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Continuitiy and change in Zanzibari Taarab performance and poetryAiello Traoré, Flavia 23 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Taarab in contemporary Zanzibar currently experiences great changes since the Nineties with the emerging and growing success of modern taarab. This has shocked the fans of the traditional style (taarab asilia) with musical and instrumental innovations, including powerful amplifiers and more danceable rhythms, but also textual innovations, using in their songs, commonly called mipasho, a sort of language and poetical imagery very open and non-disguised (Khamis 2002: 200). The perception of a split between the two musical and poetical styles is widely shared among the artists and fans of traditional taarab, but it actually tends to simplify the dynamics of continuity and change of this art deeply rooted within the social and political life of Zanzibar islands.
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L`influence indienne dans l`architecture SwahiliPradines, Stéphane 09 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Indian Influence in Swahili architecture. The goal of this article is to establish a synthesis of current knowledge on the contribution of the Indian world in Swahili architecture, from the islamisation to the sultanate of Zanzibar. By Indian world, we designate Pakistan and modern India, more precisely coastal regions of Sind, Gujerat and Deccan. Indians have participated at the creation of Swahili urbanism since the eighth century and have acted on the evolution of this architecture. To apprehend the role of India in the Swahili architecture, we will divide our comment in three areas: religious, civilian and military. With an historical introduction to the relationships between Africa and India.
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Music, memory and meaningFair, Laura 09 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
I his paper examines the music and career of Siti binti Saadi, a famous taarab musician who performed in Zanzibar during the 1920s and 1930s. Relying on four distinctive types of evidence: her recorded music, written documentation produced in East Africa, interviews with men and women who heard her perform and records of company executives I compare perspectives regarding the source of power and authority attributed to her voice as well as the meaning of her music. Siti binti Saadi was the first East African to have her voice captured and reproduced on 78 rpm gramophone disks. The production of these records enhanced her status and imbued her voice with a sense of authority that it otherwise may never have attained. Written histories of taarab, particularly those authored in the 1950s and 1960s, often memorialize her as literally, `giving voice to the voiceless,´ allowing the voice of East Afiica to be heard internationally.
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Ngoma ni uhuni?Brunotti, Irene 30 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This paper is a brief exploration of Zinzibar soceity in contemporary times, of how it can be read through the ngoma perfromances, music events which take place during the focal moments of the social life in the Swahili communities. It is a study of their identity constructions, referring both to ethnic identities and gender ones, which are given meaning through the ngoma performances and can be also discussed or confirmed through them in the social context of the Zanzibari daily life. It mainly analyses the crucial dichotomy culture/religion from the point of view of women perfromers, who are deeply related to the domestic area (and not the public one, usually related to men) in which they can find a way to speak to the community through the perfromance and consequently to get an active role despite their social status. It is also a brief summary of the contemporary socio-political situation of the islands, in which ngoma performances become a way to participate to the social processes and to decode political tensions which characterize Zanzibar today.
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Tungo za kujibizana: `Kuambizana ni sifa ya kupendana´Samsom, Ridder 30 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Different labels have been used for marking the reciprocity in Swahili dialogue poetry, varying between the more neutral `malumbano´ or `kujibizana´ and the more marked `ukinzani´ or `mashindano´. By showing a sample from the Zanzibari newspaper Mwongozi (1956) of a poetic dialogue on wife-husband relationships, the paper argues that the poetical form and the strong language used are not a mere expression of what has been called `rivalry´, but instruments in expressing views and opinions that have been observed in other literary devices (mithali, misemo, vijembe) and their usage. At the same time it is demonstrated that different types of poems (tenzi, mashairi, nyimbo) and different styles (plain, metaphoric, riddle) are used side by side. The ambiguity, incompleteness and strength of the language that is used in this poetry, make it all possible to express views on sensitive issues in the society.
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Continuitiy and change in Zanzibari Taarab performance and poetryAiello Traoré, Flavia January 2004 (has links)
Taarab in contemporary Zanzibar currently experiences great changes since the Nineties with the emerging and growing success of modern taarab. This has shocked the fans of the traditional style (taarab asilia) with musical and instrumental innovations, including powerful amplifiers and more danceable rhythms, but also textual innovations, using in their songs, commonly called mipasho, a sort of language and poetical imagery very open and non-disguised (Khamis 2002: 200). The perception of a split between the two musical and poetical styles is widely shared among the artists and fans of traditional taarab, but it actually tends to simplify the dynamics of continuity and change of this art deeply rooted within the social and political life of Zanzibar islands.
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L`influence indienne dans l`architecture SwahiliPradines, Stéphane 09 August 2012 (has links)
Indian Influence in Swahili architecture. The goal of this article is to establish a synthesis of current knowledge on the contribution of the Indian world in Swahili architecture, from the islamisation to the sultanate of Zanzibar. By Indian world, we designate Pakistan and modern India, more precisely coastal regions of Sind, Gujerat and Deccan. Indians have participated at the creation of Swahili urbanism since the eighth century and have acted on the evolution of this architecture. To apprehend the role of India in the Swahili architecture, we will divide our comment in three areas: religious, civilian and military. With an historical introduction to the relationships between Africa and India.
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Launi za Kiswahili sanifu na Kiswahili fasaha kwa Tanzania Bara na ZanzibarKipacha, Ahmad 06 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Mabaraza na vyombo wenza vya kuendeleza lugha ya Kiswahili kwa upande wa Tanzania Bara na yale ya Tanzania Zanzibar hivi karibuni yameidhinisha kamusi za Kiswahili zinazopelekea kuwa na vielelezo anuwai vya usanifu wa lugha ya Kiswahili. Kamusi ya Kiswahili Sanifu (KKS) ya TUKI (sasa TATAKI) ya 2004 na ile ya Kamusi la Kiswahili Fasaha (KKF) ya BAKIZA ya 2010 ni ushahidi kuwa launi za Kiswahili Sanifu dhidi ya Kiswahili Fasaha zinarasimishwa. Kwa kutumia vigezo vya nadharia ya usanifishaji lugha ya Haugen (1966, 1987), makala haya yanajenga hoja kuwa tayari tumeshapata launi rasmi mbili za Kiswahili. Mapitio ya maandiko rasmi kinzani ya wasomi wa Tanzania bara na yale ya wasomi wa Zanzibar yanathibitisha kukubalika kwa launi hizo. Tahadhari kwa wahariri, walimu wa Kiswahili kama lugha ya kigeni, wanasheria, waandishi wa habari, wafasiri na watumiaji wa kawaida inatolewa juu ya kubainisha waziwazi launi hizo rasmi katika kazi zao za kila siku.
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Mazungumzo na Adam Shafi juu ya uandishi wake wa riwayaDiegner, Lutz, Shafi, Adam 03 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Adam Shafi aliyezaliwa mwaka 1940 kisiwani Unguja ni mmojawapo wa waandishi mashuhuri wa riwaya ya Kiswahili. Hivi sasa mwandishi yumo mbioni kukamilisha muswada wa riwaya yake ya sita iitwayo Mtoto wa Mama. Mbali na uandishi, Adam Shafi aliwahi kufanya kazi mbalimbali za uandishi wa habari na kazi za ushirika wa kimataifa. Ni furaha yetu kubwa kuwa hatimaye tunaweza kutoa mazungumzo hayo baada ya kuyapitia na kuyahariri kidogo tu, kwa vile tunaamini utamu wa lugha inavyozungumzwa katika hali halisi ya maisha una nguvu ya kiujumi inayoweza kumvutia msomaji zaidi.
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`Nyoko-Nyoko`: an unpublished short story by Saad YahyaiBertoncini-Zúbková, Elena 09 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Saad Yahya, born in Zanzibar in 1939, studied architecture and town planning in Great Britain and in Canada; since 1968 he has lectured at the University of Nairobi. He portrays everyday life of typical inhabitants of Zanzibar and Nairobi, displaying a penetrating understanding of their problems and of their state of mind, linked with a remarkable stylistic ability. He is an acute observer who presents his characters with humour and irony, but also with a profound insight. Furthermore, in his stories, under the surface of everyday activities there is always some hidden antagonism or passion, never spelled out, but only alluded to.
Several years ago Yahya sent me the manuscript of two other stories which I hoped to translate and publish in Italy, but ultimately it was not possible. I have included one of them, called Nyoko-nyoko and consisting in five typewritten pages, in the syllabus of my literary courses in Naples and in Paris. It is a rare - if not unique - Swahili story in which the main character is a Mzungu, a white man: the British governor of an imaginary East-Aftican country called Nyalia, who has to abandon his post suddenly for unspecified reasons. He regrets to must leave the country he has learned to know and to like; however, behind the mask of liberality and tolerance is hidden a self-conceited racist. The story describes his last day in Africa after a long stay.
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