus resultados y conclusiones.
Ontológico, el investigador conoce la realidad de lo que pretende investigar, sobre una muestra de 17 IES públicos (provincia València), cuya reflexión sobre la E-A de la Tecnología, y los constructos que conforman la identidad STEM.
Epistemológico, el investigador participa con conocimiento del hecho a investigar.
Metodológico, el contraste de hipótesis y el refinamiento hermenéutico de los análisis CUAL y CUAN.
La Teoría Fundamentada es la base del planteamiento CUAL, a través de entrevistas en profundidad y codificación abierta, axial y selectiva, de los temas a investigar: 1. Organización escolar y curricular; 2. Metodología PBL y sinergias STEM; 3. Multidisciplinariedad e interdisciplinariedad STEM; 4. Taxonomía de proyectos. Los datos cualitativos y sus resultados son tratados con Atlas.ti.
La Teoría de Aprendizaje Cognitivo Social (SCT), y Teoría Cognitivo Social de Desarrollo de la Carrera (SCCT), son el planteamiento CUAN. El registro de datos CUAN, es a través del diseño de un cuestionario. El grupo "Juicio de expertos" validó estructura y contenido. Los datos y resultados CUAN, son tratados por estadística descriptiva e inferencial. La modelización de los aprendizajes, son tratados por ecuaciones estructurales (SEM).
1. Valorar la metodología por proyectos en un contexto de constantes cambios del currículo y de aprendizaje virtual.
2. Contrastar si el aprendizaje por competencias mejora la adquisición de conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes en un contexto de aprendizaje interdisciplinar.
3. Modelizar los aprendizajes SCT, SCCT, Multidisciplinar, Interdisciplinar y por Proyectos, mediante SEM.
Obtención de datos:
CUAL (grupos focales profesorado oct. 2019 - feb. 2020; expertos oct. 2019 - abril 2022). Participación 133 docentes (74H, 59M). Todas las sesiones fueron grabadas (audio 70 h). La transcripción audio-texto con AmberScript.
CUAN (cuestionarios feb. 2020 - dic. 2020). Participación 1417 alumnos (537 chicas, 831 chicos, 49 errores). El diseño del cuestionario online con Question-Pro.
La COVID'19 paralizó el proceso de obtención de datos desde marzo a nov. 2020.
I: Introducción.
II: Revisión del estado del arte.
III: Marco teórico.
IV: Metodología de la investigación.
V: Análisis cualitativo.
VI: Análisis cuantitativo.
VII: Conclusiones generales.
VIII: Referencias y Anexos.
1. Currículo denso, rígido y fragmentado no favorece la adquisición de competencias.
2. Formación docente ágil, continua y arraigada a las necesidades.
3. Transición entre niveles educativos, predice la adquisición de competencias del alumnado y la satisfacción docente.
4. Continuidad de estudios no depende del género. No existen diferencias entre chicas y chicos por lo que aprenden, sino por la preferencia de estudios, metodologías aplicadas, expectativas de resultado, y distancia del IES a la metrópoli.
5. Sinergias son posibles, pero la organización de la jornada escolar dificulta compartir experiencias, innovar y divulgar conocimiento.
6. Aprendizaje por proyectos es eficiente y motivador, se aprende haciendo, experimentando soluciones a problemas reales.
7. Aprender buenas prácticas educativas, facilita la multidisciplinar.
8. Uso extensivo del aprendizaje virtual, entretiene más que crear contenido, y se pierde el saber hacer manual.
9. Satisfacción de los aprendizajes disminuye si no se sabe aplicarlos.
10. Dificultades de la interdisciplinariedad STEM, se superan después de un proceso multidisciplinariedad y no al revés. / [CA] Paradigma:
Entre el postpositivisme, les troballes del qual són probabilitats quantitatives extrets de les opinions de l'alumnat, i el constructivisme, la realitat qualitativa es construeix per interacció social, segons les entrevistes en profunditat amb el professorat.
Investigació mixta:
Segons les anàlisis de dades QUAL i CUAN, els resultats i les conclusions.
Ontològic, l'investigador coneix la realitat del que pretén investigar, sobre una mostra de 17 IES públics (província València), la reflexió dels quals sobre l'E-A de la Tecnologia, i els constructes que conformen la identitat STEM.
Epistemològic, l'investigador participa amb coneixement del fet a investigar.
Metodològic, el contrast d'hipòtesis i el refinament hermenèutic de les anàlisis QUAL i QUAN.
La Teoria Fonamentada és la base del plantejament QUAL, mitjançant entrevistes en profunditat i codificació oberta, axial i selectiva, dels temes a investigar: 1. Organització escolar i curricular; 2. Metodologia PBL i sinergies STEM; 3. Multidisciplinarietat i interdisciplinarietat STEM; 4. Taxonomia de projectes. Les dades qualitatives i els seus resultats són tractats amb Atlas.ti.
La Teoria d'Aprenentatge Cognitiu Social (SCT) i Teoria Cognitiu Social de Desenvolupament de la Carrera (SCCT) són el plantejament CUAN. El registre de dades CUAN és a través del disseny d'un qüestionari. El grup Judici d'experts va validar estructura i contingut. Les dades i resultats CUAN són tractats per estadística descriptiva i inferencial. La modelització dels aprenentatges són tractats per equacions estructurals (SEM).
1. Valorar la metodologia per projectes en un context de canvis constants del currículum i d'aprenentatge virtual.
2. Contrastar si laprenentatge per competències millora ladquisició de coneixements, habilitats i actituds en un context daprenentatge interdisciplinari.
3. Modelitzar els aprenentatges SCT, SCCT, Multidisciplinar, Interdisciplinar i per Projectes, mitjançant SEM.
Obtenció de dades:
QUAL (grups focals professorat oct. 2019 - feb. 2020; experts oct. 2019 - abril 2022). Participació 133 docents (74H, 59M). Totes les sessions van ser gravades (àudio 70 h). La transcripció àudio-text amb AmberScript.
QUAN (qüestionaris feb. 2020 - des. 2020). Participació 1417 alumnes (537 xiques, 831 xics, 49 errors). El disseny del qüestionari en línia amb Question-Pro.
La COVID'19 va paralitzar el procés d'obtenció de dades des del març al nov. 2020.
I: Introducció.
II: revisió de l'estat de l'art.
III: Marc teòric.
IV: Metodologia de la investigació.
V: Anàlisi qualitativa.
VI: Anàlisi quantitativa.
VII: Conclusions generals.
VIII: Referències i Annexos.
1. Currículum dens, rígid i fragmentat no afavoreix l'adquisició de competències.
2. Formació docent àgil, contínua i arrelada a les necessitats.
3. Transició entre nivells educatius, prediu l'adquisició de competències de l'alumnat i la satisfacció docent.
4. Continuïtat dels estudis no depèn del gènere. No hi ha diferències entre noies i nois pel que aprenen, sinó per la preferència d'estudis, metodologies aplicades, expectatives de resultat i distància de l'IES a la metròpoli.
5. Les sinèrgies són possibles, però l'organització de la jornada escolar dificulta compartir experiències, innovar i divulgar coneixement.
6. Aprenentatge per projectes és eficient i motivador, s'aprèn fent experimentant solucions a problemes reals.
7. Aprendre bones pràctiques educatives facilita la multidisciplinar.
8. Ús extensiu de l'aprenentatge virtual, entreté més que crear contingut, i es perd saber fer manual.
9. Satisfacció dels aprenentatges disminueix si no se sap aplicar-los.
10. Dificultats de la interdisciplinarietat STEM, se superen després d"un procés multidisciplinarietat i no al revés. / [EN] Paradigm:
Between post-positivism, whose findings are quantitative probabilities extracted from the opinions of the students, and constructivism, qualitative reality is built by social interaction, according to in-depth interviews with teachers.
Mixed research:
According to the QUAL and QUAN data analyses, their results and conclusions.
Ontological, the researcher knows the reality of what he intends to investigate, on a sample of 17 public IES (Valencia province), whose reflection on the E-A of Technology, and the constructs that make up the STEM identity.
Epistemological, the researcher participates with knowledge of the fact to be investigated.
Methodology, the contrast of hypotheses and the hermeneutic refinement of the QUAL and QUAN analyses.
The Grounded Theory is the basis of the QUAL approach, through in-depth interviews and open, axial and selective coding, of the topics to be investigated: 1. School and curricular organization; 2. PBL methodology and STEM synergies; 3. STEM multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity; 4. Taxonomy of projects. The qualitative data and its results are processed with Atlas.ti.
Social Cognitive Learning Theory (SCT), and Social Cognitive Theory of Career Development (SCCT), are the QUAN approach. The CUAN data record is through the design of a questionnaire. The "Expert Judgment" group validated structure and content. The QUAN data and results are treated by descriptive and inferential statistics. The modeling of learning is treated by structural equations (SEM).
1. Evaluate the methodology by projects in a context of constant changes in the curriculum and virtual learning.
2. Test whether competency-based learning improves the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes in an interdisciplinary learning context.
3. Model SCT, SCCT, Multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary and Project learning, through SEM.
Data collection:
QUAL (teacher focus groups Oct. 2019 - Feb. 2020; experts Oct. 2019 - April 2022). Participation 133 teachers (74H, 59M). All sessions were recorded (audio 70 h). Audio-text transcription with AmberScript.
QUAN (questionnaires Feb. 2020 - Dec. 2020). Participation 1417 students (537 girls, 831 boys, 49 errors). The design of the online questionnaire with Question-Pro.
COVID'19 paralyzed the data collection process from March to Nov. 2020.
I. Introduction.
II: Review of the state of the art.
III: Theoretical framework.
IV: Research methodology.
V: Qualitative analysis.
VI: Quantitative analysis.
VII: General conclusions.
VIII: References and Annexes.
1. Dense, rigid and fragmented curriculum does not favor the acquisition of skills.
2. Agile, continuous teacher training rooted in needs.
3. Transition between educational levels, predicts the acquisition of student skills and teacher satisfaction.
4. Continuity of studies does not depend on gender. There are no differences between girls and boys because of what they learn, but because of the preference of studies, applied methodologies, expectations of results, and distance from the IES to the metropolis.
5. Synergies are possible, but the organization of the school day makes it difficult to share experiences, innovate and disseminate knowledge.
6. Project-based learning is efficient and motivating, you learn by doing, experimenting with solutions to real problems.
7. Learning good educational practices facilitates multidisciplinary.
8. Extensive use of virtual learning, it entertains more than creating content, and manual know-how is lost.
9. Satisfaction of the learning decreases if one does not know how to apply it.
10. Difficulties of STEM interdisciplinarity are overcome after a multidisciplinary process and not the other way around. / Torres Barchino, E. (2023). Análisis y propuesta de mejora de la enseñanza de las tecnologías en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato: un enfoque desde el aprendizaje basado en proyectos (PBL) y la interdisciplinariedad de áreas STEM [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/199198
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